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The Oshawa Times, 9 Feb 1960, p. 4

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4 Canada Second To US. In Use Of Oil Products automotive and aeronatical re search. He stated two tvpes of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 9, 1960 Money Asked For Business OTTAWA (CP)--Reallocation of the "allocation of credit by the bank credit. has been suggested banks," Mr. Browne said. by Progressive Conservative], Bu the banks shou members as one of the best ways further, A Bank of Fadil] to help small businessmen hard|tical summary for October, 1959, up for credit, |showed of $4,457,000,000 the banks The suggestions came as the had available for loans in the Commons Monday debated a Lib- category exceeding $100,000 only eral resolution calling for govern: $1,821 000,000 had actually been [ment action Io help the small loane. usinessman out of' a Inancia!! «1 'pink that is something te strait jacket. which the banks should EE BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|east coast and Montreal are still) Canadians will be using oil at a|supplied by foreign sources from r x ) faster rate than the citizens of|their reserves of crude oil and engines are being studied all the any other country with the excep-/gatural gas. time, the piston free and gas tur- tion of the United States, Mau- he is estimated there is still albine engines, rice V. Crompton told the Lions sufficient supply of Canadian] These should not be overlooked club af its Monday night dinner|crude oil in the ground to last|as a gas turbine engine is simi- meeting. 260 years at the rate it is now(lar to a jet engine used in turbo Mr. Crompton is a member of being used. If the Athabaskan|prop aircraft engine which is the sales planning and co-ordina-|area is developed, it is estimated|used by airlines such -as TCA in tion section of Imperial Oil's On-|crude oil supply will last for{its Viscounts, he stated. i a BBC TELEVISION CENTRE IN LONDON vision centre at White City, Lon- | clude seven studios and an inner don, England. Built on a 13- | ring of seven-storey office build- acre site, the centre will in- | ings and dressing rooms around | a garden about the size of Ple- Construction is nearing com- | cadilly Circung. pletion on the British Broad- casting Corporation's new tele- --CP Wirephoto | 28. Florid style of orna. menta- ACROSS 1. Satiate 8. Physician 8. Great quan. 9. Guides tities (slang) 11, Father 10. Biblical 15. Greet name 18. More painful 29. 11. Talking bird 18. "The Mes- 12, Tears siah" com- 7. Scope tion In time (mus.) 30. Reduce 83, French river 84. Simple. 18. Each 14, Blinds 16. Moderate, poser 23. Music note 24. Overhead train 25. Double (prefix) 28. At home £7. Covered, as with silver RIETLLY] 3 Yesterday's baie south (abbr,) 22. Sports shoes 25. Daily 27. Published 29. Mulberry $1. American Indian (lit) 82, A hermit 35. Deeds (L.) 88. Dips out #9. Sound gent. ly, as a flute Borders 43. Reverber- ated of YELLOW PAGES BULLETIN DISCOVERY OF CHEESE ONE LEGEND HOLDS, GOES BACK TO ANCIENT ARAS NOMADS CARRYING MILK IN BAGS MADE FROM SHEEP STOMACHS -THE RENNET, MILK AND JOUNCING 6---Our Miss Brooks 82---Comedy Theatre 4--The Brighter Day 4:30 PM. 6-Friendly Giant 4--Edge of Night 3-2--Adventure Theatre WEDNESDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M. Family Theatre 6--Art In Action 8---Playhouse &~Learn About Storybook Land 3-Felix The Cat 5:15 P.M. é~Feature Film 5:30 P.M. 7--My Friend Flicka 8--Huckleberry Hound 3--Gene Autry 6:00 P.M. 118--News 7-~Early Show TUESDAY EVE. 5:00 P.A. U--Family Thentre 8--Children's Newsreel | 5--Playhouse | &--Learn About Things To Do | 7--Komedy Korner $-Three Stooges | 5--Ding Dong School i | 4--Popeye's Playhouse ra 2M. | 3-Dr. Christian | 9:30 AM 5:30 P.M. | 11~Movie 7--Rin Tin Tis 2---Helen Neville 10.00 AM. | 4--Red Rowe Show 52--Dough Re Mi 10:30 A.M. UPTO THAT TIME WAS PRODUCED IN INGERSOLL, ONTARIO IN 1986; IT WAS 16 FEETIN CIRCUMFERENCE, 2 FEET 10 INCHES HIGH, AND WEIGHED 7000188. IN 1892 AN EVEN BIGGER CHEESE WAS MADE IN PERTH, ONTARIO. py FOR EVERY 4 NEED 7~Early Show 3----Willie Wonderful 6:15 P.M. $--Lawrence Welk 6:30 PM, 11~Family Theatre 3.4-2---News; Weather 6:45 P.M 8-4-2 -New S--tuntley Report 7:00 s--Tabloid $--The Rifleman 4--The Tracers 2--Sergeant Bilko HC 7:15 P.M. News; Weather 7:30 P.M. 7--Bronce 8--Donna Reed 53 Laramie 4-Whirlybirds 8:00 P.M. 11-8---Chevy Show 4--~Ann Sothern 8:30 P.M, "Wyatt Earp $3-Ford Startime 4--Dobie Gillis 9:00 P.M, 114--Front Page Challenge 1 7--Rifleman | $-2---Arthur Murray | | | 11--Jane Gray Show 5-2-Price Is Right | 4-1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM Anything Goes 5-2--Concentration | 4--=December Bride 12:00 NOON artoons 7---Restless Gun 5-2--Truth or Consequences | 4--News and Weather | 12:15 P.M. | 8--Matinee 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. | 11--~News 7---Loye That Bob | 83-1t Could Be You 4--8earch for Tomorrow ' Brinkley PM 1 mony, a reception was held in the basement of the church, where the bride's mother received in a Report 11-6-4-2~News 7:00 P.M. 8--Tabloid 5-U of R Open House 4--Cannonball - B Te oP 5 ) DID You KNOW ASED CANADIAN CHEDDAR CHEESE RATES NIGH WITH GOURMETS ALL'ROUND THE WORLD" tario retail merchandising depart-|400 years The speaker concluded of Chesley W. Carter (L--Burin- themselves and I think that was ment. One can not be pessimistic in|the future developments in the Burgeo) moved the resolution ithe intent of the prime minister According to the speaker, each predicting the ofl producing pos-|oil industry and no matter how calling for urgent government|when he spoke to the banks," Mr, Canadian citizen has probably or| sibilities. Forecasting the finding|important any of these develop- consideration of making loans/ Browne said. usuallv used at least 50 oil prod-|of oil can have its risks as ac-menis are, they will be made available for small businesses hit| mets in their many diferent cording to reports, we will have through chemical research by tight money. No specific pro- NOT GOVERNMENT JOB foros. He stated the more obvi- about 10,000,000 more people in| After the business part of the cedure was proposed. Gordon Aiken (PC -- Party ous of these products include Canada in 1980 and three times meeting ended and the gathering The resolution did not come to| >ound-Muskoka) said it was not gasoline and heating oil {more cars on the roade. {had heard what Mr. Crompton| a vote. It drops to the end of the|the government's function to be 3 G | The oil /producer's main eop- iad to say about fhe Jitu of Tist of 50 private members' reso-|i0 the money-lending business. IN CLOTHIN : {cern for the future will be to|Canada and oil, the ions took } lutions and has little chance of|Vierever possible this should be There are, however, MANY erve the motoring public. |part in a share-the-wealth bingo. 3 in thi y left to private institutions. The other uses and by-products of oil.| "ge rvice stations have only ib © SeIming 9p aga Uns seshon, |government should step in only Some of these include Sividusliorunsed eight per cent since 190 RECALLS PM'S APPEAL {when absolutely necessary. synthetic fibres such as : ' ulation i Lo $7.000 is . a in clothing, numerous plastic and{Sompared os the last SS Fl ik Ferguson Browne (PC -- Yau! Haber andl Sort wi polyethylene objects Which are decae. . eouver Kingsway) quoted Prime lin SELL Ct ove 10 come . . iw " aving Embers s nS Sousehod dete genel on producers me Sonrualy| Monday Fire | y , Minister Diefenhaker as