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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jan 1960, p. 11

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The Osha Times SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1960 PAGE NINE Many County Folk Unaware Of CD Us. Steel Reports | .« e CEDAR LODGE, AF AND AM, INSTALLS OFFICERS FOR 180 [sin Aswersss dividual Knowledge Pictured above are the 1960 | inner guard; Bro. J. M. Pen- | tyler; Bro. D. R. Barnes, junior | junior warden; Wor. Bro. E. R. | ter; Bro. W. J. Burch, senior SEY ORK (AP) oad United officers of Cedar Lodge, AF | found, senior steward; Bro, H. | steward; Bro. R. G. Geen, or- Elliott, immediate past mas- | warden; V. Wor. Bro. H, 8, Stales Steel Corp. Tuesday re een aram oun £242 and AM. Left to right, back | 8. Sliter, senior deacon; Bro. | ganist. Front row, left to righ ter; Wor. Bro. J. F. Riley, | Palmer, treashrer, and Wor Joriey to Sed E53 975,05, Ari i oe P Rnd, | x 4 Roig Biot Seacon: 1d bn x R Rastows sures A EE Ere. | a director Ihit 1959. WHITBY (Staff) -- The City ofidoubt if there is even a sem-|be unaware of any civil defence Mapam; are, to orien, a TSAO , NY 3 bce i : RR ih a rfc ---- pn om |Oshawa and County of Ontario|blance of a CD organization in|setup here." ! B Joint Civil Defence committee our part of the county." hd po ; ; a J Tuesday night received two new| The senior governments, how- FEW KNOW OF CD nt ; z ; : " om : : views of the place of civil de-lever, appear to think there I don't believe 10 per cent of S awa esl e S : i : i a : : fence in the community. The should be a civil defence organ-|the people of the county, outside * i na 1 hi views came from Port Perry's|ization and that would be one] the three southern townships, are 2 \ / gd" . Deputy Reeve Thomas Harris|reason to keep on, regardless of| aware there is a civil defence and Scugog's Reeve Anson Ger-|whether a job is' being done or| Organization," he said. \ 4 ° . ; A 3 1s1t Brussels } : p SL row at the first meeting of the|not. Reeve Anson Gerrow, of Scu- 3 A » : joint committee called since On-| Recently, he said, the govern-|80g Township, said that he did By M. MeINTYRE HOOD Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's i 4 ; A id tario County served official ment has changed in its thinking|not think a civil defence pro- Special London, England Cathedral, - Madame Tussaud' 4 . Ep 2 y : ie notice that the county would with-|land wants to encourage people|gram would be effective until the Correspondent waxwork exhibition, Dickens' Old ay |draw from the joint unit on Mar.|to build shelters. senior governments provided To The Osbawa Times 'uriosity Shop and a host of other 3 ¢ # ? 131 of this year. "I am not building one in my trained men in every commu- BRUSSELS, Belgium Osh-| places which usually attract tour- F ? ; | Before the civil defence policy basement and setting aside two nity. ; awa people do keep turning up at! ists 4 ' i ~ |was thrown open to discussion, weeks' supply of provisions," he| Building a shelter and putting Whitby's Reeve Everett Quan-|said. "I may be foolish but I'm|in a two-week supply of food the most unexpected times and They had been a couple of days h : : I trill advised the committee that|an average citizen." - seems pretty far-fetched to most people," he said. "What would be in the most unexpected places in Brussels, taking in the Injass § flee At the Brussels Airport, wait- esting sights of this city, and they 9 . ithe county council, at its Janu-| . 3 fi ing for a plane to « ih me back were going down to Paris for a 3 4 ; lary session, had appointed a civil INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION : left when we came out? to London after two days in the few days before returning to Lon: ; defence committee to make al He said that he had grave, If a farmer went in there for Belgian capital, 1 spotted what don : 2 : : Go complete investigation of civil doubts that the municipalities| two weeks in the winter, what looked like a familiar figure. My, In about a week's time, they ¥ 2 6 : defence in the county and report would be able to organize hos-| would happen to his livestock? guess that this was someone will be flying back to Oshawa ; . 