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The Oshawa Times, 1 Feb 1960, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Menday, February 1, 1960 /50--Articles For Sale |50--Articles For Sale PIANO, upri Tele: IDEAL for writer or small of phone RA 3-436: _____ __ |cameo model dictaphone with tran $175. | PAINT, interior, erior, $2.95 gallon, | scribing unit and cylinder shaver, Also All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. quantity of new cylinders all ready to 13 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale |47--Automobiles For Sale PICKERING -- 32 acres fronting ~on|s18.900, NHA resale, 5'2 per cent, at, bun |DELIGHTFULLY different and spat-| FIVE - room bungalow with attached | PONTIAC '57 deluxe, automatic, power wa and side road, year round|galow, three years old, $5000 down, fous, six - room brick bungalow, ma. garage, $10,900 buys this three-| bedroom | steering, low mileage. Call RA 3-4033/ high well-drained land with good value. Fernhill Bivd., RA 5-5573 | hogan kitchen cupboards and frim brick home, oil heated, 6 p.m beautiful view of surrounding country -- | throughout, large rooms, storms and scaped lot, aluminum " loving remembrance of | 'deal home sight and investment. Only STOREY and large lot, screens, divided basement. East end. screens, immediate possession. or | PRIVATE sale, 1951 Florence M. Bell, who [715,000 with $2000 down. Private sale. close to public, and high $1900 down. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA particulars, call Bill Miller, RA 8.512% dition, with new brakes og tires, passed sway pon ; 2 ar nother 1. 3. . schools RA 30763. sions E900 fo, Reutty: 101 Simcoe Street North, | Telephone MOhawk 8-26: Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 use. Cost $250. A bargain at §37.50 com y res ' g : EE 9 AM. SAME DAY It is el A Arp By {AsH-Celina, Tive room pungalow, three. | X - room house oot o 6x INCOME home, 10.roomed brick house. 1956 PONTIAC, two door excellent Church Street. RA 3-7624. Ci plete. Phone Ajax 40, days only. ' [piece bath, garage, $7900. Low down feet deep, on Simcoe Street Nor! OF | Centrally located. Let it pay for itself. | condition, mew tires. Apply 210 Wilson gNGWTIRE, used, tubeless 670 x 15: |g 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale IN MEMORIAM BELL In of fja dear mother Please Note Deadlines now in this column Births, Memoriams, Thanks -- large land-| after (, fair condition, ' office, storms jnd ettect for pi W A half house, Meteor, good con Cords separate PA memory of who the husband "coal stove, jacket heater; rollers, 5-3914 condition Phone suites, nearly new thank our] and neigh BRUCE many friends We wish to relatives wn Glen MacKinnon SKATES, new and used, largest selec in town. Most reasonable prices Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street in good cond! Apply Harrison 337 .Simeoe prices 10 re Chev, "Stew" room in by 9 ft.; blind plus walk 9 in and one DODGE, auton tutone sedan 150. Will trade for older car or truck part payment. Phone YU 5.7470 after Saturdays all day CAIRNS ie full pre- of atic ence and Cecelia lot by two an chairs Rad bed complete, two dining room wn and ng plete with screens and landscaped decorated ond a paved drive Only minutes to either, public separate or high school Asking $11,900. Call Bot Stevenson ot RA 8-6286 THIS LITTLE GEM "56 NASH Ra tutone nbler. estate wagon, blue and white, economical family car Motors, Whitby water principal Call Art 2333 3.7244 GOOD LOCATION and door and tam radio mileage Seaway AUSTIN A40 Telephone RA 5-3412 West LLOYD REALTY PLUS INCOME OSHAWA'S BUSIEST G. NEWELL, Broker m brick home, excellent CAL ESTATE FIRM Needs absolutely no close to King, with : { 4 room frame bungalow in 216 BROCK ST..S gorage $12,750 OPEN EVENINGS tip top condition. Situated on WHITBY Moderate ° down _ payment JPEN FveNines rn aa I Art Weinberger RA utes drive from down town 000 DOWN $1,000 evenings RA Complete with a garage, con this | LLOYD REALTY MO 8-470; 724 4 oo I , wiring Monthly payments of RR 4 ING ST. E S BU ¢ garage .and fenced-in lot 40 ' S KING > solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard OSHAWA S BU SIEST 248'. Close '10. school, bus only $65 (principal and inter urgently need 10 ears ware, 8 Church, RA 3.7624 new condition, REAL ESTA TE FIRM ' hours, private, § : . s I! / k RA out Bi" OWF ® iim HLOVD rvice and shopping. Act est) Coll Henry Yurko ot RA os WN FINE foods for less at Glecoff Super: nous EVES LLOYD REAL ESTATE fast! on this 4-bedroom home dns alling Dick Young, RA 8-6286. | market, Ritson South, open daily to 10% ATURDAY 8-5123 F) king and delivery. Free|TO Clear -- Quantity of used 9% ply 45A--Real Estate for Sale 'RA 5- S743 oitta ng Rg Pkt Eby Ry n Proving By a Wood SIMCOE ST. S. DIAL RA 3-9329 or Or