Sayingii, a vote without regard to party and the synthetic rubber which| WOrAIng In clase £0 pera provide| ajax (Staff) A tuck shop] last October that the banksijnks, is now used in automobile tires. {comm ag pylaws and Der-tany Sool al --- SIE. sup {should reconsider lending policies| Murdo Martin (CCF--Timmins) In addition oil is the base off, i" tha construction of service|gir ued by fire at Squire's Beach fo give the smaller borrowers said the only path open for small various kinds of drugs and even... ¢ : (Monday. : more. . {borrowers was to go to finance of some food preparations. It has|" 1, some parts of Canada, the got)" Pickering and Ajax fire "I believe this staiement fromjcompanies and pay "usury Dest $524 F. many gases 20m | automobile population is 1oomar departments responded but the| him has had some influence on|rates." He also called for a vote. i n the pr v < { gy 5 fos substances, the speaker noted. ing faster} a | speaker Vale By fie Tae Joie | "Until 1947, Cangda was a big] go mentioned several of the nympg CROSSWORD PUZZLE user but a small producer ofl iy erimental phases of the use| Aide Lodge, nearby, was saved Rais: wl eth hs - phi geudeail, She search for ol bas of crude oil and its products 12 {The Property was leased ro : th meds p. rank < v-1 favorable areas, yet the only im- art. He or BH Bond CBC Claims portant fields discovered unl Ask Master overheated and started the fire. | | . . a ad been Turner Valley an | The loss of buildings and con- | Norman Wells . . {tents is estimated at $7000, | | In February, 1947, Imperial) CD D rechive | Five minutes after the alarm ames hd hd Oil's Leduc No. 1 ell brought 1 {for this fire came in a sseond | a new oil era to Canada. e| -- x town|alarm was sent in from 3 Beech/ a a 1 1C Leduc discovery, 134th well in a AIAx (Stal = The Ales pre- | street, Ajax. An oil stove had be-| | $25,000,000 twenty-vear campaign|EOWEC YF n Detence organiz-|come overheated and heavy mproper | gave new direction and activity tol J ey 3 master directive has smoke was pouring from the | By RUSSELL ELMAN |east-west, north-south conflict be-(ary." In Alberta, Premier Man. prospecting. This led to the dis- been formulated by the Dominion chimney. TORONTO (CP) -- The CBC| PERTH (CP)--Australian his-[tween Europe and America 4 |ning's "administrative realism" covery of many more important = provincial governments | Owners of the home, Mr. and said Monday night at least 12|torian Fred Alexander, author of LR {still seemed "to remain consist- fields over a large part of the 8% PON UR ford Wetherall, Mrs. Henry MacNeill, are in Flor- names on a list of 76 imported|a new book on Canada foreign CHAPTERS ON FUTURE ent with a degree of continuing western sedimentary area | chairman of the civil defence ida. Little damage was done. |, erforimers submitted by the As-|policy, says Canada's internat. oe emael sald oh book sige evangelical appeal." id "it is impossible ~------ = | coclation of Canadian Radio and ional outlook today is dominated te pLers op Mf A aa 5 400 YEARS oe al owl Saality organize] . [Television Artists should mot be|largely by her relations with the|Political future, implications of IMPRESSIVE PREMIERS : The Canadian bia of thelan effective plan for civil de- | Soils Course there. {United States. {post-war economic growth, Amer-| Among Conservative provincial supplies about two-this 8 x hej without direction from sen-| | The list, covering the October-| In an interview at his Perth |ican cultural penetration and the| premiers he met, he said he was nation's demands as it is pip: | y ta jod of last year, home, the 81-year-old head of the extent of regionalism in Canada. |particularly impressd by Duff from Edmonton to Toronto. The'ior governments. -- . December period of last year je year