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The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1960, p. 7

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the ct THIS PHOTO WAS TAKEN at the conclusion of the ordina- ion of Rev. John Downs, B.Th. pastor of Pickering Beach Com- Rev. J. Downs | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 20, 1960 munity Church, The ceremony | took place in the church on the | | evening of January 14. On the left, congratulating Rev. Downs Is Ordained BY MRS. W. SEYMOUR CORRESPONDENT PICKERING BEACH -- Thurs. i . lary day the Downs of h ( Bap ministry The church at Pickering Beach |Beverly 1 filled in the 'afternoon| Baptist of pastors and Rev delegates from fourteen churches|tist Church, Oshawa to consider the advis-!Wighton, Baptist Church v of setting aside this young Scorgie, Waverley Road Baptist Church Toronto. wa well vhen a council red to the Baptist ministry Beverly Ward of Port t called the meeting to order read the scripture lesson and R. W. Wighton of Ajaz Bap ist Church led in prayer. The cil elected Rev. B, M, Ward as chairman of the after- and Rev. J. as clerk. The members of noon's Scor: session ° the council as represented by the t CONVERTED AT } 6 f C ls 1 call. Mr. George Bolton, secretary of | Bible Class of the Sunday introduced Pastor Downs ssembled council in glow- ount of this devoted ser- the church and pointed he himself had only re- been baptized and taken nto membership solely through he efforts of Mr. Downs. 1 0 it that yut tha ently | Aitken gave the charge to the | Pastor. -| Searle St Ward mmunity Baptist Church | ficiating were; Rev for it marked the day of his or- representative of the Ev tion as one who is set apart| Baptist Churches in Canada, Rev. to the work of the Lord in the Gordon Church Cat Chas n Bethel harines, Kenmuir Church W. N. Aitken, Calvary Bap- Port Rev geli > tev Pastors of Tipp Baptist Rev Ave., Credit, R. W J Anti-Jewish Press circuit court in Ne T.| WINDSOR (CP judge rch then voted to accept Jew, Monday criticized pre ports of recent outbrea semitism rth A hims Ame 'Reports Criticized Detroit |a elf SS Ié anti- A a Judge Victor Baum told Wind sor B'nai as the swastikas dents many, noticed op B'rith th recent a synagogue in the press such hat had for 3 inci painting of Cologne gone Ger. un- 'ears Similar desecrations in Michi had ity, he completely added. es caped pi ublic- The judge said excessive pub- Pastor John Downs stated that!well-meaning, le was converted at the age of spark more outbursts. owing a service in People's] wreh, Toronto. During his outh he was in regular atten- lance at Langstaff Baptist He was baptized at the 10 by Rev. John Russell, stie St. Baptist Church his teens he was active ssing and youth work and came to the realization vanted to serve Christ ided to apply to a Bible| 1 for tral rch e of ( rough Baptist Seminary and May with of Theology degree. ollowed this with a detailed nt of his - doctrinal following the inal ( hip t Churches in ited 0 outline atement of the gelical B, ada. A ques- followed with ques s directed to the pastor from ef of the assembly sot of oor ser ves {licity of such incidents, although only to cal l¢ BA, BD, Kenmuir Baptist Church; Rev. Downs, and Rev. Gordon Searle, Bethel Baptist Church, St. Catharines, Ont. Mills is Rev, Charles Tipp, MA, BD, of Toronto, he is secretary of | the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada. | next is Rev. Beverley Ward, Parliament System For Ottawa? OTTAWA Rev. John Downs was official- 14th, was a red-|]y ordained in the laying on of in the life of Pastor hands ceremony which was sol- Donald C. Rowat of Carleton Un- Pickeringlemn but impressive CP Professor y » feels the board of m of municipal gov- not suitable for Ot- ve control sy nment 18 tawa In an view, Mr. Rowat said he an adaptation of the parliamentary system for , municipal government here. Under it the council would be 8 elected from the city wards and § would then choose a mayor. He # would pick a cabinet of control-|" lers from amo the councillors and would be sted by an 3 min ve official -- a sort of {deputy mayor | » mayor then could give pcl- leadership and would stand or oad NAMED PRESIDENT