45--Real Estate For Sole 45--Real Estate For Sale |46--Real Estate Wanted |48--Automobiles Wanted |50--Articles for Sale ; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Januery 24, 1360 13 | | APARTMENT size range, Acme four- B rope: LOT on Kaiser Crescent, irregular PHONE RA 58762 if you wish to sell| LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want rang . Please Note ih o" Bod Je Jet property thioegsi shaped, equivalent to a 66' x 130°, $4500. | your property at a fair market price.|cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. burner, very good condntion, $30 or 52 --Legal Notices .. G S fety y Real Estate, and join the oa dey satisfied clients whom we | Apply 238 Kaiser Crescent. 19f| Prudential Trust Company Ltd. {RA 5-1161 or RA 5-1182. a best offer. Phone MOhawk 8-475. 1 WILL not be responsible tor any Decdlines now in effect for : have had the pleasure of serving. For - | -- this column McMILLIAN, Henrietta At S50. Mi-Ithe best deal, apply 26 Prince Street,|NHA re-sale, one year old, three - pe 47 Automobiles For Sale i CHINA cabinet, mahogany, two door, debts made by my wife, Marian Alice Births, Memoriams, Cards ef | chael's Hospital on Sunday. Jan. 24, Oshawa, RA 3-2512 or Whitby, MOhawk room Dongs on. finished ment SPOT CASH Lis chcellent condition i 'also hearing aid Johnson, from: this day, January 28rd. Thenks -- : 1960, Henrietta McMillian, wife of the [8-3231. Apartmem, SIPATIC Entrance: ioe 1 CHEV. sedan, signals, radio, heater, PAID FOR ably priced. Telephone RA 37641. 1911960 Webster 0. R. Johnson an <3 AV | 1ate' Duncan McMillan and dear moth || 70 pe ea on aun. P . [tires, alt in perfect condition, new ably priee { e or 9 AM. SAME D. ler of Richard 1, Mrs. Annie Cooper, " |ONLY a six per cent mortgage on this motor recently. Erivate, Bargain for : BOOKCASE bed, spring and mattress, ~ -- | Mrs. Violet Price, of Oshawa, Resting [ton Road East, ideal for building, Real | ONLY 3 eo planned six-room |e 5.3019 8c] Good, clean cars, Trade Uy lidlight lamp, Lioyd six-way baby car- DEATHS - [at the Chapel of Washington and John. |Buy at only $220 per acre, easy terms. hed --| or down. Liens paid off i roll o t / % i Call Walter Frank, McQuay and Kidd, brick bungalow, with attac! garage. ' pa . riage, crib, stroller, car seat, in ex-| . Ls E | ston, 717 Queen Street East (AT Broad- N Ceramic tile bath, loads of closet space. | 59 DKW two-tone station wagon, show. sellent condition. RA 3.7043 181 | ! 11 AM. SAME DAY | oiow). Service on Tuesday at 1 p.m. Realtors, MA 3.3383, Bowmanville. 191] € bath loads of Coe SBuse0 room condition, 10,000 miles, fully] DODD MOTOR SALES c on. RA N | ICE | rms DIAL RA 3-3492 Interment Bowmanville Cemetery tor, RA'5:9870| equipped, extray private. Phone Tom, 12-GAUGE Savage automatic, tw nterm w 3 bbe, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, | ULster 2.3405, Usbridge, after 6 p.m. 314 PARK RD. S years old. Apply 374 Cadillac em] CREDITORS Bowmanville, Ont : PRIVATE SALE income i;07y, wy 3 107, at Coutios. Paveli orem m= RA 3.9421 South. 18¢ TORONTO (CP) -- A new nat- SIDLER -- At the Belleville General, home, twelve rooms, oil heat- streets. Approved for mortgages, close 53 THEYEOI H RA 57488. 13] - r---- . > urel gas distribution safety code {Hospital on Friday, January 22nd. 1960,| ed, heavy duty wiring, natur- |fo schools. RA £5570 {snow tires and paint. RA 57488. 15 49--Automobile | Repairs oi ins igen Sor ll Br AND OTHERS for ontario applying to 52 gas BIRTHS oved wife of | aol gos, paved double drive- |v... opportunity: S-room clapboard|'sd CHEV.. two-tone deluxe coach, in|. with all accessories, chain hoists, one companies, was announced oy beloved wife of Kaspar Sidler. loving d_ cond $650. Phone RA 5-8132 of Mrs. Alfred Knowlton: (Mar.| wey, double garage, brick [bungalow in good location, gleaming good condition, 363 3 wilde and two ton, electric house. heater with| - ; y A | garete) of Bowmanville, Mrs. Gordon| house, licensed for room and | hardwood and tile floors, 4-piece DR J 1271 SIMCOE NORTH |fan. portable air compressors, tapsind| Creditors ond others having bv Energy Resources Minister Wernham (Alice) Barry's Bay, dear board bl RA |modern kitchen, full basement, fu H YROLET "coach, radio, n dies from 14" to %", tools, he; claims against the estate of Macaulay sister of Mrs. Emma Schwab, Mrs. 0grd, very reasonable price $10,200. Must be seen. Call mow, battery, needs body hag Specialists in Ford Service | Arc welding rods for cost, half pr TONE, : cpdtati ; : : MCCARTNEY -- Mike and Sheila Clara Shupp, Mrs. Martha Ubersax, 5-9216. No agents and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA RA 58936. 