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The Oshawa Times, 5 Feb 1960, p. 19

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BIRTHS CARD OF THANKS 44--Houses, Apts., Flats 45--Reol Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale [45--Real Estate For Sale For Rent NE BABIARZ Joe and Joyce are happy |simcese. ih to announce the birth of a baby daught-|eral Hospital, special nurses, Drs. Bald- Vv |Win, Grant and Stocks. Also to neigh anda and Janice, the Oshawa bors, friends, relatives for acts of kind-{room, hot and cold water, crmplete .|basement. Telephone OLiver 5-3368. er, on February 3rd, 1960, A sister for General Hospital. Thanks to Dr. King. ness, cards of sympathy, to the Rev. ) are happy to annbunce the birth of their daughter, Robin Suzanne, 7 fo Love, Robinson Funeral Home, in the] moo CAMPBELL ~ Bob and Deanna (nee|loss of a dear wife. --John Stone| MODERN apartment, four rooms and CAIRNS--The family of the late Edith Ibs. 13% ozs., on Thursday, February Cairns would like to express their heart- Annis, 10 Division Street, Bowmanville, 4, 1960, at the Oshawa General Hos-|felt thanks ahd appreciation to the MARRIED couple or two working girls pital. A sister for Bonnie, many friends, neighbors and relatives/to share home, Phone MArket 3-2512, E -- 1 would like to extend my hot and cold water, central, available anks to staff of Oshawa Gen-|now. Telephone Bowmanville MA 3-3100 THREE - room, heated, unfurnished apartment, with stove and refrigerator, -|FIVE - room house in Brooklin, bath. bath, in Bowmanville, central, immedi- ate possession, $60 a month. Apply Sam SIMCOE NORTH Lovely 6 room brick home with. basement apartment, Close to Rossland Rd For sale or exchange for smaller home. Gerald Barrow, Broker RA 5-3852. "|2 ACRES of fertile land, with many | APARTMENT land on Adel Street, Stephen r cards, floral offerings, sympathy| Bowmanville. POLLARD -- Keith and Doreen (nee|and kindness shown in the sudden loss Holmes) are pleased to announce the of a beloved mother. We also wish to INO an Fig Ty cB and) 4 of their daughter, Glenna Doreen, thank Rev. E. W. Fuller for his kind 8 bs. 4 ozs. on Sunday, January 31,and consoling words. -- Frank Caimns|OShawd Blvd. South 1960, at the Oshawa General Hospital. |and family. PUCHALSKI- Nr. and Mrs. William Puchalskd ¢ a MOON---I wish to express my sincere | RA 3-273 chals] nee quette) are happy to) thanks to each and every one who has|groy fro announce the arrival of their daughter, been so very kind and has helped us YE oh Jungalow Jor Tent Jum Leslie Anne, on Wednesday, February {over the loss of our dear husband and MO 85-4468 Whitby, evenings i en At the Oshawa General father, Roy C. Moon. We would like to Se -- ospital. Many thanks to Dr. Stanley. thank Mr. Saywell, Rev. Love and Mel- ; low, Drs. Baldwin Grant and Stocks, the|44a---Rooms For Rent nurses of 2A Oshawa General Hospital| purges or quoi, Sarge DEATHS who were so kind. -- Mrs. R. C. Moon| ¢ither two gentlemen or ladies, central. FOUR - room apartment, heated, re frigerator and stove, washer and dryer. REALTOR 187 KING ST. E. RA 5-0771 LIMITED CHOICE-- ONLY 2 LEFT : PRIVATE SALE $12,900, five room bun- {rows of young raspberry bushes, sit-| formerly Louisa Street. 180° frontage by galow, three bedrooms, large kitchen, uated between Oshawa and Whitby, |132°. Asking $19,800. Terms. Phone RA large recreatim room, close to school |Terms. Joseph Bosco Realtor, RA 3-492. and bus stop. Preferably cash. RA holy Ss aim j s-9870. a Roms TWO new split level homes, Burns 3-3167. WILL take - anything useful, value|Street, Whitby. Low down payment; $1,400 as down payment on house in|near schools. Phone RA 35-3406, eve- | o Hillside Heights. RA 5-9466. Inings RA 3-2044. N.H.A. resale 6%, two - bed- room brick ranch bungalow, attached garoge, many extras, 4 close to schools and trans- | S OW S e A! portation. Owner transferred Private. $15,500 or best offer. REALTORS RA 5-6942 STOP THE SEARCH LOTS wile for something different. This fascinating ranch style bungalow in a peoceful residential district is very unique in N.H.A. approved, full pre- design. The chic entrance will meet with your approval ge paid services, builders terms. will the ultra-mcdern kitchen and the large living room wit two brick walls and log-burning fireplace. There is closet space RISTOW & OusEn galore, panelled recreation room with fireplace plus patio, iis attached garage and carport. Many other features of quality RA 5.6165 -- RA 5.3412 to meet the standards of the discriminating buyer. For appoint- 19 Athol St. West ment to inspect call Ray Lathangue at RA 5-6165. ¢ A ---------------------- -------------- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, February 5, 1960 19 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale STOREY and half house, large lot, |FIVE . room brick bungalow, garage, ciose to public, separate and high/oil furnace, wire fence around property, | schools RA 3.9762 garden, all conveniences. RA 5.6694, { ea m-- ~-- {234 Chadburn Street. [IMMEDIATE possession, six - room brick farmstead, hydro, sewer, water. LOTS, 105° x 160°, at Courtice. Paved |Full price $4800 terms. 