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The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1960, p. 8

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| | } | | Set-Back On WHITBY And DISTRICT Dunlop Drive | Mobile Library Suggested To Bd. Whitby's Public Library Board| "We found that more people|q..ija whether the town will con-lin the amount of set-back on the|Magistrate F. S. Ebbs, in Whitby|nad been while she was in the held on Friday, March 18, at the|Craigen; will be asked by council to con- sider establishing a Robert Hastings who reported that such services worked well in other communities. Councillor Hastings said that such libraries had proven success- ful in some areas of Toronto and Scarborough Twp. He said that he would like to see the library] board investigate renovating the present quarters and acquiring 2 trailer unit. Councillor William Davidson, a member of the library board for many years, told council that the matter had been discussed on many occasions by the board. A library inspector had also stvd- jed the situation with the board, he said, and had found that there is insufficient room in the pres ent quarters for such a library The cost of a mobile library, he said, is quite extensive and the board had decided to take no further action until a new library is built. NOT NEW BUILDING Councillor George Brooks said that he believed a mobile library would make a new building ua- necessary. He said that in Scar- borough, the mobile unit carries as wide a selection of books as there is in the library. mobile library service in the town. The| suggestion came from Councillor| used the mobile library than the central library and the end cost is lower," he said. Councillor Hastings said that he had observed larger crowds using the mobile library than he ever saw at the Whitby library. On occasion, he said, he had ob- served people lined up to use the 5° mobile library. WHITBY FAR-FLUNG? Councillor Paul Coath said that mobile units had been most suc- cessful in Nor'h York and Scar- borough areas with . far-flung communities. But, he asked, is Whitby that large. Reeve Everett Quantrill came to the defence of the central library and said that he had often observed 15 or 20 peonle using its facilities at times. The mobile library, he said, gives good service in scattered commu- nities but he qu ed that it fit the Whitby situation and neods Deputy-reeve Warren Mowa said that he had been ushered across the street to the Wi library, since last council meet- ling, and had found a crowd of children in 'the basement, the children's library, but found only two in the adult portion of the building. Council then approved Council-|} the that library motion mobile lor Hastings' board consider units for Whitby. Mrs. Williams, the music super- visor, Grade 6 pupils sang two selections, William Batten, principal of the school, obtained a film from the National Film Board on "Shy- the singing of "The Queen." Refreshments were then served by the executive. Family Monuments she ° ° WHITBY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 20, 1960 § Law Vs. Medicine : I le PERSONALS | Name Officers Of i In Driving Count Mrs. D. Coleman, of Toronto, To Be Debated nes oer! Palmerston Ave. H-S T Stud N d 0 e eba e | A police court hearing to decide|QC, noted that the blood test tak- Gremnwood Chapter, JODE, 2 ™ 0 Y ee | The amount of set-back for in-|the guilt or ae ofa Niibysen §y Dr. Hatravers had shown Monday for the presentation ofl The second meeting of the \ . dustrial plants on Dunlop Drive his ng Bd Fi gb 0" RE that the a had] Le memberships to Mrs, Georgeinewly organized Palmerston RK t t re . ided. although! hiag ru ¥ inall A Fothergill (in absente) and Mrs. Home and School Association was «C 0 1d Ors is yet to be decided, although|dehate on the merits of a medical consumed about eight ounces ofp "w "Marsh. held on Jan. 11. One week before - | Whitby council last year passed a practicioner's opinion regarding | liquor at the time the test was 'Members of the Ladies' Section |the officers and executive mem- For Whitby » {resolution accepting a 75-foot set-|clinical studies of persons suspect-| made. lof the Whitby Curling Club held bers were installed by Mrs. Gor- back. This week, council learned|6d Of being