16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 27, 1960 #5% THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE 1--Accountants \14--Household Repairs 22--Radio & TV Repairs 30--Lost and Found 37--Male Help Wanted [44--Houses, Apts., Flots 44--Houses, Apts. Flots |44a--Rooms For Rent MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and CLASSIFIED AD RATES | CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-{TV TOWERS, One year guarantee|LOST -- young fox hound, black, brown (EXPERIENCED clerk. For Rent For Rent ONE room, nicely furnished, rangette, Co.,, Chartered Accountants, Licensed 25 words or less ||covered like new, Get the best for less |$49.95, no bolts, no rivets, all welded.|and white, vicinity Harmony Roa d|Must have good education and aggres-| FURNISHED room with kitchen, sult|por RENT -- to responsible tenants, sink, Mphourds, refrigerator, suit two, Trustees, 'Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Hon Cash Charge Jlat Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe |All channel aerials from $19:95. Easy|North and Town line, Sunday afternoon, |siveness, able to type and have desire gentleman. Phone RA 3.9225. executive. home, Simcoe Street North, $10 weekly, very Setitral. Apply 200 JW. Monteith, FCA, MP: A. B. Mon. 3 CONSECUTIVE Street North Call RA 86451 for a free |terms. Keuy TV. RA 55121. $i0 reward. Phone RA 5-8483. to get zhong, This i an spportanty Le FOUR - room apartment, heated, 3 Eight large rooms, perfectly d "| King Street West, Apt. or e rig man. one ana » . il » teith, B. Comm., CA; G. W. Riehl, cA, INSERTIONS 225 248 estimate. | TELEVISION, radio tubes, De-it-Your. | 330 Ho TEC Rony 5.0671. piece bath, separate entrance, newly ed, oil hat Te heating. TWO housek ms. Apply 48 RIA: G. E. Trethewey, CA; R. ROXATONING -- Give old furniture a|self free tester, Fred's Driven, King|d' ----Articles el AR TE Toe Shatin Sits very central, y. Call Mr. Brad- (Drew Street, RA 34152 after § pio. Lightfoot, CA; RA 5-35%7, 135 Sande 6 CONSECUTIVE new look, Top quality work at reason-|Street West, Vigor Oil Station, Town M Vahied or Sesy ce tation. SI Phone RA 8-1131, after 6 p.m. RA 1423, ley, Howe oo Millen, morn. | OLE Tonic w= ~ Street North, Oshawa. INSERTIONS 375 4.92 able 1 rates. For free estimates, SR East. Supplied by Dean Kelly TV, E age Tate hg ES, SAperiehes WO NGLE, orp ings or ngs. RA 3-2006, men vit cooking iviaes. SF Sentle BOB CLANCY'S Omtario Accountingl] - if not paid within 7 days the 7 after business hours, js a Sun by Open daily, 12 midnight USED refrigerator, laundry facilities, close t0|SEVEN rooms, clean, subletting pri-|Celina Stree: Services offer complete gookkesping Charge rate will apply. PAINTING, also rooms papered, Tabor | - - SEWING MACHINES 38--Male or Female North SM Punt, Suitable for lady. |vileges, children welcome, Cent: al |p TWO § vm services for small DUBE, A 5.0007 Above rates apply only to original Jlonly $8 and up, gyprock applied. RA 5- |TV - RADIO service. All makes, H I Ww. t d Apply 253 Athol Stree Immediate possession. he Douglas L. Very central, suit rl Apply 0 Street West, Hons 1, Office *I} orders for consecutive insertions. §i7207 | Thompson Electronics 157 Eliott Av- Portable -- Consoles eip ante THREE - room apartment, three - piece Gower Real Esse. Ra R 8.1287 or RA Albert Street, RA 8-6340, sence, i |} Subsequent insertions ordered at a enue, RA 3.9792 (Fred). BOOKKEEPER f 1d reliable fi bath, separate entrance, very reason. Tr ap] mel r HIGH qual Something different and |® -- BOOKKEEPER for old reliable firm, » ROOMS by the week, tiled sho YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER loter date constitutes a new original Yl;ore "comfortable. New upholstered ry rowERS completely natalie, 1 Guaranteed by reply in own handwriting, stating ref-|able, available now. Phone RA 8-131 CENTRALLY located -- three large bath. maid service, RA 3-4641, Genosha 0 and Co., Accountants and auditors, Li-§ order | furniture or re-upholster and re-model|yen. guarantee, $64.50: no bolts, mo SINGER SEWING CENTER erences, capabilities etc. Write Box|after 6 p.m -1423. warm rooms with private entrance and |Hotel. Frm Be A King] professional and Business listings fiyour old. Only by highly skilled UP.|rivets, all weided. AU channel aerials 133 Oshawa Times. HOUSE -- two-bedroom, oil heat, divid-|bath, sink in Kitchen, heavy duty wir- as 3 3 . 3 i A e | 2 tl avy i x F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA. $2.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Jani te er, moistering. Coz 301. Elf in| {rom $9.95: easy terms. Kelly TV. RA|32 Articles Wanted ARE you iieresied 3 Tul or spare|ed basement, arate. South Alex. sao ing, inside parking. RA 3.9424. 17%|45.