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The Oshawa Times, 26 Jan 1960, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY 4 gigi 10, earing and cold, Wedn People expect too much of the sunny with less wind and con- future, which rarely lives up to tinuing rather cold, winds west expectations. to northwest, light tonight. Vol. 89--No. 20 rE OSHAWA, TUESDAY, JANUARY. 26, 1960 Pear Gea aparimans,"otiawa FOURTEEN PAGES 10 Cents Per Copy Secret Visit | AI) TQ MUNICIPALITIES Te Algiers PLEDGED FOR ONTARIO -. | Better Highways, Etiam PC 3 if | In Commons More Bursaries official statement following His : rier and Challe had warned Telurn tion 2 middie of shen 44 Te Debre that they would resign if 4 4 a 4 All | TORONTO (CP) -- Larger ex-|one of the foremost aims of this visit to Algiers, where French in- ordered to use force against the * ee improved condi- | government." 1 3 TE 3 WgE w thar surgents still occupy the heart of 3 i ns J Bi y d : penditures and 3 the city. P mau ns . sa & "le / x id . Il 1Cize ' tions in the municipal, educa-, The province would also carry It was a clear warning to EB ebie appearey al the presi. ) . ; ; A e 2 [tional and health and welfare|out studies in care of the aged Frenchmen that right-wing ex- dential palace at noon for a [i Fi 4 TTAWA (CP o ft fields were among forecasts "and the year will see a number tremists are threatening the fu- meeung with de Gaulle. * FE Fw x a Sl 5% A hy LE bo - Une D 5 id made today in the speech from of important expansions in ture of France itself unless they The 10 Algerian deputies were 8% / 3 § 4 most difficult--but most reward. the throne officially opening the municipal - provincial establish~ % expected to come to Paris later fg ' A ¥ gow" Ing - accomplishments for a = " he 26th i nts' for the aged abandon their stubborn uprising. of AS ; p # & mber Parli t is tty first session of the 26t Ontario ments ged. : i gry : g 4 today to continue the talks, > ; 3 f % i ws 2 mem er of i iament is a witt) legislature "The program of modernizing ne Insurgen le-nards were " 0 . o * " p: # ¢ sally or retort. d . 5 t g. i > * " i : v : SDEEC ; C mental health care and trea reported to have been promised NO FIRING 3 ' The speech, read by Clerk of ment is being intensified. Very that the French army will not Meanwhile, both sides--the 1, the Assembly Roderick Lewis wo great progress has been made in shoot them out of their barri- A 000 to 3.000 Surg a beltalf of Lieutenant - Governor Ty . i A I x insurgents and Hie John Keiller Mackay. was heard modernizing and fire - proofing cades. But Debre declared the - paratroopers who ringed them-- i John Sill T Be By meluding our Ontario hospitals and you licy self-determi 4 , ; 2 % 3 » by ac assembly, inc i Dy a Selrqsterm natioy: for i held their fire in the hope of a : : 4 3 2 : k #8 front of him. a p; guests, will be asked to vote substantial "Nothing has habpebed that will ye peaceful solution. Ya d It is much easier to toss barbs, p= {lined proposals for Additional amounts for this pur- deter phy Tit opp aim of Pros. But a crowd of nearly 5,000 » at the MP who has the floor. {It a So: on ned propos condi-| Pose." eter SL of the a 5- > vias af . % Ce». ) aid roving employ 4 . y massed before a statute of Joan Thus it must have been with|/mProvi C : o o Gaulle's z inistrati E , N a Sh : we; % ) ident de Gaulle y Smink ation , of Arc in downtown Algiers early ps ; some dismay that membersjtionss reinforc ing founieipa) sth Contiaved oil Page 2 . ge today in a demonstration of their " k heard in the Commons Mpndav tutions, raising Je ol wency| sympathy for the embattled in- At : 3 a suggestion from Prime Minis- and Safely of ve cle i IC Hy i : 4 A 4 renothe: + sratic rlia- moves had been isurgents 4 h ter-Diefenbaker that all interjec- Strengthe ng Semhera ic 'pari | cloaked in secrecy since Monday before Algiers populace was here was no immediate report 3 % ~ 3 ad tions not recognized hy the MP | me ntary procedures. : "iil when President de Gaulle's gov- aware of his presence of disorder, and as the demon- . y x 3 who has the floor be deleted 'To assist the municipalities it er t d tched "hi O the : A French army communique |Strators did not appear in an ugly . ; Gs A from Hansard, the verbatim rec- is proposed to vote an additional | Fe So nog hee oy oa ihe aid Debre had conf IT d with mood troops made no effort to Wi 3 y ord of Commons proceedings. |amount of provincal