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The Oshawa Times, 30 Jan 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, Jonuery 30, 1960 § WHITBY PERSONALS Friends and immediate neigh-| Tel. MO. 8-3703 1 5rs gathered at the home of| Mrs. Bruce Pinch, Dundas St. E., last week to honor a pre- Christmas bride, Mrs. Richard Mosscrap, the former Miss Eve- Arrangements have been made| This is to ensure that the chil- to form Safety Patrols in the|dren of the community will know localities of Whitby's schools, |how to use their Bikes as well which will include uniforms for |as to keep them in a roadworthy safety patrollers and school cross- condition. ing signs in their areas of juris-| The Whitby Safetv Council has diction. "not begun to fight" the detri- Arrangements have been made|mental causes of accidents in our [to see that the High School buses|community, and it can do a more will park on Harriet street and|efficient job with the help and co- {not Henry street. operation of Whitby's residents, iyn 'Fellow. The very surprised Pic representatives, Kitchener - \ Waterloo Dutchmen. They are bride opened her gift, a set ofip i" Ayiorgley Harry Sinden, [EE Corning Ware plus small use- freq Etcher, and George Samo- u ful household kitchen utensils un- lénko. der the setting of a decorated um-| Tomorrow night at the Com- brella. Mrs. Earl Dilling c0-hos-| nity Arena, following the Chat- tess assisted by Mrs. Grant Butt ham-Whitby game these four out helped Mrs, B. Pinch servingig. ging performers will be say salad plates to the large number ing farewell to their teammates 2 2H) auce, huts hi the club officials, and their followers . h M Fisher from Whitby, Oshawa and sur-i I NR oqatts of rounding districts. We should bef especially proud of these players, Howess from the bridal table having been selected from our | Whitby Players Join Kitchener It has been officially announced that four members of the Whitby Dunlops hockey club has been choseu as part of a special group selected to augment the Olym- WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Nr O.H.A. SENIOR great hockey club, the Whitby Dunlops, and in all probability OFFICERS OF WHITBY LIONS CLUB John Majcher, the 3rd vice- president. Seated, left to right, are Jack Seguire, the 2nd vice- president, Paul Coath, the Seen here are the executive of | ser, director, Peter Davies, the Whitby's newest service club, | lion tamer, Bill Schatzman, the the Whitby Lions Club. Stand- | tail twister, Jim Smith, direc- ing, left to right, are Herb Vis- | tor, Ray Jones, director, and treasurer and Peter Pick, the president, John Reiger, the club | first vice-president. | --Oshawa 'Times Photo St. John's Anglican Church Annual Meeting On Monday the St. John's An-|Church officers for the present chased stacking tables and glican Church held its annual|year are as follows: Vestry clerk, [chairs and a 16mm projector. vestry meeting in the Sunday Mr. J. Sheedy; People's Church| «Many other repairs were car- HEAVY TRAFFIC TOLL CHICAGO (AP) -- The toll of traffic accidents in the United States in 1959, reported today by the National Safety Council, was: Deaths, 37,800; disabling injuries, $,400,000; cost, $5,800,000,000. Fa- |talities increased 800 over the 1958 total and disabling injuries [rose 50,000, but the council fig- ured the two - per - cent rise in deaths was less than half of the The 3rd Whitby company of Girl Guides held a skating party at the Holy Name society skating rink at St. John's school' with Mrs. Peter Kowalski in charge assisted by Mrs, Pat Short. Mr. Donald Hottot is celebra- ing his birthday today. Best Mrs. Howard Bartley was hos. tess to the weekly euchre group! last Wednesday afternoon at her home, William St. W., Oshawa. Prize winners were: Anne Bath-| erson, Whitby, Rose Dalby, Brook | lin, low Grace Hicks, Whitby. A delicious lunch was served bv the hostess assisted by Mrs. Bath-| erson and Mrs. Barrington. The group was sorry to learn that| Edna Henning was on the sick| list. Wishes for a prompt recovery | were extended to Mrs, Henning. | Mrs. Rose Dalby was presented The next euchre will be held by Grace Hicks at her home Byron | St., N., Whitby. | Freddy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hopkins, is celebrating his fourth birthday today. Many hap- py returns of the day wishes to go to Freddy. GREAT ORGANIZATION The Girl Guides Association of | Canada has more than 200,000 members, including troop lead- wishes are offered to Mr. Hottot| for mafiy more happy