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The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1960, p. 16

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TODAY'S By The Canadian Press Torgnto Stock Exchange--Jan. 2 (Quotations in cents unless marked $. 3---0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) . INDUSTRIALS Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Abitibi 610 8 39% 39% -- Abit pr 120 Acad-Atl 250 11 Alta Gas 26 Algoma 75 $3 37% Alumini 1 313 31% + Anthes Imp 38 Argus $311 Y% 3% Bank Mont 80 5 54 Beav Lmbr z10 } Bell Phone Brown Build Prod Bullochs B Burns Cal Pow Can Bread Can Cem Cl Fndry 35 C Bank Com Cdn Brew 2 Cdn Can A C Cel $1 pr 100 C Collieries 5 C Dredge C Hydro Car 220 CIL 220 Can Oil 215 CPR 20 C Vickers Cockshutt Conduits Con Baks 2105 Con Gas A 3 Con Gas 0 Corby B Crain RI Crestbrk Crush Int Dist Seag D Bridge D Magnes Dom Stores Dom Tar Dom Text Dover pr Econ Inv Fam Play Fndtn Gatineau GP Drill A 100 Gr Wpg G 120 TORONTO STOCKS Stock Weston 4% p Cath C Ingersoll C Marconi C Paper Int Util Lob Inc Alminex Anchor Asamera Banff Calalta CS Pete C Chieftn C High Cr Husky Cdn Sup Oil Cent Del C Dragon Cree wits 58 Dome Pete Duvex Dynamic Eastwd A Home Oil A Home Oil B Majtrans Medal Midcon N Superior onortheal Pac Pete Place Provo Gas Rangtr Rocky Royalite Spooner Sub Oil Triad Oil Un Oils Wespac Ww Cdn OG Yan Can Pete Dalhousie Abacus Agnico Alba Expl Ansil Area Arcadia Sales 00 Nef High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge $16 16 16 - Net High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge 36 36 36 Stock Sales Martin McMar Merrill Mt. Wright New Cal New Hosco N Mylam New Rouyn Nickel MS Nipissing Noranda Ncerbeau Norgold Norlartic N Giejinv) N Coldstrm Norvalie Palo Portag Que Cop Que Lith Radiore 500 Rayrock 1000 Realm 4000 orexspar 1900 San Ant 500 Sherritt 1100 Sigma Si coe 600 Steep R 830 Sullivan 200 Trans Res 1000 Upp Can 100 Violam 1500 'Willroy 4100 Wr Harg 400 Yk Bear 100 Young HG 1000 2 Zenmac 1000 27 27 Sales fo 11 » + 812,000 Lawyers Quiz Freight Expert OTTAWA (CP ers are expected to wind up their cross-examination. of CNR freight expert Charles L. McCoy during today's hearing of the royal commission on transporia« tion. Mr. McCoy told the commis. sion that a 125-per-cent increase in rates on export grain in West. ern Canada would be acceptable to the CNR as a "fair and rea- sonable" level, For grain shipped from Regina to the Lakehead, this would Prairie law- "VALIANT V 100 SIX-PASSENGER SUBURBAN | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 20, 1960 13 Lowest Point In Trading | | TORONTO (CP) -- The stock {market slipped to its lowest point in more than a month Tuesday {amid moderately heavy trading. | Industrials fell two points on (index to close at 519.60, its low-| fe est point since Dec. 3. Base met- {als were down 91 at 170.39 and gol 01 at 89 Western oils were ahead .32 at 103.71. { Final volume was 3,171,000 | shares. Monday's was $3,101,000, | Cockshutt topped industrial {winners with a gain of 1% at 23%. Steel Company of *Canada led losers With a drop of 134 at 82. Great Lakes Paper fell 1% at 40, as did International Paper at 119. Algoma Steel fell % at 37%. Mines, with the exception of 2 wer-priced issues, were re- lativel? ouiet. Aumaque, @ penny gold traded a total of 686. 050 shares on the Toronto board. Seni mm . higher, Gunnar gained 3% at 10%. 1 = AWAKE government dairy expert Tuesday Canadians {are cufting down on fats {butter 'and whole milk and in- {stead are consuming more skim Imilk and its products. Annual consumption of butter- | fat has dropped to 34.4 pounds tfrom 42.1 pounds per person |since 1945 said Dr. H. A. Derby, | director of the dairy products division of the depariment of |agriculture. | This represents almost 4,000, 000,000 pounds of milk a year, he |told delegates to the Dairy Farm- lers of Canada convention here. | Butterfat consumption has been cut by increasing popularity of butter substitutes, said Dr.