' 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Januery 26, 1960 $7 THE OSHAWA TIMES.WANT ADS [E& o |14--Household Repairs 22--Radio & TV Repairs | Fi--Articles Wanted 41--Room ond Board |44--Houses, Apts.,, Flats [44a--Rooms For Rent §5--Real Estate For Sale 1--Accountants - CLASSIFIED AD RATES | For Rent MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and |ROXATONING -- Give oid furniture a TV TOWERS, Ope year guarantee FOR quick, friendly service, call Osh.|ROOM and board for two to share, TWO rooms in quiet NHA resale, one year old, three - bed. Co.. Chartered Accountants, Licensed 25 words or less Jinew look. Top quality work at reason- ($49.95, no bolts, no rivets, all welded. |awa Times Classified ad-writers. Dial [clean home, single beds, good meals, UPPER duple: ntral Whitby on resi-| 1Ome, suit couple or lady without chil-lroom bungalow, finished basement Tonsteer Aan, Oshaw, Swaliord Hon. Cosh Charge | able rates, For free estimates, phone All channel aerials from $19:95, Easy|RA 33492. - hunches pueked, "Jaundry done. RA| LFLE) street. modern and soif-contetn. | dren. Abstainers. Moderate rent. RA |apartment, separate entrance. reo J. W. Sonteith, FCA. MP: AB Mor 3 CONSECUTIVE | RA 3-2077 aiter business hours. terms. Kelly TV. RA 5-5121 a peg ee h od. TV 'outlet, mo chudron, Pama ain |5.2755. down payment. RA 8-0549. 9 felth, B. Comm. CA; G. W. Rien, CA, INSERTIONS 2285 248 PAINTING, also rooms papered, labor | TELEVISION, radio, tubes, Dot-Your pay cash, State make and price. Write|49_Room and Board 84507. CENTRAL -- Well furnished, warm loihs a Je ' oF | only and up, gyprock appli RA 5 [self free tester. 's 'Drive-] King | Box shawa es. bedroom, board optional, jet home. Street North, | Onda 1s Simeon f 6 COSRTIONS 375 aan |=. Se est ior ON Satin oD Wanted wo bedrooms apartment. w with heavy [cmos Prd Obtional. quiet ho HIGHWAY FARM - 2 0 e 0 | n [HIGH quality! Something different and|31 King West Open dally, 12 midnight SHAW WANTED Room and board for respec. |monthiy, private bath, parking facili- TWO spacious furnished rooms, close NEAR OAKWOOD table lady in ground floor apartment or|tes. RA 8.5385. to South GM and shopping centre,| [00 acres workable. Produc 9302. . BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting If not paid within 7 days the | more comfortable. New upholstered {and Sundays Services offer . complete bookkeeping Charge rate will apply rains or reba olster ats Hoel AUTO WRECKING CO. bungalow with reserved adults. Write 'THREE - room apartment, unfurnish|couple preferred. RA 5 tive lond, in on excellent J n services for small business. 184 Bond Above rates apply only to original r your old. Only by highly skilled up- ox 128, The Oshawa Times. 18f vy wird y Siret est, Roa Office RA 5-0397, orders for consecutive insertions. Liholsterer, at no 'extra cost. Gimpelj ; Want r: fi king, also Ting, adults oul: RA 3906, rwe furnished rooms, bedroom and farming belt, Level form with esidence, ; |] Subsequent insertions ordered at a liCustom Upholstering Co., 301 Elgin ants cars jor wrecking, 43---Wanted to Rent " (kitchen, built in cupboards, sink.| qo good water supply. Modern YALE, FRIEDLANDER, MUNTER || later date constitutes a new original |/Street West in Oshawa. For free esti. scrop iron "and metals, etc. AR bh ob TWO . Jfoom apartment, furnished, frigidaire and stove, close to hospital. 2_storey, 9-room brick house and Co., Accountants and auditors, Li-|} order mate, call RA 5.4170, See our big choice] bougl Open r i} THREE-, or four ~~ "bedroom. home in|stove, refrigerator and sink, centrally downtown. Suit two girls. RA 35-5228. J censed Trustee in Bankruptey, 54 King iss , J of samples | he Saturday @ good residential district, for one year, |located, parking space. No RA o with furnace and bath and Street East, Oshawa: B, L. Yale, CA; Professional and Business fistings -- OPERATORS Gov, hohe furnished or unfurnished. Occupancy in |3-3807, or apply 31 Elgin Street East, (GENTLEMEN roomers wanted, good| attached garage. Good imple- F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA. $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. JA CLEAN home is a happy home. RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. [60 days. Telephone business hours, RA | a mers sn garag imple Aoki to] Each odditlonal line $1.00 per fiFree consultation, work guaranteed, ASSOCIATION . [00 days, » RAIFOUR - room (two-bedroom) apart. |ileges, $7 weekly. 51 Colborne Street] Ment shed. Large L-shape S. 1. HOPKINS Company, Certl-|f jy no publicity. Reliable Exterminators, 3.2233, ments, Lakeview district, new "trig and | past. RA 5.7 A barn. Loose housing and pi Sinet ast, 'Oshawa. Ontario. "RA|| och initial letter, abbreviation, || Products and services for all needs! (In co-operation with the of rs oad Jon, a, Tater In x TT. APP Mier 8 pm. pens in L. A good form op re: hs , ini f oreviation, d, T to, ZE 9-9; ~ clu , Dew apartment Diiiding. One 3 53-3508. : * and & wn, figure, hori a) a ox 21546 or phgne Claremont SaRLL, Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) CEDARDALE WANTED available now, others Feb. 1. Phone RA ALE I good, distriet, Price $33,000 word, (vox charge 'Ive' additiong CHESTER] TTR i 3-4368. breakfast optional. Apply 51 Col Ith terms. | CHESTERFIELD! built, ed, geen ly borne 2-- Barristers AL Clossified Advertisments JCIPSTERFIELDS Tebulll. Tesovered,) TV.HI.FI-AERIALS SCRAP Apartment in | vicinity. of | ACRFTOR spsviment for Gy. cen | Suess Bask air 8 pn, RA $108 TR ¥ i MUST be in by % em the day. of [are reasonable, Satidaction guranteed, Dean Kelly TV--RA 5.5121 IRON METAL LTD. Sonth Simeoe or Mary tral, in modern Lament building, | Two gentlemen or ladies, willing to v OOM 4 E A 59502. Resi- [| publication Ice hours: Dally 8-9, § Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery € ro | otreets, tor one person, pri= parking, stoye and 'frig., antgnna. [share bedroom, twin beds. 238 Celin Bt South. R. | Saturday 8-12 0. 