16f I Vheel oli t ash. 597 Simcoe South. RA 5.9 - , late o he new regulations replace the (nee Nathan) are happy to announce Rudolph, Otto, all brothers and 18436544 or RA 58342. John A. J. Pon: PONTIAC sedan 6 cylinder; 38 ih por of eel alignment, ine the City of Oshawa, ore re- American Standards Association the arrival of their son, Michael Al from Switzerland. The Tate ~|hood Limited, Realtors. =~ 19([,0 0 "ec" Cvlind 'ord sedan 8 wheel bojenes Pith Ses |HUNGRY! Order fish and chip quired to send full particulars code, which is widely used Xi » S. . » 4 Ad . Sidler is resting at Gerr J 31 Mer: 3 ' HN | Tom in January 22, 1960, at the Oshawa Gen: neral Home, 39 King Street West, for JOHN A. J. eviinder Anomalies 31 Mercury jedan elastin tune-up eadipment. {burgs We deliver 2c extra dll of such claims to the under throughout North America. eral Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Anderson.' cu vice in the Chapel on Monday, Jan BOLAHOOD S D HYMAN 3 yo) Surg ton) 13] od: | Lunch, 522 Ritson Sout 5 signed, solicitor for the Ad: The new code was drafted fol- ry 25th, 2 Interment Mount i 5 C § lothes? i nistratr on or ore i OV OT i " PATTERSON -- Ernie and Vera (nee [300 Conelery. . UV. Ne or amis] BRAMLEY MOTOR 11703 mgt d le, ot ae Tord of Pebrupy. 3060, | [Lovie Several explosions result. Horner) wish te announce the arrival MITE REALTOR {Auto Wreckers, MA 3.5736. SALES LTD PB tions Tow cost OlbA i rh ru Est oo ing from natural gas. Although of their son, James Gordon, 9 Ibs. ob| SAYWELL -- Entered into rest at Li D : pa - . 'Classified Ad. Dial RA 3.3492 : after which date the Estate's 4 jmarily established to cover the Sunday, January 34, at Oshawa Gen..." esidence of her son, Howard T.| REALTORS INSURANCE | ALLSTATE Auto Inurance. Save up to Tor assets will be distributed hav- natural s indust it cover eral Hospital. A brother for Brendm'g.. oy 450 Colborne Street East, Osh-| 2 2 39 PRINCE ST 20 per cent. Six months to pay. Forl PHONE RA 3-4675 . ing regard only to claims that gas industry, it covers Lee. Many thanks to Dr. Stocks ama, Sunday, January 24, 1960, Mary | 167 SIMCOE S . Jecional service at your home call RA | USED pats and repairs for all makes EY aaa the transport of all gaseous fluids McPherson Taylor, widow of the late . L . {of wringer type washers, % HP motors] IV {by means of pipelines xs IT vay nd saves to shop Classic 50--Arti cles For Sa |85 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned RNEST MARKS Ld ; RA 8-6286 Ba Ah Bp ak | ERNES KS, QC, The code is effective imined- ank Saywell and mother of fied. Buying or selling, you better your| - ~ |washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, | ¥ W, F. Manuel (Edith), Mrs 1 DEATHS Mark (Helen), Stephen G. and oh RA 5-6544 i famiiy's living by shopping The Osh.|MOFFAT, 30" gas range, four burner, Hampton, CO 3-224] Solicitor, ljately and applies to 52 gas com- rd T., in her Bist year. Resting a! "SA RIFICE awa Times Classified daily clock, glass door, fully automatic, ex- ~ 17 King St. Eost, avi an rd - . fhe Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa SAC ---- uk {cellent condition. Phone RA 8-1716. 17 WE pay highest prices in the city fos how panies serving 487,193 customers with Memorial Service in the Chapel, | 4 Only $1,000 down, and the [58 DODGE Crusader, sedan tutone, au [FABULOUS say a -- ama used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni Oshawa, Ontario. through 8,500 miles of pipelines BELLIS -- In Oshawa Hospital on|Wednesday, January 27. 2 p.m. Inter DUPLEX full price is definitely less |tomatic. Phone YU 57470 after 6 pa, (EAB LOU vings FARE ae wih ture Store, RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South Shit in' Ontario, Sunday, January 24, 1960, Agnes Sarah ment Oshawa Union i n han new ones. 5 room brick ---- |shade, regular to $24.50, slashed to y rn' iting: Oshawa ee M Smi th beloved wife of the late George 3 rooms ond both up ond ie je in immaculate cons |'37 GMC 2% "ton van, good running con- floor coverings, lovely patterns his READY, caper Cio NOTICE TO CREDITORS A total of 175 provisions in the Sr. and loving mother of Mrs down. Close to downtown, ungalow i dition, Bradles's Furniture DRven. oars. cearar, 290. per toot: 3 piece| Times readers are shopping with Ciass AND OTHERS code establish standards for dition. Immediate possession 16f kitchen chrome suites, regular $69.50,|ified Ads waiting with cash fo buy equipment and materials, design, Shaw (Doris) Toronto; My MEMORIAM Gleaming hardwood and tile | : A "n flo 3 with absolutely no work ot- 57 OLDS 98 sedan, one owner, fully|Smashed to $39.95; broadloom scatter|yhat they need. Sell what you 4m tl |N THE ESTATE OF WIL- 'ingtallation, testing, operation McTaggart (Alice) Brantford: Ge rs. Full asking price only a if Ost ner 83nd 00rs 2 1 SO! " oy Li 9 a mats, $1; walnut and blond end tables, . ve i ASS y y " , and Bert of Oshawa, in her wm $10.800 or offer. Low down tached. Coll Bob Stevenson equipped Like new. Will take trade. Mate: 4 WAM special $5. Wilson Fur. need through a powerful little Classi LIAM JOHN LAWRIE, Der and maintenance of transmission ear. The late Mrs. Belli rest Private. Can finance. RA 5-2802 a r y / ) at McIntosh Funeral Home. Service in oo 000 or wil payment wil move you in. ot RA 8.6286. Hl a Tail | Ture, 20 Church Street. 