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The Oshawa Times, 9 Feb 1960, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 9;-1960 £3 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE 1--Accountants ]14-=Housshold Repairs 21--Personal Service 37--Male Help Wanted |44--Houses, Apts., Flats |44--Houses, Apts., Flats FALE. FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER CLASSIFIED AD RATES [A CLEAN home is a happy home. FABRICON invisible mending, ciga NEW BUSINESS BUY or sell or rent property through For Rent For Rent t et burns, tears, moth holes. Children's W. McAuley Real Estate, and join the and Co, Accountants and suditors, Li- 25 words or less {Free e fon, york garments made from old clothing. Gen- Nindreds of satisfied eliénts whom we| OLEAN, furnished housekeeping room, (SIX - room house, in good location, King ha abieity, Reliable cxiorminato A A ; Stnsed Bae in Buikrupley. 84 Kind CoNStE OI Cosh Charge lo Zublelty, Retia ie ha ih ping ars repairs, 216 Chadburn Street, |have had the pleasure of serving. For Sil Drelornd, ie o Jeirigerator and uaa Feb. 14, 378 King Street F. Friedlander, B, Comm., CPA, "[§ 3 CONSEC |464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or p [the best deal, apply 26 Prince Street, re] -2872, CA - POPP ANCES. oo INSERTIONS 225 248 |iox 4.1946 or phone Claremont 836R11. [22----Radio & TV Repairs |Oshawa, RA $4512 or Whithy, MOMWK | crnwnat--cors. fursihed. apartment [TWO = Bedroom primers. opr Services offer complete bookkeeping 6 ON SCTE 375 4.02 YOUR local chimney cleaner, Chimneys|TV - RADIO service. All makes. Jor Shree gitls, private Jath, a Sse month. Phone Brooklin, OL 5-3611. services. for small business. 184 Bond . . built and repaired, gas linings x E 57 Elliott Av- Street West, Room 1. Office RA 5-0397, If not paid within 7 days the furnaces vacuumed. Free enue. RA 3.9792 (Fred). apartment building, main floor, sum Residence, RA 3.7605. Charge rate will apply. TV TOWERS completely installed, MALE f {ELP PRIVATE -- four rooms and bath, first |porch, parking, TV, aerial. central MONTEITH, MONTE to origi year guarantee, $64.50: no bolts, no floor, refrigerator and stove, central,|RA 8-047. ho) ITH, MONTEITH, RIERL, and] Above rates apply only to original {| co ay bon Upholstering, custom work, Tivets, all welded. All channel aerials WANTED parking space. Telephone RA 5-0589 Chartered Accountants, Licensed |] orders for consecutive insertions. rin aut eats repaired. For THREE - o Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford. Hon, |} Subsequent insertions ordered at a FSi Tong Hiri MO T5657, 107A fron Ho 6as7 terms. Kelly TV. RA Limited after 5. i TO rises J. W. Monteith, FCA. MP: A. B. Mon- |} later date constitutes a new original Colborne Street, Whitby. e Young man, aged 24 to 26, THREE - beroom brick bungalow with hot and cold water, central, available teith, B. Comm., CA; G. W. Riehl, CA, |] order. - eet | SECOND CAR? Plenty of first-choice 2 i * recreation room, north-west area. Tele-|now. Teleph B. vill 100 TA: G. y Senior Matriculation, some phone Bowmanville MA 3-3 . E. Trethewey, CA: R. F. Prof | ond Bush fistin FURNITURE repaired _and re-uphols- pats offered today in Oshawa Times A h phone RA 3.2582. Lightfoot, CA; RA 53527, 135 Simcoe rofessional and Business listings Jip. 0g gee our for Ads. ew |e ep one umbper ror office experience for estimate |---- alo asamp ian FIVE - room house in Brooiin, a Street North, Oshawa. $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. §l;, "Bruce R, Dalton, Charles Street, ing ond general office. work FIVE - room brick house, central, on|room, hot and cold water, 8 1. HOPKINS and Company, oi line $1.00 per §ioa' 37010 w wn ERs, Om Jia Jiranice C t . O h A rs h gen ting 10 Pili . Bulalis Avenue, No. 262, close to sore; basement. Telephone OLiver aed fied Public Accountants, 173. Kin | ROXATONING -- Give ola furniture |All channel serials from $19:95. Easy ustomers In shawa rea Appy ini 2, F King two blocks from Ritson School Pull) fei a iment: four Tooms™ BBS Sireat East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA ' Each initial letter, abbrevigtion, | op quality work at reason- (terms. Kelly TV. RA 5-121. King ity dng x 1p Glecoll, Tn eainte Paes bath, in Bowmanville, central immed -3509. 