Exchange WEST END SPOT CASH MMEDIATE POSSESION meats, fruits, groceries, Products, RA 8-1611 PAID FOR to Oshawa Shop- HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- FINDLAY, oil space heater, used only ture, also sell and exchange, Contact|three months, includes drum, platform, ~ Trade i ping Centre. Full basement o) g : HARMONY ROAD NORTH heating, T.V 2-bedroom Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince blower and pipes. Telephone RA 8-1709. and fenced lot arge living room -- Street. Phone RA 8-1131 KNITTING machine, neatly new: alse con- Corson, RA 8 andscaped -- and screens-- particular close to separate, public and high a SKATES, new and used, largest selec-|{readle sewing machine, in good Good, elean tion in town. Most reasonable prices. |dition. 82 Montrave Avenue. $11,500 but good down poyment re- OWNER LEAVING CITY call Joe Maga, 5-9191. $1,200 DOWN | 8 Appl {46--Real Estate Wanted or down, Liens paid off Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Stree! |x 3 : - Buys this five-room brick TRI-PLEX antenna ------------------ ----- v rast {WE pay highest "prices in the ¢ city "for Call Lloyd ALL kinds of properly wanted for pe - used furniture. Pretiy's Used Furni. oy DODD MOTOR SALES mses home in North end. Many 2 new Tri-Ple nearing completion on Landsdowne Drive, bal. extras including fireplace. conies -- 3 stoves and refrigerators, decorated, T.V. ceriel, 5123 for full |clients, some with all cash or your sale of room lots of | 1959 | ture Store, RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South. or iu 314 PARK RD. §. wallpape; Low toxes end good terms ceramic tiled bathrooms ---- monthly income of $285.00, ideal 6165 19 Athol St ome rooms Weinberge bedroom suite, s RA evening good body, good en RA 3.4546 radio, white wall offer, RA 5-1956 LARGE selection of re-conditioned|evening gown, size 14, gym suit, ete TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim-|Tarms. 196 Ritson Road South coe Street North Ar THREE steel WE like to of used|gy volt used battery, TV'. Many months | yolt used battery $8 guarantee Bond 'gp5, RA 3.3779 Street East rangette, HOUSE trailer, enamel, { finder, 16' 6" long condition. Phone RA 8.0979 ove, oven aid Hews, | UNPAINTED bookcases only .99¢. with [the purchase of any piece of unfinist come to led furniture. Chest of drawers Iso used|desks, $11; bookcases, $3.99 vanit dressers, $26, Wilson Furniture, 20 WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, Church Street CHAIN saw, 18 1960 t Groveside em vesid Ceme extra gine 3 many | | tires jack posts, $6 each, twa $5 each, one 12 One spacecheater isting ently 5-3406 ond clean our stock bargains, three Trio television, near 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want sas for wrecking. Highest prices paid 5-1161 or RA 51182 needed MONTGOMERY In the Sick Children's , H February 1.- 1960 beloved son of lan Somer and dea brother of and Dale, and grandson of Mrs Montgome va, Mr. and R. Tysick. Perth, ir 5th year Mcintosh Funer Fast pital on room hric finished 171 cash offer 17 ter 6 p.m Gordon an he un one coal or wood stove, large size, both in ONE white good i In life we loved you dearly " H woodlathe, Beaver Jigsaw 6 DEATHS i 0 ) [payment. New homes built to your more information, phone RA 5-2753. po "0 iment and mortgage to be ar. i Road South man's figure skates, 8: man's new, 8 ------ Telephone RA avy 1 nge| mt ---------- -- (211 schools, Delightfully different kitch.| APARTMENT land on Adelaide Street, "| 52616 ONE four-burner heavy duly ra x GMC truck, five-piece natural fin. {away February 1, 1953 Decorated in oils, walk-out fied. Buying or selling, you better your BABY bargains. ( {Street two tone black and white, tires like new, | Stoves, etc. For top cash offer. con especially thank the Rev. R. Norman cutting heads, cords etc, for other)" TWO hot air furnaces, flable people. 57 Meteor. Try neral Home for their Kind and effi| ng from $59 monthly. In televisions, radios and record players out basement. A hom 2 La vid services, builders terms ludes your taxe This 3 Frank Cairns and dear mother of Mrs } Some. with and Electric Lid. RA 3226). |G ioeisy 1 intere Chapel, Brooklin. Service the Chapel] AWa, suitable for renting Phone better area Decorated po e 5.6511 ein dhe Lal Street West, RA 5-651 double bed complete, chest of drawers, near schools. Phone RA Mont Phone RA work So in death we do the same Bi a EE -- - {inch blade, four speed, tilts, bench saw 11 AM AME DAY Sadly missed by Marg, Chuck and [Specifications under CMHC. ndall YHE family will thoroughly enjoy liv ranged. Phone, see and buy. Douglas RANCH BUNGALOW | "56 SPECIAL Buick, two-door hard top, Gruen automatic watch RA 5-4181) raftmaster), 8-inch blade. Apply 174 DIAL o | family cal Estate, 43 Bond Street West. RA ling in this three - bedroom brick bun- 1, Gower Real A 1450 DOWN {two tone black and white, tires, like|after 5 College Avenue after 5 p.m 3.3492 30429. galow in North-West Oshawa. Close to]- Movistar or new. Consider older car. - SUTTON In loving #' FIVE + room bung low, close to » school pr d $69 MONTHLY a stove, table top, little over 30 {en, stained trim throughout, charming. formerly Louisa Street. 