a is] Discussing the possibility of a|Roblin of Manitoba, Leslie Frost om sé wisksbindin -- ns avor {was submitted by the ACRTA to|University of Western Australia Lib i 3 i n anitoba, e |back up a complaint that native history department said Liberal party revival, he sald hejof Ontario and Hugh John Flem- BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --lartists are being squeezed out of| "Despite a growing interest |10und Jleuty of evidence of a ming of New Brunswick. an : ar or The department of agriculture|television by imported talen among Canadians in Asia and w- [Sheng Sonne party organiza. The young and ebullient Rob- extension branch here has "had| "Going by the, association's ternational affairs in other parts Hen, od e istovered Subogt io lin gave the impression of being . ' a very satisfying response to its|original terms of reference --|of the world, thelr approach to|r. hi B e principles of ajon the threshold of a career: of loriginal letter regarding soils| variety and drama--at least 12 of | problems is largely colored by| oe... ~~ cra.sm on which theistill greater promise, not neces. u 1n S TEE {courses to be given by Soils Spe-| these names should not be on the|the impact on Canada of Ameri-| PAT might fight back to power. sarily within the provincial field |cialin Douglas Longsdail, of list," said Don MacDonald, direc-|can policy. This is seen in Can-| eon Te SOAR, found e00- aloue, BS ater. bw {Lindsay," A. Oliver Dalrymple. itor of information services. J itivi 7 ol ; , rhe Lery 5 4 BROUGH AM Whitevale| The rummage asle wi pie pi i AMEE representative, pe "Some of these people ap- ada's Sei ey towards Com jess by the CCF and Canadian seemed singularly ill - fitted for mtreacon Apion wi sai place Mar ot the OGtetows" BS SPS Ilo ne" Shovs an Th" eander based bis caplus. CeyC5 I0n [omng ging suggstive of he abe attempt to dam Duffin's | Hall, . 0 y interviews," he . "They| , 35:13 " ) valve. to iA a swimming pool for! Convener Mrs. Walter Anthony Monday arse will ut couldn't Do e 3314 anya [lon on a tour of Canada last year party," he said. "Such a party| He said Frost at first talked X Lasts ourse will consist of four reps ) . at the invitation of the Canada might cash in on the collapse of |i lati i local residents this year. st is making plans for the sale and separate two - hour discussion but themselves.' a SNe first Aus) ash 1 apse of|in platitudes suggestive of the year a flash flood washed out the she and her committee are col-|meetings at which Mr. Longsdajl| In an earlier statement, the net "% . Be Cc i the Canadian Liberal party as party tag, then gave ra realistic project only a few days 'after #t lecting articles for the event. will preside. During the first half|CBC said that only 18 perform- bas! Dy Sl ion re British be, Jory Jo 0 (Summary hi Sutent reds Ju was completed i . Plans for a social evening are of each meeting, he will speak|ers were imported during Oc-|j win | Lib age g 04 bres ine of British future possibilities in C n ot PE ft tr of EE ES 0 er ST E eh v q {form of a anc ling the second half he will con-| (In a Toronto story on the con. THREE-MONTH SURVEY o Fone . : lst : the dam for baseball. foutball. piace to be announced later, with gyet a discussion-type meeting. |[troversy Feb. 7, The Canadian| Travelling with his wife, he Recon J 00 Dewett govers tion 3 Scandinavian type popular horseshoe pilching aa P ect, |Juare dancing and old-time fid-| The dates laid down: for the|Press erroneously attributed to|made what he describes as (igen... oan®l, CONTIG WES|TOVEY Bnd commonsense admip- sfvands. To fuance ne pro] S dlers contests. four classes are: February 16,/the CBC a statement that the|three-month "non-statistical sur-| hor Teaghion strater. plane ave ee mmage sale, al HATO A Tipton, Whitevale March 1, March 15 and March ACRTA list included 58 Cana-|vey of Canadian attitudes, offi-| Jroine Favs other projects | school trustee, has been re-elect-|28, at patapie department of agri-|dians.) cial and geil, J Joreign| . P 0 .