--Real Estate For Sale - nid {Street West in Oshawa. For free esti-| - ime sales pl whic! c 'monthi FOUR unfurnished reoms, ground floor, Sr HOPKINS and Company, Cert month mate, call RA 5-4170. See our big choice FOR quick, friendly service, call Osh. [$10 to $20 4 day? piake orders f10Mm|UPFER duplex, central Whitby on resi- private bath, heavy duty wiring, ga: CENTRAL, 'Sic Yoom Dick, anishied jed Public Accountants, 172 3 Each Initial letter, abbreviation, fof samples. awa Times Classified ad-writers. Dial beautifu: Display dential street, modern and self-contain- Fige, Apply after 6 p,m. 315 Kin, Street Cy s able ci r fed it East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA $ and c¢ sign, figure, count as @ 8 1 pes. Ee =% EXPERT ANTENNA, RA 3-3492. 200 Jousehold products, Le aa ad TV outlet, no children, please. MO | Wes ly P. 8 AA accepted. Phone RA 5-0437 after 6 p.m. - 2 ' A CLEAN home is a appy home. leigh's, Dept. .RR, chelieu, s 3 RA word. Box charge 15c additional. fipec™ consultation, work guaranteed, AND TOWER PIANOS -- 10 any make or size, will | Montreal. 8.4507. bc unfurnished rooms, Not_and|riior Tr ULLY different and spac. All Classified Advertisements fino publicity. Reliable Exterminators, pay cash. State make and price. Write 0 a TWO - bedroom Di Deus) cold water, private entrance and drive- or Tr orick bungalow, mas -- -------------- MUST be in by 9 a.m, the day of jiproducts and services for all nee Box 42 Oshawa Times, w-- wiring, heat an ydro inc! way, heavy duty wiring. Immediate trim BOWMAN, David Le Barrister Soc | publication Office hours: Gail's, Js De RO Or: Smit | INSTALLATIONS CANADIAN silver dollars, 1935.55, half 41--Room and | he monthly, private bath, parking facili-| possession. RA 5-6935. {bg Bn Ba Rel r 6 A P s, 4 for, 3% Simcoe South, RA 59582. Resi-(| Saturday 8-12. [OX 4.1346 or phone Claremom 0 dollars, 1870 - 1949. Members wanted | KOON any board #4 clean, yi] hore . RA 8-535. THREE furnished rooms, clean, quiet|$1900 down. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA dence, RA 8-0264 | GHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, All-Channel Antennas for Oshawa Coin Club. RA 5 nice. ocation, ) | THREE - room apartment, unfurnish-| home. Kitchen, refrigerator, = living |5-9870. barrist ich [j REGULATIONS |like new. Why pay more? Our rates parking facilities, two single, ome| "ooo wiring adults only. RA 3-9686.|room, bedroom, private bath, entrance, ZT. SALM b. DA. bassister, No th, The Oshawa Times shall not be Jlare reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. os low as $24.00 double room. MO 8-5092. 72 Cadillac South Garage. Central. Couple preferred. 97|NHA re-sale, one year old, three - bed- tor, etc. 131 Simece Street Nor responsible for errors in advertise |i Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery ROOM and board available for three . Elgin East. RA 5-1408. 19¢/To0om bungalow, finished basement Office RA ; Residence RA 5-5542. h th | 10 Bond Street. West, Dial RA T.V. Service 24 Hours 8 FOUR - room (two-bedroom) apart apartment, separate entrance, low TEEN sal DATED, Barf 1 Se Oe a cre Foot Ty Ste . DBrVs . : gentlemen, oon $16 weekly. Tele- |} nts, Lakeview district, new 'frig and| THREE - room, furnished apartment, down payment. RA 8-0549. 19¢ s. Clients' funds available for ros f ver- . (House call $2.50) SCRAP IRON, POULTRY phone RA 5:1 oo |stove, TV outlet, heat and water in-lalso one extra large furnished house- Solicitor; ie incorrect insertion of any adve ' {cluded w apartment building. One PRIVATE, Whitby, four-bedroom semi- first mortgages. 20 Simcoe. Street North. |} 4icoment nor beyond the price || 15--Instruction AND FEATHER TICKS ROOM for one or two gentlemen, pri-|cluded, new apartmen! keeping room, minutes from ShOPPINg | jarachiod bungalow, fwo years old, 21 5-3566. Charles C. McGibbon, QCi|l cioroed for a single insertion of f| ids - L & L / TV vate home, no other roomers kept, available now, anthers Feb. 1. Phone RA|Centre, bus service. Phone after 5. Fri-{g 0 living room, paved. drive, full gar F. Bastedo, QC ____ |} the advertisement in which error || PRIVATE teacher, student couns { en ous I. TURNER twin beds, meals if desired. T 3-4368. day and Saturday before "itn basement. $12,990. MO 8.4617, p a Boychyn, Barnis-|| occurs. And also reserves the right 1116 years' experience, by interview only RA 5-231. | BACHELOR apartment for lady, cen-|time Sunday, he. nt EES B D. Bo eYE, QC; ll to classify advertising according to Jl Act now. RA 5-1054 | visi RA B-7844 RA 3-2043 ROOM and board, suitable for Jady|tral, in modern apartment building, Street. 17¢ wo ncre building lot, | near Highway . * parking, stove and 'frig., TV antenna. |MODERN el electrically "equipped, tw ng Boychyn, BA; W. A, Hillman, [} its own classification. IARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, S 2 2 or gentleman, home privileges, near $ 1 Ww " 6 King Street West. Phones: In the case of display advertise- J! Tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland.| : . RA 3 5804 RA 3-3374 INorth GM plant. RA 58138, or 331 Osh-|RA 8-6047, bedroom apartment, 111 Craydon Boats Ki. Gall Walter Frank arauay snd de ak = ay OI ments The Times will not be held Register now. 424 King West, RA 56122 (collect) {awa Blvd. North. Le MODERN, 3 news y_decorated upper upper hoo Bid MO 8-5229. i 19 Emil - esponsible for more space than Dance Edu -- ~-- | GIRL wanted to share large room. a C -- tarce - room ran. x alow. wi JOAN A, G. ONALD, BA. Barris- (| that in which the octual error § to ing School. Ballet, tap, pre re sibhed meals, twin beds. Cen. |living room, dining room, large master|separate entrance, built-in cupboards, NEw sEreum HC I ter and Solicitar, 101 Simcoe Street(l occupies. The publishers endeavour chatic, char id 1 1 CASH FOR SCRAP ! al, Phone RA 8-8478 {bedroom and bathroom, Kitchen tiled, sink, bathroom, business or middle-age |pno tn" of Greenbank on No. 7 and 12 North. Phone KA 8-8511. to reproduce oil advertising matter §ig. 1 e' Te . A ¥ § | SE --_--ePC with electric stove and refrigerator.|couple, parking, heat, light, telephone, . Ot ao sh wn bil ol 2 northathe kn E BU | TWO rooms with board or without, Hardwood floors throughout, laundry highway. Phone YUkon 52762 or UX- . : correctly but assumes no liability . - : Wi Y | ghout, included. 232 Greenwood Avenue. 17f JOHN A. CAMERON. barrister, solic: t any inaccuracies in any form HARVE DANCE ACADEMY, Raton, OPERATORS STEEL METALS. BATTERIES le in private home. Suitable room, separate entrances, front and |e bridge 2-9920, tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street | * any oh contained [ta Academy ballet, Highand, | ASSOCIATION | 2 " >, 3 » gentlemen. Immediate POs-|rear, sundeck. Couples only, $110 per| THREE - room apartment, - East. RA 32260. NHA and private} 0' cv i Register now. 424 King West, RA 56122 CIA PAPER, RAGS, etc. [session. Parking facilities. Phone RA month. Phone BA 39114 from 94 for|heat and water. Apply 68 MeMillan mortgages arrang d therein eg ses 0 F : th. Open All Day Saturday 18-0283 19f | appointment, Drive... = = boo Stephen EER and Kelly, Barristers, Solicl In' | CorOpeIgtion wi . Im. GREENBURG & SONS |E00M and board for two gentlemen. [FOUR - room house, newly decorated, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, electrically ¢ ote., 7) 6 Simeoe Street South, LEARN TO DRIVE NOW | Oshawa Chomber of Commerce) LTD. 15 weekly Parking, close to South GM. |heavy wiring, gas in. North Ajax. 27|equipped, balcony, TV antenna. 101 Dial 33278. Residence = Phones: ildi | | |RA 5-6441 18f| Maple Street. Call evenings, Sunday,|Craydon Road. MO 84221, Whitby Dial BA BA. sc. RA sas; Ter. 8--Building Trades | Don't be o Fairweather | TV-HI-FI-AERIALS | RA 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor St. E. a all day. FE roo Dangdiow, tally Tamaiced a C O RAT ence y " 8-5832. . 1 Dhone th ~*_| PRIVATE rooms for g ntlemen, | home | es ence V, Belly, ra, ek, RA sous RESIDENTIAL and commercial altera- Driver. Phone the {cooked meals, TV lounge, with home [NEW three . bedroom bungalow in silver, dishes and bedding, piano, oil 3 " fo RALPH JO BA, and Thomas|tions and repairs, ree. rooms. Tel. col-| School Dean Kelly TV--RA 5-5121 {orev e Call RA 3-3993 18f | Whitby large rooms, all conveniences, heating, $95, possession until June. RA H. Greer, Associate _ Barristers 20d lect, Pickering 733. Oshawa Driving Schoo Earl Fowler TV. .RA 5-1685 fe Oo seem --oma| Smal fainiy considered. Now. vacant; 53131 RA Solicitors ing Stree rer ep e-- La 4 Pp M an 2 1504. 7! = 8.6246 "Mortgage loans _available. STONEWORK -- brick and tile. Call Day ond Evening Lessons Parkway Tv. X RA 3-3043 AUTO WRECKING CO. Isingle ard to share. 97 Albert Street. RA 8 , 17 Av; R La Salle C Court, ne Realtor esi Howard Stacey, MA S420 or RA 370% Mel Pollard TV. RA 3.9512 [HES ive commie Tat Oahmwa RAVINE off Wentuurts, Seuy ew. edrosm, teeyition out, sive and ' F ier / $ Is . ! SHS . tment, heat, electr 1. citor and Notary Public, 26% King WANTED -- a bulk cooler, and 25 to 30 RA 8-0091 Prem TV RA 5-1179 Wants cars for wrecking, also Ti ad-v serve' you WELL, {OUL - oom apartmen eryer Ply partment No. 28, RA 81904. 174 187 KING ST. E. \ f t d dryer |P! Street East. Phone RA 8-1763 |cemented ard water-proofed by ex-| TV Enterprises. .RA 5-2905 scrap iron and metals, etc. Dial RA be Tigerator, stove, washer an ryes suplied, parking space. RA 3-2734. 17|SEVEN - room home, nice district, (NING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, |perts. low cost, free estimates. RAlyy_ Money to Loan > bought. Open Soturday ail |RoOM a yard fo emen. Good | : Some ie near schools and down town, hardwood 8-1717 APPLIANCE SERVICES TWO housckeeping rooms, clean and Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan. Asso- : - m------ | day. Phone e cooked meals Centrally located.|, oi refrigerator, close to morth GM. |throughout, newly decorated, excellent - ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry| GARDENS and lawns roto-tiled. Made CLIENTS' monies avai le for first] Christie RA 5-1179 160 Park Road North. RA 3-9541. | quiet, RA 8-6890 19f|for sub-letting or roomers. Phone RA Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3-4697.| ready for spring planting and seeding. |and second morte ages ¥ | a nris FIR RA B6359 RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E | ROT Tor Teenie To share, pss " a Lo 5.3003, 176 ¥ |agreements o ¢ ed, A Elec bar { 3 room, Tio a boss Lo Residence, dial RA 3- Call RA 58985. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary | + RA 5 7743 # -- |with breakfast, all conveniences. RA,' oom: Se or, fing BOWMANVILLE--Spacious three-room COMPLETELY DONALD BLAKE DODDS. Barrister | RENT it now through For Rent ads! | Punic, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA Wo ps vy & 5-1168 ak . apartment Large utility room, cellar. 2 Warr Will s RA 5-3531 |ava'lable February 1. RA 8-1756. and Solicitor. 26; King Street East. pouse, apartment, rooms, anything. |; 597 an toms CEDARDALE BEST meals in town, all conveniences, | ---- All con . Heated. $65. MA Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501; Resl-|pja) RA 3.3492 for an ad-writer a ---. -- | Cd 9] aed Pron. MODERN four-room self-contained | 3.3935, H i 'the h i dence, RA 85373 pi Bama ? . -- | FIRST and scond mortgage, sale| CHARGE CREDIT CARDS SCR for gentlemen. Phone RA 5-1168, 5 | apartment. Adults only. Vacant Febru- Sib ere is the home you wi a N, QC, | BASEMENTS "dug, ano backfilled, eX agreements purchased and sold. Hn WE HOP iOR | | INTERNATIONAL AP Lorraine Street. {ary 1st. Apply King Street East, 19f CLEAN, heated three - room be proud to call your own. JOSEPH' #1 Ti loan. A Jey, | cavating, etc. RA 3-389 or RA 8.0623 |nick and Hennick, sters, 31 King iy IRON METAL LTD. ROOM and board, singie room, good 'ast. 19% ent, one child welccme, close to three| {t's qo six-room ranch-type solicitor 0 % | Brick and | Street East, RA G - S---------------------- . nome cooking, bus stop, ten minutos |38? MONTHLY art new two-bed- schools, $55 monthly, parking. RA bungalow with attached gar= age, expertly built by P. & R. (ing Street East, Oshawa. RA 8-8232. |GENERAL contractors, ' Residence, RA 3405. {cement work and repairs. RA 5928 | GLIENTS' money to loan on first mort: GEORGE' 5 IRON--METALS Walk 40" fous corners, garage. 240 Loom apartments, tied bathrooms, fullylsesse, EIGHTO f, DRYNAN ana FLOOR. wall service, ceramic, plastic, |£agc Mortgage and agreement of : le} PAPERS--RAGS DivISon ian [available Call exclusive rental agent,| ATTRACTIVE apartment, choice loca-| cor COPY igi, BF Cot he No- 'wall tiles, linoleum. vinyl, mastic, floor purchased NHA mortgages arranged. | ROOM ood Toad ori le gy Tv, MT Sorarbeick "Ra 53514 or JA tion, four rooms and bath, try s vy private entrance, nicely at the old interest rate. CR " SE! Mu RDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, z . € r , (tile, Gi Rivers, MO 8-5235. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur : B and Hoan fo home, Be RA Or RA in : Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., tile. Greg T.V. Antenna, Installa OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY ime' cooking, laundry, Fix dass. decorated, heavy wiring, adults prefer-| Stone front, large overhang. 5 Simcne Street ord, RA 3-346: T. K. iding repairs--Rook | 30: eee | i : 5 562 Simcoe Street South, RA 8.0776. 17f | Realtor. : Creighton, QC; Fraser, QC; G. K. ne. i TYPES of Duijiios evans Hoot TIP of the day on good job-offers: | tion and Repairs. S00 Sd ROOM and board for two to share,| NEW unfurnished three-room red. RA 3.9839. The rooms cre = good-sized Drynan, G. L. "Murdoch, NHA mort: | o/ ghing--Chimneys, Gordon May. RA See the Want Ads! Look 'em over| - clean home, single beds, good meals, apartment, self-contained, heavy wiring. | FVIE-ROOM brick house, 3 bedrooms,| throughout. Large living gages arran, Lousy : a i Honesty is our policy. All RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 es packed, laundry done, RA Reasonable. Abstainers only. Call RA |oil heat, modern conveniences, attached room, colorful modern kit GREE hy and MacDonald; Bar. WE : clients' monies for loans and| work guaranteed. 24-hour 100 ANNIS STREET 5 Alt 56, 10¢|Barage. Immediate cccupancy; Sowrl chen and dining area, mod. Hr Saiiitors and Netastes Russell DODD & SOUTER first aud. jnortgages and pur service | ROOM and board for gentlemen. i RA floor one - bedroom apartment, In | Street after 6. Tof| ern bathroom with built-in 3. ucphy and James A. MacDonald. ase Rf ER ron "Easy. ok 35--Emplo men¢ Wanted |meals. lunches packed, single beds, nice quiet home, for two persons, busi. , --|. vanity, three bedrooms. Be- J. Murphy a PAINT -- WALLPAPER Hymah, QC, 3! King 8 tL CALL RA 3-9525 | ploym anted |iise 'to all suoth plants. Phone RA ness couple preferred, Harwood North, |NEW house, three bedrooms, recreation] ("lo") "coe this home PAINTING & DECORATING |a%a: HA = ee ls re | mee ------------ | WIDOW desires work as housekeeper, | 3-3101 Ajax. Phone Pickering 887W after 7|room, large fenced yard, close to d rh CONTRACTORS |WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on Monday to Friday, ds free. Tel. p.m. 19f South OY and Sehovts, possession an Sompare t Yalue and os r vo cur. c ~ a = anua; J_W_TAYLOR, Doctor of Chiropractic, For free estimates call rst and second morizages and ul SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT [ephone RA 5.0690. ~~ 143--Wanted to Rent APARTMENTS, all im- LL Quality. Only $2,700 down 7 King Street West, * Oshawa. RA DAYS MO 8-5231 fiyman. QC, 37 King Street East, Osh. | IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! BOOKKEEPER with several years ex- | THREE. or four - bedroom home in Dieta Shanes ie Wo, Lp BEC TL poy ; 0832 for appointment. "R. 4 perience handling a complete set of i o 4 y of parking, on va By , awa, RA 3.4943 TV nd RADI 8 comp set of |g tial district, for one year,|pod" Ap ly 464 Eulalie Avenue 17¢ | sible tenants only. For information call After 6 Telephone: EVENINGS RA 5-7426 |Z" -- . and 0 books, telephone RA 85522. he Tl rriated. Ocenpaney In p.ly 464 Eulalie Ave Be ET Rn al Tim So cocky phe 2! 