1 : back to the county council in pitalization, transportation, police he asked. ; from back home in Oshawa was] and home a time to take any necessary ace and fire services for civil defence He might as well stay in strengthened by t inscription] This chance meeting was just i tion on its notice to withdraw, |Without the government sending | there," said Deputy Reeve Heber h 2 : © The county must serve 60 days' [out specially trained CD teams to| Down, of Whitby Township. overnight he wasias much of a surprise to them visit and organize every com ¥ ' . i y Vis Z Ver) . notice of withdrawal and the The public, he said,| NEW POLICY FORESEEN carrving Canadian Pacific as it was to me. Naturally, we a Visit 2 rlines". I confidently - walked talked about Oshawa people and notice still stands, but, he point- y. , I : Auli and, sure enough, in a events, and it was one of the > a 3 A ed out, the council might decide should be informed individually. Pin Wotion Teporied piat a moment I was face to face with h ights of this visit of two busy p 1 y to change its mind and stay. He said that his ohservation, pin h gu att a t Mr. and Mrs. Sid Nobbin, of 84 days to Brussels that I was able i 4 Deputy Reeve Harris, who ad-| after reading a brochure, pre: provin i) Bed eS Mee ga Warren avenue to have this brief period with a ; 1 1 | mitted that it was the first meet-|Pared by Lt.-Col. F. S. Wotton I" y € ' i Fb > 1 ; They were also waiting for al couple of old Oshawa friends 1 ; 4 A ling on civil defence he had at-|on civil defence in the county and| ron 0 ex Don . Al t at Jee pls departure, that for Paris ; y : 3 ltended, said his opinions would [City, would be that the program ing, he said, he anticipated that a OTHER OSHAWA FOLK itl 4 ke. be that of an average citizen, |Should not be left to the munic-|a new policy would be outlined. ¢ - k . ipalities but to the senior levels|Such a meeting, he said, has whither they were bound afte : brief stav in Brussels. In Paris I have also, in London, been A 1 ; . : : s 35 i i UNAWARE OF ORGANIZATION of government, to do a better not bees held for some years, if ; § ever before. they were to meet another Osh-|in touch with another o'd Oshaw: | : awa couple, they. told me -- Mr. resident, Mrs. Vera Barr, who ; He said that until recently he|job and more economically. : | and Mrs. Eric Vesey, of 699. Mary | Was a few vears ago. organist at HE ; '#3 was not aware that there was| "I know of nothing that jus- He also told the committee that street, . who had come over from|the Albert Street United Church y Fo : 1 # 48 such a thing as a civil defence |tifies civil defence in this county On a number of occasions he had va with them, and who had She came over here with her two, § 2 : : - ? o , i" organization in the county and today." he said. "I hesitate to| Prepared publications, showing stayed behind in London when children, and at first lived in ; 3 3 ; iy 3 wy E this might be one of the reasons say I speak for the majority of routes for evacuation, what to they went over to Brussels Swindon. Now thev are living in| 3 fay bod + : ii! that county, council doubts the|the people but I suspect that I/fake, etc., to be sent into every id Margate, Kent, where the two ah 4 worthwhileness of the organiza- do." home, but provincial authorities SAW LONDON SIGHTS hildren are attending school g 1 p i" GoD; | "1 doubt if you could go any-|had forbidden publication be- "I would question whether the where in this country today, out-| cause the routes had not been The two Oshawa - couples ar I am lopking forward to hay { . in London about 10 days ing a visit from them ; the C G V average citizen would know any side the three southern town-| finalized. i and had done a thorough middle of February, at the 5 OSHAWA LIONS CELEBRATE HARTER NI HT ANNI ERSARY Wy today than he did five ships, and find many people who| The committee, he said, has g the interesting and of the half-term school hol 41 ed above are some of | Genosha Tuesday. Left to right, | president; Ald. Gordon Atters- | Anderson, Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. years ago what to do in the event know that Lt.