180' frontage by ee -- - x 706 lish; hen te, two-piece chester- |dear dasghter, Barbara passed land bus route. Recreation room, paved quality built and economically priced at!132'. Asking $19,800. Terms. Phone RA! 1919 PONTIAC, good transportation, 8-8706 Huan; Bichon tes, ee pi A - A hae LE ie: the aly gy EY storms and screens I 30. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA 3.4492 basement with huge picture molor ii Rood sondition, now snow tires USED tires, most all Sizes, $3 and up. ve Gavenpurt Gurney heavy duty Swiftly i y came the call, [R/ ---------- and battery, $95. Apply Cyril Sharpe, B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5.4343. i TP Without goodbye you left us all a SPH fron n Cg Mion [he A 5 __ stove, Lloyd carriage, console radio, DIR | In God's garden now you rest |NEW sixroom brick bungalow with HANDY MAN'S special, close to school window, Sede ial J 82 Clirch Street, Pickering, | SEE the spectacular new Buccaneers! record player, paint spray outfit, duo | Peacefully sleeping lies one of double garage on acre lot, situated and bus. A chance for a good home . pack amson Rea 60 DELUXE Corvair, autom dio, 3 to 35 bp with two starting models. | therm space heater, 30-30 Stevens rifle, best. north of Greenbank on No. 7 and 12 for a small down payment, $700, with Ristow sen Estate Limited. silver grey, in excellent condition, al Come in and chonse yours mow, Trade mantle radio, five pair bamboo drapes. Lovingly remembered by Mom and [highway. Phone YUkon 5-2762 or UX-|low monthly payments. Immediate pos- Sms tmmrm-- - bargain price. Telephone RA 8-0427 any-|and terms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddod seven yards rubber matting, congo ATKINSON Bill and Louise (nee|Dad, sisters and brothers {bridge 2.9920 | session. Give an offer. Douglas L. time after 5 p.m : at' Verdun Road. |leums, garden umbrella table, sewing Bice) are happy (0 announce the ar THREE to five you od ranchatyle, Gower, Real Estate. RA 8.1287. REALTORS 57 CHEVROLET sedan delivery, ex- BEAUTIFUL hand made coffee tables, | umes Sookshelves, wSvonle kitcien 'al of their son on Sunday, Jan. 31.| pag : ni { lhe x nel ellent condition, best offer. 117 Tecum- golid hardwood construction, various 2. 189 rol x; ° y " 1 0CQuU n loving memory of | t NEW s six-room ranch h bungalow, 'double | . - ¢ . hy i cabinets, 1360.21 te Oshawa General Hospital|pjerre Salime LaRocque, who passed] Situated "between Rosstand "Road. wnd{attached garage, two fireplaces, divided AND LOCATION TOO! seh Avenue after 6 p.m. RA 5-9431. tone designs, 4" plate glass tops, rea chairs, HPWH, omg x ea ri % 14 0z.) Many thanks to Dr. Todd. {away Feb. 1, 1940 [King Street West, must be reasonable, |basement, with finished recreation room Freshly. 8 J. tourbed REALTOR (55 MALF-ton Chevrolet panel, new |Sonabl all RA 5.1400. a x Io "1" Dand saw. AGHNSON x At the. Adie nit Fisker Ever remembered by daughter-in {Phone RA 80241 after 6 p.m. Fi arranged. Apply 10 butider, 238 ly En TR E STREET snow tires and paint. Telephone RAB ODRIC H Stores ~ - fires, ba bat | Bradley's Furniture, 299 Simcoe South. Me 3 ick law ang 1y -- J wom r . 39 PRINC REE 5-7488 teries, Kelvinator refrigerator, tm Mm------------ ing General Hospital, on Saturday, VIVIAN In loving memory of alFOUR - room bungalow and bath room, |BUY or sell or rent | property yperty through | ferred district close to uh ---- Sion Cisagi. [visioN. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA mushroom Golo broadicom 2 a son to Mr. and Mrs, William |dear wife, Ruby Viola Vivian, who pass-|one acre and half, fruit trees and|w, McAuley Real Estate, and join the! church ond schools. Home IT pays -- and saves to shop a ha 8 It. Also hall runner nson, 68 Admiral Road, Ajax, Robert ed away February 1, 1955 bushes, garage. Telephone RA 3-305. |jundreds of satisfied clients whom we : A 3 pe h ; 328.5003 ¥ 1 fi, excellent condition. Worth Allen, a brother for Freddie and Billie.