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The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1960, p. 12

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b @ ee 06 0 @ The Osha Times SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY "20, 1960 PAGE NINE Bus Deficit For City Predicted l CARPENTERS STAY OUT | HAMILTON (CP) -- Striking| { i i 16 Y ; Joseph Piggott Jr., 'spokesman Officers of Temple Lodge, | for the camera following colorful | wor: shipful master; J. W. Cor- | tor of ceremonies; D. R. Coul- | ture was taken were S } , 8 ' for the 23-member contractors lar meeting of the Lodge at the | D. Friend, secretary; John Car- | Flutter, installing officer. Back = ganist G. Crawford; junior A | ps 0 a n : Oshawa Masonic Temple. The | ey, IPM; Thomas Grosart, | row, left to right: T. H. Camp. | deacon and G. A. Barron, sen- construction trades back to work Oshawa was wise to place your ble for it, : to subways as relief to traffic c ---Oshawa Times Photo will be considered immediately. | bus transportation system under| First city transportation sys- problems of the future. hd hd hd i i expect them to make money and ronto and Montreal. Windsor and that in a few years will become en 1 en 1sitin § 3 i i i do not criticize them if they fail St. Catharines were two of the a large city, with the problems i i § to do so. As is the case in many first to have electric street cars,/of a large city. If so, it will cer. ed J. E. Empringham, general rapid. The Oshawa Railway and by owning its own. secretary of the Canadian Transit Navigation Company was incor- Oshawa General Hospital Tues- pital. = . ; eeting of the Oshawa Kiwanis and the Oshawa Railway Co. en- system, members of the Canadian 4 pi I : : 3 meeting Y day night decided, after a lively] Earlier the board was told 4 Li i 1 Club. tered into an agreement for|Transit Assoc., 20 of them are They "also decided to limit each|/the waiting-room before visiting p 3 4 5 numerous guests. attested to the 20.YEAR AG" EEMENT commissions, such as in Toronto, visit to 20 minutes hours. The hospital has also re- : by , i keen interest in this civic proiect, |*V- XY 1AM Ala FLINT Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, etc. 4 4 Reviewing the history, Mr, t: é : as t : id hours will be from 2 to 4 p.m.| Mrs. M. Telford, director of ly interesting address, supported Oshawa Railway oo. was jo ose commissions and seven, in the and 7 to 9 p.m. Several measures nursing, said the nurses were op- by statistics and history drawn due purchase ds three prairie provinces, are oper- 5 ANRSWOT tional Railways. In 1939, an y 2 inutes bs gel ants rolley coach transportation. \ axe the new limit of 20 minutes less time to get the patient and trolley I agreement was made with the t2¥Xes. : In pointing out that Oshawa, as Both Dr. A. P. Fulton, presi- ? ha i 4 ' g, she s t they p r | # avor. Janay The I0:vear sore dent of the medical staff and Dr. in be seid, i en . all : ll table were His Worshin Mayor January, 1940. The 20-year agree- V! ; ; 2 : want to be cared for at once : ; Lyman A. Gifford, the four elect- ment expired on Dec. 31, 1959. |Pringham declared,. "If wages hours should be decreased if any T. Kelso Creighton, QC, advo- Cn woated posits io} i changes were to be made, He cated some kind of control for the : i i F&F man William Boddy, E. F. Arm- most of which have disappeared. creased costs, those deficits might : i 3 \ j 7 strong, Henry Baldwin and Roy Oshawa's system has been retain- be fairly substantial. or. Gr 2 hat sick pa- isitor: rging ) p Ld ¥ fd 4 3 ¢ : : : wh Sant 52 2 tisk va wae 3 ging a lo dey : i i 3 % along with his assistant, Kiwanian electric railway is entirely gone, bit frequently, in the interests OS br 1 Be 4 be ¥ ji i William Gibbie and Reg. B. in so far as passenger service is of economic common sense, they Ald. Ernest Marks, who pro- ministrator, said that controlling 44 | Following an official welcome most completed between Whitby- will have to be made from time- Jack- Oshawa-Bowmanville