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The Oshawa Times, 1 Feb 1960, p. 14

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i -- a "Hi!" came the noisy reply. dining hall he ordered cups, fall of rock at the 3,400-foot her: Salamanders and Other Won-| VILIZATION, by Charles Gal are some of the topics of this Brother Murray, a New Yorker, plates and saucers to replace level of Kerr Addison Gold ders. The final result, Exotic Zoo- lenkamp (David McKay): book. Legends. rites gods and disengaged himself from the army-type trays. | To Polls Mines. logy is a most scientifically in Mr. Gallenkamp is an arch-!gemons. the solirces of nan's be. shouting youngsters. | The 190 boys at the orphanage, | An apprentice miner, Robidas formative book, yet writien in an aeologist. writer and photogra- jiefs and asp rations from primi. bese > ranging from 3 to 17, are given had been employed at Kerr Addi-|azsy, humorous manner pher. After five archacologicalitive man to modern. explain his EASY INFORMALITY the freedom that a responsible son for only a few months . His| The members of Mr. Ley's zoo expeditions to the land of the an- spiritual roots Anv student of my- Later he pointed out to his parent might allow. They may go n er uar parents live at Field, near North pe legendary and real, prehistor- cient Mayas, and extensive re-ihology would find this book most visitor how much at ease the downtown to sports events, mov-| | Bav. ; ic and modern from al! corners search on the subject, he may be enlightening boys appeared to feel in theirijes or for sight-seeing. | TRIVANDRUM, India (Reuters! H. _Pleau and G Millette, on of the earth, and from all periods considered well-qualified to write presence, | Mount Cashel teaches to the|Voters in tense Kerala state|N¢ Same work crew with Ro-|of time, Their origins have been|on such an interesting topic, in- LIBRARY BRIEFS "That's part of our program £0} :ni grade the lads moving to|trooped to cast ballots today to 0i3as, escaped injury, veiled in myste distorted by|cluding excellent illustrations! The program for the Little Peo. | eliminate the institutional - type other schools run by the brothers |elect a new government in place man and time, in the telling of|and a bibliography. ple's Film Hour, for Feb, 6, (a' youngster. We're trying to make|,, .ontinue their education butlof the Communist administration . legends, in vivid imagination, in| The author has given a com- (2.30, in the Library Auditorium a home for them, not an orphan- eating and sleeping at the dismissed by India's central gov-| Rail Chaos jumping to conclusions, and in prehensive survey of this ecen-/is to be: age. . . We are like parents." |, 112)a0e Besides regular stud./ernment after bloody rioting guages. Like a good detective, tral American empire from its| Water, water Everywhere: The 60 - year - old orphanage of |;.. hare are classes in music, [Seven months ago. Mr. Ley presents all the knownorigin, through its history of Lumberjack: Birds of Canada, 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, AIG 1960 | Red China Wary |] CLASSIFIED ners Of Mr. K's Tour ADVERTISING Found Dead | By ROY ESSOYNA (guodwill, this could be at the % HONG KONG (AP) -- Nikita/Propaganda expense of Red (Continued from Page 13) ioy reap' a rich!