8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, January 19, 1960 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL LODGES AND SOCIETIES Dear Mary Haworth: How does, one go about seeing who is in the right in a sad situation of appar- ent neglect, callous treatment and emotional stress that three el- derly women in a home for the aged are experiencing? Kindly tell me, is there a local |authority to which one could ap- peal? 1 recognize that the out- come probably will place the |three victims in a worse dilemma anyone intercedes for them. This is a private home, and well paid; and these women are in no degree senile. They were persons of accomplishment be- {fore they became too frail and {their money dwindled. The eldest lof the three is so frightened she won't even ask help when she is sick, as she doesn't want endless inquiries. ®¥ NOBODY LISTENS LOST IN WONDER One - year - old Elaine Ruth, | rell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs Irvine Harrell, Harmony road | and Oshawa, Clarence Tink, Hampton, great - granddaughter of and Mr. and We should remember that all | laged persons aren't senile. Many { [cruel individuals get into staff i positions in homes for the aged, : because nobody listens to com- { plaints of the aged. As a result | the cruel people can lord it over {|the aged undisturbed, until some- * lone is brave enough to make con- it "ditions known to a board mem- ber (or other bigwig), who has | courage to act, after being open- minded enough to listen. | There should be some way whereby the right people can get at the wrong people in charge. Reader Asks How To Alleviate -- PYTHIAN SISTERS jlater date and asked the help of e regular meeting of the Py- all members. thian Sisters was held recently| Refreshments served, convened Neglect In Home For The Aged rs, i, iiss sis ir Su bie Hovis ans Grand Chief, Sister Kay Elliott; | | With Proper Care out on a limb by putting your Grand Senior Sister, Evelyn] allegations in writing to this or| Jessie Goyne; the degree staff] that board member, because the| assisted. SOCIAL NOTICE Flowering Plants Bloom For Weeks Gift plants such as poinsettia, cyclamen and chrysanthemums flower brilliantly by briefly. Given care, however, the bright blooms will out-last the holiday season. According to G. R. Snyder, paver Jjgh: gall its She wrong Sister Marjorie Carey was in-| ands a urned against the stalled as the M.E.C. for the year, zr. and Mrs. John Sydorenko innocent, including you. [1960 |of Oshawa announce the engage- ENGAGEMENT hnical service of ag- riculture chemicals, they can be coaxed to remain in flower for about eight weeks. like bracts -- that's what the bot- anist calls them -- of the poin- settia will cheer youd living room for some time if you pay atten- tion to its needs. You must give the plant good light and a tem- perature of about 65 degrees Fa- renheit. The soil in the pot should be kept moderately moist. If the roots become dry or it is sub- ject to drafts the bottom leaves day evening to a group of mem- {February 18. Mrs. motes of thanks to the lodge. The sick report was given by sister Elsie Crawford, Grand. hostess served refreshments. inp] vice| Fred Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. a old Windsor, who is stationed at a document, might call you alfrom her daughter, Sister Lucille|yyr and Mrs. James Smyth of valid charges, by springing a Taylor on the sick list, |Evangelist Roman Catholic To be safe, use the telephone tol, The meeting closed in ritualist- vate interview at your place, fo for a When closeted with the0f Rebekah Lodge No. 3, enough detail to show the true ilance on the part of the board, ladies' timid reluctance to tes- to convene an auction sale at | Petawawa camp. For instance, guilty staff per-| Sister Mae Feasby was pre- ment of their daughter, Lynda, liar, or a bit irrational; and Clarke. |Whithy. The wedding will take might stampede the three elderly) Sister Emma Larke reported place on Saturday, Woah 6. surprise (or terrorist) eross ex-| The installing officers and PC| Church, amination of them to learn|Sister Iva Cliff were presented form, after which all mem- P ERSONALS arrange for either a personal IC orm, ate visit to some co-operative board bers were invited to the home of "discuss a matter the board] REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 should know about." | Sister Ann Holt, Noble Grand g Mary of 'the People' Roman i o Wednesday evening, January 13t right board member, give the assisted by Sister Elsia Crawford. facts, conversationally. picture and illustrate the "why" of your concern. Emphasize the in confirming your story, and cor- recting the situation despite staff tify, \ If you can't interest a board minded members of the commun-| sons, hastily confronted by such sented with her