back about to-time to provide service for room problems. He said that the a policewoman when she should Six Oshawa electronics en- | ications Service tadio Oper- | communications officer (ex- | tario . County Civil Defence troduced the guest speaker, re- eration but was abandoned when! stages. one-hour rule had a bad effect be doing nursing," he said thusiasts completed an eight- | ators, was the first course for | treme right), hands out grad- Organization. Robert Fleming viewing J. E. Empringham's leng- it became apparent that elect - a sponsored by the Oshawa and persons will commence im- the picture from left, are Col. | | 5 » 5: ian + 4 | retireme hen he took system indicate that a large proportion of ar i fence Co: - diate ichar Iritte S o-ordina n- >) . [retirement in 1954, wh : Ontario Civil Defence mmun mediately Richard ritten, | F. Wotton, Co-ordinator On- | Oshawa Times Photo over his present position Most electric lines enjoyed ear- downtown shoppers travel by bus AGENDA COMPLETED bo : i |tion -- Past. Present and Fu-lsuch as Toronto, Montreal, Van-|tem will enable more shoppers to | 4 . E- { ture" Mr. Empringham related couver and other large cities. reach their store and will be more carpenters Tuesday turned down No. 649 AF and AM, were in- | installation ceremonies. They | nish, junior warden: James A. son, chaplain; I. A. Harrell, Clark, treasurer = and a group, said the question of open- 1960 officers of the lodge se ! senior warden: B. J. Stredwick, | bell, tyler; J. R. DeCoe, direc- | ior steward. Absent when pic- b, a pos Senio SR ESI (SI . ; : I - --- the jurisdiction of the Public Utili-| tems, horse-car systems, were It is reasonable to believe H A H . 1 Canadian cities, they will prob-|about 74 years ago. The growth of [tainly need a public transit sys- ARM Association, who was guest porated in June, 1887 and in May, 20 CITY-OWNED discussion, to lengthen the over-|some action should be taken : 4 % i i An exceptionally large turnout freight and passenger service by 'owned by the municipalities, Beginning Feb. 1, for eriod quested mor rking space from hich timely topic Mr. Em- ] h Five, including Oshawa, are op- 8 8 D, OF 3 period, ques ea B SI on wi P Empringham pointed out that the a a P p ta I later be- : fh will also be taken to encourage posed to longer visiting hours in from his many years of experi-| Trunk Railway, which lat '" ated under the city administra- ready for the night, The patients 2 ii a : ¥ 4 § : : . % # IAL STS city to substitute buses for elec- 4 % - : z SPECIAL GUESTS > in many cities, there probably W. G. Grant were SE h A 4 = Ang! here. it i rn G were opposed to the NE ? : v § ed members of the Oshawa Pub-| The speaker related a list of increase to a point where it is not reduc +ross-in- | leng sits >» sudges a : felt this would reduce cross-in-/length of visi He sudgested Fleming, together with Geor ed as a freight switching roads There will undoubtedly be de- the 'most exhausting things for! terosts i i bd 3 i 4 Smith, newly-appointed superin-| concerned," he said. He recalled have had to resist such demands. Posed the shange, aimed Goi He Yisltont 3x difficult : Mazy by Kiwanis president, Ken , ck j a oor hours woud ieip a limes the head nurse would have CIVIL DEFENCE RADIO COURSE CERTIFICATES PRESENT D | son, Mayor Lyman Gifford spoke|1913- After World War 1, the line growing areas, even if there are on families. He also felt that the] The matter will come up for Week course in Radio Commun- | beginners held in this area uation certificates to the suec- | (seated); Bill Wilson and Ralph thy association with various trans- railways would have little place ESSENTIAL TO SHOPPERS PATIENTS WAITING oy 4 4 | At the outset of his address, lv success but later on, only those and this will continue. Merchants \ i : i 'City Transporta- in the larger cities made money, will find that a public transit sys- | the early history of the Canadian 'Through the years, it has been|valuable than retaining a few ; . : es -r a proposal by Mayor