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The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1960, p. 4

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| WEATHER FORECAST THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jonuery 20, 1960 3 20,823 contract for research Cloudy And Cold District Firms fo ate oo Given Contracts for the manufacture of lathes and attachments. * D IT a 1n Ottawa (Special)--The Depart-| These were among some 120 now eC e S g ment of Defence Production has|unclassified contracts of $10,000 ; awarded contracts totalling" $61,-|c" more awarded by the Defence i | r TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-| Wingham and London 15 and 25.1000 to firms in Ajax and Portroduction Department an vn lcasts issued at 11 a.m. Muskoka 5 and 25, Windsor 20| Synopsis: Mainly cloudy skies and 305. Summary for Thursday: (HP. it was anounced, |ing the second. half of fp with occasional very light snow Snowflurries. Dowty Equipment of Canada Total value 3f ail thie contracts 'are reported over Northern On-| Eastern Lake Erie, Niagara Ltd, of Ajax, was awarded a was about $11,000,000. |tario today. In southern regions|Lake Ontario, Haliburton re- |snowflurries are frequent to the|gions, Hamilton, Toronto cities: | {lee of the lakes but further inland|{Sunny with cloudy intervals to- | considerable sunshine is re-|day. Mainly cloudy with a few SAVE 1], UALITY FURS! ported. Temperatures ran ge snowflurries Thursday. Not much y ] from near normal in western sec-|change in temperature. Winds tions to about five degrees above northwest 25 becoming west 15 in eastern sections. The weather|this evening. Low tonight and] pattern over the province appears high Thursday at St. Thomas, St. | quite agnant indicating little|Catharines, Hamilton and Tor-| change |i weather conditions onto 20 and 30, Trenton 15 and | a Thursday. 30, Killaloe 5 and 25. Summary Regional forecasts valid untilfor Thursday: Snowflurries. | } ; midnight Thursday: Kirkland Lake, Timmins-Kap- rou : uskasing, White River, James) Western Lake Erie, Lake Bay regions, North Bay, Sudbury : FI EY I7Y TT |Huron, Georgian Bay regions, |= TION AUTHORITY ADDRESSES OSHAWA KIWANIS CLUBC__ [imi Widar di, Shi ct; Jay cos wit es) v ny loudy with snowflurries and gous) vely Hw Show dogay ad The members of the Oshawa | as J. R. Empringham, general | of municipally-owned bus sys- | Oshawa Public Utilities Com- g pe service i william Sore rite Jay au, Thurs oh AB 9 Winds change aor N . | y dy, chairman of ie com- (day. Not muc change A : Kiwanis Club, at their Tuesday | secretary of the Canadian tem. Seen at the luncheon, | mission; His W rship Mayor | BOK wR William Gibbie, |perature, Winds west 15 except is Low tonight oy High Thurs meeting in Hotel Genosha, | Transit Association, explained | from left, are George F.|L. A Gifford; Mr. Empring- | who intrcduced the speaker. [northwest 25 each afternoon. Low day at Earlton a apuskasing | 1 4 4 . i ; { oh i h hia y zero and 15 above, White River listened with marked attention | the problems of the operation Shreve, manager of the ' ham; Ken Jackson, president i --Oshawa Times Photo tonight and' high Thursday at 10 below and 15 above, Moos- i meee -- -- onee 5 and 15 North Bay and {Sudbury 5 and 20. | Forecast Temperatures y o t OPP Constable Pat Harte-Max- , p 1 | Non-Sui well said the Horner vehicle was : y : : wo Souight, High Thursday 3 REDUCTIONS £C% AND MORE! ™ damaged to approximately $35 on po B : St. Thomas : Move Fails a A rary SE London ,. OSHAWA'S ONLY QUALITY FUR HOUSE ! hicle was damaged considerably j ingham . . % : : MANVILLE (8 in the rear end. He said both wo: i a Toronto .. . Compare the terrific values at Martens . . . where BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Al cars had been moved before his 1 ; a Trenton ...... : 2% quality always comes first! Now at amazingly motion by defense counsel val at the scene and he was p : : b. 4 St. Catharines .. 