400 | }--Dentists 107 Byron St. S., Whitby CALL R 2 LAUNDRY and Ironing serv 60 days. Telephone business hours, RA BUNGALOW, new 6-room brick; many ot. 9, g services from » King St set East. RA 5-7052. Si -- NE Of | A - OWI 535 , conveniences. Phone MO 8.5043, 900 teve Macko .. RA 5-0771 fOR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. 1st and 2nd 8-5286 my own home. Phone RA 3-3545, 4 SDA ot No. Whitby, 17¢|FOUR - room house, oil hea . fOpen evenings by appointment. 259 I Work Guarant 7 p.m, i diat Phone after 5 p.m. Simcoe Street South, Phone RA 52223. HENDERSON CONCRETE MORTGAGES All Work Guaranteed. (yy cn gives Te Gi eer Ti :| WANTED TWO room ultra-modern apart-|RA 3.2519. : JOHN A. J. - = PRODUCTS LIMITED OSHAWA years oid, in good home, with excellent | ments, near Shopping Centre, electri. 5--Nursing Services c ps Had Arranged ELECTRONICS care. Telephone MOhawk 8-5797. 19i| ment. in. vicinity. of sally equipped, Metro "Apartments. PNT RTT TY oncrete, Cinder ,Haydite eer me | i i . IVATE d semi rivate aceom- a Hatin CARPENTRY work "required, "will con- North Si o y eo Tr A Bay FEIVATE oad mi. private aces. Blocks. Chimney Blocks. Lyndewood Investments CARTENIRY YoIy Toquish. Yi eon r Simcoe or Mary Tone To Sonn trimming. Call RA 3-9936 anytime f 3--Chiropractors Streets, for one person, pri= Plant, ivi hiig or February 1. $90. LIMITED onli Boy Br C Wellingt MO 8-5322 LY mr THREE - riom apartment, eh ey REALTORS A dh er sllington / " "111 tr us SE - riom ap , Wi % Haven ig eae) Sod) dh x DELUXE TOWERS LADY. would The To care or wo PH. RA 8-8856 [nen aaa weer suninie tor pumesi| $89 MONTHLY ORS: INSURANCE Bi | RA 3- --- . | FIRST AND SECOND Roof antennas installed |works, 5-day week. Phone RA 85881 onion (0B E, How available Nu. 2 Hignwiy RA 167 SIMCOE S. ANDEN NURSING HOME| ME. IMPROVEMENTS | as low as $30.00 com- | ETT | 44--Houses, Apts., Flats rr RT aR oh VULT -MODERN (Liscensed) KING ST. WEST RE LR TIONS MORTGAGES and plete done expertly, Phone MO 8-427. For Rent Seng eludes Stove, {riage pot water. 2-BEDROOM APT. RA 5-6544 n | F | FOUR - room apartment, semi- "funish- EE Et Feta teres Tare Exclusive nursing Digi for pC ROONS AGREEMENTS OF SALE | . Vigil 36--Female Help Wanted [ed suitable for two girls, ale ment a, spariment FULLY DECORATED SEE THIS! onve ent an eiger J i h { February 1, $55 per mon! » * 2 Tyan and Vora d Tile, Hardwood Floors, $1,800.00 to $100,000.00 Y, SERVICE weekends. AL i Freie and {15 4 Tyler Crescent Je BA Sov x STOVE AND FRIDGE New, 5-room brick bungalow # : 4 , 4 woman in late -- HER zd ly C Nurses ond dieticians in Cupboards Home owners, residential Fully licensed preferred. Good pay for right person. | fHREE- or four - room apartment | nes oom Bassient * aEarvment. BAMBOO DRAPES with garage. Hardwood and attendance. Tray service, Loans Arranged property, Suminer cortoges, TV Technicians RA 86812. ith bath, private entrance. E ast on. Phone RA 5.7040, Hf tile floors. 4-pc. bathroom, radio, T.V., lounge. suburban homes actories, GIRL or woman "with experience ins once i ; 23 W cc lot size 62 x 120. Full price HUGH CROSBY | Gi" acreage. Quotations by 1 YEAR err oars mea pa [8 WEERTY AEC uek Sl WON'T MISS OUT | sniv sisg00 with 37:50 6--Optometrists RA 5-3937 phone or mail. Prompt ser- SERVICE CONTRACTS Supermarket Please "write ful pari. | FHREE rooms. self - contained apart AES OF TV" Ae Wow Ee or ~ a sm---------- y 3 . a 0 Box shawa $s { ment, t shed, che s i saobaisid Bille Ahn : RICHARD > BLACK, Dr. of vice. Oshawa Acceptance Sua 1aWa Ime |cu-boards and range, private bath, APPLE HILL odern, spacious CALL ries for $85.00 monthly. Call now, Optom. | : he examination of eyes, contact |] | --Business Opportunities | * Corp. Ltd, 112 Simcoe St FOR LESS THAN WOMAN wanted, day care for two chil- | Loins" space, adults. Apply 150 Divi-|apartment, private bath, excellent for dren, five-day week. Telephone Ajax!c.,, gireet business couple, use of wash'ng ma- , 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), | chim Nyaa RA J - by intment. RA 3-4191. STORE "and seven rooms for sale, cen] N., Oshawa. Days: A ST WwW 359 after 5. dryer, parking. RA 5-789 aft fg a ed $1.00 A WEEK utter 5. B iment, nfarniahed, | Shine, dryer, parking. ter RA" 5-6544 NORTH-WEST 200 rock 8 \ by | modern, new building. Licensed. Rea- 1089 Nelson Street 209 Brock St. S., Whitby ECONOMY AND a mg ii vate bath, central Call RA 81005 between 4-6 ' tral, downtown, corner property, very 5-3568. Nights: RA 5-1386 I a Teg TWO - room apartment, TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please | lonabie 'W. McAuley, Realior, 2 5-3568. Nights: RA 5-1386 Sen ioe neces. | newly decorated, with builtin eup. y accounts at downtown TOronto|pinc. street, Qshawa, RA 3-2512, RA 3.9484 iki erro tr Stroud's Foon [boards and sink, parking. Apply 163 |TWO - family house, nine roams, newly | EXCLUSIVE RENTAL AGENT 3 only. From $13,200 full De Mon, Bank, or 74 Burk Street. nq 5.323) or * Market Wf pd North | Banting Avenue decorated. » Mesy Street Phone after price. 