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The Oshawa Times, 5 Feb 1960, p. 15

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asle questions about owr ability THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Februery 5, 1960 15 TODAY'S TORONTO STOCKS |Record Insurance Sales |-os zr hims] = ----------"" |defeating and, in effect, an] TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS OILS Slock Sales High Low 11 a, M t ] Lit Of C d economic treadmill, he said. Make-up mistakes and shaving] For children's rooms and halls, By The Canadian Press Net Kilembe 500 355 355 335 --5 Y u ud 1 e alld a IGHT cuts can be reduced with proper recessed baseboard fixtures are Toronto Stock Exchange--Feb, 5 Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Kilem C wt 400 13 i {ach MIRROR : mirror lighting in the bathroom. |available which cast a soft glow (Quotations in cents unless marked S$, Al 200 211 2 aM --4 Labrador 23 23% . ; rie id) A dressing mirror is easier to i i ing § 2-0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Exs minex oo » Lake Cin 62 Waterloo, Ont. -- Sales of new to grow too fast, the price paid| if it is fighted ov tities on General ceiling light should be|at night without getting im any rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Armee Ja Po L Dufault 3400 9 +3 ordinary and group inswance of will be either excessive reliance| 2, Trim pn ny fa an supplemented by fixtures on both|one's way, the Electric Service ; . is 7 90 385 5 1$353,000_ 0 1 Jere repor i i hic) | A A a INDUSTRIALS Bail § 5% pr 100 1 Jamatve 185 184 18 on Ce of [°% foreign capital, which poses|Service League advises. Isides of the mirror. League reported. Net Panit 1000 = 7 {policyholders of The Mutual Lite; Ne Calalta 750 4 : | Stoc Sales High Lowk 11 a.m. Ch'ge ¢ oil Lds 500 3 3 A > " of Canada held here yesterday. Abitibi 135 $3734 37% 37% C Chieftn 500 11 acti 14 1 i | Insurance in force rose by $269,-! Alta Dist 100 260. 260 260 +5 C High Cr 500 3 34. 1 p 7 2 28 od ees ne" lS Edd wm nm mn wemuseaanaeetl LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY WITH FRIGIDAIRE el in C West Pete 3 385 5 Martin 3 31% 4 - Premium income of $65,000,000 | Alg Cen 2125 $18% 18% 18% Dynamic 3 39 136 137 + Melntyre 13 5 : : i a er 3 ? J . ,000, in Algoma 200 $37% Fargo 1 55 McKen 5 compared with $61,000,000 4 Home Oil B 2 10 . + MeMar 5 5 3 1958, and has doubled in the past Ma i Algonquin 9.9. 2 HBOILG 200 Si 13 McWat 3 ten years . AS Alumini 110 530% 30% 307 11 Pets a MeWat a wv peren + eee ~~ Argus 490 $29% 29% y Longpoint 5 : Meta Uran 13 1 2 E. A. Rieder, president of the 243 4 Marigold ) i 10 Min Corp 5 $12 2 Company, reported that surplus (73 ag Atlas Steel 7100 $24% 24% Ys . . CTRIC! Mayfair 3H 2 102 102 1ti-M ; 4 3 5 9 vy | Bank Mont 89 $51% 51% 51% Masialt i oo : N puna earnings of $15,772,000 were the | Bank NS 75 $66% 66% 667 Pac Pete 105 10% + New Cal B 2 o@ largest in the Company's his THE STAR STUDDED Bath Pow A 100 $40 40 Pamoi \ 3 . N Dicken 53 252. 253 tory Dividend payments to ) ] - Bell Phone 332 $434 4314 431 Petrol : N Goldvue : policyholders were $11,250,000. by 4 P Bowater 4 oe usa x 21 18 J 1% 1218 124 + % An increase in the dividend x ai M ERIAL PAIR BA Oil 250 $33% 33 33 200 241 41 a4 A 2 2 2 scale for 1960 has been an- d . 