3 | rices! John Regan for non-suit on alunable to estimate the point of 4 : Hamilton ... Ow prices : Ea 'R I . 3 MARTEW'S FURS a "ha t ; . ' against his client, James Bray- ig oy he sherge Deas : : Ty vi ; | : . . ville rner, His ors a i 4 ; ley, 33, RR. 3, Bowmanville, yyy comment should be made it ; Sudbury .....eoseens 75 KING E. OPPOSITE GENOSHA HOTEL was Tuesday denied by Magis- should be perhaps that Mr. Had- : 3 | North Bay . trate R. B. Baxter and the ac-|yon was travelling a little too * Kapuskasing / g cused was fined $75 and costs,|fast at 50 or 60 miles an hour | totaling $23, or 15 days, and his|for the conditions that night. licence suspended six months on the impaired driving charge. | Towtruck driver Irving Buckler | CITY AND % : T. ®B ; H. dl Rg ong Sk pig DISTRICT Ly ff etty Jlayat a car out which had skidded into { : 2 J 7 Na PRESENTS the ditch west of Bowmanville. While making his truck ready s 4,000 LB. Cow : } iA) HN ART for the tow job, he went around| The Jersey cow Crescent W. R. i FER NEW SPRING PAT TERNS to the rear end of it, heard a Lady Basil -- 196832, bred and i iy 4 owned by W. F. Batty and Son, car coming from the east, looke: en : : ben arog ; 3 NR q around and stepped back just in Brooklin, has just been awarde 7 ) AN : k IN D R A | E B Y {ime to aveid being hit as the a 4000 Ib. certificate. She pro- f ; R\ Tx : Vd he could not ask for a conviction a to the rear end: of his duced in nine lactations 77,750 car TAB into the rear end of hii; or mill and 4423'Ths of Tat. ; her classification is excellent. Buckler described for the court In order to acquaint you with our CUSTOM MADE DRAPES . , . The prices below include HEE ER RL Se COST ACCOUNTANTS HERE INTERESTING ADDRESS re Tea. Poy wernt oa rs 78" Sohbet rath Passing sentence, His Worship car, driven by Donald Frazer, L. J. Smitten, comptroller for | trict Chapter of the Industrial | awa chapter; the speaker, Mr | the philosophy of direct costing told - the accused his attitude collided with a McLaughlin Coal! the General Foods Company of | Cost Accountants Association-| Smit and Douglas Read, the | as opposed to other philosophies seemed to be that this was some- and Supplies Limited dump truck! canada, Tuesday night ad- | of Ontario. From left are N. V. | chairman, The text of Mr. of accounting. thing of a joke and that he gave which was driven by Robert| gressed the Oshawa and Dis- | Roe, vice chairman of the Osh- | Smitten's addres concerned | --Oshawa Times Photo . 2.98 3.50 3.98 4.98 him the impression while in the Sage, of 112 Adelaide street, Osh-|.-- ---- - - 5 SE RANG RANGE RANGE RANGE ¢ £ 0 2 i »lawa, the n Athol T | i i E box that he wasn't telilng thelawa, at the corner of Athol and Home at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Jan.|sons, Gifford and Herbert, Vie- truth and he knew it. Centre streets. | : thm "¥ rine Pithe. A be em | ruth an ew 3k, 19th, toria, BC; and William of Whitby; 2 PANELS 7 AMBULANCE CALLS OBITUARIES | The services were conducted|d brother, Edward, of Owen 4-ft. Wall 26.00 29.00 32.00 38.00 . ike vig The Oshawa fire department by Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister|Sound; and a sister, Mrs. J. Win- ters (Martha), of Maidstone,| . No Evidence reported seven routine ambu- MISS IDA JEWELL and Mrs. Ray Brockman, 547 of Northminster United Chureh. |, rot. England. 3 PANELS 39.00 43.50 48.00 51.00 |lance calls in the past 24 hours. " " ils oi Interment was in Mount Law. The death occurred suddenly at Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa, for then! | The body was resting at the 6-ft. Wall the Oshawa General Hospital,|past two years. metery. : a i nt Foi In Car Case ie Ee OED Tuesday, Jan. 19, of Miss 1da| The former Lille C. Kerr, the]. The pallbearers were A. Dick- Reynolds Funeral Home In Brace 4 PANELS e following streets will be » Ieleish. 'B. MaeFar! «ge, was later removed to the 52 00 5800 64 00 76 00 ' VILLE (8 tar 1) as closed for - construction today: |Jewell. 