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The Oshawa Times, 19 Jan 1960, p. 7

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Chapter four of y Piatti , pause he play- Mrs. Golden Jubilee Wi w MRS. ROY SAWYEK, vener of the bridge, and J. E. Houghton, Regent Weather Does Not Deter Crowd From Attending IODE Bridge Mrs. Robert Patte Mrs. W. A. Woodcock and Richard McLaughlin Refreshments for con Mrs of the a chat ers, Mrs by Mrs cold assisted enjo out ed Despite the ice and side, a splendid crowd the warmth and hosp UAW Hall recently offered by members of the Golde ei dred calls Chapter 10DE on the eparatior s 1 card pa Hough m several occas Joh Disney Mrs ed expressed the apprecia Chapter. for the splendid given the venture As is usual in arranging such a large affair, many member operated toward its succes year Mrs. Roy Sawyer was eral convener and had on her com. mittee, Mrs. E. J. Reed in charge of tic Mrs. Sta lev Gales, publicity; Mrs. Walte Libby convene A with ts, Mrs. R. 8 Irwin, Mrs. D Kennedy nd Mrs. T. H. Orton, patriotic background, with bunt i flags and TODE emblems ghlighting the stage The tables, convened bv Mrs. | Douglas Langmaid, assisted by|] Mrs. Donald Burns, Mrs. Gor- don Hare and Mrs. R. W. Ba added to the patriotic theme with the white covers cornered in red white and blue. Mrs. Earle Goodes was respon- gible for the purchase and gift wrapping of the many prizes which made an eye-catching dis frs. H homas Miss arry Jesperson White, Mrs. J. R. Betty Turner Ramshaw, Mrs, A. R. Mrs. H. C. Element, Storie, Mrs. Ress Havwar Murdock Clare T dock H. E rett E Mrs Donald Hill Mf the support Mrs Gar Mrs G d and Mrs gen- ket Stan- be 1g distributio n serv decorat vas her as made tt k: e tick- sg fo I prizes Mrs. Sawyer assisted in the winners, who were Mrs, E. H Mrs. F. Malloy, Mrs ard, Mrs. A. Granick Fred Goodman, Mrs. Ei Alker, Mrs. John Greer Uriah Jones, Mrs. R. K. Mil ler, Mrs. L. Elliott, Mrs. E. Sa- very, Miss Grace Winnell. Miss M. Mason, Mrs. M. Swan- |ger, Mrs. L. W Magill, Mrs. E. F. Cutherbertson, Mrs. Ron Wilson, Mrs. T. Temple, Mrs. K. D Crone, Mrs. Ken Conlin, Mrs. play. |Roy Day, Mrs. W Woodcock, Candy In colorful containers Mrs, A. Austin, Mrs G. Howell, found ma sers prior to|Mrs. .K O. Toms, Mrs. J. Lar. play, and he charge of mond and others naming p---------- ---- ESS | ny was In t Playlets Amuse And Instruct hun-| g and Mur- | Ontario Must Raise $634,500 To Maintain Polio Foundation Mills, honorary ntro-| speaker, Mi and | man, C. G. Luke, Mrs B. White | and Mrs. Wallace Butler, all | members of the Prince Philip | |treasurer, Mrs. Steve Bonfordi; A recipe for the New Year closes fraternal secretary, Mrs. James the devotional. : GROUPS CLUBS AND A I |Planeta; comptrollers, Mrs. Mi- The secretary Mrs. Lawrence : |ehael Kawzenuk and Mrs, John|Allen read the minutes, the trea- tend will be sent to the Kawar {Hrico, |juver's ego! as given by Ma. attend w yar-| {Her 4 tha White Cape Club of Lindsay. | cbt 'neds for s Valentine dance, Mrs. Redpath read letters of Refreshments were served |held at the home of Misy Grace The January business meeting Winnell on February 18. lof the Soroptimist Club was held] Mrs. Gordon Conant, the| 4 bYito be held in the parish hall on appreciation for catds, flowers, {at the home of Mrs. C. M. Elliott, honorary member of the club, | Lionettes Mrs. Louis Hammill| pehrmary 18. fruit from the sick and shut-ins. |with Miss Mary Lee, presiding. will be the guest speaker at the| and Mrs. Jack Bird and a birth J The annual congregational sup- Miss Grace Winnell, - corre- January dinner meeting to be|day cake was provided for Mr. | KING STREET WA per meeting was announced for |sponding secretary, reported on|held at the Hotel Genosha Jan- William Hunka's birthday. The January meeting of King January 27. The "Feast of the letters received, including letters uary 21. The subject will be 'His ST. GEORGE'S CWL |Street United Church Women's Seven Tables" supper for the fall of thanks from those who had|torical Sketches of Oshawa', 