447 Farewell|streets. Approved for mortgages, close Avenue, city. May be seen anytime.|to schools RA 8-5578. PICKERING -- 32 acres fronting on Highway 7 and side road, year round TY springs, high well-drained land with view of sur country, ideal home sight and investment. Only $15,080 with $2000 down. Private sale. OSHAWA'S BUSIEST [or sus. ASH Celina, five room bungalow, three- REAL ESTATE FIRM piece bath, garage, $7900. Low dowm OPEN EVENINGS payment, New homes ou to Jour | cations under . Tin AND SATURDAYS Heal Estate, 4 Bond Street West. RA 35-0429 1 la Aisi ss matarias YES! $500 DOWN ror weston sr vies, coe school, , 134 y brick home Buys this 4 veor old bunga- lgarage. Gleaming hardwood and tile low with one acre of good |[floors, large modern kitchen, Beauti- workable land. Wonderful [fully landscaped. Must be seen. For tart J appointment call Bill Swarbrick at RA tart 'or @ young COUPE. (54544 or RA 33306. John A. J. Bola Easy financing for the bale |hooa Ltd, Realtors ance. Phone Bill Miller ot |r room Dik Dingaiow With RA 8.5123 dolible garage on % acre lot, situated and family. Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd. South or phone AT LOW INTEREST RA 8-0852 | on Bot ARR ARON APARTMENT Ni : 44--Houses, Apts., Flats [LARGE furnished room | RATE IED north of Greenbank om No. 7 and 13 PIRIE -- In Oshawa General Hospital| For R ' t id Cooking privileges 317 Gliddon Avenue( oq ity byilt homes by P & R EXPECT TO BE ENVIE : BUILDING MUST SELL igbvay: Dhons YUkon 52762 or UX- or Ren or _tslephone EA 3.1601. That's part of owning this lovely three-bedroom brick with ONLY $9,300 bridge . stone front tri-level home. Bright cheery kitchen, family room 11 suites, nearly new. Resi- 30 on Wednesday, February 3, 1960, Char- een - ---- pu -- i i i les J. Pirie (70 Bruce St.), beloved hus. ROOM -- furnished, cne ar two gifls,| Construction. Either choice bg self-contained, upper. offers you a home you'll be X ; Ow h hased new with two-piece bath, natural stone fireplace and bay twindow dential ares, on main street 8 ner i a or 307 MALAGA ROAD ome leavin is 4 band of the Jate Letitia J. Labadie and APARTMENT J Kitchen privileges. Close SGM and |Separate entrance, TV aerial. Adults ol 5 i Sng Pane Cale): preferred Near North GM. Phone RA |Shopping Centre. RA 32131 after 8.30. proud Yo coll. your own. An in living room, L-shaped dining room, three bedrooms and Sigh. ier oes |5.6881. |SINGLE room for one gentleman, cen-| tractive stone front, attached . ' i ically d in Oshawa. All suites leased bungalow on Garrard Rd. Peterborough, Mrs. H. Pincombe (Lil.|> [tral. Apply 38 Nassau Street 1 hana: five-piece bath with two vanities. Majestically located on a - golow_.0 : CLOSE TO NEW GM. . Aprly 38 N gorage, large overhang; six lovely landscaped lot in one of Oshawa's finest residential Call RA 8-5183, OL 5-4424 Lot size 77° x 200°. Toxes $119.63. Very clean. Call Five-room brick bungalow, fan) and Gordon of Oshawa, 'in his| BEDROOM, 1n warm, centrally located | 7 tht SS 89th year. The late Mr. Pirie is rest-|apartment, for quiet refined lady or|TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and well planned rooms, three districts. For price and further particulars call Ray at RA or RA 3-9207. Gerry Osborne, RA 8-5123. flower box and partial store $1,000 DOWN front, just nearing comple- ing at the McIntosh Funeral Home,| le. Kitchenette shared with con- Kitchen, built-in cupboards, sink, Frigi- 1 9 Oshawa. Service in the Chapel on genial widow. RA 3-2698. daire and stove, close to hospital, down- bedrooms; Sa ovred bethvoom 5-6165. ---- Saturday, February 6th, at 2 p.m In: | EE room apartment. abstainers, | Owns Suitable for two girls. RA 5.5228. ixtures, ¥ if yo hoy i terment Union Cemetery. (Masonic im aps J SERRE afore IE amd vanity; colourful kitchen wit 1 vi : » vater, Apply 68 MeMillan| THREE unfurnished rooms, sink and i h service on Friday evening at 7:30.) jieat and bia | cupboards in kitchen. Central. Apply 71| exhaust fan, Pierson windows, IT'S NOT THE SPACE Buys this ¥. 