5 " BCE 5% pr 13 su Swppire | 30 65 6% 8 N Msiama 160 38 86 26 nounced mi With "Plus" features galore Can Cem 225 8 3% 31% + 3 South U 2 20 2 Nipissing 131 131 13] 1 Total assets at the end of 1959 hb H ¥ 7 i Long i x Spooner : 18 or 65 $434 4219 433 were $631,000,000, an increase of f 3 AEE Imperial Automatic Washer Model WIC-60 San Pen : Tidal 3 7 7 iate 750 ( 1 $41,000,000 over 1958. -- pe Makes anyone an expert in fine fabric care--lets you C Bank Com 49 $521; 52 2 Tans Can BPE] Codairm S600 13 1 : New mortgage investments ex- 2 b dial the right washing combination for everything. Cin Blew Ae + W Cdn 0G 132 173 pemiska 5 740 / 7 ceeded $37,000,000 and mort- ; Imperial features include. new Wash-By-Fabric Select- C Chem 375 7 Yon Can 2000 5 reha 23400 118 3 : gages held at the end of the == = tors for choosing water temperatures, wash and spin < Sollieries 8015 Dalhousie 000 ; 20 vrs 9000 23 22 2 year totalled $285,000,000 or speeds; Automatic Load Selector; Automatic Soak Cycle C Cot po 00 ; +} A A 45.2% of total assets. made to order for diapers and woollens; exclusive 3- en 225 $1 15 137 ; orta 5a 7" J The net interest rate earned . Ring ""Pump" Agitator for cleanest, most lint-free wash Cockshutt a $24 » + Advocate y 278: 2 , o ' 1000 6 0 the Company's assets was ever; new Automatic Dispensers that rinse new beauty Col Cell 350 40 05 400 ; hi 1 wp 800 17 7 - an increase of .14% over into clothes--even dye clothes automatically; plus Conduits 100 $12% 1 " 2500 42 ' le L 0) a0 2% lthe rate earned in 1958. {f Built-in Suds. Water-Saver. $nowerest White. mn Gas 115 $36 5 x } Con Gas B 25 $1017 1 10174 ac 2 77 i 4000 4 ) i In 1959 the Mutual Life was . . u Ca se 0% 2 pst 02 a > eal 220 ing : 1 |awarded administration of a plan Imperial Automatic Dryer Model DIC-60 Dist Seag 2 2 ve 29 > 9 - x 3 15 being underwritten by a number ! erial in every sense--makes drying os easy and D Fndry 5 46 4 Arca 7200 ; > : a of Canadian companies fo pro- ¢ as washing. Rivals its talented Washer twin Dom Stores 100 ih 47 97 3 : A 3 ertitt 75 209 205 2 3 vide increased surgical, medical ing "you-saving" feotures like these: New Fanny F 17 7 1 ) 5 5 i : 34 34 | and "major medical" benefits eat Selector with Fabric Guide alongside for guess- Fleet Mig 10 65 Jaska J50 1 1 i 2 Stdeona hg 4 4 : |tor the Public Service of Canada, . f election; Illuminated Easy-View Control Panel; BT oe Io 2hu. 27 verre LA g a ! on 4 % 10 : involving 600,000 Canadians. "It \ Controlled Automatic Drying that shuts off when elothes Gat 5 pr 25 897 97 97 Bouzar 3 57 7 7 1 5 2 201 lis most 'encouraging to have our ¢ } are perfectly dry; Timed Drying, too, with Automatic G Dev 400 $173 1 7 + > ; > Temag 193; 193 Federal Government look to . 3 ! Signal when time is up; Automatic Sprinkling cycle has Ga A ] Brunswick 717 a ri) ) 2% 27 2 {private enterprise for the under- A clothes ready to iron in minutes; worksaving Wrinkles- GN Gas B wt 150 120 180 18 adamet 1 1 illroy 144 - 44 writing and administration of Away drying -for Wash & Wear garments; plus Easy- Greyhnd 200 $11 1% 1 v hit 0 620 XK Bear 380 104 8 such a substantial plan of Sliding Lint Trop. Snowcrest White urhey pr 100 medical and surgical benefits," he 5 wf EF 4S STOCK MARKET i er sine] ALWAYS QUALITY PRODUCTS--PRICED WITH THE LOWEST Imp Oil 331 33% 3 Cent Porc 1 3 economic growth of the non- Jd Accep 13 : b | 38 Chile M We NET EARNINGS Communist world depends on its iy 7 { ability to create capital, and this lly D A 50. $7 7 2 $108 y y | Labatt 3 % oo ae ' By THE CANADIAN PRESS lin turn, depends on the willing ; Lokeland 3% y 2 3 92 29 32 Burns and Co., L vear en | ness of people to save, especially } MB and P! 3 ; 16% vel ) ) 6 De 1 95 $1 3,000 78 2 | in e more mature countries, n Mass-F 50 $99 i0 ; 8 share; 1958, $702,000, 91 cents Policies must encourage saving, i ae bro 2 ) 2100 105 0 Canadian Chemical Co. Lt he exercise of private initiative, i 100 ' 1 5 vear ended Dec, 31: 1959, $3.31¢ |and the formation and flow of Mont Loco Moore 1370 n 000: 1958, $771.000 private capital Nia Wire B 100 1 1 of p ) 2 27 4 ; Fated Nw i Bs oo 185 162 Columbia Cellulose Co. Lid. | 1t must be recognized that (OSHAWA) LTD. Ont Steel v 3 \ car ended Dec: 31: 1959, $2,904,~ |there is an optimum rate of Pemnina 5. 817 Twp Ji adie 768; 1958, net loss $409,502 growth for this. country, deter- " se . " 000. x Ford Motor Company, year BE i ae or Your Frigidaire Dealer In Oshawa For 22 Years Horn 3000 » A 24 ended Dec. 31: 1959, $451,400,000, Erb} Ge fo te ies S| 90 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5-5332 t Sull 200 155 2 2 fo generale capital out of our St Maurice 7 8 2 ] der 300 2 142 Montreal Trust Compan ear own savings, If Canada attempts falada-s ; El So 00 7 a ended Dec. 31: 1959, $1,122,993, S---------- - Shawin 1 28) 2 Expl All 1000 61 2 ; - Simpsons 1 1% 31% 31 Falcon 35 $3014 $2.78 a share; 1958, $1,009,598, Spartan 1 1 17 1 3 Fatima 7400 66 2 $2.52. Steel Can 50 $80% 80% Frobisher 325 191 Steinbg A xd 100 s22 2 2 Geco Mine 3000 $16 Tor-Dom Bk 75 $52% 5 52%, 3000 13 Fa de Tobacco Sales Trans Mt 500 $I ( old 667 25 5 5 ph fin | G IRIE 2,460,877 Pound Walk GW 56 7 $10% 10% 10% ' ' ounas esos 30 sa 3 Junias 0 0 NR TILLSONBURG (CP I'he Anglo Nfld 7 Hollinger 360 _$26 2 Ontario Flue cured Tobacco CD Sug 25 S16% 16% 1 Hud Bay 220 $50 5 Growers Marketing Board re C Paper . $40% 40% Ye Int Nickel z70 $101 ban alos rests y 4 Dupont 25° $23 2 4 Inspiration 500 42 ported sales 'T irsday of 2.460 Irish Cop 600 170 168 17 pounds at an average price of ee hos 4 59.57 cents a pound. Sales to date J alte I " 3 2 67 pI. 6% Jaye Expl 2000 24 are 86,112,671 pounds at an aver Price Br $4215 42% Kerr Add 1600 $20% 2 age price of 55.50 LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE ON GENUINE FRIGIDAIRE The service around here is terrific! RANG E S ree REF RIGERATOR S Two pair of jeans come out of the puddles and value of electricity's low-cost versatility. In the fun of wet weather--go into the careful heat of : t few decades it has helped us take ch D R Y E R S ------ WA S H E R S automatic electric dryer. And hfs i -- Sy y Se ee sl 9% ou . "terrific" they' dv to be worn again. st i i ivi FREEZERS -- DISH WASHERS atoll yuu, enjoyable 27d helped reise eur Ning standards to a new high. two of the dozens of benefits you get when you put In the 60's it will do even more to help fill our electricity to work in your home. working days with pleasure and turn spare hours Largest Product Display More and more people every day discover the to leisure. Fast Efficient' Service Product Demonstration a TT J ir Factory Trained Personnel : Ly ; A LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Immediate Delivery wala Easy GMAC Terms SPARKS THE IRVINE AP PL IANC ES For further information on your electrical problems contact your electrical dealer or 50 BOND EAST nettomeunionsan RA 8-5841 | THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA WM. BODDY, Chairman ¢ GEORGE F. SHREVE, General Manager SHOP with CONFIDENCE and SAVE National Electrical Week -- Feb. 7th - 13th 0} | S LEE

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