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA| Earl Fowler TV. RA 31685 IRON--METALS vate bath, central. RA 86047 share, bedroom, + lina hg HOME ese tp et | 5.0311. Parkway TV A 3-304 PAPERS--RAGS MODERN, all newly decorated upper i oard house, large Hv- Z. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solic: | 8 ' + all newly ecoral PPE {ONE large tor, ete. 13% Simcoe Street North. REGULATIONS T stiolt not bak; t Mel Pollard TV. RA 3-9512 p PH. RA 8-8856 duplex apartment, consisting of Targe room for gentleman, . or couple, one] "9 room 24 x 12, dining Office RA 53741; Residence RA 55542. (| The Oshawa Times snll not be I] 5-- Instruction Premier TV.... RA 5-1179 | OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY living room, dining room, large master |block from Glecott's. Apply 125 Clarke] room 15 x 16, fairly modem nt e in | HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,| 1V Enterprises. .RA 5-2905 RA 5-3432 room, Ren hed: Street. 17| kitchen and 4 bedrooms, MoGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, (| ments submitted otherwise than in 44-.Houses, Apts., Fla {with electric stove. and TefrigeTatOr. | mesmo en Solicitors. Clients' funds available for[} writing, nor for more than one | Tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland FREE PICK-UP Plee ie ts {Hardwood floors throughout, laundry ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail-| Close to church, school, bus. first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North. {| incorrect insertion of any adver- || Re; now. 424 King West, RA 56122. APPLIANCE SERVICES AESIDENCE--RA 5.4159 - ed . av firs morteages. 30 Simone Sirest Norp: ony For Rent room, separate entrances, front and(abe in private home, 81 Park Road] A good buy « ot $7,500 with A 3-33 aries A 4 4d Bi nt, nor beyond the price nm by tea a rear, sundeck. Couples only, $11 ) , 57 p.m. 8671. Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. hispid Pig aR Tg TUITION given Dy. teucher, q piled] Jack Christie RA 5-1179 100 ANNIS STREET SEVEN rooms, clean, subletting pri- month. Phone RA 39114 a $iNGLE furnished. bedroom for busi $1,000 do HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris-(| the advertisement in which error JI 0700 SEECRATE CAC oo mn, RA Lodwick Electric. RA 5-6369 | Ties, (Siren weleome, Central. | appointment ess man quiet home, breakfast | MERVYN BIRD, ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC; (} occurs. And also reserves the right Jig gr75 Star Repair. ....RA 5.7743 135 __Employment Wanted |Gower Rear Eerie Ra ins 5s L | FOUR - room house, newly decorated, optional. a Colborne Street "West . G. E. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, |} to classify advertising according to TH Pare Warner Williams RA 5-3531 piaym 59275 1 ave, R Or RA| avy wiring, gas in. North Ajax. 27 ONE Too uroished BROOKLIN, OL 5-3159 LLB: 4 King Sirei West Bhones:|} #2 own dessifieation Tas BRE Jw ner toy re | BOOKKEEPER with several years ox. | mr trvointment, 1% |Maple Street. Call evenings, SUBdsy,|one orgwo a To ce, RA 51177; Res. RA 5.4604 or In the case of display advertise. ]| Alor, Dancing School. Ballet, tap, p CHARGE CREDIT CARDS perience handling a complete set of CENTRALLY located -- three large (all day, [Edinburgh School. Phone RA 57706. J. A. WILLOUGHBY Whitby 30 32751. Money to loan || ments The Times wilt not be heid | Saturday. Masonic Temple, RA 2 WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL, | [Douks, telephone RA 8-5: Warm ropms with private entrance and| NEW three . bedroom bungalow in|Two housekeeping rooms. Apply # AND SONS LIMITED JOHN G. MacDONALD, BA. Barris- || responsible for more sp ice than ~ - ee . ww | bath, sink in kitchen, heavy duty wir-!whithy large rooms. v , GT ole el. Bt wR ah Bln HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Raion - = LAUNDRY and ironing services from (ing, inside parking. RA 3-0424 | ithy,Tatze Toomsy 8H conveniences, Drew Street. RA 34152 after 6 p.m. Phone RA 8.8511. pies, The publishers endeavol tap, Roy cademy ballet gh ' my own home. Phone RA 13-3545, 4.|:o0 OP d IRA 85-1544. 