birthdays. |{ with a birthday gift along with |® the good wishes from the group. |: will be key figures in winning the Olympic championship for Dominion of Canada. the a 1 FRED ETCHER This honorable distinction has not been bestowed upon our fine = country for approximately 10 years, and it would be most grati- fying if they should capture the coveled championship this year. When we say, Canada has not won an Olympic championship | citizen : |Bobby Attersley, ¢ Fred Etcher and George Samo- BOBBY ATTERSLEY lows reinstated professional hock-| #1 ley players. The entire roster of | { |the Kitchener - Waterloo Dutch- men is composed of strictly ama-| - teur performers. This Olympic | : [tournament is played only once] every four years. We sincerely] hope that every hockey minded will be on hand tomor-| row evening at 8.00 p.m. to give Harry Sinden, | lenko a tumultuous ovation be- fore they leave the ice, ending their stay temporarily with the Whitby Dunlops and their fans, for the month. of February. They will join the K-W club at Malton airport on Sunday afier- |noon. One thing is certain; if they win the Olympic championship, {they will be started in the right direction, when they rejoin their own team in preparation for an- other Allan Cup for Whitby and district fans. We know that we | ww A" HOCKEY ONLIGHT SATURDAY, JANUARY 30th BOBBY ATTERSLEY CHATHAM "WHITBY DUNLOPS VS Game Time -- 8 p.m. WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA School and all annual reports and warden, Mr, J, Fawcett; financial statements were read. for Gill, a Minis- | ried out and since making up the| 1959 ter's Chuch warden, Mr. Charles official report the Church inter-| five - per - cent gain in vehicle ior has been redecorated, the cost milage. ers, Rangers, Guides ai Brownies. for 10 years, we mean, this is a: nd little different from the annual ® which al- Whitby Churches In the Church warden's finan-| cial statement for last year, a|S. Atkinson, A. Gower, C. Bottom- in offerings and donations. pher, A. Edwards, J. Martin, W. Church warden J. Fawcett esti-| Watson, E. Latrobe, L. Green, G. mates that the 1950 expenditures Saville, R. Seager, N. Bradley, R. for 1960 will be $8165.00. Geman, A. sta ort The Diocesan Allotment report| 7 | ourne an Aon v ie, for 195 stated that a total of|L4Y members of Synod $1208 had been received, which| j atrobe, included $1166 for missionary oS Work. Mrs, P. Sangwin; treas- " rer, Mrs. W. Hill; Parochial Tri- As from Dec. 31, 1959, a total of '"®! ih. $5323.11 had been received for the |une, Mrs. 0. Goldring and Mrs David T. Campbell estate. W. Earle; auditors, Mr, P. Bird| The cost of renovating the aud Mr. P. Bourne; property com- *h buildi ring last year mittee, Mr. A. Gower, Mr. J, Shiteh Snlling during last yea Martin, Mrs. 8. Whitney and Mr Mrs. B. Sanguln, envelope sec.|G- Page; cemetery board: Mrs. ; so E. Blow, Miss M. Sleep, Mr. J. Gear ended witha total of 95 Martin, Mr. W. Bul and Mr, if weekly envelope subscribers, Con- Perry. tributions were received from 105 persons during the vear, and 5 | AC OVI PLISHMENTS the! contributed to the red side of the... 0 .r5 18 a report on the "envelope, (Missionary). Receipts years accomplishments in the | , : § rch. from the black side of the en-| ny velopes for parish purposes in|, The congregation of St. John 1959 were $5621.95, an increase of $1973.95 over 1958". Mr. sec'y, sults of their efforts during the, d 1 ho past year. No organization sue-| The St. John S Men's Club, the| needs w ithout plans and aims and «Women's Auxiliary, the . Ruth|jt jg very gratifying when we find 'Women's Auxiliary, the Girls and|that these hopes are realized. In Junior Auxiliary reports showed January, 1959, the wardens pre- that 1959 was a very successful|sented a program of necessa year both in their financial fields pairs and renovations as well as the work that they ac-| "It was with thankful hearts complished, . that their report of this January | With similar accomplishments was received, for it shows that were the Parish Helpers and the this program has been carried] Chancel Guild out and our financial committ- The St. John's Choir began the ments satisfied. The most heart. | year with a membership of 21|ening aspect is the fact that this and were fortunate enough to have has been accomplished with the others join during the year. The! full co-operation of both the indiy.! junior choir took part in thelidual and the organizations. Music Festival at Ajax and ren "Perhaps the most important dered a very good account of of the projects was the build- themsleves, under the leadership ing of an inside stairway. This! of Mr. Tenger. The choir was has been discussed at various| very pleased to welcome Mr.