J THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Februery 1, 1960 TODAY'S TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Excbange--Feb. 1 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. 3--0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw---Ex-warrants.) INDUSTRIALS Net Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 335 83% 374 ITU 250 $22% 22% 20% 250 $20% 20% 20% 400 25: 255 200 95 250 940 772 Stock Abitibi Abit pr Agnew-S Alta Dist Alta Dis wis Alg Cen wis Algoma Alumini Analog Argus 240 pr Ashdown B Atlas Steel Bank Mont Bath Pow B Bell Phone + % 2 245 BCE 4% pr BCE 4% pr Forest > Pow BC Phone Build Prod Cal Pow Can Cem C Bank Com 250 Cdn Brew 200 C Collieries 2100 C Colli pr 3300 C Curt W CG Szc A CG Sec B C Hydro Car CIL Cdn Oil CPR Cdn Wall B Cockshutt Con Gas TORONTO STOCKS Stock Trans-Mt Ven Pow pr Woodwd A Curb Anglo Nfid Asbestos CG Inv C Paper Dupont Int Utd Alminex Am Leduc Anchor Asamera Bailey 8 A Britaita Calalta C Oil Lds CS Pete C Chiefin C Ex Gas C Husky € Husky wis Charter Oil C Dragon C Mic Mac C West Pete Cree wis 38 Dome Pete Duvex Dynamic Fargo Home Oil A HBOIlG Jump Pnd Ll Pele Medal Midcon NCO wis ne y OG 675 OILS 300 1000 7100 2000 120 100 700 200 706 1700 1700 270 100 200 3100 100 350 800 100 195 1000 2000 3000 500 Net Ch'g Stock Daering Deer Horn East Mal Elder Falcon Fatima Frobisher Giant YK GF Uran Grandue Gulch Gulf Lead Gunnar Heath Hud Bay High Low 11 a.m. $10% 10 10% + % $15% 15% 15% + % $21 21 21 ---% 250 250 250 +5 $514 5% $17% 17% $7% $25 $32% $41 $21% $35 5500 2200 500 400 Jellicoe Jonsmith Kenville Kerr Add Kilembe L Dufault Lake Ling L Osu La Luz Lorado wis Touvict Macassa Macfie MacLeod Magnet a Maralgo Marcon Sales High Low 11 Net a.m. Ch"ge 16% 16 16% --1% u n% 160 156 140 140 EAL) 65 195 195 10% 31 6 $10% 6 850% Mine Closure Frays Tempers | | | BANCROFT (CP)--A represen- tative of the United Steelworkers of America (CLC) cused Canadian Dyno Mines lim- ited of betraying its obligations to its employees by announcing it would close operations here June 30. | Addressing a public meeting, Harry Waisglass, assistant re- search director of the Steelwork- ers in Toronto, attacked the Ban- croft mine for selling its federal contract for uranium to Gunnar Mines of Saskatchewan. Mr. Waisglass charged that if Gunnar receives $4 a pound for its high - grade U-308 uranium concentrate and sells it under the [new arrangement to Canadian {Dyno for $7 a pound, and if Canadian Dyno receives $11 a pound from the Crown agency,| Thursday or Friday Sunday ac-| area representative William Powell. Reeve Jack Brown of Bancroft said his community had geared itself to the uranium industry and if one or two mines could be kept open the situation would not be | serious. There may be only 20 more months of life left for the ura. nium industry in this area, said Mr. Waisglass. He predicted that the two re- maining mines, Bicroft and Fara- day, will have produced suffici- |ent ore to fulfil their contracts by the end of 1961. R. B. Kidd, representative of the federal department of labor, told the meeting an employment office had been establiched at the Dyno mine and would be opened to help mi- Eldorado Mining and Refining| ners hunt for new jobs. Company Limited, Port Hope,| |then Canadian Dyno Will make a {profit of $150,000 to $200,000 a {month by not producing. 200 AT MEETING ! Although no union f@presents the 350 employees at Canadian Dyno, Mr. Waisglass was invited QUICK RELIEF FROM TORMENTING PILES to speak to the 200 persons at (without pain or discomfort) the meeting by Steelworkers'| regular Mecca | " brought Somfort and healing Ay Massey-Ferguson | Comtroller Named TORONTO (CP) -- Norman H. Penny has been appointed com? troller of North American opera- millions of people. | And Mecca Pile Remedy (in Ointment form and in the new Tube) for relief from the distress of internal piles, has all the impor tant ingredients of internationally known M Ointment----plus many other special, medically proved ingredients for attacking and shrinking painful Piles, and bestowing healing comfort, If you have inflamed or protruding Piles why suffer needlessly another day?