12 THE OSHAWA Yimes, Wednesday, Junuary 27, 1960 | N 25 Y |them back lo the company under io gy RT I IN ; w long-term leases. pi - . : He e ear Proceeds from the current fi- TODAY S TORON TO STOCKS | 4 i : wl gE Eon Issue chlor est vk of a' TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS Net Net ¥ house properties i By The Canadian Press Stock Sals High Low Il a.m. Ch'g Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge ie 3 4 iy p opert €5 in or near 13 i cities' or towns in Ontario, Man- Toronto Stock Exchange--Jan, 27 Shawin 253 $29% 29% 29% Fatima 1500 76 5 75 x ? i . (Quotations in cents unless marked §. "5 s31% 31%. 318 ' Frobisher 300 199 199 1 2 A 4 Eh oba and Saskatchewan. 2-0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend. xr--Ex Simpsons 35. pl 31% 1% Geco Mines 560 & 17% ' A 7 : ? : ni ar e Shar i rights, xw-Ex-warrants.) Somville pr 30 $48 48 48 Giant YK 720 3 100 2 A 3 hares of Loblaw Inc. will be ; ub-divided 10-for-1, with share. St Pav new 460 S18'¢ 18 18% . Glenn Uran 1000 3 k Y i a « INDUSTRIALS Steel Can. 20 300. 30% Ne SP Usan | 140 a y 1 : : TORONTO (CP)--A $5.400.000 holders of record Jan, 29 receiy- Steinbg A 255 $234 23 23% sunnar 9 3% 103% 10% 7 i z | BZ nine H 7 iv ' issue of 25-year 6%-per-cent first ne Mine ditional shares for . p Net Tamblyn 35 $243, 2 3% --~ Gunnar wis 340 7 7 Sto S x 51 5 Hard Roc 800 1 i fs 4 ; 1 Stock Sales High Low Il a.m. Ch'ge Texaco C xd z10 § ard Rock i" - | {mortgage sinking fund bonds of { Loblaw Inc., with head office in Abitibi 2 4 Tor Dom Bk 320 $52 51% 3 H of Lakes 500 s 12% # 2 g 7 , . : 836% 3 + Wu Hollinger 255 4 2 & ased Prot 4 ilinge 5 Loblaw Leased Properties Ltd. is Buffalo, oprates some 200 super- Al 3 5 ' 2 Alte Diu 1445 § 5 T a . 1550 $23% .23 23 int Moly 000 1 : Alg Con : T aM $108 10) A Int. Nickel hi : : 1 |being offered to the ui market stores in New York, Ohio, |] nion Acc N ; A . 7 30% 3 Un Gas Jacobus 700 126 5 Pennsylvania and West Virginia. no . U Fuel B 1 5 Jellicoe 000 157] 3 ud ll and the offering rice is 99 and SEAT Analog 1 Un Telef J 2 Jonsmith 000 h 3 ed Iaterec 1 : : Argus 075 297 Walk GW Ve 37 Kerr Add 700 $21 20% 207 | jacery interest to vield aboui NORWAY THEATRE Atlas Steel 210 . 25 514 w Equip 5 Kilembe 100 37 b / b. per cen Oslo's S % a Bank Mont xd 725 § : : We on B 32 Labrador 200 i 4 By : Loblaw in i Proserites. } slo's Student Theatre marked Bank NS 150 7 ; 7 White 1 pr 3 I. Shore 100 42 2 25 2 23 ! 2 1 lohiaw cased roperties oo its 125th anniversarv in Decem- Ben Fhane 18 8g ; Wawrd A wi 30 850 630 660 Leitch © 200 Er jacduired 76 stores and certain|ber, 1959, by presenting Edna St. Sowater » 3 Curb Langis 1200 93 ; : +i ler properties from Loblaw Vincent Millay's poetic play Aria BA Oil $33 3 Anglo Nfld 630 $7 7 i Lorado 2000 ! 5, pi {Groceterias Co. Ltd. and leased da Capo. BC Pow 341 34 3 CD Sug 00 i B Lorado wis 0 . Brockville 2 : Louviet 500 Burns Lyndhst 2600 Lynx 200 Maturity date is Feb. 15. 1985, | | J - rr ------ | C Bronze C Ingersoll Burrard A Paper 3 Lob Inc xd £50 S13 MacLeod 00 Cal Pow 1 $19 14 - N 10 3 1 Jot £3 ; y x : fon Y i Com a0 5 oe oe 5 OILS . Mari am ww CR is The PERSONAL touch for TRAVEL : x : oF Whether you travel for business or an Perm z10 Ve 2 \ "SLL 710 $43 13 Ajax 800 yf 2 n 6000 9 ; Bank Com 355 $52 1% 52 Alminex 830 M0 Mm x; Maritime 2300 134 ; 8 : g $0. : le . "M dn Brew 135 8 35% 35% Am Leduc 3500 11 1 1 Maris 8100 J J Gord Ee ; pleasure you'll get expert attention to gh b 500 5 ¥ 10 1 1 vbrun ( 3 ¥ % i | ? Ye BALD 200.000, - Rehr or oi ] Mcintyre 1 . 