4 al ¢ sign, figure, count as @ - " S$ ro, ---------- - m-------- ate possession, $60 a month. Appl am word. Box charge 15¢ additional. | Tatas, For ¢ busin estimates, phone TELEVISION, radio tunes. Deit-Your ; Whitby Dial MO 8- 3721 ] PIR Jd Sein TWO - room aparjment, stove, refriger-| Annis, 10 Division Street, Bowmanville, 2--Barristers All Classified Advertisements || also rooms papered Tabor |Street West, Vigor Oil Station, Town a antral Local |SINGLE furnished housekeeping. room, RAUF JONES, BA wad Thomas | MUST be In by. 9 orm. the on of fiony se and up. syprock appiled. RA (Lise East, Supplied by Deas Kelly TY; oy TOLL CHARGE SALESMAN VIVE -- oom house, vil heal. chldees [ens torn. ams for an Avy 1 Sotctors, yA Sate_Barnalens an publication. fice hours: Dolly @-5, | 7397. 81 Bing Neat. Open dally, welcome, $70 monthly. Telephone RA [Athol Street East. p » HIGH quality! and : " + 5-8427. i Mortgage loans available. REGULATIONS-- more comfortable. New upholstered For prompt delivery of furnace fuels, gasolines, Required by _. THREE oom unfurnished basement oto furniture or re-upholster and re-model ' . MODERN basement apartment, three apartment, light wiring, self-contained, THOMAS M. EUNDLE, barrister, oll: (| The Oshowa Times shall not be ||furniture of re-upholster and re-model GEORGE'S motor oils and greases. * [rooms with bath, reasonable rent, very | close to bus, sult two girls or working gitor and Ee" Sas 25% King |] responsible for errors in advertise- oy a | Bell Telephone Co. |central. Telephone RA" 81704 after 7 couple Phone RA 57940 tree as hon! ments submitted otherwise than in ' ret eed Nise . 2 m. ERR GRETCHTOR FRASER DEERE soi writing, ror' fof mere. than one , Upholstering Co, 77 Celina| TV Antenna, Installa- New telephone number due to the closing of our | P _|$%% WEEKLY, Ajax, six rooms, of rs, rect insertion of any adver is. Oshawa, FOF gree Ssh : | Wilki Aven Feb 3rd To Sell Telephone FURNISHED bedroom, sult one or two heat, stove, frig, TV outlet, $100 yearly MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-|} incorrect insertio y mate, Res: RA 5-4170. Business RA 8-| tion and Repairs. Storage plant, Wilkinson Avenue, on February R Pho! on rela, Ajax 393. home, Telephone RA 8-5916, MODERN one-bedroom apartment, in men ond the price || in quiet home, close to hospital, tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg.,|] tise t, nor beyon pri 5342. See our big choice of samples. town, kitchen privileges if desired. | THREE on eae HAS 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3466; T. K. |] charged for a single insertion of : i Equipment RA 8.0863 after 4 p.m. |bath. Adults, Reasonable. 117° Colborne "N.C. Fraser, QC: G. K.|] the advertisement in which error || ALL types of interior painting. Reason-| Honesty is our policy. All DE I es L. Murdoch, NHA mort. || occurs. And olso reserves the right le. Fast, reliable service. Call RA| work guaranteed. 24-hour iH M MACKIE CO LTD | THREE - room private apartment, TV |Street East. Phone RA 85-1607 . . or . gages _arranged to classify advertising according to service. , laundry facilities, parking, Close | FOUR - room "house, nev iy decorated. os er oer |] its own classification | | Age 21 to 3 M $0 Shopping Centre, 212 Stevenson Rd JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, § ' | ge o 30 lust have 8 |heavy wiring, gas in. North Ajax. 27 solicitor. Money to loan. Office 26% |] in the case of display advertise : CALL RA 3.9525 DISTRIBUTORS OF PETROLEUM . THREE - room self-contained apart. (Maple Street. Call evenings, Sunday, King Street East, Oshawa. RA 8-8232. ments The Times will not be held ki FURNACE SALES - PRODUCTS | dunior. matriculation or ment, heated, continuous hot water,|all day. Residence, RA 5-3405 responsible for more space than || announces | heavy duty wiring, near Shopping Cen-|THREE - room apartment, private MANNING F. SWARTZ. Barrister,|] thot in which the actual error AND SERVICE SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT equivalent, or previous sales |tre, bus stop, parking space. RA 3.7534 bath, heavy wiring, available March 1 wr Srp A | The publishers endeavour | | : Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Assoc-(} occupies r H | heh | 1 i tre ' LT fat 9 Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry|] to reproduce ail advertising matter H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd. J DAY OR NIGHT CHANGE OF OFFICE ADDRESS | experience. Excellent train- NEW Sao pr) RG m. | EIGHT roomed house, two kitchens, 118 King Street East. RA] correctly but ussite: no: Jip X; T.V. and RADIO $89 MONT, Alice Street, monthly rent $110. Tel a deme 1 | noccu 6 R - Q | i ided. App » MONTHLY -- smart new two-bed of le Residence, dial RA_3-4029, A 5-5954 CALL RA 8-5286 | FROM 79 WI LKIN SON AVE. ng provide Pply in Writ- |ioom apartments, tiled bathrooms, fully|Phone RA 8.5206 ay = r of -odvertisement are contained | DONALD BLAKE "DODDS, "Barrister | therein. | it Service---- - decorated. Hurry for these! Only a few| FOUR room apart: A | Servic | to ' partment, all comveni. and Solicitor. 