17fl1ied_ad. Dial RA 33492 tal Technician, deceasec lines, service lines, compressor " " 7 AHME -- loving mem 1 ' r Ss - 2 - -- a p als oi a he Chapel om Wedne gay Jawiary 2 {am Alfred Rahme, dear father and This won't last long, call im- "A HONEY FOR THE with aerial and installation, transistor| 'ONLY at Ed Wilson's". Smooth top|! NBEAM electric razor 'warts also All persons having ims stations 'and 'all other related at 3.30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. | 0 other, who passed away Jan mediately for Bill Swarbrick oh x models from $49.95 Terms $3 down,|Quilted continental beds in single sizesicutting heads. cords el ihe against the estate of Williom works 25th, 1959 t RA 4 8347 MONEY Dominion Tire . Store, 48 Bond Street{only. regular $69.50, January clearance{makcs of eclectic 1a John Lowrie late of the Cit Hu ' mory dear at RA p-6544, or RA 5-834 19 & West. RA 5-651 $39 complete; arborite student's desks,i5 King Street Laws wane Lily Ontario fuel board inspectors Oshawa General Hospita memor id Asking $12,500, with only ! drawer and shelf, regular $29.95, slash ¥_ GOODRICH Sto . f Oshawa, in " I '3 VAUXHALL Victor sedan, radio, ed $19.95. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church | . G Stor d will be increased to 40 from 3. January 24, 1960. William Brabin, be father S 3 3 D ' : - pti hroug 4 n. Storms, screens, 9.9 p ato o r p tari dent Technician loved husband of Pearl Semkiv and To remember my whole life throu » HARD TO FIND $1000 dow 0 excellent condition. Must be sold, owner | Street 17% [teries, Po inal d t Pl an. RA 5-4543 Ontor 9 Bthnicio ER rr - father of Walter and George in his But the sweetness will linger foreve doors, londscaped ond decor | ungierred out of town. RA 5.8936. 16f( : " jyision. Thr udget Pla » deceased, who died on or 70th vear, Resting at the Armstrong As | treasure the imaze of you But ated, asphalt drive and wait : 4 ONE racoon fur coat in good condition SED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. about the 29th day of De Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Memor. ~-Lovingly remembered by daughter cH Foor a Coll GI 3 HILLMAN Husky station wagon.isize 12; one red opossum hip length|y "y' Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543 4 : . al Service in the Chapel. Tuesday, June, son-in-law Joe and grandson Alan HERE IT IS for you to move in. Lo en best trade or cash. Take over pay-|fur jacket, size 12. RA 35-7006 18f ember, 1959, are hereby . vice ape : ; MacKinnon at RA 8-6286 ments. R. Curl, Raglan, Ontario. OL- |: ---- : USED refrigerators, ranges, washers, oufod ho cond in to the January 26, 2 p.m. Interment Moun uk he desirable Norih- MeIte: aon Voi [ONE used 2linch Admiral TV, A-1| ia ore Ct ae jaye Lawn Cemetery RAHME = In loving memory o -- condition, limed oak. Phone RA 5.4449. 1100s T8000 Hed 're p ndersigned Personal Repre dear husband and father, Wm. Rahms East section -of the City 7 FULL PRICE 3 OLDSMOBILE 8% two-tone, radio 18f | El AONS + r BROADBENT Suddenly, a who passed away January 25th, 1959. Cio to OCVI: Features 3 , $7,500 FU c Excellent condition. $1795, Apply Johns' | wren -- [houshold appliatices nd ee eyinions | sentatives of the said de ate residence, 294 Buena Vista Avenue, You suffered with courage aries J Situated on a large lot 5 | on Celina Street 19c | WINTER sale of room lots of 1959|All tubes and parts avai able BAT eased .on or before the 22nd on Saturday. January 23. 