under the influence of Mr, Hall asked Dr. Hertzbergia special meeting to make don Cummins. ness", "Abnormal Shyness in Whitby's finance committee will that a third party is interested|alcohol. When the case concluded, iwhat the accused's blood pressure|arrangements for a dance to be| They are: president, Mrs. W.ichildren, its causes and how, ! d y first vice - president,|throdgh a greater understanding tinue its association with an or-|gireet which now serves two Police court on Tuesday, ruled state of shock he described. Whitby community arena fo r/Mrs. Roxborough: second vice-lby parents and teachers, this ganization retained last year to!major industries in the town. {that Barbara Ann Hames, off Dr, Hertzberg said that he did members and' their friends. Mrs. president, Mr. Turner; treasur-|problem may be dealt with." bargain with the town emvployees| | pec 922, last year's connect, 122 Craydon Road, woud be eon not take any blood pressure test.| William Sala of Kent street, ~ er, Mrs. H. G. LeVon; recording Mr, Turner made a request for lon behalf of the town. Member- following an address to counci victed of impaire riving. She general convener and will |secretary, Mrs. Royce Cooling; {funds to purchase cups and {ship in the Central Ontario In- ichards. on behalf Vas fined $100 and costs and her| CHANGE DIAGNOSIS lassisted by her committee. {corresponding secretary, Mr s.|saucers and this was very hand- dustriai Relations Institute costs|?Y Gordon Richards, 8 Er licence to drive was suspended! Then, he changed his diagnosis| Mrs. B, Flannely, of Toronto,|Allan Bradley; executive mem-| somely acknowledged by all pres- $100 per year plus fees for coun- of _ DuPont, recommende " at for three months. and said that the accused was in|visited her mother, Mrs, V.lbers, Richard Devnich, Mrs. lent, The meeting adjourned with sel, {a 75-feot set-back be es ablished Giving evidence, PC David|a state of 'after-shock' and was|Harris, of Mary street east. |William MacDonald, Mrs. K. L. A Totter 'was' read' to scotch for new plants on the sire Fleming, of the Pickering Twp.|not in shock when he first saw| Dinner guests at the home of Barker, Mrs, §. McLerie, Mrs. from the institute asking if mem. |COUMS as Sware that time, Police Department, said that he her. | Mr. and Mrs. G. Turner, of Osh- William Walsh. {bership would be renewed. Town| hat Dunlop ng 3, 00 Lie " had followed a car early on the| "The doctor's duty is to his|awa, last Sunday were: Mr. and| At the first meeting, Mrs. Har- Clerk John Frost advised council|Posite side a e Sheeely Wished 9 morning of Dec. 18 as it travelled patient, no one else in the world." Mrs. W. Holyoake, of Hallettiold Donald, District Organizer, that the firm had been retained set-back of 108 eet w Miki east on Highway 2. For nearly one said Mr. Hall. This, he said, dif-|avenue. accepted an invitation to organ-| last year to negotiate on behalf of |28Tee to an 5-foot set-back, mile, he said, the car travelled|fered from the purpose of law Mr. Herman Rombough, oflize a new Home and School Asso-! 'the town, when a new contract! This week, Mayor Stanley Mar-in erratic manner, touching both|enforcement officers, who have a| Trent s'reet, left on Monday to ciation at Palmerston School and | was being prepared for the town's/tin advised council that a third|shoylders and driving along the duty to the public. {spend the winter months inlexplained the objects and poli-| works department employees. |Party is vitally interested in this|ywesthound lane. ["Because we realize this," he Miami, Florida. . [cies of the Home and School and RIR\ He said that in addition to the Problem. Stopping the vehicle, he said, he|said to His Worship, "we cannot Mrs, W. L Howard, of Elliot|the constitution and bylaws of the § "gg Created To $100 fee, an additional fee of from| Accordingly, a by-law will be found the accused to be the driv-|at all times accept everything a|lake, is a guest at the home of Ontario Federation. f Tedhauol $20 to $40 per hour could be charg-|presented to council and all three er, She was taken to the police|doctor says in a court of law be-| MT: and Mrs. P. G. Howard, ofl The second meeting was open-| 4 Requirements ed if the institute retained counsel|parties, DuPont, Dunlop and the|station, he said, and