'veor oid burger tion. A well-planned kitchen SEARS ~ On Wednesday, February| FOUR to five - Toom apartment, three] 2ITen Avenve. = spa and landscaping are the out- it's how you use it that counts. You will be agreeably sur . . low. Completely decorated, with good dining area, live 3rd 1960, Alfred Ernest Sears, beloved (minutes from four corners. private en-|ONE large double room, furnished, standing features, Before you prised with the eareful planning and efficient one-floor plan OSHAWA'S BUSIEST large kitchen with double ing room 12 x 18, three bed- ay ' 1 » people, i-private - i Ow i ] k r ) husband of Margie: Black, in Nis ith trance ang bath. 74 Bond East. | ble for two people, semi-priva buy, see these homes ond this three-bedroom brick bungalow has to otter Locsted in REAL ESTATE FIRM sinks, colored bath and tile, rooms, tiled bathroom with Some esa bros fy Tong service | CLEAN. heated three * Tom apart | 7112 compare the value and cual- the north-end area, close 2. Scheols 2 bus. Double ¢ sets double Pierson windows ond om A ; » ny t, on welceme, close to three! -- -- -- ' 5 % Dav. ed ms ent fo an od i ¢ on, c sce on we Tics ot Anh rou xt il ati fn the Chapel Saturday. February 6th, schools, $58 monthly, parking, RA|FURNISHED single room, with cook.| ty Offered here. Down Pay fo bedroom yen Fy d oo hy i) ble a Two pie . OPEN m extra Call Bill Mil egiore Xiures, oil heating 1 am, Interment Mount Lawn Cem: s gy {ing p:ivilesos, parking space, suits one| ment only $2 : ur-piece ce amie. tiled bis on Joy le recreai Ep AND lor ot RA 8-5123 space for three rooms in ete! Ban Tor ant Iya - pi ntieme: 64 Meyers Street or furthe articulars an 0 inspect ca ay a d= 2 ay FOUR rooms, and bath, heated, hot|°r Wo gentlemen. © JETS ie fh 2 TWO FIVE PLEXS Liovd Realty Ltd basement -- contact RA : | 5-7266 -- 71 Thomas St d cold water, tile floors, built-in cup-|ONE large housekeeping room, fully SOUTHMEAD boards ¥ vou, Hons been Yeu' Yor WHITBY-CLOSE TO SCHOOL Bul er ey, Realtor GERROW FUNERAL boards, TV aerial, heavy wiring, pri |csipped Suit one lady, central Phone | | | vate entrance, North Oshawa, RA|{RA 57922 | ay . -- LC ------ t-- -- Bui - - ode We g % : Y loa 01 Simcoe St. N | CHAPEL Sse. _____._|ROOM for lady or gentleman, close tof 2 ™M© den two st hone, | 12.900 for this three-bedroom bungalow. Large kitchen, living property as part down Vi 2s {45A--Real Estate for Sale |FOUR to five room apartment, three |Skinner's, Werner's, G.M. RA 51214. | hen SE this ane fu is only | com, finished rec-room, nicely decorated and carport. Owner ment, Now rented R 5123 | Or Exchange Kindness i {minutes from four corners, private en-( wo incl rooms, one upstairs, ome{ four years old and has the | . jeqy'ag town. To inspect call Newt Hodgson at MO 8-5823 or W income of one thousan LIST WITH (1 OY - ish L SR -- nes beyond price, trance and bath. Apply 74 Bond Street , "in foor suit gentlemen or ladies added advantage of a low | RA 8-408 evenings iH onthis ; 1 f VITH LLO D ¢ |INCOME home for sale. Located at yet within reach of all. |East. Close to hospital and bus. RA 8-6387.| interest rate--515 95. Down- 1 clectric -Sloves THEN CALL YOUR MOVER |King St. West. Will accept mobile home Opa 0 \ wilh eect ov i | - jor r as part payment, Telephone RA RA 8-6226 CENTRAL EARGE foe | stairs there is a larce modern | 19 ATHOL ST. WEST 209 BROCK ST. SOUTH erators, T. enna, 8.3875. i SL / *| kitchen, large living wecshers and drvers SELL or exch iia rd k, hot d id wate ' . » y Pyers 9 or exchange -- Restaurant busi. 390 KING STREET WEST i ffi hi hag Bey to IGA store, for] and dining room; upstairs are OSHAWA, RA 5-6165 WHITBY, MO 8-5823 pointment t t Il Peter Feddema ness, large living quarters, garage at Thies 47 Six Ti WR Ay two gentlemen or business couple. 219) three bedrooms and 4 piece |------------ ro------ S---------- ks or Llo tached, Te for ose ih Oshava Av: i - ai C ith ye Ritson Road South | both. Lore landscaped lot Corson at RA 8-5123 REAL ESTATE BROKER - A hat | | ' 1 - - S-- _-- - - -- -- LOCKE'S FLORISTS Wilt lEnodel to soit, Coll ITER private rooms, sitable for! 50 x 125. Down Payment | J J VAN HERWERDEN INCOM E 46--Real Estate Wanted urse or workin, gi ly st nm of » \ 3 - -- -------- es A ty St Flowers and arrangements for Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. [hospital. Private entrance and bath,| required $4000 with 'month- . . E PROPERTY Dairy Jarm, 140 acres, 8 ALL kinds of property wanted for ON DIVISION ST room fully modern house, clients, some with all cash or your i he n ol ol TATE . 