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The Oshawa Times, 2 Feb 1960, p. 9

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dhe Oshawa Times SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1960 PAGE NINE Name Committee On City Manager Blame Death On | Pass Motion P Intoxication Unanimously - : ; : : i \ 4 , A coroner's jury took only 2'isample revealed an sleohoic Son Mayor Lyman Gifford Monday |"the way this council operates i A ; Pr A : , i oJ Se ------ minutes Monday night to decid] ent/ of 13 Janis. pet sane. night brought in a motion to set is far superior to the way some J # that impaired aging due fo hn he Secepled a up a special committee ig in- pities carry on their municipal § toxication cause he dea 1] a § 1. 4s vestigate and report on the city business', ! BANK OF MONTREAL PURCHASES VALUABLE DO W NTO W N BUSINESS BLOCK Christmas Eve, of Louis Milton] Lawrence McGovern, who lives manager form of government, or! Jackson, 39, of Town Line east.Inear the scene of the fatality, {some alternative form of govern- OPEN MIND The Bank of Montreal re- | Athol streets, from Spring Bro- | two years. The block, which | was later sold to Paramount | thers. This picture, taken about Jackson was killed about 6 p.m |'estified that he was eating Sup- ment which might be an im- Said Ald, don Brady: "I'll ap- n > 3 iv a p > iJ: - cently concluded negotiations | thers. The bank, which it is | includes three stores on the | Pictures which had plans for 15 years ago, indicates that few |When the car he was driving lefiiner about 6 p.m. Dec. 24 when he provement on our present form prose A any findings of the com for the purchase of this desir learned paid in excess of $130,- | Simcoe street side and four on A the erection of a modern thea- chan 2s have been made in re- the road on Simcoe street north 1eard a bump and saw a car g0|of government mi Jee ib an open mind and able business block, at the | 000, plans to erect a modern | the Athol street side, was once | tre. The premises later passed ange jo " pe George Miller Soul the ry] rast the window. The Hotioy passed unanimously Stucy them Slosely. Any. new re r 'ner Si iy 3 r. Belt estate e hands Spr "0- fC the sestigation revealec for as Ald. Gordon Attersley com- endations wi ave to be northwest corne S pan ¢ the site within the next ' owned by the Dr. Belt estate. It | into the hands of Spring Bro that his inves! ¢ : are [i ) ie ) st corner of Simcoe and ' bank on the site wi : the car travelled a total of 335 HAD TWO DRINKS : mented, "It's only a committee Prett good to SUrpass our pres- | feet after it left the road The dead man's brother co. study". ent system. P The car had crashed through a George Jackson, said that the vie-| "ay (5 0 cites was named by Added Ald. Norman Down: | jf T < | , guard rail travelled 150 feet/tim had two drinks of Yhigkey h the mayor as follows: Aldermen "For a city manager system, . A along the ground before flying 27/his Taunton office abou "% Marks, Murdoch, Brady, Hop-| You'll sure have to have the right feet through the air. The car then p.m. kins and the mayor himself. Be-/man. But I'll wait and see and be hd ' bounched and travelled another' Another witness, Armand fore the meeting was over, the @ good listener." ar in e oe ! 52 feet before hitting the ground|yourth, said that the vietim hadlcommittee had named. Ald] Ald. A. .V Walker wanted to . . again 7 staggered when he left a Taunton | pyro ke as chairman know what the special committee ' The car ploughed 73 feet Jonze restaurant the afternoon of the ac-' Before unanimity on the mo-|Would do. . 3 j »d a 29- creek be- cide a . d srme Oshawa General Hospital was Ald. Bastedo said that the N and jumped 8 20700) reek Deijewent, : tion was achived, WAldermen|oypging CONSULTAN turned down Mondav night. o "needs of the city' must come fore coming to rest. The car ha The Oshawa. Fire Department Thomas, Dafoe, Attersley, Down request for a parking lot i t ; flipped on its top when it hit they qt, pe called to pry the dead and Brady had commented on the view ithe committee. Cheirr BS) E: arking ! ' 2 eitn: ha ree south part of Alexa a Par} The question now centered k 4 opposite bank of the creek man from 'the car. situation hadn't been chosen at this time) The city property mittee around a line of stately old tre Ro HAD BROKEN NECK Members of the jury were Ray- TO SEEK INADEQUACIE the committee should