THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 1, 1960 1 [Rangers a 33 tie with Detroit YOUNGEST TEAM WEEK-END [since Unnes Score Two Dutchmen Stronger RR ine Week-End Wins | op Eve Of Olympics Eom ziss his second goal with just one sec- Bruins downed the Detroit Red the Toronto Maple Leafs Sunday. By CLIFF GORDON ; t one sec Those sensational Whitby Dun- ; 3 be to Bo a the period, 1 ae TORONTO (CP) -- Stronger|Benoit; forwards: Laufman, Bob|Rousseau, the only junior, from Wings 3-2 Saturday. a a lIops came up with two terrific i no eC § than the team that lost at Cor- McKnight, Bob Forhan, Bob At-| Brockville. George Armstrong whose third- 1 the game had boiled down to aj" [ as : | The team received a rousing period goal gave Toronto Maple iT C 4 STOPPED wins over the weekend as they § y : ; ' . ha I ; § | Whipped the Chtthary. Maroon 2 mindte affair. ifi Hag i (3036, Ge Kiichener efsley, Gelige Samolenko, Fred| condoff. After a civie reception Leafs a 3-2 viclory over the New IN A JIFFY 9-5 at the Whitby arena on Sat 4 1 The tension was terrific in the Waterloo Dutchmen left here Etcher, Cliff Pennington, Martin, iy Kitchener the team came here| York Rangers Saturday. or money bock urday night and then proceeded Cal third period. Tom O'COnNOr WAf.c..a- on the first leg of their Rope, Bobby Rousseau and Con-in a motor cavalcade. Then,| Ted Lindsay who scored twice Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid to nip the Windsor Bulldogs 4-3 7 sent off at .54 and things looked hockey trip to Squaw Valley, nelly. |wearing beaver hats and carry-|to give the Chicao Black Hawks|D:D-D. Prescription positively reficves in a sizzling game Sunday after : bad for Whitby. The Windsor cali" and the Winter Olympics.| Sinden, Eicher, Aftersley and|ing Canada's Olympic hopes it/a 2-2 tie with the Montreal Cana-| saipirritation, chafing--other itch troubles. noon, in the Border City. : i team were not as fortunate asi ooo. pn iohies' man. Samolenko are from Whitby Dun-|pulled out of Union Station to the diens Saturday. Greaseless, stainless. 39¢ trial bottle must The game Saturday night 'was ; g : they wel = Waiker, a ager, coach and players is that|lops; Benoit is from Belleville; music of the New Dundee Ger Dean Prentice who scored two) sats or meney back' Dont ste, Ask a real dandy and saw one of the bo onset : : : jham uo Sp oar | te feam is stronger in goal, on Douglas is from Chatham andiman band. Igoals to give the New York! largest crowds of the season out i > TOM [or ine time being. Haidy was defence and down the middle. | Whitby sig ro i 9 ie : ] ' : banished at 3.10 but the Dunlops| Canada $s representatives in being, as they join the Kitchener: } % ¥ failed to capitalize on the extra) Olympic hockey competition will Waterloo Dutchmen for the trip | : ! t ; i man. |alsc be one of the youngest out west and then on to Squaw : ' : er The big break came at the teams at Squaw Valley, as the Valley, where they will represent i} 1 1 ; 15.30 mark as Kane drilled one average age "of the Ontario Canada in the Winter Olympics ¥ home that proved fie Winger, Tee Hotkey oh ciation Senior A vi in action b ; ogs were snapping but faile , | AY Som Vill be back Nm Mm E a get one by Henderson, who play-| Before leaving for its six-game Fad : AT | JS ie Dumies Jometiately to ; /, ed a terrific game for Whitby, |exhibition series in the Wes, the Be : ; 4 ICE CHIPS . . . The wins were team was strengthened by last ; SHORTHANDED p: - both real big ones for the Dun- | minute additions of Jim Con- | DP The Dunnies had a mere 11 : Phi, nies now that they are playing|nelly, a right winger from Chat- : \ i away below regular playing ham Maroons and Windsor men for the game yesterday af- ; rg ep 2 Pp » strength . . . Doug Williams play- | goaler Don Head. Head will join ternoon in Windsor as Hoexings ¥ A ¥ i tt tub. at the Ol t ; did not ie the tri Bot he club at the Olympic site in \ ". not make the trip and Bob y SE GESTS | id. February. | t } \@ ¥ \eW Ei ft ic} ) ( al Hassard is sidelined with a cracked bone in his ankle and will 4 E oy 1 be out for at least a week to 10 ? ! a 4 | |PRAISES TEAM ? ) : i =. ' a a I feel that we now have the REE S AM OC] née an ul + Dunlops play in Belleville to- a. ¢ i % , g + 3 = type of hockev club that will be| BE # y i = ¢ ¥ cd ¢ |a credit to our country and one morrow night in what promises to 1 r 3 . 