-Col. Wotton exists," (always had a plan of evacuation historic places of that city. They when they will be coming to Lon from the standing, are John Anderson, | = d T. D. Thomas: MLA Attersley and Ald Mrs. "Thomas. |of a nuclear attack," he said, "I'he said, "and those people would Which was made available to the had found a conducted bus tour of don so that the two children can ht meeting of Osh- { Lions Club president: John W, | '€& an as,' MLA. | local co-ordinators but not the the British capita! a very reward-| for the first time, be shown the ' awa Lions b, held at Hotel ! Nichols, Oshawa Kinsmen Club | Seated, le general public because it had m---- ------ -- = = not been authorized, ing experience. They had visited interesting places of the city rene - -- BR a . # Fine us wner HASTE REGRETTED During the meeting, Mayor ft 'to right, are Mrs, --Oshawa Times Photo | : Oshawa M Oshawa Skiers ondon Pastor Accepts Oshawa Man sx LPR Ee Ae 'i * | O Th g expressed regret that the county : - | { 1 {had acted so hastily in Decem. is Faces Six | n ree r es ber in deciding to withdraw. He Do Well In cet »e ! said that he felt' the county | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|and Highway 2 all perform the should have cohsulted with the Bus Line operator Clare Garton same service and from time to|city, its partner in the organiza. es t ount |was Tuesday fined $10 and as-/time carry school children. | tion, first. |sessed court costs totalling $1.50) The owner denied having any] Warden William Heron explain. + wood skiied off with the blue rib-'go to Hans Eder, who has been! All rch, Richmond street tendance at Sunday services had each night and an enrolment off BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- each on three separate counts offfranehise Jor any senool JFuns, butjed that the county realized that aul Ay , failing to produce the permits for stated he just has a public vehicle 60 days' notice must be given or Although the members of the ig their first start in competi Members of the cong on! sion of salvation during the pre- ducted during the fall had an at- Blue Mountain Ski Club, Colling-|tion and much of the credit must of the Christian and Miss ) months. The general at- tendance of approximately 150 bon honors in the B Class com-icoaciting these lads for the past |c at their annual meeting last been more consistent than during 200 for the period of one week.!EImer Thomas Marshall. 30. 17 ] : : petition at the Southern Ontario|few weekends. In fact it was old|T stay d a call to R the previous year Colborne street, Oshawa w as buses when ordered by a police| permit Which Permits the trans: ihe county would have to remain Junior Ski Championships at the home week for Hans as almost all ( Freeman of London, 'Reports were also presented by OFFICIALS ELECTED . I'Puesday remanded out. of cus. oHicer to do so. porting of school children in the joint 'committee for an- Oshawa Ski- Club property last the competitiors at the meet had|Ont., to be Pastor the|T. Farmer, church secretary,| The nominating committee's fo." Feb. 9 for sentence on. At the request of the prosecut-| He admitted the buses are not| other year. Because this was the veekend, it was left to the mem- attended the Junior Ski School at| chi r. Freeman s since and H. Foster, treasurer, which|report was presented and the fol-| i "po \o0c of theft. He pleaded | "8 officer, OPP Constable Pat used on County Roads 57 and 1 last meeting of 1959, they had to bers f the local club to excell in|Collingwood where Hans had accepted the call and w ncluded the financial reports of lowing were elected to office for gyi1tv "ty two charges of theft Soveell, [Yo charges of permit: og rng the WO Week {pass te noes to withdraw 'to the ass C e Be! *é coac vel the School general ac-|1 f 8 8 S, § he ¢ ass C events i been head ski coach J. R wes the Sunday School, general ac-| 0: safe oe from mail boxes Dec. 22 and to Ing 2 nd to be Opetaled as a oi hy } ou hg She Schoo em mee e Raine. : In the boys', 16 and over, ( A855} In the ladies' events the local a at the Ji ry t unt, 'building fund, ladies mis-| fXeculive = committee " I the other four Tuesday Sc 00 us and not having thes ict High Sct y Board AI. LIS | h e assures oY ayor Gifford that C, Mike Ww inter was the winnericlub-had only one competitor, assume +t pa t An ionary up and the missionary F Oster general Iteasurer Nm Marshall admitted Tuesday hav- gehosl hug Sign Siached ® Big Bron inh gi els . pA ge ed mens n fhe downhill event and second Miss Pirie Geddes. This young|Road Cl ront ind parsonage accounts