17¢|ONE "furnished room, suitable for lady REALTORS i es. The publishers Register naw. 424 King West, RA 5.6122 GEORGE S 7 p.m, FOUR unfurnished rooms, ground floor, oo fl Apply 620 Si Street JOHN A, CAMERON, barrister, solici- reproduce A varlsing oe - _______|private bath, heavy duty wiring, ga-|RAVINE off Wentworth, nearly new-- morn oo APP THES 9 ree or and Natary Public, 18% King Street § S077 Bn an fd, " DA Sale Stven for child over three rage. Apply after 6 p.m. 315 King Street four . room apartment, heat, electric |= Dr East. RA 32260. NHA and private "advertisement are contained | LEARN TO DRIVE NOW | T.V. Antenna, Installa- [Years Telephone. MORK 53707. Io West. REE __ 1 refrigerator, stove, washer and dryer |STNGLE and double rooms for gentle 4 nortgages arranged - |} therein tion and Repairs = 4 THREE unfurnished rooms, hot and | Supplied, parking space. RA 3.2734. 1747 i With cooking privileges. Apply 135 GREER snd Kelly, Barristers, Solici- Don't bec Foirweother i to CARPENTRY work required, will con- | cold water, private entrance and drive-|TWo honsekeoping rooms. clean and| Cena Street. okt . | sider any small jobs. Specialize in|way, heavy duty wiring. Immediate|quiet, refrigerafor, close to morth GM.|TWO furnished rooms, all conveniences, N +H nT 5 A. BUILT ors, ele Simcoe Street South. | iver. Phone. the ' Dia 78. Residence phones: | | Driver € e | Honesty is our policy All Srimming, Call RA 3-9936 anytime for |possession. RA 5-6935 18f {Phone RA 8-6890 19f| Very central, suit couple. App! : Se. 5 : k ho information. pa er eerie bY BA HCL RA Bo {8--Building Trades. { Oshawa Driving School | work guaranteed. 24-hour : Y| THREE furnished rooms, clean, quiet! FIVE - room, 1%.siorey brick home, | Abert Street. RA 8-6340. L Kelly, PA L. RA $5832. ak service LADY, would lke to care for two home, Kitchen, refrigerator, 1ving [in Southmeade, ¢lose to bus and school, | LARGE clean, furnished light house- 6% MORTGAGING RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas RESIDENTIAL and commercial alter a-| Day ond Evening Lessons | children in own home while mother room, bedroom, private bath, SHtranes; *. |available February 1. RA 8-1756 keeping room, central, close to hospi- 0 H. Greer, Associate Barristers and tions and repairs, ree, rooms. Tel col-| | CALL RA 3-9525 works, 5-day week. Phone RA 8.5881. rage. Central Couple preferred. | MODERN w-- tal. No calls before noon. RA 8-5084. 17¢ Solicitors, 130 K 5 a A lect, Pi 738 -00 | 18 | E : our-room self. ined : ors.' 130 King Street East. RA|lect, Pickering 738 RA 8-0091 3 -- f|Elgin_East, RA 3 0 tment. Adulte any. Voorcontained| ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and] Aluminum storms and : § ave [STONEWORK -- brick and tile RVICE WHEN YOU WANT |doms lid alterations' andr mending | THREE - room, furnis apartment, | ary 1st Appl¥ 335 King Street East, 19f|bath, maid service. RA 3-4641, Genosha sc THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, 80 3.783 RVICE ! xpertly. Phone also one extra large f hed house. | of r . I hd Notary Public. 26% TRing Fouus Braves 24 bik 5 i 5/17---Money to Loan IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! F keeping room, minutes from Shopping [89 TN Walk gk Stree ast. P % ID -- a bulk cooler, and 25 to 30 o avallable for first ' P i. [room apartments, ti rooms, fully a $ East Phone RA §1ves _ cemented and waterproofed by ex-|Ciginie | monies avaiable for first T.V. and RADIO 36- emale Help Wanted et enone after 5. Fri-| focorated. Hurry for these! Only a few|one large bedroom, suit two gentlemen. qlk-out basement MANNIN SWART: "Barrister, perts, low cost, free estimates RA} 205.20 igh he . HOUSEW ES -- Part-time telepis ti Sund available. Call exclusive rental agent,|willing to share. RA 8-0913, 16f A i Hoito 0 ' o A880 pa agreements of sale purchased | " F me telephone time Sund ay, RA 81776. 77 Gibbon, * $12,800 is the full f Solicitor, Notary. Money Joan. Asso-|g. 17:7 a sa 8 le | CALL RA 8-5286 work in central office. Four hours Street, 17¢|Mr Bill Swarbrick, RA 5-6544 or RA hr 3 Tull price for " 265% King Street Bast. RA rE § and lawns roto-filled. Made Public, 26% King East, Oshawa A % daily, Phone RA 5-8261, 5-6 p.m. MODERN sicctrically saiivped. Too. [Realtor John A. J. Bolahood Ltd. 45---Real Estate For Sale this solid brick bungalow 1 a 97 " ---- hit ---- PD] ea - EP TTarY i i i i Residence, dial RA 3-4029 Es Spring planting and seeding. 3-4697. . - dca] All Work Guaranteed GIRL required for modern fond store, | bedroom apartment, 111 Craydon Road, (NEW unfurnished Three oom basement | PRIVATE, Whitby, four-bedroom semi- with six bright rooms. Family DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister | oo 5-358. __| FIRST and scond morgage, sale OSHAWA experienced preferred but not A iby Phone MO 85229 17¢ | Er tained, heavy wiring. |detached bungalow, two years old, 31| size kitchen, and really big r Re | agree. t rehases n 0 0! " | 3 on ed, 3 A GRE RI RR ED JE Bert 3 Sime Swoe Noh + (CENTRAL -- Wee _ sour Sparirment Ressgnable. Abeiiners ony. Call RA Loo inky [af Bhved, eve, "a| living and ining room with : ne; Business, RA 5.3501; Res Dial RA 3:1492 for an ad-writer Street East, RA 3.7232. g ELECTRONICS. ERR hos separate. entrance, builtin cupboards, 5: a scenic panoramic view. Large dence, RA 8-537: ia 3 0! a 3 i 723 i - CLERK typist, | preferably with "ledger | sink bathroom, business or middle-age N mr ---- Fl wo acre cre building Tot, near Highway lot with basement openin: JOSEPH F MANGAN, GC. barrister, BASEMENTS dug, and Dackilied, ox. | CLIENTS money ta Joan on first ort. | posting experience, good salary and couple, parking, heat, light, telephone| TAIN floor one - bedroom apartment, in| No 7. 