4 EORG! {Association was held recentlviwas discussed. benefited by the club's Christmas| " Junior Auxiliary) {with the president Mrs, Jack, Refreshments were served by service projects, and from the] STH GROUP COMMITTEE The Junior Auxiliary of Siiperry presiding. the recipients . of flowers. The January meeting of the 5th George's Ukrainian C at holic| Mrs, Perry opened the meeting Ee ive Pettey. chairman of Group Committee of the GirllWomen's League held its elec-|with reading some New Year re- the service committee reported Guide Association was held atition of officers recently for the! golutions. | that all Christmas service com- Guide House with 10 members coming year. Mrs. Douglas Redpath took] YORKTON, Sask, (CP)--Wed- mitmenis had been met, and had present The executive is as follows: charge of the devotional period. |ding rings and a wedding dress, cuminated in the visit to Fairview, The president, Mrs, Jack Mac: Spiritual director, The Reverend |The scripture lesson was taken|ag well as four baby pigs and a odze, Wing. D. The members|Donald, presided. The secre-J. C. Pereyma; president, Mrs. | from the third chapter of Philip-| oe fork, were among lost fwho delivered the gifts had re-jtary's report was given by Mrs. Edward Hyrcamuk; vice - presi-|pians, a story and a poem en-| " volved a warm and friendly wel-\Charles Hall, and Mrs. Michaelldent Mrs. Frank Baron; secre- titled, "A New Start" was read|articles turned in fo the police Mrs. Patrick McAvoy; followed by a hymn and prayer. station here during 1959. come from the nurse in charge, Kadoski read the financial report. | tary, and a ad heen || Members were reminded of the from Mis. Douglas Coates, SU-l,,, ier and daughter pot luck Introduces to the OSHAWA area intendent speaking of the supper planned for February 22 ure g ven to the patients by at Guide House. in the SOROPTIMIST CLUB LOST AND FOUND ors, means commit-| The meeting wae opened with ny rs, Mrs. the club song and us Bible verse A. Collins and Miss Viola Mc- for the blind was read by the are working on plans! gecretary for fund raising ventures for| ay 'sorrespondence was read s spring. The pre-Christmasi,o ype pouglas Armstead, sec- y { Wi ae 1s retary, and reports were given Bganines A Cliplstmas cares, by the standing committees. Ma-/ of the enclosure cards made| "1" woo received for White Douglass Chapter, 10DE aising ventures i > sale I ~Oshawa Times Photo and and ) i Jo Aldwinckle, '| THE OSHAWA TIMES Women, Women's Editor at the work parties by the mem-| 4 fo . bers, had tam results, The|S ane Week from February 7 to total has been turned over to the | general fund The treasurer's report, present-|s taking place on Thursday, Mrs. W. H. Jackson showed January 28. A St. Patrick's Day| 1ealthy rial picture party will be held on Thursday, The club birthda | be March 24, and an invitation to ONTH | The club's tenth birthday party ed hy a Ts day treat of cookies, The next meeting will be held A closing sand soft drinks at Guide House on Thursday, Feb-| § del ed to the Retarded ruary 4 | PUR-PAK PAPER THROW -AWAY CARTON Suggested Price y party | TO BE MARRIED NEXT MON Dial RA 3-3474 Tuesday, January 19, 1960 7 Mec- Cullough with many other mem- | At a recent general meeting, |the Kinettes of Oshawa were hon jored to have as I Robert Browr the Rehabilitation Foundation for Poliomyelitis and the Or cally Disabled. Mr. Brown plained to the members how the money raised here in Oshawa through the local March of Dimes was distributed. A total of 1$634,500 must be raised in October in the February 1, 1960, campaign, in order to carry the work and fulfill the aims of the foundation, Prevention, treat ment, training and placement are |all taken into consideration so {that the patients may learn to develop their physical and mental | capacities to their fullest extent | The Kinettes of Oshawa have| |again undertaken the responsibil-| gues from pac ex 0 Children's School HUMORESQUE CLUB @ 3 € HALF-GALLON @ A Totem Pole has been purchas- The first meeting of the mew ed for the