foa, financial secretary "ar- ing stolen a cheque valued at $1g/front of the vehicle were with-|us o ? Purposes a iefnore the city's opinion and added in the slalom. These two positions lady was making her first star Mr. Newell: conducted. the bu Co Sy {mer, recording secretary; -0. Nel:|pofonaing to Mrs. Norma 1ngle. drawn : same ime they are being use | that the special committee is now gave Mike the Alpine combined iin competition and although not ne eeting I S 17.500 RA son, missionary (reasurei H.lton, RR 1, Brooklin, Oct. 20; one| A charge of operating a com. to transport children to and from set up to give complete study to championship in his class. His|a winner, she did not let the r 4 Socyet . Ns I Ss Te ed that indebted- Parkin and W. Peel, two addi-!from ihe mailbox of John King.| mercial vehicle as a school bus|school the civil defence problem in the time in the downhill was good|local club down as she took her|chairman of t chu " ess had been reduced from $16, tional members ton, Darlington township, valued and failing to display signs, read Mr. Greer stated he would hase county. as it relates to the joint 2¢ to $11,631.15. It was stated| Board of Elders -- G. Williams, 5 $44.81 Dec. 12: fo stealing a| D8 School Bus" on the front|his defence on what he termed|committee. contribution to the world-head elder; H. Kift, W. Stacey $20 choque from the mailbox of ®f the vehicle, against Garton|"a technical defence". He .said| Ald. Sydney T. Hopins, an Osh- . k stands at an all-time and W. Lawson Olive M. Ormiston, East Whitby. Coach Lines driver, Cyril R.ithe buses in question are public) awa member on the committee, ° MEMBERSHIP UP gh of more than $4100. Income| Christian Education Committee 1 9 $55 Gover by, wells, 33, RR 1, Meadowvale,|vehicles, not just school buses.|said that this year the commit- In the boys', 15 and under competitive standpoint at the local|™ : i er to note t om ail departments quoted 0 "Nelson, E : Schruder Mrs De: well Government of was also dismissed. | Therefore, he felt if Mr. Garton|tee should keep expenditures te Class ©, Rich Brown was the lis will be the all-Ontario Sen-| I! Was interesting to n "las approximately $17.500. R. McArthur, Mrs. L. Akin. Mrs jars Cheque from the mailhox| ™ tape Cornell told the court|did put "School Bus" signs on|a minimum until the government winner in the six-mile cross coun. Ch 3 u a ping Championship creased | ) H 1 | { »d that- S {av C. Lainson and L "Moffett : > on Alivers, East Whitby, he stopped a bus on Highway 2,/them he would be in the wrong.|comes up with a policy. He sug- Uv race 20d doris tor in wii 1 will take place on Sunday, I : ; x , ' e H a sunday General Sunday -School Super pil. J near the Oshawa town line, which! 'I don't feel you can put school | zested that the control commit- the downhill finished up near the T= ./- ;This meet will attract! Al. >CWel ? Senrol Attendance averaged 100 intendent ~. O. Nelson. - Crown Attorney Harry R. Dey-|was being operated by Fred De-|bus signs on a public vehicle/tee should devote its efforts to Jeaders 3 Juipers rom Saul Ste BER had nade ey fag Sh an enrolment O71 hmior AVF and Savior. AYPL QC, started the pattern fol-/nault, Whitby, Dec. 12 at 4.30 p.m. Which is not used exclusively for | training key personnel, : . . Sudbury, Temiskaming, North hill age jies- 1b. A children's campaign con. _ * « y apaAL lowed + the same all the way py i fai 8 SC id r. Greer . ato sev. 'in the 'Cla 1) , Yriets arp ; WTR a) he driver failed to pro he a school bus," Mr. Greer ar- Pete Kinsey, in the Class Cpa. Toronto, Collingwood an gL ¥ Groups are to be under the di- {jr oueh {iia ed to produce the 4 ; he cheques were origin-| ow i 'mi gue ee 16 bad tbe' misfortias 1 : pt ante re Chrictiz . $ 8in-lownership permit. |gued. over 16, had the misfortune to ina. centred in Ontario oil Super Vision of the Christian ayy solén from the rural' maill He stopped another bus on! His Worship pointed out the : .ducatio 0) ee yoxes. the rashes , le : = A | boxes, then cashed by the ac- County road 57 Jan. 6, at 8.30/act, governing school buses,| ou S mi break a ski pole in the six-mile S f D hd Ladies' Prayer a issionary ¢ : > uccess Tl V oe Gai pliajer and Mission i us i . a.m., which was being operated should be made much clearer. He Mrs, Marshall said two