|times in the past and indeed it| Tenger back to his place at the took a lot of figuring and hard| organ on the first Sunday in Janu. work to construct but the Men's ary, and were looking forward to Club have done a good job. The advancement in numbers and per-| WA and Parish Helpers met the formance. cost of materials. The Sunday School report stated| "The development of the Choir that during 1959 there was a total under capable leadership led us of staff of 16, with an average to deplore the fact that the choir Sidesmen: Messrs. J. Fawcett, [being met by the WA. But we| not neglect the far more grand total of $7940.36 was raised |ley, J. Sheedy, P. Bourne, B. Pi-|important aspect of our church's . for these material de- elopments would be meaningless not prompted by the Spirit of Northman, |God. That his Spirit is at work in St, John's is indicated by the in membership in the Miss O. Goldring, church and in the organizations alternate, Mrs, P. Bird; envelope and the evident happy co-opera- must Life . |increase tion of all concerned. "At the Bishop's visitation for memorials 1959 the following were received and dedicated: A cross for the Holy Table, the | gift of the Goldring family in me- 5. 'mory of their mother; a clergy prayer desk given by Mrs. Gilpin memory of her aunt, anny Willis; a Credence table given by Mrs. E. Price in memory of her brother killed in action in Italy; a Burse, veil, Antipendia and panels for the Altar in green tudor rose silk, for the Trinity season, given by Mr. and Mrs. ould be justly proud of the re-|Charles Gill in memory of Mrs. gathering tonight to welcome back to the club Alf Gill. A. FD, WHITBY SPORTS = | { The welcome mat will definitely be out tonight for |Alfie Treen at the Whitby Community Arena, when the Whitby Dunlops and the Chatham Maroons hook up in battle for the fifth time. Game time is 8:00 p.m, Chat- ham have yet to win a game from the "Dunnies" in {Whitby this season, and nothing would please the {Maroons more than to do just that tonight, Chatham displayed real fight and desire on Tuesday night in | Windsor, holding the Bulldogs to a 3-3 deadlock. The Dunlop hockey club officials are hoping for a sell-out Treen, who has been on the injured list for seven weeks. CLUB CALENDAR {It is expected that Harry Sinden will be playing also. | There has yet to be an overflow crowd this year at the local arena, and there are only six home games re- MONDAY, Feb. 1 TY Te whithy Baptist Church Explorers cludes. Whitby Ontario Hospital Nurses' Alumnae All Saints' Anglican Church Eve- ning Guild Branch United Church Sr, Evening Aux- iliary WMS TUESDAY, Feb. 2 St. John The Evangelist CWL | Whitby Baptist Church Women's Mission Circle St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church WA United Church WMS All Saints' Afternoon Branch Whitby Baptist Church CGIT Faith Baptist Church YPA WEDNESDAY, Feb, 3 Whitby Red Cross work room St. John Anglican Church work Guild maining in which to do so, before the schedule con- It has been officially announced by the Kitchener- Waterloo hockey club that all four players from the {Whitby Dunlops, mentioned earlier as possible addi= tions, will be making the trip to Squaw Valley. In case you don't already know, they are: Bobby Attersley, {Fred Etcher, George Samolenko and Harry Sinden. [Tonight will be their final appearance in a Whitby uniform until the first of March, and the OHA Senior "A" league play-offs. While these players are adding |considerable strength to the Dutchies, at the same time it will create a positive weakness in the Dunlops' line= {up. The club will be left with only two lines, Hassard, {Babando, and Air -- Myles, Kane and Tom O'Connor --and Gary Darling and Dunc Brodie will form the nucleus of a third unit. Ralph Hoskings will be brought in from Kitchener as a replacement for Harry Sinden, {helping to solve the defence problem. Of course, this depends on how soon, playing-coach Ted O'Connor's world championship, PARADE | | i! By GERRY BLAIR I J f HARRY SINDEN GEORGE SAMOLENKO 'speak for every hockey fan in {the area when we say, the very |best of luck. We know they will \give their all, and we look for- {ward to the day of their arrival back with us -- when we can say, '"'four members from our own Whitby Dunlops were a part of the amateur hockey champions