1960, Jack IL. We knew not your pain bedrooms ond den upstairs minutes drive from the 4 |. ---='° 9¢ | wallpaper, 10-roll bundles at $2.95, 83.95, [Radio and Electric Lie 3.2263 EE oy ony oa Ses a Broadbent, beloved husband of the late You fought to get well with 4.pc. bath. Downstairs corners. Only a few years old 54 DESOTO, automatic, fully equipped: at Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup Fithel Justice. and loving 'father of But all was in vain we have the living room with d ' dition. Y. 0 now drives company car, must | King West, opposite Dominion Store plies, new and used. terms 10 per cent : Mrs, J. B. Morgan (Marjorie) Regina When God called you home o fireplace and nice dining and in tip top condition, Yes, jel Cap be seat HOMES Esso ervice; AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes, (down Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Immediately after the said and Thomas of Oshawa. in his 61st' 'To His garden of rest Toor Plus doroe: kitcher ft has a garage. For full par- imcoe North 5-5402 Prompt service. Free estimates. Order (Street West. RA 5-651] jote the said Personal Repre- ear. The late Mr. Brodbent is rest It's true what they sa P, J¢ ticulars call Henry Yurko at 49 1: TON Ford panel, good running now for early delivery. Chair and table |p ARGE selection of re-conditioned sentatives will distribute the in at Melntosh Funers! H He takes only the best riced at only $11,900. Easy RA B8-6286 condition, also platform and stake yentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. |Ty's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim Hye ice in the Chapel on Wedn Jan. --Ever remembered by Marie terms will carry the balance racks for 1 ton GMC. Can be seen at| torrent mmm ope Street North assets of the said deceased M cl S, K aving re " uary 27. at 2 p.m. Interment and son Bill Seen anytime by appoint "STOP RENTING Home's sso Service. Simcoe North, Yao ate ite, DTOShES, GUTH WE like to clean our stock of used ving regard only to claims HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Eva Laws Cemetery. (Masonic service HENDERSON -- In loving memory of ment only. Don't i . en {eed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, |v' Many bargains, three months f which they shall then have Marie Saint, the screen's favor- i Ng. a Tp a dear sister, Edna Henderson, who sia Buy this new '5 room brick '5i PONTIAC twtons me ewalls |Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser-ipuarantee io television Bon tice te nice girl, shocked the movie ss vo y 25th, 195 A laow n nl radio, very clean, $1205. Easy terms. vice. RA 8-1081 anytime 8 sast x: Na sip on heipassed away Januap eng 1958. wi 5. r 5. / bunglao and .pay only rv "Stew" RA 35646 or RA 5.1667.) reet Ea DATED at Oshawa tl A colony Sunday night with her of "her. daughter, Phyliis| Lovingly remembered by brother Wil $61.43 (principal and in SLIM down for spring with a Stautfer | WOUSE trailer, English Bluebird Pat} 1960 use of a four-letter word before n iam Sa r sister-in-law el 0 - y custo | A . 1 r , yo) ¥ wary Linders), Harwood avenue liam Sadie dtl terest) @ month. Complete METEOR custom line, no 1ust,ipome reducing couch, half regular finder, 16' 6" long. 6' 6" Propane Januar a a I ey names in the industry ia on Sundav, J 24 famil Jy Evenir ns like new, $445, Easy term Try ly A 5 17 s, reasonable pric JENN | A JME and Mahala a rags 4 al i with storms, screens . and oh "RA 5-5646 or RA 5-1667 price. RA 8.8514 f stove, ero Co ht reasonable rice NIE LAWRIE anc wife of the late Thom 1K] * HENDERSON -- 'In loving memo Members of Oshawa & District r II RA KNITTING machine, nearly new, less Wi ES | ; fh er Ryd te late 7} CMTS Paffett) of Edna Henderson yho passed awa "Real ; ows & i 8-6286 1 Se 5 Co deluxe, outstanding cob-ithan half price, $50. MO 38-2570 13f} USED furniture, bought and sold. 215 LFRED JAME > LAWRIE The occasion was the annual and Florence (Mrs. N. Hossack). of January 25th, 1950 i : ote Deara 2 long tos So down pavmenl tos S55 GMC truck, five-piece natural fin. Toronto Avenue. RA 5203) y their solicitors Screen Producers Guild dinner, Toronto. Phyllis (Mrs. H. Linders, |--Ever remembered by the Hubbard 4 i h, kitchen suite, two-piece chester-| FOR quality used clothing, come to McGIBBON & BASTEDO one of the year's fanciest turn Ajax: Alfred of England and Maxim famils field, 8-piece dining room suite, space-|102 William Street East Also used rd Sol outs. The men who make the and Charles Chalklin of Toronto; dear ' emery. € saver davenport, Gurney heavy duty | furniture Barristers & Solicitors cies. wale there 1 ! ' ister of Florence and Michael of McCARTHY -- In ov n m Hay o BO ra RNeasy Tati are: vedrobm sulle. Fecord 90 Simcoe: Street North AC were there to hono England. Resting at the new William u dear husband and father, An'ions | player, paint spray outfit, duo paver, wardrobe. sun cot. television 0 0 Jack Warner, boss of Warner 9 (Sid McCarthy, who passed awa - ~ P hawa ntario i: ¥. Sherrin Funeral Chapel, No. 2 High. | 1 ruary 25, 1959 | REALTORS therm space heater, 30-30 Stevens rifle, | easonable. RA 8-1773 Brothers, who was to receive way iekeri (jus $ f od Ja y 3 3 ~ y ma drapes. 