| Her memory is my keepsake, tabblo -- ~--|have had the pleasure of serving. For] features spacious kitchen i family's living by shopping The Osh-|models of baby carriages from \: $200 will sell $75. Apply 93 Olive Mother and son doing well With which I'll never pari, {he "best deal, apply 26 Prince Street, with over supply of cup- awa Times Classified daily. Lage foil panel roxaloe ROD NLnlAVEIVE. | God has her in His keeping, APARTMENT Oshawa, RA 3-2512 or Whitby, MOhaw boards and 'yet adequate NORTH WEST 53 STUDEBAKER, Fordor, overdrive. Prices 788: er $5.88. Wilson's |" " - SKURATOW Larry and Olga (nee|/ 7 have her in my heart 38-3231 space for the family to sit custom radio, deep-tread tires, ligh Shairg, § pi EF no Phi SENSATIONAL savings during our Jan Katuzki) are happy to announce "rol Ever remembered by her BUILDING pr endoe - d th Kitch t bl Only 4 left, Brand new brick grey finish, Real economy, only $545. ""' 2 wary Clearance Sale, 10.piece living birth of their daughter, Lawrenc, Wesley. aroun e kitchen. lable y * > Seaway Motors. Whitby. WOOD and Princess Pal: room ensemble includes davenport and 9 lbs. 4 ozs. on Saturday, January 30 n Resi- Two bathrooms, attached bungalows, 3 bedroom, 4. Ee FRET high back sink double hostess chair, 2 tables, 2 lamps and at the Oshawa General Hospital. A sis | | D DISNEY garage, several trees, kit- piece ceramic bath, double An take over Sood oc steel laundry tubs on all in|ghades, scatter mat and magazine rack Ma oa Shale. Many :thauks to Ds 'CARD OF THANKS dentiol ete, on main street 4 chen fon are but a few of sliding windows, storm door RA 5.0202 g good condition. RA 3 All 10 pieces $8) Apartmetit or Maroosis ; / 3 _ YC is chrome sets, while they last $29.95 in Oshowa. All suites leased REALTOR - INSURANCE the many extras that moke exhaust fan ond an enamel |i DKW two-tone station wagon, Show. {BUNGHY! Order fi h and chips, ha ham bl Signily damaged -- stroller $5.88, play TAYLOR -- Mr. and Mrs, Dean Tay | Call RA 8-5183, OL 5.4424 this a better home to buy. hot water tank. 6% Mort- room condition, 16,000 miles, fully|PNEES. 522 Ritson South, RA S078. [pen $6, 'large roxatone crib $15, steel lor are proud to announce the arrival | RA 3.92 2. 82 SIMCOE ST. § Shown by appointment only. gage $13,500 with $1, 900 equipped, extras, private. Phone Tom, rs {bed $9, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church a or RA 0 Call Hil MO 8-5823 ULster 2.3405, Usbridge, after 8 am. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re of their son, Kenneth Dean, on Thurs Sadly - all Don Hill ot d Call PR Rerators, TV's, washers, PiaANGS ay, January 28, at Oshawa Generally," for the kindness and sympathy SPLIT LEVEL OL 5-447] evenings at RA 8-6286 '56 SPECIAL Buick two-door hard top, |"'¥ . " ospital. Mother and baby doing fine.| shown in the loss of a beloved hu . tact : 31, [Hi i ele 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81 tion band and father. Murray A. Bruce. We N. H. A. 69 70 $12,200 209 BROCK ST. LOOK AT THE Consider older car. Telephone RA SORE Gite ter Saale ain Avsly " me -------- dnd ¥ 7 ast DEATHS consoling words. and all do RESALES NHA Resale." Nearly new MONTHLY PAYMENTS |i% DowN and reduced cutting heads, cords elc., for othe iful floral offerings a ltra modern, 3 bedroom 7 Pontiac, '55 iy Da 25. o y bly priced The pallbearers and the McEachpie Fu Priced from $11,500, carry y by h oe with livied:room LOTS N.H A. Resale with a 55% 52 Pontlar.. 's3 |S King Street West. RA 13-3425. json, a are, Hk ro > family Soom mortgage and monthly pay- A 5-5646 or RA 5-1667 USED refrigerators, ranges, washers, {South, RA 3-4425 cie a g of the servic rg r * 5 Cecelia - A lat Ri Babi good locations, close to publi y N.H.A. approved ments $71.89 which in y be. or, Guaranteed repairs to ali] ONE wine floral rug, 6 ft on Friday ry 98 - separate school three ox 937" with it h appliances and televisions, | venetian blind, 72 in 360. Frankish, beloved wife of ms, tiled bathroom and 3 2 2 vi RISTOW & OLSEN bedroom bungalow is com ig All tubes and parts available, Barons'! 101 in. RA 5-2794 beach y > r ] x UL N ' 5 kitchen CRT 1 Vania torms, W. Wright (Bernice) of Mactier. Mrs.|45--Real Estate For Sale fireplace $85 Realtor Cus: | "GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup-|tique chairs, A. Garner (Alma) and Douglas of To ITT TE TR TON TI ew: hy plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent RA 8-8856 onto. Resting at the Robinson Funeral | B16 ' wa town Osh y new 1493 |down Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond) yy coor pi nde iia eh , RA 5.3406, evenings RA 3.2014 rchoser' ice of r 3 o'clock. Intrment TWO new split level op urcha cnorce tery Brooklin Street, Whitby Low dowry Toronto NiDES RA 3-2044 Monday. CENTRAL, six Bertram, attic oil heated, reasonable 105° « Approv rd for » schools RA 1 Ima accepted 53-0437 2 English "Bluebird Path- 6' 6" wide. Propane reasonable price 160°. at Coupee Paved condition mortgares, jern his used Street FOR quality 102 William furniture ng the 52 King Street Chapel Wednesd p.m. Interment In lieu of Cancer Society BUYING OR SELLING SEE MACKIE MOTORS "clothing, Moun flowe awn Cemetery donations 6-room home with would be apprec ates Homelite brand only about