7 ud- all occasions. 101 Simcoe St. N kitchen and dining room facilities. Tele ly payments of 86.77 inclu phone RA 8-0362 | ing principal, interest and | REALTOR $3,000 DOWN born 160 x 34, steel stonch- [equity Call W, McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince Street, Oshawa. RA 3.2512 or Oshawa, Shopping Centre Ra 85123 -- [FOUR unfurnished rooms. elfcontain-| taxes. Close fo school and buys this three, five-room fons, wetter. bowls, sto, milk | Wnitby MO sam round floor, unhea now . : Prbe ous: Ik + dic ion A ners RES SEL ORAM HOT es ide 5168 | 'bus 741 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA RA 3-4471 apartments with private en use, Duk 'ton xcellent PHONE RA 5.8762 if you wish fo sell PHONE RA B.6555 location. See us for informe: ce. 273 Jarvis or Telephone RA SC ----| Irwin Cruiksha BUCKINGHAM $40 monthly. Telephone RA 58 | i trances now rented. This is po your property at & fair market price. 10 Prudential Trust Company Ltd EE ein ayeset | PROPERTY FOR "OSHAWA'S LEADING FARM--BROKER" on ideal opportunity for th MANOR breteired. Appin 340 Burk Sweet RA| PROFESSIONAL USE aggressive couple to insure ot Bowmen APARTMENTS preferred. Apply 240 Burk Street A 3-9661 EY their future security. For ap- \ - apie gi s | te u y ap: 7 froma: 4 IN MEMORIAM | 1 & 2 atom oroens vue immerse sama) The 5 © laroe two storey | EXCELLENT INDUSTRIAL SITES IN WHITBY | sory. For ar- | ie," vou Fars owe URGENT lectricoll ipped, best [hand bashbasin in basement, laundry| eight room home. in excellent In growing industrial area, with services. From 1 to 8 acres Cruikshe or Lioyd C , | bath; barn 85 x 30, frontage , Blectneo as" ibpee, Apply | facilities, newly decorated. RA 3.2163. _ | condi n uals 1 on lot gs | LOW, LOW PRICES. ASK FOR INFORMATION ot RA 8.5123. 2 | on two pavements ed homes for sole any ih SINGLE room, also double room, twin| X , zoned C-1; presently H clients waiting HENNING -- In loving memory of a 398 Simece 3 North. Apt. yes, close to business section, hospital] used. os doctor's office FARM, 7 miles from Oshawa, 150 acres with exceptionally Licyd Ra Phone RA 5-8831. ear father and husband, Clarence Hen- . a North General Motors, clean, no cook A 1 fo sot ark { build s, 2 barns with hydr heavy wirin wate S 4 : ¢ " ood ning, who passed 1 ; t East mple area for private park- good buildings, arns wi ydro, heavy g, waterbowls, 4 e he orn, go 1945 away February 5, Ing. APPIY 114 Elgin Street East. ing = circular drive. This litter carrier, cement silo; 8 room house with oil furnace and r You oil. Price $14,500 W. T. LAMSON Nothing can ever take aw FOR RENT ONE loge Tursished fem, sink andi _ cperty is. realistic pric- | Bathroom, hardwood and tile floors. Asking price $37,000 with n REAL ESTATE e love a heart holds dear; Sl + al " | Terms a ------ Fond 3 3 two ladies. Private entrance. Dial ed for its proximity to Down- ern a . Eo nories Dai etery day, MODERN APARTMENT R 923 af 5 town "section. LIST WITH LLOYD with 6 room stone 47 --Automobiles For Sale --Ever remembered by wife, Edna, Complete with stove. refrio- Lic "housekeeping room, use of re 100 acre form, excellent soil, 85 acres workable, L-shaped THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ous large L-shaped barn 5% PONTIAC coach, excellent condi. family and grandchildren. Pp . " 9 | 2 Also two-room furnished! For your appointment. please barns with hydro, heavy wiring, waterbowls, cement silo, 8 room -- eee ood road north of Bow tion, $1195 Telephone RA 5.4513. n } erator, automatic washer ond rtment. Centrally located. Apply 20 telephone RA 5.0771 house with hydro, heavy wiring. It's @ very productive farm Il > HENNING -- In loving memory of a| dryer, TV aerial, paved park- | Elgin East. RA 5.4150 | Full © $16.000 with tern BUILDERS TERMS Terms ond 1 dear brother, Clarence Henning, who i RA 5.6551 # 5.3 - | ull price $16,000 with terms room tion, 10,000 miles, fully 5, 1945 La | ing. % ; after 0 TWO rooms, heated, private entrance, After 6, please call ¢ equipped, extras. private. Phone Tom, elder} LOTS OF LOTS 5 ocret w v finished |ULster 23-3405, Uxbridge, after 6 p.m 1 ( re DAT, boston HE e. Price $10,500.00 |i pxw two-tone station wagon, show passed away Feb. 5, 1 1 ol r b When our Lord nd Master calls us] RA 5-919], elderly couple preferred, kitchen fa < ok 4 200 Acres farm, sandy loam. Barn with hydro and woterbowls J 8 ee ---- § ow |cilities, close to bus stop. Phone RA Jim Sanrnovsky RA 5-4400 a y mp en IE i ore Tor i i aa Ouse r ve distri d ale, w . Home with Him, forever to abide,] 8-8337 S A RA 5-0771 teve Macko R - 7 12 room clapboard house, water on tap. Ful price $14,000 with | | Price v $2 5( good Spportubity for body man. Phone RA 3-7 That is our most happy moment, 4 ; For through life e's been our guide. FURNISHED ON Colborne Street West, large double terms | PREPAID SERVICES after § --Ever remembered by his brother, furnished om, use of kitchen, or TR | < S f terms eo I ---- Bill, sister-in-law, Marjorie, peri pont STOREY HALF BRICK would board, young business gentlemen WE ARE Now GENTS ALLY 160 Acres Farm, 140 Acres workable, spring creek; Barn 110 x 32 Ne UNUSUAL opportunity --Going overseas. nephews. preferred. RA 3-935 LOCATED TO SERVE YOU with hydro. 8 room house with hydro and heavy wiring. Nice | READY TO GO 12 acres w roo! Oe Beauly Nept = packard, Ao - - by fa m Ic, Wi washers ck up 8, storey Drick interior and motor perfect. Can finance SINGLE room for gentleman, central! BETTER | land close to Lake Ontario. Full price $25,000 Terms $3 200 AND UP rooms, full $675. RA 86516 28 Acres of Land along Lake Ontario, 3 Miles from Oshawa. ' furnace, small "50 BEL ATR Chev. sedan, or '57 super HENNING -- In loving memory ofl Oil heating, extra washroom SING pom Clarence Henning, who passed away| in basement, $125. hivoiE a a - 3 : | MS, thre rge unfurnished, new. OVER A QUARTER CENTURY 2 Wonderful view, Asking price $500 on acre. TERMS. SOME Bowmonville, fecing hiahway Olds sedan with power equipment, low no. 2. A real buy at $12,000 mileage. 172 Winona. RA 5.8471. February 5, 1945 dec rated, sink and cupboards, 7. Just a thought of sweet mbrance Just 8 memory sad and true, RA 8-8410 - RA 3-2737 Cec RA 8-022. OF SERVICE | ee ---------------------------- i E furnished bedroom Exceptionally nice Bungalow 6 rooms, brick veneer, of course all RAVINE LOTS Easy terms " ONE owner, 1957 Pontiac sedan, low Just a love and sweci devotion for busi. ones who thine of yi . ¢ remembered nw iet home, breakfast C : " by prt Boone Street West pia S HOFIELD conveniences and a lot of extras, Wonderful view, Lot 75 x 200 | mileage, two Jude, hii ec ba 2 steering and other extras. Tele- vin r and > P RKW D ross housekeeping rooms, clean, quiet, | x 200, excellent view, |GET EE ii Sea SAYYAE -- In loving 'memory of 1 to N M : to trade for a lot, 7 my father, Charles Savyae, who pass. MANOR RA Gov, "ih GM plant. Telephone) |.curance Associates Ltd. : Sd drainage. Price $2,200 id only 3u February 4, 1953, ROOM for two gentlemen, single beds A very nice lot, 125 x 120 feet just outside Oshawa in district - 44 rainag rice $4,200. Good condition, $750. Telephone RA & There is a link death ROOM for two gentlemen, single beds, y jus a in distri ¥ Love and rime ig ey APARTMENTS corner store, William and Mary Streets RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 approved for N.H.A. loans. Full price only $1700. -- with $500 Terms, 5304. ~--Always remembered by daughter Telephone RA 5-0807 { BROOKLIN down. ASK FOR Two modern bungolows in = FONTIAC coach, good condition, Jean. LARGE, warm double room, single FH Stat - | SKF medemn oungolows. telephone RA 3-4364 JOHN BOLAHOOD Oshawa, excellent location, | 35h E Mayfair scriinder, stant: very private. Low down poy- ard transmission, radio, seat covers, Te with or without breakfast, kitchen LER : . ye) to downtown, il- m . CARD OF THANKS SAERAY AVENE bie immeaiately. Feeshone RA $002 4 YEARS op h \ EXCLUSIVE AGENT ment 5000 miles. Excellent condition, best of. y By nook, filed Shows 5-room bric ungalow wit fer, will trade, fi . (PARK ROAD AND BOOMS 1% the Weak, sled Shower and| © ehod 20' living ] | JOHN A. J 189 SCUGOG ST. Telephone RA 8.5465 after 6:30. KING ST. DISTRICT) bath, maid service. RA 3.4641, Genosha | garage a ROC OPEN FOR INSPECTION love iar | Poe aoe, Ee. BOWMANVILLE 3 Soya Sint lied, excellent - ONE large, unfurnished , private] bath, Toxes $178.00. BOLAHOOD condition, low mileage, one owner, no HIRCOCK -- The family of the late ONE Tage. unfurnished room, private both, Taser § evo. Low 1:30 P.M. TO DARK ! CALL MA 3-3644 Tr route ut Buy Yu Sai John W. Hircock wish to thank rel Quiet Residential Street Apply 163 Warren Avenue sman: G. Blyleven ible, two-tone, peach and black, V8 atives, friends and neighbors for th 8 or eal - I S acts of kindness, messages a Children Welcome 3 -- Well furnished, warm hil For 0.18 - buy in 2 su FREE FREE FREE LIMITED =ale ! urban home, call Don Strad- REALTORS INSURANCE Phone MA 3-5300 tomatic Power steering. Tel. R4 in the loss of a beloved father and 1- and 2-bedroom apar ard ostional. quiet home K A grandfather. Many thanks for the beau. sent] Parking. RA 35-3879 eski, evenings, RA 8-8423. & -- ---- m------ tifal floral tributes and oth fts re.