Mrs. David Crichton has been appointed president of the Pick- ering Red Cross Society for the second consecutive year, © under the direction of Mrs. Chas. & Steward. : |church has a keen interest in the Ajax Church Annual Meet AJAX and DISTRICT JOHN MILLS, REPRESENTATIVE - PHONE AJAX 426 Takes Place AJAX -- The Ajax Baptist Church held its annual congre- gational meeting on Wednesday, January 13. The church clerk, Arnold Heron gave a enthusias- tic report of the years activities which showed that despite a change of ministers during the year, (Rev. R. W. Wighton suc- ceeded Rev. J, Wilson who went to Bethany Baptist Church, Win- nipeg), the church attendances had been consistently high and encouraging. 'March of Mothers Due Eve of Feb. 1 In the Sunday School activities a consistent healthy growth was| apparent, Financially the church is sound and moving forward to accept greater responsibilities as plans have been accepted to build a new church home. Mr. Arnold said, "The increas- ed growth of the congregation and other activities within the church make it imperative that a new gite be secured this year and a new building erected to meet the growing needs of our| work." EVERY SATURDAY A young people's meeting is now held every Saturday evening at 7 p.m. for teen aage groups and is meeting with a great deal) of enthusiasm. The Christian's Girls Club, os oe! ward, 80 Billingsgate Road, has grown wonderfully and larger quarters will be required. This groun meets at the home of Mrs. The men of the church are organizing a' male quartette to assist in the church and a junior {choir is under consideration. In the missionary field the ministry in Quebec province un- o®r the aegis of the Fellowship lof Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada and also seeks to sup- {port the spread of the gospel |/in other regions. A new communion table will {be purchased in memory of the| {late Rev. R. D, Campbell, for-| {her minister of the Ajax Bap- |tist Church, A new communion set was recently purchased and the set previously in use has been set aside for use in Quebec. NAME COMMITTEES Officers elected for 1960 resul- ted in the following appointments. D Savary, G. Woof, on his strength in the coun 1 his public support, Mr. Rowat More Opposition To Gas Export Plea BRIGDEN (CP) Executive members of the Lambton Gas rage Association voted Mon night to protest fo the Na- tional Energy Board against ap- proval of a Trans-Canada Pipe Lines application to export na- tural gas to the United States. The association says the ex- port will allow Canadian gas to be stored in the United States rather than in Canada, ulti- mately causing higher consumer rates and fluctuating gas pres- Isure. Ottawa ratepayers i four contrsl- en in eaca of 10 wards. The mayor and the four controll form the board of control, It acts as the city's exe- cutive, answerable 'to city coun- cil Professor of political science at Carleton University, Mr. Rowat formerly 3s. research dire for the Nova Scotia munic bureau, and served as a United Nations technical assistant in Ethiopia. He is author of a book entitled Your Municipal Govern- ment, Laywomen"s Sunday Held St. Paul's Church, Ajax AJAX group of the Sunday, January ining. He attended|Was laywomen's Sunday at 'St. people living there Paul's United Church, his| Service was conducted by Mrs. G.|Church work "Clayton, president of the parent|with the v. WA. Ajax The The scripture was read by Mrs G the {speaker | e council then voted unani-| MISSIONS TALK y to proceed with the or- Mrs. Lovey's spoke ation on a motion from Rev, (sions in Action" Wighton of Ajax ary Baptist Church ORDINATION SERVICE The official * ordinatiop the evening ce in R R. W. Wighton gave the charg to the church and Rev. if Ch 3ap- (said that I . seconded by Ry louder voices are required to in-|formed and placed by the women, |is the church whose word is the ure the survival of the church. These teachers n many countries (especially the|the Indians and as Ger-| include stronger {rebuilt countries, many) the church Isobel was on Mrs words such is COn-ig Falby, The congregation was Of1ed in the pastoral pra Simpson. Mrs aP- tosh Love: executive United or bv Mrs. (tensions. MaclIn Past Home Mission i ecretary of WMS of place the old building which was Church, the "Mis- Loveys REMOTE AREAS and forgotten| Education, took when new communities are being|are service built but, in Canada a church is|Missions of the WMS. took place at 8 p.m. with|included in a planned area as the Ward again in charge. Rev.