Lloyd Jack- OFFICERS OF TEMPLE LODGE. AF AND AM, FOR 1960 ARE INSTALLED son to end their 68-day walkout. shawa Is Stressed stalled Tuesday night at a regu- | are, left to right, seated: Owen | Barron, senior deacon and R. | junior steward; J. S. Locke, or- Bathe, inner guard. [ing all closed jobs and inviting] *I believe the city council of ool to th who are responsi- peg are now given consideration er -- i ties Commission, but please do not| first started 99 years ago in To- that Oshawa is one of those cities ably have some deficits," declar-/this type of system was very tem and it will be better served The board of directors of the able good will towards the hos- ; 4 A rs 1 7 Ww i " 1 > Bo speaker at the Tuesday luncheon 1893, the corporation of Oshawa "Of the 33 city transportation 2ll visiting hours on a trial basis.|about the overflow of people in of over 100 members, as well as means of electric power. efght are operated by special of three months, the visiting|the city. pringham delivered an extreme- erated by their public utilities visitors to stay with a patient for the evening because it gave them ence in the matter of Talay tw tional "Railways. In 198 an on, losses = woke ou of DOCTORS OPPOSED are tired after two hours of visit- Joining the speaker at the head tric cars and became effective in will be some deficits, Mr. Em- change. Dr. Fulton felt that the CONTROL DIFFICULT 3 LY A IN ; : ; lic Utilities Commission, Chair- various electric railway systems, possible to raise fares to meet in- fection that cards be printed and given ta : 8 ; : > F. Shreve, manager of the PUC, for the railways. 'The interurban mands for extensions of service the patient was visiting hours William A. Holland, hospital ad- "1 . A ; Vim ail # tondent of the Oshawa Bus Line. the Toronto Eastern Railwav, al- On the other hand, extensions leviate the parking and waiting- to stand out in the corridor like briefly. Kiwanian Bill Gibbie in- was partially made ready for op- likely to be losses in the early relaxation would cause Consider Irevicy 1. three onths. ications recently. The course, | Other classes for advanced A cessful students. Included in | Day. portation systems, prior to hisin the province's transportation "Surveys in recent years still which he titled 'City Physici ysicians Cite Transit Association, organized in| very difficult to eradicate from |parking spaces nearby. Railway Assoc., and since 1932, {ry stated Mr. Empringham mission of Canada's economic ® , w ; ; 2 1904, as the Canadian Street Rail-|the minds of civic officials, the | In concluding, Mr. Empring- OWIS 1 O eda ? 3 way Assoc: In 1913 the name was|feeling that city transportation is ham quoted from the Gordon Re- ortage & S| bi ; {changed to Canadian Electric|sti]l a great money-making indus- port, a report on the Royal Com. ® * & X . ) > |it has been known as the Cana-| The advent of the automobile The shortage of beds for sur-|pared to the surrounding area E | dian Transit Association, with changed the situation and wages si i DOHINE of le he gical patients has almost reach- using the hospital, W. A. Holland. 3 1 1 A i 3 | city operations consisting of buses commenced to go up, a problem value of a transit utility is not all o 3 state of emergency; two hospital administrator. told the 7 4 as well as street cars, while elec- that became increasingly more to be found i its biliy 1, ot board meeting Tuesday evening they wished to hrs to city finally finished ts inauguraliFeb, 22. 