/China. The picture that wil - lk / 3 {Khrushchev . : Y liti harv 3 his visits|emerge will be one of 'a recalci-| 52 Legal Notices 2 In Collier Political IRAYeS! um luis Yisits | rant Red China made to toe the ¥ ae this month to India and I rags oa lier wilh COALBROOK, South Africanesia, but much of it will be at|Bne Aro: 0! § ol} 8g NOTICE TO CREDITORS |(AP)--The South African Broad-|the expense of his major Com. Khrushchev. AND OTHERS |casting Corporation said that ac-/munist partner, Red China. i Khrushchev himself has much {cording to unofficial reports to-| The Soviet premier will in ef- to gain, Any successes he may| consult your family physician so pa that he can diagnose the cause bers, Later it narrowed its sights and suggest proper treatment, to the two helpers. [pear ven wns aon Artist Honorary panied by a snapping of the Member Of Union | joints. Can you tell me the cause off TORONTO (CP) ~-- Artist R. this and what I can do to allevi- york Wilson will have to finish ate the condition? the 100 - foot O'Keefe Centre Answer: There are many con-'mural himself--but he got am ditions that might cause sore- honorary membership in the ness in hands and feet, among Brotherhood of Painters and Dec- them, arthritis, neuritis and aller- orators out of the settlement, ' gies. The union originally insisted I would recommend that you nr Wilson and two helpers 1inting the mural become mem- IN THE ESTATE OF WIL- |day all 435 coal miners died infect be poaching in Communist achieve will enhance his prestige LIAM JOHN LAWRIE, Den- the Clvdesdale colliery disaster China's backvard. and reputation among the un- tol Technicion, deceased here i; {' Red China is embroiled with committed countries, and it will + All persons having claims | The disaster, worst in South|India in a bitter border dispute, | Strengthen his hand a the sum- gga inst the estate of William |african mining history and the'and with Indonesia over that "it conference next May 3 ere Jute ot the Sin (worst anywhere in post - war government's expulsion - of Chi-\ WILL HAVE TRIED 4 ~ years, occurred Jan. 21 when the/nese merchants from rural Even if his attempts at peace- Ontario, Dentel Technician, |men--six whites and 420 Negroes areas. Ail one Badia 4 deceased, who died on or |_were trapped by a heavy falll Khrushchev will be travelling naking tall, Kistusheney SHI vil about the 29th day of De- lof rock in his favorite role -- that {ls 5 er cember, 1959, are hereby i 's | peacemaker--but he has littl 3 : : The radio held one minute's P makxe but as e 4 E hi achuhas notified to send in to the |.aive and then played solemn [chance of bridging the gap that| Whatever Khrushchev does undersigned Personal Repre- | cio in "deep respect to the de-{has sprung up between Peking 'S safe to say on the basis of X on the one hafid and New Delhi experience that he will do it in sentatives of the scid de ceased." ceased on or before the 22nd the name of world peace and and Jakarta on the other, 1 v A relaxation of international ten. 2 g nd bricklayers Duréng the weeke A un umf THAT SWAMPS THE 'LAUGH BONIS' J JOMN_GREGSON 1\$o an PEGGY CUMMING Naw! § AH 7 he L i 'S Table A apis Ty J CALARTS SRT BOTH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT y © rua u ' oe i Wig 8 fn ran for their lives when two nine- MUST SAVE FACE sions. 9 | Immediately ofter the said | IP} thick br ck walls being built) The positions of the three gov-| This may be no favor to Com- Ss date the said Personal Repre- underground collapsed {ernments have been defined too munist China. Its economy stag ; i v Several rock falls destroyed the sharply in the last several weeks gering, its party ranks split bv To \ id od ttre sentatives will di 1 i 1 f 1s i f wrmit any ag! ¢ r! dizsonsi n . \ assets of the said dececsed walls, designed to sea! off the to permit any drastic retreat by dissension, Communist China is having regard only to claims eastern mine section to prevent any of them without major loss pushing a tough, aggressive for. of which they shall then hove |1P® spread of possible fire. of face. eign policy--not peace and rela | SEA-GOING MISSIONARY notice Officials sald the water in the] Even if Khrushchev succeeds ation -- to keep its overworked : : boreholes did not necessarily!in restoring some of the tattered'millions working and in line. j Canon Alan Greene plays a | ing loggers, fishermen and In- | 250,000 miles by water between DATED ot Oshowo this 22nd |mean that the underground work- -- portable organ as a youthful | dians along 250 miles of coast | various settlements, He will day of Ja 1960 Y group joins in singing hymns | on north Van ver Island. 