26% King Street East. | { ra available. Call exclusive rental agent,| ences, parkini . door, Telephone: Business, RA $3501; Resl labor plus parts All Work Guaranteed TO 22 BLOOR EAST | . Mr Bill Swarbrick, RA 36544 or RA laundering facilities. not water heAting' dence, RA 85373 ! OSHAWA | 58342. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd.|Apply 165 Verdun Road. RA 3-3096. phy and MacDonald, Bar-| 8-- Building Tredes |15--Instruction ici | BOX 13 Reshtes: NEW h - ELECTRONICS For continuous prompt and efficient service i HOUSE -- In Brookiin, three be ouse, near South General Motors s and Notaries Public. | FANTED -- a bulk cooler, and 25 % 30 | OSHAWA TIMES 1 Hving room rebince. a aome | plant, ot Fast, RA 5-4717, Russell id HARVE A .DANC A ' a ' : 1 arge living room, replace, attache and James A MacDonald. gemented ad, wae provled by. = , et, Highland | of quality products breeze-way and garage. Large land. pe iia . ert ow cost, fr oe 3 Ve. 5122 A ? y D J bedroom, BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Soliet. Lae) pe passed King West, RA plac EXPERT ANTENNA CALL RA 5 5054 38--Male or Female Seabed lot, near schools. Phone Oliver bi i OR , olers, tor, 3% S » South. -95! esi- ee -------------------------- R teacher, stuc counsellor, - = ing dence, "R A 8-0264 [CARPENTRY Rayrooma, inside [16 years' experience, by interview only. AND TOWER Help Wonted Wo . bedroom apriment, relia 3 Sd 111 Craydon Road, Whitby. ee eee ------ 0 od » " {Act R A 54 i S-------- een. | LOT, SLOVE, outlet, use of ree wash. ZT. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solic. modelling, al work guaranteed. Phone Act Bow. ta ares INSTALLATIONS | NEW DISTRIBUTORS for ARE you interested in a full or spare(er and automatic Sryer. Simeoe Street THREE unfurnished rooms, sink and tor, ete Simcoe Street North. RA 5-6937 i |HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, | {time sales plan by which you ean make!' cupboards in kitchen. Central. Apply Office RA Residence RA 5-5542 |rooFING 3 and | simng, g, eavestroughing, | Tap Royal Ac my ballet, Highland All-Channel Antennas {810 to $20 a day? Take orders from ov ~==177 Warren Avenue. 3 ter: irs; new and old work |[Register now. 424 King West, RA 56122. C N D ED beautiful Display Book featuring Syer : BN feat i dE [LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu- os low as $24.00 B. P. A A A LIMIT oo household 'products. Wri ation, | T EE om Duskalow far sun, Bike gages. 20 Simcoe Street North. | gran par ay ana commercial aitera-|cator. Dancing School. Ballet, tap, pre- T.V. Service 24 Hours : EATING FUELS, GASOLINES fe 7 LeSliRR, 4605 Ricnelen | 608, MO 8-466 evenings. : ries C. McGibbon, QC; |i nil tre. ree. rooms. Tel. ol. |school acret acter. Friday, (House coll $2.50) H I UELS, J = o, QC. |lect, Pickering 738. | Saturday. M Ter mple. RA 37283. ' MOTOR OILS AND GREASES 121 R dB d furnished Eh and oN Cubomua Street West, latze double 3aste aia # i wi ee -- -- nis v » rnis room, use REYS "and Bovehyn, Barris | coer ei aos roto tiled. Made | & ' | Som an oar a 5. 728 Cedar Street. RA 80220. [would board, ¥ - 2 ng | em -------- er -- --- | _- -- 3 N oun, r > D. Humphreys, ac; | [ready for spring planting and sedis | | EADN TO DRIVE NOW | Len Lou's TV | ROOM for private home, board | THREE large rooms, unfurnished,|™An preferred. RA 3.4538 yychy A; [Call RA 5-8985. ' ks desired A 5-7165 \avartme BUY int SE a ------------------ es Bini id I Antennas... .. RA 57844 Law's Pha rmacy SHOPPING CENTRE IRE [apartment heavy wiring, adults only. FURNISHED four-room , Bunisiow Gar. 6 King o t Phor ---- - rere Whitby MO 3.2 ? od iiadd 2 BO iia] Don't be ao Fairweather room, suit gentleman. | Apply 72 Cadillac Avenue South age. Telephone RA 3.3804. Whitby MO 8-2761. Money I 4 33492 for an ad- me ga Driver. Phone the Service - LAKE-VISTA SERVICE STATION Bra 3 desc private home. Phone \FOUR rooms and private bath, heavy 30 5. MacDONALD, BA. Barris. | = Bd writ ee ' Phin © |duty wiring, stainless steel sink, pri- olf as 101 Simcoe Street ALL TYPES