23, and 24 liday. The other Members of ihe oh Sapp i DIVISION OF REVENUE in a strictly financial sense, but during a discussion of the pro-| council that further progress on agenda, Tuesday night, after, Councillors decided to ask he SO Roy 5 $ou 5 ! oy 7 33 OPERATING MEMBERS [ "In transit, labor takes an av- it.May be saving the city a much posed new wing. the building plans must stop un-|i1r¢€ Separate sessions starling|City of Oshawa to renew the fire Teorge Frown, OY Clowd an 3 on | There are at present 33 oper- erage of over 60 per cent of total larger sum in street and traffic Dr. A. P. Fulton, newly elected|less it authorizes a. debenture| Monday. Jan. 11. The agenda protection agreement which ex- Douglas Branton, were re " ating members, companies or sys- revenue." stated the speaker. €Xpenditure." president of the medical staff of issue now. H., A. Washington, |V35 worked on for a total of 12/pired Dec. 31, 1959. aphointed., > aki a ¥ (tems, not individuals, along with 'Every increase in- wages re- Kiwanian Jim Souch Jr., on be- the hospital, stated the bed occu- chairman of the building com- hours LICENCES RENEWED : Reeve Wilfred Pasooe vil take be % associate memberships, mamifac- flests in a serious way in the half of the Kiwanis Club mem- papey Was Jupning well over a mittee, S2i4 that 2 start on the The members deg Qed to apps al Revewa] of SOraE licences for 3 DS/fion Oh Lae ce eer a turers and suppliers o Talal costs of operation. City transpor- hots and guests, expressed the sale level. Dr. W. G. Grant, vice- construction would have to be put to the municipal "board against 2% BDI the cainollit at aL as at ials and equipment for the indus- tation, usually under some fo thanks and. appreciation of all, president of the medical 'staff, off another year unless council a judgment by His Honor the 160 Yas approved by She Counc Yas 1. who will replace Frank try and --r services. General of agreeme 2 wi on Or ome ro to Mr. Boanatl. hoy for his time. commented "You might well say took action immediately Judge for the County Court of censees request it i > Simpson. Corie i replace Hor Motors of Canada is an associatelity and subject to the municipal 1y talk. Lads 00D LOTNET W piace {member, the speaker pointed board of some such body, re- Sm RR the situation is terrible." Last May the council was re-|Ontario, respecting the appeal of The following had their poten Grill the t of Rel wo > re Mr r atl aga N Howing he L ace Grills on the Court o e v quested to authorize a debenture Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Pratt agains tial renewals approved: Frank vision. M. Walters will replace RALPH A. WALLACE jou. quires many months, even a year PLAN CAMPAIGN lick . es " - issue for $500,000 an assessmen appeal ba ' r ) afore increase J . The board decided to send a only Base Te he 2ppeal ae Simpson, Columbus, for his taxi; Mr. Pascoe who was a member hah Shareholder in his logs 8 or two, before an increase in cc letter and delegation to city coun-/91 PATIENTS WAITING RAC that our on 1% Bert Michel, Raglan, for service before becoming reeve. Other . y Jus. se : ni esestifares to meet higher operating 3 : ; J grounds that the County of On- _, : 2 that you take as much inferest expenses. can be put into effect cil urging that all haste be inade| During the discussion about the {ario will take over the case ang Station only and welding works; members, Harold Werry, William e urnin in this business as you would in a= "Ty: ; put nwo 8 to finance the proposed 220-bed, addition the beard was told that pay for it: except ne $95 re a hd Howard Fox, RR 1, Oshawa, ser- Nesbitt and Elmer J. Powell, private Es in. which on ansit in recent years has $2,700,000 additional wing. An all- 91 surgical patients, listed as ur EH by His tower & Pew vice station only; Michael Willis, were all re-appointed. ght b sta kholder." deciar. possib.y not been in the highe out fund-raising campaign, start- gent, are waiting for beds. Pa. "° y. Mie 'ownsiip RR 2, Oshawa, garage and ser sO , ig lL De a SOCKN0 ger ar-ipay brackets but has had to alga : od 8 A J. H. Pascoe and George Hayes ed the speaker. 