revenue for 8. ng SS r- sé bre had' conferred with); p J Ce h 4 2 g : . , pe : rived in the tense North African Gen. Maurice Challe, com. Preak up the crowd. . ' ¢ { If Mr. Diefenbaker's sugges- real es Te Tyce city Monday night, and his plane mander-in-ch a, and But the fact that the premier ; ag . tion is carried out--and Speaker Sad. whisked him back to Paris. again Paul Delouvrie iaulle's, rep: Of France had ducked in and out y ig Roland Michener said it would| ep ANTS FOR SCHOOL SITES ps -- -- of Algiers without making a pub- J Ra vy ; i 1 ty be given consideration' -- Com-| "yo. 0. appropriations would be lic appearance seemed an indi- i th : {mons members in future could required to improve Ontario's . jcation of the public temper in the 3 w , y savor their wisecracks only in grant structure for education. city where 24 settlers and police y ns fond memory without being able Ang retroactive to January this eC 1011 un were killed "and 140 injured in i A # f to point them out gleefully tol vear grants will be given to- Sunday's battle between enraged 7 oh : mn others in Hansard. wards the cost of sites of new {mobs and riot police. | The matter arose during the! schools. continuing throne speech debate. "You will be asked to vote * . 3 i? m {STRONG FOR DE GAULLE x - . et : ios PN While Alexis Caron (L--Hull) Fp Suit Dis 1ssed It is doubtful that the people TERRITORIALS AND civil- | as rightists man barricades ] control of the city except for |was speaking, Theogene Ricard funds to extend facilities for an ould have given Debre a lans watch and applaud from | and fly the French tricolor flag | isolated pockets of rightists. |(pC_st. Hyacinthe-Bagot) inter- iferesss in teacher supply oi a ne resi hn Mr Perl the "'sillv" civil friendly welcome. The 48-year-old, balconies above Rue Michelet, | today. Fighting had come to a | oy jected three times: "You're ly-|ECiier With mian Enance an ds. ST. JOHN'S (CP)--The New Mr. Perlin said the "silly" civil premier is a rigid supporter of Main thoroughfare in Algiers, | standstill, with French troops in | --AP Wirephoto 7 =, fe aan 5 PARIS (AP)--Premier Michel resentative' in the territory. It Debre warned Frenchmen today was reported he also conferred i i - that *'all can be lost'{ if order is with 10 Algiers parliamentary oy A 4 i a Wisecracks not established and maintained in A ad 5 deputies, It is Thost difficult of all when an MP is speaking -- unless he has thought out a witticism in ad- vance and has it written out in e their own future, | MICHEL DEBRE foundland Supreme Court today suit had made him the *'butt of . : . 2 ¢ dismissed a $10,100 suit against jokes by my friends" and 3 de Gaus : Algerian policy. ; | I Later, 8 a, the commenced at the Lakehead and an official of the Newfound! 1g "bad publicity." He saic I 4 «hat, Dee n. expected that 1 | pis WIT Bs start AInen thy existing colleges will be ex- ossive. Conservative. D8 Ite had e Grant that a.debt debre wou d make a try at talk- $1 fy BILLION i ree azes A od (panded. ving election funds $ incurred in 1957 "was Ing the insurgents out of their | Unazimeus Commons approvals: 'To provide further opportuni- The conduct of the case was SiVing us-no concern. . .. We had street barricades without yield- ; mous, © 5 8 pro ties "for the 'reeruitment' and ; ja 6 Sonduct 2 Was jo is required for such a deletion. irgining of teachers. for Que. secs from the bench in 20 years," sa pve i ; - o ity" i abs] ir. Tonite eh Sanford paid 'no matter what happened." ments made no mention of his MONTREAL (CP)~Three ma: the Seltalily of Mz Ricard. [operation of 'Queen's University| Williams Murdoch, 00-word judgment Thy . seeing any insurgents jor blazes kept Montreal and dis- And Mr. Ricard Woudet give his, q "the University of Westérn| sive 4 De Gaulle himself has planned {trict firemen on the go Monday because he said he had spoken oniario" will operate summer | jslature for Es LJ The suit, taken by Redmond , a personal' vi re TF i the "truth," : : : ' % personal vi to Algiers Feb. night ol py courses at Kingston and London | Grant of Montreal against S ; " 4. No chang 5 by pu : % Mr. Michener then instructed i... .. » | . John's businessman William ¢ 4 % No change has been aia, | The worst was in suburbaning. Ricard to withdraw the re- this year. | He replaces Rev. A. W. Down been t,'/ing on de Gaulle's moderate ' : Hi M 1 le --- . / RRA LE Ah El ie adie BENE SBN ial policy ot st determination