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The Oshawa Times, 10 Feb 1960, p. 20

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Februory 10, 1960 MERCHANTS' EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE centre administrator. Seated " Litz, A. E. Hebb | is the chairman for 1960, John 3, Ross, Roy Liz Swan. Apother committee (past chairman), Bruce Cam- | ; member, not in the picture, is eron, David Crotin and Joseph of the leases held by tenants. fe also presents co-operative advertising plans for approval by the directors of the Mer- Shown above are the newly | from left to right, standing: elected members of the execu- tive committee for the Osh- | awa Shopping Centre Mer- | Schmitz, who is the shopping chants' Association. (Oshawa Times Photo) M. W. Book. It is Mr. Schmitz's job to administer the conditions Snow Clearance Well Organized The Oshawa Shopping Centre|a huge task. About 50,000 square has a snow clearing problem com-|feet of glass must be kept clean parable to that of a small town.|in the shop fronts. There are 80 Snow-free shopping is a neces- standard lights, each with four sary thing at the centre. lamps, in the paving Jots. These After a heavy snowfall, trucks, all have to be was a i snowplows, pl Ming etc., quickly |spected. A 30-foot-high mobile and efficiently clear the shopping scaffolding is used for this job. centre, A contractor is hired to do| A mechanical sweeper is used this job. It must be done in the|to clean the parking lot and shop- early hours of the morning. When |ping lanes. Garbage is removed the first shoppers arrive at the by way of the underground eon- centre the parking lot and roads) course. are clear for uphampered traffic.) Keeping the landscape beauti- Snow clearing isn't the only ful is the job of an outside con- maintenance problem. Nine hun-|tractor assisted by a small staff dred thousand feet of white lines at the centre, are painted each year, to keep| There are beds of flowers, parking lot areas and car bays|along the mall and plaza, to be in trim. This utilizes 300 gallons|kept in trim, several hundred of special parking lot paint. Ifishrubs and trees to be pruned one man and & spray gun were and acres of lawn to be cut and kept at the job, it would take be-| watered. tween three and four weeks to {HEAVY TRAFFIC complete. Traffic, at peak periods, may CLEANLINESS run into 3000 cars an hour. How- Keeping the centre clean is also ever, traffic signs and well-plan- ned service roads, leading to low ground. This provides cus- self-contained parking lots, pre- tomers with quiet, traffic-free vent the need for too much phy- shopping. sical traffic control. EFFICIENT DELIVERY Trouble shooters of a different This underground concourse kind are the crews of heating en- means speedy more efficient de-|gineers operating from Principal livery of goods for the store|Investments' Toronto headquar- merchants, Shoppers' cars and |ters, They keep watch on all the trucks do not get snarled in traf-|shopping centres' heating systems| fic bottlenecks. All trucks,jand go out to prevent trouble servicing the centre, have sepa-|before it happens. They advise a| rate entrance and exit. Noise and| four-man Oshawa team which exhaust fumes, as an annoyance maintains the three 600. hp oil- to shoppers, are largely done fired boilers in the basement, Canada Cement | | A truck arriving at the centre enters from a service road at the south. At the concourse en- trance, the driver drives his truck down a 120-foot ramp which MOST RECENT CARL KNOWLER Norman Beal, men's and boys' wear, opened a store in the Oshawa Shopping Centre last August. Carl Knowles, pic- tured above, was chosen to man- age this store. He has more than 10: year's experience in the men's furnishing trade. Mr, Knowles managed the Norman Beale store at the Eglinton Square Shopping Centre in To- ronto, before he came to Osh- awa. He has two children who attend school in Oshawa. wry y ARRIVALS rrr MRS. V. WELSH Mrs. Viola Welsh, of 142 Sim- coe street north, manages the Lighting Unlimited store in the shopping centre. The store opened officially Oct. 2. Previ- ous to managing this store Mrs. Welsh was at Franklin's of Oshawa. Born in Peter- borough she has lived in Osh- awa since 1947, Lighting Un- limited is a chain of stores owned by David E. Wodlinger. His main store Is located in | Toronto. His Oshawa store is | one of the few dealing exclu- | sively in lamps and lighting fixtures, JOHN JENSEN John Jensen has been man. ager of Cole's Book Store since it opened in the Oshawa Shopping Centre in Angust. He managed several Cole's stores in Tovonto before coming to Oshawa. Mr. Jensen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. He