later collaps-|cause they are looking for thins| Brock street south. jd with Jie Seeing o 5.3 Ten for the negotiations. unnamed third party, presumablyied on a bench. Ito save their patients from the ~~ | ada' ollow y the ord's Council was also advised' that'a new industry seeking to locate| Both he and Cpl. Richard FE bo en of their actions, and | Prayer. Mrs, Cooling read the STAFFORD BRCS the present agreement with em-lon Dunlop Drive, will have the|ley said that the accused was in- by that I do NOT mean that WHITBY minutes of the last meeting. This . loyees is in force until April of opportunity of presenting their toxi ; they are attempting to thwart the| |was followed br : the treasurer's Monumental Works 1961. arguments to council at that time as a defense witness by conrse of justice." DEY-RY-DAY |report. Un the . 318 Dundes E s counsel R. M. Heffer, was| Reviewing the evidence, he L i MO ry 3552 \ S. Hertzberg, of Dunbarton, noted that Dr. "Hertzherg had| jong pyvg MEMBERSHIPS |tificates were presented by Mrs. i WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS iad been called to the police) changed his diagnosis and, when] On Jan. 18 the Viscount Green-|J. A. Anderson and Miss Janet | ? after the accused had confronted with the 1.7 blood count) 04 Chapter I0DE honored two McKay respectively. collapsed. still gave me the imoressionior their members, Mrs. George ~™ : ON PARKING METERS Martin Chizen who has resigned WAS IN SHOCK {that he would not consider aleo- | pothergill, 142 Byron St. N., and| Overtime parkers in Whitby be- from the planning board. His term "g} ae 3 ; x hol a cause of her problem. . |Mrs. Fred W. Marsh, 700 Dunas ware! The town ending P. xpired this year and he asked She was I 2 state o shoc Magistrate Ebbs, in reducingist, Ww, who have given ex- g Meter Insy r Eric Clarke|that he be replaced because ol and £ said Dr. Hertzberg. |the charge, noted that the doc-itensively of their time and tal- to Guelph in March for a four-day pressure of business. 1 aye the Impression tor's examinations indicated that|ents to serve continuously in var- course on parking meters, their § was intoxic te He the accused was not intoxicated jous executive offices since the| operation, repair, ete, MARCH OF DIMES ; i he hed Deed He Jamily i his tests had not been con-|insertion of the chapter in 1938 | m1 pl tabi 5 ints mysician and Knew hat she suf-|sis wi Lif orshi i o | POG CONTROL The Reluiiliiation Foundation I ER em is ent wit Life mem ership pins and cer | Dog Control Officer Malcolm|W2S granted permission 10. con- Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, duet a one-hour blitz campaign in that during e fies mE ------------------------ THE LUMBER AN SEZ: (ttention : , M YOUR | NTERS' & FISHERMEN'S = |e 4 It's a very rewarding hob- COATS (Limited Quantity) CURON LINED AND REVERSIBLE 7 the whole family will want to help you! See us now! NYLON - DUCK - GABARDINE We carry all the materials Bama Lines--Goat Hair Boot Liners Nylon Vests and Underwear you peed at very low prices UP TO 50% OF THIS WEEK ONLY Open Thurs, & Fri. till 9 p.m. SPORTSMAN'S CORNER town solicitor T. M. Moore, who [ll {Hampson reported {December, he had taken 49 dogs into custody. Dogs in Whitby are Inot permitted to run at large. Whitby for the March of Dimes The blitz will take place from 7 to 8 p.m. Feb. 1. Whitby r-| man is Miss Dorothy Wicket treasurer is Horace Hiscox. CHAMEER OF COMMERCE r-| The directors of the Whitby and| Chamber of Commerce are hold- [|] ing their first meeting of 1950 on 8 Ea v {Thursday evening in the council OFFICIAL PLAN c item of business both of which were turned over| Whitby's off plan, ' three w be installation of the new "to the finance committee fori Years in the making, is about to|president, John R. Frost, and his "study. One was from the CNIB|be unveiled. On Jan. 27, council executive members. and the other from St. John Am-|and Planning Board meet to dis OFFE AY uss. the bla | "FER REWARD bulance. They requested grants of cuss the plan. | During the last ices storm a $50. LIBRARY BUDGET compre mn tool was lost from NEW SUBDIVISION A piece of good news came a. Puc vel icle, and Ahe omnis The council's subdivision com-|council's way this week with the Sor vj oilering a reward. 