Extension Scout Troop, | ie J 4 ic gponsored by the Club, [Year took place on Taray ash contribution has been night, January 14, at the CRA cent to cover the expenses in- With Mrs. Reginald Pike presid- curred in running the Troop ing. Guernsey Gold Milk is a product of Golden Guernsey Milk {which costs you 2¢ premium more than standard milk). Partly skimmed -- or defatted -- to a butterfat content of two per. cent and Homogenized. All the other food Nutrients remain the same Menzie, and Mrs. John MacLean chairmen 11 be the here in each and § be greatl 158 Mir Chief Os} Mother help of would PURCHASE GUERNSEY GOLD MILK? eve mo ppreciate Other guests were Bondaruk, Mrs, Barbara lock, and Miss Mary district case worker March of Dimes With the plans for the March yf Dimes near! completed the essed with plans for Bridge sometime in| month of June, with Mrs. ning and Mrs, Gordon| as co-chairman. The next e; utive meeting will be| held at the home of Mrs, Arthur| Stone on Tuesday, January 19. | John Pol- Taggart, for the Wiis Catholic Church, Whitby. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sydorenko | of Oshawa and the bridegroom | is the son of Mr. and Mrs, James Smyth of Whitby i the The engagement is an nounced today of Miss Lynda Sydorenko and Mr, Anthony Smyth who plan to be married on Saturday, February 6, in St. John the Evangelist Roman Garrisc ; Guernsey Gold Milk is a natural for active, weight-conscious members of your family because it contains approximately 25% less calories, but more of the vital elements such as ity of running the March of] Dimes campaign here in Osh-| awa, Mrs. James Henderson will act as general chairman, Mrs Richard Donald, publicity ehair Mrs. Earl Southern, Mrs Arthur "Btone Jr, Mrs. John At Gertrude Colpus H&S Meeting Mrs. M. Rumpel and Mrs. Mitchell Glecoff. ROUTINE BUSINESS Mrs. Ross Edmunds presided for the business meeting The secretary's report was read by Mrs. Robert Beharrell| and Mrs. R. V. Sheffield gave f treasi I repor A. Wandless re-| Highlight of the first meeting of the new year of the Gertrude Colpus Home and School Associa- tion was the enactment of three sketches from evervday family ife Although illust ; | | | | each small play was jon of a serious fam ion forth ter brought an 1 thes as of cc the families in play most play was sidewalks for the road, Shakespeare avenue by residents of these entitled for Price Tidiness" and was enacted by Mrs, George Wand less. Mrs. Cecil G. Step and Mrs Earl Brown The sec Supper' V. Sheffield A Mrs. Harold. McCabe and Mrs Mervyn derson Participe in the last play Must We time Blues were Beharre M arl B Mrs. Mitchell C. Glecoff Group question and answer dis- cussions were held after the con clusion and very gave her lems the quest three p The groups were rs "What by petit and res red a spring MARKING SYSTEM ion ond as of Vas he 8 discussion about the ABC tem the percentage system in ing the pupils' reports third and versu Have Bed Mrs. R m in le ed to agree that the ABC method now in effect, was the most satis- factory for the younger grades yecially. The parents attendance prize went to Miss M. Kylie's Grade 1] class Rs The association executive meet-| ing is to be held this month at home of Mrs. George A. less Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting the plays ed € as prov parent prob ng to the of interest each own M n of and solutions pertaini ons arising from vs moderators Miss the three Fielding ton G Brooklin Pair Married 25 Years Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts Brooklin, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary recently when they were at home to their many friends Pouring tea were Mrs. Gerald Suppelsa and Mrs. Lorne Tran. | Serving were Mrs. Ate De Jonge, Mrs. Carman Thompson, Mrs. | Herman Huxter, Mrs. Lorne Crawford, Mrs. Henry Sonley, Mrs. Alan Fice and Mrs. Harvey Robert: 21 VITAMINS, | MINERALS, * & TRACE ELEMENTS Among the guests was Mrs Frank Brant of Deseronto who was bridesmaid at the ceremony 25 years ago The anniversary pair were the reciplents of many gifts and close the day's festivities a buf. fet supper "PARAMETTE a! SYRUP PA RAMETTES "PARAMETTES' JUNIOR Was Serve Mr. and Mrs Roberts were 1 born In Whitby. Mrs. Rob s, the former Miss Jean Hoar the daughter of Mr, and Mrs ichard Hoar of Whitby: and Mr {oberts the ie late Mr.