3 " ee i, Hw | Fondly loved and deeply tourned FOR YOUR CAR nantle radiz, five pai) Jamboo ong |SKIS, six-foot, steel edged. laminated the annual Milestone Award of ax y p wd / pe 8 a th poles and chapel on Wednesday 2 Heart of my heart 1 TRI YOU IT'S NEW--IT'S DIFFERENT \/ jeums, garden umbrella table, sewing | blekors, safely harucss Jith pics and NOTICE TO CREDITORS | the guild Ap asan Often, my darling, my tears wi v . . s oots. Excellent conditio 50. Tel c : or nt Mount De a Po aaereer T #0 5 higher-priced homes. A truly prestige orea V AN HEUSEN cabinet bookshelves, arborite Kichen! 8.126 AND OTHERS Jack Benny was the master oronto ¥ o a at yn plante wo ice Rg A ---- Tis sad but true. I will abide iit ay's modern trend in mind. Five rooms with a 6, .Jron- planer, Tada Pr TTR of ceremonies and Miss Saint v we'll be side by side chairs, typewriter filing cabi SECOND CAR? Plenty of th HE ESTATE OF HAR ' Unk} some day he e ppt and { som and high divided basement. See it now quantity 4 x 8 plywood, 1" by 6,, sheet-| care offered today in Osh lime {THE BS t oh ; was the first person he intro GERROW FU JNERAL Sadly mistey by wi ; Call Hilda Ristow at RA 5.6165, ar RA 5-3605 evenings, for TW 'ng and 2° x 10% electic 12" bund saw. | Classified Ads __ VEY FRANKLIN CROSSMAN, | duced. She was fo present the CHAPEL i i appointment 149 KING S Bradley's Furniture, 200 Simcoe South. | oor =g =r tirels, all sizes, Farmer, deceosed Jesse L. Lasky Inter-collegiate wd 8 SAWDON = In loving memory of -- S-- RUGS, mushroom color, broadloom |golid oak. lowest prices. Oshawa Hard Film A: * and Benny ex 6% ft 9 ft. Also hall runner|ware, 8 Church. RA 3-7624 All persons. having cloims plained: : a il dear husband and father, Albert E TWO TS-- GRANDVIEW c 3 » 1 Kindness beyond price, don. who passed away January LOTS--GRANDVIEW GARDENS SABYAN MOTOR (5 Tt tt. ewenent condiion, Worth Geico i or less wt Giecolf Super. against the estate of Harvey ; ie dia vet within reach of all 1950 Here is your opportunity to purchase a building lot in popular $200 will sell $75. Apply 93 Olive| Co. Upitcon South, open daily to 10 probi Croceman, late of :- nice, that I could not do Justice We think of } n silence | Grendvied Gardens with your choice of builder. Each lot approx- ~ Avenue p.m. Free parking and delivery, Free, i RA 8-6226 No eves can sec us weep imately 58-ft. frontage and offered for only $3,500 opp lo. SALES LTD. ONE duster coat, one shortie, two all {oreminms with purchases. Seli-serve| the Township of East Whitby, to presenting he . So 1 asked But many silent tears are shed 9 e § Y weather coats. size about 20. Easy meats, fruits, groceries n the County of Ontario v friend, G Yessel. t 390 KING STREET WEST When others sre aster, again cation and particulars coll Ray at RA 5-6165 STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN Washing machine, in excellent con mic a ree Farmer. deceased. who died ye ' Sevtye Jessel, to Someday. we know not when, V.L.A. OPPORTUNITY SALES and SERVICE Sitter, smal hel Sere Iso sell and exchange. Contact! on or about the 7th day of Miss Saint." Ton 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH Street South opm - - Comm unity Furniture Store, 19 Prince December, 1959, are heres To clasp his hand in the better land LOCKE'S FLORISTS Never io pan aga. $ix-room house and garage on four acres of land, Large garden OSHAWA ONT Street. Phone RA 8-1131 by notified to send in to the : new and used, largest selec y tion in town. Most reasonable prices undersigned Personal Repre- - Sadly missed by a loving wife and| greg plus stream and wooded area. House is large, warm ond Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 SALE SKATE . ant $ daughter f 1 " Bn --. . ri rT i tn v ! somioriabie 1 Grow pore then you need in the garden For A Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street sentative of the said deceased ally nterrupting ? Say it was casion more particulars and to inspect, coll Audrey McConkey at RA MERCEDES BENZ We don't promise any bonus, | BB « on or before the 22nd day of Jessel talking, not him. 4 one Bi TTY - -- we promise only number SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re-| February, 1960, full partic- When Miss came to the a Pe > Cemetery , BRABIN -- Entered into rest in the UATY } on Sunday.! 