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The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1960, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Cloudy with sunny periods and a few snowflurries Thursday. Little change in temperature. Winds northwest. THOUGHT FOR TODAY privie Leap other Custom grants girls the lege to propose during Year, and during the years they assume it. The Oshavon Times Authorized os Second Class Mail Pogt Office Department, Ottawa TWENTY PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1960 LABOR FEDERATION ASKS LAW CHANGE Submission To Premier TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario|take immediate steps to set up ederation of Labor says in a|retraining programs and extend |submission presented today to|other types of assistance neces- {Premier Frost that its recom-|sary to re - establish displaced mendations for new legislation workers. Vol. 89--No. ® LAY-OFFS ATTRACTIVE | Benefit Plan | Under Study Ee a : hours of work, mini-| OTTAWA (CP)--Company lay- from his company program. If it cesco r MY imum wage and vacations would|pieture is further clouded by 2 off-benefit plans that could make| disapproves, benefits the worker Tuesday when he pleaded guilty improve the purchasing power of | considerable 'reduction in house being out of work more attrac-|collects from his company will|lo two charges concerning secur-|thosands of Ontario residents|ang apartment building during # tive than being at it are under|be considered earnings as far as|ities s tolen from Canadian ang poost the country's eco-|1959 and the probability of a con- study by the Unemployment In-|the commission is concerned. |banks. |nomy. tinuing downward trend in 1960. surance Commission, | This will cut the amount he can| Ferrara, 58, a Boston racing! The recommendations are: The federal and incial The situation has come about collect from the commission. sheet publisher, made the sur-| That a basic minimum wage off, ae lee eis Proyiea San trong Elio. jocrease in| The commission must try to|prising move shortly after testi-|$1.25 an hour be set for men and |. = ilable for "socially necessary levels of supplemental unemploy-|determine how hig h combined mony resumed after a weekend women, regardless of the type of projects" that would otherwise {ment benefit programs drawn up| regular and supplementary bene- recess. |industry or location; Ibe held up by the prohibitive cost lin some company-union negotia-|fits can go before "adversely af-| A witness had told earlier of] That every employer observe of borrowing, the brief says. tions, a commission official said|fecting the man's incentive t0imaking a bank loan to a Wor-|eight specified holidays each) It urges top priority be given Tuesday night in an interview. |find another job," the official|cester, Mass, priest who had|year and work performed on| | Re aT <a i : : to programs of urban redevelop~ Mainly affected are auto mak-| 581d put up as collateral what were|statutory holidays be paid at the ment and construction' of 'lowe rental housing in the built - up sections of the larger cities. The federation strongly urges the government to undertake a program of bursaries for needy students. Guilty Plea On Stolen Securities NEW HAVEN, Conn. Testimony in the trial Ferra ended (AP)-- of Fran- abruptly WRECKAGE IN SWAMPLAND ¢: land. The | crash. The ill-fated plane burst | hot mass of twisted metal at and wing 50 passen- the of f: tail section ¢ are shown gers lost their lives in This is ground wreckage of lines plane Holdcroft, m the into flames after the crash and | their arrival. rescue workers found a white- | hie --AP Wirephoto : It also must consider workers|later found to have been some of rate of time-and-one-half; {ers and their feeder companies--|y;, ge not come under supple-|the bonds stolen in the burglaries| That the Ontario labor code be . C anadians Amo Comp any |often subject to slowdowns OF| mentary programs and those in-|at Montreal and Brockville, Ont. amended to provide two - week | {layoffs. [jured in industrial accidents--| fp errara leaded guilty to con-|@nnual vacations after one year ng | There have been "one or tWo|liih compensation limited to 75! spiraay to sia Pe and Of service and three weeks after President fransporting $30,000 worth of se-| FauSpOTHAg $30.000 W reduced to 40 hours and {examples of the situation" where| no. cent of regular wages. possess stolen securities, and tol|five years; J tl V i Ie) | LJ |a worker--if he could collect both That the maximum work week ANKARA, commission and company bene- had MONTREAL (CP) -- John C.