--get the new improved tube of-- {tions of Massey-Ferguson Lim ited. | % ki e you ask for MECCA and a Hamilton bank and is Mr. Penny is a former direc- Ma riod ad proved blessed relief that to close the deal any [tor and ve-president in charge Mecca Pile Remedy No. 1 ean bri ng You. - CP Wirephoto |of finance of Chrysler Corpora- -- tion of Canada. MECCA PILE REMEDY No. 1 PUBLISHER OFFERS TO BUY TEAM : | Toronto publisher Ernest W, | Cat Football Club of the Bi | | vi | Curd ed in ready time, | Whelpton has made an offer to | Four for $170,000 cash. He has | the Hamilton Tiger- d he has the money deposit- | purchase | e eight vear-| it has already | the manned | over. to replace th 100 jet. But the day of is nearly } bCo 3 "xd LobCo pr xd LobCo A wt 3 and PR all as is Oshawa Bowling Lanes King St. W. & Stevenson Rd. RA 3.2631 THURSDAY 1:30 P.M. IIOOWIYZAZ 3 Arrow Halliwell and § 4000 Jomar US. If , what then? ikon Con Sales to 11 $79,000 nung y the Bom i JOIN THE FUN! "MAKE UP A PARTY! IT'S HEALTHY, IT'S FUN, IT'S FREE' The Canadiar , could rr Sy a a y gover U.S. nment inter- Rege on Sud . Conwest 400 Cop-Man 12 Coprand 164 Craigmt 350 urt Tor-Dom Bk 52 5! Tr Can PL 505 $23% 23% 22% 350 350 on 846. WANTED $1,000 FOR THREE YEARS Will Pay 8% Per Annum Reply to 451 McEWEN DRIVE KINGSTON, ONTARIO 57 ki Lime 5 L 3 been esti- tated payers as well as the government |maied at '$125.000,000 hi costs of the Bomarc! ing going on for the see- Hercules anti . aircraft missile a brave jer, Que lure by the U.S. Air 1an the reputed range of mis- Ap 3 | e 200 %0 ubt that the future of the more Nike base 500 % Shi ENRICHED BREAD ; : n A " 9 9 9 about the Bomare last year and rather than depénd on the un-| 1 scale about 1940, ment cancelled i Arrow jet in- PREPARING SITES * Slater Co. Ltd. year ended with pr ration of the sites for ended Dec. 31: 1959, $32,878,195, missile's operations | Trans - Canada Corp. fund,|000,000 to $20,000,000 is ear- . Quebec Liberals party leader said Saturday he| pared. will be presented to the electoral | 10500 1000 5 | 39900 OTTAWA (CP)--Defence Min-! Canrada's the total ceptor ter Pearkes could have been cost of the an |the other day when he said it ructio one Bomare bomber 'very forlunate" that th and the SAG unit has, For some air defence, it could ing is still ( craft missile site near Mont Laur- Which can operate independently "AF tried to pot without the SAGE system. This tive fail-| wien the w was cancelled A orce Friday ke / ow was ca celle ' ! 1000 Y 1% |to launch a Bomarc-B test Bomarc--80 miles compared 3100 | ark on de . wi BD tassh bid sil i h y with some 400--but tI problem 1000 50 am. |weapon is becoming darker with officers have said 300 |every failure, The U.S. Congr e been well ad- oe Bread enrichment -- the addi- i likely to be eve Sp tion of synthetic vitamins and its attitude is likely to be even proves Bomare, harsher this year. |terceptor 11 months ago it an- STOCK MARKET nounced plans to acquire the Bo- NET EARNINGS Prudently, it didn't commit any money for actual missile : 1959, $494,003; 1958, $512,-/two Bomarc bases and the SAGE --semi-automatic ground environ- | $7.58 a share on 4,338,338 shares;| The defence department al 11958, $16,371,019, $3.79 on 4,318,- ready has spent about $10,000,000 year ended Sept. 30: 1959, $453.