50 $27% 27% 2 i ! your .individual needs at Howard's; the Curt W 600 20 240 Calaita 1000 45 45 4 McWat s0 33 313 3 RICINTCCTAEN MF careful planning and attention to detail Dredge 300 $15 59 } Cal Ed 100 Moneta ; } : wiibN ME ) F Prod pr 50 $55 55 CS Oil wis 825 2 3 Mt, Wright ; 3 > MM * Ig that you'll appreciate . . . the personal ' 25 1 1 1 SP 5 ps a ulti 20 17 17 > " { - : Hydro Car 323 a Cs Pete 9403 5 3 MUM " 1 4 Reginalc { esid ) Toronto: | th mel al the group's an- touch, in fact PR 245 $2 2 243, ¢ Ex Gas 200 New Alger 7 7 preside 1 | id Sydney al dinner ; ich Mr. Maud- WN Gas pr 250 ! ! C Husky 665 805 3 New Bid 2 2 dom Board rad ie To li as guest speaker WN G 3% p 100 ; C Superior 2 1% 1 N Goldve 53 ¢ iin Tore I I'he CP Wirephot on Gas 412 $36% : Cent Del 00 55 3 ] ; b : 1 photo | . . on. Gag [418 = gent 1 200, 350 , 13000 9 ) TRAVEL is our ONLY business Py ERAS. ER BERENS Je Seplores 'Woodstock Foundry' § HOWARD TRAVEL BUREAU Dist Seag 36 Home : Nipissing Why not call and see for yourself? D Bridge xd 242 19 1 Home Oil B Dom Elect ) y H B Oil G ? 12% 12% 12) ] Noranda 5 45 | aly 1 5 . oral Rl Nco wis" a0 Norbeay CE al | i ; Changes Possession 2 ; Pac Pete gti MLL GE : ATIC ; OOO]. Oot CPL. oa AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA Petrol Ra 2 Nertasp 50 1 7 M7 5 ( Ey Bom Yor, wl 1 : nh Fons oy PHONE AJAX 90 Prove Gis O'Brien 7 Royalite Opemiska 7 about son | of Woodstock. Tho Hiri. Royalite py Orehan Ie Ormsby 2 32 12 He : 5 ) prig emain in Woodstoc Osisko em people, will Gr Wpg G Gr Wpg vt Wsburne Great West 831% 5 : 4 W Cdn 0G Guar Tr 25 $261 26% W Naco Gurney pi Hardee 25 t Hardee | : 3 ; Que Chib Hendshot z g Algon 1 1 2 Que Cop Hendshot pr $ Ang Rouyn 27 26 2 Que Lith H Dauch $5 An: Horne Pitid 1 A Arcadia imp Bank 3814 y 581% 1 naque Imp Inv A Ya Metals 300 tmp In A Imp Life Imp Oil 380 $34 } Black Bay Imp Tob 325 $i1% 11% 11 Bouzan Ind Accep 7 3 Bralorne Inglis 200 4 80 Broul Reel Inter PI Y 4 J - Brunswick Jockey ( 00 225 Buff Ank Sylvanite Jock C pr 2 9 4 Bunker Hill 3 7 7 7 % Rayan i Kelly D A : 7 ¢ Dyno 7 5 1 Yeck-H 3 3 » i ! 1 ) Temas Vi WONDERFUL NEWS! Another good reasen for Laba 225 ' i ¢ Malart 3 ] Thom 1 of STEINBERG'S! Mew you can use your "PIN Lake 3 50 245 : 3 Y 2 7 7 y Lav Sec 2 24% ) C3 N Inc a q 19 0 Un Kenpo 1 h h ga ppir 8 a Lob G B 25 } 2 1 ; a 7 Upp Can I! 12 2 2 | } | 5 a. ob G B pr t b> 11% 2 . a 2 } ps TWO ways : for sxciting Noame-Brand Gifts LY \'[ 1] LobCo B 2) 51 1 2 Me 5 5 Yentures Waite Am inthe big "PINKY" Gift Catalogue...or for top quality LobCo A wt 705 8 15 1 Sia S80 125 : : Wai i 55 65 35 1 ty) ) 0 xd 25 3 2 Pr y ro B d 6 4 H Macmin s 2 1 Ww ite y g 12 2 51 merchandise at STEINBERG'S! You can turn in each com. QUALITY MacMill B & ] 3 1 > -> Wr Harg é 212 5 : pleted "PINKY" book for a STEINBERG'S merchondise MB and PR 2 $16 16%4 16% ste 3 x , 3 3 Mill 100 $1312 131% ; > Lead i 24 a vouche i i M Leaf Til io 3 13% 13 i 9 L / i a 4 # We ases! r worth $2.25 to be applied agoinst your purch FOODS! Mass 3 23 $905 9% 98% oct 2500 ; : oore 2 41% | 2000 Nia Wire 250 $12 12 12 Denison 590 $11% 113% 118 Mu Nia Wire B S114 1 11 Den wis 2425 2 1 North Star 25 $34 34% 34% Discvry 100 Norn arr 3 $0 in GE Ne Tobacco Sales Zenmac Sales to 690,000 North Star pr 200 $44): Con M and § 450 N Star 57 wt 875 205 2 C Megul 500 122 1 20 NO NGas 800 14% : Mosher 200 11 1 130 2 oun Nor Phone 150 3 7 7 Conwest 50 3 3 5 Oshawa A 25 36% 6% 6 Coprand 2 170 17 ' ' es Tah Crowpat 2000 95 8 : TILLSONBURG (CP)--The On- Pembina 240 D'Aragon l E 3 ri J i». . Pres Eleet 2 0 0 Hint 5 5 tario Flue-cured Tobacco Grow- Reiehold P: i %s 23 Duvan 7 ers Marketing Board reported . Eh ¥ ohi 0 8% : " po p 2.0 a Royal Bk xd 59 $78 7 72 : Amph ' 8 4g sales Tuesday of 2,013,084 pounds Russell 25 1 1 7 1 1 at an average price of 55.76 StL om A 1 : = er 3150 15 15 5 + cents a pound. Sales to date are i orp 5 9 1 5: 5 g 1 30 <3 - a -. Salada-S bg y . 