|AUTO CONTRACTS | pany shares, Rene Gauthier,| rs. The union| L st { | Msgr. Barrette is car manufacturers e on P| erm | wrongdoing. I-lday as a result of complaints by|part of the worker's wages were| some company gent of the United States, He's|y fits--would do better off the job) ™ [than on, the official said. Full| se ow oly Arrested |e ion bene its in these| 1 n er Bohan official who as | t president of - Canadian| The situation had grown out of {Javelin Ltd., has been arrested negotiations in the U.S. between i era was seeking a guaranteed an- Mr. Gauthier said Mr. Doyle|nual wage. WASHINGTON (AP)--Dwight| Ferrara is free on A program was adopted wherein, 'gicannower today started his bond charges held back and x against him. Ancontributions were added to this.|j ohio forward eagerly to pri-|f Turke; Montreal librariz trip abroad was persons ed in Scandinavian Turkish cap' passenger | another dead. Searchers ic Ing the i i Pog 'he plane encountered heavy US. Navy ny 1D rain and wind as it approached aboard on : ira, but airport experts said apa, Tur: h "was caused by tech- said there was no sign of sons--not the weather," The Canadian vacationist was|-- Mariel Laurendeau, 20, an sistant librarian for the CBC al. Her sizer, Lisc, "ue confirmation er "death. A passenger list us by the Scandinavian SAS ai listed the other Canadian James Hopkins but gave no home ad-, dress or further identification U.S. ENGINEER They tion gan SUDDEN SILENCE gave no further The Turkish air an investigation, It brought the death toll for mercial aviation this year to that crashed here built twin-jet Cara- st commercial . y % or ave. Canad ar 1 nee and the Scandinavian line an using it more than a year} Ankara control tower for landin clearance. He reported an alt tude of 6500 feet, then silent. Airport workers bright flash. Rescue teams found half of th plane on one slope of a hill abou hb) |another |strewn over 100 yards. saw life, arbor Commission fstive. plane disasters crashed OTTAWA (CP)---A government Monday, hill Q near Richmond, Va lay night to establish a cor-|exploded in the air near Bolivia n to manage and develop N.C., killing 34. explana- force be- Doyle About five minutes before he|crown prosecutor, said today. was to land here, the pilot asked 1 went|shareholders and three a were yards high, The rest lay on|p, slope. Bodies were phyf his legal counsel was under- Three persons were found alive, but they died soon after. mmercial " commercia in Bill In Senate (the U.S. A Capital Airlines plane killing 50 persons. On| introduced in the Senate Jan. 6 a National Airlines plane |curities from Boston London, Conn., on Oct. {Ferrara said he w be na Xr cases were refused. be named told r StartsOn = {and charged with theft if com-|the United Auto Workers and the fe authorities Biwas arrested at 4:30 p.m. Tues-| eighth and final year as presi-| laid €lin the case. t draw on this fund to, supplement Bail was fixed at $100,000. Mr. his regular unemployment bene- oyle remained in cells overnight fits. In Canada, this was first drawn up so that di the first four he wants' much more, Assistant Prosecutor see his crusade for world peace(four other counts be bear real fruit in the next 12|which is tantamount dropped. months. them That is the way Eisenhower's| nu. aides sum up his outlook on this seventh anniversary of his taking over as president, stood to be arranging for his re- lease today. weeks of a layoff auto eompan- The company, whose head of-lies paid their workers a sum ce Is in St. Johit's, Nfld., holds| which with regular commission {extensive iron ore mining rights|penefits would amount to 65 per |{in Labrador. Its executive offices! pent of the man's pay after taxes. are in New York. i |The commission was not con-|observance of his inauguration Mr. Gauthier said charges of cerned about the company pro-| anniversary, but it has been ap- {theft, conspiracy