. 45--Real Estate For Sale [45--Real Estate For Sale UY or sell or rent property through/'s4 FORD coach, 53 Pontiac, "47 half LOTS w McAuley Real Estate, and join the{ton pick-up. Apply 605 Somerville Av approved, |47--Automobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 27, 1960 17 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles for Sale ange. Ac ONE "horse good 1 ( 4 m 10 ft Phone ( Ai:pl |45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale IN MEMORIAM TRE family will thoroughly enjoy liv ing in this three - bedroom brick bum- galow in North-West Oshawa. Close to | MACKIE -- In loving memory Of all schools. Delightfully different kiteh- |dear wife and mother, Mabel Ma en, stained trim throughout, charming, Please Note Deadlines now in effect this column: PRIVATE SALE Income home, twelve rooms, oil heat- ed, heavy duty wiring, natur- " (hundreds of satisfied clients whom we enue. have had the pleasure of serving. For| [th he best deal, apply 26 Prince Street,| sle; igh, "C ombogg an , flat X 4 ft. Excellent condi~ ge Welsh, north Trull's 1953 METEOR -- In good condition. burner. very {best offer for N.H.A, full pre Phone! Births, Memoriams, Cards of Thor's. ~~ M SAME DAY A.M. SAME DAY IAL RA 3-3492 whe passed away Janu Deep in the heart lies a picture, Of a loved one laid to rest { In 'memories frame we shall keep it Because she was one of the bert --Sadly missed by husband Charles, sons Harold, Merle and Stewart, wive and grandchildren. TREVAIL -- In loving me noiy of our dear father, Trevail, who pas. sed away January 27, 1959 BIRTHS In our hearts your memory lingers, | Ever tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear That we do not think of you. --Sadly missed and ever remembered father, HOOD ~-- Bob and Evelyn Jayne Elizabeth 7 Ibs., born Monday, January 25th at the Oshawa General and Son John. Hospital. KING Donna Diane at Oshawa General ios pital on Tue: January 26, 1960. sister for Dallas and Ronald. MASON -- Donald and Pat Fowler) are happy to announce Ht! arrival of their son on Monday, Janu- ary 23, 1960. A brother for Billy. LZWICKER Capt. and Mrs. Dawn. A sister for Kevin. | (nee; Marsh) are happy to announce the ar- | husband, Harry Watts, who passed away rival of a baby sister for Robbie, January 27, ~--Keith and Jean King (nee Mclsaac) of Whitby, Ontario, wish to announce the birth of a daughter, |! (nee he R. Zwicker, Whitby, bappily announce the gift of their chosen daughter, Cynthia by your family. WATTS -- In memory of a loving 1957. --Ever remembered by wife Catherine WILBUR ~ In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather, Harrison] Wilbur who passed away January 27th, You're not forgotten father dear Nor ever shall you Ag long as life and memory last N We shall remember thee Always remembered by Pexsy, Doug and Barry. WILBUR -- In loving memory of a dear father, Harrison Wilbur, who passed away January 27, 1948. | He is gone but not forgotten, And as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near. |--Always remembered by son Frank ~inlaw, Irene. IN MEMORIAM | an quality built and economically priced at §:9.500. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, Ral 5-007 'OREY and half house, s¢ to public, separate ools RA 3.9762. large lot, and high irregular 5-9216. No agents al gas, paved double drive- way, double garage, brick house, licensed for room end board, very reasonable. RA paid services, builders terms. RISTOW & OLSEN Realtors 5-6165 RA 5-3412 19 Athol St. West RA i8f awa, RA 3-2512 or Whitby, MOhawk 18-3231. V.L.A, opportunity: room clapbo: bungalow in good location, gleamin hardwood and tile floors, 4-piece bath modern kitchen, full basement, full] price $10,200. Must be seen. Call now | and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA! LOT on Kaiser Crescent, shaped, equivalent to a 66' x 150° Apply 238 Kaiser Crescent. 109 ACRES, level garden land, on Taun- ton Road hg ideal for building. Real buy at only $220 per acre, easy terms. Call Waiter Frank, McQuay and Kidd, Realtors, MA 3-3393, Bowmanville. 