of building repairs-- s-- Roof Os hawa Driving School SHOPPING PLAZA King and Stevenson's Rd. |SINGLE room, for one gentlem , een- | vate entrance, garage. RA $1723 after CENTRAL RA 8.8511 | ing, Masonry fe Cement "and, Eaves z . ' ECONOMY AND Wecker Dr,, corner og Cedar for service while you shop. |tral. 38 Nassau Street 5 p.m, a ---------- RT] ay Day 14 8. yi JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici- Hroughing CH mneys, Gor { Day and Evening Lessons DELUXE TOWERS and Thomas St. THREE unfurnished rooms, sink and | ye room farnished apartment, quiet| INree or six room office ary Public, 18% King Street | "7% | RA 8-0091 RA 5- 3525 RA 8-0741 | cupboards in kitchen, central. Apply 77 district, close to conveniences. Child| Suite, with private facilities. NEA and private | \ - Roof ontennos installed as ; | -- care if required, Abstainers only. Tele-| Will remodel to suit. Call HOME IMPROVEMENTS Free Delivery Mgr. Doug Corby JAR mfortable room in new home, | phone RA 58-6034. RA 8-5123. "Barristers, SOUCE| REMODELLING---ADDITIONS 17--Money to Loan low os $30.00 complete EE == --"----|Board optional. Telephone RA 8-05%.|\WFLL furnished two large rooms, re- Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd mcoe Street South pe ' rc ROOM and board f f . att REC ROOMS TENTS" money : REPAIRS JACK'S BEAUTY AND | FOR A COMPLETE ESSE soa toils br oi dbutman ites tof" woss Eira givinst Voy S*E2 RA 8.3368; Ter: | FAMILY ROOMS purchased. NH ges arranged. | T.V. SERVICE BARBER SHOP REAL ESTATE SERVICE [RoOM and Wourd for seniemeas: [To0m, very ceniral. Apply 9 Centre S. RA 8-5123 5832. | dv fo | , PA, BCL, RA 838 Tile, Hardwood Floors reighton, Fra and Mur-| 969 SIMCOE N girls. Apply 195 Albert Street. THREE room basement apartment, un- . Cupboards doch i d a : furnished, private bath, stove, sink and SiC hiropractory i ] Loans arranged MONEY short cic "Money | oy Seensed, "Special This Month Sal vn -- ow RE (Brfer. | cupboards. Close to South G.M. phone OFFICE SPACE 3. W. TAYLOR, Doctor of Chiropractic, to Le ssifie a smart) { Cold Waves--3$5 95 S. D. HYMAN Realtor |packed, ng. Apply 137 Roshil RA Soom, FOR RENT Biopractles HUGH 0 In Classifi 3, smart Cold Waves--$5 ; , Realto FE 337 King Street West, Oshawa. | c f our loan ¢ ial { Blvd. osite Shog ping _Centre, THREE room unfurnished apartment, Choice of 2 offices -- Li a See | RA 5.3937 3.3492 te ce your ad now. 1 YEAR Co ous Service 39 PRINCE ST, (private entrance, hydro, heat, TV aerfal,| Zo" PLL comers. Rea: - > the d on good job-offers beds, five mi 'nates from ' South GM, | Shower, cupboards. Central location, o dsBentish {1T-- Business "Opportunities |: he Want Ads! Look 'em over SERVICE CONTACT RA 8-5661 RA 8-6286 si prunutes from South, GM. | business couple, RA 3.3042 $65.00 gd $7500 ger ------" NO ------ ---- |RA 5-7754 FURNISHED bungalow, rent free to re- : see ca . ©. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6 shuld -- pas a---- LE N | & y RI p e t0 re 3.2265 SC os evenings by appointment. 259 OLD estabilshed hairdressing busi FIRST : om | ; | PREVATE Toons Tor sent 2 sponsible couple, no children, must pay - , SCHOFIELD INSUR- Simeoe Strest South, Phone RA 52223. [for sale in Whitby. Reason for sale, agreements pi : . Hn A $1.00 A WEEK G."NEWELL HUNGRY? jrEIvAY Tome or 55 men, ome {hydro and oil for retired gentleman.| ANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. | illness. Write Box 205 Oshawa Times, n ck and He e! 1 Reo! Estate Broker . eges. Call RA 3 3993, Write Box, 110, Oshawa Times or phone 5--Nursing Services |STORE for rent, central, parking facil Street East, RA 3.709] i T R [ 0 : WE DELIVER {ROOM and board tro To har ings MARS 330IT: _| 3-ROOM APARTMENT h yyy 11 8 216 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY io : FOUR-ROOM apartment with bath, PRIVATE i = private accom | jth ama Simcoe. South, RAS: | N ' Fish. 'Chips 'and Hom a le B00 mer | Suitable for couple with ehild. Phone FOR RENT modations Completely oe wil MONEY TO LEND TELEVISION MO 8-4703 ish, ips a amburgers h d Li d. Rea- (STOR nt, very central, mewly Sund d f 5-1 RA 50331 between 8 p.m. and 10, Location -- Downtown Osh. modern, building. Licensed. Rea- |S rent, of un an eonfectioner: abhi Sd sonable rates iors welcome. South decorated, parking space, reasonable, | y 4 3 Good | MODERN apartment, one-bedroom, all owo. Living room, kitchen, Haven Nursing Home, Newcastle. vacant now. RA 8-1131; after § pm ents money hi Scount 171 BOND ST. EAST Pickering 142 - 143, EMpire items. 