1 only have your the County of a particulars of their claims CHALKIN, Mahala Brian At the Benny then proceded with flowery introduction, occasion Flowers and a all | 5.6140. Oshawa Shopping Centre CARD OF THANKS D.K.W. FIAT self-storing aluminum wor |frigerators, TV's, washers, piamos,| 4 HE CE Ed podium to acknowledge the SUNSET HEIGHTS installed, quaranteed, stoves, etc top cash offer, com Lin a ix-room brick bungalow, extra large bedrooms, N.H.A. financ yorized Sales & Service $44.95 Aluminum double- [tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-131 iotely ofter the said date the PHONE RA 8-6555 GRIGG The fa of the late ng at 5%. Immediate possession. This home is in excellent , '" hung storm windows. Only | {A5y'S coat. grey, size 16.18, suitable] said Personal Representative . Mrs. Lillian Grigz wish to expressi Spc Uo tS Hilde Ristow of RA 5.6165 or ANDY NAGY'S $18.50 installed. Now try |for older woman. Phone RA 52261. | will distribute the assets of the FLOWERS Hea heatitelt ans, 10 anes RA 5.3605 even: Y 2 BODY SHOP the best in town. Call us for PORTABLE typewriter, electric BT said deceased having regard It brought a gasp from the iends bors h ki $ 36 1} 8 3 2 i credit oO far - § iene: , expressions of sympathy and beautiful WA 3.713 quick service, RA 3 291 jpewriter, Mekanker casn © resister only to claims of which she star - studded audience. Benny for all occasions floral tributes received in the loss of a HORTOP ST 408 King 5 3-7132 Alex Vojda, 481 Drew S baltic, | Moga shall then have notice commented lafer. "'ieorge W din Er al dear mother and especially thanking wi -- Ve Bur n *s uf Wedding and Funeral the Rev. Bury and the Gerrow Funeral Eight-year-cid wit storey brick home with four 3 . PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon DATED ot Oshawa this 21st im us 2 a Stag Real i Arrangements Home rooms ond bath at bedrooms up: This home i BUYING OR SELLING SEE FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss, day of Jonuary, 1960 Konia) Jhever said anything Distinctive Designs-- p Nib hii > . 2 Oshawa Hardware and Electric, ike this. Errily for You I would like to express my sincere hsted ot $10,900 on H.A mortgage in the amount TED CAMPIN $15.40 a week per family of [Oshawa Hatdware, -6% LAURETTA MAE MO 8 5 72 thanks to all my friends and neichbors 2 §5.000 may be umed he purchaser own payment MOTORS four, includes approximately LEAVING for Australia, new Vacmas CROSSMAN 5 for their kind wishes flower flexible y take jventage this rare opportunity coll Ray \ " or vacuum eled hal ce $50, 1a 5 y 6 etc. during my sta xs H at RA 5.6165 : i 90 per -cent groceries and {ler heat Con. Mretrigerator, 8% Jy her. Solicitors | Ur. Uppenheimer 31 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY pital. Especial thanks to Dr Gove and i NG ST.--OSHAWA freezer. No down payment wr fL., perfect $135. 1951 Packard ca McGibbon & Basetdc | -- ih HUI cet Gill, and the staff of the ha nital for - ¥ A Yermal _ he Tie iT 71 Simcoe North on H Ss i | Gill and the Malt of ne io RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 Just Eost of Wilson Road For appointment (no obliga- ke few $675. 271 Simcoe North, at Borristers 8 Solicitors [Gi L t MALLETT -- Suddenly, in Hospital Signed A. V. P Ajax 19 ATHOL ST WwW iW ag x : 5.3709 aw 20 Simcoe Street North, | ives Lectures at Ottawa on Friday, January 2nd, OSHAWA RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 tion)----phone RA 5-37 SEE the spectacular new Buccaneers! Oshawa, Ontario 7 hp with two starting m ( EE r tarting models. | | KINGSTON (CP Pr. J {Robert Oppenheimer, director of flowery introduction, she eould only mutter: West Side aa 960, May Cornelia Potter in her 82nd fA ---- ---------------- Sone in and chonse yours now. Trade year. Widow of James H. (George) 45--Real Estate For Sale Nin Gre i we 4) KING ST, Wi JANUARY: SALE and terms. Cy Preecs Garage, Glidden' NOTICE: TO CREDITORS [Princeton University. is in Kings Mallett, Oshawa and loving mother of a - > Mrs. D. W. Calwell, 2143 Riverside NEW six-room bungalow in Whitby | TCALF REAL ESTATE Aluminum Products f the at Verdun Road 1 SILy, 18 B&- : floors, tiled bath / QUALITY best quality ot the best AND OTHERS fon to give a series of lectures Dr Ottawa,' Resting at McIntosh hardwood and tile Funeral Home, Oshawa Service in room and kitchen, completely modern 1 p- " P - - - § t . = C aan' 1nd mn the Chapel on Tuesday, January 27, For further information call MO 8.4155 3V% Simcoe St. S Dial RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 SED ARS prices ully guarantees SEE HOME APPLIANCES a oril ohare hives at Queen's University. H « ni , a | J ( Double hur windows nl edit and © S ing 4% A i « : p.m' Interment Union Cemetery after 6 p.m Soy ¢] OSHAWA LTD loins oaaingt the Estate of Dr. Oppenheimer in 1943 wa ' director at Los Alamos, New CAMBRIDGE COURT TRADE UP y Call now 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR JOHN KRAWCHUK, lote of | nrayvico. and had the task of get tive C ga loy t C t, nearing «¢ pt 1ON { + ( 6-room bungalow with carpor earing