4 continue as parish priest at the } . s were flooded, and technical . K . JENNIE LAWRIE ond cials were "urgently consider. Soviets Fired aboard a boat of the Columbia | Canon Greene, retiring at 70, | island community of Redroofs what further 'steps can be . . 1 age Coast Anglican Mission, The | ha WILFRED JAMES LAWRIE taken." served the mission for 4 ake! . oe their sclieitare mission has four vessels serv- ~ years and travelled more than | CP Photo by their solicitors But rescue workers said the C 'Second Missile an at - - ---- McGIBBON & BASTEDO miners must. have been crushed h h | WASHINGTON (AP)--The de- . Barristers & Solic 5 to death by millions of tons of urc fence department has announced LIBRARY WORLD 20 Simcoe Street North, earth and rock falling into the that the Soviet Union apparently Oshawa, Ontario working passages I t I Fi fired » second missile into the - - v central ic Sunday. | | 0S n re A U.S, Navy plane on a routine » QT FAC N 5y _ vir. patrol near the impact area pre. O00 Le 3 er url ] S New Ways Used i PSct MINA, X 5: {Cr I ya viously designated by the} ng ha ORGAN MUSIC Colin Corbett, 'he Poet Of The Hammend Orgon APPEARING NIGHTLY AT THE GENOSHA HOTEL agers, who eight months ago, . vainly looked out to sea for the|U:S:S:R. reported seeing what i : 6 * ' fierce storm. sav veir church |the atmosphere about noon E | nn Ip anage burn to the gr aturday. { The brief announcement s | Oo XO 1( ! C0 O | The Stella Maris Roman Catho-' the impact *"was in the general , return of lo s caught in a|appeared to be a mi rs/area previously announced' by] By JOE DUPUIS of his ideas, Dormitory beds were !ic Church, more tI an 100 y Moscow but i ta | t n iu ress Staff Writ rearranged to provide breathing old, was destroyed. Villagers i} 0SCOW ut it gave no details The following book re- mysterious Himalayan yeti Hi re, forest, burning copal incense or Canadian Press Staff Writer hace "so that now vou can drive! the blaze, fanned by strong winds Russia on Jan. 20 fired a super| views were written by a staff [too is a fraud from the Middle one of the ancient altars to a long 57. JOuN's, Nfld (ch) Spa: Pd a YOu oan | Tye was so intense they could watch|rocket into the central pacific, member of the McLaughlin [Ages when monsters, unaccount-iforvo'ten god of his ancestors. Brother J. M, Murray was show- 2 Sha t al Cm = a +. lonly from a creat distance. The!area about 1,000 miles southwest] Public Library ably known as Jenny Hanivers| This book is a fine addition mg a visitor rough Mount TOS 0! Hu Ormeryy. uns | re was not known. of Hawaii, Moscow claimed the! EXOTIC ZOOLOGY, by Willy were ob ly manutactured by to the roster of hooks on the ex- that| cause of the he parish priest, Rev. J. A, 'rocket travelled 7,760 miles from Boucher of Baie Ste. Anne, said'ils launching pad and landed 1 e when they were only inches apart so reached the bovs' dormitory when a doctor visited a sick boy (Viking). indiscriminate rortunists forie'tine and fascination subject of N ly Ley, the German scholar es and gullible collectors of archaeology. "Well: Ie } \ at night eight beds hs to be * : or . . ) Well, look at this nov he moved: 10 Ar iim il reach | construction of a new church willionly 1.24 miles from its "pre. and scientist, who is probably rarities. These fakes were made mat shouted. 