300 $32 43 33 69,847,767 pounds at an average Salada wt Fwest Tung 3500 : price of 54.88. E-X-P-A-N-5-1-O-N S-P-E-C-l1-A-L UNIVERSAL-SLIM-ETTE | i 7 coon OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE DOG CONTAINER (Next to Kresge's) RA 5-3574 SCHULER'S = a Farms ---- . . . control those curves > outs Culp 2° Role Juice "= 29¢| Instant Dats «39 | te ---------- Ee LE | { | Keep the right weight in the right pleces through guaranteed spot v4 Cheese Sn 5 . NG FANCY | PAGODA reducing, slenderizing or supervised weight gaining programs at , Rd 1 omato Juice 4.45 | Tea Bags New health, pep ond energy can be yours when you visit Universal 3 J ERA -- Health Studios regularly. You'll not enly feel better, but you will Vadis 3 . ? - = Sa = aw -- arr SHORTENING 2.2 39° | COFFEE =r 65¢| PREM "sae 2469 | Enjoy healthy good looks | ASTE WAX 1 65° | oe" Bor rs 25° |FIOUR rw O° | NKIRK'STV. --- - AVP -- . si $ ii hoc. Bar 2b 35° | BISCUITS mre ww 0 FF I "imam" STEINBERG'S Checkert ; Participate in STEINBERG'S ; £1 "Customer Service Progrom 3 | : by voting for the *'Chacket of : y : a Sf the Year". You con win Valua ble Prizasi Entey forms of the store GRADE "A" E ( i al uo ? OPEN THURS. & FRI, OVEN-READY Ee an UNTIL 9 P.M. For a course individ- 2%» TO 3 LBS. NORTH PLAZA ually designed for i] 1 of ¥ i . 3 : * ®50 EASY TO PEEL g: i § AJAX YOU i ; ; } © 50 SWEET 10 EAT! * @RICH IN VITAMIN CI Rig DUNDAS STREET nom ey o "a / i" : i WHITBY To The First 10 Men or Women 7 a p li Who Call Today A oe . The Internationally Famous # Slimette Guarantee RA 5-3574 | ONE Yet Fre PRR hw a wd * I 89 results in 60 days: Your Membership Includes: OVERWEIGHT: UNDERWEIGHT 3 Lose 15 or AVERAGE: COMPLE . eo Pers ] isi Pounds Add 2 Inches to RB Pe E IN =o sy ronal Supervision 3 Inches Off Bust, Improve ( ' 1 & En 8 A a en, i ET BREA THE BS wD Ls § Hips and Posture and gad Baths Waist. Re-Proportion Take One Inch Body en : : -- * Reducing Table Off Ankles Measurements FRESH a] YLE 39 I RUBY RED, FLORIDA'S FINEST IMPORTED, U.S. NOI : | | { { | l * Steam TL Sot gl LLL Bd GRAPEFRUIT | GREEN CABBAGE AAPA APPA PIAA AS, ® Vibratery Massage . gon Studios Affiliated ONE YEAR FREE FRESSY ACK he RIMDLE 95 a Coast to Coast Dinner Sh - 70 ¢ SIDE BACON 5 59 size "|r 49c Qc bi VM esas R E S U L T S G U A R A N T E E D READY 3 PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN 271030 an TT Regurdiess: of Age Clip these eoupons for yo ox Pinky" stamps | A - aa Open 6 Days A Week For Enrollment 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Ts Pea WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 95° | A ] w YOUR PURCHASE [25] A 5B. BAG OR 6 QUART PAC KAGE | 5 echo 3 | Gl |" orcmeano a oF. L UNIVERSAL-SLIM-ETTE | DANGE JUICE i COFFEE ! H oy ii. APPLES! einbergy OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE (NEXT TO KRESGE'S) RA 5-3574 Pinky" | | : Pinky COUFON VALID 10 LIMITED (Separate Departments for Men and Ladies) Ts . - Std be 2 A = as: -- oa