discuss the concurred the t vhich Ald. John Brady said would A v Dr. J. "A. Patterson, coroner, mond D. Burton, 354 Jarvis street Said Ald. Thomas: "A special feasibility of bringing in outside parks management ¢ I ve to come dow th 9 2 f said an autopsy revealed Jackson Cephas B. Gay, 126 William committee was formed in 1956 {/consultants "who know much that the rk land gd helargement to the parking 'o! wen wy, , had died of a fractured skull and street; Hugh McLelland, 554 Har the recommendations returned by about municipal government." kept or park 1 p anned : BL p . a 3 a broken neck. Dr. R Clark mony road; ( Allan Statham the committee were not approv- Ald. Walker wanted to know if The pror vy commit ; nan Down § he A {pathologist at the Oshawa Gen- 865 Law street and Charles Wil- ed by council. I'd like to be as-| City counci il would sanction Spend. tion for 1 a RIF Bl he said a e w % L : eral Hospital, said that a blood son, 57 Hilltop street sured that some investigation will [Ing of monies spent by the council h turn Tow an . ig. Dastedo wa ¥ ? : sy 3 be done here to point out inade- ¢!al committee : amendment by ayor ym lifer and that perhaps new a ; |quacies (if any) in our own ad- The mayor said he wouldn't Gifford as f the mat to parking space sho be ' taken 2 . ministration think of engaging consultants be dt rty con n gol rs Y 5 4 . tru © ee & "I can't be convinced of the Without first going to council for tee for furt stu \ayor : ) play ; 3 ol 3 r- Ineed for radical change here," ratification. But the mayor did "until wrongs are think that the bulk of the informa. specifi \ » d cor ) f under the % : - s pecifi y 55 : pe J : ' she continued, : promise pointed out at the municipal tion which the special committee ; » [] 5 ' % . E 5 " ' 1 . would gather could be obtained Ss ( VATION r ' ke te 2 tt m level. Why should we follow a pat- ids a 5 Ald AGoRAY ATU} ymment , Pp v " t 4 oll : i z : | Oo A ain Ai S tern dictated by some other com- by means of written correspon- d iW 1 SPOX¢ 4 3 : 7 munity just because that pattern "¢Nnce ing that he was from 1 an listened tc Ald ks I Py that tr prairies " A 4 ; g R i i . sr for at cor un very well treed pr a t of words and 4 "It is not desirable to turnjor to' grant too much independ- Works Dette or. tha mmun that the ng p t } 1 un yt i pat Z b3 thexalnals fap " es ) STING Vo . ity Ba 4 ? hack the clock but 1 feel that in ence without requiring responsi y aT hospital was goin Ira. or \ rading a knot of 4 aking » challenge nd uncer- bility Summed up Mrs, Thomas ew I by the - 3 p i he taking the challenge ar } ary don't feel anv benefit can be dc : 4 - at vated even more " tainty out of life we are re- posed new addi ( duipp tedo : Bd = moving that which made our civil- SCREENING OF PUPILS rived from an outside study built, would use u ( an put down vq notes now : A ; Www oon flourish," commented The secondary schools in Osh- the time." the existing parking space at U 1 wh, 'st air ? hi oid i Norman Sisco, principal of Dr. awa have adopted a system of Ald. Finley Dafoe said he felt 0 e fa hospital ver »d the of n that Ald ® 3 i F. J. Donevan Collegiate Insti- Screening An honest effort is/that a committee would have fc 3 to the hospi- ; i OO LE tute, at the Mondav meeting of made to screen pupils and assess come up with something pretty . rou valk, "Ald. 'Defoe 3 co Al . 1 the Rotary Club of Oshawa in Heir I ilities so they can be goed to. 'beat our civic govern admitted that was very true 8 : 4 2 p Hotel Genosha. placed in courses where some men ; arc Cit 4 Bsked i j oo" i : i i " Ald. Gordon Attersley said that The mayor said in his own And added Finley Dafoe: "This 4 a " ; The speaker, who was intro- effort is required," "commented city canl give citizens all the % J f duced by Rotarian George A, Mr. Sisco. "There is a iendency The annual meeting of West. parking they need. Thev should * i Fletcher, chairman of the Osh-|to look on school as a place t minster United Church, Oshawa, use the public transportation ki ; » awa Board of Education, spoke get some facts which will -N 11 g t was held recently iat Thor To Donate Cheers from Mayor Gifford ig or i 3 > on the subject 'The Challenge ful. That is whv it is di cul to] ew Co e ia € Ain Say > Bel Loran wher 'sits on the public utilities service ~ jaa | gn 3 : . z of Education." The thanks of the get pupils to take Latin, which is itn board " gr 3 9 ¥ ; A club was voiced by President an intellectual exercise. The pupil Plan Pattern ji Bev. W. A. Gibb, opened $500, 000 ---- i " : Dr. D. E. Sturgis. will be of greater service to his a the meeting with a short worship po : »mployer and himself if he can T™ 3 4 Rotarian Sisco commented that &MPI0} * - 3 3 shlig CELEBRATING Pp 3 ; ihe middle of the 20th century develop his intellectual re- i | One of the highlights of the Fl i / v the middle o ne 2 entu sources." | meeting was the report from the council for a h alf million dolla 1 t Wishes Jo ihe folle ¥ ' More than 950 Marching Mo- , the Marching Mothers busily en A total of $9450.41 was collect vas referred to finance comm . 0 ha JH arching the Marching Mothers bus 'n- | A tota of $9450. as collect cial if they were to learn to do a i who" a elebra the chairman, Trustee G. Flet Superintendent, reported an en- who are celebrating tht raise y . . ta y , d p 'war S. >, y in a letter to the council that he| Central Park south night to raise money to | MacLean. Standing, from left, | may still be forwarded to Mrs cept of history and the method of {yesources enjoyed by residents of Four new elders, R. Munn, F. t - wrong to break history down into ence of communism 1100 students but it is not expect- SBSSION. Campaign objectiv spt 'oe n- street possible to see the entire picture ih no " : be ! 3 Pi gh | .asthaver A .. that type of a struggle," said Mr ike 3 y a new colleg $850,000 with an additional $1,100 Walter Dyck Oshawa clearlv. Toynbee, he said, had de- Sisco. i Like ae ocvl, the new calles |g Crawford, were elected to the 000 coming via federal and pro-|' Mrs. B. Lane. 4. Oshawa: veloped a theory that civilization -- [late will be a composite schoolig ,.q of Stewards. and provide for academic and vo- y The new addition wa t awa ay, 2 Ibe C F d C od oc 1 % stores in ; treet 4 - A challenges it encounters. Once ompact or ar per cent of the school will be used the report of that group. At the would add 200 beds to the ' Windsor street; J: 3 i civilization meets a challenge it A | for classrooms and the remain organization meeting 'in April, oe bv. 31 Fernhill. Bivél.:* Maur- cannot solve, it will decline Selling Success ing 20 per cent for shops 1950. 12° charter. members joined 1 8 i 2 cha its suggestions to the architects, He told co 1 that I S arthe nfonn Norman Hodgson mani of schedules and some reported con-|engineer trainees, a plant en- ing to swim. Great men over said Monday the company's com- of Toronto, as a preliminary di- travelling apron, two bake that normal nnerating occupancy 4 k hawe i Mr. Hodgson said the men; who on construction and agriculture, repair men, 2nd and 4th class Rotarian Sisco emphasized that gales -- considerably more than The plans outlined by the edu-|_ - ------------ - the halls at the hospital 2 \ 1 Sherrah which are in demand during the The demand for single, quali- cist and registered nurses children. For the same reason aid Ford i udying theiy 'p Armstrong's building and| ST. BRUNO, Que. (CP) -- was never turned a \ shawa Times of phace of the winter works cam-/in most cases the places were take to allow them to drop sub- compete directly with Volkswa- cipals of the three Oshawa col-|elected mayor of St. Bruno, Que., The Oshawa General Hospit y no doubt will be thought of as , build ng committee, given by | {advanced by Ejnstein rsd : os toward a ¢ nstrue-! : p .y |chureh building will be ready fo oward financing constru mgratulations and bh MARCHING MOTHERS COLLECT $9450 | well as the advances in the social izations to do too much for young general plans as the O'Neill Col- use: zhout tiie first of March E dents of Oshawa T 4 n. chairmar the Se Seatec . of t re Ar fe A Tm 9 x ] . % ty > Sun. T. L. Wilson airman n days today canvass of Oshawa and district lected. Seated, from left, are | less than last year. Donations | Arnold Toynbee, a noted his- 5 danger also that the high stan- tion committee of the Oshawa rolment ol 88 pupils. iri the Sun ' the ficht ags | are " totte " . dps 269 Cilendale T > a meeting Monday night v i i ; hoped for early verification of the| vyill 514 Miller avenue continue the fight against polio are Mrs. R. Wotten, Mrs. G. | J. B. Henderson, 369 Glendale. interpreting the past. Toynbee, North America would: blunt their eumng Waite, T. Patterson, and J. West- on the new wing could start by ayenye: Freddy Loscombe 5 |small segments as it is