six for cash. OL inch, used sacrifice GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, EXECUTIVE 372 vet within reach of all TRANSFERRED RA 8-6226 VE Diielon STREET WEST with ottoched gorag us kitcher {SELL or exchange -- Restaurant busi ness, large living quarters. garage at (tached, large Jot for house in Oshawa | district. Write Box 139 Oshawa Times RAVINE ROAI pro 2g ar ( L Home close tvle 390 KING car up oil East cute dinette -- bath with vanity treet bungalow, large loads of LOCKE'S FLORISTS and arrangements for fi all et e tone's throw from bus stop occasior school Asking only quired, efter 5:30 eparate Flowers ards - decorated -- | storm 49--Automobile Repairs 18 inch, Homelite brand used only about six sacrifice for eash. OL Oshawa Shopping Centre West Side PHONE RA 8-6555 5 IN MEMORIAM BELL ~ mother, Florence M. x r $84.00 1271 SIMCOE NORTH culars ca 5123 $1,300 DOWN buys thi om brick 'bu galow situated on large land- caped lot in one of Whitby's better area For full partic- ulars, coll Jim. Cruikshonks at RA 8-5123 power . Specialists in Ford Service Tele and parts. Wheel alignment wheel balance with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. PHONE RA 3-4675 true econ | 50--Articles For Sale | CHESTERFIELD suite, = |Bood condition, $45 white, | 39% excellent | - | GIRL'S blue winter coat, fur trim on collar and cuffs, perfect condition, size 9. Also pair of lamp tables and coffee | good condition, reason five-roo 4 -- trimmed with Phone RA In loving memory of a dea Bell, who passed, black and i Time passes on, months have passed Since death its gloomy shadows cast 101 Lic yd 01 two pieces, in Telephone RA FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 o week per family of includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment. appointment (no > ebliga- tion)--phone RA JANUARY SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed Double hung windows only $18 6 om ranc yle bu alow just 3 ve and completed in aped cor aluminum storms rm r -sized living room ceramic tiled heating, early every woy. Paved drive, lanc four, large moderr en bedrocms, forced 3 A il | For also cedar and | Write Box 144 me in a es ampli RA Fender guitar and il reasonable. Phone apartment | Fisher Street central location MO 8-3605 between | and tires, three - "bedroom "pungalow, rea Phone MOhawk 8.4609 after 5 houg and sold. 215 RA furniture, Avenue HOME APPLIANCES { OSHAWA LTD. | SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Dick Barriage Joe Maga FOR RENT -- Three-room unfurnished price apartment, heat, hydro, hot water in cluded, at convenient location, parking space. MOhawk 8-5188 Call now Lymer Aluminum €e RA 8-5385 SALE t promise ony Ford panel. good running | also platform and stake! 1 ton GMC. Can seen at Esso Service, Simcoe North 19f OM_ built car radios, complete | {with aerial and installation, transistor| Doria i nl models from $49.95. Terms $3 down Domestic and Commercial | Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street . R . West. RA 5-651. RA 5-5332 telephone FoR Tr - | BR - 1950 FORD, two door, fair condition RA 5-4400 | Best offer over $75. Phone MO 8.5488 Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, _RA 5- 0771 'S¢ MERCURY, Sun Valley, plexiglass| Admiral, Westinghouse. The |dome roof, completely powered, $600 finest in T.V.,, Hi-Fi end rvice leash. Phone RA 8.5972. sé RISTOW & | RCED PARKWAY T.V. oil Across from our office Now .used as doctor's office. Ample area for private park ing circular drive. Ideal for offices. This property is realistically priced FOR RENT ---in and two - bedroom apart cally equipped, TV outlet parking. MO 8.3591 bonus we promise only number one doors only double- Only try We do Three infurnished MO 3.5167 from FOR REN rooms, use of kitchen 7 - 11 pm UPPER duplex, central ern, self-contained, private TV aerial. Adults preferred FOR RENT -- apartment, self-contained 503 After 6 please self-storing aluminum Jim Sarnovsky Steve Macko nstalled, guaranteed $44.95 hung $18.50 best in Aluminum NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HAR VEY FRANKLIN CROSSMAN, Farmer, deceased. Unfurnished Central storm windows installed, Now Call us for quick service. . RA 3-9851 town FOR RENT ew two : furnished apartment, heat the outlet supplied, $95 per Green Street, MO 8-3762 FOR | RENT --heavy duty $10 a day, $2 per hour cutting. Wilde Rental Service 8-3226 ALEX D HENRY, General Contractor Repairs, Alterations, Cement. Carpen try. RA 5-4548 ROOM MERCEDES BENZ D.K.W. FIAT Authorized Sales & Service ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 'SABYAN MOTOR | | SALES LTD. po tanks cleaned the new tanks installed, chain saw 204 Chestnut West. Phone Also custom MOhawk All. persons having claims against the estate of Harvey SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary Franklin Crossman, late of way, new tanks installed, Walter Ward, | 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 38-2563. LIVE feathers Highest market prices paid Parker, MO 8-3644 collect HOUSE and bungalow wanted, home tw wrth LYNWOOD DRIVE COURTICE a home you would be proud to own, Two bedroom, white bungalow garage, located on a vely large lot 105 ft by 150 ft. The charming kit- chen with all its built-in cup boards and writing desk still offers' ¢ large dining area. The two bedrooms have built in clothe and chests of drawers. Recreation rcom, laundry room and office com pleted in basement Price wanted Jake poultry also jown board op private for one "gentleman contact tional, centrally located, in Absta r. MO 8-2429 home. batainer down payments. W McAuley FOR RENT -- Six-room apartment, MO 8 1. Oshawa RA 3:25 12 central MO 8-3785 FOR RE 3 = WHITBY power saws, drill grinders, sprayers, | f Here i te -- rrr equity. Call W. McAuley Realtor, 26 10-roll bundles at $2.95, $3.95, | 7 lide Prince Sireet, Oshawa. RA 32513 or RA 3-9421 ai Edgar's Paint and: Wallpaper, 4| 1% INCH Marconi, i fit alto sac, Whitby MO 83231. King West, opposite Dominion Store. |; "e. client condition? Best offer, Phone AWNI G plain colors or gay stripes for balance. Act quickly! for the ol + Call Irwin Cruikshanks at we hi a - h r the der or retired person wanting a home and an income RA 8.5123 the os about 20. sy! WHITE china cabinet © supplement your pension, Call us to see these apartments > | condition, $525. Call RA 5-8136 between | washing Ee A enent oon.|Dlack, very reasonable. end let us show you an easy, pleasant way ef living, Lloyd Realty Ltd. [8-7 pm on, small table. Apply 170 Simcoe 37212 after 8.30 pm. Ul BUICK, | fordor, JSutone | Sas South. Apartment 10. SKIS, six-foot, steel edged, laminated Wreen, automatic, custom sie IBM | hickory, safety harness, with poles CRESTVIEW GARDENS N tlean throughout, good Pala iio ory electri M 4 a : portation. Only $495. Seaway Motors, Joyce and Ramson {alotors Whitby. '§5 CHEV., black, Tudor, custom radio R like new tires, mechanically sound. A table: cwalnub), really good buy at $795. Seaway Motors, | able. RA 57419 Whitby THREE - piece chesterfield, 12" table vy . | model TV het table 76" x 93", doil possession can be arranged |'87 PONTIAC, fordor, metallic green, ™ croohe ane 4 ted ot $15,000 with $5 000 FOR BRENT -- Six - room house, 1125|FOR RENT -- Three - room, self-con N.H.A, mortgage. Call for an ; ; Byron Street South. Available Febru. lained apartment, unfurnished. Refrig-| | good orea of once Creditors and others having ary 20. Apply 56 Church Street, Picker. erator and stove supplied. Small child ¢laims against the estate of welcome. Phone MO 8.2776 Pl AFTER 5:30 CALL ETER JOHNSTONE, late of a the City of Oshawa, are re- 5-6243 Marion Dr quired to send full particulars ound mechanical A-1 throughout of such claims to the under- To -- Our low £995 Seaway Motors 66 x 165 - LARGE HOUSE (ur 1 SEF ZONED C-1 i 1% TON % condition, new building one, | household repairs, septic tanks cleaned ~ racks for ments, electri- | 0 installed Conditional guarantee and ample Bert Giroux, 327 R 4; 376 W. Pickering VOR RENT Seven-room, heated 67 KING STREET EAST house, all conveniences. Telephone MO |8-4707 or apply 701 Cochrane Street RA 5.7732 17 King St. East Oshawa, Ontarie. 6% MORTGAGE ---- We have only one left. 6-room brick bungalow, built by Bar field, in the N.W, district, Large L-shaped living room and water, TV | 5.3090. month. 603 | corr further information, Mrs. Tierney, RA 5-5207. -- v ? on or about the 7th day of Realtor STEVENSON'S ROAD D HP. electric RECORD PLAYERS ecember, 1959, are here- three bedrooms, large bail-o-matic by notified to send in'to the y < months old. Very nicely de choice of colors TAPE RECORDERS undersigned Personal Repre Jooms, garage MO os Wilde Rental Service. MOhawk 3 drive endid front la sted yrth-West STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWA r and" dependability sentative of the said deceased 2517 226 close to schools, bus and sh y $12.900 SALES and SERVICE g ) on or before the 22nd day of 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH THE DUTCH 171 BOND ST. EAST New 40 ve-room or gleaming generator roted end Box. and cabin trailers ag his construction, only nine and £10,500 lot Three bed Owner bungalow corner i J J Smith, - Six-room house, oil heat, low. de al. A. FOSKETT & SONS | 540 DUNDAS ST. E. | 50050. For" partiuiors colt MO 8-2341 WHITBY Rooting, Sheet Metal Work, Chimney Flash, Eavestroughing, Painting, Decorating All Work Guaranteed Pp wn_payment arles THEY PHONE RA 5.8762 if you wish to sell RA 80216 Prompt service, Free estimates. Ordex Realtors ORTABL pewrite : FORTARLE ty ith credit| and boots. Excellent condition, $50. Pron 4 left -- 6% mortgages -- walkout basements -- dining room Whith, ithy spotless throughout, V-8, automatic, '*s RA 8.1547. 