19f LOTS 105° x 180°, at Courtice Paved streets Approved for mortgages, close to schools. RA £.5579. $1,900 DOWN OWNER"S HOME Two-year-old ranch bunga- low, centre hall plan, solid brick. Three large bedrooms. Good sized living room and dinette, Hanover kitchen. Fully decorated in oils. Sod- ded back and front. Fully divided ond finished bose- ment. 30 feet recreation room ond bar. Double TV antenna, aluminum screens, Large 'fenced lot. RA 5-883 » $4300. 19¢ CAREY -- In loving memory of Mrs Adeline Carey, who pass.d away Janu ary 28,.1959, Her memory a daily ~Sadly missed by son Daniel, ter-in-law Annie and Jimmie. thought daugh and grand: on Tec CAREY -- In loving memory of dear mother, who passed away Janu | ary' 28, 1959. There ix a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever ~Ever remembered by son Charles and daughter-in-law Doris COCKERTON -- In loving # dear mother and grandmother Emily Cockerton, who passed Jenvary 27. 1°42 Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break. but all in vain; Io have, to love, and then to part, I+ the greatest sorrow of one's heart. lhe years may wipe out man ythings Rut this they wipe out never, I'he memory of those happy days we were a'l together of aly by daughters Flsie and Dorothy in-law Jimmy and grand<on, Dennis. COCKERTON -- In loving memory of a dear mother, passed away January 27, What would we give clasp, Her patient face to see, To hear her voice, to see As in the days that used to be Same sweet day Beyond the toil and strife, And clasp sach other's hand more, 'n heaven, that happy life Sadly missed by daughter, Dolly: soi in-'ay George; grandchildren and gr grandchildren. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST 1948. her hand LOCKE'S FLORISTS Flowers and arrangements for ell oc Oshawa Shopping Centre West Side PHONE RA 8-6555 FLOWERS for all occasions. Wedding ond Funeral Arrangements Distinctive Designs-- Especially for You memory away missed and ever remembered son- Emily Cockerton, who hier smile il} meet agein,| once THE family of the la nald Abbott | ™ wish to thank the kind r and neighbors for the ac and messages them in the 1 f Many thanks for the beaut tributes and other gift A {Special thank you to Rev w. es son| his comforting words: to the ladies | of Centre Street United Church. We are very grateful 'to the Gor row gpd their kind and efficient & ig » Wife Gwen and the Abbott | Family I would like to express my thanks to all my friends and neighbors for their kind wishes, cards, fruit, etc., during my stay in v General Hospital. Spscial thanks {o Don tors Kimberly and Sturgis: also In d staff for their friendly care pc services. --Gilmour G Rutherford 45--Real Estate For Sale LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS | AND SATURDAYS $6,300 FULL PRICE | and $1,000 down with low monthly payments on one mortgage for the balance, buys this compact home in Westmount, with oil heating ond all conveniences. Im- mediate possession. For full particulars, call RA 8.5123 and ask for Lloyd Corson. HERE'S A GOOD BUY VERY CENTRAL 10-year-old home, near Will- iam and Simcoe Streets. Ex- tremely well kept, has 6 rocms, including dining room, Down payment of $2,500. Quick] ry call Bill Millar, RA 8-5 REAL HOUSE VALUE | Six-room bungalow, three bedrooms, modern kitchen, 3-piece bath, private garage. Close to school and bus ser- pies, & " Gerry Osborne, RA ] f to Lloyd Realty Ltd Reatlors 101 Simcoe St. North RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD MO 8-5672 131 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY THEN CALL YOUR MOVER WHITBY CLASSIFIED | Three unfurnished FOR RENT rooms, 7 11 p.m. FOR BALE - washing machine from $20; three refrigerators, from $49; oll stove, from $10; bedroom sulie, $69 complete; gas stoves, $19; boudoir lamps, two for $11.93; kitchen suites, from $12.50; cribs, from $15; heavy duty stove, almost new, skates, clearing for half price, Call Midtown Furniture, 113 Byron Street South, MOhawk 8-4981. «LEX D HENRY, General Contractor, Repairs, Alterations, Cement, Carpen- try RA 54348 ix ROOM for one gentleman, tional, centrally 'located, in home. Abstainer. MO 38-2429 artment board op- private WHITBY bungalow, $10,500, Three Ded rooms, garage, corner lot. Owner, 8-5199. 