and fraud were gram at that stage, the official parent for some time that the 69- laid against Mr. Doyle. |said. year-old president is ticking off| He said the complaint charges the days until his second term $1,789.0 that Mr. Doyle had company|NEW PROGRAM {about burglaries in wf {securities were stolen on Jan. 25, {Brockville Trust | Company. The first M0 in loot, the and a WELSH ACCENT ningnam At | $3,500,000 worth, while awaiting sentence. He faces a maximum of five| rs and a $10,000 fine on the \ st charge against him, and 10 amount of $4,800,000 was involved | During a layoff the worker would| ate life, but there is one thing|years and $10,000 on the second. He would like most of all to|M, McDonald recommended that 1958, at the Caisse : {Nationale d'Economie of Mont- Eisenhower planned no formal, 0 and on May 4, 1958, at the job produced about to New |be 30. 1958. time-and-one-half be ked that work in excess of this. reporters RETRAINING PROGRAM anted to] On other subjects, the {workers under the $100,000 | Training Act. It urges paid for brief {avoid implicating the priest, Rt.|says the Ontario department of rmand Barrette. However, education has shown little inter: the assistant prosecutor said fed- est in using funds allotted by the are convinced federal government for the pur- innocent of any pose of retraining unemployed Vocational the government to Francis Hit By Blaze pooled, to have) gun ive swept the ing tower of the Dow Chemical Dow Chemical Co. ASK AMENDMENTS The submission recommends several amendments to the On tario Workmen's Compensation Act and suggests the minimum {benefit for temporary and per- manent total disability be set at $25 a week. The brief also asks: A universal, ¢ o m pr ehensive plan of health care under gov- ernment sponsorship, covering and treatment of physical and mental illness. Provisions to prohibit discrimi. nation against workers on the basis of age. That workers be allowed to ace cumulate pension rights through- (AP)--A pre- 70-foot crack-| out the 'period of active employ- ment how many times That lquor legislation be ex- amined by a non-partisan com- hich the Company today after a reported|mission and that its recommend- occurred | oy ojo, Fifty firemen, Savings {bringing it under control. g No injuries were second There was no mate of damage. | reported. immediate esti-land prosecution of firms which lations be made the basis for a ; including the|thorough revision of the present Bay City department and othersilaws. from nearby communities, fought| (the blaze for an hour before A compulsory, gover nment- {sponsored automobile insurance plan. Prohibition of trading stamps 'presmote and use them. ends. | |shares sent to Switzerland for use| Since last September, however,| Despite all that, close friends| as collateral on a $4,800,000 loan/com p any supplementary pro- say he has enjoyed his second from a Switzerland bank. jgrams have been submitted to/term more than the first. Much| | Shareholders, said Mr. Gauth-/the commission. |of the first was marked by frus-| {ler, are inquiring about what, If it approves them, the laid-|trations of various kinds--not se- {happened to the proceeds of the off worker will collect both full rious enough, however, to cause: {loan. commission benefits and those him to decide against bidding for|: | another four years in the White! % House. Eisenhower is the first Ameri- can president in history barred : from seeking a third term. H At the start of this term, friends report, Eisenhower made § up his mind he would not be la- |: belled as a "lame duck' presi-|; dent in the sense of playing |i passive role and abdicating to!} the Democratic-controlled Con- gress. Popularity polls report the pres- Motorists Launch Safety Campaign OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's mo-(15,500 in 1937 despite increased torists are launching a courtship | population. OTTAWA (CP) sound like the same woman. '""Her speech," testified hus- band Edward Evans, a Welsh- with the country's pedestri {reduce traffic fatalities and |prove traffic flow im- deaths in Canada last year, There were about 3,300 traffic|;qant is riding high these days-- " t 29 much higher than at some other per cent of which were pedes-| points the last seven years. has been made in man, "now has a different in- The Associated Press in New yrporation would consist tioned in Istanbul, H would be similar to har- DISADVANTAGE aboard died, imum three years.