'Your Oshawa keep , h the going rates in ing May 2, is being planned to|tients for elective surger ar PLAN INVESTIGATION vice station; Frank Stertevant, ure re appointed Ponlksepers cers Ie system is a comparatively small keep pace with the going rates ir raise the required amount. booked ahead as far as April 2 A Jettor on Gle H Ball street, Oshawa, service sta- gr the Township De overation but in will be ahs other industries. Rates of pay Of the total, $1,100,000 will be| 'A person would just have 4 atdine § ¥ n Hoskin. tion only: Howard Grass, RR 1, i George He ves 3 p bl ony | ite day.to have to be inereased in the past Ie it arc the condition of a stre anc 1e0rge ayes were {problems to solve in its day-to-119 yaars over 70 per cent while "e received in government grants. come here and walk through the !' Columbus, summer park sv in his subdivis 1 { : , I pe SWIm-| appointed to represent the Town.) | day rati i roviding ser- pf The remaining amount is to be corridor to see the trouble we're in i Subd tt on, anied _ ming pool and lunch room; Gor- PO] on the a al Ah Pp oin e ke gig gag our| 0. the same period, fares have "M g t fi i i s > attention un: Ss he tral Lz ic r itiz your y 3 | ar "mer S Siler raised by industrial, civic, andjin. There are youngsters in the ie allention of the coun: gy, 'p "Home, RR 1, Oshawa, ser Po y jee of en Of YOU lincreased less than 60 per cent.! Anagement finds it easier to use direct cost accounting," said . » 5 illors that Mr. Hoskin had out > a, " Conservation Authority growing city, so don't be foo = . 3 : rivate contributions corridors and four beds where ©"! ; 8 vice sta : Roy sr. Ragls It is the general feeling : Pp iC ds where | ce station; Roy Oliver, Raglan, problem of a warble fly ata . Ottawa (Special) ~The names|ready to criticize but learn as amongst transit men PRL L. J. Smitten, comptroller of 4 Ct In 2 .« General Foods, Limited, at a standing invoices totalling about fares, except in the larger cities, I'he invoices were the re per cent split. This was the ratiojthe Oshawa and. District Labor 1957, It was decided the roads Ww. J Councillor William 'Gordon was and Northumberland were an-|- ---- en ) .(|trict Chapter of the Society of chairman should investigate the , 2 RR 1, Oshawa, service sta room; P, i ¥ J )0 it Carrol Nichols, farmer, Port Mr. Smitten emphasized that it The city and surrounding dis-/there should only be c Gd - Wogiss service stat PS lt ) oe unding 3 Dg one Om-|g137. Ti . ervice station and lunch room; inspector was shelved for a future of returning officers for the fed- much as you can about the busi- tricts are to be asked to provide mented Keith Ross, board mem-*'" ; Ivert att Frank Simpson, Columbus, ser- ting. eral ridings of Ontario, Durham d + i the required capital in a 75-25/ber and secretary treasurer of Sut of culve installations in| ice station. and lunch TOO meeting ness and give 'sympathetic _sup- are about as high as they can be Meeting of the Oshawa and Dis- Sharp, North Oshawa Mo- , lav under present conditions, Most t of patients from the city com- Council. PS chosen to replace Councillor Wal- Ananesd loday b} . | fares in Canada- are at present Industrial, and cost accountants Mr. Ross also expressed con-|culvert and report at the nexl (jon! John Whit ng, RR 1, Osp.|ier Holliday on the Welfare eh Bid oy i es Be uest Of 15 cents cash and four tickets for °f Ontario, Tuesday night at op R 5: av or patie: meeting, s € 1 v ' sia ' Bl as i ster, aw, (Ontario); | ey : { ii 5 ol Ge Pp cern that some cancer patients ; n 0 they would Know awa' junch ro Keith Pollave, Board Mrs. Ray Scott was picked 2 : 50 cents, the same as in Oshawa Hotel Genosha. may go undiagnosed until their What they were dealing with RR 2. Oshaws . te to replace Mrs. Garfield Trava us Scure i 1 WR 2, Oshawa, service station Hope (Durham) and Alan Buch- i H condition is beyond curing. A letter was filed from the William S Gordon Columbus. on that board. Others re-appoint- alin. en hant, Wark th AUTO MAJOR PROBLEM Is the philosophy and not the Both the Ontario County Coun-|County of Ontario enclosing a garage, service station and lunch ©d were: Mrs. John Glover and 2M lerchan arkwor | 0 Mr. Empringham pointed out technique of direct costing that . {] . nt, : (Nort " ay h Driver S View cil and Darlington Township copy of its Bylaw No. 2014, room; Mrs. Gladys Elliott, Rr MIs. G. Hayes. forhumberland). be alias that the increasing use of the pri- distinguishes