'We've caught some o his 2 ey | probably . begin in the spring. determined point." bes! known for his book "ROCK: from rays -- inedible fish and dis- THE MASKS OF GQD: PRIM- you in your underwear. Isn't that| is Patien | Part of the $15,000 loss was cov-|- - - ETS, MISSILES, AND SPACE torted into the fanciful shapes of ITIVE MYTHOLOGY, by Joseph Cashel Orpha ien for tho who man' iterested in the origin of the common origins of his inner gs, mythology, zoology or life are progressively re- shouting in chorus: "Hi, Brother|*'a horrible conglomeration of ymberland Strait claimed the heart: Paleontology. On this sub- read, Murray." They clustéred about,!stairs, cubby holes and narrow lives of 35 fishermen from the Crushes Ma 23 [ject also, he is well known. Injare i one holding up a water color hallways." He also introduced| Escuminac-Baie Ste. Anne. area n, Mr. Lev's zoo, he has included thir painting for him to see, another pastel shades for walls and ceil-| - ~~~ VIRGINIATOWN (CP) -- Ar-|excerpts from, and additions to paleontology. vealed" squeaking a toy bear ings to get away from "that drab, imand Robidas, 23, of nearby previous books, now out of print i ha vhategy ? bes " i A D MAYA -- THE RIDDLE AND| The psychology of myth, . th "Well, you haven't said Hi to|grey whitene usually associ-| Kearns was crushed to death|his The Lungfish, The Dodo and mythology of planters and hunt- my visitor," he reminded them. ated with orphanages. For the! era da oes |Saturday afternoon under a one- The Unicorn; Dragons in Am- REDISCOVERY OF A LOST CI ors and the functioning of myths ton f: : he: foe af: shocking." Brother Murray had connecting ered by insurance TRAVEL", has digressed in writ- snakes, basilisks and dragons. Campbell (Viking) The dozem youngsters laughed, passageways built to eliminate] 1, June a storm off ~ortt-| Fall Ot Rock ing on a subjec: dear to his| Exotic Zoology is a delight to| "As the outward aspects A 1 art s. nephist hecome visible which Brother Murray is PrinCi-ho there raft, mechanics and The Communist regime of| evidence, pro and con, on each achievement, to its mysterious No, 5; Chick's Great Adventure: pal is operated by the Irish! to" t dec The Mount Cashel BE. M. 8. Namboodripad was dis-| or on on subject, and gives the scien'ific decline just previous to the Span-!Gentleman Jekyll and Driver Christian Brothers who also oper-|y. 4 i popular in the city. missed and presidential rule in-| solution or plausible explanation ish conquest. He vividly describes Driver Hyde. : to the mystery the artifacts, carvings, temples, ate three schools in St. John's Istituted following six weeks of and fearsome religion and customs of this near- Anyone interested in business attended by more than 4,000 smn the Rh Brother | violent demonstrations against al- | Here are giants holi Jol Wa t 9 ieved to be p vtatorial rule ph : ip near. Roman Catholic boys. There are Join Conv i Irish Christian leged dictatorial rule. ~~ ommu eIrs (dragons, basilisks, ens, uni-|ly extinct race, as brought to hooks may have a copy of a Read-| 64 brothers here as well as five" : iy se Police reinforcements were corns and sea serpents; strange|light by archaeologists during re-/ing List for Business and Indus- in Grand Falls and six im Corner Brother in the world. He stillimoved into the southern state t0| LONDON (AP)--A rail union's|creatures such as warm blooded cent years. He pictures one of the try. This lists books in this cate. rook, eaches music once a day and boop the Peace ds g Sections "strike If you like" call brought|reptiles disguised as birds, birds|last descendants of this great|gorv in the McLaughlin Public Li- after several murders ar vio- : ) {without wings » feather sople i S 2 whi i Brother Murray, who speaks after the first snow storm the Jent 'clashes ih. past weeks for| Chaos and Sonfusion to London Withon ng a Is or ieathers, peaple n a long Seserted temple brary, which have been published rit t N for ' : . ' . jcommuters today. ompound plant-animals, an e'lost in an overgrown tropical rainiwit § ive with a strong New York accenl.