- » ws | |culture ces board room here| -------- {policy and especially Canadian- i . he vest J iy available soc Shara RW She Nereation pf and will begin promptly at 8 {Asian and intra - Commonwealth | uiz I ograme rigina or eonstruction design for the dam, 4 : 4 oo (pm. It is estimated they will Doctor Of Laws rations To gain material, he : the association's works commit- Hoyle; secretary and publicity, finish at approximately 10 p.m, |interviewed a cross - section of . ; tee will submit its plans to the| Wells Ritchie. Executive commit- Mr. Dalrymple has urged all . politicians, businessmen, univer- | Hard-Hit B Scandals Pickering Township engineering|tee also includes: Mr. and Mrs. [Durham farmers to plan to at For Gen Vanier sity heads, trade union officials, Y department and recreation com- Walter Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. tend all the four meetings if pos- . civil servants, - religious leaders mission for advice and assis Clair Ingraham, Mr- and Mrs. G. sible but if not he urges them to| rp my (cP) -- Governor- 21 Newspaper nen. AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) -- One of| He studied all kinds of games, tance. Advice will also be sought| McNally: Mr. and Mrs. G. Rixon, attend at least one or more of oo ) Vanier received an hon-| findings are to be published the hardest hit by last fall's U.S, including those of chance, and from local conservation authority Mrs. Hoyle, Mrs. Richie and the sessions. orary degree of doctor of laws early in March in a 156-page television quiz scandals is a psy- came up with the Double or Noth- experts. Mrs. Tipton. {Monday night at a special convo-|22%K: titled Qanadisne aud For-|chologist who started the wholeling quiz as 'a kind of crap game ; " DUNBRRTON [chien of te Uaveraey of Tor. 2, Foley, The book wl be ein i a dgresion ea aim of the ai onto, Noon and Loadon '|to make $1,000,000, | The original program, he adds, E L E I S I oO N L Cen. Vanier, in Ju adatess 100» inki Dr, Peter Cranford, mow prac-(was first heard on network radio V O G ou THOMPSON Bi the convocation, said a gepuine| Canadinn) 'day ate Sineing|tioms his profession here, didn't|in 1940 as Take It or Leave It. y x 2 0 ona ell, affection has grown up between|O' the roe ? Withimake his million but he was well|It was broadcast for a time a CHCH-TV Channel 1ll--Hamilior CBLT-TV Channel Toronto), ; minister, conducted the|the French- and Engiish-speaking| its peculiar historical, religious|;, the way when the quiz-fixing|Double or Nothing. : WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel §--Rochester regular Morsing service at Dun-|peoples of Canada and saeia) background 18 3 Norn expose came, He estimates that! 1p the beginning, an opening bartor ted Church. The choir| i is "h con- ext, 8 = , 25 i ' WGRTV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buttale D2rion United Church. The chor) He od ar apy Co lander. "Canadians realize thar 10 collected S266 00 From 1s oF question was worth $1 which a Rudik as soloist and Mrs. Wilkin-|come a long way toward rejolc-|the hard facts of geography and |, 0 .m launched 20 years ago, | mestant could double up to son at the organ. Ho in the Similarities of the two|economics make them par and Pro€lom. 8 Rtrt 0 VEArs 260, $64. Masters of ceremonies in- The service at St. Andrew efhnic groups, as wel 3s In their|Parcel of North America, | In the TV heyday, h h [Sluded Son Rak. Josk Paar, Presbyterian Church, Pickering, differences, which "add color and| "But Canadians are equally de- uti