5-room brick bunga- >hone RA 5-4587. NGPA, Sha as ; hry : e RA 5 -- [FIVE - room house, all conven oy 2:m Dial R > JOHN A. J. lows with a 6% N.H.A, ain VARIOUS business and investment - pin = 7 Surveyors {properties for sale, trade or lease. Call 18--Loan Wanted ERR trol, wreferaily a ley's Road North, Courtice. RA |FURNISHED bachelor apartment In mortgage. 4-pc. tile bath, oe Y be John Wacko, Business Broker, RAI|JARGE private mortgage wanted to TELEVISION working conditions. Apply S. H. Wilkins, | 3 i pn apartment die, TY antenns, Ded: oil heat, must be seen, call HORTON and Associates, On 8 17 | finish new house. Telephone RA 5-8739 administrator, Memorial Hospital, Bow. | MODERN five - room a-artment, heat. | inn included. Available February now. nd Surveyors, Professional En-|gAgRER shop, confectionery--for sale-- | 171 BOND ST. EAST manville, led, drier. Parking. Vacant February |_c-cPio : ini MO 3081, Sn | hb Apartment. 333 Ritson Road South|]9--Personals : MANY Tor fhe money. Just a few|!st Avply R. B. Rickird, Newcastle. | DB LIMITED 8 Call 1 5¢ . a 4 ' : Phone RA 8-0020 - . me i - | Box 94 |frigerator, stove. washer and dryer, - - . . FPNOSIS mm > RA 8-6781 words in Classified will tell your story | -- SAFE - DONAL D B. TROLLOP A Onta Ans [STORE and office for rent, central, dE GP i en viv IR hha to many -- for a very low price. Get| FOR RENT--Option to buy, storey and Shopping Centre. RA 8-8681. 44 Ja--Rooms For Rent BILL SWARBRICK Surveyor, 21 ce Street, parking facilities. Write Box 945, Osh-| JiR NGE Ll liort, ete. Consult Edwin 23 --Women' s Column results by dialing RA 3-3492 now |a half house. Immediate possession. - room a-artment, private en. awa Times th, stitute 5 ypnosis, PTTL CHET TR Close to school and bus, Double garage. | trance, three-piece bath, heavy duty bright room, in lovely new rr -------- Heath, Institute of Ethical Hypnosi | WOMAN, with experience in telephone | 3 2 ; st "built. RA o 8 Buildi Trad Ontario Street, Oshawa. For ap-|{SPECIAL! Heat petmanents, $6.50; soliciting, ability to deal with the public, Telephone RA 8-8085. viring, refrigerator and stove, 3 a . Close to bus and centre of --Building Trades 13--Gordening & Supplies |; phone RA 80171 or RA 81751. Cold wave $6.00 Page Hairdressing to work on bonus system. For interview | THREE - room, self -contained apart.| cUPboards, sink in kitchen. 813 Hich-|ioum, lady or gentleman. Phone ROOFING and siding, eavestroughing, TREES cut down by experts, Free SPENCER Foundation Garments, in- {398 Pine "Avenue, TA 35363 phone MO 8-5861. 18 neated, continuous hot water, mong me eee chimney repairs, new and old work. A 6. dividually designed. Reg orsetier E| TRE ---- |peavy duly wiring, near Shceding {TWO offi "one ault, newly rooms, cooking privileges, RA estimates. Telephone RA 81356. Qt. Irene Hendershot, 208 Park Road|24----Market Basket WAITRESSES, full or part time, also| 0 7 op parking space. RA |decorated, centrally located, suitable/garage, good residential district. Private RA 5-8342 ie Mrs. shot, | ----_____|short order cook for evening work. Ap-|_ 106 for doctor, dentist. lawyer, insurance.|entrance. Apply 338 Eulalie. umbing and heating supplies. North, |BALDWIN apples, $1.25 bushel hamper, |ply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. | 5-6106 -------- | Specialty Paper Products, Ltd. Phone AER RA 35-3521, Harold R. Stark, HARDSAND HAND knit "Mary Maxim" sweaters, Phone RA 3.7190 SE EITANT Tor tortal otficeAnowas | FOUR = voor a1 laundry facil- | uP 43%. Box 11 fle |LARGE, warm double room, single Open Evenings t plumbing, heating and engineer- any design, made to order. Phone RA |= it'es, parking space, all conveniences, beds with or without breakfast, kitchen LANDSCAPING a i uf in own handwriting, stating age, edu hs ing 255 Simcoe Street South G |3-4387 25--Pets. "and Liv Livestock 0 ital status, experience if |nOt er heating, bus at door. Phone [UPPER three roo uplex, heated, privileges, close to downtown, avail M f Osh d CARPENTER work, framing, trim Power Rolling i eation, marital status L ae R 6 zarage, central. a possession, | able immediately. Telephone RA 83-0852. embers Of shawa. oni z = A i |ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up y any, and salary expected. Write Box, -- a . ws ae ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work Fertilizing to 30 per cent, six months to pay. For|I on, Hound, 131, Oshawa Times." | MODERN, electrica a jo. [(slephone RA 32485, @-- TWO single rooms, one upstairs, ome| District Real Estate Boord Znd repairs Mortgages arranged All Tractor