|.yite . hajred brother was out|which the Communist and anti-| OTE OY 1 stations were grown tropica- rain within the last five years. came here a year ago with mod- Communist fronts lame each a " @ iy y ---- ern ideas about how an orphan- BSW a |tuer. Ee une sormally, ut Japan Coal FOR BETTER HEALTH shovel age should be run. The casual | ~ J The two main contestants -- ao "0 RE a as greeting "Hi" was one reflection] Contracts totalling $12.9 million|triple alliance of the national rul-| >" nes T al s thinking. "It makes the} y ing Congress party, the Praja : of his th 2 were awarded by the Federal |ing 5 .I {was only a partial service. . » kids feel we're their pals, as of WE > Socialists and the Moslem 3 . : aT Department of Public Works in . Fin | Buses were running normally, 0 e a e course we are League on one hand and the Dashes Fron done ine as n ni Inia There are also physical results/ June, 1959 Communists on the other -- both : | predicted v in the contest, The London district council of TELEVISION LOG iii sito itis £2 Kills 25 Men | Difficult To Diagnose can e last 'assembl .|last week the union called for al | 3 ny t seats in the last assembly--a ma OT Bl TOKYO (AP)--Rescue workers] HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, MD! small part of the intestine then CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamiltor CBLT-TV Channel é--Toronto jority of 22 over the Congressinational rail strike on Feb. 15 A ni nei . . ~ v 8 2 Both were to protest delays in 'eported finding the bodies of 25] VAGUE and occasional ab. enters this hole inside the body. WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buftalo WROC-TV Channel S5--Rochester pariv. F a) miners after a gas explosion dominal distress sometimes can . = MIGHT BE OVERLOOKED . Most political observers here meeting wage claims i OI . Weer : WGR-TV Channel 2--Bnftale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale|y cq the anti-Communist So the London district council ®3r¥ today in an ill-fated coal he traced way back to develop- SR : mine in northern Japan. ment of an internal hernia. of/ The situation might be over bers to defer today's strike, al-| Eighteer other men were the intestine' of the human looked entirely during early life, ance for victory, but there were Sunday night ordered its mem-| {at all, and on five others there GREGORY AVA - PECK GARDNER FRED ANTHONY ASTAIRE PERKINS 1:50 - 4:15 6:45-9:10 TODAY OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE PRESENTS ROBERTSON DAVIES' "OVERLAID" DIRECTED BY JEAN SHERIDAN LUCILLE FLETCHERS' "SORRY, WRONG NUMBER" DIRECTED BY DOLORES VICTOR ANTON CHEKOVS' "THE BOOR" DIRECTED BY PATRICK MANAGHAN . at McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE FEBRUARY 10, 11, 12 AND 13 8.30 P.M. SHARP BOX OFFICE AT HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 -- 8:30 AM. to 6:00 P.M. MONDAY, TUESDAY, FEB, 7, 8 -- 4 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. ON NIGHTS OF PERFORMANCES -- AT THEATRE, 7 P.M. GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 v : M. 4--Learn About Things [fears that unless the Congres oF A 0 Q : MONDAY {1a a nA y | "To Do |party. itself secured a working though it added that any man| trapped 3,600 feet below the fro- embryo. n fact, Dr. D. J. Sieniewicz, a EVE] 5-2 Price Is Right | 2-Three Stooges majority the anti - Communist|Who did come out on strike would zen earth. Officials of the mine| wfadically, we refer to