not then ed that this number will be reach- Five new members, R. Gow, vincial grants Douglas McNally Osh will continue to develop as long Mrs. Warner Brown, president ta Dr. A. P. Fulton addressec e Allen 5 Be tre It was pointed. out that a baby | The education committee de-|y,. "wi "Jater the members. in- 3 getting the con Og r I rald Cheesman provided winter jobs for 26 men! majority of local manufacturin Also needed in the city are a efforts to walk and the youth has wright, general manager of. ings were held during the year \ Gordon Adamson and Associates| % - tal was now operating at 3 ne ward } the National Employment Serv- side > overtime gineer, die designers, auto me- came difficulties and handicaps pact car is accounting for about Iéctive on the general composi- sales, catering, and individual was around 75 ner ee would normally be laid off, are could be expected, the man- stationary engineers, a commer- persons should not try to make had been anticipated. cation committee will be discuss- "routine." ary reet spring and summer fied stenographers continued to| Retail trade in the city drop- schools should not make their market for a car smaller than planuing committee, meeting|Gerard Filion, publisher of the wil . S S \ § TC g i : vill women mas rush, but most merchants jects because they were difficult gen and Renault. legiates institutes. Monday. vad, 4 BIRTHDAYS For aun ba ie. hers 1 vas Mr. lc' fling ha The nw Nel Colgate POPE, om, sien by Albert E as|there is an inclination for organ- Institute will be built to the same : : tion of the proposed new wing sciences people. It would be more benefi-/jegiate and, Vocational Institute Mrs. A. Joynt, Sunday School tee Monday nig tt thers made "a house-to-house ged counting the monev col- | eq which is approximately $600 INTERPRETING HISTORY things for themselves, There was|cher, and members of the educa: ital' rd of directors, said s. J. Menzie : gd tori 2 > Ww con- ay Se it acher hospital's board of director aid Josephine Pearson 2 Monday Mr J. Menzie and Mrs. J torian, had developed a new con- gard of living. and great economic Board of Education. decided. at day School with 14 teachers. velitis . sre are 30m p rg 3 awa Time Capacit pS be grant in order that construction! Carolvn Wilson. 543 Rosmere myelit Seen here are some of ' Garrison and Mrs. A. Pollard Oshawa Times Photo Rotarian Sisco said, believed it is ability to cope with the chal- apacity of the school will be lake were added to the present Mav, 1950 480 > >; Edward "A riety r wi ' 8 nu dw soft society will never win some time : . : : ed for some time A. Joynt, A 'Suddard, H. Scott, as it is capable of meeting the cational subjects Roughly 80 of the Woman's Federation, gave council, stressin druce One. company in Oshawa has|January, Mr. Hodgson said. The OPENINGS LISTEL must overcome difficulties in its WASHINGTON (AP) -- James cided that the board should give creased to 26. Six regular meet- siarted College by revis its work schedule, industries worked full production chemical engineer, mechanical to struggle against fear in learn- p,q division of Ford Motor "Co. | | Projects for the year included cent occupancy He plaine & é tuby ce, said Monday 'here was less outdoor work chanics and body repair men, TV before reaching the summit, 34 per cent of the division's total tion of the new collegiate. talent moriey projects Dr. Fnlton desert ( np Joh hap Taunton empl loyed in stockpiling materials ager said cial artist, a surveyor, a pharma- it as easy as possible for their| He s ed as soon as possible by Trustee | PUBLISHER MAYOR A patient in need treatment he lr v I to In As a result of the Do It Now exceed the supply, he said, and ped a little following the Christ. Courses too easy. It was a mis- current compacts which would with the architect and the prin- Montreal daily Le Devoir, was doctor, but, cases ¢ t their rthdays ea paign, he said, his office has been filled by married I gery tha 1 € aour cke The 'able to place 53 people and an. At no time was there difficulty managed to hold public con'd be safelv handled at t J Ines tor additional 35 in municipal winter in placing applicants with a good with January sales, accor date. had tt tien f= K rioc t vorks incentive programs. At academic or commercial back- report ven to the National Em- Said the doctor { rent att ion Is ne a present six municipal programs ground, Mr. Hodgson said