'Must be sold a once, asking pening ki | ini t for t busi int di Yi solicitor. Money to loan. Office 26 |cavating, etc. RA 3-3398 or RA 80623. |gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale | ECONOMY AND working conditions. Apply 8. H. Wilkins, |included. 232 Greenwood Avenue. 17f| Mice quiet home, for wo puroony, usi- £3000, Call Walter Frank, McQuay and © garden. Yes, complete Street , Oshawa. RA 88232. | ce ek and | Purchased. NHA mortgages arranged. | EW AJINL)A SE Memorial Hospital, Bow- | trees room TT Trg pee Seuple Frylered 21 Br Ro, Kidd, Realtors, MA 3.3393, Bowman-| oluminum storms and screens mas "-|STeighions Fraser, Diysan and: Mur. DELUXE TOWERS e [heat and water. Apply 68 McMillan p.m. ove. MM too. WHY RENT? THE family will thoroughly enjoy lv- R ce, RA 53-3405. cement work and repairs RA 5-3 in | ---- CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and a; - | . Just a few | Drive ee Een" Solicitors, No-|FLOOR, wall service, epramic, | plastic TIP of the day on good jobofferss | Roof antennas installed |words in Classified will tell your stors - TET TT APARTMENTS, all conveniences, im-|ing in this three - bedroom brick bun- A 5-883 tary Public, Bank of Commerce BId.. wall tiles, linoleum. vinyl, mastic, floor gyno' want Ads! Look 'em over 5 to many -- for a very low price. Get|:"-BEDROOM apartment, electrically mediate occupancy, close to SGM, [galow in North-West Oshawa. Close to - 1 ent Noman, RA 3.5464: T K.|tle. Greg Rivers, MO 8.5235 - [Now as low as $30.00 com- results by dialing RA 3-3492 now. SSuiPped, A eons. TV amtenna, 101 plenty of ps , on 301 Cordova lall schools. Delightfully different kitch- hton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G K.|ALL TYPES of building repairs--Roof en a lete Na pC |Craydon Road, 22 ithy. _|road. { Fulalie Avenue, 17f |en, stained trim throughout, charming, Pry G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort ing, Masonry -- Cement and Eaves hit HAVE ents kisi ar loans and P citing, Toth Sxperienice in telephone FIVE - room bungalow, fully furnished: BUNGALOW, new 6-room brick; many duality bullt and economically priced at Ww. T. LAMSON gages arranged | troughing--Chimneys, Gordon May. RA) "or Jo nents of sale. Louis S.| REPAIRS to work on bonus system. For pr bein silver, dishes and bedding, plano, oil| conveniences. Phone MO 8-5043. 0 $12,300, 'Joseph * Bosco, 'Realtor, "RA GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar.|803%. --_|Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh T.V. SERVICE phone MO 8-5861. 19¢ | heating, $95, possession until June. RA Centre Street North, Whitby. 35-9870. REAL ESTATE LTD rs, Solicitors and Notaries Public. awa. RA 3.4943 «Ve GIR, for stock cork and pricer, AP:Ty | toa "bedroom ultra. Ta |S EVEN - Toom brick home, near Bort : 5 Tr reet East, RA 54717, R 11 few : ---- i < : ¥ | r Jy. M he ui ast, Bd A MacDonald DODD & SOUTER WE HAVE clients' monies for joans on Fully licensed 253 Siiooe Street South. Ontario Plumb- rs' ve. oo Hi nea Shopring Centre, electri: | LC], Pant He extras. Must ol of, Murphy a . . rs irst and second mortgages and ing an ts » {cally equipped Metro artments. » i | PAINT -- WALLPAPER [fst mf sieht morass 8d | TV Technieiops |! 4s Hesing soln Fe orsnts vie Fated, Rn Sh SST EL: Bai hy er JOHN A. J. 4H ; X : | STING CORATING ments o a PART time waitress ante, "between (PI Apartment No. 25, RA 81904. 17¢| -. 3--Chiropractors {PAI ING i ACTORS G man, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh. | 1 YEAR ages 25 lo.35, married woman prefer. [SEVEN room homer pice district, |FIVE - room bungalow, close to South Real Estate, RA 56569. 17¢ BOLAH A red, evenings and weekends. Phone RA near schools and down town, hardwood |! mediately or February 1. $90.| coNrRaAT -- six - poom brick finish. J. A. TAYLOR, Doctor of Chiropractic, | ks f ------ 377 King Street West, Oshawa. RA| For free estimates cc { < 8-6812 6f all RA 1 between 4-6'p.m. - 19 2 SERVICE CONTRA - asl. __ 16 throughout, newly decorated, excellent |ed attic, oil heated. Reasonable cash 32 for appointment. | DAYS MO 8-5231 Ist and 2nd dh y RACTS . part Gime, also [OF subletting or roomers. Phone RA|THREE . riom apartment, with Tights, |offer accepted, Phone RA 5-0437 after LIMITED | 5.7 short of 5-3093 at and . water, suitable for business|é A Dantishs EVENINGS RA 5-7426 ESS THAN order cook for a 17 -- = audit Bug ie See 8 C GL) sos %¢/ REALTORS INSURANCE SLATES -- 107 Byron St. S.. Whitby MORT( SA( SES | A $1.00 A WEEK 4 npbell, Genosha Hotel |FIVE-ROOM apartment, garage, oil ast, Telephone RA 33051 Lot | NEW six-room brick bungalow with DR, G, T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. | SOL yon st, 5. yaby 3 5 NT for dental office. Answer furnace, garden, on paved road, 15 min oe | dOUble garage on 3 acre lot, situated 167 SIMCOE S mp-- | in own handwriting, stating age, edu.|utes from Oshawa. Now vacant. Colfax TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $95. In- north of Greenbank on No. 7 and 13 . |cludes stove, fridge, heat, hot water. highway. Phone YUkon 5-2762 or UX- . 