of Canada for 1930." Thursday night at the residence of its first vice-president, Mrs. Charles Hoag. the former secretary, Mrs. Paul- ine Hendriks, read the minutes of the previous meeting, Of Paramount importance to the council was the election of its executive officers for 1960, and following some minor amend- ments to the report of the nomin- ating committee, the following of- ficers were appointed by accla- mation, Honorary president, Police Chief George Rankin; president, Safety Council Plans Bike Rodeo The Whitby Safety Council held discussion by Mrs. Hendriks was its first meeting of the year, on|the location of a suitable meet- | |ing place for the council to hold |its meetings on the third Thurs- iday of each month. As a result of With Stuart Roblin in the chair, |this discussion, the secretary was | intructed to write a letter of ap- plication to the Whitby Public {School Board requesting permis- sion to use the Colborne Street Publie School for this purpose. Among other subjects offered for discussion was the application for a monetary grant from the town council for the purpose of meeting the inevitable expenses that arise from advertising the work of the safety couneil, It was the decision of the council to form Let's all go to Church this Sunday St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BYRON ST. S. AT ST. JOHN ST. 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM. MORNING WORSHIP Jr. congregation and Beginners' classes 9:45 AM. -- BIBLE CLASS EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV, GERRIT REZELMAN 3rd Concession West of Brock N. 11 am. --Dutch Service 11 a.m.=Sunday School in English 7 p.m.--English Service Everyone Is Heartily Welcomed Whitby Baptist | Church Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W. E. Summers, AT.CM, 10 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM. MORNING SERVICE 7 PM, EVENING SERVICE FAITH BAPTIST 419 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Pastor: Rev, E. C, Corbett, B.Th, 9:15 AM. RADIO BROADCAST 9:45 AM, BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR AND ADULT BIBLE CLASS 11 AM, & 7 PM. MR. ROBERT ROXBURGH SPECIAL MUSIC Mr. GeorgeTracy ot 11 AM. Gunnar Knudsen at 7 P.M, SUNDAY 10 AM. Girls and Boys 9 years and over WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John M. Smith, B.A, B.D. -- Minister | Mrs. J. Beaton, A.R.T.C. == Organist MORNING WORSHIP -- 11 AM. "LIVES RE-MADE" EVENING HOUR -- 7 P.M. "RELIGION AND LABOUR" 11 AM. Girls and boys under 9 years SCHOOL 11 AM, Infant Care Junior Worship meeting Hillcrest Home and School Asso- and present a deputation, econ- cerning this subject, at the next council meeting. In getting down to the job of promoting safety in the commun- itv, the council decided that the poster competition, held last fall, would be an annual event. W. S. shoulder heals, allowing him to resume playing... We are ciation |also taking for granted that Alf Treen is able to oper total receipts were $ cial 'backing of Parish Helpers Almond's Church WA ate at 100 per cent efficiency immediately. There would The Cemetery Board financial have labored together to remodel Four Leaf Clover Home and he no other way more appropriate than to jam the pe Ge | Pains Beste Rr Lodge vo, WPIIDY rena to show how' much we are behind At: The 1st Port Whithy Sea Scout's | provi fed "the Re 1 132 |tersley, Sinden, Etcher, and Samolenko as they leave, annual report stated that a total |the Church floors, Once again the [intent on bringing back the Olympie championship to of $210.70 had been raised during men worked far into the evenings THURSDAY, Feb. 4 Canada, Best of luck, guys! 1959. laving it down Salvation Army Women's Home CHURCH OFFICERS | "The Men's Club, WA, Sunday | League The results of the election of iSchool and Parish Helpers pur: Faith Baptist Church WMS Co-op Guild BROC Phone MO 8-3618 Now Playin EVENING SHOWS AT 7 & 8:30 LAST COMPLETE SHOW--8:30 MG M presents An exciting safari into suspense ...with a jungle treasure the prize! WATUSI GUARDIANS OF KING SOLOMON'S MINES! Technicolor® GEORGE MONTGOMERY TAINA ELG A DAVID FARRAR ALSO FEATURE NO. 2 attendance, by the children, of 88. [stalls were on the same level as During 1959, the we » offerings the congregation. Here again the totalled up to $368.93, and the men of the church with the finan-| Mrs. Pauline Hendriks; secre- tary, Mrs. Mary Emburg; first vice-president, Mrs. Charles Hoag; second vice-president, PC W. S. Hilliard; third viee-presi- dent, Mal Femia; fourth