25¢ delivery charge. BOOM 45g hoard for Sentlemis: bods, | Services, garage, mear Ajax. Phone| 1 bedroom, 3.pe, batty pu Phone #441 RA $1423 P : ni 2.3625. Mortgages and Ap- close to all suoth plants. Phone RA |AJax 880 after 6 p.m. $75.00 per month. To se nt SRRRER Soren ecteny Tor 3a ne res d ag greens RA 8.6781 | _proisals TOWN LUNCH RA 5-8978 3.3101. APARTMENT, Three miles east of Lal. call RA 3-2265, SCHOFIELD ; . oat. South o ing, |__ Lo . RE HE | mera oman, one umbus, four rooms, bathroom, INSURANCE "ASSOC! ANDEN NURSING HOME |Apartment. 25, Ris giving details _of v Tr 32--Articles Wanted ries Roe Sie i i Sve ey. LVD ii p SR te f urchas | y--y ue - iit dish mon ye cludin, ea : (Licenced) KING ST. WEST IST! en rooms for sale, cen rms of p = pa to SERVICE BILL WHI ICK WANTED fa m ROOM for two gentlemen to 3 X ed 2 tral ac mtown, corner property, very F N 2 A --hav stomers waiting is breakfast, all conveniences. A RCRA om m-- ro a rome | atioth Gri 3 CREIGHTON, FRASER, USED CAR LOT [is frre ssa Soriinces =i ie rom rmsd, fre WONG F RE uSIV ng : | ates Street, Oshawa, RA 32812, DRYNAN a MURDOCH bave you to sell? We also handle good | [half brick. Ideally located Grierson| convalescent ond elderly MO 83231 OPERATORS 146 BROCK ST 'N line of clothing. Must have cleaners' | BEST meals in town, all conveniences, Street, Extra washroom if basement, people Men and women). \- sor nd 4 . Enby for gentlemen. Phone RA 5-1168, 536|oil heating, garden. RA 3 or RA é <Q tags on them. Commission basis, Neigh- Nur c dieticians in | £ | BOX 201, OSHAWA ASSOCIATION "Home of Good Used Cars" |[borhood Salesroom, 102 William Street |LOrTaine Stre BR Led $89 MONTHLY t Tr | East, RA 8-5836. ROOM and board, s singie "room, good THREE - room basement apartment, align /. fot ei Servi: FOR LEASE 17--Maney to Loan {In co-operation with the MO 8-4741 {home cooking, bus stop, ten minutes private entrance and bath. suit work- ULTRA , loung Modern 1-bay Service Sto- | GITENTS' monies available for first] Oshawa Charmber of Commerce) WHITBY SHAW walk to four corners, garage, 240 ing eouvle or vo Sates line to MODERN 6--Optometrists tion, with snack bor, tWO land second mortgages. Mortgages and ivision. : ¥TICHARD BLACK. Prof Golo years old, in a town of ap- agreements purchased. Apply TV-HI-FI-AERIALS AUTO WRECKING CO. 43--Wanted to Rent : SELF - contained modern 3 - room 2-BEDROOM APT. | 1: th on of eyes, er proximately 15,000, high | ¥ 5 ri. Batristey. a0 Notary 25--Pets and Livestock apartment, refrigerator and stove, etry, the exa n | u g 2 N " | ng E shaw FA . ities, King and ex tential t to be nego- King East, Oshawa, RA| Dean Kelly TV--RA 5-5121 : = = dry facilities, vicinity FULLY Jeises, 136 3 orth (at Cottome),| POIROT, IF 0 0 49, Och: Earl Fowler TV. .RA 5-1685 |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for| Yonts cars for wrecking, also [es or four foam apartment, wel. sion Streets, Oshawa. Phone MO 8 DECORATED svenings by appointment. RA 94191, CWS Times ud | WE HAVE clients' monies for loans and Parkway TV RA 3-3043 training lking strain. Apply Mrs scrap iron dnd metals, etc. |" onium or hospital district, RA " STOVE & FRIDGE . Pleas 3 [first and second ages and purl Mel Pollard TV. .RA 3-9512 | Broad, 114 Elgis Street East Bou Open Saturday all [5.0746 between 9 a m. to 12 THO offices os ne with STAult, newly BAMBOO DRAPES pay mccounts at downtown Toronto chase agree pf sale. Louis 8. ay. one OR n ecorated, centrally located, 2 Dominion nk or 74 Burk Street | QC, 37 King Street East, Osh.| Premier TV RA 5-1179 |26--Farmer" s Column {LADY teacher would like to share an |; PORE Sonic Tagver, insurance. ' Phone RA 54587 FOR LEASE awa TA 34 TV Enterprises. .RA 5.2905 armers Colum: RA 52311 89 BLOOR E. [apartment with congenial lady. Tele Socios paper Froducts, Lid. Phone DON'T MISS OUT DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. | phone RA 5-531 [MA 33381. Box 1120, Bowmanville. Phone collect, Hampton, COMax 3-2721 7 . : Call APPLIANCE SERVICES |margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, CEDARDAL LES Furnished Apa. BA ( apariment, three Tooms Cal a . n apa » Jack Chistie... RA 5-1179 | aor mim sy E ileges. Telephone after 5 RA $31. _ | parking, telephone RA 307. | HOWARD McCABE Mortgage loans Lodwick Electric. RA 5-6369 Se SCRAP a H & A FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, good lo- tar Repair RA 5.7743 |WOOD cut by buzz and chain saw. 4--Houses