completior OR DOWN Lymer Aluminum C FRIGIDAIRE y of Oshawa, are re ting together the equipment for T Cl lose eparate, public and high schools, large lot, attract ) 28°F ouired ~ . r WHI B Y ASSIFIED ; setting and plan. Mahogany is plastered pb ee LIENS PAID OFF RASS - SALES AND SERVIC! iin, 4 is ining assembling the first atomic R e g f y claims to the under ' room, gloss-lined hot water tank, etc. Call to inspect this at Domestic and Commerc ic licitor for the bomb nce. Asking $14,500.00 with $3,500.00 down WILBAK NEW STEREO RA 5.5332 Exccutrix, sii bafors the In an interview here. Dr. Op EE-ROOM _basem artment, FOR RENT -- Sevenroom. heated AL ul PRIN i' of MA penheimer said Canada's role in TAREE i ha .2par medi. house, all conveniences. Telephone bc ROSSLAND RD. AREA MOTORS H I-Fl SETS jay f arch, 1960 \ atomic and nuclear developments Is an important ene, particularly as Canada is not enormously populous. "Whenever {the atom ) hic he. Estate' r le. N y chy roe f ctor which date the Estate's on. Jaionatie. North of Whitby or apply 701 Cochrane Street the buyer with good taste -- a lot of house at @ minymum Llecuchoms 4 ditch will be distributed hov- Ee price. ---- 8-100m tanchestyls With GHorhed SU age. stare. fire 137 KING ST. WEST RADIO Admiral, Weslinghauss g regard only 10 claims thet be --{wo:room apartm ori sla \C t . A 5 n ' £ e eh 3 rerun a MR ag aaten, PILES, Bu | place, hot water baseboard, heating 3 bedrooms, landscaped large RA 5-0732 : iB ve been received lot, dining room, loads of cupboard space, storm creen . RECORD PLAYERS Servic ERNEST MARKS, Q.C hes been discussed Canada has R S 58 a ha equipped MO 3.3591 water 508 Centre North MO 5.2998 | T+ | wou ind two eh n 9c) el Ws hou hould 'be viewed to be appreciated. Asking -- NES QC, WOMAN yald mind hildre P d 9 PARKWAY 1.v. licitor made some very worthwhile con e mother works, in her home: or FOR SALE Chesterfield, matching $19,400.00 with reasonable down payment. Call this office HILLTOP MOTORS TAPE RECORDERS 918 SIMCOE NORTH 17 King St. East, tributions," he said erate family. Write to Box 130, Osh- FOR RENT New four-room apart 2 new Tri-Plexes nearing completion on Lansdowne Drive, bal ! awa Times 19f iment. very central, parking provided; cone 3 stoves and refrigerators, decorated, T.V. aerial, cera one three-room apartmant MO mic tiled bathroom m nthly income of $285 00 aay re RA 8-6891 MERCHANT . mfurnished available Februa tha 400% oh 12 60 CHEVROLET tw parking space. Dundas Street Fast evenings, MO_3-4003 Feb 12 c c e hes 5 | LE o-door MO 8.5188 J FOR RENT -- Large newly finished AVE 5 YEARS OF MONTHLY PAYMENTS Biscayne $2895 FURNITURE Brand New 40 H.P. electr coal basin tumors time. MO 3.4172 Jam. 29 po RA 5.4540 ; FOR RE Tr Te hh tic ; 2 odded law hollywood kitchens $13,495.00 with sic top, automat 2 g ¢ i houge, ai modern conveniences, im SEFHC taka clegned fhe sanitary $1,864.00 down." Yes! the mortgage is only 6% on these 2 he ; I i os NE So gues 25 HP new Sil : 9 rope Presiden. ge Baia Saunders Answer > ) S . leach yoddess of 25. Pecan oman baby «itt ng in the evenings. Rea chair, blonde dinette table. four chairs for appointment, or ofter 5:30 call Dick Barriage at 5-6243 Osh lo) RA 3-3043 shewg, ntene, = Hi FOR SALE--Fur jacket, natural musk. io ate, all size, good condition Ap . the older or retired person wonting Q home and an income to Nl ne-bedroor tment, heated, TV ' 8 be at e's " WANTED -- Transportation dail rh pis Wi bg Bla Whit- IN HARMONY HEIGHTS 59 CHEVROLET four-dc 3 Clearance Sale 11 Scott generator bail-o-matic 9 Jose's ol 18. Regret Bi ke tart, choi lor donkey DOWN 19. Bog mediate possession. Mrs. Sobzcak, Wat yw. 4 304 Chestnut West Phane MO 4 any von Street 1; ar yt West, Phan AFTER 5:30 CALL 56 PONTIAC fou OCCASIONAL CHAIRS $209 Soitt 199 ; across dawn 26, Greeting handle sonable rates. MO 8.3172 19¢ 9 x 12 rug, 24" television. Other ar de : Cilio ticles All like new. Apply 231 Palace WANTED TO RENT in Brooklir " oe TRI-PLEX HIGHWAY NO 2 THE DUTCH : 7 ACROSS 44. Three- 11. Arthur 111 Dovedale Drive, Whitby { NEW Eg! space i Wiithy, 3 qh upplement your pension us to see these apartments.and 60 CADILLAC four-door 171 BOND ST. EAST Let's help you save on your 1. Book hand arkin ot facilities a Wilson Heights area, Toronto, wo gly aia nly eft of tk ch-style bunagaolo > C ay 322 f hours 96. Phone MO 8.46% after 7.00 | ay lente immediately. Call RA 4 deh: of 1 ro sive t 9s pus. Bu by >. Jack 0 & To toe saps 10% TO 509% OFF ower. and dabilit 10 Viper, Sucenlent 20 Pierced [5] JUIL|E] eed - y ' ( € rick veneer bun 5 ) wO-do acio } or ' A . J - VIE OF: Speciy FLOOR SAMPLES Only $596.50 12 Assumed part of fruit 21. Oat- AVERT -- - --- i - <9 \ 2 S SEPTIC TANKS leaned ihe arian Marion Drew 7610 Dick Barriage . . 