accomplices by Fred Deys, RR 2, Nestleton, stated he felt the only thing which enough to give him fifth place in place with the best n both took the « ral nding. Mike also/downhill and slalom presented did very v in the jumping The next big event from event althou not placing cross country race and was un- y able to finish the course [] : Carl Campa, David Geddes and {rocker re Wi m2 : ny : | Wii Sam Ljavid ¢ wides and Driver, 29, . - Regcker. Sill {ns were with him and the signatures|The driver failed to produce the could be done is for the «wo Auto | hefts of the Club's racing section fared Er bead. 5 x - Mil Ny 10a 5 Non some of the cheques may permit boards to refuse to hire buses un- 1e Cl acing ( ead usher Millard, Pol- have been theirs | He stopped a third bus on less they have the proper signs| lard, A. Goldsmith, H. Parkin, L v y and are proper school buses. | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --- well and, with a little more ex- |} - I The case was ny g iin . emo be : i; h : 1e case was adjourned so His County Road No. 1, Jan. 12 perictice, Should do 8 god, job Impaired Lights--Dimes--Dollars! { year's Marching Motard Ion. 1. Tot. F. Osborne andi Worship and the crown attorney which was being operated by Csr SHOULD REALIZE DANGER [Iwo Toronto youths, Gerald J. pts : le i ar's arching Mothers' L. Kingsley. ould check whether or not Mar- vj] Wells, RR 1, Meadowvale.| "When a bus stops on 5he|White, 17, 14 MacDonnell avenue in the very near fulure All the above skiers were ma ' ) caving the comfort of record will be topped this. Chur pianist -- F, Farmer shal ac Po ronerlv charged! p t 3 - - : - your homes on Monday ening time in porch li Wigs ph As ly Piar ts Miss T.. H op find See jPoperly, charged Again the driver failed:to produce highway and it is not equipped | 2nd Roland G. Dufour, 22, 417 ; iiay 81h ' 53iste anists -- Miss in the first two instances when he the permit. with the fr school bus signs, | King street east, were Tuesday, ine 12: Cll f awa can dimes and crisp dollars Husak and Mrs. W. Stacey was charged with theft from the CLODSr Schoq SIS Signs, remanded i tody t " xt ser a eR . Les as 8 PC Cornell said it was the re. the motorist may not reaiize it is| '®manded in custody to appear ervice u Choir Director W. Peel ma ot Tne 34 o yay i re EY Pe eae Friday for sentence when they 3 ais RINT cause - Music Committee -- W. Peel, It was pointed - Dey. Sult of several verbal complaints|Such a bu : ! : : it } '4 BOWMANVILLE: (Stal AD sat f he : MOH ENDORSES T iy a I i: hs that hy Sou x pey against Mr, Garton's buses that (hind it. The bus owners should Petves oly hetore Manion Oshawa man. . Douglas Moffatt, hyve to ¢ itn on yor Mrs. D. Myers, D. Myers, Mrs. he was charged, covers stealing|they were stopped and checked. |realize the danger which exists Rater on two charges of ® " 29, of 253 Quebec street wi Ra i + MARL, vyers, J : as arged, $ 4 . 0 sas i "hildr i D fr. Quebec: street asi porct é ghten the MARCH OF D D. Dale and Miss T. Husak. from the post office, but the! | Defense Counsel John Greeriin hauling children especially In addition to the two charges I day ed $50 and costs or 10 ctroote for ®t Bony y : id Ct Tx ed hive oh "said a copy of th it was in/When the children are taught to : id 3.0 ns asked me it 1 we o t hing Mot} Social Conveners Mrs. J. court has to defermine whether! S2 opy of the permit was in| © ~ hile the bis is' st the court is awaiting receipt of me if I would check the ¢ n many ur own Gaatch, Mrs. H. Kift, Miss W. or not a mailbox theft is stealing the 8love compartment in one of |¢r9SS while the bus is stopped. | ygitional charges to be forward- river as they thought he might! i . 1 3 o iti id vi A Ad ba 9 the buses st ed but the driver But I tend to agree with Mr, SL Members of the Oshawa K Il or intoxicated ave wishes the March of Dimes (Dorey. Mrs. D. Myers, Mrs. W. from the post office or is just Mo on d he The Greer, if Mr. Garton did put ed from Toronto. Memb t aws e ill or intoxicate ¢ ; 8 " . - the i w it was there , Mr. Ga | ots ; wanis Club and their guests en Wie, organization every success in Lawson and Mrs, H. Tot. theft. other two were ) RE | *'school bus signs on buses OPP Constable Jack Ricard told Vhen 1 ther two were lost and Mr. Gar the court Constable Jack Cart- opened the door. his offer, bet i 7)¢ r nit snding eg , ' Chairman of Finance -- J. I i j i joved a luncheon meeting respite h spending campaign an' in i . ance J. Lin- { ing btain which are just public vehicles, + v 4 : ton has been trying to obtain cop- y P! 1| wright received information that Ju head just rolled to the side and Orde it you ar your family all i " dvore. ton Tuesd from the cold and snow! = é id 3 . pas & all its endeavors," comment- 0 t p ¢ and are not licensed as a schoo ey he oe, . ow When 1 asked him to get out of ca re in the March of Dimes.