4 % ' ) § 3 - . ¢ ¢ (which compares favorably to the 5 ecpecia 4 be a hot one as the Macs are © 8 ; . e 3 \ two clubs which won the world figh:ing desperately to make a § | r J i Davo po" Thee an Sau ry pn night, Chatham Maroons will be f i , ] ] 4 ; i pass asons, usiness | Ca di the visitors at the Whitby arena. > 1 : : Hae ie Goman said _Sun- : r na 1a ns Saturday night's game was a ; 1 kc / a snied the train to wide-open, free-scoring affair that ; : All Didi or the first exhibi- saw the four players who will 8 3 5 E me play with the Dutchmen in the gr a i Club officials said the team Olympics, play a big hand in the i would enter a strict training pro-| PNY win, Fred Etcher scored his sec- |gram when they arrived at Fort | f=" ond hat trick in two nights. He . {William--two practices a day appears to have really hit his) LOOKING MORE like Rus | presented each player witn a [hes uo gale i schediied and) Bieidle. Harry Sinden Diaying bs sian delegates than Canadian | sheared beaver cap, a coat and {TRoTRIE Oractices on game days irst game In almost two waghs rockev players, the Kitchener. seaiskin boots. Above, Whitby |, Dutchies are a lit'le stronger picked up a pair of goals with| hockey players, the Hehe ner. | Dvir player Fred, Ether, in the bank account too, with| Attersley, Babando, Darling and Waterloo Dutchmen left Toron- [i ts his boots. Going from tiiciz Olympic fund passing the Kane each scoring once Jim to on Sunday afternoon on the | the Dunlop lineup with the Dut- $17,600 goal to about $20,000 Al Connelly of Chatham for the sec-| first leg of a trip h will | chies are Etcher. Bobby Atters- few hours prior to their depar-| ax wight a Picked up take them to Squaw Valley for | ley, Harry Sinden and Georg . fire he team received a cheque | ree goals as he plaved a go« tha " hr mnie Cay and = Avi Bl along with manaZer. rom the town of Collingwood fc . the 1960 Olympic Games and a o.en along with manag Sx {ar « EWo or | Bathe Bot wi go a erack at the world amateur } air, who will act as SANDY AIR | $50. Fag i Th the other goals j,ckey championship. The Ca- | team co-ordin tor. d his first game of the year for| Team captain Ken Laufman,| Th first eriod was wide 'open nadian Olympic Association va Times Photo Whitby and looked good. He miss- left winger Don Rope and right The first peri ide op od ~ouple of good chances but Winger Floyd (Butch) Martin are with the Chatham team relin- eo 2 couple OL 2 chant the only players repeating from quishing the lead on two occa- point win over the Macs on Sat-lonly 11 as they have four|Will come, with a few more the K-W team ti ARP : : 'of hich eda v nig] + were. still with. tl tohener team games under his belt. He has to|'h€ eam that finished third sions to the fighting Whi'bv team. jurday night, Dutchies were stil th. the Kitchener team | 8 > Nibehind Russi a th Uni Tennant opened the scoring at/unable to catch the leaders y » Hassard on the in-| Shed some excess weight and will} > ussia an he United n n k ing abl z t aders, I no assar I 3 y |States at the 1956 Winter Olym-| 6.12 but the lead lasted for a 1ST PERIOD Dunnies were real-|be better than ever then . . ./™° t Corti : Y mere 33 seconds as Etcher fired| 1. Chatham: Tennant 1 1 up for this one as they|Henderson was hot yesterday as Pics & ortina, Italy. his first of three. Ba*hgate put the| . (Sharpe, Powers) 9 Wer ¢ the second win Ye ¥ i Bhai Jerpered > RUSSIANS STRONGER visitors out front 2-1 48 seconds| 2 Whitby: Etcher dogs in-a-row, on SHOE ; o "The Russians will be stronger later and the score keepers were sttersiey, Samiolenko) s ( e, something that only three. That's oe out of 12.3 too," said Laufman, "but I think] having a rough time 3. Chatham: Bathgate teams have been ape mor Want and [0 club has improved more." 1 Dunnies fought back and tied (Malo) to do this year 3 BV). Jish i r ii t ir paced the W. , at. play the Toronto Marlies in To-| the count at a pair each as Dar-| 4 Whitby: Darling HY v Air paced the w hitby at fi ot the Ted Reeves Arena on Bauer, now consists of: goalers: ling fired a long one that fooled (T. O'Connor, Babando) 10.30 14¢ of goals wit Wednesday night: time for [Boat Hurley and Cesare Mani- Reynolds all the way. Attersley 3 Whitby: Attersley single counters going to Gordie Wednesday night; game ne © ago; defencemen: Harry Sinden then put the Dunnies out in front (Samolenko) 18.30 Myles and Jack Kane. The lat- | that oneis 8.00, .. Marlies Picked (yo? Maki, Darryl Sly, Murray for the first time in the game at| penalties -- Forhan 7.58, Tom ter man fired the game winner|a good time to play the Dummies, |p, 0g 0) byob Bouglag and Mor 18.39. Whitby missed a great o'Connor 11.1 an 7.58, Tom "ihe 15.30 mark of the final per-|when they are down to a skele. Davison, Jack ougas and oe chance to increase their lead at pe th iod and also earned assists on ton staff, but don't be too sur. the 4.07 mark as Darling carried 2D PERIOD, fy both the Air's goals. Utendale, (prised if the Dunnies show the the puck up the ice, dropped a aatham:. Connel'y Brown and, Costello each scored little leafs a few tricks . . . Ralph pass back to Myles, who in turn| , AES ers) 06 once for the losers. {Hoskings will Join Dunlops for | flipped it back to Pete Babando,| Ears 40) The first d was fast with the game in Belleville tomorrow only to have Monty Reynolds in| Jabande) hard-checking and both teams night. This is part of the deal for the losers' cage make a tremen-| > Whithy: Sinden : missed some great scoring op- the four Whitby players. dous save on the play. | piigdey, Samojenko) portunities. Iieither team man-|1ST PERIOD Connelly got his first of three Grever. McBeth 5.33 Treen 13.35 aged to hilt the score sheet, as| Scoring -- None at the 6.06 mark to tie the score init Tay my were getting some good! Penalties -- None. and the Maroons were really fly- 3RD PERIOD tending at both ends. |aND PERIOD ing. Dunlop appeared to be try.| 9 Whitby: FEtcher lidogs broke out well in the| 1. Windsor: Utendale ing too hard at this stage of the (Attersley, Samolenko) +10 second period and built up what (Pepin) ce game. Chatham: Connelly looked like a winning lead by the! 2. Windsor: Brown Kane put the Whitby team ou (Sharp, Tennant eer 4.44 1549 as they led 3-0. And (Gross, Dietrich) : front 4-3 with just less than four 11. Cha ham: Connelly 2 on Winds ice that should have| 3. Windsor: Costello the middle = (Sharp, Skov) sess 5.40 heen a winner. (Haidy, Bendo) ....... 15.4¢ minutes to go in ne " 12. Whitby: Etcher Dunnies, however, had differ-| 4. Whitby -- Myles frame. With 46 seconds to go in the period Attersley fired one that 9 Silos MoE) we 6.20 de fought back game- (Tom 0'CONNOT) coves . Whitby: Babando wa gave the Dunnies a 5-3 lead going i g the chances. With Whitby: Air into the final period. (Kane, Treen) «ees 8.47 just 65 seconds to go it was still (Kane) Serssipenis 19: Dunlops were the masters of 14. Whitby: Sinden 30. Myles hit for the first Whit-| 6. Whitby: Air this game and they showed their (Babando, McBeth) 18.39 hy marker at 18.55 and this start (Kane) TEER, | all re Penalties -- None, stuff in the final period as they Penalties Samolenko 227;|ad the bz A change of outscored the visitors 42 to Treen 17.10. lines saw the Dunnies wade right SRD PERIOD clinch the win and move them| KANE AND AIR STAR in and score another as Air click-| 7. Whitby: Kane Penalties -- Tom O'Connor, .54, far enough ahead of the Dutch-| In the game yesterday after- ed with his first of a pair at : : men, that even with the four-{noon, Dunnies were playing withthe 19.16 mark and followed