643 Christie street. Thel o.oageq was a daughter of the SOM T- Dalgleish, B. MacFarlane, |, ©c m C hi 8-ft. Wall w " " ESA failing to yield the Stevenson road north closed from otedsed was in er i late Willi : i Sarah K. si B. Hooper, R. Dickson and H WEL Capes bY: for | Al ---- ----- - : : Cine reali A! daughter of the late William late William and Sarah Kerr. She ghjelds, ' Be A -- i Tighi of Jay against Wilma J. [Rive West to Creighion uveine; Jewell and Catherine Hicks, the was born in Prince Edward Coun-| les | Interment will be in Erskine, 6 PANELS was Tuesday dismissed by Mag: south end of street: Adeli Oldeceased was born at Tyrone ty Aug. 14, 1893 and was married FUNERAL OF MRS, Cemetery, Dunbarton. Service 12-ft. Wall istrate R. B. Baxter after Crownlavenue from Hilleroft to s ne Nov. 7, 1882. at Picton Aug. 12, 1908. Prior to] MYRTLE LYN NOBLE will be conducted by Rev. John! a - Attorney Harry R. Deyman OC, lend of street. Whenever 0 be | A resident of Oshawa for 30/coming to Oshawa, she lived at| The memorial service for Mrs. Smith of Whitby United Church. 7 PANELS stated there was no evidence to thes stre ts will by poss? re, years, Miss Jewell previously Bancroft for many years. She Myrtle Evelyn Noble, who died 16-ft. Wall . se. JS.Tee's e partially lived in Whitby and Tyrone. She was a member of the Gospel Hall at the Toronto East General prove where the accused enter-iopened to permit movement of ni fet | . * * " as re J »d at Bancroft, Hospital last Saturday in her 61st] hway 35 from: thereforel {was an adherent of the United at IST \ | A I D AT ed Highway 35 from ereforeilocal traffic. |Chureh. Predeceased by her husband, vear, was held at the Armstrong L E E | She leaves two brothers. Harry Lalone, Oct. 14, 1956, Mrs at 3.15 p.m. Tues- COMIN E E T Charles of Oshawa and Sidney of alone leaves two daughters, day, Jan. 19. Pci Pigs Mg ued Cp ten ": & W augt ' 3 ay, . 19, 1960, al is home, H {Tyrone. : Mrs. Ray Brockman (Dora), of, The rers were M. Gillies, |Fifeshire Rd. S., Willowdale, John Interior Decorator | The funeral service will be ochawa and Mrs. Fred Hard-|M. Spra J. Connolly, C, Blair, Joseph Lorne Ardiel, beloved husband | e Yy ay held at the McIntosh Funeral wick (Bernice) of 'Peterborough C. Elliott and G. Callfas re trinsn, Joving Star, Thursday sary 4, 8 p.m.|Thursday 2 p.m, Euchre -- Saturday t 2 p.m. Friday, and twd® sons, Frank, of Hamil-| Rev George Telford, mini-| Eucla: grandfather of Bary Robes Masomie Temp nd. Prizes 16als p.m. Whist -- Monday 8 p.m isa} loterment wil be Re hawa ton and Claire, of Bancrof ster of St. Andrews's Clair Chapel" of | i di: His -- pre ETD : : nion Cemetery ev. : CAR ted hure nducte » gervices.!c ; ; | NOVEL BINGO DINGS io. ig Bons Suet) Mellow, minister of Northminster N lying are 2 S1S.8Fy gah, pond . iy Be Vices. lair Ave Servi ec RA 5-2686 15 KING STREET EAST RA 5-2686 and $8. Six $40 jackpots. Share the United Church, will conduct the n Kerr, of Frankford; nt Tiki: was 3 aiden + Fo THURSDAY EVENING , | Wealth 16a | services. randchildren and five great- Cemetery, Ont., for service Friday, 3 pom, Inter. | ST. GEOR( -- E / HERBERT MOORHOUSE ~~ |Ment Woodlawn Cemetery, London. | {Albers » AE BINGO Re LILLIE CON \ . wi al ine Herbert Moorhou 4 a former Ry * wg . 2d. at View. Arms : Fur al ome th »sident © Thith il at} Gomes $6, $12, § Lodge, Whitby, Tuesday, Jan. 19, o g. The funeral Sroie wi i re Side n P bi bh ¥ died 2k a May be doubled or tripled {of Mrs. Lillie C. Lalone. The de-pe h at L'Amable ot 2 home 'in Por arling, on Satur- 2. p.m. dar an. 17 » was 7 $140 JACKPOT INCLUDED at the Avalon eased, who was in her 67th Jan. 21 followed y a Sa, X eo Yorkshire THIS | | A ads hot hiss : «1, loll by Born eighle; 2, Door Prize $15 THURSDAY, JAN. 19 sar, had made her home With interment Amable Cemetery. |England, he the son of a : {her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.