| MeNts, stoves, 'frigs, T.V. | | 31 PONTIAC custom 6000 sedan. ceived. A special thank vou to Dr. B.| Outlet, drapes. parking, etc, |ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail | BUILT-IN OVEN AND RANGE 1 PONTIAC custom, door sedan 3 abe in private home, 8~ Park Road] BEAU VALLEY A Brown for his attention and to Rev Rents from $85 monthly. North, 57 p.m. RA 8-867] | . K. Moff, : 1 . a ! | SSSincie orsUetion KO I ioiet and Bert Tineork| PHONE RA 5.7272, RA 5.5787 (ONE or two furnished rooms to rei, H. Kossinger Construction | TO THE FIRST FIVE BUYERS ' near Donevan Colleg'ate or Duke of Ltd. offers a series of designs | FEATURES: Ei (] + . Showroom condition. Must sell. Apply 1239 Meadowvale Stre | 3 y . For nburgh School. Phcne RA 5.7700. | for custom homes, or will persian service at your home call RA ed room, suitable for lad build t fications, LOW DOWN PAYMENT 108, complet room able for lady ui 0 your specifications MORTGAGES 69% INTEREST REALTORS CUSTOM built car radios, complete |ONE furn o tlema Apply 620 Sime Street | > f an WHITBY CLASSIFIED [Ei =~ mn w momsinecdons | © ARGS GhE Et bat Hs Ee ceep rooms ply we > 2 ; ECORAT s 95. Terms wn, 3 i, {TWO "housekeeping rooms. "APAY #8| be plegsantly surprised how RY RATED B SEREES WHITBY, ONTARO 313 BROCK ST. S. Dominion Tire Store, 4 Bond Street ! ' rew Street. RA 3-4152 after 6 p.m | ¢ G7 and double rooms for gents | COSY it may be to finance SODDED LAWNS OPENS -9 ROOM and board for gentleman. 901|NEW, three - bedroom bungalow, ree |iseh with cooking privileges. Apply 135 your dream home. For fur- \ \ BOX IN LIVING .ROOM Ed I | WHITBY MO 8-3414 TORONTO EM 3-9603 SABYAN MOTOR Walnut Street. MOhawk 38-4768. sonable. Phone MOhawk 8.4609 after 5 Celina Street ther information, 'please call EXHAUST FAN IN KITCHEN Just outside Oshawa. Asking price $13,000 with Terms. Is willing CALL Building lot near Whitby, Power Kseriag 3 FOR RENT--Six poo jhouse, Byron hi I ONE large front room, furnished,| Henry Stinson, evenings, RA Stree uth. Available February 20th. FOR SALE -- U; in vs, ground floér, housekeepi: rivil - Apply 36 Church Street, Pickering wrecking old see sors and witdows, uP ait leges 5-0243. OVER 300 LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM HELPS YOU PAY SALES LTD FURNISHED rooms for rent. Cooking| COURty Jail or phone MO 8.2274. jE-a1ze : HIGHWAY > / privileges. Central. Telephone MO(FOR RENT -- Complotely farnished 45--Real Estate For Sale DIRECTIONS Seven room home, plus basement apartment, plus double garage, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN 8-5176. | 1 . 2 Priva 4 on) 4 f 2 eC ivi RVI Aree pats gies furnished E Sale | PROPERTY AT TAKE GRANDVIEW AT KING ST_ EAST, DRIVE | Zing room ond 2 lnmenics se oweomoors © Iving room. @ | oop urn on SRY rm FOR SALE--2linch TV from |irance, heavy duty stove. MO 8-3692; 313,000 N.H.A. resale 514 per cent. $79.95; Chrome suites from $19.00; Ci rom 1121 Dundas East Bungalow three years old, $5000 down COURTICE SOUTH TO LARGE BILLBOARD AT OLIVE AVE ; : , 5 | las East. 8 [B ce yes $3000 down, - . ment there are 3 rooms and bath living room, bedroom and OSHAWA, ONT Refrigerators from $49; Washing mach-|FOR RENT -- Apartment, two rooms, |00d_value, Fernhill Blvd. RA 5.5573 Very modern S5-room brick RIGHT ALONG OLIVE AVE, TO MODEL HOMES. kitchen). The reasonable down payment makes this an attractive Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 ines from $29; Bedroom suites from |nicel s ¥ a fo -- ee - 0 y furnished, bed-sitting room and | EIGHT - room home, down town Osh. offer. Call for an appointment to inspect, ask for Mr. Goverde. 363; Beds and springs from only $5.95; (kitchen, with refrigerator and stove,|awa, suitable for renting rooms, Phone| = bungalow with attached gar- JOHN A. J | Ar : | Jt $500 DOWN-BROOKLIN J ANY MAKE, ANY MODEL re $16 r orib Hat new mattre s $19; new crib matty pi te entrance. 