|centre of that area 17,1 stone was laid for the new Fred and continued in the hearts of the|from a worship centre. This ser- vice is in operation all over the United world contact] Homes for unwed mothers and s boards and es-ifor the rehabilitation of girls in pecially 1 the Home Missions trouble with the law were started Board, Their contributions in-|hy church missions. They have clude monies toward church ex-idone good work and will continue Recently the cornerity guide anyone in need. An attempt is being made to in- tegrate church women's groups to deepen Christian feeling in the church, to inspire Canadian Chris- tian hope and to strengthen lead- ership across Canada. It is be- {lieved that closer Christian fel- |lowship would be the result of the Teachers for remote areas are|merging of the groups. "Blessed of the close The women 0 or Mission in Toronto to re- inadequate in manv ways. This sion helps others to help them- elves. The church women al- ways have a forward look. Lord said Mrs. Loveys. skimos and they| Ushering for this special ser- in their duties Christian|vice were Mrs. Grace Baxter. Medical missionaries|Mrs. Marilyn Mason, Mrs. Jean also obtained by the Home|Alexander and Mrs, Eileen Philp. The leaders of the WA groups Christian Education is extend- and the executive and conveners 20 out to teach Missionary |ed also to those unable to attend of the Parent Group were install- work must extend to foreign lands|Sunday School because of illness|ed by the minister, the Rev. T. anity is to be renewed'or because of being too far away Rex Norman, during the service. PICKERING HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETS and elec- Picker- Society annual dinner officers of the ticultural was hted by the presentation t awards. The meeting | in picture at the\rear is chair- | awards was held Chu awards ville rch were and Mrs Rec Mi B reiving M Lotton in Dunbarton United merit Somer Also Morley, Miss W Wood, received a merit award last spring and Mrs. A, | Linton, district director of Area | No. 35, who presented the | A cordial invitation. is man Cyril extended to all who are inter- ested in horticulture to attend the monthly meetings held at various points in the township. vho 4 --FPhoto by Barrie Pomeroy Earl Heron, Arnold Heron, | Church clerk, Arnold Heron; |treasurer, Mrs. R. Page; finan- | cial secretary, M. Hill, Sunday |School treasurer, Mrs, G. Woof; R. Page, |cussion of the Planning Board W. G. Newman Resigns Post BROUGHAM -- W. G. Newman resigned from his office on the| § Pickering Township Planning| Board, and at the end of 1959) F% the terms of K. H. J. Clarke and| § W. Hardy Craig expired. The last| * named men expressed their will ingness to carry on as members of the board | When the bylaw appointing] members was presented to the January 4 meeting of council, dis-| AJAX (Staff) -- The annual|of health to assist with free polio "March of Mothers" will take|innoculation clinic place in Ajax ou the evening of| The family physician can initi- February 1. : i late a total program of rehabilita- An organization meeting was tion sponsored by the foundation, held this week at the Community |by referring the patient to the Centre to plan the "March". foundation for clinical as i ys, Florence Donald of Oshawa, \ment. istrict campaign director for the| a abo Rehabilitation Foundation for pol Ane Irae ol, | pati ns liomyelitics and orthopaedically| {ic a re rad for p : : $ 8 ¥: 1g, for disabled outlined the work of the itable employment suital foundation and campaign plans. | ir 'physical et a " Mrs. William Parish, wife of the| 1 : J Sica ou _ Mayor of Ajax was named "Chief?! ities. Marching Mother", The program not comple The work of the foundation in until the patient is satisfactorily rehabilitation has sprung from the|Placed in a productive job. All original intent of the March of foundation case workers, as well Dimes which