736 Laurentian Avenue. | ing . - #5 Six-room 5-9191 Lloyd Metcalf signed, solicitor for the Ad- Whitby dining room. Lots of cupboards in kitchen. 3 nice bedroom FOR RENT Call Ct RA 8.8254, February, 1960, full partic OSHAWA, ONT LAST {your property at a fair market price, len - | Prudential Trust Company Ltd. now for early delivery. Chair and table CRAIN sti, | rentals. Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe North, [Hew COBDS 47 --Automobiles for Sale [VACUUM cleaner repairs. all makes, |5-3019 - 7 . parts, attachments brushes, guaran-|= " g-- er 1953 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, heed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, |METAL double bed with spring and equipped, automatic, like new. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser mattress. Also fifteen hole poultry nest phone RA 8-1996. vice, RA 8.0591 anytime box to hang on wall, good as new. 1953 MERCURY, metallic green, cus Simcoe St {$vpewriter, adding machine w Tor Dah ; a 3 R RA 8.5123 balance, McKaskey cash register, RA 8-123, ~~ @n0000o © @o AR a fe Es brent Real panoramic sashless windows with storms ond screens -- com- Minne. Se - cheap. RA 3-434. | DRESS, size 12, white lace, nearly new, We miss the light and ever will got ete in every way even to hooded fan in kitchen. Immediate LIST WITH LLOYD 5 BEDFORD Yan, Ad eshauieally, DINETTE suite, walnut, seven "pieces suitable for day rear. Make offer. MO- Her vacant place there is none can Simcoe ccupancy on some homes -- $13,470 with $1,925 down. Act THEN CALL YOUR MOVER omy unit, only $795. Seaway a 0 5 pm. ill; R © fast and save yourself $1 . id ins dibletetb ib biedd) very good conditi ; 4 | Down here we mourn but not in vain RA 8-5123 you $1,600 in extra interest eharges. | Whitby. phone RA 3.7791 {52--Legal Notices For up in Heaven we will meet again {ak y Lom - . '6 DODGE, tutone blue and LIST WITH LLOYI HORTOP STREET BELOW SWITZER DRIVE Stephen matching interior, automatic, and creen al minum fc . with L-shaped dining room CREDITORS Realtor : custom radio, nearly new fires. Only MOVABLE cottage 18 1645. Seaway Motors, Whitby hemlock logs and poles. 87 King St. Auto Inurance. Save up to Oshawa Times 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For| ELECTRIC RA 5 0771 personal service at your home call BA fir, like new NEW FOR RENT JT 2802 5-1687. Apply 66 * hot t hi Py p - sonable a aor fea ing. 5-7610 si PLYMOUTH. tutone coral USED 5.30, 8 p.m DINING room suite. Sewing machine : Reasonable. Phone MO 8-4204 | ministratrix, en or before 24 HOUR burner service, by able | 20th day of February, 1960, after which dote the Estate's assets will be distributed hav ing regard only to claims that have been received. ERNEST MARKS, O.€., Whitby. mod. | NEW office space in Whitby, 800 sq, ft entrance, Or less, parking lot facilities. Call MO 8.4507. | Whitby 'Professional Building, MO 3 | 731; evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 12 bachelor Ee Er -- MO FOR RENT -- Large newly finished,| one-bedroom apartment, heated, TV | abana EE outlet, private entrance, in Port Whit-| Ceramic tile bathroom with vanity, divided basement, storms and --| screens. N.H.A. mortgage ot 6%. $2,800 down. To see this 918 SIMCOE NORTH sanitary | ho ji . 2.7 Waitr| Mouse call Loreen Kellett, RA 3-3770 OLSEN RA 3-3043 Alex Voida, 481 Drew St ; INCOME HOME--57% MORTGAGE } S904 8 \ 4 R Lorge tri-level located district, consisting of 4 REALTORS NEW STEREO bedrooms and bathroom Beautifully decorated and lond- scaped. Close to schools and bus. Payment of $87.00 principal H |-F1 SETS the Township of East Whitby, Let's help you save on your in the County of Ontario, newly decorated I s MO 38-2690 ulars of their claims. Immed- FOR RENT -- 'Two acres, sevenroom CROMWELL AVENUE Tel.: RAndolph 3-3461 iately after the said date the house, warm and comfortable. Some excellent - soid Personal Representative one with a little initiative. Children . will distribute th walcome. Telephone MO 3-4654 new § e assets of the BF RENT . i Low taxe CASH said deceased having regard FOR RENT -- One large and one smal Winse' Bradiey. g Y "AR 40 H.P. manual, of pow only to claims of which she . OR OUR CAR er for ski or cruiser tank and shall then have notice CHOICE BUILDING LOTS $10,500 with term Call " bail-o-matic, $385.95 ke fo cid ; Ray at RA 5.6165 VAN HEUSEN Ke. Jo build nl have | 60 H.P, Brand new pound eason- | ON THE MOVE? MOTORS pound the most power- Brown RA 5-3867 0 outboard yet, 20 amp - Then we have just the home 149 KING ST. W bail-o gas ew matic jear hift and tank $209.95 Three-room fr bath, oil ame bungalow in furnace, modern condition, two-piece tile floors