Roto-Tilling {personal service at your home, call" Le - sen - |bedroom apartment, Simcoe Street| APARTM NT, four rooms an dbath, on main floor, suit gentlemen or ladies. ~ r---- work guaranteed. RA 3-3579 5 o RA 3-41. THREE ponies, reasonable. Phone OL North. Available March 1, Phone RA [self-cortained. newly decorated, tele-|Close to hospital and bus. A 38-6387, 327 Top Soil - Sod - Manure a SERINE ---- 15-4650 Brooklin ATTENTION 1715 phone RA 5-2380 after 5 p.m. Kingsdale Avenue. OVER A QUARTER CENTURY B. A. UPTON for high quality ni Flagstone - Patio Slabs an ¥ _- -- . AAR nro ------------hr-- and decorating. Phone RA 3-2077 gs 4 | BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea- : ASEMENT apartment, large = room TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, OF SERVICE RA 5- 1721 ELECTROLYSIS ng. Waubenia Kennels. RA 5-6331, What section of Oshawa do |and kitchen, partly furnished, suitable FURNISHED newly decorated, also one single bed- PLUMBING and heat s, fittings, | fixtures edi eating Foes, ie Po-------------------- - BE; AUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for you live in? Do you have for girl or two willing to share, Private STOREY AND HALF BRICK room, at 77 Ontario Street. RES septic tank to sewer a specialty. his WILD BIRD Removal of superfluous hair. [training talking strain. Apply Mrs. an Avon Representative coll- |entrance. Apply 480 Drew Street South. LARGE housekeeping room, single st ions at reasonable rates. Infor | Broad, 114 st. ing on u regularly? If not MODERN three - bedroom bungalow, i beds, refrigerator, near IGA store, also mation and estimates free on any type | Marie Murduff will be in -- ; a Se mrevene Or yo reg onen terri- |close to Shopping Centre. Phone RA Grierson St. Oil heated, hard ats ACkIaE spaces for Twn gentlemen] | A iotes Lid of plumbing. Dial RA 54241. J. Foley. CANARIES. gua singers, young) perhaps bis on Open lerrll fsesm wood floors, extra washroom (219 Ritson Road South. nsurance Associates Ltd, ' wll do FEEDERS Oshawa, Jan. 26th and 27th. budgies, talking strain. Largest assort- tory, which could offer you hha . AS A RL " Session, ILA CARPENTRY Y 5, ment of tropical fish. Complete line of] qo good earning opportunity, |FOUR - room apartment, light, heat.,| jn basement. Gorden. $125. |SINGLE room for one gentleman, very RA 3-2265 or recreation rooms, playrooms, inside re- Phone Genosha Hotel on pet supplies. Sportsman's Corner, 105 For inf h unfurnished, water. Couple only. Pri- cent Apply 182 Athol East. modelling, all work guaranteed. Phone SUNFLOWER SEED Byron Street South, Whitby, one block r more information phone vate entrance. 203 King Street West, Phone RA 8-8410 or RA re errs RA 56937. | these dates for appointment west of Four Corners. Open till 9 p.m collect between 8-9 am, |i0 am. to 8 pm SINGLE room for gentleman, central. RA 8-1624 WILD BIRD SEED a hr ici a 0319. am 10 3B: | 3:2737. 3 Nassau Street. 6--Farmer's Column ) Oshawa, all conveniences, im- ONE single room, new furniture, in a ONTARIO PET SUPPLIES | CHILD FOR ADOPTION zrars ba estan, telerhone' NA CENTRAL new home, quiet residential district. MUST SELL FLOOR SANDERS RONNIE -- a bright, healthy [BEAD farm stock picked up promptly. | SHORTHAND TYPIST [six " : Ne ci [E8ses. OPEN FOR OFFERS di C » -- - re -------------- ~ dak - DOG MEALS | 7-yeor-old of Roman Catholic |Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Required for general office bedroom apartment, all mod- hree or six room office suite, |GNE large, unfurnished room, private goon bunaalow with cement 1 g Will 9 1194 KING ST. EAST : 2 ern conveniences, close to bus, Paone| With private facilities. Will re- |bath, centrally located, young lady only. Fie ind Fea Lard "BRITANNIAY MALT English-Uksgirian background, 27 --Fuel Wout and seretariol york Must 18} 54933 or apply 357 Windsor Street. model to suit. Call RA 8-5123 |Apply 163 Warren Avenue. block gorage, located on Cen- ile anc | is a sturdy boy with brown Je e experienced. Apply ly ta" : Wo i Park Blvd close to Ki Floors m---- PARTMENT -- Th garage, unfurnished rooms in quiet 9. cle ng Floors Sanded and Refinished EXTRACT | hair and eyes and : happy, woop for ale. Choise Serdwood at-| NATIONAL ALUMINUM AY BTMENT -- THe Toons, gm ge, Lioyd, Reslty 10shawa) Ltd. home, suit couple or lady without oh St. East: Comprised of 23° ¥ even disposition. He is ine ings at $8 a load--in or Muar Oshawa. ance. bath. boards, heat, lights, . N. ren. Abstainers. erate rent. ivi ini CALL RA 3-7251 ICE SALT | posit Scrapwood at $2 a load, YUkon 5.7955, PRODUCTS CO. LIMITED |trance. bah, combo or. RA 33001, RA 8-5123 5-2755. living room and dining room Don't hang up, let it ring Wale? Sup! with arch between, modern J---- two years old. OLiver clined to take life seriously f | of PICKERING 588 = a dis - Ta T TIV fortabl five- CENTRAL ~~ Well furnished, warm : is CROWN DIAMOND PAINT o x making exceljert pre WOOD cut by buzz and chain saw. ATTRACTIVE _ comfortable new v five: STORES bedroom, board optional, quiet home. kitchen, 4-pc. bath, 2 bed- LEGGETTE HARDWOOD | OS IR OD a Cora | ewars mowployed RA Su. 137--Male Help Wonted |weicome. Close 15 bus RA 81720 after OFFICES-- Gentleman. Parking, RA 5-387. rooms 2 of which are 14 x permanent home with allege. ol. 1 oe ENTE ; TI 1 p.m : TWO spacious furnished rooms, close 11' in size and third is 11 FLOOR CONTRACTOR tion and security 30--Lost and Found ™ men, for washing New and modern office and |i SACI Boning. centre,] x 10. The man of the house ! VOL ae " - (and cleaning cars, also changing tires o . 