| od Dr. C. C. Stewart, Oshawa Communion = Deaconnesses CELEBRA TING jo Jy ue Yebarment Of rans bus. he may be in the wrong. |2 1937 model auto was reported event of their week! , m/e car, he grabbed the door for; he Ki Club of Oshawa medical officer of health, this. |Mrs. H. Foster and Mrs, ( Mil-| " port. a Fases, the originals y : ; ¥ onlel Stolen from Oshawa and heading He f work long and hard to| (en llard |of the permits are in the Garton [I feel that some of these people east. PC Cartwright d hfe ih | BIR | HDAYS i who write these laws should at-| °°" -ariwright recovere The Local Board of Health constituted a fine movie, he Support " led strongly « tain tat | | Bowmanville office, h d : Fighting Gar Fish" a colorful! 2:¢h0! and staggered consider- mg hy a on| As the local March of | Pastor Newell, in closing, ! m a. 6 vice, 16 sau. tend the courts more often and| the stolen vehicle abandoned, the and action-filled film, produced ably on his way to the cruiser. D ay n r gros Dimes Organization, repre- [thanked everyone ~ for entering Congratulations and best | PC Cornell told the court he sée just what the magistrate has| motor still hot, just east of the on the White River in Arkansas. | ater of fact, he nearly stag in a Li .¢l senting the Rehabilitation |into the spirit of the meeting, ex-| Wishes to the following resi- (Was on County Road No. 1, in the, = \ ono with. Then maybe CPR subway, commonly known President Ken Jackson intro-%¢red away from it," PC Dia ' ; han ne Foundation for Poliomyelitis pressed his appreciation for the! dents of Oshawa and district |Zion area, when the charge, would be made clearer," |33 the "Hole in the Wall", at duced the movie and af its con.|mond told the court eers a Sng In ample num-| and the Orthopaedically Dis- |co-operation and faithfulness off Who are celebrating birth- against the driver was laid. He|p. Worship summarized. ' [Newcastle. clusion. Kiwanian Al Banfield ex-| His Worship warned the a Oy it nd; es abled, once again seeks dona- [those who served last vear, gave| days today stated Be walchea 2 bus come to] erm ---------- a Har radioed distriet headquar- pressed the appreciation of the/cused he was imposing the min OTE to the ead thet iy tions for the continuation of encouragement to those who ac Una Dart, 337 Pine avenue: 3 shop: fal; 10 use its stop or Juraf i ters at Peterborough and advised members, who thoroughly enjoy- mum penalty this time for a first w ne 'die of "dal ny work the Local Board of [cepted office for 1960, and asked| Susan Sleeman, 69 Fernhill Signa S. discharge students, then] Off Th them to advise Cobourg OPP to ed its. showing offense, but should he come back! gyerlnaked. The rest is " atin Hi alth would take the oppor- (all to promise under God to give] boulevard; Velda Dean, 479 |" nue 'on. 1Cer rown {be on the look out for an east- ! trinity to thank the organiza- [the new pastor the same co-op-{ Nipigon Ronald Morrison, He said he followed the vehicle Jou <a Ria 3iyone lodking § S . A highlight of Tuesday's meet- to court. for the same thing again d E age home fc t h tion for the assistance it! has eration extende . RR awa 4 for some distance before stopp- . 8 od to, their former tR 1, Oshawa; Mrs Mary |! ; e slopp: A o street |ing it and from time to time it ver uto Shortly afterward, a Cobourg ing was the reading of a al he could expect the pens o 1 2 ' 5 penalty to be Every an, woman ar hild i message from International Pres-|at least 10 times as much L y rendered the physicians of one Salmers, 159 Simcoe str pid é in Ozhaws v omet of " " alr ) imcoe street : : = ient Albert J. Tully, to com ¥3 and his Ticence suspended as fava ie abl Ol Oshawa in completing their i --_ south: Gary Te . 