10r 1s mittee will study a request by presentation of the 1960 budget| The tool is used for the splicing san and Rose for app fifor the Whitby Public Lik Y-lof heavy lines and could not be a plan of subdivision for 22 lots The board is asking $9,666. Last, ¢ by anvone but the PUC on the north east corner of Beach year, the library was granted crews. i Mami and Harris St. The planning board $11,500 The finance committee] The Mamie, = ° SPE rg € has recommended that the plan will study the budget. metal be held in abeyance until a sub- n mensions division policy is set down by TAXI BY-LAW I x10"x4 council. "| Mayor Stanley Martin has ask- ed council to bring the taxi by- i Mayor Martin Lauds Whitby Garden Club A most enjoyable potluck sup-| Mrs. Burns closed her report per preceded the annual meeting by saying, "We do work for of the Whitby Garden Club, re- community. May we exp cently held in the Council Cham-|efforts for the community." bers. His Worship, Mayor Martin, | __ was an honored guest, and spoke NEW OFFICERS 5 : briefly in appreciation of the In the election of officers which work the club is doing for the Was directed by R. VanHorne, town. with E. E. Bond and Oscar Mocre "If the Garden Club was dis-|acting as scrutineers, the follow- continued," he said, "there is no|ing are the officers for 1960: other organization in town' which |President, Mrs. S. Burns; vice- could carry on its work. It is|president, Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson; unique in its efforts for the beau-|recording secretary, Miss Laura tification of Whitby." |Pellow; treasurer, Miss i Music for a sing-song was pro- Rowe; press secretary, Miss Mil- vided by Mrs. F. Ing, and follow- dred Price; directors, Mrs. B ing this the annual reports were Paterson, Mr. W, T. Gresham, read and approved, In her re- Mrs. R. VanHorne, Mr. R. Van- port, the president, Mrs. §, Horne, Miss Marguerite Ross. | BAND INVITATION law, drafted in 1934, up to date Burns, enumerated 'the club's] In a lucky draw, the winners| Members of council, their hus- He said that amendments since projects -- plantings in both Cen. Were Mrs. Kirk and Miss Alma hands or wives, were invited to then cover only minor matters. tennial and Coronation Parks,|[Rowe. Miss Margaret Stanlick the annual banquet of the Whitby The taxi operators had requested ASK GRANTS Council received requests for grants from two organizations tool is enclosed in a grev container, and its di- are approximately for surveys of harbor property which, in 1956, was intended to be sold to the E. F. Drew Com- pany. The account came through WHITBY - MO 8-4106 PICKERING PH. 366 AJAX PH. 1045 | UY OY JO J NP PPR [PUY OL RL NR I OR OY I ON RR Crowds Buying! Crowds Saving! at t. Perry Man 3 COLLINS SHOE 'Faces 7 Charges § 7 igh " ia ERSTOC PLEASE NOTICE Sorry, due to the tremendous Opening Days crowd, we weren't able to handle the cus- tomers properly. Entire stock is now' re- grouped. Prices cut down to cost and less. W. FUHRMAN, Sales Adjuster, National Secles System, " «3 a 119 BROCK ST.S. WHITBY LEADER IN FOOTWEAR FOR 88 YEARS stolen A Reul Door Buster! WHILE 32 PAIRS LAST MEN'S Slashed To RUBBER 3.38 BOOTS. : pr, L 39 PAIRS LADIES' 5.00 RUBBER Only PULL-ONS 1 ; 48 WHILE 67 PAIRS LAST LADIES' SHOES #' uP TO 7.95. FLATS-- ap ; HEELS. OUT THEY GO, MEN'S 7.95 WHILE 22 LOAFERS PAIRS LAST CLOSING OUT AT ONLY. .... "$150.00 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE , [] | FREE THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY COUPONS WORTH FROM 1.00 TO 5.00 FREE TO THE FIRST 50 CUSTOMERS--REDEEMABLE IN MERCHANDISE. ONE TO A CUSTOMER! A REAL HOT ONE 43 PAIRS CHILDREN'S RUBBER BOOTS, GALOSHES Laie ae er ® VALUES TO 4.69. 