8.6246, Mortgage loans Open evenings by appointment. 259) | | Simcoe Street South. Phone RA $2%.| LieNinEDCON CONCRETE | Arranged { cation, 'marital status, experience if 323%: J - | | Ly ndewood Invesiments | any, and salary expected. Write Box BOWMANVILLE- Spacious three- room | 105 _Craydon Road, Whitby, Apt. 2. bridge 200, RA 5 6544 5--Nursing Ser PROPUCTS LIMITED 209 Brock St. S | . 131, Oshawa Times. {apartment. Large utility room, cellar, |UNFURNISHED three-room apartment|STOREY and half house, large lot, | O . ' dm Heated. $65. MA [in apartment building, $75 onibly, close to public, separate and high | | PRIVATE and semi - prival Concrete, Cinder ,Hoydite . Ations now available. | Completely Blocks. Chimney Blocks, \ MO 8 5332 modern, new building. Licensed. Rea- 4 prt | mem -- sonable rates, Visitors welcome. South 1089 Nelson - Stree i Haven Nursing Home, Newcastle 0 Nelson - Street 1] FIRST AND SECOND Phone 4441 | 3 All TELEVISION 37--Male Help W 3.3995. & Phone RA 5-3804. 17¢ schools. RA 3-9762. $7.000 FULL PRICE hes FO OUR room apartment, semi-furnish-| THREE-room basement apartment, i EXPERIENCED automotive c1€TK. (oq suitable for tug pire sas mn private bath, TV outlet, immediate pos. For this four-room bungalow OTS with up-to-date kitchen, 171 BOND-ST. EAST Must have good education and aggres-|pehruary 1, $55 per month, RA 34873 session. Phone RA 57040. 16¢ siveness, able to type and have desire 16f rR - beautiful hardwood floors. Corner Wellington | to get ahead. This is a pportunit; s---- --laT WEEKLY -- Ajax p ieee | A 4412 RA 5.7041 | MORTGAGES and RA 8-6781 Jor The Eis man. Plane Mar (GLEAN, heated three ~ oom mapa. [nome, six rooms, oll heat, stove, re-| NH.A. approved, full pre- This house has Jaen kept co -- ms ------ ---- 5.0671. | ment, one child welcome, close to three frigerator, Tv outlet. Ajax 393. . x spotlessly clean. Asking only ANDEN NURSING HOME| | AGREEMENTS OF SALE 123--Women's Column |r orice ion mun ior washing Saga "Monn: Pebiad. "RA\ pppoe iit, oodem, spacious] | POId services, builders terms. | §)500" down and the bal. (Liscensed) KING ST. WEST | HOME [IMPROVEMENTS |SPECIALY Heat permanents, $6.50; and cleaning cars, also changing tires, | apartment, private bath, excellent for RISTOW & OLSEN once carries for as low as | - REMODELLING--ADDITIONS $1,800.00 to $100,000.00 [Cold wave $6.00 Page Hairdressing Must be over 25, conscientious and|A 10ca- | business couple, use of washing ma- Recltors 9.00 a month including nursing home for | REC ROOMS t Fone owners residential |3% Pine Avenue, RA 5.5363 have driver's licence. Phone Service |tion, four rooms and bath, completely | chine, dryer, parking. RA 57789 after ea 1 hid " | RA 8.0421. self-contained, private entrance, nicely is 8f RA 5.6165 -- RA 5.3412 and elderly FAMILY R | ILY ROOMS property, . summer cottages, | - decorated, heavy wiring, adults prefer- | - on ~. -- - ond women). Tile. 'Hardwood: Floors suburban Homes. -. foctories. 24--Market Basket JE mech "required, | red. RA 3-9859 [TWO - family house, nine roo 19 Athol St. W. 8,900 FULL PRICE dieticians in . Ee Snr COOKING apples, $1.00 bushels Spes,|(2nd or "3rd year) or consider some |r orated, 263 Maty Street, Dhone after thol St. West iD : Cupboards and acreage. Quotations E [$1350 up les, Si ushel; Spys,|one" employed: as mechanic 5 eee | For this 2-storey brick home, Veaet caPyar asell Stainton, 14 miles i offering 6 well planned Seticiers without FVIE- ROOM brick house, 3 bedrooms, (6 p.m Dial RA 5-1945 ,S ay y a . | etn . oil heat, modern conveniences, attached Pr Loans Arranged phone or mail, Prompt s east of Taunton. RA 8-8914. papers. Phone RA 35-5402 ivi | FURNISHED bachelor apartment x RED | arage, Inimediate; 'octupancy. = Cours | apartment building, TV antenna, bed, Income home at $9,500.00. rooms. Heated by oil, house , lounge v i ice Oshawa Acceptance |g RETIRED gentleman, with general g , Apply 109 A | i 6--Optometrists | HUGH Cruse orp. Ltd, 112 Simcoe St |EALOWEE 0 $1.25 bushel hamper. (pill experience, for five or six hours | Sire ot 'atier 6, © PP 109 AWE llinen included. Available February 1| 8 rooms -- 3 rooms rented. equipped with storms and --r td A AREER EA RE] RA 5-3937 { J Oshawa Days RA | daily, five-day week. Write Box 21, NEW H Trac hed hm on | Telephone RA 5-8160 Sk Central: location, close to screens. You will also have a H, TUCK: 30 Siumetrist, Pease) 5.3568. Nights: RA 5-1386 [25--Pets and Livestock Oshawa Times. 16] om, large fenced sard. close to| NEW. two - bedroom apartment, re. Sched, Hot wafer heating, private drive ond ao large accounts at downtown ro 9+ . bd J RIE, | ¢rigers e, washer and dryer, % e. Low down Onl ki 1.5 H i -- TWO men to work nine hours per day |§ GM plant and school; ssession | {rigerator, stove, washe ng ouble garag garage. Only asking $1,500 ] r 13 outh GM plant and schools, po ion » g ' Bank or 74 Burk Street. |1 1=--Business Opportunities 5.3568. Nights: RA 5-1386 [THREE ones, reasonable, Phone OL (for $100 per week. Write Box 120,|Jumunrs sth RA. 5.900 near Shopping Centre. RA 8.8631. payment. Hurry for this ond. Home pevent. or 3:4650 Brovklin, Oshawa Times 19¢ | E - room apartment, private en.