| | Derby He urged a vigorous pro-| gram of advertising and mer-| {chandising for dairy products. | | All provinces except Alberta | said {mated at Canadians Drink More Skim Milk TORONTO (CP) -- A federal skim milk last year was esti- at an average price of 54.52 cents a record 115,000,000/a pound. Sales fo date are 61.- apparently pounds and is expected to in-|030,261 in crease this year. Tobacco Sales Details Given TILLSONBURG (CP)--The On- ers Marketing Board reported |sales Tuesday of 1,488,698 pounds pounds at an average i yi Many people never seem to get a good night's rest. They toss and turn in bed--and then are dull and listless : o me throughout the day. tario Flue-Cured Tobacco Grow- UIT GEIR All of which may be a i due to 2 temporary toxic condition which calls for the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. | Pills. You can depend on Dodd's! 6. % ASLEEP DAYS Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. If they slow down and impurities stay in the system, disturbed rest, tired feeling and backache often follow. If you don't rest well at night--if you haven't that sprightly step of health in the daytime --use Dodd's Kidney 2 | price of 54.81. i ee I NT NO NL NN I Ve oN TN a Ye [A Gr Wpg vt 500 . Great West 742 ; ll Gurney pr 225 ! a r 3 2 of - Horne Pitid 250 H 5 i ; Imp Bank 40 y Imp In A rt Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep Inind Gas Inland G pr Int Pete Callinan Intprov 2 > Denison Inter PL z15 $ 50 Den wits raise to 45 cents the present rate 20 cents per 100 pounds jad British Columbia produced | Representatives of the three less butter last year than in 1958. | prairie provinces have a motion |National consumption was 18,- before the commission to widen 000,000 pounds less than produc- the current grain rate inquiry, tion | They want a study made to show | SWING TO CHEESE | the cost of handling all other | Dairy production has shown a| commodities, not only grain swing from butter to cheese as SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OF STARTS THURSDAY, JANUARY 21,9 A.M. SHARP SAVE NOW ON ALL QUALITY FOOTWEAR OPEN FRIDAY 'til 9 p.m. SUPER SAVINGS "eee nt <te S.-W Ltd., year $7,011,305; Canada Cement Co. ended Nov. 30: 1959 1958, $7,215,183. Crown Trust Company, ended Dec. 31: 1959, $321,271, $2.14 a share; 1958, $315,881, $2.10 a share. Pacific Gwillim H of Lakes Hollinger Hud Bay Nickel < Hog. Premium 100 39 : Iso Pres Elect 200 J Waite Royal Bank 476 Joburke StL Corp 320 Jonsmith Salada-S 530 : : 3 Labrador Shawin 310 - L Dufault Simpsons 50 4 L Shore SKD Mig 100 Leitch Steel, Can 54 Mad en Steinbg A 125 Maritime Iroq G Pr Discvry bound for export points. | a result of the high cheese prices | Jockey C M and § Preliminary arguments on this last season said Dr. Derby | Labatt d 1 1 bs hd ss | LobCo A i | production by 10,000,000 pounds, Sh oly OR STOCK MARKET showed the biggest increase, fol-| 0 AW Mac Pow ! |pound increase. A ! Massp 54 » The influx of Europeans inio} Molson # Mont Loco By THE CANADIAN PRESS | for foreign varieties of cheese| Moore and about 40 of these now are N Star 37 wt {pro , NO NGas | This was rapidly reducing Cana- Pow Corp 25 $54 54 4 1 |dian reliance on foreign cheese 2 A 8 4 nt up to 12,000,000 pounds annually. Domestic consumption of dry Kelly D A srthid motion are to be made Thursday. | Quebec, which boosted cheese | LobCo B lowed by Ontario with a 4,000,000: Mass-F Mon Knit NET EARNINGS |Canada has created a demand Nat Trust {produced in this country, he said. Oshawa A year mports, which formerly totalled Coe Atlantic Canadian In. vestment Co. Ltd Nov. 30: 1959, $5. share; 1958, $43,287, 10 cents. Ee ar Mee D0 Han 255 