with| Walker .58, Kaidy 3.10. f} our ome Tony's Trundlers | OLD COUNTRY SOCCER LONDON (Reuters) -- Results|Chester 2 Millwall 1 WITH A . t of soccer games in the United Crystal P 1 Torquay 1 Rally For Vic ory Kingdom Saturday: Exeter 1 Workington 0 FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION cup Hartlepools 3 Gillingham 1 Notts C 5 Aldershot 3 Oshawa Tony's came up with series or be faced with a three Fourth Round \ : & another big win Saturday when team rolloff, to determine which Bradford C 3 Bournemouth 1 {Oldham 1 Gateshead 1 ) they recovered from a very bad two clubs from their group will Crewe Alex 2 Tottenham 2 | Stockport 2 Doncaster 0 first game to come back and take contend for the | ue title. Huddersfield 0 Luton 1 SCOTTISH FOOTBALL f 1 Brighton 1 ASSOCIATION CUP the second and third games from| Dick Adams will be back with Rotherham 1 the Club Billiards entry, in the his mates next week after a Swansea 0 Burnley 0 | First Round Toronto major league. three-week stint on TV and with Blackburn 1 Blackpoo! 1 |Aberdeen 0 Brechin 0 Albion 2 Tarff Rovers 1 Bowling thei los est: gains. of a ful quota of bowlers the Bristol R 3 Preston 3 2 Te : | i s are defi / favor e Chelse ston Villa vic $ | fis doen aid bong suo go ide axe itely favorsp the Chosen Juiop Vins Berwick Neste, | DO-IT-YOURSELF OR HAVE OUR HOME IMPROVEMENT ing absent, the Ton's. squad Hank Sarnovsky who has been Liverpool 1 Man United 3 {Dunfermline 1 St. Johnstone 1 | were caught napping in the second high bowler practically Scunthorpe 0 Port Vale 1 | East Fife 0 Partick 2 (0) first gaiae and were easy prey each week of the season, w Sheffield U 3 Notts F 0 |Keith 3 Hamilton 0 DIVISION LOOK AFTER THE COMPLETE J B FOR YOU for the opposition. A brilliant re- [top man on Saturday with his Sheffield W 2 Peterborough 0 {Kilmarnock 5 Stranraer 0 covery in the second and third first 800 (231, 297, 272); Lloyd Sa- southampton 2 Watford 2 {Morton 0 E Stirling 1 games netted Tony's a two-to- bins had 745 (214, 238, 293); John west Brom 2 Bolton 0 {Queen of S 2 Dumbarton 1 3 one victory in games won, plus Hrico 686 (148, 237, 301): Ozzie wolyerhampton 2 Charlton 1 {Queen's Pk 2 Raith 0 a four point pick-up on total pin-|Keeler 183, 216, 250 for 649 and ENGLISH LEAGUE |St. Mirren 15 Glasgow U 0 | ! Sere ivi {Stenhousemuir 2 Rothes 0 f tall for six points on the day. Bob Gallagher who really was in , in trouble had 170 and 200 for 370 Second Division Other Matches Club Billiards are the weakest iP a dlymout Cardiff 1 | club in the loop and while not Penny Linton who was the lone Plymouth } gan i ve {Birmingham 1 Dundee 2 being contenders for top spol relief bowler did very well. SCOTTISH LEAGUE {Brentford 3 Portsmouth 2 ! The standing: Silvert's 12, Osh Division 1 |Hull City 0 Leeds 1 they have a disturbing habit of hi : oe ar winning games when least expect- awa Tony's 11, L. J, McGuin- Hearts 1 Mc the well 1 Leyton Or 2 Falkirk 2 od ness 10, Village Bow! 9, Bowlo- Division II [Lincoln 1 Grimsby 2 i" drome 9, Willow Bowl 9, Club Dundee U 2 Cowdenbeath 3 Y ity therni In the three meetings between Bijliards 8, O'Connor Bowl 6. Montrose 2 Alloa 2 {Man City 1 Hibernian 1 Tony's and Club Billiards during Sat rday the Tony's club will Oniroge = Auoa Newcastle vs Middlesborough ppd Eo Som he A SEE YOU TONIGHT ... OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS five wins for Club Billiards and liad : Third Division {Stoke 3 Airdrieonians 1 ee 0 Barnsley vs Accrington ppd {Sunderland 7 Celtic 1 four for Tony's. i . Te To owe sores were) Bury 0 Newport 1 | TRISH FOOTBALL ASSN. CUP F | Cc R : ld: hein game, scres were BOWLING NEWS Corl s tants 0 | ™ FORALL A ree Instructional Course on Recreation Room Building for Tony's but the Oshawa crew | . Halifax vs Chesterfield ppd {Ards 8 Dundela 0 " settled down after this loss and CONSUMERS GAs MIXED LEaur Mansfield vs Swindon ppd Cliftonville-2 Ballymena 3 Tonight at 7 o'clock sharp. Ladies are especially invited. This is the last course for this season took the next two 1180 against] = clwain's team took a long rwic ens "oleraine 0 Glenavon | 4 . . . 