231 Palace Street. RA 5-3406, evenings RA 3-2044. age, situated on a picturesque heavy duty stove, Moffat, $99; Daven. PH E » taom buskalow for rent, hydro| - - Sa treed ravine lot. 3 picture ports, chesterfields from $69; oil stoves surplied, $35 a month. Phone | Twindo i f ti S i : t | i from $12. Call Midtown Furniture, 113| MO_8-4468 evenings | LOTS FOR SALE Pha ws. oust fon in This offer stands for @ reliable, qualified purchaser. What you at low prices. Cosh counts, Byron Street South, MO 8-4981 or MO FURNISHED -- Three-room apart.| i Jo buble | stainless get for your money is a very well built, new 5V%2 room brick but will consider $25 down apart. 7 v steel sink in a large kitchen bungalow on a 75' x 110 lot. Plan to inspect this home and to reliable persons. Before ses from $6.95; Cribs from $17.50; 3 ODI. BORO ay, 8-5740. ment: also bachelor apartment, both 5.00 00 w ipl ds g w r v K tk. $55.0 per foot, ing St. E ith cupboar alore, Lo e for yourself that there is really $12, ) orth of velue buy, ive Stew ¢ H vou , @ t FOR SALE -- Electric clothes dryer, 5¢!f-contained. Central, MO 8-2503. like mew, $110. Phone MO 8.3659 $1300 DOWN buys this five-room brick| C'!Y Services now in. Builders toxes. Oil heating. . Owner | LIMITED Call Reza Parikhal FOR SALE -- Colonial garage, newly Dungalow, situated on a large land cap-| terms. NHA approved. Sizes has left city. Anxious for | REALTORS INSURANCE VALUE PLUS RA 5-5646 or RA 5-1667 lot in one of Whithy's better quick sale. For further de- constructed with overhead door. Phone 4 / re ar grerh "|areas. For full particulars cal RA| 50° ond up. Buy now ond toil ram . 85123 and ask for Jim C anks.| has hoi tails, call Jay Goyne, even- Execut lit-leve! ho ¢ FOR RENT -- One large and one small Lloyd Realty, 101 Simcoe Street Nortn| '0Ye Your choice. ings, RA 5.5378 *gcutive split-level home in one of Whithy's most desirable fe- 149 KING ST. WEST Jioom if somtained aptrivents Hot Othawa. List with Lloyd then call your| | cations. 7. full rooms end connecting door from: house into gor- ) su re-dec- | mover, | J i Ya es. Stone fireplace in livi . : orate. Vacant now. MO 8.4426; daytime, | por mane = JONES PRICED FAR LESS LLOYD REAL ESTATE| 00. Jun looded with extra features. Stone Fireplace in living | QUALITY orate. Vac © Sus: davime, I BE ea room and roughed in fireplace in basement for recreation room. Le 5/house, all conveniences. Telephone MO THAN NEW | 2-pce, washroom off master bedroom, and another off the family | USED CARS A home ar v¢ be FOR RENT -- Three - room, self-con. |8-4707 or apply. 701 Cochrane. Street (BROKER) ' 1 room. Double closets if bedroor | Lovely S5-room brick biinga- | 3%2 SIMCOE ST. S. DIAL RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 proud to own. Call Fob details and on ins; on ppoi t TRADE UP tained apartment, unfurnished. Refrig-| Whitby. erator and stove Prosisiiy St pss Y RA 5-6412 or RA 8-1566 low with large walk-out b | = - ou base- Small child |g . welcome. Phone MO 8 2776. | NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. ft.,! _ m i es, parkine lot facilith 5 ent, HA ods. parkine lo Bgl $5.50 0 Sto Hoa) pent, oly dec d i CARNEGIE AVE. OR DOWN and two - bedroom apartments, electri. 3731: evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 13] 349.0 Jown, dis ose 5140 ell landscaped. | Neor Rossland Road and Simcoe St. N. -- 3 bedroom brick BUILDING LAND cally equis ed. TV outlet and ample FOR RENT .arge newly finished, | edrooms, bric':, alc. a a [origage $76.85 veneer, nice kitchen, living room, dining room, decorated, land- . ] LIENS PAID OFF parking. MO 32581. _____ |ome-bedroom apariment, heated, Tv| @Orage. Bright and spotless, per month, principal, interest | cqued, garage, close to schools, bus and in on excellent location Whether it be for residential, commercial or industrial purposes, rr outlet, private entrance, in Port Whit-| = decorated, in excellent condi- ond taxes. For further in- f i H and regardless of the si locati i ire W FOR RENT Unfurnished bachelor | g ) 8 Asking only $10,500 with $3,500 down -- After 5:30 call 9 ze or location required, we are sure we ILB K apartment, self-contained. Central MO [35000 12018 immediately. Call RA| tion. Close to schools and formation, please call Russ Dick Barriage 5-6243 2 : have in our numerous listings something to please you Ww A SEPTIC Tank cleaned the sanit Catholic 'church. Soll Bob Reeve, evenings, RA 5-4840. RN A Eh CE -- Bue MOTORS i : sanitary Robinson, MO 8-4703 -- TE FAREWELL AVE -- COMMERCIAL == : Ty i 137 KING ST. WEST RENT -- new two - bedroom un. w R( SSI NN ' Ast a ¥ way, new tanks Installed, alter furnished apartment, heat, water, Ward, 204 Chestnut West. Phone Mo | -1718 Y