it from the other Council will be contacted in con- pointing Walter Beath to the East | aw: taur: , It was decided the planning! (i ames of the returning vate automobile has also develop- systems of accounting. J Oshawa, restaurant Fred ( OTS a 2 p. " . ti Lith > Oo ai i a Fhit 3 A ar officers in all 265 federal ridings : : Ey . : Magistrate A. S. Mitchell gave Nection with the campaign, Stan Whitby High School Board " Lasalle, Little Buckaroo Ranch,|/board needed seven members 8 ed a major problem for those pro. The speaker said that cost Magis A gav A : 3 : S| ansoRs ara ie . | one person the benefit of the Lovell, chairman of the finance 1960 summer camp restaurant and rather than the usual five. The Bross ie Sonat) ere Pugh, Hos ital viding public transportation, accounting is designed to inter. doubt and found four others Tommie, told the board. Correspondence was filed swimming pool and Leonard Wall, new members are: Reeve Pascoe, Canada Gazette i oe ie Pp equally to leng distance travel as|pret the facts of business, and to guilty of various offences in Osh- keisa Creighton, Qc, wil be a garding a proposed capital ¢- RR 1, Oshawa, service staticn Roy Brown (or an alternative if with the re lati 2 T the Ca to short distance, city-travel. The give management the facts to awa lraffic court Tuesday. There Spokesman for a delegation meet penditure for the construction and he refuses) and Councillor Robert ada Electio gu i jon of the Lan-| ne Oshawa General Hospital|ysers of streets and hishways are/plan, and to economically con- were also four pleas of guilty ii with the county council Thurs- equipping of a new public school APPOINTMENTS MADE Flett. Douglas Coulson was re-' a Trons Ac Board was informed of a $5000 5) finding {ranspqrtation a prob- duct the business. James E. Bird, 421 Stevenson : morning. _ for the East Whitby Township Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe was re- appointed. His term expired Dec. 10 the event of a federal gen- bequest at its January meeting lot of traffic tie-ups, parking, The speaker said, "In spite of road north, had a charge of fail-| It was also announced that = © appointed to the High School Area 31, 1959. The rceve replaces a eral election or by-election, re- Tuesday evening. ol *'|the resistance of the professional ing to come to a full stop dis- Harry Smith would be office man- Board. Councillor Robert Flett'a representative for the former turning officers have comvlete| The National Trust Company uishan area residents are accounting bodies in the United missed when he testiffed he stop-|38€T for the campaign. Head 14 ALARMS was replaced on the game -com- reeve 'harge over nominations and the notified the board that it would finding difficulties in getting to States the philosophy of direct ped beside a bus. The bus appar- Yigners will be set up in the A Yotter from the Oshawa Fis organization and counting of voles receive the gift from the estate and from work. in getting chil-|costs has grown at an astonish ely obscured the view of the off A er Of COE Dar eas ron ved and : in their constituencies, of the late M. Eileen McEach- gran (o school, mother fo shop. ing rate over the past ten years arresting Difjcer and jae magis- Hire board was told. in a let. filed. The department reported 14 995 ADMISSIONS --jern, daughter of Col. R. §. Me- ping and sinc even tw o-car. t n- The number of large companies He of Ba ruses the bene-| or trom the Ontario Hospital alarms from East Whitby during Children Famil Laughlin. ilies are having these problems, Presently committed to the phil- Henry Rogers, 850 Hortop road Services Commission, ' that it| 1959. Councillors pointed out there + | y | Several other gifts to the hos-/the demand for public transpgr-| Sophy is well up in the hundreds pleaded guilty to a charg ge of Would have to wait until the Were 21 calls the year before i {pital and the latest total $2945 of (ation, to serve arcas, that have and represents a very substantial careless driving and was fined architect's plans