Past Chief's Pin|yo Mr. Anthony Smyth, son of ladies into panicky denial of your|Sisters Annie Stevens and Edith|at 230 pm. in St. John the "who's been talking." | with a gift from the Temple. member's home, or else a pri- E. C. Sister Marjorie Carey] Mrs, Max Coleman, Rosmere HOW TO ENLIST |presided at the regular meeting Catholic Church, Supply iy, Vice Grand's chair. necessity of cautious resolute vig- hypocrisy or the victimized old member in your appeal, You are invited by the Social buffet supper. | street, opened her home last Fri- bers of the CWL anl the FFCF of on who met to h| Organize the various committees |and formulate plans for their Night of Cards to be held on Sister Hilda Thompson read the|Lacroix and Mrs. Hing Bo |correspondence and a number of are the general conveners. The will turn yellow or fall off, Cyclamen does best in a slight- ly cooler location. The tempera- ture should be from 55 to 60 degrees F, and the plant kept well watered. Don't be alarmed if the tuber appears above the soil. This prevents the leaf and flower stems from rotting. Both these plants require ample feeding, Usually they come well fertilized from the florist's. How- ever, in addition, a dilute solution of water -- soluble plant food may be given them every three {Olive avenue, had as a weekend OT four weeks. Sister Vera Wirsching offered guest, their grandsofi, REC Har- carry itv are in a position to tell youlp, bo ent to send in any little|about four weeks. { Chrysanthemums forced in the greenhouse for gift plants are not| & as hardy as the outdoor ones that | flower in the fall. They need little attention, but usually only last The large scarlet or whiite leaf-|* YELLOW PAGES BULLETIN BOWLING CAME TO AMERICA ev war OF HOLLAND IN COLONIALTIMES ACCOUNTING FORTHE RIP VAN WINKLE LEGEND OF 2,000,000 CAN INCLUDING MOMS, DADS AND SCADS OF JUNIORS MAKE BOWLING ONE OF OUR BIGSEST PARTICIPATION SPORTS. SOME |,500 BOWLING ESTABLISHMENTS ARE LISTED IN THE DID YOU KNOW AT LEAST 10 PERFECT GAMES WERE OFFICIALLY RECORDED your campaign for justice to a|what further steps to take, to en- items of interest. News of teas clergyman (maybe the chaplain|lisi the right people in your eru-\g ovce parties, showers, anni- at the home?). Or to a staff coun- sade. M.H. |versaries, comings and goings, sellor at the local Family Service] Mary Haworth counsels|are always very acceptable and Agency, or the local Legal Aid|through her column, not by mail{for which there is no charge. Bureau (find the addresses in the|or personal interview. Write her Please write or telephone RA north, seems greatly interested | Mrs, H. E. Tink, Hampton, and in the actions of the camera | Mr, and Mrs. F. i man. She is the granddaughter | Brooklin, of Mr. and Mrs. Alired Har- | FOR CANADIAN BOWLERS IN 1958. Gangsters were ousted from a * {set-up for the aged on She West - y | Coast, because good people in the Phot by Ireland | munity got busy. E.P. HITS ON THE ANSWERS Dear E.P.: In writing this let- TO AVOID LEAKAGE Planters that hold potted plants sometimes develop leaks. To pre- vent this, line the planter with polythene film. It will retain the moisture. KEEP IN TRIM Suggested Ways To Conquer The Longing For Sweets By IDA JEAN KAIN ter, to grope for a remedy, you have already pretty well outlined {the answers to your questions, it seems to me. If this is a private "home for |the aged," maintained as a ben- evolence of sorts--and not just a glorified boarding house, in busi- .. |ness for profit--it «probably is is that at the beginning managed by a board of directors. the longing for sweets Which is to say, the board has most irresistible ; hanism for taking care of jn the final analysis. lof accustomed sweets is still in|™"ye 7g) 0h jg the case, the board force Result -you are left with should be given first chance to " n they|an unsatisfied longing |correct the injustices, before at- ? 1 always dietigrop IT! [tempts are made to invite a pub- that 1 can eat the) The only solution is to stop that|lic inquiry, to straighten things oods I want! terrific stimulus to insulin pro-|qyu¢ sentence gives a clue duction by not satisying the ap-| g, tell the board. Try the pres- dilemma. But first, let's petite you have created for car- ident (or chairman) for results. craving from the bohydrates. If you refrain from|ys yoy get no worthwhile re- of the way the system sweets and excess starch for action, try the vice chairman; or » sweets, It is true that seven days in a row, you willl tha recording secretary; or the sweets you eat, the/feel the difference. Dieters, be| parliamentarian; and on down ts you will want to eat. assured, the craving for excess|iy. line, to the 'meekest or new- the physiological explan- sweets can be conquered to an est member of the _gowerning ets and most désserts amazing degree. Be on guard for body, until you get a sympa- absorbable sugar|a few weeks and after that na-|,, .