12 THe OSHAWA TIMES, Yuesdey, February 2, 1960 let" 2.25, 5.30, 8.45 p.m. Marks -- "East of Sumatra" 5.40, 7.45, 9.55 p.m. Last com- THEATRE GUIDE ! Ia compee show at 8.45 p.m D fi . P f A ge. e © e a b, pe ; 1.00, 4.05, 7. 13, 10.25. "Slightly! plete show at 9.25 p.m. iciency Pay ACY OFTHEYEAR! gram is aimed at keeping the current national average price Agriculture Minister Harkness ual producers will be cut off IS | (@ JOHN BREGSON debate by unanimous consent of LT a if | RY AVA ¢ v aza -- "On the beach" 1.50, 5 RE! Mi 1 at Tr D f ds 3 PECK GARDNER 1 § | Brock -- "Idol on Parade" 7 i gr 6.45, 9.10. Last complete ITS HE - nN S 153 eo on A FRED ANTHONY | 10 pm. "The Last Angry Show at 9.10 p.m : ASTAIRE PERKINS | Man" 8.30 p.m. Last complete Regent -- "The Bea Genera- THE BIG BIG 1:50 - 4:15 OTTAWA (CP The govern- will pay registered egg produc- 6:45-9:10 | MH E L D 0 \'"4 E R Y .. L government from piling up an and the average for the last 10 IL 4 BNE told the Commons Monday after 4,000 dozen grade A large & SRG Re J PEGGY CUMMINS : the House so that he could ex-' EXPLAINS WORKINGS On 5 cl show at 8.20. tion" shown daily at 1.40, 3.40, UN-AND-MUSIC SHOW hl ment's deficiency payment pro-ers the difference between the 'unm s Prorat WHAT DO YOU A GAY COMEDY THAT SWAMPS THE 'I/AUGH BONTS' anageable volume" of eggs, |years. The payments to individ- om The minister made his second eggs a year--the output of about Bt---- ETS gan Mrs? / 1X NADIA GRAY % na appearance in the throne speech 500 hens pp ingosothe A / Ta SINDEN i 5 COMES ALIVE! plain the program, He cited figures for the first & He said the program is aimed at cutting back egg production to "more manageable proportions." three weeks in January to show »" ans able how the payment system works. The national weighted average § Mone SHEA EATION PHTRATO BOTH! Adult Entertainment Use of a national average price price for grade A large eggs dur- for gs in determining the de- ing the last 10 years was 33 cents ficiency payments is '"'a much a dozen. The national average fairer and better method than us- during the first three weeks of ing regional averages," he ad- January was 19.3 cents a dozen ded i Thus a deficiency payment fig- u nder the plan. the governme: nt ured on this latter period would] 3 WED. & THURS. be 13.7 cents a dozen the dif | ference between the long - time th 5 FILM FES TIVAL average and the average in the § i 3 Church Groups January period j { " SussH If a regional system were STARTS TONIGHT SE anitoba farmers would be| SONGS! Elect Officers yo. None oy a prov id al By MRS. LORNE JONES average of 27.7 cents a dozen for Under the Auspices of the BALSAM and MT. ZION The taba price ih he ist three OSHAWA FILM COUNCIL ) and / McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY Ot 1 li Sunday school meeting was held weeks of January was 1 cents Zo Lh Tuesday in the church base- a dozen and the deficiency pay \ ment with Rev. T. Fleetham pre- ment thus would be 12.5 cents' a --_-- COLUMBIA PICTURES | St PRESENTS siding dozen--less than under the na- Officers were elected as fol- tional average sys.em 0 Superintendent, Grant Car- SUSAN ST assistant superintendent, - AOHNER ' Murray Jones: secretary, Ronald , Jones: assistant se ry, Lorne i; Disney treasurer, Gladys Dis "DON'T 114 Cradle Roll leader, Mr. Frank Coultis; Missionary leader, Mrs | MATTRESS Ralph Jones; temperance, Mrs. Harbron: - pianists, Sharyn TUESDAY, FEB. 2, 8:15 p.m. List DAY: iT WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3, 8:15 p.m. ars SoxuRaN THEATRE Ray DANTON ¢ Foy SPAIN fone Mary Jean Jamieson TH (1 SEE im Mrs Don aa ie TREE sTooges SEH yf + oo || BicLAUGHLIN AUDITORIUM | "se ieson a ladys sney: § [] " tinioP boys. Don Temes Allan THURSDAY'S --rrrro EAST OF SUMATRA | Free Admission by Tickets Only GENERATION" ise Tans. Sor ir PAPER" TICKETS AVAILABLE tmediate, Mrs. Cecil Disses, FROM THE McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Mr Jack Empring- _-- ® yomoreo tala alabede tal teat ££ be bo sgn CLIP AND SAVE THIS ADVT. FOR FUTURE REFERENCE! I'he 'congregational meeting fol- with all committees sub- reports, New Elders ans Ty The Citizens of Oshawa and District! The Active Service Class mel INUOUS DAILY FROM 1.30 P.M Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Glen Manderson with the president Mrs, Allan Carson in 4 the chair Readings were given by Mrs Cecil Disney, Mrs, Earl Disney and. Mrs. Lorne Jones The following officers were elected: teacher, Mrs, Burnett Jamieson: assistant teacher Mrs. Ralph Jones; president Mrs. Earl Disney: vice-president s. Allan - Carson; secretary a Lewis Jones; assistant sec Mr. Cecil Disney: pian Allan Carson: assistant Mrs. Cecil Jones, < committee, Mrs, Walter irson, Mrs. Ralph Jones. Busi- committee, Mrs. Lorne ones, Mrs. Thomas Jordan Leaders for program Mrs Jack Empringham, Mrs. Waller Carson, Mrs. Burneit Jamieson, Mrs, Lloyd Wilson and Mrs, Lorne Jones. 