pts. cation, very close to public and sep- RA 5-6544 ©. H. TUCK. RO, optometrist. Please] 7-5 . os Tureen orr--gas| Modem tober wre to: \MY PAY MORE? ¥ Land Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA| tion, located at entrance to 5-6881. G. T. HORTON and Associates : | 7% % 15 year amort Warner: Willioms RA 5-353] |Driveways snowplowed. RA 5-9727. IRON METAL LTD. | For Rent arate schools, bus, new shopping centre, ae shopping centre in the tarfo Land Survercrs, Professional En-| Town of Cobourg. Good po- a ring, 306 Dun Street West, Whit. | ET Rr eee | Vacant 1 March, RA 5-9612 forenoon : By. MO. 8.5091, Ajax 728 | tential, rent to be negotiated. | KR: VICKERY, Realtor | we yonor INTERNATIONAL {30--Lost and Found ps TAS THREE - Toum apartment, Mew BUCH lor fOr 6 rR Ceamizs Exclusive Rental Agent RA B-6228 CHARGE CREDIT CARDS a TV 'aerial, very central. Apply 143|PEDROOM, in warm, centrally located JOHN A. J. : | Contact T. Milner, Supertest LOST - two cedar toboggans, on oi d: 8-- Building Trades | : 4 5 W. pa A i x ------ | Cloverdale Street, will identify by boys| OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY [Huron Street. apartment, for quiet refined lady of a Petre E 395 ------------ | meen, couple. Kitchenette Shared with con- GENERAL conractors, briek and| Petroleum, P.O. Box 395 - E E'S V name on hood, RA 5-1749 RA 5-3432 FIVE - room, modern galow, all (genial widow. RA 326%. L cement work and repairs RA $398 | o.oo Bones phone RA GEORG .V. FREE PICK-UP conveniences, Tosley's Road North, rs ee yaaa B ( ) A H OLD Moors resanded and finished, new | Snes 1st and 2nd Es - P -- LOST -- small Tattoo black and tan Courtice, $75 monthly. Telephone RA |\T water, Apply 68 McMillan floors installed, hardwood or tile by| 3-3742. After 7 p.m. RA SPECIAL hound, vicinity of Sonya, on Saturday,| RESIDENCE--RA 5.4159 af Jest und wy LIMITED an, 30. Reward. RA 37586 or RA TS ia imma Flooring. Free estimates. RA| OR G GES |Jan. 30. Rewar 1 oy . pe | 8127s. | MORTGA POPULAR REPEAT OFFER |} 00 ANNIS STREET two bedroom spariment. wove, Te. | rirmeR ROOM arariment near mor g2=""po x GREE wo Tn A d - 34 --Auction Sel {rigerator, washer and (IYer hear|GM. Builtin cupboards, heavy duty ooms For Rent CARPENTER work, fram rrange LOST -- key ring with chain, three | 34----Auction Sales |Shopping Centre, available now. Phone (oo Mone Bo Tin' children welcome. |TWo Tarse wnfarmicics om ming. Kitchen cabinets, custom work 13--Gardening & Supplies Lyndewood Investments WINTER large keys and three small keys, um. | eco 1:3 88681 : [Available immediately. RA 37112: |niched, fo anturnished or partly for pairs. Mortgages arra 1 2 Arg eS I reer og n 3 n : . ama. PB ro "|TREE removal and trimming, also 209 Brock St. 5. Whitb Der ob keys 20.21, 29-81, 102 20d J, BA |p, Hox 134 Peterborough. RI 37216, | FIVE - room apartme |GLEAN, heated three - room apart: | central, Telephone RA 5.4344. od, wis - work done with chain saw. Free roc Wey itby oll. your {trance and bath, range, $85 month in| ment, one child welcome, close to three Gorey FTONEWORK -- brick and "tile. Call| estimates. RA $7754 MO 8-5322 AERIAL cludes heat, hydro, television outlet, Off | ent: one CHa eco, Ce, RA|BOOM for one gentleman, with stove Howard Stacey, RA 5.2232 or RA 3.7835| --oenror RU " ni 31--Articies For Rent |3 Simcoe North. RA 8-0362. Sasa. : and sink, close to Shopping Centre. Ap- Mi 5--Employment Wanted | pis furnished_rooms, - i PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, i ---- anted fixtures, new and used, changing from HARDSAND 18--Loan Wanted CHECK [P1anos, upright or apartment ize, size, | RESPONSIBLE woman will care for |housek business couple THREE sewer a specialty. In LANDSCAPING LARG private mortgage wanted Io will pay cash, state make and price. |chjiq in her home, while mother works, | mi . , use of laundry, MODERN heavy duty range, Ag poo, heater, onable rates. Infor- : f new house. Telephone RA 5.8739. : Write Box 107, The Oshawa Times. |North Oshawa. Call after 6. RA 5.0859 near Shor entrn, Bus: top. RA 2-BEDROOM $0 Boni DA Toe 0 . r tes free on Any 1ype Power Rolling READ Classified? That's what smart, We will CLERK-typist requires position, Exper. 8-8276 after 5.30 p.m -- - \ FURNISHED front bedroom, private of plumbing. Dial RA 3-42 mo: Fertilizing modern families do every day in The | ih fenced in financing and taxation, ex.