2: TAREE-ROOM basement heavy wiring, warm, bright, immedi. ate possession, reasonable. North Four Corners in Whitby. parking spac MO 3-4 8-4400. : 19f FOR R 3 or room duple electrically Tt MO $3391. WANTED TO RENT in Brooklin-- 3-bedroom house, April 1, by consid: erate family. Write to Box ava Time BEAD Classified? That's what smart, modern families do every day in The Ochawa Times FOR SALE_Jur jacket, natural musk- rate, smxll size, good condition. Apply | 311 Dovedale Drive, Whitby. TAR! E-roomed upstairs unfurnished, available parking space. Dundas MO 83-5183. Fh FRESH water service. Phone an' time. MO 38-4172. Jan. Six-room ranch style all modern ime apartment, apartment; February 1; Street East. 18f use of kitchen. MO 8-5167 from | 130, Osh-| 19¢ -- One furnished room, sult business couple, $7 per week each; three heated unfurnished rooms, | $45 month. MO™8:2497. FOR RENT Six-room apartment, | hot water heating, central location, possession March 1. MO 8-3605 between 8. 30, 3 8 p.m m. BUILDING lot for sale, excellent loca- tion, close to Public School, fully ser- viced 55° x 110°. $2800. W. J. Mowat, Broker, MQ 8-2601. FOR RENT 24 HOUR oil burner service, , by able contractors; plumbing, heating, drains, household repairs, septic tanks cleaned or installed. Sonditional guarantee 327 R 6 WwW, Pickering { 'Seven-room, heated house, all conveniences. Telephone MC { 18-4707 or apply 701 Cochrane Street, | Whitby. | © Fox SALE -- Chesterfield, matching chair, blonde dinette table, four chairs, | 2 rug, 24" television. Other ar- All like new. Apply 231 Palace 17 1 ticles. Street NEW office space in Whitby. less, parking lot facilities. 1 hitby Professional Building, MO 8-| 731; evenings, MO 8-4003. Feb 12| FOR RENT -- Large newly finished, one-bedroom apartment, heated, TV outlet, private entrance, in Port Whit. by. Available; immediately. Call RA| 5-3090. | SErTIO tanks cleaned . the sanitary | ¥,» mew tanks installed, Walter| 204 Chestnut West Phone MO/ 800 sq ar i 9 SEPTIC 3 TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563. LIVE poultry also feathers wanted. Highest market prices paid Jake| -|P » MO 8.3644 collect 3 fo ungaion wanted, x) down payments W MoAuley Restor 0 8-3231. Oshawa RA 3.2512 mediate possession. Mrs. Sobzcak, Wat- son Street. LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS DIGNIFIED -- ATTRACTIVE $9,900 FULL PRICE Buys this beautiful brick bun- galow situated on large treed lot, Balance on reasonable terms. For full particulars, call Jim Cruikshanks at RA 8-5123 Lloyd Realty Lid. tors 101 Simcoe St. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER North | power saws, drills, |FOR RENT -- Box and cabin trailers, grinders, sprayers, |ets. Wilde Rental Service. MOhawk 8! 13226, PAINT ror C.IL. Call DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 A. FOSKETT & SONS 540 DUNDAS ST E. MO 8-2341 WHITBY Roofing, Sheet Metal Work, Chimney Flash, Eavestroughing, Painting, Decorating All Work Guaranteed. CARD OF THANKS \ flowers, | | W. T. LAMSON PLANNING TO BUILD OR BUY A NEW HOME ? If you are, call us for assistance with plans, location price etc. Oshawa to Whitby. Courteous attention. JAMES O'MALLEY--BUILDER RA 3.7122 53-6544 or RA 58342. John A. J. Bola-| hood Limited, Realtors. 18) F-A-8-T! Oshawa Times Classified Ads homes, merchandise get fast action.| Try one and see. Dial RA 3-3492. NEW six-room ranch bungalow, double | attached garage, two fireplaces, divided! basement, with finished recreation room| ~~ Terms arranged. Apply to builder, 238 Kaiser Crescent, Oshawa. FIVE - room bungalow, close to "school and bus route. Recreation room, paved car port, aluminum storms and screens RA 3-2582, | |45A--Real Estate for Sole] Or Exchange SELL or exchange -- Restaurant busi- ness, large living quarters, garage at- 1 64 (tached, large lot for house in Rimes | REAL ESTATE Stephen = Macko Realtor 187 King St. E RA 5-0771 FIRST TIME LISTED 66 x 165 - LARGE HOUSE | ZONED C-1 Across from our office Now used os doctor's office. Ample area for private park- ing circular