| Call Loreen Kellett, RA : ______|VARIOUS business and investment| RA 3-9484 PPE Teg foplex. enied, | THREE : ; vestme D oom duplex, he ; RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom. properties for sale, trade or lease, Call |BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea-| WOMAN wanted, day care for two chil- garage, central, immediate possession. trance, three-piece bath, heavy duty| 3.3770. $1,500 DOWN $1,500 : the examination of eyes, contact John Wacko, Business Broker, RA|]19-----. Personals |ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5-63: ring, refrigerator and stove, built-in : 3%. Simcoe North (at Colborne | 0a. m oy re. | BEAUTIFUL oh 358 atier 5. week. Telephone Ajax!telephone RA 3-285 cupboards, sink in Kitchen, $13 Rich Full price only $12,500 for evenings appointment. RA 3-4191. BARBER shop, confectionery for sale | HYPNOSIS--Overcome. tension, fears, |B" ¥ baby budgies, ready for APARTMENT, four rooms an aa ond Street East this home located in the |'Apartment.. 333 Ritson Road South frustration, nervous pains, gain confi-|training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, MAN wanted for service station. a newly decorated, tele- pe -- -- - north-west tio Mod 7--Surveyors Phone RA $0020. "| dence, lose weight, etc. Consult Edwin Broad; 114 Elgin Street East {age, married or single, experience If phone RA 5.2380 after § p.m |TWO offices -- one with vault, newly a wast: section, ern CARRS hone po rm Heath, Institute of Ethical Hypnosis,|CANARIES, guaranted singers, young|®lY: Write Box 232, Oshawa Times decorated, centrally located, suitable five-room bungalow. Just HORTON and Associates, On-|STORE and office for rent, central,(11 Ontario Street, Oshawa. For ap-|pudgies talking strain. Largest -- SERVICE station attendant. Fully ex.|F1VE - room bungalow for rent in bet-{for doctor. dentist. lawyer, insurance. 67 KING ST. E. built o year ago. Featuring § 445 tami ODE 75 * J td a | te: 10 1 ecia Pap > s ey ors, rofessional Bi parking facilities. Write Box 945, Osh-jpointun! phone RA 8.0171 or RA 5-175 ment of tropical fish. Complete' fine of |perienced peranns with #000 Telerenues| ore ote ba Lor awa. Respon, [Specialty I "pox 50. Bowmanville RA 5.7732 a finished rec-room. No sec ring, 306 Dundas Strect West, Whit-|lawa Time SPENCER Foundation Garments, in-|bet supplies. Sportsman's Corner, 105|only noc: apply. Telephone RA 55402 (Howe "5 Millen Rental Agents, 67] oo a mA. > ond mortgage. Phone im- hh 149. dividually designed. Reg. corsetier Jyron Street South, Whitby, one block st t East. RA 57 : | di fo - - ! ' yy y Street Ei A 5.7052 mediately for DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontarh {i -Gordoning & Supplies Mrs. irene Hendershot, 208 Park Road [West of Four Corners. Open till 3 p.m.|38--Male or Female [oe Toe = ts ST CENTRAL TH DISTRICT and ae Jewis Land Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA |------e---- North 0 room house, oil heate m- € . 6881 i TT ™ = |26--Farmer' s Column Help Wanted {mediate possession. Phone after 5 p.m.| Three or six room office suite, NOR H ST Cc AND knit ary axim sweaters, | mm -- Ee opoi-------------------- {RA 3.2519. " " 8] i with private facilities. Will re- New 3-bedroom brick and | HARDSAND any de > oe an 4 : y design, made to order. Phone RA pean farm stock BOOKKEEPER for old reliable firm, - picked up promptly. , ACTIVE > oo : ) 8-- Building Trades LANDSCAPING 3-438 Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.272%, |TePly in own handwriting, stating ref- ATTRACTIVE comfortable new five. mode! to suit. Call RA 8-5123 stone bungalow, custom built, BILL {ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save fp Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, erences, capabilities etc. Write Box | oo" ; » i 2 no qualifications necessary, RATCLIFFE [ALLSTATE 20 Jonruice. Save Sv 133 Oshawa . Times. welcome. Close to bus. RA 8-1720 after Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 1 th hot f r i rne-- ap - A 3 r room: rot y - | Fertilizing personal service at your home, call|27----Fuel Wood ARE yon interested in a fll oF spare] oo - 101 Simcoe St. N. orge ns : ughout, : €o "3 : Tractor Roto-Tilliny RA 577413 ti les.plan by whi MODERN three - bedroom bungalow, RA 8-5123 ored bat ixtures, many, and heating supplies. | ra i] - - --er- | lime sales plan by which you can make| sh ' P 3 - \ 5.3521, Harold R. Stark,| Top Soil - Sod - Manure eu mi------------ -- (WOOD for sale. Choice ood cut- [$10 to $20 a day? Take orders from | E103 to Shopping Centre. Phone RA|_ a TRAIAN many extras. Reduced for bing, heating and engineer-| Flagns ge Patio Slabs jpn Ag To d. YU Ng vy a I featuring pid rr " - OFFICES--STORES quick sole 10 $12,500. See Op: E Sire | Ag 5 { pwood a a load Ukon 5 usehold ucts. Write Raw-|FOUR - room apartment, light, heat, -- : f en Evenings Siucte Stree South 1721 | ELECTROLYSIS 181 [leigh's, Dept. L-310-RR, 4005 Richelieu, unfurnished, water. Couple only. Pri. > os hore oe oe vole, | zie Ison, Members of Oshaw S| a pnd ENTER work, framing, trim.