1067 and '1316 against 989. Totalk |they renils knocked those ond pine ores Reading 5 Tranmer Derry City 2 Royal Uluster Con- 3442 Tony's, 3201 Club Billiards. | They. not only ook Jour points from Shrewsbury 3 Wires : 5 Statuary 2 | Lloyd ins in leadoff, kept| am,' they knocked out some Southen or istillery vs Bangor ppd D I T [o] C H h 3 i rop In To Our Courtice Showroom--Where Parking Is No Problem 3 The team, coached by Bobby| with a pair {really fine V yr 0) iv the Tony's club very much in fear poms. aiting the Tees took Fourth Division Glentoran 3 Ballyclare Comrades | the fight with some neat trund- points behind Test Points. Too close Bradford 0 Northampton 0 (aban- i ling and once again Hammering fof comfort. =~ = _doned after 34 mins. fog). | Portadown Reserves 2 Crusaders | Hank Sarnoveky Was a star fOr |, eioier o'%0 te Wien single Carlisle 1 Darlington 0 & the locals. {women went to Velma Johnston. rT ----TTT | 8: v ; " After a rather shaky start John | Scores over 200 -- Stu Mclerie 261, with 652, Soble 629, O'Reiley, the only|Godirey 264, Arnold Doucette 231, Jen. | Hrico snapped out of it and joi sion 25, Harr Jones 235 23) go [MAD on G#7's to get over 600, he had nie Carey 224, Bob Lewis 218, Sammie : Jone , 20,1618, D. Lewis had a 604 by pulling up Plume 206, 202, John Gow 207, Fred | rapped in a string of strikes at (686), Bill Ginter 231, Gord i P the right time to stagger the op- (228 Duncan Love 210, Pe Sain his socks after Saving a lowest score Carey 204 and Eleanor Rukaruk 300. 1210, Don Aiken 209 and Fred Stewart! iy top:ne with ar . "3! Lemon League: A. Rose 70, D. Nor-| position into submission. J eWATt Hutchins with an even $00 man 82, J: Joseph 82, G. Judges 82, | LIMITED % 202. Bob Gallagher and Ozzie Keeler| Team standing -- Test Points 48, No| High Singles: Dick Vanderstoop 255, T. Gow 83, L. Plume 88, B. Wassell 89, | 252 and Johnny Da 251 B. Hill 93, C, McFall 88, R. Wassell 94, were both having a bad day and [Blow Tees 46, The Diggers 41, Resets Morgan 2 ey 251. i , | 34, Qui {lots In the Lemon League C ceek | A. Robi 9, C. Leavitt 97, 8. H 1 if was good reif from Denny Gul Hest 12nd Fics 3. TH [le Lani, Gir, ly 00 ht JR rd 3S ene Downtown Showroom Main Office and Showroom nton a gxcellen Pp PLATERS LEAGUE luch 87, Ruitter 88, Freddy Taylor 84] 7, t % Sabins and Sarnovsky that gave| Thursday saw the start of the third and George Bittener 9 aiks 13, Sanainars Ran ans TL Shai 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH-RA 8-1617 COURTICE RA 8 Tony's the victory. ron, aie oy oy, howling. The HARMAN PARK LEAGUE Hats 10, Odd Balls 10, Toppers 8 and -- -1611 With the final series of the made a goad start with four points| Congratulations to Sadie Wassell, on | momome We t gratulations to Sadie Wassell, alain schedule now well underway and vim the G8?'s, the second section win: |coming up with the ladies' high. single | 9 Telephones To Serve You all teams going all-out to make a "er for the week with a 240. Jennie Carey | WORLD MOVEMENT : Johnny Smith 1 § k the ladies' hi t v a " -- playoff spot, anything is liable hen his team won the section. Now tok the ladies' high triple with a total! Gir] Guides in Canada cor- BOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130 AJAX-ZEnith 2-9600 to happen a. Tonys are keeping that he lost to the sh ners, he should Gerry Godfrey took the men's high respond to Girl Scouts in the i ni - well up in the standing. lake it with a smile, since to be a good triple with a total of 629 and men's U.S Scoutisme Francaise in - 4 you have got to b high single went N 1 ' 3 by i "To pe. assured. of a_ playoff 7 "ea" food bah single went io Nick Olesuk with | Pra neo and Bandiocames in Downtown Showroom Open Friday Till 9 P.M. spot, Tony's must win this final! High Triples: On top Vic Williamson' 200 Club: Nick Olesuk 278, Gerry Brazil, | £