&0 genuinely attentive lis- re y forces the blood ture will Sv.operate. This does not |; ner. vel high and in turn mean you will not enjoy an oc- s the pancreas to se-| casional favorite, but you will no( PE CIRCUMSPECT ol Don't go crete insulin in the body. Nature, longer feel compelled to indulge. | owever, P : lways generous, puts out more In short, you will be in control. | insulin' th is needed for the Sweets will no longer "rule" you. slowly and sustains energy over combustion of the available su-| Have you got what it takes to|a longer period. On this plan, gar. Since sugar is quickly|make this a challenge? When the|there is no longer the terrific burned, the effect--the energy-- urge to "eat it out" comes, ifistimujus to insulin production drops quickly. You feel an actual you can substitute physical ac- and you do not suffer the re- need for sustenance and if your tion for that unneeded food, you|bound, preference is for assorted carbo- are on the right track. | Your skepticism on the sweet hydrates, you repeat with an-| It is very important to eat|score is neither surprising nor other sweet and the cycle starts|three balanced meals a day, unusual. Invariably, reports from all over again with a good source of protein at|successful dieters express their The reason you cannot accept each meal. This way of eating amazement and joy that they no the fact that reducers lose their|raises the blood sugar levelilonger constantly crave sweets. craving Na-| authority to hire and fire the em WAREHOUS phone book). These welfare-'in care of this newspaper. 13-3473, local 18. * LO O K = speciaL ofFrFer orf 12 cv. ft. AUTOMATIC DEFROST REFRIGERATORS These models are packed with popular features PLUS worry- free AUTOMATIC DEFROST- Trading stamps- Here for the first time is a completely fair report on trading stamps. It strips away the hys- teria and sensation to bring you the true facts. Do stamps add to your food costs or can you bene- fit from them? You'll find the answers to all your questions on this burning issue in this week's Star Weekly. --hait or bonus? WE'RE WORKING WONDERS FOR EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED CHILDREN Only recently has it been realized that chil- dren can have the same mental health prob- lems as adults. This is the inspiring story of a Canadian hospital devoted to helping young unfortunates. Be sure to read of its achieve- ments and the great problems ahead of it in this week's Star Weekly. HAVE YOU CAUGHT THE CURLING CRAZE? From being a minor game on the prairies, curling 18 now one of Canada's ten most widely pursued sports. And the trend is just starting. Get all the facts on this great new craze in the current Star Weekly. PLUS: Entry forms for the THIRD ANNUAL RECIPE CONTEST, Get the BIG stories...read the STAR WEEKLY ING -- the reffigerator defrosts itself. You have nothing to do! % HUGE 74 LB CAPACITY FREEZER TWO ROOMY SHELVES REMOVABLE, ADJUSTABLE DOOR SHELF TWIN VEGETABLE CRISPERS SPECIAL COMPARTMENTS MAGNETIC SAFETY DOOR $21 9.00 * LO OK = nuee repucrions own 21" ULTRA-VISION TELEVISION Highly styled sets for every home. The latest and greatest Ultra-vision brings you best reception--even in remote areas. MORE POWERFUL THAN EVER ULTRA-VISION SYSTEM FRONT-MOUNTED SPEAKER HIGH RESOLUTION PICTURE TUBE SET-AND-FORGET VOLUME CONTROL FULL RANGE TONE CONTROL AVAILABLE IN WALNUT AND LIGHT OAK. Table Models Priced from 21 9.00 «LO OK= OUTSTANDING OFFER ON AUTOMATIC CLOTHES CONDITIONING DRYERS FULLY AUTOMATIC! Just one single setting for all fabrics, dryer automatically adjusts correct time and temperature, shuts off when clothes are dry. 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AUTOMATIC FINE TUNING LIGHTED CHANNEL INDICATOR FULL, RICH HI-FI SOUND TWIN 7" CO-AXIAL CONE SPEAKERS FRONT-MOUNTED CONTROLS SET-AND-FORGET VOLUME CONTROL FULL-RANGE SET-AND-FORGET TONE CONTROL EXCLUSIVE ULTRA-VISION AVAILABLE IN WALNUT, LIGHT OAK AND MAHOGANY FINISHES. Console Models $2 3 4 .00 Priced from O O K = TREMENDOUS SAVING ON FILTER-FLO AUTOMATIC WASHERS This feature-packed washer gives you cleanest, easiest washes ever. All lint is removed with the exclusive G-E FILTER-FLO WASHING SYSTEM. FIVE-CYCLE AUTOMATIC CONTROLS FOR ALL FABRICS TWO WASH AND SPIN SPEEDS NEWLY DESIGNED NON-CLOG FILTER PAN LARGEST CAPACITY OF ANY WASHER AUTOMATIC DETERGENT DISPENSER WATER SAVER HOT, COLD OR WARM WASH AND RINSE WATERS. Washers Priced from 5229 32020 04 2 2 2 Model TWA 953 THERE'S A MATCHING DRYER FOR EVERY WASHER . ALL FULLY GUARANTEED BY CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED More Canadians choose Géneral Electric Appliances than &ny other make! IT.) 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