was begun primar-|as foundation placement agencie ily to assist polio victims back |help the patient in this phase of to better health and useful lives. rehabilitation. Now the work brings within its| Taking the lead in this year's orbits all who are handicapped or-{canvass again will be members of thopaedically. The foundation's White Dove Rebekah Lodge. facilities are made available|The canvass will be between the through the Provincial minister! hours of 7 and-8 p.m. on Monday, of health to every medical officer February 1st, : ess- un took place, in which it was de- clared that this group of men| & attending Planning Board meet:| &. ings and other planning func- tions, inspected and studied Pick- ering Township properties, giving the applications for the breaking! of land careful consideration, all using their time freely and at-| tending to these matters without| remuneration. Mr, Clarke and| Mr. Craig were nominated to| § carry on as members of the board. | Dr. Gordon Edmund of the § S. W. Pickering Ratepayers' As-| E sociation submitted two names as members of the Planning Board, Reginald Bozak and Lorne Milne. FLORENCE DONALD He |Sunday School superintendent, R. !Page; assistant, Earl Heron. | Music Committee Gwen Campbell, Mrs. G. Woof, L, Wigh-| ton, Church pianist, Mrs. R. D.| Campbell, Head Usher G. Woof. Missionary Committee -- Mrs. L. Wighton, Mrs. R. Page, Mrs. R. Heron, Mrs. A. Gore, Mrs, R, D. Campbell. Turkey Shoot Data Given AJAX -- The Christmas turkey shoot has brought forth inquiries regarding the method used in de- termining the winners. The larg- est element in deciding this shoot is luck. Bingo cards are used as tar- gets, The contestant cannot see the numbers as the card is placed with the numbers to the wall, Shots, registering within a square count up by the number printed. Additional scores are added if a shot cuts through a dividing line when both numbers are counted. If a shot penetrates an intersection of four squares, all four numbers are counted. So it is all a matter of luck, no skill is required unless one counts the ability to hit a bingo card at the range as skill. In the last shoot off, Earl Pominville and Les Bond were tied with 239 each. In the next shot to break the tie, Pominville won out by one point. This method eliminates the top marksmen from taking all the wrkeys and gives everyone a chance. The Ajax club has broadened its scope by joining Canadian Civil- ian Association of Marksmen and the Metro Sporting Rifle Assn., in doing so club members will have an opportunity to widen their ac- quaintanceship with other al- lied intersets, exchange ideas, and arrange for interclub compe- tions. It is the function of executive cfficer Larry Huot to represent the club with these and other or- ganizations and arrange meetings and competitions, Pickering H.S. Board Meets PICKERING -- Pickering Dis- trict High School Board held it's inaugural meeting last week, when Harold Mitchell was again elected chairman with George Todd as vice-chairman. Other members of the board are Clare Kevil, H, W. Boyes, Alex Russell, David Claringbold, Bur- nett Jamieson, A. Temple, A. G. Pr Days Wordley, D. McPher- {son and Dr. Wm, McKay. Strategy Talks On Disarmament WASHINGTON (Reuters)--Al- lied disarmament strategy talks se. eight persons, seven of them {Grand Central employees work- ing as porters, clerks, sweepers, stock men or car men. Authori- ties confisqated 20,000 betting slips. The men allegedly took |bets from commuters and rail road workers. Will R ; e-organize He said that he felt that repre- 1 g 1Z sentation was centred in one area. He had said earlier that| 2d some planning board members| WS 1Ce were biased. He was referring | . to their opposition to the CNR proposed Route No. 2, which BROUGHAM One of the east part. The Road Department would run north of the Second irst steps in re-organizing the occupies a dining room which Concession. Mr. Bozak, Wood- ffice staff of Pickering Town-'was used for regular hoard view road, he said, was univer- ship was taken over the weekend, and stores its supplies in a sity trained, with experience in % {when a wall dividing the Tax|built kitchen. The Assessment I surveying and civil engineering, MRS. W. PARISH {Collector's Department from the partment upstairs, was once 1 and lives in an area that is not |Clerk's and Treasurer's Depart-| Matthew's private "sitting roo: Apresened. He described Lorne] Mrs. Florence Donald of Osh- ment as Yemoved, tthe of jin which she admits she never ne of the West Rouge, as an| awa, above, is district cam. | Employees arrived at the office had time to sit. When Highway 7 assessor with BA Oil. He had| paign director this year for the lon Monday morning with trepida-|\was paved in 1931. Mrs previously been assessor of Fred-| 'March of Mothers." Mus, tion, rather expecting to see the|thews said her hotel was full ericton and St. Lambert, and was| William Parish, below, is chief |ceiling on the floor of the old capacity, and she turned her sit. a university graduate, was tak-| 'Marching Mother." building, but the operation wasting room over to the Inspector ing a course at Queen's on town! successful, a strong beam and on the job 5 planning. Mr. Edmund said that | {posts supporting the ceiling where! The first Pickering Tou Mr. Milne had a thorough knowl- PER NA |the wall formerly. stood. Council meeting was held in {hy edge of property values, zoning, | Instead they found, through aloid hotel on November isi 104 and industry. He said that Mr.| (fine mist of plaster dust, a large the first Court on November 7 Milne was looking for an oppor-| By GRACE MILLS room, with better daytime light-11944 That year there were tunity to put to use some of his| AJAX -- Mr. and Mrs, Harvey|iD8, and a new ceiling in the|ihree feet of snow in the village, training. Ariss, Durham street, left on the north part to match the other.| early years the present Mun- Councillor Harry Ashton asked weekend for a few months holi-| Sixteen years ago, the two, . I Building wi that these qualifications could be|day in Florida and Mexico. [rooms were living room and din-|'¢'Pa! Bul ding was a tavern, put in writing and submitted to| Sincere sympathy is extended |ing room. The Municipal Build- Where beer, it has been told, was the next council meeting . |to Mrs. Barry McKenzie, Birch/ing was then an hotel owned by sold for three cents a pail. A Councillor Edgar James moved Crescent, in the passing of her|the late Mr. N. Matthews and|group of youths would retire (o a resolution that James David-| mother, Mrs. Isabella McLeod, at|his wife, Mary, who still resides), commodious stables on a Sat. son, of Ward 2, be a member, |Fairview Lodge, on Thursday. Fu-/in Brougham. Mrs. Matthews dey wight' and ® and Mr Davidson's name was neral service and interment at|speaks of a store in the west y night, and consume their accepted, as he resides in an area Ripley, Ont. |part of the present Council Cham-|three cents worth of beel, telling that was not represented on the| Also to the family of Mrs. Mil-/bers, and a barber shop in the (tales, having fun, while the tired planning board. |dred Simpson, King's Court Apart- horses awa their masters, ments, who passed away sudden-|...4 ig a patient in the Oshawa munching their oats. TWO READINGS {ly Wednesday night. Mrs. Simp-|gospital since January 6 when! The present Pickering Town- On January 4, council could not son was a member of the staff of| cpa fell on the ice on the way to/ship Council have indicated that reach a decision and gave two Kemp's Drugs for a number of| ip.|{the end of the use of the old 's | school. She suffered a broken hip. |the € readings only to the bylaw. [years: ii : Miss Wardrope is on the cafeteria|building to house the Township Oe or LUE, TIO usiry foe of toe Sah Sui °F dows 00 35 to i motions re-appointin en Clarkes ASS 4 ars | i irth- |W : years a new builc and W. Hardy oi Tn passed. will hold a Court Whist party in| Among those celebrating birth-| © required, If walls could 4 J 3 : | : ildi ire) [days this week were: Jan, 10, Es-|"%) d "I feel that if anyone is doing a|the Conith Building (downstairs) ther Piotroski, Durham street, 7|talk, they could tell many tales good job on a board," said Reeve|on January 25th, at 8.15 p.m. All|*° » oo lof what has transpired in the ! i |years old; Jan. 11, Mrs. Dwight| ! th J. S. Scott, that he should be re-/ members, their husbands and ee So SEER Go 0 Shon imore than 100 years since the appointed. We have two gentle. friends are invited to attend. lise Joan Newman, Billingsgate Present Municipal Building was men who have given excellent| Registration for the 1st Ajax| 13 vears old: Jan. 13 jbuilt service and are willing to con-|{Girl Guide Company, will take|STescent, & ¥ Bea " o- tinue." |place at Lord Elgin School on; Wendy erie, ido street, na Th lificati FM |Wednesday evening, January 20, Years old; Mrs. G. R. Slugg, a RAID BOOKIE KING le qualifications of Messrs.