5 y b = Cooper Smith Co. If you are interested in adopt= [10ST -- red alligator wallet, no identi- [Must be over 25, conscientious and BUCKINGHAM sore ig with hi sires couple preferred. RA 5.9302. has taken great pride in tHe Laying, Sonding, Finishing ting Ronnie, please write to! fication, in downtown vicinity, large have driver's licence. Phone Service parking. easonable rent. |Two furnished rooms, bedroom and| landscaping. Reason for sell Old Floors Renovoted 16 CELINA ST. THE MINISTER OF sum of money. Reward. RA 5-4804. Manager, RA 8-0421. MANOR Call JOHN WACKO chee pul} 3B pr I nig, owner is moving from C R > . Free Estimates RA 3-2312 PAR GS 31--Articles For Rent WANTED APARTMENTS REAL ESTATE downtown. Suit two girls. RA 5-5228. gly. Please "of Bon Siva ~ RA 5-6851 or RA 5-9783| TORONTO EINK rentals RA SIOL Btralh| oo UL ber for Co- 1 & 2 bedrcom partments, RA 5.6569 = GENTLEMEN roomers wanied, good : gs, -- {14--Household Repairs |20--C rt je -- mee | Operators Insurance Associo- Slectricolly equipped, pest fleges, $7 weekly, 3 Colbortle Street TOP VALUE FOR CLIFF BROWN N erage tion. Full time worker pre- ann. 355 and p.. Apply a A 5:7637. Arply P YOUR DOLLARS FUR! URE J dant hols- T ( furniture 1 aopli / - . imcoe 4] orth. . ive- - 3 y S RL my) FE eaired and re-uphols- | GALT CARTAGE. furnitur WEBBING S ferred. Good opportunity for 8. RA 58676. Pp Modern five-room two - bed COMFORTABLE, FTIR ] Too or "lance moving, Reasonable rates, f : 7-room, brick, 2-storey home ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, 2 | 7 an ambitious salesman. Ap- miners -- A ------------ roomi apartment complete . i" ' GR AVEL & SAND jax. Bhes s insured. Call day or night. RA 1498 ; breakfast optional. Apply S51 Colborne| iy "ol occ located on Oshe i -- -- - iti F ply to Mrs. Leslie Meyers, with stove, refrigerator, auto- |Street East after 8 p.m. RA 5-768 } LOAM YOUR local chimney cleaner, Chim HARDWARE Secretary of Ontario County WILSON ROAD NORTH ' 9 ' ONE large furnished housekeeping] "© Blvd, extra large kit- } neys built and repaired, Ras Hinks Jv ITY CARTAGE Federation . of Agriculture, matic wosher and dryer, TV [OFF OH gentleman, or couple, one] chen with emphasis on cup- Prompt Delivery stalled, Julies vacuumed; Free est) | cl cs G AND RENTALS OF Goodwood, Ontario, AT LANSDOWNE aerial, paved parking, Avail- [block from Glecoff's. Apply 125 Clarke board space. 4 bedrooms. mates. RA 3.2097 General trucking, apartment, i------------------------------------ kL Street. i RA 8 8951 A Gre ol iis waaiioe Tausnl Apphonte, ond' Light" De TOOLS and EQUIPMENT LOWER DUPLEX able March 1st -- telephone | cm or on Howe Je. newly. dearcied |abi Fast, reliable service. Call RA| livery Express DOMESTIC and HIGHWAY TRANSPORT $105 RA 3-9329 or RA 5.6983. abe in private home. 8: Fite Rod] Og ciel a rey rere | Lu IAL RA 2 Q 18-foot | Le , famil orth, 3-7 p.m. ---- i i " | DIAL 5-2621 INDUSTRIAL CITY DISPATCHER ool living, .yoom, Jamiy NN 19f SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi.| home and is anxious to dis- size kitchen with balcony WwW WARD ANYTIME B-H PAINT . : ness man, in quiet home, breakfast pose. Low down payment and WELL DIGGING BY FURNACE SALES | LOADS INSURED ELE or WANTED Sverieaking Jovely. golden, MODERN optional. 38 Colborne Street West. balonce as cheap as rent. AND SER CTRICAL SUPPLY ith:knowled Me BGIOOmS, 9 ONE or two furnished rooms to rent,|] For further information, MACHINE VICE 21--Personal Service WINDOW Man required with knowledge closet space, Convenient to 2 BEDROOM near Donevan Collegiate or Duke ofl please call Russ Reeve, evens PECIALIZING IN 30" TILE HM = | e Li \ GLAZING of city preferably, some trans- Power store, bus ond: schools. Edinburgh School. Phone RA 5.7709. DE a Sa040, WHITBY ONTARIO Mackie Co. Lig; [SEWING achine hau_and service! King St.'W. at Park Road port operation experience. For Possession Feb. 15, fully APARTMENTS LARGE clean, furnished light house-| 0° A {ts all makes. Elna, RA 59 s oe - . bre keepi h tral, close to hospi- i - i A MO 8.2563 MO 8-3809 | RA 5-5954 FABRICON invisible mending, cigar AMPLE FREE PARKING interview Sauipped 2520 Jes. Ruthers ON tal. No calls before noon. RA a-s084. 17¢| List Co-op Through This Office ESTNUT ST. W. | Cleanout Servic et burns, tears, moth holes. Children's | TELEPHONE RA 8-6251 Frank 'RU 3-1733 15 GIBBONS ST. ONE furnished room, stable for ladv| Member of Oshawa & District garments made from old ¢ Haozlette, or gentleman, Apply' 620 Simcoe Street P.O. BOX 329 $7 labor plus parts ave Car om owl. PH, RA 3-4873 MRS. CLARKE Toronto. APPLY 21 GIBBONS ST. |North. Real Estate Board