|..... - -- |WOOD cut by buzz and chain saw. | Montreal. Yate 203 King Street West,| New and modern office and a.m. 0 m. Kitchen cabinets, custom work | Removal of superfluous hair. | 3.2254 \em! Driveways snowplowed. RA 59727. a1 sto a with off-street 3 ' District Real Estate Board -- | 41---R oom and Board EIGHT - room house, two-storey home| © rei Poe Heald rrr : » 2 ome ---- and repairs, Mortgages arranged. Alf " 3 " and, rep: a. RA 3357. | WILD BIRD Marie Murduff will be in |30--Lo +d Found me: HEVCHT room Bouse, two storey homel. parking, Reosonoble rent. $900 DOWN ROOM for one or two gentlemen, pri- - mites | ROOFING and siding, estroughing, | Po Rollin . repairs, new and old work | er Ing B.A. UPTON for hig i a shawo 26th ond 27th. a liate possession, teleph and decorating. Phone RA 3-297 | FEEDERS Oshaws, Jon. 2 one = LOST -- red alligator wallet, no identi. | Yate home, no other roomers kept,(jiiy ile Possession. telephone RA Call JOHN WACKO 6-room brick home on Rich- OVER A QUARTER ORBING ot Tater geez | Phone Genosha Hotel on [fication in" downtown vicinity, large |tWin beds, meals if desired. Telephone eT OE REAL ESTATE ; CENTURY OF SERVICE PLU MBING and Jeating pipes, fittings, | n tum of money. Reward. RAS 1004 RA 5-2031, THREE - bedroom apartment, all mod has mond St., only a few minutes I I SUNFLOWER SEED these, dates for appointment, | ROOM and hoard, sultabie for lady [G0 SGUVTCRMEE, Cee G6 Bun. Fone RA 50569 wolk to four comers, heating tallat at reasonable rates. Infor WILD BIRD SEED oh or |31--Articles For Rent or gentleman, home privileges, near is hot water with oil, 3-pc. nat imates free on any type 4 5 Bh |20---Cartage --.. [North GM plant. RA 5-8138, or 331 Osh- APARTMENT -- Three rooms, garage, |- - bath, nicely d ted, M 5.4241. J, Foley PET. SUPPLIES oo " --- ---- [ELNA rentals. RA 5-2591. Straight | awa Blvd. North [tive minutes south plant, Private en: ath, gely ecorates 4 ove Bd il HN {GALT CARTAGE. furniture and appli. |stitch and zig-sag ---------- |trance, bath, cupboards, heat, lights, | se-room two - bed- in right away, vacant now. ; CARPENTRY -- trimming, cupboards, | U oi ance mov Reasonable rates, nn : -- er [ROOM for one gentleman, board ob | water supplied. Bus at door. RA 3-368 Moder: five.room. two Full i 45 $10,000.00 Insurance Associates Ltd. recreation rooms, playrooms, inside re- DOG MEALS insured. Call day or night. RA 5-4 tional, centrally located, In private| 4 - room apartment complete : . modelling, all work guaranteed. Phone USED home. Ab..ainer. MO 82429, Whitby BASEMENT apartment, 348 Stevenson Call Ozzie Addison, RA RA " JIA ! . GIRL wanted to share "large room Roja, Phone Ajax 16¢| with stove, refrigerator, auto. 3.2254 RA 3-2265 or 5 oom, : | "BRITANNIA" MALT CITY CARTAGE SEWING MACHINES [ome toned meals, win beds. Cen MODERN five room avartment. heat-| matic washer and dryer, TV | RA 8-1624 | tral. Phone RA 8-8478 led, drier. Parking. Vacant Febru wu X ol - ONTARIO : EXTRACT General trucking, apartment | Portable -- Consoles ROOM and board for clean, aiet | i Sy RB Bot, Newcastle. SeHo) Saved Parkins, Axel) COMMERCIAL, FLOOR SANDERS | 1CE SALT { Appliance, and Light De ] Guoranteed by -- gentlemen, mon - smokers preferred, | LOX or AR able March 1st -- telephone Simcoe St. N. -- Lot 75 x KING STREET EAST 3 | - livery Express { ; near Shopping Plaza and 401, South|FOR RENT--Option to buy, storey and RA 3-9329 or RA 5-6983 124 ft. with S5-room brick 1194 KING ST. EAST [CROWN DIAMOND PAINT DIAL RA 5.2621 SINGER SEWING CENTER Whitby, MOhawk 8:5092. ? half hause Immediate possession. 19¢ house, oil heating, 3-pce 3 fom anch Style bunga- LR FRE : my Close to school and bus. Double garage. ' d he ow with attached garage, Tile and Hardwood { TWO rooms with board or without, ood garage, Floors Sanded dw R Joid ANYTIME single beds, in private home. Suitable Jelephone RA §- 985 sa -------- both, hardw and tile located on King St. on a lot a. oo. and renh LOADS INSURED | WEBBING'S for three gentlemen. Immediate pos. | THREE - room, self 4 floors, garage. Full price only 72 x 151'. Home is compris- CALL RA 3-725] Coo er Smith Co.! os . % session. 'Parking facilities. Phone RA ent, Beates, continuous hot MODERN | $13,900.00 with $3,500.00 ed of living room, dining | 0 19f [heavy duty wiring, sh | ' i Don't hang up, Tet Rt ring p 21--Personal Service HARDWARE | Roo sissies ws gesiien. | Conizes Dus stop. parking. space." RA | 2 BEDROOM Saas Te Addin, | room tied Kinchen 2 bed : to 16 CELINA ST SEWING machine H ris] $15 weekly. P Fu, |S-0108. sara die Ds od 1c, Nied Both, ; pair and service weekly. Parking, close to South GM es ! APARTMENTS Downst s divid 0 It makes Eine, Ba 5.2501 AND RENTALS OF RA 56441 18f [FOUR - room apartment, laundry facil. wnstairs is divided into 4 LEG TT to al 2 | Frid -- p-- . - rki i o I ane E HARDWOOD RA 3 23 12 FABRICON invisible mending, cigar: | PRIVATE rooms for gentlemen, home| !\¢S: Parking space, all conveniences, ON rooms all panelled in ply- FLOOR CONTRACTOR - et burns, tears, moth holes. Children's TOOLS and EQUIPMENT cooked meals, TV lounge, with home hot yates heating, bus at door. Phone i5 GIBB S S wood. $3,000 down, balance | garments made from old clothing. Gen. | privileges. Call RA 3.3993. yg 34 AO. ON Te vendor will take back in on : <3 » {erat repairs, 216 Chadburn 8 | DOMESTIC and . CR MODERN, electrically equipped two. REALTOR first 0 i Laying, Sdnding, Finishing |14--Household Repairs ral Tepairs, 318 Chadbury Street ROOM anu board for gentleman, one (MOUCTN electrically equipped two-l | Appiy 21 GIBBONS ST. ist pen: mortgage, with Old Floors Renovated [CHROME chairs re upholstered "Res 22--Radio & Tv INDUSTRIAL single and to share. 