| ;",'C - lingsgate crescent; Jan. 14, Mrs.|. o's opp ap pony Bozak and Milne were submitted Mr, Graham Pinkney principal Don Williams, Admiral road; Mr. raided 2 Bookie Ting opera r in writing at this council meet-| ry i" Figin School has been ill|R. Matsumoto, Nelson street; EE ing. [this past Week, : Mr. Douglas Loudfoot, Kent Gran : entr o wi 2nd + 2 p 5 S + ! . i andalin, an estimated 3 LO0N & The bylaw was given its final Mrs. C. W. Scarff, Forest road, street; Jan. 16, ue Dwight v in Bote. Arrested Friday were reading, and members on the|is confined to bed with a slipped|Oland, Tudor street. Many happy| =~ board were appointed as follows: gic in her vertibrae, caused by|returns of the day to all. Wells Ritchie, to Dec. 31, 1960; |, severe coughing spell two weeks| At a meeting of the newly Jack Mansell, to Dec. 31, 1960; 50, elected Separate School Board) George T. Todd, to Dec. 31, 1961;| German measles are prevalent this week, the following officers David Lennox, to Dec. 31, 1961: throughout the town these days. Aland committee chairmen were ap-| K. H. J. Clarke, to Dec. 31, 1962; 15rge number of children are ab-|pointed: Chairman, Joseph Hes- W. Hardy Craig, to Dec. 31, 1962,|sent from school due to this ill-/lin; treasurer, S. J. Massicotte; and James Davidson, to Dec. 31, 10s. Isecretary, Mrs. Guiette; chair- 1962. Representatives from coun | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Skelcher,|man of Property, SMeelth 2 cil on the board are Reeve J. S. Mary street, had the latter's/safety, Rev. M. J. Darby; chair NOR PIONEERS Scott and Councillor Edgar R.|father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.,man of finance, P. J. Wiley; | Hote BC 3 priv James. [F. Tanner, Apsley, visiting them chairman of teacher's commit-| NANAIMO, B.C. (CP) -- [last week. tee, Don Wainman; chairman of scendants of 21Sta f fo rd FFICE | Mr. Ed Mulligan, personel man- assessment committee, P. Wiley. miners w ho came from Engl nd HIGH 0! Andrew Bonar Law, New|ager of Dowty Equipment Ltd.; is|Members in office for two-year|to settle here 105 years age held Brunswick-born prime minister of | quite ill and Mrs. Mulligan has|terms 1960 and 1961: Rev. a ceremony recent y on ! he Sp! ot Britain in 1922-23, was an able|been under the doctor's care. {M J. Darby, J. Heslin and S. J.|where the miners sug } a wives speaker without the use of notes.!| Miss Jenny Wardrope, Exeter Massicotte. and children fir 3 ande opened here Monday in prepara- tion for arms-reduction negotia- tions which will begin in Geneva March 15. U.S. State Secretary Christian Herter called a meeting with the ambassadors of Britain, France and Italy and Canada's repre- sentative, Lt.-Gen. E. M. Burns, They set up a "working group" which will try to co - ordinate (Western policy for the negotia- |tions, PERFECT ATTENDANCE DURING 1959 perintendent said a point sys- | to be punctual. A total of 5000 tem is in effect which gives each | points is considered perfect, al- pupil 100 points for attendance | lowance is made for sickness each Sunday. Additional points | and holidays. In the photo, front | are given. for church attend- | row, from the left: Patricia ance and for memory work. De- | Manning, 5200; Jennifer Doole, ductions are made for failing | 5200; Jean Anderson, 5160; Don- na Manning, 5160; Leslie Span ger, 5040. Back row Diana Spanger, 5060; Diane Arm- streng, 5160; Ronnie Armstrong, | 5080; Susan Doole; 5200 Ten pupils at the Pickering Beach Community Church achieved perfect attendance | during 1959 and were rewarded | at Sunday's morning service with a presentation of a camera to each one. Sunday Sehool su- ~--Photo by Johm Mills

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