lived there until three years ago. He was a commercial photographer. His wife Anne was also born in Copenhagen. They now have a seven-month- old baby. The Jensens reside at 812 Broadway avenue, in To- ronto. Centre Becomes Integral Part |race will finish at the centre. |the centre. These take most of the The race will be in August and traffic from the north of the city is sponsored in conjunction withjand cays coming from places the Canadian Wheelmen's Asso-|like Whitby and Pickering in the ciation. It will start in Sudbury./west. They will also handle cars The 250-mile race will take from Highway 2 in the east. three days to complete. ENTRANCES Of City's Life | A main entrance to the centre is from Stevenson's road south. chants' Association. They are, J Plans For Expansion Under Way At Centre will pos- contributing to a very successfu |1959. He said he has heard noth- [ing but favorable comments by |citizens, and "It's pretty well This entrance leads onto a flower terraced road running up to the plaza square, There are two other entrances on Stevenson's road. They are on either side of the main entrance. In the south there is a special entrance for service vehicles and trucks coming to deliver merchan- dise. Parking lois on the east are serviced by Elmgrove avenue. Also on the east, is a shrub and flower-pordered parking lot di rectly outside the lower level en: trance to Eaton's, Once inside the various parking lots, drivers will find traffic is etc., there are four square feet one-way. The routing is clearly concrete business has grown ra- hold events at the centre. Last|for parking customers' cars. marked on large signposts. Each pidly and some companies in this|year bicycle races were held] In Oshawa, the stores stand bay has its own number so shop line are large buyers of cement. |there. The Oshawa Junior Cham.|like an island in a sea of asphalt |pers will remember where they "Recently we felt obliged to| ber of Commerce held its "Teen-| The parking area covers more|have parked their car. Even those step in and prevent the acquisi-|age driving roadeo" in the park-|than 30 acres. Drivers find there/ who park on the outer rim of the tion of one of the largest of these|ing area and many other events/are seven main entrances to the parking area will have only a compani s wetitor" he utilized the available space. |centre. Two are on the King matter of 400 feet to walk to the added. This year a marathon bicyclelstreet west side at the morth ofistores. INT HORWICH JEWELLERS INGS =: WATCHES Women's and Men's waterproof dress watches. This |B group consists of Arday, Bulova, Gruen, Omega, Rolex, ond many other lines, PRICED FROM 12:95 10 205-00 SAMSONITE LUGGAGE (ULTRALITE) Gigantic Clearance Sale of ana Luggage ot curves into the tunnel, Facing him, the driver sees an underground road 15 feet high and lit by powerful lights, The road stretches for more than a thousand feet. Its 26-foot width is more than ample for two trucks aureast, Buys Shares In the opinion of members of| the Oshawa Shopping Centre Mer-| MONTREAL (CP) -- JM. |chants' Association, the centre| Breen, president of Canada Ce- has successfully become an in. ment Co. Ltd., says the company |tegral part of Oshawa community | has bought a substantial interest life in Standard Paving and Materials) Plans are underway now to Ltd. of Toronto. {make shopping much easier for "But the owners of the busi-|the housewife with children to ness still retain control," he said|look after. A new merry-go- in a reply to a shareholder's/round to keep children busy is question at Monday's annual|planned for the near future meeting. There are also plans for a regu- Earlier he referred to a new lar supervised playground. tem in the 1959 balance sheet-- "investment in associated com-|SPORTS EVENTS panies"--listed as $12,000,000, | Negotiations are under way He explained the ready-mix|With several sports groups, to Parking Area Big Feature For Shoppers One of the important features of the Oshawa Shopping Centre is the huge parking lot, designed to accommodate 3300 cars. The modern shopping centre is geared to the car, For every square foot of space devoted to selling groceries, lawnmowers, Ltd., Toronto, They are the larg- est shopping centre operators in Canada. The official sod-turning took place Friday, July 22, 1955. The three expected additions to |the ceritre will bring the number | |of tenants to 52, | LOADING BAYS | Between 100,000 and 120,000) Dunning along the sides of the j|people live within the shopping tunnel are concrete platforms centre's trade area. These include|leading off from the basement of {residents of the citv of Oshawa|each store. These