drive. Ideal for offices. This property realistically priced sincere | is After 6 please telephone Jim Sarnovsky.. RA 5-4400 Steve Macko RA 5-0771 Ristow & Olsen REALTORS AND LOCATION TOO! Freshly decorated, four-bed- room ranch bungalow in pre- ferred district, close to church and schools, Home features spacious kitchen with over supply of cup- boards and yet adequate space for the family to sit around the kitchen table. Two bathrooms, ottached garoge, several trees, kit- chen fon are but a few of the many extras that make this a better home to buy, Shown by appointment only. Call Don Hill ot MO 8-5823 or OL 5-4471 evenings. 209 )9 BROCK ST. S. $400 DOWN N.HA. BUILT | 6% MORTGAGING | Aluminum storms and screens. Walk-out basement. $12,800 is the full price for this solid brick bungalow with six bright rooms. Family size kitchen, ond really big living and dining room with scenic panoramic view. Large lot with basement opening into garden. Yes, complete aluminum storms ond screens too. WHY RENT? RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON | REAL ESTATE LTD. OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 N.H.A. RESALE -- ROSSLYNN ESTATES $12,500 -- 4-yeor-old, 5- room brick bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, good-size kitchen and living room. 4-pc. tiled bath, oil heating, aluminum storms and screens. Lot size 56 x 145'. 5% mortgage. Month- ly payments $50.00 principal and interest. For further de- tails, call Jay Goyne, even- ings, RA 5-5378 BEAU VALLEY -- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Ultra-modern, 6-room brick home with carport, located in one of Oshawa's finest north end developments on a fully serviced lot, with underground hydro and telephone. Cathe- dral style ceiling with. ex- posed beams in the 24' living room, 3 good-size bedrooms oll with doublé size closets. Extras include: natural stone fireplace, exhaust fan in kit- ~ chen, silent switches, delight- ful light fixtures, double glassed windows, ceramic tile bath with built-in vanity. High, dry divided basement. Full price $18,856 with $5,800 down, balance on 6% N.H.A. mortgage. For further infor- mation, pleases call Bill Mc- Feeters, evenings, RA 5.1726. List Co-op Through This Office Member of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board ey ues METCALF ss sor 3Va SIMCOE ST. S. DIAL RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 CRESTVIEW GARDENS 4 letr -- 69% mortgages -- walkoui basements -- dining room --panoramic sashless windows with storms and screens -- com- plete in every way even to hooded fan in kitchen. Immediate occupancy on some homes -- $13,470.00 with $1,925.00 down Act fast and save yourself $1,600.00 in extra interest charges HORTOP STREET BELOW SWITZER DRIVE é-room ranch-style bungalow just 3 years old and complete in every way. Paved drive, landscaped, decorated, aluminum storms and screens -- aluminum storm doors, Good-sized living room with L-shaped dining room, large modern kitchen, ceramic tiled bathroom, 3 nice bedrooms, forced air with oil heating, early possession can be arranged. Owner moving out of town. Just listed at $15,000 with $5,000 down and balance on 515 9% N.-H.A. mortgage. Call for an appointment to see this fine home in a good area at once SAVE 5 YEARS OF MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN HARMONY HEIGHTS Only 1, left of the ranch-style bungalows built by S. Jackson & Son Ltd. in this good location --- complete brick veneer bunga- lows with partial stone fronts, aluminum storms and screens, 2 aluminum storm doors, kitchen _fan, ceramic tiled bathroom, scdded lawn hollywood kitchens -- $73,495 with $1,864 down. Yes! the mortgage is only 6% AFTER 5:30 CALL- 3-9290 Lioyd Metcalf 5-7610 Dick Barriage Joe Mago 5-9191 Elliott Drew Everett Marion . D. HYMAN REALTOR 39 PRINCE STREET RA 8-6286 "FOR THE INDISCRIMINATE BUYER" Who will take pride in the immcaulate condition of this fine property. We offer this 5-room brick bungalow, located on a quiet residential street, completes with storms and screens, storm doors, fenced-in back yard, F.A. oil heating, drape tracks ond e fully landscaped