this MoPireal, Canada, radiological . said they still hoped the men ht specialist, says that many such! 5:00 P.M. 4-1 Love Lucy 3:15 P.M. front would break down into the|get union support. intestinal disorder as. mesente- Wo dd id AM. j >-Ferui Film rivalry and bickering which have| For hundreds of thousands of would be oud alive, ut 85 the ricoparietal herniation, But no|C2Rditions go unrecognized $-- Playhouse I's entration | 5:30 P.M, made this area the most pol-|commuters it was a question of ours went by today fear fori oe. poo vou pronounce it, it throughout the patients' lifetime 4--Learn About Music | 4_December Bride i--Rin Tin Tin itically unstable in India. [turning up at the station to see them increased YAaY. mean a Nietine of cil-cud: and are found only during autop- 2 Three Stooges 12:00 NOON ag Hg Complete results will not be if their regular train was run.| Nine other men crawled toon trouble, % set iol ] { ; adiological study is impor-| known until Wednesday, although 'ning. Motor car traffic was run-|safely after the first searing 6:00 P.M. the outcome should be clear ning about 70 to 80 per cent Dlast, and rescuers brought out DIFFICULT TO DIAGNOSE [tant. he emphasizes, in helping Show Tuesday. above normal. 10 Hines despite 2 dire Geking Because of its indefinite na- © FCCOBhize abnormal patterns onderia) ~. around the pit where the men ture, it often is a difficalt ail and assessing clinical data, 5:15. P.M, Feature Film 5:30 P.M, My Friend Flicka Weather HE PLUNDERED THE LAST SAVAGE CORNER OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC! RH "Universal International print JEFF CHANDLER MARILYN MAXWELL ANTHONY QUINN COLOR BY =*echnicolor, "EAST OF SUMATRA ADDED ATTRACTION §--McGraw t f 15 P.M. 6:15 P.M 'were trapped. Onlv one of the 19 : : 3 Superman PES hon lanes Wik | CROSSWORD PUZZLE was seriously injured. {ment to diagnose The physical CASE FOR DOCTOR 6:00 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House > 1 "The fla : . symptoms must be studied care-| T 7 7-- Early Show 12:20 PM 6:30 P.M, The flames burned for Really fully or the true source of the Now I'm pretty sure that few iE § ' 2:30 P.M. | 11--~Family Theatre { four hours, then were checked. 3 v of you with abdominal distr 1-6 , t- New 54.2 vs; Weaths AUROS! 3. Deputies = mawsi- | TIN roble y be overlook : abdominal distress ~C Jories 7--Love That Bob +7---News; Weather 1. Bunk bd Am on y oh 160 LOST IN 1938 {P Dem may ve overlooked have ever thought that the! 6:13 P.M 5.2 It Could Be You 6:45 P.M. y place It was the second major dis Usually, victims of this type of hlame may be placed on mesente- 8 The Vikings 4--Search for Tomoriow ' 64.2--New ; (slang) 5. Mexican wreath aster at the mine at Yubari, on hernia will complain of vague ricoparietal herniation and 2:45 P.M. i Huntley Brinkley 5. Related dog 24. Dun ha 'thern Japanese island ¢f |periodi iatrass for LoDa rniation ang, 6:30 P.M TET Revert 9. St a the northern Japanese island cf periodic abdominal distress for a/whether or not it should be, is 11---Family Theatre + Ginding Light. | ". in 8. Com gee pans | Hokkaido. A gas explosion killed [number of years. They may! comethi vhich vour doctor Guiding Lig 7:00 P.M. 10. Smooth 7. Miss Claire, 25. Travel- 1160 men there in 1938. Ti : \ ; » 3.6] nas something whic your octor | 6:45 P.M. | 1:00 P.M. o--Tablold ast) ' - {1 n there in 1938. The mine also have a small bowel obstruc-| must determine. 5-42 Weather: News | T--About Face S5--The Rifleman 3 an aciroas is one of the richest owned by ition, but this alone may not be| But the fact that some cases! 