|The services will be conducted Sh H 78.00 | 87.00 | 96.00 91.00 101.50 | 112.00 | 133.00 NIGHT of Cards, Order Ez NGO -- park, E : ds, Order of Eastern|BINGO -- Bathe Park, Eulalie Avenue, |Home a BD -- and Helen Moorhouse NOVEL BINGO P by Reb Simon Bronson, of Ban- Me Mourhouse was og i in rs a i s } : croft. England in 1911. He has lived in THURSDAY, EVENING, 8 P.M. | Eastview Park Neighbourhood ! ; k : 2 3 | ctoria 3( oront I at ST. GEORGE'S HALL Association CELEBRATING | FUNERAL OF Vigtoa, BL lin one, Whithy BIRTHDAYS | MRS. ROBERT DICKSON in artist and a painter | The memorial service for Mrs, by pr C He was a member Congratulations and best Robert Dickson, who died at thelof W! y United Church Also Share the Wealth .,. | wishes to the following re Oshawa Gen Hospital last l 1g are his wife, Minnie; 16b| dents of Oshawa and district Saturday in } 80th year, was o \l , Mrs, Stanley Bels who are celebrating birth- |held at the Armstrong Funeralldon (Doreen), of Pickering; three days today - = 5 - Darlene Rouse, 89 Oshawa boulevard north; Mrs, Jo- RE-OPENING nue: Cifford Alan, 795 Park F. RICHARD BLACK, 0.D. road south; Donald Tregun- ma, RR 2. Oshawa, Mrs 136 SIMCOE N. AT COLBORNE Stanley Jackson i edford THURSDAY, FRIDAY 2-9 P.M. avenue; Gail Layng, 249 Burk The Examination of eyes street; Mrs. Stella Ivan- ST. GERTRUDE'S 690 KING ST. E. | off, 5% Dunkirk street; Vir. Fitting of Contact Lenses ginia Smelko, 223 E'na street; And Glasses Bruce Bouckley, 551 Lake- view avenue; Brian Robinson, | Children's Visual Training Help us to help others by donating CLOTHING, BOOKS, DISHES OR ANYTHING 225. Olive. Saverio) pLeutick | ; ' S ite, 205 High street, | For A int S! | - YOU NO LONGER REQUIRE Whitby; Roger A. Latham, or ApDO ment Plegse Coll RA 3 4191 727 Bessborough drive; Rob- | EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT FOR PICK-UP CALL RA 5-1328 MORNINGS | ert Kidd, 81 Grasmere ave. aman a rm-- - | nue; Mrs. A. Hill, 740 Phil- lip Murray avenue; Allan Parrott, RR 1, Oshawa; Janet Kirkbride, 85 Rowe street; St Ma y's B | Nn J () |) Sx mel, is emi} | TENDER NOTI oF ! The first five persons to in- Administration Offices and Maintenance form The Oshawa Times of Building Board of Education, City of their birthdays each day will - : Oshawa, Ontario Tomorrow, January twenty-first, the Thursd WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20th, 8 P.M. | pour i fee's di J fom fee, oe ' . / . . Regent Theatre, for 2 eparate sec Our fabulous reductions shouldn't be mis: (Albert and Jackson St " { per ond decison 3s} Regular Games $6 & $10 | Games $6, $12, $20 | d | Six Jackpots at $4 | | good a [ led tenders will be rec ed by the E s Admin- SE Eparo| STEN a ely fo va. dr by the And when you see them, you will not The temptation to buy a number of For you'll not find such low prices tion is "It Started C i ffice up to 4.00 o.m FEBRUARY 11th, | Men's shoes for sport or dress, children's shoes sturdy end strong, St. Mary of the People Auditorium | win a is." © THURSDAY, Reports on birthdays will STEVENSON'S RD. N. AT MARION | be received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 am Good sixes in o!l women's shoe, so don't wait toe long. No exchanges, no refund , new : n th floor, So drop in end save et DANCEY'S SHOE STORE, uction of a Administre Office ng and ding locat rth and KING ST. BUS TO THE DOOR, BIG PARKING LOT 16 GAMES OF $6.00 s LE To or hy Ba | GAME EACH OF $10, $20, $30, $40 || GET THE BEST gned, Plons, gp instruesions to bidders ahd forms ades after SHARE-THE-WEALTH | ores At 400 pm. Wednesdoy, Jonuary 20th, 1960, from, the offic t the $50 EXTRA -- 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ MODERN DE yr OR 10 CARDS FOR $1.00 ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD UPHOLSTERING 926Y2 SIMCOE ST. N. INCLUDES TICKETS ON 10 HAMS TO BE DRAWN JAN. 20th RA , 3-413) ; re fect ond ye DANCEY S IN DOV/RTOWN OSHAWA" CHILDREN UNDER 18001 ADMITIED rss Sie: EEE ----

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