Fane Se ous Sea ras nr Geese ENJOY THE BALMY TRADE WINDS In the land where the sun spends the winter, Hotel Rooms -- Efficiency Units --Family Size Apts. Directly on the Gulf of Mexico. - 'ee. SC Wire Photo For Three Newspapers * TORONTO ew a GORDON REPORT eS { Labor Protests LRB Appeals TE : t By ROBERT PHILLIPS lin an interview Tuesday in Van-|clause removed, he fears the dian Press wirephoto network Canadian Press Staff Writer |couver. fouts might have to review the this month, bringing to 23 the x a "The committee feeling about|W ole of any particular case in number of Ontario and Quebec Orcas of he Duigrio Forse the Labor Relations Board and considering any extended ap- dailies served by the day-and- tom | tod ihe re on their an- the Workmen's Compensation!Peal. : night news picture service. Tost today pres heir an- po. id is that there should be no| Since its inception 35 years ago| Sarnia Observer, Oshawa nual brief on labor matters, will : : | i Ey 'A eX Ysiawa 0 : appeals on the findi those| there have been no court ap- Times : >eterbor Sys tate their opposition to court PP S$ 0 findings of those imes and Peterborough Exam- Pes Is fr posi Relations 20a however, as in any|Peals on any grounds from Dro-iiner are the additions. Two appea ns T S board, there should be -- and|ceedings of the Workmen's Com-|others, Cornwall Standard-Free- Board > there is--an automatic appeal to|Pensation Board. holder and Guelph Mercury, will The question came into promi. the courts if either party feels Since establishment of the La-|join later. Five papers joined pence with publication Jan. 12 of that the board has no jurisdiction bor Relations Board under pres- during 1959 the Gordon committee report onlin the matter involved, or, in|ent legislation in 1949, there have' The network now She orezizaven of government gther words, that the matter is been shone 2 Sozen appeals wo the ers in 13 citie tario. ultra vires of the board." courts among the many thou-iton, Kitchener The committee recommended, There would still be provisions, sands of cases involving union Montreal, Toronto that the legislature remove from he said, to prevent appeals from certification and labor - manage- Catharines, Brantford, acts setting up six provincial day - to - day decisions of the ment disputes. The courts ruled Galt and Quebec. boards--including the Labor Re- boards, whose purpose is to pro-|against the - board in five 'in- lations Board and the Work- duce quick decisions. [Seances -- two on the constitu- men's Compensation Board -- a ; - tional grounds the board ex- paragraph that attempts fo re- LABCR FEARNUL Th (ceeded its jurisdiction in hearing move the proceedings of such espite the assurance in the a case which was federal rather| ' boards from appeals to courts in fevort, labor men pave sxprested than provincial and three on the| Women $ Casuals fear elimination of the ruestioned|grounds the board eeded its) 1 respects. : ed g exceeded its all resp clauses will affect the operation|jurisdiction by erring against na-| : i a : Teen-age and dress styles. Reg. value to PRIVITIVE CLAUSE of these boards by opening upltural justice. To : : 9.98. 2 The paragraph is known by a their findings to court appeals.| Labor Minister Daley has in- Kl -- legal term -- 'the privitive|Douglas Hamilton, secretary ofldicated there is little likelihood 98 3.98 5.98 clause" A typical privitivethe OFL, says the existence oflof any extension of the right of| | clause reads: the clause has been a deterrent/appeal from decisions of the two| | "Proceedings under this act '0 widespread appeals. With the!boards. | are not removable into any court y by certiorari or otherwise and no| vp AGE Children's Dress Shoes injunction, mandamus or prohibi- WORD PUZZLE Rec. Volues to 6.98 tion shall be granted or issued i ; 3 g. out of any court in respect