bet ney 0.000 ud $60. Al a ep and Eddie Cantor, was conducted by the minister, variety to the Canadian scene." termined to fight to preserve ajfete all Weel 7% an '| By 1955, the $64 Question had Kenneth Heron BA In the last few years there had|distinctive Canadian identity and annua ly become TV'S $64,000 Question. A The choir provided music with been a quickening interest among (contribution to the North Ameri-| Crawford, 50 and the father of subsequent program developed as Marion McClement at the organ. English - speaking Canadians infcan scene, Consclously or uncons- three sons, thinks he may reap the $64,000 Challenge. Mr. Heron expressed the sym. | learning to speak French. This|ciously they draw strength from (even greater profits from his de-(- pathy of he cmpreiation to the was particularly evident in pub- their rich European ties, but this Joussion bows a M ed R k R ec life. s no longer seen rms of an - ATE ii TE HT Fae oekete . 5 racts the programs - He was a member of the choir may remain dormant for another till Far Awa for many years, AT BROUGHAM year or so without his benefiting. | : Y The annual congregational | WINNIPEG (CP) -- A leading meeting was held Friday with ° PY ANYTHING POSSIBLE {Canadian scientists says neither Rev. E- H. Hunter as chairman, | M n ham After that, he adds, the rights| Russia nor anyone else is likely and Barrie Mackenzie as secre- 1SS unnil g ; revert in full to Take It or Leave to land a manned rocket on the tary. L Inc., 3 which he has a third |moon within the next five years. ° interest. He sees no difficulty in| pr. william Petrie, superin- = "hoe mew 1 Becomes Bride potable pacamei wi #0 onde" of he oun ve et Jacks | Mitchell and Mrs. Maybury of Yertigig agency. search group of the Defence| Ste a {Toronto left Feb, 2 for a motor He attributes his development Board, Oitawa, made the state. | 6:30 P.M trip to Florida. y BROUGHAM -- Ebenezer Unit- of the quiz format to a leading ment Monday in an interview | 11--amily 'Theatre | Howard McClement celebrated ed Church, Milliken, was filled to American philosopher and psy-|here | 54-2News; Weather {his birthday on Feb. 6 and his|Capacily Feb. 6 when Mary Eliza- : / chologist, William James. Craw-| Despite talk of space trips to 6:45 P.M parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Me-|beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (gown of grey 'Satin Maid", en-|ford says that as a research wor-|the moon and other planets, Dr. S-Huntley Brinkley Clement of Fern Ave. Toronto, Henry M. Cunningham, of Milli-\hanced by a pink corsage, and the ker and publicist in Atlanta, Ga., | Peirie said there was a long way visited him at the Base Line Sun- ken, was united in marriage to groom's mother, in a pale blue|in the 30s he was impressed with|to go before these things actually day for the birthday celebration. Frederick Hugh yi pares Foy "Satin Maid" sheath, and red 8 James premise that anything happen, 3 {of r, and Mrs. omas Carter, corsage wi white accessories. is possible with enough effort and! Th i de Ylage group of the VA Uxbridge Township. Rev. Allan Some 40 guests enjoyed a toast [set out to make $1 bs fry ay The most advanced propulsion ry 2 | - ; | A , system available now is "still a day at the home of Mrs. Sydney Lavis, of Unionville conducted (to the bride proposed by Rev. | "Times were hard and it had to major headacle," he sald, "It's Morvish. J tu poy dames Frusct, be without capital," he recalls. a pretty risky operation to pro- The On-We-Go executive meet. USIC Was Hu aod at y 3 ON TRIP |" picked the entertainment/ject a man into space with what ing was held Tuesday at the J per The newly married couple, the field: we now have," bride in a trim black corded suit, SEE as AD. Ne. MYPH- 7-2 COIS X 88 LINES 1960 The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a full |skirted white taffeta street- {length gown, enhanced by lace |over net. A tiara of seed pearls + home of Mrs. Chris. Green, John Cookston has been a pa- tient in Ajax Hospital, Sprouse r¥ Dick Pearce of Queen's Univer- 2 Mid-day Matin | 118-RCMP fsuy Was home o the Weekend. {supported a shoulder length veil, 7--About Faces | 7--Keep Talking | Mrs. unice Lawrence Nas re-j,,q ihe pouquet was of deep red turned home from Oshawa Hos- |. ... 