5 o $ Auditors, Mrs. Reg. Hoskins, Ti I} and Miss Kathleen McAvoy " a gu. : . i WA MEETS \ The monthly Woman's Associa T when Mrs ' follow cd'by a , > Sh YES! . . . when you hold an International Credit Card you can purchase almost any item or service without : paying out One Cent at the time. Your International Credit Card is not only good locally but wherever you ; go, in Canada or the United States . . . Now, it won't matter whether you have the immediate cash or not 789 35 ; . . . you can take advantage of Special" BUYS or SERVICES by just presenting your International Credit Card to any of the Businesses listed on this page. And, remember .. . you are billed Just Once Monthly. when you hold an m by rs. Cecil Disnc Mrs. Thomas Risebrough and Charles Fiss were chosen to onduct the February meeting 123 456 Brooklin WMS ir. 5 MRS. CANADA Ruxiliary Has Annual Meet By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKL IN The Afternoon Auxiliary of Brooklin United Chu WMS was informed at its annua ceting that a total of $1051.64. was raised from various WMS projecis and donations dur- THESE OSHAWA MERCHANTS LISTED BELOW WILL HONOR Can Obtain An a SE YOUR PURCHASES INTERNATIONAL oh 7 yn = = = preshyterial The various secretaries report- ed an extremely busy year and M oyd Bradley, recording WHEN YOU PRESENT Y I secretary disclosed that 11 meet- . ngs were held with an average attendance of 18. There are 15] fe mefnbers and 14 ordinary] . Hg ti clliott, correspond-i ® % ® Alvi Rug Company Glory Ann Shoppes Oshawa Auto Trim Smith Sports ind press secretary reported it the annual report had been arded to presbyterial, and a 34 Simcoe St RA 5-9332 TT 62 Bond St. W RA 5-8042 353 King St. W. RA 3-937] 1siderable amount of publicity : 1 been derived from the var press reports which had ap- Here's How You ACCEPTED HERE 5 Simcoe St. § RA 5.1321 456 789 35 Th Your International Credit Card COSTS YOU NOTHING! ' B : peared after cach meeting ond Clothes Shop Horwi . Oshawa Camera Centre Starr Furniture and 55 King St. E RA 5.2474 orwich Credit Jewellers how S Centic RA 8.521 Appli OPTIMISTIC REPORTS ' Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5.0342 LTD. Oshowe Shaping Cente > pphiances Optimist ; resorts wefe Hs re ; 20 Simcoe St. 8 RA 3.7133 491 Ritson Rd. S. RA 3.3343 123 ceived from Mr: dland or . : sii wane ibserwions. 110m Cannings Lid, Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5.8443 Parkway Television ; 5s MRS. CANADA a ews 1 SO Lary ict i C5. Thommen on qharoTy 14 King St. W, RA 3.7632 : ct 918 Simcoe St. N. RA 3-3043 Television Enterprises MR- Toi Terertss Lilg atare soe 20 King St. E. RA 5.1512 Lighting Unlimited 217. Stacey RA 3.3553 etary, Mrs. J. H. McKinney, on Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 8.0922 Oke purchased 2 rine Dancey's Shoes Pollard Radio & Television hompson said gifts 18 Simcoe St. S ra sasa3 | Lodwick Electric Service Service Walmsley & Magill d used clothing had been sent to 56 Prince St RA 5-6369 153 Simcoe St. S. RA 3.9512 9 King St. E. RA 5-3506 Just Pay a visit to one of your favourite Stores listed here and nissionary h AA t a k Dean Kelly Appliances " ; : tei Fhe mansaer that you woud He tc becone =n Ire)nat al ccretary. recalled that i . . y Cred re der ey wi srnish you with all informe in. ty n feces temper i i Rata Electrical Applia Premier w Ward $ Auto Supply It's SIMPLE, QUICK and EASY join. Why not inquire. TODAY! and the: United Nations at nces 68 Simcoe St. N RA 5-1179 79 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-8353 us meetings, while it was i 92 Si St. N A 0 ported that the group ed oy _Fabrie Town mcoe St RA 5-4711 : Remember: « with the WA in sending shawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6579 i : illi and used clothing to the Meagher's Presion decorating Walmer Williaws Victor Mission, and aided is x v i erv n UNICEF callection Fowler Television Electrical Appliances Supplies 17b Bond St ioe ge 5.3531 a al 306 King St. W RA 5.1685 5 King St. W. RA 3.3425 19: Bond 51. W, RA 3.4322 - Bp s. WMS FINANCES ' y Yo ; : ; u 0 a er stone. Franklin Simon Oshawa Appliances Sam Rotish Men's Wear ng Folks Stone ne. yes 4 bs Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 8.5011 78 Simcoe St. N. RA 3.2815 7 King St. E . RA 5.2433 10 Simcoe St. S. RA 5-1531 $68 06 Mission 3and $192.58 Evening Auxiliary $375.00: After 1oon Auxiliary $416; Total