Tor i It Montreal vu Caron woudn't'slve is he raining of teacher far ou ses NEW SPEAKER N Grant the t would be Algeria. But official announce- ge t 1 n S : jeause he said the remark showed}, gp of Education, with the co- the pla ri IMontr " | The ince is to continue its i Perlin, drew national attention in the plan despite the erisis. Montreal South--across the St. mark and he complied. h . prov d i or er who has been appointed a i i fen. OTTAWA (C ro Be oppo f ix in the Lawrence River from Montreal Scholarship an ursary plan. commissioner of the liquor con- when Prime Minister Diefen- AWA (CP)--The ' govern- to 6% per cent from six: in the [So successful has the new| trol board of Ontario. 3| ; baker and other national mem-| ; 2 ment has moved to ask Parlia- maximum NHA mortgage inter- proper sd isi scholarship plan for Grade 1 --CP Wirephote bers of the Conservative party : ame 1 S ment to vote more federal funds est rate. This was to encourage Crete warehouse was gutted by SCOTTISH KILTS students been that you will be | : an were subpoenaed to appear in for housing early in the current private lenders back into home flames fed by exploding tanks of asked to approve funds to make| court. The subpoenas served on ' : . session, mortgages--a field from which|Propane gas SS 0 similar awards in 1960-61. The! =. Mr. Diefenbaker and national PC ; | Algiers ' |. A resolution on the Commons they had "virtually withdrawn." | An unidentified woman was re-| LE P PULAR committee of university heads aze is director Allister Grosart were order paper calls for increasing] CMHC shut off direct lending Ported to have died of a heart] PEMBROKE (CP) -- Local has recommended a formula for declared invalid 'by Mr. Justice Dunfield TO PAY DEBTS ; | Mr. Grant alleged that $10,100 | to $6,000,000,000 from $4,000,000, Oct. 31 when a three-month rush attack as she was being evacu:| militiamen rejoiced last No- the payment of Queen Elizabeth | 0 R ] 000 the amount of loans by pri- by borrowers had exhausted the ated fom a nearby building au vember when it was an- {II scholarships from the $500,000 n e ume vale lenders that may be insured government's housing loan fund. one youth was burned about the! nounced the 59th Light Anti- [contributed by the province last| ver evo t under the National Housing Act Parliament last spring voted face Aircraft Regiment was to re- | ig SHELBURNE one ya 3 The resolution also calls for in- 1,000,000 to bring the total al-| About 100 firemen from five] vert to the title it held be- 3 --- unteer firemen battled fo 0! he gave Mr. Perlin to pay debts The following dispatch from an roqcing to $1,500,000,000. from|locations to the federal housing communities had just finished a| fore the Second World War, [BOOST BURSARIES [Monday night in a blinding snow- incurred in the 1957 i xs Bese ated Press corre pondent $1,000,000,000 federal funds fund to $1,000,000,000. This was two-hour struggle to control the] the Lanark and Scottish Additional funds to further On- storm to_ save one od Be Main tion campaign in the ia 7 of A Tiers, apparently Was CON-| auailable for direct government all used up by Oct. 31. : soaring flames from the Chev.| Regiment tario's bur sary and loan Pipe bisiness Blocks in this Yilage 55 was not used for the specific ' siderably delayed and cut in cen loans under the act wnen he announced the inter-/glier gas propane warehouse But some of the men are &ram to students will be made miles northwes' of Toronto. intended sorship om 3 * slop increase r Talker | wt 2 | y : 3 ine available, the speech said. Last| The block had been threatened pose inten The resolution is put forward est-rate increase, Mr. Walker when a fire was discovered in a| having second thoughts since Y ati for| h fi t th h M The judge said ALGIERS (AP) (Passed by bY Works Minister Walker who urged borrowers fo seek funds {wo-storey wooden building in| the regiment began issuing [Year lhe appropriation bi en ie rep Tong oy "I have no hesitation in saying Censor)--This i ty of otis announced Dec. 17 that Parlia- from insurance, loan and trust nearby Ville Lemoyne the kilt. scholarships and bursaries wasiharg's Auto Parts on the no that T do not believe either Grant Dzbricede is is a.C1ty of deflantl,, would be asked early in the{companies rather than from 3 1 build The older members are |doubled. . side of Main Street, or Hunder (a companion of Mr barricades, of hope mixed With oN RO more money