vice: president, Stuart Roblin and Mayor Stanley Martin, senior di- rector. Eilliard was asked to make in. In addition to this executive it |quiries concerning the finanein was decided at the meeting that|of a "Bicycle Rodeo" which will one member from all of Whithy's possibly be held in Whitby in the Home and School Associations spring. should be appointed to become di-| The wheels of the safety coun. rectors of the Safety Council. It is|cil are beginning to revolve in hoped that other members at the|that the following safety promot. meetings Will be representatives|ing action has taken place, since from the service clubs of Whitby its formation. and the Whitby Distriet High| A school crossing sign has been School student council, |installed at the intersection of The first subject offered for|Giffard and Cochrane streets. TOWN AND COUNTRY ... Tonight will also be the final appearance for defenceman Jack Douglas of the Chatham Maroons. He has been chosen to help FRIDAY, Feb. 5 |strengthen the Dutchmen. It was originally planned Salvation Army Youth Fellow- that Jim Connelly and Gary Sharpe were to join them ship |also, but in the meantime, John Horeck and his direc- " " tors balked at the idea. Just what the official reason SATURDAY, ye hn **|is we don't know. They are botn currently in the top United Church Couples Club 4W's ten of the OHA Senior "A" league scoring . .. Man- ager Wren Blair has been in Clinton since Wednesday trying to straighten out his serious player problem. They have been desperately shorthanded due to in= juries, like the Whitby Dunlops. Bill Mahoney, last year with the Peterboro Petes of the Junior "A" OHA, has Can You Hear been signed by the C ts, after being reinstated from | Th a d 2 the Hull-Ottawa Fo of the EPHL. Bill scored a e S e o u n S bd goal on Wednesday night against New Haven,' in his | first outing. They lost to the Blades, 4-2, having only ten men in uniform. Incidentally, Mahoney led the | f "2h" as in "rouge™ "t" as in "tale" i "Kh" es in "hope" SUNDAY, Feb, 7 United Church YPU Dr. D. Summers To Address United Church The United Church of Canada is stressing aid to World Refu- gees in 1930 through increased financial assistance, technical, Susstionsl and atarial aid. The | ynited States 7th Infantry Divi-| this venture and throughout the 80% has stripped a captain of his month of February the congrega-| command and fined him $250 for| [Hoa and its various organizations the mistreatment of two Korean] {will be co-operating in publicizing | prostitutes by his men, it was ithe World Refugee problem and A lin projects of assistance. announced Thursday. An army It was announced that Dr SPokesman said the two women David F. Summers, executive sec- | Were stripped, beaten and painted retary of the Religlous Labor on the hips last New Year's Eve Council, will be the guest spea'se: | --three days before two other at the Evening Hour next Sunday women had their heads shaved in and that he will conduct a forum a second Incident involving 7th| |for open di i Infantry soldiers. | Hear Rev. & Mrs. Abraham Kudra Converted Mohammedan---Now Preaching Christ AT THE PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE | (REVIVAL CENTRE) 307 BROCK ST. N. git for Fou to fect; You may PASTOR REV. JOHN SCARR PH. MO 8-5772 ave 0 hearing loss. Send for our FREE booklet on "How fl SUBJECTS Roch the Most From Your FI SUNDAY 7 P.M.--"Will Man Ever Reach The Moon" ligation TUES. 8 P.M.--""When Will Communism Receive It's Final Death Blow" WED. 8 P.M.--""The Man Who Kissed The Door Of Heaven and Went To Hell" THURS. 8 P.M.--""The Woman Whose Life Hung By A Thread" : FRI. 8 P.M.--A Special Divine Healing Service" EVERYONE WELCOME "th" as in "thin" "§" as In "HII" "4" as in "den" Petes in scoring last year and had a total of 368 goals... : on CAPTAIN DEMOTED SEOUL, Korea (Reuters)--The | Family Monuments 46Es/ STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 Dundas East MO 52 Loss of hearing comes on so gradually that you may: never notice' it. Yet your. friends note and suspect your loss when you fail to hear the softer sounds and tones. If any of these sounds are diffi- "1 will Lift Up Mine Eyes Unto The Hills From Whence Cometh My Help" "THE MIRACLE OF THE HILLS' | ™ REASON - LESLIE - GERSON Individual Reavirements eee TE VO ON MAICO HEARING SERVICE. OF TORONTO || WA 4.2317 1} ) M ADDRESS OT/MV/1/30/60 | wwwewwwewwvewwwewwwwwww | Createa To | | Nv" I¢ ( 850 YONGE ST., TORONTO { NAME

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