had been ap-| A letter from the Ontario As ewer a ien S May Be Adopted Cities Zope] donations Were a low density population, are de- portion of North American busi- $35 and costs proved by the commission before sociation of Rural Municipalities ja 50 announced, creasing. Bus service fo these Pess firms George F. Holt. '294 Dennison the grants would be made The advising a convention will be held . TORONTO (CP) -- More than Dr. J. E. Rundle donated a sum :zreas, while perhaps vital to the Ile continued by saying: "It Street eaded solic ts ison; commission indicated enthusiasm at the King Edward Hotel, Toron- Ire i1ven are 100 inquiries have been received |°f money for cafeteria equipment few residents, actually do not Would appear that the public ace of failing to come to a full stop. for the undertaking but warned to, Feb. 15 and 16, 1960, was re in response to a newspaper ad- and another sum fo the hospital. | provide . sufficient palrons for countants are compléte.y un- He was fined $20 and costs. that it must be assured that the ceived and filed. The letter also Y ts. for Decenber: pros : . vertisment offering a family of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Townsend regular runs on a profitable aware of the needs of manage- project was soundly financed be-/mentioned the annual member reports for, Hecember present-iadulis and children were 'admit- five "children for adoption, On- made a donation in memory of |}, also often the new home Ment for operating tools, but are Russel L. Clairmont, 632 Albert y Inde fore any contract ere | s feo 15 ed to the board of directors of te oj oe op » 5 # fs v p rding. : . RORY i : street, Oshawa, pleaded guilty 0] Mr. Wahine wore jet hip" fee is $15 os 18 arg OL ors oiited during December. One hun-|(ario Welfare Minister Cecile said Mis: Dr. Harding areas, are laid out in such a way More concerned with the audit failing {0 obey a \raffic signal Mr. Washington reported that the Oshawa General Hospital, at dred and ninety-one births were Tuesday The following is the complete that efficient bus service is im- ing functions and balance sheet : 2 tra 218041 several minor changes had been ASSESSOR GETS RAISE ts January. meeting Tuesday reported The list of donors not previously ac- v Yizons accuracy. That i ing their defi received a fine of $25 and 2 - The ad, which ran in a num- aio (possible and some citizens accuracy. That is using their defi. ar required in the drawings but July The township assessor was night, showed the daily average Of the patient imitted 718 ber of On in knowledged. Dr. R. A. Glazier,| 2 bt thew nition of accuracy 14 was the proposed date for calling given a raise, from $2500, plus number of patients in hospital Pallenis. atmiliel 8 ber of Ontario dailies last week, H. A. Washington, Geo. Hl. Hass; Want a bu;. service, bit they ob- The speaker iE introduced b 19 Ritson road tenders. .He said that it was $500 expenses per 'vea 0 $3000, was slightly lower than in No. Were from - Oshawa, 9 from offered for adoption three broth- W. E. Noble, E. J. Umphrey ject if the bus actually runs on SE as introduce y south, was found guilty of driving hoped to start construction in plus $3500 XDenses "The axes, vom . 2 Whitby, 16 from East Whitby, 2g FS and two sisters "who want toy" Boston, Oshawa Business their particular street Douglas Read, and thankéd by garmst 3 sed light- He was fined August if financial arrangen¥ents sor also the x collector bu d It was shown there were 10,289 from Whitby "Township, 12 om stay together as a family 24 Machihes, Oshawa Dairy Limit- NEED PUBLIC'S HELP "Tho ig head table oe can be made ing inspector. dog licence i 4 Aan Anya te y rnai Al 3 : 5 Sn ROTA - ase VY 74 E ' iL : S Sy: were Mina Smith, 123 Louisa street, ing inspector, dog licence issuer, patient days compared with 10,404/ Ajax and 26 from Pickering ' : : ed, H. Coggins, Dr. N. Osta-|' 1;°5rder that a public transpor- Gordon Rimmer, secretary- was found guilty of failing to and by a enforcemer officer. in the previous month. The num- Township. Fourteen patients were/!n public wards and 188 in the fiehuk, Mrs. AM. Chappell, | tation system be profitable, an treasurer; N. V. Roe, vice chair- i he right-of-way. She wa NO! ESIGN FDA He claimed it was becoming a ber of 'admissions totalled 1186 admitted from other Ontario nursery. C. C. Southey, . L. Hartley, ; 0" hs : Read yield the right-of-wa she was ! NER OF DAM '¢ I g alled 1186 Ch rlotte M. Abbott. R. Litz. Lity €fort must be made to have man; D. S. Read, chairman; : e1= § - , . 