97 Albert Street. NC ibon OE Or Phone RA payments of $70.00. per ay ea ts Waac| 22--Radio & TV Repairs B-H PAINT WEN service coun: tet Ova 01733 © "o ""|4da--Rooms For Rent RA 3-2254 month _principol and _inter- ree tstimates | FOUR Tomar him Sesser Chie |TV =. RADIO service, _ All makes, | Times' ad-writers serve you WELL. apartment, TatHe Toum | LARGE, warm doubic- room with or | = ifr + @S1. © FOF © further detolils, seal chimney cleaner im- | y Tie, oF h 4 , warn ie room, with or : RA 5.6851 or RA 5- -9783 neys built and repaired, gas linings in| aor Pao eo onics, 157 Eliott Ava EL ECTRICAL SUPPLY [Dial RA 3.3482 and kitchen, partly furnished, suitable without breakfast, Kitchen privileges, please call Don Stradeski, = i Se fa Pa Tel Ban es 0 | ROOM and board for gentlemen. Good | for girl or two willin to share. Private (close to downtown, available immedi: $1,900 DOWN evenings, RA 8-8423 mates. RA 3.209 TV TOWERS compietery mated, 1| WINDOW GLAZING home cooked meals, Centrally located, entrance. Apply 480 Drew Street South. lately. Telephone RA 8.0352 4 . WwW WARD ALL types of Interior painting. Reason: (roe, Fat "wits ($90 06 bolle, mol St. W. at Park Road Apply 160 Park Road North. RA 39541. [oor contained "anatf. |TWO single rooms, one ups --ons] OWNER'S HOME JUST ONE YEAR OLD able. Fast, reliable service. Call RA trom $29.951 easy terms. Kelly TV. RA ng a ar 0a gob tor ve JL emen to share, ment, unfurnished kitchen with sink, on main floor, suit gentiemen or ladies Must be sold. New modern Vin A 5912 pi BE wi reakfast, conveniences cur boards and ange, private bath, |Close to hospital and bus. RA 8-6387, 227 Oar -C , * hy WELL DIGGING BY iGsives wm sri rem) = AMPLE FREE PARKING 51168. parking space, adults. Apply 150 Divi- |Kingsdale Avenue oy Jue yesr.old sgnely bongs brick bungolow. Beautiful MACHINE tered. See our materia Te ouver : PH RA 3-4873 BEST meals in town, all conveniences, on Street = [LIGHT housekeeping room, Suit ene or Hd LA re ho par Sol kitchen with copper tone tile, . for gentlemen. Phone RA 51168, 536|TWO - room apartment, unfurnished, |two, gentlemen preferred. Apply 194 brick ree large 'bedrooms. extra dining (large) area and SPEC ALIZIM 30" ing. Bruce R, Dalton, 75 Charles Street EXPERT ANTENN 5 ivi CIALIZING IN 30" TILE HITBY, ONTARI RA 3.7212 | i Lorraine Street = newly decorated, with builtin cup. [Division Street or phone RA 8-0818 Good sized living room and living room, 3 bedrooms 0 CHESTERFIELDS and oid chairs re AND TOWER | 32--Articles Wanted ROOM and board, single room, good boards and sink, parking. Apply 163 yyw furnished housekeeping rooms, dinette. Hanover kitchen. 4 bath, L . -- MOQ B-3809 [covered like new. Get the best for le | CANADIAN silver dofiars. 193535 Half | home cooking, bus stop, ten mitiutes Banting Avenue newly decorated, also 'one single bed| Fully decorated in oils. Sod- F PS at f arge . garage. WwW at Modern Uphoistering, 9261 Simcoe INSTALLATIONS |dollars, '1870 - 1949. Members wanted | fron re [OU 0Orners, garage. 240 FIVE . room house, all conveniences, |room, at 77 Ontario Street ded back" and. front... Fully orced air oil heating. All Street North Call RA 8.6451 for a free IN LATIONS re Oshawa Coin Club. RA 3.5227 Ditision. Tooley's Road North, Courtice. RA |iARG ; . ee r Aluminum windows and a o 1 GE housekeeping room, single divided and finished base- : : ; a a ROOM and board, private home, TV,|3-9073 beds, refrigerator, near IGA store, also 30. font ation doors. .. Beautiful grounds, All-Channel Antennas large parking space, for two gentiemen.| Me" be Dee ~ landscaped back and front. 219 Ritson Road South room and bar. Double Located off Rossland Rd. F 1 . . 3 | | Io $24.00 RA 3.0776. 17 CLIFF BROWN { FURNACE SALES os ow use WANTED ROOM with or without board, two BUCKINGHAM GLE room for one gentleman, very] Ontenna, aluminum screens. Price $15,800 -- $3,800 GRAVEL & SAND AND SERVICE TV. Se rviee 24 bia SCRAP IRON, POULTRY |semismen'se tare ive miouizs to MANOR Apply mast. | Large fenced lot down, balance 6%. Call Russ e call $2.50 AND FEATHER TICKS ps sa | APARTMENTS SI 3 , central. RA 5 8831 Reeve, evenings, RA 5-4840, LOAM s ROOM and board for gentleman, three H MM IRN at Enarics | I. TURNER | minutes from Four Corners. 24 Charles | 2 bedroom: apostments new furniture, in LIST CO-OP THRO! UGH c antinl striel THIS OFFICE Biomript Delivery RA 5.5954 | len & Lou's TV RA 3-2043 |ooN Pa Sosr Tor eee Gd | Slectricolly equipped, b sao W. T. LAMSON i board gentlemen. Good OM 5 and "up App RA Cleanout r Antennas RA 5.7844 RA 3-3374 {eats lunches packed, single beds 498 3 4 PRY e, unfurnished room, private M of Osha ? . ha 2 to all subth plants. Phone RA imcoe St. North. Apt. | centrally located, young lady onl: ember of Oshawe and . $7 labor plus , parts Service ,..s.. RA 8-5804 | (collect) [lose n i | 8. RA 8-8676. 4 |Apply 163 Warren ped bi my REAL ESTATE District Real Estate Board P 0 BOX estimate