624" hardtop V8 auto: copay i TABLES 15. Over (poet) 5 Capital of 27. Humble -- and = 2 40 H.P. manual, lot N=, 16 Thulium Oregon 32 Sound, robbers bedroom 'house, April 1, by consid. Street , lor less ing lot fac al ' e a os THREE-roomed upstairs apartment, wi i0® 0 BEECCEE 00 ing, Mo 8. let us show you an easy, pleasant way of living Hordtop $729 ------ BOATING NEEDS | leaf card game A { §. European 46. Skin 15. p.m - f - PY - Bi «LEX D HENRY. General Contractor g 5 wi partia tone fronts, aluminum storms \ utomatic 0 5 FRESH water service. Phone any. gepairs, Alterations, Cement, Carpen 2 aluminum storm doors, kitchen fan, cer ! a ah Sutomgne, : vad 31593 CHESTERFIELDS name Melodies meal ith phi TH BUICK Special two-door BEDROOM SUITE: WHILE THEY 13. Cowboy's U. 8 snacks S - b : new tanks installed. Walter Ward Lloyd Metcalf 6983 Joe Maga 5 radi 5 J TR . : LLOYD REALTY 200 Chestnut. West, 'phone MO £2563 Everett Elliot 3.9290 5 BUICK. four-door susciol ILITE & TABLE LAMPS er for ski or Eroaser Aank: or em) Towih Wash LIVE poultry also feathers wanted -- outomatic. radio. $1095 Many Other Terrific Values bail-o-matic, $385 9° 17. Thrum month 33. Leave off, c 1% Bi CAC Highest market prices paid Jake of 5 HN OSHAWA'S BUSIEST Parker. MO 53644 rollect at Giveaway Price 19. Friar's Newspaper as a sylla- 55 MERCURY Fordor sedan 7 P new pour . REAL ESTATE FIRM HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good PLANNING TO BUI D clean cor $995 BARONS 50 He Ron Yi Lan . title 2 natives : ble ' i down payments W MeAuley Realtor - £ Of FT nd i ful th t 20 % 0. Surprise Cur 34. Subject of Shooter OPEN EVENINGS MO 8323]. Oshawa BA 3.2512 35 GHEVROLEY stondard HOME FURNISHINGS Ra PRE dissent Roulette bet Caesar marble V 8 ¢ 2 foor, really 424 S Je S 3 AND SATURDAYS FOR RENT -- Box and cabin trailers OR two- : 24 Simcoe St. S ; n 2 Gui P SATURDAY er saws, dr hove posing avers sharp $995 start only, $699.9°¢ 2 uido's : lowest note 2 pow PIGNIFIED- ATTRACTIVE fete. Wilde Rental Service. MOhawk 8 BUY A NEW HOME ? 4 FORD Fordo u jg F7 BABY 60 H.P. used, $695.95 23 Heal $9,900 FULL PRICE -- SR m-- HRYSLER four-door 18 ft. Weymouth Cruiser ful 24. Pertaining Buy this beautiful brick bun tor CIL PAN I | 40 H.P. Elect golow situated on large treed FO . If you'are. call us f ' a power steering, eutoma A ( SA y equippec tlectn to all Be oiaeq on large Vite] you , call us for assistance with plans, location ie rodio $695 B R INS , motor, $2,695.00 Greece terms. For. full particulars, (ily price etc Oshawa to Whitby. Courteous attention | OLDSMOBILE $150 16 Ft. moulded mahogar 28 Case for gall Jim Cruikshonks ot RA DODD & SOUTER CLEAROUT OF ALL equipped hardware, bape i toilet 33123 PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE | JAMES § 4 LAST YEAR MODELS light teering, speed meter articles WLPAPER 2 UR -- BUILDER ILLTOP MOT R OF BABY CARRIAGES spot-light, rearview mirror 29. Hawaiian CAREFUL BUYERS 107 Byron Street Sou : : BMC . ; : sib ho] tre + 2 5 FROM remote control with 40 bird BE SURE TO. SEE MO 8. RA 3.7122 ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 OM. $28.30 H.P. Electric motor and trail 30 as THIS VALUE - : setween Oshowa. 5. WHith YD' er. One only ot this price point (abbr,) i6f be n awa LLOYD'S $36 $1 499 0 31. Pay Five om brick home with A recreation room ond attached . FOSKETT 45A--]| EB kg Pg Rion 3 : i : Fore carport. Very modern and Real Estate for Sale 46--Real Estate Wanted 48---Automobiles Wanted Roxatone, dropside, on cas- FREE STORAGE TILL RING 35. Fores Ja --1 nicely decorated Very central & SONS Or Exchange Te SAE ors 24 MONTHS TO PAY 35. Sun god locatio culars. ¢ SELL or exchange -- R 3 : "Extinct bir re on, RA gars all 540 DUNDAS ST. E. pes are iy rl. igi Ig URGENT BUYING OR SELLING SEE HALF PRICE $16.88 OPEN 9 AM. TILL 56, Binet bia ache district. Write Box 130 Osnawa Times | We need homes for sale, an PLAY PENS . $8.88 S | (sls | MO 8.234) WHITBY {dd Wie Su"ub 00a Sicr] Jie rept fury tr sie, on MACKIE MOTORS jic/icriairs s788 | °F M TUES TO SAT |, oid Roofing. Shest Metal Wor 46--Re tate W. Act now' Phone RA 5 1 4 KING ST E nenti : : fing, Shest Meio fees al Estate anted vow! Phone 883 Ve itty Ge BL. STROLLERS $5.88 AJAX MARINE i" uenting 8.512 . > SACK 9 oy wanted Sor W. T LAMSON weekly for out of town 2 : \ avestroughing, Painting, e ome cash or your . . i H ite capital List With Lloyd bia raul all W. MeAul a 2 E dealc C iah a y st With Loyd no wart Gi Caw chun lr REAL ESTATE RA 5.5743 ® Wilson s Furniture, No 2 Hahway, 'At Aj ok : n A 2 - " anige {Wakthy MO 433, 174 20 CHURCH ST. ! PHONE 1266 LOYD |