Attractive 5 room, 3 bedroom home with finished v a | 9 ttractive 5 room, edroo e with 2 finished rooms in outlet supplied. $95 per month, 605g con 4] Green Street, MO 8-3762 oe . Ideal home for retired couple, ST. it : re EPIC rn RR roe basement on large lot, pl Oo FORTRENT heive tuts chain" se, | SEPTIC TANKS oisaned the samitery| 2 bedrooms, fireplace in lores ES i ATES v orge lot, plenty of shade trees, freshly painted, RA 5-0732 010.2 Tar 12 fer ool, Shain saw, yay o rw" tans installed. Walter Ward, Jiving room. Cosy. compact 6-room, brick, ranch-style iving room 20 x 13'. Taxes only $190.00, and very close to - cutt'ng. Wilde Rental Service, MOhawk 20} Chestnut West, phone MO 38-2563 central. Low foxes. Lot 68° bungalow with attached gar- separate and public schools. A real buy at $10,200.00 -- mee anestyete 83226. es J : ; ; ANDY NAGY'S LIVE poultry also feathers wanted. ' : age. Large liv 0 tras in Highest market prices paid. Jake] X 81°. Call P. Thorndyke, 9 Grge \jving room with RT Repairs, Alterations moral COMIactor. | Parker, MO 8.3644 collect. | MO 8-4703 -- MO 8-4743. natural stone fireplace. Good HO! ropP STREET BELOW SWITZER DRIVE Designed for living Repairs. Alte nt. Carpen; | oo SE and sarin anges] E : ; 2.008 size dining are stiny Fit. 6 room ranch style bungalow just 3 years old and completed in tera or Sosy, gracious living -- a custom-built, six-room, BODY SHOP onl SRR in down payments W McAuley Realtor untry pri rty, oy chen ond 3 bright bedrooms every way. Paved drive, landscaped, decorated, dlumin stor: Ai : Sa Grea | ROOM for one gentleman, board op- Py I | do Il price ) ose : I : , UR Forms | MERCEDES » BENZ 0 0P- MO 83231. Oshawa RA 13.2512 ia pi price $10,500: Ba gent is divided into a ond sere ns, aluminum storm doors. Good sized living room with Entrance hall done in ¢ mural poper leads inte a spacious DKW L ~r¢ use, rd- very large recreation area shaped dining room, large modern kitchen, ceramic tiled bath liviry i ! ' ¥ i S h , ce : d bath- ving room with separate dining area, also a good-size kitchen, SALES & SERVICE y Sexitally located. in private FOR REN B " Fer, ome Abstainer. MO 8.2429 ¥T -- Box and cabin trailers, | -- ~ power s, drills, grinders, sprayers,| wood floors. Well, cistern for famil tert 3 »edrooms, fo . ts 2 : 3 ? mily entertainment « room, 3 nice bed " y ) HOSSEes- h i o cl { OR pe 8.3785 x.-room apa teats ais. Wilde Rental Service. MOhawk 8- two pressure systems Hen w ksh p for Di me it and sion can be di ed Oored Gir with oi heating, ory i Ties cheery bedrds with oxotqinace, ong four 408 KING 37 Ww : A : { ; [3 h Laundry on can b ged v oving out of town. Just listed at piece ceramic tile bathroom with colored fixture | 'house. Pear and plum trees. room. for Mother, This home $15,000.00 with $5,000.00 . down and balance on. 5% 9 5 SHAY FOR RENT -- Six-room house, oil heat, | ----------------er { tod - Jort i I | ollir 4 : : newly d 1. 720 Centre North | Call Bill Collins, MO 8-3843 n meticulous condition N.H.A. mortgage. Call for an appointment to see this fine home Downstairs consists of finished recreation room furnace roo 15 MO 8 --M 7 ow gy a vows] A. FOSKETT | -- Moe bor: Wo woah pray | 1% 90 ree o see. lay om. oe mother works. MO 84404, 500d lots from $1,800.00 5 show thie or oira, Prouc This home has t y large 'go Te i & SONS yp. N.-HA. approved . a esle Fi For the buyer DGS3LAND RD. AREA . hi ih iti xa adn ! / e c : goo! -- a lot of house at @ ,...imum \ S lors Ly { FOR C.i L. PAINT 540 DUNDAS ST E ther information, please call price -- 6 room ranch style with attached garage, ors, f ym Srated in soit pastel eolars : FOR YOUR CAR Call MO 8 2341 WHI . NEWELL 5:1726, Bill McFeeters place, hot water baseboard heating, 3 bedrooms, landscaped ® Inspect, 5il Jon ot 32993 ' | | - TBY 2 LIST CO-OP THROUGH large Int, dining 'room, loads of cupboard space, storms, screcn | VAN HEUSEN DODD & SOUTER Roofing, Sheet Metal Work, BROKER etc. This house should be viewed to be appreciated. Asking G MILLER wl PAINT § WALLPAPER STORE Chimney Flash, THIS OFFICE $19,400.00 with reasonable down payment. Call this office for MOTORS 107 Buon Street =, Eavestroughing, Painting, 216 BROCK S. WHITBY | mMemBER OF OSHAWA AN Oppointment REALTOR Byron Street South | decorating ND AFTER 5:30 CALL 149 KING ST W | DISTRICT 'REAL ESTATE MO 8.5231 J - 2 - All Work Guaranteed, MO 8 4703 ] BOARD. Marion Drew 5-7610, Dick Barriage 5-6243, Joe Maga 5-9191 5-2993 | (Continued on Page 20)

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