1 88 ® REPEATED! DUE TO TREMENDOUS RESPONSE -- SHOP EARLY ® SIZES 1 TO 4--6 TO 10. Pair The Heart Of The Sale Save! 107 PAIRS LADIES, ACTUAL TO 12.95 STYLISH SHOES ® "GRACIA" h n 8 8 ® DAINTY DEBS © FINANCEES--OTHERS You must see these to apprec- iate their value. Only SENSATIONAL LUGGAGE SPECIALS ECONOMY LUGGAGE REG. 5.98--22 IN, .......... NOW--4.88 REG. 6.98--24 IN, .......... NOW--5.88 REG. 7.50--26 IN. .. NOW--6.48 PRINCESS REG. 7.50--18 IN NN Lock At This One! CHILDREN'S--MISSES' SHOES CUT TO 5.00 Value 2 8 8 STURDY SOLE. Greatly Reduced! Men's Dress SHOES Reg. 28.00. Hartt. NOW ag 0. ve 15.8 LIMITED QUANTITY Ladies' 10.00 § BOOTS, Only 7.88 REG. 13.00, NOW 0.88 Men's to 15.95 DON'T MISS THIS ONE! 5.88 Famous Makes SHOES SPECIAL LOT, i mer to England and Ireland. baskets which ne baach wihich|Miss Sianlick accompanied the accepled. Council approved immediate/Frost reported that council had | the club had placed at the north- pictures with commentary, and RESIGNS FROM BOARD payment of a three-year-old ac- authorized the sale and the sur-| yg; | east corner of the main intersee-|told many A letter of thanks will go to!count from a survey firm for $250! vey was part of the preparations, |< ER EE NEN JE ND NN J had been in almost continuous terest, often spiced with humor. sm use, she said, and it was hoped Of special interest to the garden- i < - that econd bench could be set ers assembled, were the excel- BR uo OPEN THURS., FRI. flowers or informal settings. NITE DURING The many ancient buildings pic | tured brought anew a realization {3 For Break-In P Fs £5 Tool Thett gi" A Pickering man was sentenced) nj hail was set on Tuesday for | in jail when the pair appeared Ronald Kenneth Joseph MN ' . ne - | Rona I ' ph Murphy before Magistrate F. S. Ebbs injg7 00a, ietratio : , appeared before Magistrate F Whitby police court for breaking S. Ebbs in Whitby police court week ago to breaking into a Ser*| Murphy is charged with: Tee aio 3 the inte} Soohas Breaking, entering and theft of ol 12hway an 1CKSON 8|, sarvice station owned by Frank (& i Jan, 17, y Al. Antonys Tevruchte, 20, off Possession of articles NEVER BEFORE -- NO NEVER AGAIN SUCH DRASTIC Pickering, was sentenced to 12 from that service station. REDUCTIONS -- ENTIRE STORE RESTOCKED sentence concurrently with anigawed-off 22 rifle, for a purpose! 8 identical sentence handed down dangerous to the public ay REMAINING OVERSTOCK MUST GO AT ONCE in Cobourg on Jan. 4, for a break-| Theft of a car in Oshawa, on |f erborough, was sentenced to six, Possession of that car on Jan. | months in the county jail. 17. | Provincial police told the court, Breaking, entry and theft from |§ 1, and about $80 worth of tools, Possession of stolen articles, in- taken from the service station on/cluding a rifle, cigarets, etc., on Nov. 27, had been recovered. Jan. 17, in Oshawa. LAST COMPLETE SHOW at 8:20 J v Pe and plans for planting at the safe- then showed pictures she had Brass Band, to be held in the the new by-law, he said. ons For BH ee es a x tos Loe, Lond to be hold Ju tie y Tie rey mo! 105 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY MO 8-4511 OLD ACCOUNT been consumated. Town Clerk 1 Block West of 4 corners next to Dodds & Souter stories concerni tion had not been abused, and|them, of historical or current Giz up this year. lent shots of beautiful parks and public gardens, abounding in| - - all rair 2 Sale |of the glories of ages past, in/R these old lands. td A to one year in reformatory and a/ina release of a Port Perry man Peterborough man to six monthsi¢,cine a total of seven charges into a service station in Whitby { ' i , : . a Yland w ded in custody for Twp. The pair pleaded guilty one|ane 2S Toman y y sor < Bose and stealing $200 worth ofigimpoon in East Whitby Twp., on i 2 months definite and three months, Having in his possession, on te indeterminate. He will serve the Jan. 17, in East Whitby Twp., a|§ in in Bowmanville. Jan, 16, owned by Phillip Mait-| PRICES SLASHED TO v2 AND LESS ON MANY ITEMS Charles Watt Smith, 21, of Pet- land, of Mitchell Ave. | last week that the pair had been Biil's Service Station, 1317 King stopped near Newcastle on Dec. St. E., Oshawa, on Jan. 17. BROC Phone MO 8-3618 Now Playing EVENING SHOWS AT 7 & 8:20 DAVID TOMLINSON €. PEGGY CUMMINS LOW, CUBAN HEEL Closing Out. . .. LADIES' What A Value 49 PAIRS "AMERICAN GIRL" SHOES SLASHED IN PRICE ® PUMPS ® SANDALS 4 8 8 | ® MEDIUM ' HIGH HEELS MEN'S, BOYS' TO 13.95 SKI ONLY BOOTS 88 BOYS' TO 8.95, STURDY SCHOOL cur To SHOES 3 88 : | |] REG.- 8.50--21 IN. . NOW---6.88 SPECIAL LOT. ONLY REG. 9.50--24 IN. NOw--7.88 1.88 COLLINS SHOES -- WHITBY DRESS SHOES + 15.00 a, [88 97 PAIRS -- UP TO 12.95 SHOES o TETRAULT A SENSATIONAL VALUE o. COLD-CROSS NOW---5.88 TAKE YOUR PICK ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SIZES 5 TO 9

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