- and Mrs. Henry Roberts The 8 son 0 couple were December 31, 1934 They have three Kenneth and Carl, living In Brooklin and four daughter Mrs. Alan Fice (Nancy Osh awa, and Helen, Carol and Doro thy, living at home. Also incl in their family are two g and two granddaughters married in Whithy sons, Harvey on PRUGS Regular City-Wide Deliveries 28 King St. E. RA 3.4621 nuded ted on the recent petition car-| | the | { lower grades. Most parents seem.-| was 4 dents by Ronald Bilsky, D.C, Chiropractor Specialist in Palmer Specific Upper Control Method Chiropractic is a8 new ap proach to health problems Chiropractic is not a mode of treatment, it is a philosophy and an art administered in a scientific way. Chiropractic teaches that health comes from within and is little more than the normal expression of life and function through the medium of the nervous system. Chiropractors maintain that the spine Ig the to the nervous system because spinal cord is encased the spinal column which pro vides openings between the vertebrae through which all nerve trunks make exit before dividing into millions of fibres that supply all glands muscles and organs of the body. Nerve fibres are the com municating medium between the brain and the rest of t | body; and it is just as v that nerve channels rem clear to have health, as it that a telephone line be free from grounding to have ser vice ke the within n is Falls and accidents, how ever, sometimes strain the spine and cause a vertebra to slip out of position where it locks, resulting in nerve interference and subsequent fll health Asthma, hay fever, sinustis and allergy respond well to chiropractic care One of & series of articles published in the public interest te explain end illustrate the proctice of scientific Chiropractic, written by Roneld W, Bilsky, doctor of Chiroproctic whose office is located et 100 King Street Fost /Plaze Theatre Build. ing), Telephone RA 8.51356 i Protein and Minerals than average milk. Guernsey Milk has 20% more Protein than average milk 13% more Lactose than average milk 10% more solids, not fat, than average milk 8% more Minerals than average milk Approximately 25% less calories than average milk Guernsey Gold Milk in the Half Gallon carton is a thrift milk It costs only a suggested price of 19V42¢ a quart, compared te the suggested price of 24¢ for all standard milk in the Pure- Pack throw-away carton WHY The Throw-away Half Gallon PurePack Cartons ® ---------- SPECIAL SWEATER V PET IT SR ORE rm IS THE HALF-GALLON PAPER CARTON A BENEFIT TO YOU! Eliminate high deposits on bottles which cost you money. every time one is broken or lost, ® Eliminates washing and scrubbing dirty bottles. Consumes less space in your refrigerator than average glass containers of milk Eliminates possibilities of broken glass as in glass bottles. Keeps milk fresh longer and are easier and safer to handle than the average glass bottles. @ FOR ECONOMY PLUS FOOD @ VALUE Try GUERNSEY GOLD partly defatted Milk -- TODAY! Fancy Style PULLOVERS Short Sleeves Reg. 4.98 Special > Reg. 4.98 Special 3.88 3.88 CLASSIC SWEATERS LONG-SLEEVE CARDIGANS. SHORT - SLEEVE PULLOVER. Reg. 4.98. 3 88 Reg. 3.98. 2 » Ll SPECIAL SPECIAL PULLOVERS Three quarter length sleeves LONG-SLEEVED PULLOVERS., Reg. 4.59. 3.88 sev enes L} SPECIAL -@ GUERNSEY GOLD MILK may be @@ obtained from your local retail stores ONLY! OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY EVERY WEEK OF THE YEAR Two Stores To Serve You Better DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING OSHAWA CENTRE @ IF your store does not stock hali- @ gallons of GUERNSEY GOLD MILK -- Ask him for it! We will be pleased to supply him with your requirements. ESGE S|

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