and decorated home. This neat, clean home can be yours for ONLY $1,000 DOWN with reasonable monthly payments. Immediate possession. ACT FAST by celling Bob Stevenson at RA 8-6286. "BUY NOW AND SAVE $1,340" ON A NEW N.H.A. 5-room brick bungalow with a 6% mort- goge. Located in the NORTH-WEST. These homes feature sliding windows with storms and screens, aluminum front door, ceromic tile bath, exhaust fan and front sodded, with many other extras: ONLY 4 LEFT. A buy for only $1,000 DOWN. For further infermation call RA 8-6286 end ask for Glen Mac- Kinnon, "CUTE AS A BUTTON" fairy tale home and trees, just cutside the situated in is an inadequate description of thi the colorful splendor of green lav City limits. Freshly-painted and complete with storms and screens, garage and a picket fence. This white clapboard bun- galcw requires a LOW DOWN PAYMENT with a top price of only $7,500. ACT FAST FOR THIS ONE BY CALLING Henn Yurko at RA 8-6286, A CALL TO S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE STARTS PROMPT ACTION! WITH EFFICIENT COURTEOUS SERVICE FROM RELIABLE PERSONELL. RESULTS YES! ANOTHER SATISFIED CUSTOMER PHONE RA 8-6286 NOW H. COLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 BOND ST. EAST RA 8-5161 Salesmen John Penicka Sam Goldstein Mike Dubyk Bert Peyton DOWN $500 DOWN Ultra modern 5-room, 3-bedrcom, solid brick bungalow, priced to suit the buyer with very low down payment. Beautiful kit- chen cupboards with biending tiled floor, excellent 4-pc. bath with shower, hot gir oil heating with air conditioning, !aundry tubs in the large full basem: monthly payments with immediate possession. Don't pa call and see for your- self DOWN $500 DOWN Your last chance (only 2 left) to buy one of these 5-room brick bungalows near the Shopping Centre, selling' at a give- away price of only $11,500.00. Complete with hardwood and tile floors, modern kitchen cupboards with tiled sink, 4-pc tiled bath, hot air oil heating with air-conditioning, exhaust fans, end laundry tubs. Why wait until they're all gone, in vestigate now and satisfy yourself DOWN $1,000 DOWN Newly decorated 5-room bungalow, just off Wilson Rd. South, close to King St. East, selling for only $8,500 with reasonable down payment. This may be the home you ars looking for, very low taxes, immediate possession, easy monthly payments, call and get all the particulars, DOWN $1,000 DOWN Beautiful 5-room brick buriaohow, with 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. bath, hardwood and tile floors, oil heating with air condition, laundry tubs, selling at a buyer's buy. Fully decorated with aluminum windows and doors, paved drive and an excellent lot, com- pletely landscaped. Have a look for yourself, ~all our office today DOWN $1,500 DOWN Lovely 5-room brick and stone bungalow with recreation. room, selling for the full price of only $11,500.00. Complete with hardwood ond tile floors, modern kitchen cupboards, 3 bed- rooms, 4-pc. bath, with oil heating .and air conditioning, handy to both schools and buses. Reascnable monthly payments and toxes, immediate possession. Call our office now for an ap- pointment. Fred Major Easy nt it by, e new LIST WITH US WE SELL SAME DAY LISTINGS OPEN EVENINGS -- AFTER HOURS CALL: Som Goldstein . RA 5-6782 Fred Major RA 8-6196 Mike Dubyk RA 8-5690 Bert Peyton RA 8.5161 | district. Write Box 139 Oshawa Times. 46--Real | Estate Wanted (ALL & kinds of clients, some with all or your july Call W. McAuley Realtor, 26 ce Street, Oshawa. RA 3-2512 oi {Whitby MO 8-3231. PHONE RA 5-8762 if you wish to sell {your property at a fair market price. | {Peuccntig) Trust Company Ltd. URGENT We need homes for sale, any area. Cash clients waiting Act now! Phone RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE E! 171, |#47--Automobiles for Sale i 50 FORD, good cash, needs some 81 Park Road South |after 6 p.m WELLMAN' specials! "60 four-door fully equipped, $500 down; "60 Hillman Minx demonstrator, two to choose from, $300 down; '58 Chevrolet Biscayne, automatic, radio, one owner: 156 Ford, like new, $100 down, to reli able persons 5 Buick hardtop, radio, 3 Buick special, Doctor's car.