| WHITBY -- house, five - room, sublet. APARTMENTS home, central, good locality. Telephone ALL plumbing and heating supplies Tractor Roto-Tilling Oshawa Times. = Inspect ond tighten any sh let Ieferences Telephone MA 3.5993 | Automatic washer, dryer, Stove, refrig. RA 5-5748. Phone RA 53521, Harold R, Stark, iq. 5 wires or ox 734, Bowmanville, erator, TV aerial included. Garage, ROOM for rent, Lid, plumbing, heating and engineer. Top Sol Sod Motuve 19--Personals : ' SEWING MACHINES JANITOR or Randyman, Own fools, | \17Ke, backyard, Immediate occupancy. ON beds. Quite a ranie for two; single ing 255 Simcoe Street South. Flagstone - Patio Slabs ra ------ Tighten lead-in hard working and responsible person,| \CicPhone MO 8-303. ~~ 15 GIBBONS ST 116 Albert Street. ---- RA 5-1721 'GIENIC lies (rubber goods), Portable = Consoles £0od references. Write Box 150, Oshawa FURNISHED basement apartment, * |oNE Tiarge, furnished FF BROWN aid in plain sealed en. Correct direction of an- Times. also one double room, twin beds, cook APPLY 21 GIBBONS ST. Dp Re 8 houserseping | rice list. Six samples, i ------- le bungal arkin : o CL! WILD BIRD amples, $1.00. Mail Order fenna: for best; picture Guarantsed: by 36--Female Help Wanted | pace. Apply 864 Meyers: i block from Glecoff's. Apply 125 Clarke GRAVEL & SAND Han Wt Rubber. Low. Box. 9h Check ond tighten term- SINGER' SEWING CENTRE PART time baby _sifter daily while | FOUR - room (two-bedroom) . apart: BUCKINGHAM FURNISHED Font LOAM FEEDERS SPENCER Fomduion Gamera | "OM -- EE A MANOR To dividually designed. Reg. corsetier-- HOUSEWIVES -- Part-time telephone |cluded, new apartment building. One salners Only. Prompt Delivery SUNFLOWER SEED Mrs. Irene Hendershot, 208 Park Road ONLY WEBBING' S work in central office. Four hours available now, thers Feb. 1. Phone RA APARTMENTS East, RA 5-209. North ie Don't get caught with your daily. Phone RA 5-8281, 5-6 p.m. 3 - 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, THO housekeeping rooms, clean and A 8951 WILD BIRD SEED HYPNOSIS--Gvercome tension, fears,| gerial down in the middle of HARDWARE MANY for the money. Just a fo FIVE "room apartment and front! electrically equipped, best |auct Sin refrigerator. Close to north - PET SUPPLIES frustration, nervou . confl-1 winter -- brother it will cost words in Classified will tell your story | [poreh, hot water heating, Bown home, location. $85 and up. Apply lephone p i It E 4 ' to many -- foi all conveniences, west of Bowmal le LARGE roo! beds Heath, Institute of Ethical Hypnosis,| YOU money. AND RENTALS OF bode, Sgt J VI Jon Price. Get 211 bus. Bowmanvi 32334. 498 Simcoe Ea North. Apt. |cither two Se Jae ply un tario Street, Oshawa, For a -- - Ww WARD DOG MEALS 3 Su rhone RA 8.0171 or RA 3781. "SATISFACTION OR TOOLS and EQUIPMENT |GIRL to work in modern food store, FOUR to five Toom apartment, thres| 8. RA 8-867. Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd. South or phone . ~ " ALLSTATE Auto insura 5 MONEY REFUNDED" five days a week, experienced prefer. minutes from pg da - WELL DIGGING BY BRITANNIA" MALT |e nai. ponte 0. oho, Po DOMESTIC and J oe: of mene vont Ba Too or Ty Boe ee FOR RENT tral, Apely 30 Nassau Steet p + Si -~ roud's Foo arket, mcoe Street ho 7 ral. App assau A MACHINE ¢ EXTRACT ers service at your home, call Phone RA 3-9525 INDUSTRIAL North, | FoR ®R modern apartment, near] MODERN ' APARTMENT |TW0 furnished rooms, bedroom and SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE - -- Si : B-H PAINT DENTAL, assistant -- woman, aged 18. | Alax, on Dedioom, all | services, ga kitchen, builtin cupboards, sink, Frigi- WHITBY, ONTARIO ICE SALT 23--Women's Column 30. Previous experience preferred, but |Ia%e, adults only. Phone Ajax 880 after] 0 0re with stove, refrig- ~ |daire and stove: close to hospital, down- ' hl het ia p.m. , MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 |CROWN DIAMOND PAINT) ELECTROLYSIS SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $6.50; ELECTRICAL SUPPLY not neccesary Must make ood use of FOUR Foo aparimeni. Tht, Beat, erator, automatic washer and ee SR 204 CHESTNUT ST. W | : . Sr ve 3800. Dade Hairdressing WINDOW GLAZING her time and like her work. Reply to unfurnished, water. Couple only. Pri.| dryer, TV aerial, paved park- |mitable for two people, semi-private PO. BO OX 329 Removal of superfluous hair, a bitte Hox oe Oshawa Times, giving Jastice. |vate entrance. 203 King Street West, ing RA 5-6551; after 5:30 |entrance. 