| her with a Welsh accent sounded to him more like a 1 Senate Proposa and sued George Bates, driver started talking again, she didn't to the prov- York, however, reported e¢ commissioners, two ap dress was given as Bi 'ommissions operating in LONDON (AP)--An English- of a commerc al airlin nee None may be a member of the least, that's what her lawyer "Cockney. of the other car, M : ay Cut Divorces s right Hopkins was a chemical engi by the federal govern- for the Pfizer Cor rn sta- men 1d one by the city. Its Mich. ther centres | woman won $12,500 damages The Ankara c Commissioners would hold of-! Tuesday for injuries that left : sontcnded 1960 began less than t y City Council. conte nded a ------------------ - rere -- The judge remarked that she Mrs. Marion Evans, 49, was in a car collision 3%, years ago She lost five teeth and her tongue was cut. When she tions to Parliament airliamentary juris- said if Parlia- » free of divorce, mem- which legal sources ment Hill say hibition on and Newfour Quebec Lib Francois day nigh marriage and ferred from the tonation or brogue. Also, she is "unable to kiss me because her mouth is too tender." Leonard Willmore, an expert who gave her speech treat- "| ments, said she had "a most peculiar accent, like. nothing I had ever heard before." present practice is for to grant divorces| federal The Motor Club Movement, co- trians. Likely nothing has done more ordinated by the Canadian Auto-| Municipalities will be asked tolto boost his popularity than his: mobile Association, said today it fill out forms indicating rates of recent world travelling in behalf is launching a competition among|pedestrian fatalities in recent | of "peace and friendship--in free- municipalities with populations of years and what they are doing dom," as he puts it. And there : {10,000 or more based on which to improve the situation. |is much more such travel ahead. do the best job of reducing pe-| A committee of safety, enforce- J Huntsville Youth's next two ment to provincial He told the ing a brief d his proposal w tion over m 7 on grounds of adultery, clusive provincial jurisd SAYS BNA ACT UNFAIR "I say that it was ungai the time of the dr: the constitution (t North Act) to give over marriage and divorce to the Parliament of Canada." Legal source suggestion wo except in Quebec land. All other pr divorce courts, most ¢ der federal leg them the right t However, said that if Se gestion were carried and Newfound tablish divor sources said would never lishment of divorce WOULD LOSE RIGHT Residents of the seeking divorce CITY EMERGENCY % She. PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 | ar FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 anction DIKE LAVA A bulldozer builds a dike in Kapoho from lava back glowing 'lava bursts | - A | hundreds of feet into the air and forms a dense cloud. The flow headed for Kapoho today. to save Hawaii Island by molten iea volcano. In ittemy was ound the AP Wirephoto > municipal - |clubs will approach leaders of the CAA annual meeting May 25-| {destrian deaths ment and traffic engineering ex- Within the weeks, perts will evaluate performances. | | provincial and motor, Awards will be announced at | - - 137 communities to seek their co- 28- at Niagara Falls, Ont., with Appeal Dismissed operation, imeinalides divided into popu-| t ORTE 33s ation, categories of 10,000 and] TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario i ig over, 25,000 and over, 50,000 and Court of Appeal Tuesday re- United States. The American au. °VeT and 200,000 and over. ; |Jected an appeal by Marvin Mec- * tomobile Association plan is cred- CAA experts afterwards will | Kee, 20-year-old Huntsville youth ¢ ited with helping reduce pedes- make suggestions to municipal-| under sentence to be hanged Jan. 5 trian deaths to 7.800 in 1957 from ities on how to improve their|26 for the slaying of taxi driver | rm sr-- _|traffic-pedestrian programs. |Bruce Spiers. | The association announcement| McKee was convicted of mur- |said it is hoped this first nation-|der