| 3 Chevrolet, a beauty, $200 down or trade: '55 Ford, sharp, $895; | 54 Buick, fully equipped, very clean $895. All cars purchased by Feb. 6, new license plates will be issued free of] Open til 10 p.m. Wellman Mo-} nquon Road. RA 53-7981 ONTIAC, good transportation, | motor in good condition, new snow tires land battery, $95. Apply Cyril Sharpe, | 162 Church Street , Pickering, side door. | 1951 PONTIAC, fair running $30. Apply 501 Ritson Road South 6963 '58 SPECIAL Buick, two tone black and Consider older car. $75 Apply 5-4183 transportation, body work Phone RA Rambler, "condition, | | RA! two-door hard top white, tires, like Telephone RA "CHEVROLET, body damaged, motor good, $75. RA 5-4022 |'57 CHEVROLET sedan delivery cellent condition, best offer. 117 Tec iy | seh Avenue after 6 p.m. RA 5.943 HALF-ton panel, new and Telephone RA| Chevrolet snow tires paint "and saves to -shop Classi- uying or selling, you better your ily' s living by shopping The Osh- Times Classified daily {5% GMC 2% |dition. Bradley's "good running con- Drive-In. 16f |CUSTOM built car radios, complete | with aerial and installation, transistor! models from $49.95. Terms $5 down.! 43 Bond Street) ton v an Furniture | Dominion Tire Store, | West. F RA 54 9 3% TON anel, good ru nning | ndition, also platform and stake vacks for 1 ton GMC. Can be seen at Horne"s Esso Service, Simcoe North, RA 2 19f| | ALLSTATE Auto Inurance. S e up to! 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For | sonal service at your home call RA CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W { washing BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.---OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 149 KING ST. WEST QUALITY USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. WEST | RA 5.0732 HILLTOP MOTORS HIGHWAY NO. 2 RA 8-6891 CADILLAC four-door Hardtop $7295 CHEVROLET two-door Biscayne $2895 CHEVROLET four-door Biscayne $2295 BUICK Two-door special automatic, radio $1595 BUICK Special two-door hardtop, automatic, radio $1295 PONTIAC four-door hardtop V8 automatic, radio . $1395 BUICK four-door special automatic, radio $1095 MERCURY Fordor sedan clean car $995 CHEVROLET standard two-door, really sharp FORD Fordor, radio $695 CHRYSLER four-door, power steering, automa tic, radio $695 51 OLDSMOBILE $150 | HILLTOP MOTORS ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 | between Oshawa & Whithy) $995 custom 181} for jobs, for buying and selling cars, gs" | Street §100 and take over payments, RA 5.0242, | room condition, 10,000 miles, fully! equipped, cxtras. private. Phone Tom,| |ULster 2-3405, Uxbridge, after § p.m. an "CHEVROLET coa radio, es motor, tires, battery, nedds. body w RA 5-8936. "5% PONTIAC § cylinder; 56 Dodge 6 cylinder; '55 Ford sedan 8 cylinder automatic: '51 Mercury sedan ylinder; *54 Ford ton: *51 Ford half ton: '46 GMC tow truck with 30 ton |winch; '49 Chey. half ton. 75 mufflers new, car or truck, $5 epch. Ackerman Auto W Wreckers, MA 57 | MERCEDES BENZ D.K.W. FIAT Authorized Sales & Service ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. Ww, RA 3-7132 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. | STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN | SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH ! OSHAWA, ONT. Tel.: RAndolph 3-3461 | |48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA 5-1161 or RA 5-1182. BUYING OR SELLING SEE MACKIE MOTORS] R.R. 4, KING ST. E We urgently need 10 cars weekly for out of town dealer RA 5-5743 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off i DODD MOTOR SALES | 314 PARK RD. § RA 3-942] |49-- Automobile Repairs 1271 Specialists and parts. SIMCOE NORTH in Ford Service Wheel alignment, | wheel balance with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment BRAMLEY MOTOR | SALES LTD. PHONE RA 3-4675 | | 50--Articles For Sale 1 | D pacts and "repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, 4 HP motors $3 to $10, guaranteed Beene washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3-2241, WE highest price used furniture. Pretty's tur re, RA 3-3271, 444 36-INCH woodlathe inch