11-6.4.3-Weather; News | 3-Movies $-The Trace . Crane or 8. London part the Hokkaido Colliery and Steam- vidence rele u x 4 some cases! ; enough evidence for a physician's ahd roul | 3--Huntley-Brinkley 4--Aeet The Millers 2-Sergeant Bilke . heron prison of |ship Company. Io sispect the Basie bates or mn of abdominal trouble might be Report 2 =a Day ations 7:15 P.M. 32. Creep 11. Striking street More than 500 men, women and |{pouble. traced back even to before the 10:30 P.M. BELL | 7--News; Weather 35 Sheepitke success 29. Music {children surged around the mine . [victim was born, shows the 11.6_The Town Above | '00 C od Toms | 7:30 P.M 5. Ahen ' (slang) note {entrance, wailing tensely for X-RAY EXAMINATION {idiocy of trying to cure such] | 2:00 P.M. 7--Sugarfoot 16 Patt o 2 y 13. Citrus fruits 30. German .. |news from below. A cry went up! He myst also conduct an x-ray distress with homemade reme- 7-Day In Court § 3; Donta Reed x" pint. (abbr.) 19, District state Indian {as each survivor came to the sur-|o cu mination or have a radiologist (dies. s Cher Helene Worse | 4-Whiiobirad oi Achstomed Attorney 81. Kansas 29. Hazard [face Most of them were unree- |oonit Ba 08 OF BES a ra 5 OBISt! Still, many of you do it day nen For a Daye 8:00 P.M sheese (abbr.) nyer 40. Has |ogmizable, their faces blackened n lhe palien', in and day out. | 11-6--Chevy Show 20. Fluctuate 21. Greek letter 32. Feels (archaic) {and hair singed. This type of congenital hernial : | ; Yn Ann SoAhers 24. Land 22. Flectrified one's wap 42. Constella. | The Yubari area was white un. occurs in this way: an orifice, QUESTION AND ANSWER | 6-- Viewpoint 8:30 P.M. measure particle 85. Think tion {der a recent snowfall. Waiting or hole in the supporting tissues! I. C. M.: A few months ago | 26. Garden tool 2-Sports Reel 11:30 P.M. {friends and relatives were bun- of the intestinal tract, fails to|I noticed a soreness in my hands 1 3 Fast by Idled against the piercing cold. |close as the embryo grows. Some and feet which gradually dis- 7-Wyatt Earp 52--Fibber McGes 4--Dobie Gillis 9:00 -Late Show | 5~Home Cooking { ial 909 4--Houe Party | . | s3--Jack P a fabbr.) pa Pid Tneatre 2-Thin Man | n Ch 28. Joining TUESDAY | 33. Thread - : 3:00 AM. | { : i SAN | trom ore' STEVE COCHRAN 32--Today I 4-News: Roundup | 2:30 P.M. { 34 God of love 8:15 AM. f1--For The Ladies | | 27. Man's nick MAMIE VAN DOREN 4--Captain Kangaroo | 7 ho Do You Trust i | name 8:30 AM, 6 ckground | | 38 Erpium RAY DANTON y--Devotions 52---From These Roots | 7--Alcoa Presents | (aym.) 5 a 9:00 AM. 4 Verdict Is Yours 4-Garry Moore i ThzoaRe can 4:00 P.M. 10:30 P.M. 9. Athspuse AY SPAIN RATIO er 11--Popeye . 7--Coronade 9 ean Adian MAGGIE HAYES 5 Di ag School 7---American Bandstand | 11-6--P; "on y ry 3 Ding Don 4 = oT 32 House On HH Bl Teo Contaran » #1. Pundit AA | 2-Martin Kane treet | 2--Johnny Midnight | 43. Meat jelly 9:30 AM. I Se ghies Day a i1:00 P.M. 44. God of wat hy > ? JACKIE COOGAN 11----Movie { . 1-7-6-5-4-2--New A . uw ui | 4:30 P.M. Weather; Spc { 45. At that time A Ir Romper Boo | 6--Friendly Giant | brn 5 iid | 46. An Ameri- ; and LOUIS 4--Life of Riley | 3-2-Split Personality | 4 can's nicke TY ARMSTRONG 3 Holen Nevis raze of Nig | pane AN ALBERT 2UGSMITH PRODUCTION Rae 10:00 AM. CMa Mn art 47. Stockings Z 2-5~Dough Re Mi 4 ' 4--Red Rowe Siow TUESDAY FVE f--Sports Views 10:20 A.M, 5:00 PA. 5-2-.ack Parr on Vat y= 1k | &~Fheatre 3. Cunningly - 7--Morning Show 11=Family Theatre OUT OF THE SHADOWS OF A VICE-RIDDEN CITY comes James M. Cain's mast explosive drama! BENEDICT BOGEAUS samen " SLIGHTLY SCARLET JOHN PAYNE - ARLENE DAHL - RHONDA FLEMING ADULT ENTERTAINMENT TecunitoLon DAYS ONLY MON. & TUES. P Runt - 3 7 | 2--Play Your Hunch 6 Children's Neweres! 11:45 P.M, | . 1:40 . 3:40 . 5:4C ADULT "on The Geo | Playhouse | &-- Boxing i Vicious bare | 7:45 and 9:55 ENTERTAINMENT

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