platforms are and towns and villages within 30 the loading bays where the driver miles of the centre. The average|takes his goods or receives mer- The Oshawa Shopping Centre ping centre. Building expects another boom year, "if sibly start in about a year. t I v things centinue as in 1959," John npw COMMITTEE Swan, newly elected chairman of| mv. new executive committee|agreed the centre has become an family income in this area is|chandise for dispatch. ' 4 | ' anpistinnl g 5 " | . " if the centre merchants association, of the wWiershaus sssosiatiofntestal part of Oshawa, | nearly $5000 per year. Halfway along the tunnel, the says. |wa. I ed 8 PA | uall The shopping centre occupies a| There is parking for 3300 cars|road widens to accommodate five 1t is expected all the available meeting. Members of the 1960|¢ota] area of 53 acres. This in-|at the centre. The area is floodlit special loading bays for Eaton's space will be filled in a few Commitlee are: David rot: cludes shops, parking lots, inter-|at night. Directly underneath the store. These bavs are set in a months. The expected additions Bruce Cameron, Roy Lutz, ; «nal roads and terraces. The origi- mall of the centre, is the first(saw - tooth formation to allow are: Coles Sporting Goods, Walk-| Book and H. Ross. T 44 = 'I nal estimated cost was $10 000,000 underground truck concourse|easier loading and prevent traffic er Stores Ltd., and a new hair-[chairman Is A E Hebb. he |ever built in a Canadian shopping|congestion in the concourse. The dressing parlor [new chairman is Mr. Swan. |LARGER OPERATOR |centre. Nearly a quarter mile|driver leaves by a ramp onto a Plans are already underway| Mr. Hebb said he wished to| The centre is owned and de-|long, it is designed to keep alliservice road at the east side of for future expansion of the shop thank the people of Oshawa foriveloped by Principal Investmentsistore deliveries and services be-'the shopping centre. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE REPEAT OFFER! By popular demand we are repeating some of the most p our Jost sale. FOR VALENTINE'S DAY GIVE THE GIFT GIVING. BIG NAME RECORDINGS 15, THE PRICE!!! oe ular items from HAT KEEPS ON Community Silver ON SALE 1, PRICE! Evening Star and Ballad. Other patterns at great savings. PERRY COMO Sings Just for Ye THE npr. 60-Lury THREE (Factory Scaled) DIAMONDS Your choice of our entire Diamond Stock ot savings of 20% to 50% during 'this sale. See Our Speciol! Reg. 150.00, ot "AN EVENING WITH GUY LOMBARDO" An evening with "The Sweetest Music This Side of Heaven "The Four Aces Sing" "Wilf Carter" "Strauss Waltzes" Mario Lanza The voice that has been compared to Coruso "Frankie Carle" "Harry Lauder" Will Glahe Polka Hits THE HAPPY- GO-LUCKY THREE SUNS ARTIE SHAW Music for dancing or dreaming featuring the Artie Shaw magic "American Marches' "Square Dances" Woodhull's Old Tymers "Popular Piano Classics" PERRY COMO "Sings Just for for You" One of the all These records have been produced with the co-operation of greot artists such as: Guy Lombaerde, Perry Come Leonard Bernstein and many others to bring you the finest music for your listen. ing pleasure, time greats singing 12 of our favorites "Kitty. Kallen" "Ink Spots" "Dinah Shore" b Extended Play Albums { OKLAHOMA 2 08 f MUSIC MAN Reg. 1.50 poe L_Ja0% OFF! Ladies' and Gent's RINGS Rings of every description. Birthstones, Pearls, Alaskan Diomonds, SAVE 20% TO 50%!! ON SALE FROM 7.95 UP WEEKEND SPECIAL! Glass and Aluminum Butter Dishes, Bread Tray, Cream and Sugar . . . .. Honky Tonk Piano "That Latin Beat" Xavier Cugat Attention Stereo Fans! {Listed below are just @ few of the many bargains in our Stereo Department) MARCH STEPS IN TURK MURPHY STEREO Reg. 5.00 TERESA BREWER LIBERACE RONNIE HAWKINS PETE FOUNTAIN 3 JACK TEAGARDEN COUNT BASIE ® AND MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Attention Monophonic Fans! Audio Fidelity Hi-Fi Recordings--Reg. 5.95--Now BAGPIPE & DRUMS ' ACCORDION DE PARIS (9th Regiment Pipe Jo Basile Bond) BULLFIGHT MUSIC 45 VIBE SOUND DUKES OF DIXIELAND 4. GIANT WURLITZER DIXIE BANJO JOHNNY PULEO & HIS Vol. 3 Larry Adler HARMONICA GANG AND MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM LADIES' COSTUME JEWELLERY End-of-line clearance. Regularly $6 to 29.50 ( On Sale 12 Price) 3.00 to 14.75 - 99 HORWICH = JEWELLERS RN CONVENIENT WAY - DO ALL TaN 14 PPING CENT 4 4 & FRANK SINATRA RAY ANTHONY DEAN MARTIN fi NAT "KING" COLE © JONAH JONES VIENNA WALTZES TOMMY DORSEY Ff "IT'S IN THE BOOK™ John Stondley DIAMOND NEEDLES Last 3 to 5 years "Guar- 8.99 Peter Appleyard Vel, 1-10 # anteed One Year Uncon- ¥ ditionally" Reg. 16.95.

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