- marked for this work in the fis- 561, $2.06 a share; 1958, $387,884, ca] year startin pril 1. i - | 'Ready For Election SHAWINIGAN, Que. (CP) - thinks a provincial general elec- tion will be held within four The Liberal party program and| its doctrine have been worked | shortly, Mr. Lesage told a Lib-| ral women's banquet. Bomare- old CF- for Canadian tax- SAGE program [Unit $ Ss paying for all started near North Bay. Survey- 2¢quire the U.S. Army's Nike- ond Bomare {face on the sixth ¢ onal weapon's range is| the gove Canac 400 435 425 3" 4 were seemed to be no major could be overcome by installing 3000 - : had some ng things to ed to take this action long ago| als--wa mineral 8 adopted on a large When the Canadian govern-| marc-B for anti-z aft defence. By The Canadian Press purchases. But it did go ahead | Steel Co. of Canada Ltd. year ment--system which controls the 825 shares. on site work and another $18,- $1.79. ¢ Jean Lesage, Quebec Liberal months and his party is pre. out at regional congresses and] SAA PSP helps youlaug at the old 'can't save" idea! We are pleased to announce that MR. WILLIAM J. PARKER | | is now associated with our Oshawa branch and will be located at i 22 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA RA 5-3591 J. H CRANG & CO. 40 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO EM 3.8611 Branch Offices in 13 Ontario Cities, New York end Nassau MEMBERS: The Investment Dealers' Association of Canada All €Conadion Stock Exchanges Wide smiles all around! Dad just made the down payment on the family's first home. How did he do it? He saved for it with his BNS Personal Security Program. Next project they'll save for with PSP is Juniors college education. Dad knows PSP is the surest way to save. With your Personal Security Program you set a savings goal, then reach it with 50 equal monthly payments. When you reach your goal, you receive the amount of it, plus a cash bonus. And as you save, the full amount of your goal is life-insured. NOBEL PRIZEWINNER RESCUED Dr. Lynus Pauling sips a cup | a rescue party in the rugged | Big Sur coastline. The Nobel- prizewinning scientist ad been missing after he lost his way on a trip in the rugged terrain. He was taken to hospital and treated for exposure. of coffeee at the spot where he | f --AP Wirepholo | was found Sunday morning by Bond Financing Slightly Down |. TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian provineial, municipal and corpor- ation bond financing in Janu: totalled $114,510,671 compared with $116,169,835 in January a year ago, says a compilation by Wood, Gundy and Co. Ltd Financing payable in Canadian funds was $110,760,671 this Jan uary compared with $41,169 83; year ago, and the p | 1 $51,250,000 compared with $107, f 116,775 a year ago; municipal || was $23,920,671 compared with|| $9,053,060; and corporation was! $39,340,000 compared with $3,250,- | 000. | able in american funds was $3,- 750,000 compared with $75,000,- 000 There was no federal financing over two years in term. Provin- direct and uaranteed was To Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver 4 Find out all about PSP ~the sure way to save THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA A NETWORK OF OFFICES ACROSS CANADA AND IN LONDON « NEW YORK o CHICAGO « JAMAICA « CUBA PUERTO RICO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC « BAHAMAS « TRINIDAD « BARBADOS « CORRESPONDENTS THE WORLD OVER amount Get this free booklet at any branch of the BNS Construction Total Up In January 1960 TORONTO (CP) - Canadian construction contract awards in January totalled $214,244,700, or $35,607,000 more than in January a vear ago Hugh C. Mac- Lean building reports. The figure| For information and reservations OY was $96,143,500, up| contact your nearest CNR Agent. 19, 7 4 The COOTITERTRL Ask your CN ticket agent about the tremendous savings you can make under our new Group Economy Travel and CAll Inclusive" Western travel plans! Also Pay Later Flan available! says Manager: Oshawa Branch, Kingsley M. Hume.