CMHC veg aeupied SUNCINE WAS yappy but one of the younger | The speech said the govern-| The fire broke out about 7 p.m. Gr t's at ti pasion ot Umceriamty, for mor A g be Central The moves are being made to destroved despite the hour-long| oc 0 heard to murmur: 'ment has appointed a special|EST, destroyed the store, the ad. gh is 8 4 ible tor the court Algiers is about to bury itsiyf joao F280, Housing Corpora- facilitate financing of a govern. |efforts of volunteer firemen. | "app 1%ave to wear a skirt committee of technical officials|joining. offices of the Dufferin En 1 posse Ny rt dead -- civilians and gendarmes tion BE em I om pany Pra ment-predicted total of 125.000, The third fire began in a shed| on parade I'm getting out." to study and make recommenda-| County Federation of Agriculture i . WI st 4 oy av y 1 . be . ail) dl " ¥ H < . " ci i: 3 nO hin or Waen ese gun Ri felled Sunday by bul ets fired by|,qniinicters the act homes this year. Mr. Walker has at the rear of a three-storey tions regarding pensions. "The and two. apartments above the fin aud ties sosociatal with Ho Frenchmen against Frenchmen Mr. Walker, at the same time, Said 85.000 would be paid for by 'enement building in east-central extension of portable pensions is store and office. are well known and respected cit- In a moment of panic. had also announced an inc: conventional mortgages, . 15,000 Montreal. Firemen rescued two, wm mm momen ---- gr fore izes of recoznized ope tion in 1y shame replaced the heat by direct NHA lending and 25.- persons from the top storey and jztns of 0g Ju of fighting. 100 ) . - guarant roug he fir ~ contr businesses known here for gener- {000 by government - guaranteed brought the fire under control k But armed men continued to 0 3 1 3 by private lenders. after 40 minutes. Bios. h ' hold out in the barricades in the ntario Liquor | 2 = TT "They are not in the least the heart } Thess . : ee IANA BA "MORE art of the city. They stood] | sort of people who misuse funds. D BARRY RE und campfires on the side. Laws Under Fire AT SUDBURY WARNING FROM BENCH | walks and grimly clutched guns.| TORONTO (CP)--Charles Irv- * Mr. Justice Dunfield warned clress : Otner armed men--Frenchmen ing, deputy mayor of Chelten- several times during the trial} like themselves -- have thrown ham, England, said Monday that | that the Newfoundland Supreme cordons around their encamp- Ontario's liquor laws are hypo-| Court would not become an in- ment, They are the troops called critical, a real tragedy and leave I i strument for the creation of a po oun ed in to ceal off the troubled area, a shocking impression to litical sensation No one believed after bloody vi rs." His criticism came dur Mr ant testified that Yi Sunday that Frenchmen would ing an official visit te Mayor "friends" gave him the money NEW YORK (AP) -- Actress'again fire upon Frenchmen in Al-' Nathan Phillips x | LJ J which he passed on to Mr. Perlin, Diana Barrymore, 38, who made giers Mr. Irving said he told William At one point he said that he sup her | a tragic struggle to fulfil' Yet men inside the barricaded Collings, head of the Liquor Con. | 1V posed he had $5000 to $6,000 of the ¢ promise of her area vowed they would not sur- trol Board of Ontariosand a non-| mv own money." He said it was name, died Monday render, that they would not leave drink er, that "no teetotaller| r y i ineligi money he had made while work-| Her nude body was found lying the stronghold until Algeria. Is|should be in charse. of Le mal TORONTO (CP) -- Plans for a|stitution, it is ineligible for ing as an inspector on the St. face down in bed by a maid at proclaimed forever French. laws." 44 HOF new federated university at Sud-|grants. Lawrence Seaway at a salar her fashionable apartment bury were approved in principlel The delegation said there has! $300 a month. "We made lots of Her ph an said she died of by Premier Frost Monday after peep support in the past for a overtime you know," he added a heart attack but he refused to a meeting of church leaders, bus- if, - fledged university in North- -- --T sign a death certificate because] 1 iness men and educationists. ern. Ontario but only during the Miss Barrymore had no history | The premier said his govern- last year has there heen enough of heart trouble. Police started ment would support a private bill co - operation to ensure its crea- nowy fa er, in inve ion . establishing the new: institution, tion, Lthorities