of 3 i 3 . : anything required or permitted] CE ERP EEN : a4 : Priced from 2.98 to be dome by any officer ap- EE RIRAILINE] pointed under this act." Actually, in Ontario the courts have not quarrelled with findings of the boards, except to rule that no board is exempt from ap- peals based on claims that it has exceeded its jurisdiction, or has| erred in interpreting the law un- der which it operates or has de- nied natural justice. The Gordon committee viewed the privitive clause as meaning-{ Jess in respect to matters the] eourts have already ruled as be- ing open to appeal. Labor, how-| 39. Served with 28. Spring ever, regards it as a safeguard ice cream flower against appeals being takem on 9%. Wild sheep other ground From per day double ™ occupancy Free TV - Radio - Daily Maid Service - Largest Pool on the Island - Putting Green Shuffleboard - Planned En- tertainment - Room Tele- phones. COFFEE SHOP SPECIAL RATES FOR HONEYMOONERS THE ELDORADO 11360 GULF BLVD. ST. PETERSBURG Phone 21-1911 for reservations ar 5s. Clearance of all Winter Footwear Overshoes -- Snow Boots Skates -- Curling Boots All At Substantial Savings ond Children's . . are savings galore at Burns off. Also . . drastic saving on br lines. Thrifty shoppers have for . S e yec Women's Dress Shoes attend Burns Semi-Annual Sale ry. andise is priced f tremendous Clearance of Ladies Dress Footwear in- basal Br Nemendou cluding Clark's, Skyline, Slater, Aird, Fiance. - UP TO 1/3 OFF a Women's . . There Sale of 1/3 continued t @ must to merch- on each and 's and Boys' , Semi-Annual of Shoes where goes to pap- Hamilton, Kings London, Ottawa, Windsor, St Chatham, saving NL 25S To : . TE -- 3. Relieves 27. Eastern state (abbr) $0. Word of negation 2 2 HOM AIA n-Pak (SIN LI [Dio of 8 EMH [LIL CERON ACROSS 1. Completely 6. Pertinent to the Pope 11. Unboit 32. Summon 9. African tree forth 10. Minus 38. Italian river 16. Turf 14. Actors' parts 18. Procession 15. Headland of auto- $6. Railroad mobiles tie nails 20. Polynesian 29. A physician drink (abbr.) 21. Pronoun 18. Form 22. Unhappy 5. Before 6. Puzzled 7. Shun BU. 8. President SPECIAL CLEAROUT RACKS OVER 1,000 PAIRS OF SHOES wow 2 98 up Best Men's Dress Shoes Black and brown, all styles in Scott McHale, Slater, English Footwear and Eagle. U to 1/3 Off pto.1/ Men's, Women's and Children's Special Clearance Of Discontinued lines in Famous " i 3 McBRINE LUGGAGE s, of India 5. Girder pin 26. Pictures of bones Come Early For Selection BURNS CO. LT CORNER KING AND SIMCOE INTENT SPECIFIED | The report of the three-man committee headed by Walter Gordon did not recommend wholesale court review of board decisions, and actually specified that such was not its intent Mr. Gordon discussed this point Rambler Make To Be Resumed TORONTO (CP) -- American Motors (Canada) Ltd. will re- sume Rambler automobile pro- duction in Canada this year, Roy D. Chapin Jr., president of the Canadian company, said Tues- day. 3 ommnt Place and date of the resumed 8. Wading bir Oshawa Shopping Centre TD CT apa = 7 jimcoe St. N. Branch -- D. D, 0, Bell -- 'Manager am eo Wa Ne 7a No 4 gperatign were not given. _& Labels Smoother Sledding! We find it easief sledding in our family. That is because a good bank NA oun P05 I SBS We 2 TT ------ an = * "32 000" rrp 35 balance through regular saving has given PL us security and peace of mind. name $8. Riode la 8. As 80. Together 40, Menu itemg 41. Winged 42. Mr. Zola 48, Slats DOWN 1. Dilemma, We're all steady savers at THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MONEY IN THE BANK MEANS PEACE OF MIND "Fine Shoes For The Whole Family" haunt nun Oshadl NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ON SALE MERCHANDISE Main B -- -- > Main my vp il Ledren - Manager ALL SALES FINAL F. A. Mcllveen -- Manager

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