273 Jarvis or "Telephone RA ars of previous experience and quall {10 am. to 8 p.m 5 3.7112, orie Murduft will be in |24--Market Basket King St. W. at Park Road [73,0 -- RA 5.9191. h | i 5 | FOUR - room apartment, table for | --ICoo er r Smith Co, Oshawa, Feb. 16th and 17th. [BALDWIN apples, $1.25 bushel : AMPLE FREE PARKING EXPERIENCED waitress, good wages business couple, or gentlemen, $55 a ONE large housekeeping iow, fully ' s Phone RA 3-71%0. and good working conditions. Apply month, parking space. 154 Tyler Cresc.| WILSON ROAD NORTH [Fh soz, ot one lady, central. Phone | " FLOOR SANDERS | 16 CELINA ST. Phone Genosha Hotel on |COOKING apples, $1.00 bushel: Spys,| | PH. RA 3-4873 [South Ena Restaurant, 5 Boor Street |RA 3.4573 potter asmemta---- pt furnished bedroom for busi. 194 KING ST. EAST | these: detes fo ointment. |$1:50 up. Russell Stainton, 1% miles ist. | STX-ROOM wintegized cottage with all AT LANSDOWNE root Wig og oo EBL 1194 KING ST. ! RA 3-23 12 | e dotes tor appointment. least of Taunton. RA 8-8914 |32---Articles Wanted ExiE RIENCED waitress wanted. Ap-| conveniences ailable March 1st. optional. 38 Colborne Street Wes Tife ond Hordwood Laid 1 20--Cart | 0 y in person, 264 King Street East Children welcomed. Phone Bowman. LOWER DUPLEX Roo Tors i rg rr San d sh 3 y |&U--Larfage TRE i {FOR k, friend! vice, call Osh- nee ville MArket 3-5262 M for two gentlemen, single =, CAL "RA'3 7751 i Household Repairs GALT CART ig furniture and appli- 125 Pets snd Livestock if wa Tin ies Ciassife dad writers Dial ro ef Big gg, Sr Sia [Foun to five - room apartment, three $1 05 Teleph og Arg TG MRE Streets CALL 5 FOR all your painting and wallpaper. ance moving. Reasc ble rate y{ REGISTERED cone Soxels d ten RA 340 Genosha Hotel. minutes from four corners, private en- 18-foot living room, family o ephone 3:020¢. - Don't hang up, let it ring ing call Melle Rozema. Telephone MA insured. Call day or night. RA 54498. |foofens Bll: excellent bet fof, children | CED haitdresser fo work in | once and bath. 74 Bond East. ize kitchen with balcony LARGE, warm double room, single i ---- ine \3.3584 Bowmanville cm -- size che CONy |beds with or without breakfast, kitchen o J ------ 5-8640. Whitby. . Write to Box 105 Oshawa i | vil down! |cuE TERFIELDS rebuill, recovered, 21--Personal Service ONE Cate Tamil: CI nett ---- WANTED Times. overlooking lovely garden. phivisses, Som ovis avail DODD & SOUTER Hke new. Why Pay bull, a < Motor --_|ONE pair Yegistered Chinchilla's and SIX-ROOM Two large bedrooms, good |able immediately. Telephone RA 8-0852. i % 2 PAINT -- WALLPAPER are reasonable. Satistaction guaranteed. | FF CER, Foundation Garments, in- | ca BIB SCRAP IRON, POULTRY - |37__Male Help Wanted | BUNGALOW FOR RENT | closet space. Convenient to ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and PAINTING & DECORATING = |Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery g a; 4 CA guaranted singers, young | AND FEATHER TICKS Power store, bus and schools, |Path, maid service. RA 34641, Genosha CONTRACTOR [Co 10 Boma Street West. Dial TA John Hendershot, 208 Park Road N. |budgles, talking strain. Largest assort |¥OUNG man interested In becoming a North Location Possession Feb. 15, fully [Hoe ONTRAC J 50311. SEWING and custom-made drapes, for [ment of tropical fish. Complete line of Il. TURNER | roseniosat accountant, rapid advance. equipped. Coll Mrs. Ruther. |ONE large, unfurnished room, private For free estimates col CHESTERFIELDS and oid chaise = homes, offices, apartments. Work guar-|pet supplies. Sportsman's Corner, 105 RA 3.2043 CALL RA 8-6286 a ; bi (is, centrally located, young lady only DAYS MO 8.5231 coverca Tike now. Go thr bes t for lens ANTE reasonable rates. MA 3.3283 or|Byron Street South, Whitby, one block ps na RA 5- Sea, ford, RA 8-6347, Oshawa, or Apply 163 Warren Avenue. ¥ J \ a . 7.35 Yar EVENINGS RA 5-7426 [st Modem Upioistering, 925% Simcoe ! : | west of Four Corners, Oven till 9 p nm. RA 3-3374 | APARTMENT manager -- Rental al. S. D. HYMAN Frank Hazlette, RU 3-1733 |GoRamat -- Well furnished, warm ! |Street North Call RA 86451 for a free ALL types of alterations and mending |BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea- lowance, handy, reliable couple, bond- Toronto, or write 3005 Bath- |pedroom, board optional, quiet home. 107 Byron St. 5., Whitby eatimate, |dons expertly, Phone MO 8-447. ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5-632. | (collect) able. Write Box 235, Oshawa Times. REAL ESTATE wurst' St, Toronto 19. IGentleman. Parking. RA S387

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