1 time ( Ww reas 107 he ¢ a vi v yr fl 'ipa o ag " Are % 0 DILL, . Litz Az oN o A 4 fined $15 and costs LONDON (AP)--Andre Coyne, ol im ! Joh "he ea Ww € $A compar »d with 1224 in November o unty Tk pai S. Of these There were 36 deaths in hosni Deli oh 2 i Li more public use the system, as|Stan Wilkins, director of meet. Altona Mark Port Perry, 68 - year - old French engine Stal i . ars ago i gis and the daily average of patients ; were rom teach Township | tal during December while 1183 )'Keefe rowing Com iy or often as possible, and not merely|ings and 'Burt Waters, student pleaded guilty of failing to yield who designed the ill-fated Mal- x Hh endeq at part me work, jwas- 331.9 compared with 346.8 ive from xh ize ands toe {rom patients were discharged a Wor aE pay } = as a convenience, during adverse registrar. > rich oy > AR A 4 3 v K Pepin . A i » Was receiv 3 Te were } atient = Ir ig - " fm He right abway He was fined passet dam at Frejus, has been " Fide ce wa ; received from There were 1334 out patient ad Bron k Tow nein. ighty-foilr pati Of the 1334 outpatients, 770 Reddon. E. F. Cuthbe rtson. Na. 4riving weather or when thel-- pe-------- and ¢ 5 } FMA " the Associatior SSeSSing . miss NCO I ag Ag ts \ p: re "- SUH " bi and costs. honored by Britain for his work ciation of Assessing Of- missions in December as against ents from other counties were were x. rayed, 459 received treat-|{jonal p i Cl ¢ family car is "lied. up WORKING ON PIPELIN! Jose Leitao, Toronto, was fined on the Kariba dam in Africa. A|ficers of Ontario, for $10 mem- 1320 in November admitted of whom 62 were from ment in the emergency operating! canada 1 oo Jemical Co. of The success of the Torontc ub-| ON HPELINE $20 and costs in absentia for fail- Buckingham Palace spokesman bership fees for 1960 A letter Fhe report stated there were Durham County, Fifty-six pati- room and 105 had lab peral A Canada Limited, Toronto, Euge- way was given by ih sp ile a LONDON (Reuters) --~ Work ure fo come to a Tull stop said Tuesday the Queen had irom the Good Roads Association 610 full-time emplovees, 29 part- ents came from Darlington Town- § nia Holody, Black's Ladies' Wear Wa : pes s| {has started on the Soviet end of ry . P \ ! ha V0Z ' i mployees, 29 pai . total of 593 operations were per-/Ltd., D Ww. W. 7 prod that a public transporta-| ipel ha 'e , i Gordon Andrews, 300 Guelph made Cone an honorary com-|Wwas received. Enclosed was an time workers and 83 students on!Ship f { he s| i" on : Baldwin, Ward's § a pipeline that eventually will street, Oshawa, was found guilty mander of the Order of the Brit-|invoice for the $15. 1980 member p of rt od ¢ Ore 5 the main operating Store. Norman H. Daniel, Anon- tion system can be a success, if carry Volga oil to Poland, East of failing to come to a full stop. ish Empire at the fequest of thoiship fee or ooo FE ola] of34} atic he the patients admitted 13/room while 646 operations and ymous, Dr. C. C. Stewart, Mec- the public can be educated to use Germany, Czechoslovakia and He was fined $15 and costs. Rhodesian government. annaal convent Oh. ' It } 1 1d x or : #1 patients we e in we re placed in private wards, treatments were given in the Cullough Construction Co, Limit- it, rather than drive their own Hunge ry, Tass news agency said A A i al co lion will be held al residence on Nov. 30; while 995'324 in semi private wards, 658) emergency operating room. |ed, T. M. Modre. jcars. Both Montreal and Winni-| Tuesday.

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