plowment Service poo 1 r eit hay eneratior are in progress ae wen Dried Material campaign by displaving win vorks advertisir The Rota ry Club had vsed place mats for one / of its luncheons advertising the OW 5 uccess campaign, and a number of com panies in Oshawa "were using A [arge number of the mem- Sandford, Mrs. Les Guy and Mrs. pos > meter plates with the Do yoo of the Oshawa Horticultural! Albert Maskell It Now slogan Society attended the meeting, in| Modernistic arrangement -- { 3 t oy SR During the month, Dec. 16 to FE. A. Lovell Public School Mon: Mrs. Earle Sanford, Miss Emily 1 \ : Jan. 15 Fork had pees found Jor day right, when William Laird, of Machi, Mrs. Charles Silver and Sane oi eT rid #5 Maple Stove. spoke on the sub- Mrs, Les Guy advertising a > " fobs for scrap metal sorters, Kol. JMaking Friends With Basket of dried maserial; ngs watchmen, cleaners and painter Mr. Laird is also a camera en- Emily Macchi o VETERANS PLACED thusiast ind as he enjoys the Basket of dried material, paint- Numbers of cial placements great out of doors he photographs 4 Mr were made during January, Mr. the subjects of interest. The col Hodgson said. Among them were | ored slides, which were shown,| dei 56x veterans who were placed in|began with some beautiful win Mrs. Earl Sandford and Mrs. automobile manufacturing. Work ter scenes, followed by wild spring Albert Maskell was found for two disabled vet-|flowers and mesting birds, butter Peter Dryburgh was congratu- erans; 12 applicants aged 45 and flies and summer scenes. Alto- lated on his recent recognition over; .and 10 boys. Four appli- gether it was an enjoyable trip by the Board of Education as an cants commenced trainin | with a wealth of interest emplovee for some 36 years at courses approved. by the National | the E. A. Lovell School Employment Agency go to Les Guy Arrangement with driftwood - President Lloyd Johnston par ticularly welcomed guests of the The door prize was won by Mrs. The number of men looking for Naturalist Club and a particular|J. McKay. work dropped by the end of Jan-'walcome was extended to Mrs par y, Mr. Hodgson said General William Clark, formerly of Osh . . . Motors took on an additional 193 awa, who is now living in. Peter Windsor Building men during the month borough with her daughter and gs ? Figures for January, are 3614 who has been a member of the : OSHAWA MAN RECEIVES MEDAL unemployed me n and 1828! 50 iety for a number of years. Sold To Detroit Co. | women. Last month 3882 men| 1, con N s junction with the meeting v ™ 2 canter Signalman David Browne, | Browne qualified for =the Were unemployed and 16541, pried Material Show was he ld|y Noon 4 0 The ease: C a 5 i: i i i IV ave. | Bowie" 9 do 1 orien te ys hela Vindsor Industria Commission] ourt Oshawa, No. 501, Ca- | The highlight of the evening | retiring district deputy, Everett | puty Chief Ranger E. King: Bawa, 3 member Of. |. yor . pleti Aree SELLE TN today announced the sale of the nadian Order of Foresters, was | was the installation of James | Kine. of Bow manville. Mr. King | High Vice Chief Ranger Harry feceives the UNEFR | months serv vith the United OVERALL SITUATION GOOD hy wat es building and property of F.E.| honored Monday night by an | Hurvid, of Oshawa, as district was the recipient of a card | Phinn, of Brantford: District : i Nations Emergency Fores in Althou th the supply of workers Win Rl > jh Albert Ma Dayus Co. lumber and building' official visit of Harry Phinn, | deputy high chief ranger of the > set from the lodges of the | Deputy High Chief Ranger Maj rt the Middle ¥ nm ud St 'a : Ih ceeded oy ge kell and "Mis Emily Na id supp > firm to Russell Inc. of De- high vice chief ranger of the | Oshawa - Bowmanville district frict in appreciation of his | James Hurvid and Fraternal Di- a \ I I a » overall employmen ll 2 ss E ace troit for use as a plan for manu- order. He was accompanied by | The impressive ceremony' con- | service aught k he ¢ PI i rT y Sr, Major - Stan sl Dilebce Pho 3 all ¢ tent kell a diss Em h. jtroit for | rder as & F: A imj si ceremony' con- , services. Caught by the camera, | rector Ted Drage, of Brantford, y 3 0 Isituation remained good during' Table Centre Mrs. Earle facturing wood frame windows. E. G. Drage, fraternal director. | cluded with the investure of the | from left, are Past District De- --Oshawa Times Photo

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