said there was no (Oshawa Women Curlers Victorious to be named the Laurentian Un-| The group said the proposed ndication of suic Jut Mis . i iversity of Sudbury. It willjyniversity would 'need to take Cold In Us Tore, wi a8 to Representatives of the Oshawa Ladies Curling Club won | {include United Church, Anglican into account the duality of cul- Wife " theatre| their way into the final of the Ontario tankard at Barrie this and Roman Catholic colleges. tyre and the bilingual circum: NEW YORK (AP) Wintry 2 3 ; "oholism degra | morning The Oshawa rinks won by a 17-9 score over the rinks Rae Jeleguiion, Feaded ny stances in Northern Ontario." weather, with cold and snow age | from the Kitchener-Waterloo Granite Club. Mrs. Fred Ford- |LoPnD. Park fio, The Premier said highly qual-| y cide at- president of International. : p . bp! spread across the north-centra ham won her game 7-6 and Mrs. Neil Hezzle . ified engineering staffs are avail-| . | é v 2 ] . ezzlewood won 10. ce any. © arl- Putts United States todav. bu 10-3. [Nickel Company, conferred earl able in the Sudbury area and will| In the other semi-fina racket S rv o > 3 } tha day bac ro snt 5 ng trend developed in v } final brac ket Sudbury ousted Orillia. Osh- a oc 2 day lo Te aL I agh €ment ya able to help the new univer- from the southern ates in auto apny 0 Mi awa and Sudbury will meet in the finals this afternoon om fie. princip'e o Sera on 10. | SIY . { ap After seting with t sle-| New Fngland er er'a meeting wit he dele-| Sp ee Movida after nearly a A rl ¢ E e 2 gation, which was also attended tant ey ashhuckiing actor," and the CBC Vice-President Appointed by members of the provincial de.| fy} To Attend weather which c at ) Oelr who wrote ™ , "D ¥ . partment of education's commit-| S awa 0 ten losses estimated in ok Flea ! OTTAWA (CP)--Appointment of W. E. § Briggsy director tee on university affairs, Prem- f follar als as op" y 1 the name . , uh 3 x 3 SILy atiairs, o dollar ; also was Michas] Stra of the CBC's maritime region, as vice-president of the public- [ier Frost sald the new institution Car Probe Meetin *mperatures were up i J 9 : t ' \ 1 pr y . . nial inl f " os ve gui T failures led her, ly-owned corporation was announced in the Commons today would qualify for provincia ag than Monday morning : irinking. She Jioved by Revenue Minister Nowlan. He succeeds Ernest Bushnell, S 0 unset sfu | more, il grants WINDSOR (CP) -- Mayor Mi- Nga who, resigned the post Dec. 31 to enter the broadcasting con PRESENT BILL SOON chael Patrick said Monday pro- marriages Bramwell cher sulting "business | The private bill, submitted by vincial government officials have CITY EMERGENCY 2 oor lento John How the Jesuit order, the Anglican|invited Windsor to send delegates il tennis plaver 1 Tor Ae! ad 4 4 al tennis piayet diocese of Algoma and the Un-{to Toronto Friday te discuss PHONE NUMBERS d ie 3 3 _eputation for Wreckage 0f RCAF Jet Located ted Church of Canada, will be with them the possibility of a| a a ota Phe... # * Be erence had " . ar pgis- (royal commission inquiry into| | po In tev tomlin At pr.ee-'~d at the Ontario Legis-|[Toya : J 0 THI D WOL DEAD WOLF POLICE RA 35-1133 had| OTTAWA (CP)--Wreckage of an RCAF-100 jet which van- lature session which opens today. the Canadian auto industry. | ] R F, ALE RA Ro 2 ished on the west coast about a week ago has been located. The only: university in North-! Mayor Patrick said the meet-| The third wolf in three weeks | hours today before making the | Wolf hunts have also been or- FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 . y "tt Wilcox Defence Minister Pearkes informed fhe Commons today. He ern Oniario at present is the Un- ing is slated for 11 a.m. Friday. Was Shol in Mersea iowaship, | kill are from left: Tom Rob- | ganized in the Belleville area 2 "" . ind were "ar iversity of Sudbury, operated by! Oshawa and St. Catharines,| near Leamington. Wolves are | _ Walter 1 . 1 y + x n, alte 1 ( S| . the Roman Catholic Jesuit Fa- have indicated they "will send seldom seen in that area. Hunt- | slip 1} and reorge during, the past week ithers. As a denominational in-'representatives, | ers, who tracked the beast five | Robson, all of Sturgeon Creek. --CP Wirephoto said salvage operations will start immediately. He gave no HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 [oho OF Stealing food fom ®| other details.

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