Nov. 7 after a trial at Brace- = - Minister wide campaign of its kind will{bridge. Wayne Sluman, 17, was | establish a national safety 'stand-| given 15 years on a reduced ard. icharge of manslaughter. a { Resigns | i Attacked LATE NEWS FLASHES | From Post OTTAWA (CP) -- Poor health Canadian Curlers Six Down | has taken away another member| GLASGOW . (CP) -- Touring Canadian curlers opposed six ' y rinks from the Scottish 'Ice Rink Club in exhibition matches to- Istudent Tuesday night of the Progressive Conservative| day and wound up six points down at the end of the morning ltha 'monarel Bas cabinet--the fourth lost in two0| gescion, The Canadian were up in three and down in two with | dos da * years. one even. Scores included: Albert J. Parkhill, Oshawa 5: W. H. . Prime Minister Diefenbaker an-: Roberts-Aikman 12; Colin A. Campbell, Toronto 7, H. Begg 6. versity. de nounced in the Commons Tues Sh i day the resignation of State Sec-| tary Henri Courtemanche. 49| Aneurin Bevan Condition Worse that who stepped down following ad-| LONDON (Rueters) -- The condition of Aneurin Bevan, 62- Bas vice from a cardiologist year-old deputy leader of the Labor party, "causes much anx- Mr. Courtems? , MP for| iety," a hospital bulletin said today. The bulletin was issued Quebec's Label constituency,| from London's Royal Free Hospital where Bevan underwent a said in an inte his he major abdominal operation Dec. 29 condition is not severe but |doctor told him to avoid |work. Mr. Diefenbaker said he |hopes the former minister. will be able to continue in public life he lo 1e lost out the motion that Royal Famil |speaking ir on th sion for the defeate vole of rl Suppc his ver: Iment, Em Ss. De |the mon N | Pine, editor of Burl He thought Britain was Fasting Rules May Be Relaxed TORONTO (CP) -- Relaxation of fasting rules is expected to be announced in most Roman Catholic dioceses in Canada before For the time being, he is to| Lent. This was indicated today by a spokesman in the chancery {continue as Commons member.| ofifce of James Cardinal McGuigan, Archbishop of Toronto. There has been ulation } » spokesman said the bishops h#¥e been trying to achieve |may be appointed to rmity on fasting rules throughout Canada. The ixation lor to the bench, Iready applies in Toronto, 1) masquerade as a vhen we are lly a sec r dressed in the m rial majesty." spec re: Monarchy As 'Bromide Cambri t to be reduced." |¢ounty t Saunders |from a Labor member of Parlia- d by L. G. s Peerage great | grandfather, | | | attacked | Britain's] 'national wr ina for tario un- County Council beld in the Council ge de- "provi-| by acclamation as warden v is ex-| The started sasurer session cl ire »d by 1959 council, and for nominations for y .iposition of warden rience of The nominations low William J. of Brock, Howard came were Heron, making Pickering Dowsell; Reeve Anson Gerrow and Joh A power | Reeve of ond-rate| Earl G antle of [bridge 1Seugog with $ reflecting 2lon the accomplishments of then he called the coveted as Reeve|the McMillan, which turned out to be his 20th. |"a shabby, dishonest attempt to|Reeve of Reach, Sherman Scott,| The session finished when the Township, (past wardens, in turn, addres:ed of | At the first session of the On- Reeve of 1960, | sate. Chambers, and a David Saunders was| Whitby, William J. Heron, Reeve|withdrawing their names from of Brock Township, was elected|/the list, Reeve William J. Heron the the fol- Ux- SEEN SITTING on the knees | and Dale are the daughters 8f of the new warden of Ontario ! County William J. Heron, their are Lynn Heron, | 7, and her sister, Dale, 5. Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heron, | of Euclid street, Whitby --Oshawa Times Photo. , Ontario County come mane ve AT arden Elected Beaverton. The six nominees addressed the council, a result of the latter five was acclaimed warden for 1960 He has served three years as reeve, two years as deputy-reeve and two years as councillor in Brock Twp. Following the swearing-in cere. mony, Warden Heron called upon Rev. David Marshall to conduct initital devotional service, the council and wished Warden Reeve of Heron and his council every suc. McCrerie, cess for 1960, A il

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