29 Tact. |Stopped, discharged students then : OPP officer stopped a 1953 model Rag licence suspended fhe need for a genorous res Adult Pol litis I . + Gary Temple, 33 East t 1. When he did stop tI motorcycle policeman was| auto, later found to be registered memorate the 45th anniversary three months when he leaded 1 I : Adu piomyelitis Immuniza- P 1 D lawn street; Mrs. A. Bickle continued. hen he did stop the ra har 4 h , n nth t y 0 1 March of Dimes : 1 ; ok 3 I / ickle, | throw ar ar, la [+ H i of Kiwanis, organized on Jan. 21, wuilty before Magietso) R. B ) ne 5 $8 3 ne app tion Program. The March of oilice epartment 12 Centre Street, Bowman. |PuS, he found all the passengers Hirows its , pt aL Joning Read a Alert Naylor, Noweasile, vill 8 3. for the story has been we ) Dimes financed.the costly ad- 502 |were students and there were no on the pavement alter thefthe two accused riding in it. in 1915, at Detroit axter 'to a charge of impz ait | mM "ge : i i a 3 g mpaired unthinkable tha ver ict - > ig : | motoreyele he was driving collid- in i ri In keening with the observ dAriving tising and the ir za- S f signs to indicate it was a school | : 8 colid- PC Ricard stated he interview. ) ) © ariving ha ho ther a mmuniza ta f Classified a schoollgy poad.on with the auto on King ed the pair at the county jail, Co- f bt Burns Day', head . V ~r 3 3 tion record forms \350N- w 0 > 06 book Bi |bus i p ok! a : table fiiosts a meet.| OPP Constable R. S, Diamond floor Marcl : 1 tial to the ebiis Se TORONTO _(CP)--The Ontario worth: Whites BE ¥ oo et end. 9 Siier Jueiront. of back Street Fast Tuesday evening. ~hourg, later that morning at ing included Alex Mackay. Bob| 2d he 'was parked watching ©2rl¥ evening hou r th 4 ram Labor Relations Board has ruled Dloirite Toor ir Dr Mr. Garton identified a licence PC Alfred J. Lavender, 378 which time they admitted steal- Neo Ton MeNab at Joon traffic on Highway 35 Dec. 31 Was che en for p nience The organization has not that police department office] iy wins), 62 Warren it i 7 on i enti ie a licence Marion street, Oshawa, received ing the cars from Oshawa and McLeod. Other head table gnests|"Men he noticed a car pull 'into 3. wa attord. ¢ e ! mly in this way, and in other workers are technically members Er o : I. vel jel he Public 2 bruised left leg, a cut above the| Newcastle and a 1952 model were Kiwanian: Bill Hct ad lthe pumps at a service station, SWCet humar arity 'for ! ays. materially encouraged of a police force and cannot joinf The first five per sons to in- Som 0 5 et Which] Jip and another cut on the left/auto from Toronto. The car Walle ls oer Fo anl, re noticed the river ws day he vs and gi wrotection against poliomye- the 'Nationz! Union of Public orm The Oshawa Times of 1 um : 0 au passen- side of his nose. The motoreycle| stolen in Toronto was abandoned {Service Employees (CLC) their birthdays each day will |8€rs or parcels without any re-fwas extensively damaged. in Oshawa The -250 civilian assistants ne ville: Fred Loveless, Madison avenue; Miss Karla all rated as outhoard-motor boat enthusiasts, swho were especially! + "I started 'across the road and interested in the other film of the just as I arrived al the! service gq. day's program, a movie on motor station, two other cars pulled up «d over the steering whee t hey ne ead t tis, but it is z ngage i : : 8 wheel ad olla the vo , of 1 page d i receive double tickets to The [Strictions. He said he receives| The driver of the car involved| According to PC Ricard he : vho ats 0 are considered members of the Regent Theatre, good for a gh Ely he collision, was Digne: -B learned White nd proposed I & J 15+ week per Tl UrTe SS i y's a : i i r : ty as the result of eit |Police force under the Police Act, Touriwesk period. The current com Le passengers he Ricks Ww Bell, 16, Tooley's road, Oshawa. | breaking into the Newcastle drug myvelitis. but the Police Association cannot! or action is "Count Your he awl y roads and the PC Lavender said the car cut|store, but his companion refused Blessings buses on County Roads 57 and 1,| across in front of him and he was|and said they would continue east boating, Mo the pumps apd the driver iFeb, 1. We are confident that' ibargain for them I g ® the Taunton and Scugog roads'not able to swerve to avoid it. to Kingston. eo this impo r

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