blade, four speed, tilts, beach. saw (Craftmaster), College Avenue after 5 p.m DINETTE suite, walnut, seven pieces including china cabinet and buffet, in {very good Sondition, Best offer. Tele- | phone RA 3.7 MOFFAT, 30° gas range, four burner clock, glass door, fully automatic, cellent condition. Phone RA 8-1716. FABULOUS savings during our Janu- in_the city for Used Furni- imcoe South. |a ary Clearance Sale. Table lamps with {shade, regular to $24.50, slashed to $5; floor coverings, lovely patterns and colors, clearout, 25¢ per foot; kitchen chrome suites, regular $69.50, smash: ed to $39.95; broadloom scatter walnut and blond end tables, 9.95, special $5. Wilson Fur- 20 Church Street. 174] Smooth top continental beds in single sizes regular $69.30, January clearance $39 complete; arborite student's desks, | drawer and shelf, regular $29.95, slash-{ ed $19.95. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church 17¢ two all- Easy niture, "ONLY quilted only duster coat, one shortie, t weather coats, size about 20. machine, in excellent small table. Apply 170 Simcoe South. Apartment 10. dition, We don't promise any bonus we promise only number one self-storina aluminum doors installed, guaranteed, only $44.95, Aluminum double- hung storm windows. Only $18.50 installed. Now try the best in town, Call 'us for quick service. RA 3-985] Alex Voijda, 481 Drew St. FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no obligo- tion)--phone RA 5-3709. JANUARY SALE Aluminum Products of the best quolity at the best prices, fully guaranteed DCsuble hung' windows only $18 Call now Lymer Aluminum Co RA 8-5385 NEW STEREO HI-FI SETS RADIO RECORD PLAYERS TAPE RECORDERS THE DUTCH MERCHANT 171 BOND ST. EAST FURNITURE Clearance Sale !! 10% TO 50% OFF FLOOR SAMPLES CHESTERFIELDS BEDROOM SUITES DINING ROOM SUITES CHROME & DINETTE SETS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS CEDAR CHESTS COFFEE & STEP TABLES TRILITE & TABLE LAMPS Many Other Terrific Values at Giveaway Prices! BARONS' | HOME FURNISHINGS, G 424 Simcoe St. S | BOOKCASE time. |HOUSE trailer { 1102 William furniture. {player, | reasonable |Street, {parts sinch blade. Apply al 178] con-| 1c HINA cabinet a al' DEW two-tone station wagon, show-| lin excellent condition Dahlberg, like ably priced new Tetapho bed Lio: strolie RA 370 trilight lam siviage, crib, cellent condition AIR compressor matic unit, metal with all accessories and two ton, electric fan, portable & J dies from 4" to arc welding rods for eo {cash, 587 Simcoe Brunner th hod " nPresse tools. he hall price ) HUNGRY! Order fish a burgs, We deliver Lunch, 522 Ritson South KIDS Gutgrown their good shape, sell 'em { u fast - action Classified Ad low-cos Dial RA OODRICH Store Kelvinator refrig Thrifty Budget Plan USED refrigerators televisions, radios and rec best offer. Guaranteed houshold appliances All tubes and parts as Radio and Electric GUNS, ammunition plies. new and used down Dominion Ti (Street West. RA 5-65 [LARGE selec I'V's at Parkway coe Street North Ww RA Teles like to clean « |TV Many bargain guarantee, Trio Street' East teley der, 16° 6" lon | |stove, oven ana ligh Phone. Toronto CI x ED furniture onto Avenue Jia "quality hough RA "used Street Ei THREE - piece b wardrobe RA 8-177 is COND CAR? Plent lcars offered today Classified Ads WINE and cider barre solid oak, lowest prices » 8 Church, RA "foods for less at G market, Ritson South p.m, Free parking and de premiums with purchase fruits, groceries ST (ture, also sell {Community Furniture S Phone RA 8-11 SKATES, new and tion in town. Most Apply Drayton Cycle Fast. ONE | racoon fur coa 12; red open prices paid wallpaper at Edgar's King West AWNINGS, plain colo Prompt service, | now for early deliver rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 VACUUM cleaner re attachment {teed rebuilt machine: | Rentals. Vac ( vice. RA 8-059 SLIM down for spring home reducing couch price. RA 8.8514 Paint opposite Domir bry | SEE HOME APPLI OSHAWA LTI 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOF FRIGIDAIF SALES AND SER and ANCE Domestic RAS -5332 Electrohome, R.C A Admiral, Westingh finest in