throughout Full price just RA 3.2006 kitchen, closet FURNITURE Clearance Sale!!! 10% TO 509% OFF FLOOR SAMPLES CHESTERFIELDS BEDROOM SUITES lots decorate. Vacant now. MO 5.4426; day time, MO 3.3442 DAY care for mother works FOR RENT joy of January, 1960 LAURETTA MAE CROSSMAN by her Solicitors, McGibbon & Basetdo, Who wouldn't their two lovely lot ably priced home? We Grandview subdivision call Mrs ane child, given while own MO B-4401. -- -- | RA 3-3484 tom, eight vlinder motor. Excellent ONE duster coal, one shortie, (wo Li Lovingly remembered by Gordon THEN CALL YOUR MOVE tires. Our low price only $595. Seaway bathroom 3 nice pa b hite,. padded dast xcellent , 5.6983 FIRST TIME LISTED white, padded dash, excellen Toronte A contractors: plumbing, heating, drains, | Solicitor, bedroom un- by, Available immediately Call RA| interest and taxes Substantial payment required For BOATING NEEDS RADIO Farmer, deceased, who died three. room self contained apartments DATED at Oshawa this 21st left in Kassinger for ful generator, bail-o-matie, key start only, $699.95 hot and cold water supplied Will re For information for you. Located on Elgin sx-room home, eentrolly lo- cated, 3 bedrooms, dining room, living room, and kit hen, modern bath, garage icely treed, shrubbery and wer n Summer months, front and rear lawn, Vacant February Ist, $90.00 per month rent, JOS. E. SHIELDS ESTATE BROKER AO 8-2874; Evenings REAL MO 8-2473 Whitby PAINT ror C.IL. Call DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER 7 Byr MO 8.5231 STORE treet Sc LETTER CARRIERS $2,850 - $3,6000 POST OFFICE DEPT. WHITBY, ONTARIO only Ig Post y and apf patrons of Office ication forms Notional Em- Operi the Whitby Deta ot Post Office ployment Offic and the Civ Service ommission, Apply before FEBRUARY 10, 1960, to the Civil ommissi Service Clair TOR( NTO, woo AYERS sors GLADSTONE AVE. 6.room brick home, 4 oil heating, 3-pc. bath, garage, some furniture now. - Good value at $11,900 with only To inspect call Ozzie Addison, RA 3.2254 NORTH AREA -- NEW built, spacious 3-bedroom brick ond stone bungalow, @ home anyone would be proud to own, and situated in a lovely area surrounded by new homes, features many extras includ- ng tiled bathroom, colored fixtures, built-in vanity, exhaust fan in bright kitchen, built-in valance box and cove' ceiling in large living room, etc. A much higher-priced home, but going at the lou_frice of $12,900 with terms, Call Ozzie Addison, RA 2 2 blocks from King St down -- 2 up included. Vacant $1,500 down A t About 0oms Custom RICHMOND AVE §-vourm brick sik lhe Bi wn area home with oil heat n right RA 3.2254 now. mave St. E. overlooking golf course and Coronation School area. Very conservatively priced at $12,900. You couldn't beat this voluc for your dollar, Corries for $57.00 per month For anything more you would like to know call Audrey Mc ( RA 5-6140 ¢ onkey at SMALL BUILDER SPECIAL Adjoining Beau Valley, ap proximately three acres of lond with attractive five and half bungalow mall barn and two-car garage of- fered for <aly $17,900 with terms, Location of the build- ing permits the subdividing of the existing lands into 10 nice lots. For inspection call Ray at 5-3412 room RA RA 5-6165 A 5-3412 19 ATHOL ST. W,, OSHAWA BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 QUALITY USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. WEST RA 5-0732 60 H.P. used, $695.95. 18 ft. Weymouth Cruiser ful ly equipped 40 H.P. Electrie motor, $2,695.00 16 F moulded mahogany equipped hardware, runnning lights, steering, speed meter, spot-light, rearview mirrors remote control with 40 H.P, Electric motor and trgil- er. One only at this price $1,499.00 REE STORAGE TILL SPRING 24 MONTHS TO PAY OPEN 9 AM, TILL 9 P.M. TUES TO SAT AJAX MARINE lo Highway At Ajax PHONE 1266 | Barristers & Solicitors 20 Simcoe Street North Os hawa, Ontario | NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditor hav elaims against Estate JOHN KRAWCHUK, late of the City of Oshawa,.are re quired to send full particulars of such claims to the 'under COLONIAL signed, solicitor for ALUMINUM INDUSTRIES | Bxecutrix, on or before day of March, 1960, which date the Estate's assets will be distributed ing regard only to claims thot have been received ERNEST MARKS, ©.C. licitor 17 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario DINING ROOM SUITES CHROME & DINETTE SETS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS CEDAR CHESTS COFFEE & STEP TABLES TRILITE & TABLE LAMPS Many Other Terrific Values at Giveaway Prices! BARONS' HOME FURNISHINGS 424 St. $ and 'other the Simcoe the the after Spring Prices en hav- ALSCO Call ou Aluminum' Siding wholesale division COLONIAL ALUMINUM INDLU WHITBY STRIES MOhowk 8-5861 (Continued .on Page 1M)

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