2nd fern. near Uxbridge, | 5--Feature Movie ! 8:30 P.M. 1 r Mero PM, 116_Live A Borrowed pital and is reported progressing| "mye bridesmaid, Miss Mildred| Unable to be present at the wed- | 7--Divorce Mearing a a Abii ¢ me Keith, of Milliken, was attired in|ding, grandparents.of the bride, 4-The World Turns eekond uaCken a Spea nd 8 pink gown of net over taffeta, and an aunt and uncle, sent con 2:00 P.M. er &) ffs home of Mr. and and wore a matching plaited ban- |gratulatory messages by tele | 7-Day In Court } = En Annis. {deau, She carried a bouquet of (gram from Edmonton, Alberta, | | CxBetter or Won | Mrs. W. Newman spoke at the white, pink and red carnations. |Among the out of town guests | | Jupetter &) ors {regular WA meeting Feb, 4 on| The groom's attendant was Roy |weme Lt. R. D. Leech, of Camp 9:15 P.M. the work of the Red Cross Home-|l.ehman, and the ushers John|Gagetown, New Brunswick, Rev, | 11-86--Startime | 11.6--Nursery Schoo) maker, Saunders and Richard Under-iand Mrs, James Fraser, of To- | ® ne 0 s, Jam aser, of T i bgt lb | 2:30 P.M. Mrs, Oliver Gibb has returned) wood, ronto, and Mr. Cecil Brittain, of | 16--Open home from Oshawa General Hos-| Following the wedding cere- Bradford. " 11:00 P.M 7 Hale SIM x pital and is reported recovering ee ---------------------- 117-6-5.4-2--New . : | Theatre 10.30 P.M. lof Uxbridge visited Mr. and Mrs, Ere wint 3:00 P.M. | 116 Explorations E. G. Code. $2-Jack Parr onatre Long Branch visiting friends. 4~Theatre 11-6--The Tempest | 7--Black Saddle 5-2-Wagon Trais with white accessories, and cor- sage of red and white carnations, left on a short wedding trip, after which they will reside at the home of the groom's parents, Guiding 4--=Tightrope 9:30 P.M. 11-6 -Startime 7--Philip Marlowe $-2-Arthur Murray 4--Red Skelton 10:00 P.M. | f--~Alcoa Presents 4--Garry Moore $-2----M Squad 10:30 P.M. L] 7--Ossle and Harriet 54--Price Is Right &~Men Into Space 9:00 P.M 11-8-2--Perry Como 7--The Hawallan Eye S--Perry Como 4---Millionaire 9:30 P.M. Got a Secret you'll be walking on air when you save regularly at IMPERIAL Z BAN K %ez ww bit i fe The Truth About Beauty Creams Ever wondered ebout all the magical sounding preparations on the market? 2--Johnny Midnight | 11:6-~Open House 2-Loretta Young | 4~Theaire. . Mrs. Erne adburv] 11:15 P.M. | *-loretia vi Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bradbury 7--Beat The 52-Wichits Town | i and family spent the weekend at ports Views $--Black Saddle 1 | 4-~House Party 5-2 * Is Your I from her operation Weather; Sports 11-6--8chool Telecast | 7--Interpol Calling : | 11:30 P.M. Clogk Mr, and Mrs: Peter Formanak 3:30 P.M. 11:45 P.M, $~Boxing WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM. ¥--Window on the World $2-Today 11-~Music For You 7--=Who Do You Trust 6--People's Choice 53-From These Roots | &=Verdict Is Yours 4:00 P.M. 11--Popeye News 7-Pléyhouse 6--Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. 11-Late Show 6----Man Hunt 8-2-Jack Parr Theatre ANCIENT PORT The Italian seaport of Brindisl was a flourishing community when Virgil, the Roman poet, died there in 19 BC, Here's an expert's assessment of their value, You'll learn which ones you really need in this week's Star Weekly,

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