T.V service PARKWAY | 918 SIMCOE NOI | RA 3-3043 BABY | BARGAINS 5-piece' CLEARQUT LAST YEAR OF BABY FROM LLOYD MODE Baby Roxatone tor HALF PRICE PLAY PENS HIGHCHAIRS STROLLERS Crib: Wilson's Furniture 20 1960 OPENING BOATING NEEDS Brand New 40 Hf Scott generator be key start power and Only $596.50 WHILE CHURC THEY 72 HF gear shift $209.95 40 HP er tor bail-o-m 60 HP B for pound t} ful outboard generator start only 60 HP 18 ft ly equipped 40 H motor, $2,695.00 16 Ft. mouldec equipped hardware lights, steering spot-light remote manu Weymouth contro REE STORAGE 24 MONTH OPEN 9AM. T 9PM. TUES TO AJAX MARINE Ne Highw PHONE 3 don n A WHITE nl DEEP Gee E flat alto saxo slide trombone, all ndition. Best offer. Phone 18 inch, Homelite brand, used only about six sacrifice for cash. OL « cn AIN saw, condition, Private 5.3019 METAL double bed with spring and Also fifteen hole poultry nest 0 hang on wall, good as new. 1484 i E CTRIC range, Gibson, stove, good working phone RA 5-2580 or apply Avenue A 40-inch, condition 289 Glid china tr with RA immed cabinet a Phone 712 nd dryer, to take and cheap.. Phone over MO SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re ators, TV's, washers, pianos, es, ¢ For top cash offer, con- 19 Pri ince Street Phone RA 8.1131 laminated with poles $50. Tel six-foos, steel edged safety harness, Excellent condition fool custom n food, included, excellent condition DRESS, white lace, suitable for day wear. Make offer hawk 83348 9 to 5 p.m freezer, will plastic cover RA 8.8584 nearly new Mo {froze Vi Norge {15-8715 RE AUTIFUL hand made coffee tables, i "od construction, various 2 ' (* plate glass tops, rea Ca 1 RA UNG gas ran space heater new; also lephone RA hardy -1400 writer or small dictaphone with and cylinder shaver new cylinders t $250. A bargain at Ajax 40, days only office ne TWO antique chairs, bedroon 3-piece space of wich, plus an ne RA 8.8856 drawers, saver assortment dishes $3 and 5-4543 all sizes up RA SUNBEAM electric 01 { ads USED tires, most BEF Goodrich Stores also othe gher's parts cords ete for lectric Street West razors King RA > GMC truck itchen suite, natural fin cheste five-piece two-piece dining room suite heav cons spray outfit, duo 30-30 Stevens rifle, radio, five pair bamboo drapes vards rubber matting garden umbrella table s arborite Kitehen two office desk filing cabinets x 8 plywood, 1 x « 10, electric 12 band s Furniture, 299 Simcoe south. space duty radio 8-piece davenpor ¢ carriage. paint pace heater sewing 6 color broadloom Also hall runner condition, Wi Apply 93 Olive mushroom it 9 ft ft.. excellent PORTABLE typewriter, electric 1BM 1 riter, adding hine with credit MeKaske register 1434 cash RA 95 gallon flat, gloss Electric interior, exterior, $2 Guaranteed ware and RA 3.7624 PAINT L] reet pectacular mew Buccaneers! 35 hp with two starting models n and chonse yours now. Trade ms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon t Verdun Road 52-- Legal Notices THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING NOTICE = that the f The Corporation of Oshawa, at its meeting to be held 15th, 1960, intends 3 by-law for stopping following street in the City of Osh- conveying the part reet described City the easterly Road North, b point approxis ! north of Ad f Park TAKE that the FURTHER Council at the hall hear eithe by hi per meeting lici affected applic RANI r City Clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS OTHERS In 'the Estate of JOSEPH MONEY BROWN, Stockkeeper, deceased r having t the estate ove mentioned, late of Oshawa in the Ontaric aid City 15th day are required to f same } ed on or day of March, 1960 ter that date tt Public ill pregeed di t tate having laims of of the Coun died at of Oshawa or of October file ur gar the who with before nly to the ATED ot Tc th of Januar 960 PUBLIC TRUSTEE 45 Queen St. We TORONTO Administrator STOCK MARKET NET EARNINGS By Brown 30 IHE CANADIAN PRESS Company 1y, vear ended 1959, 203, 27 cents i) cents ear ended 97 cc 91 cen 9 rare; 1958. 31 30: 1959, $ nts $5,310,648 Ltd 1959 ©: 145¢ Toy mos $100,400 and Savings 31: 1959, $274.- 1958, $250 Dee hare; $2 £2.00.