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The Oshawa Times, 10 Feb 1960, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 10, 1960 young Romantic Notion of Valentines Started in Pagan Festival of Love The bursting buds of spring|cester, Mass, whick first and the stirring of romance in|appeared in 1850. hearts both young and old have heralded February 14, St. Valen. ORNAMENTATION tine's Day, for nearly five cen| Heavy gold work heralded the turies. start of the Victorian '"genger- There is little doubt among|bread" period in 1860. Cut-out Canadians that St. Valentine's|Pouquets were all the rage of the Day is the most romantic time|1870°s, ranging from tiny ap- of any year, and even more so|Pliques to massive decorations. in 1960. "This yer is divisible by| "By 1880, the trend was away four and means but one|from fine lace and the lettering thing, Leap Year, and an open|that appeared on Valentines had season on males, become more distinct. Printed at- The colorful, joyous and ro tachments were being used. mantic history of the valentine is| Valentines of the 19th century shrouded in antiquity, but re-|culminated in the final decade in search indicates that the festiv-|a sunburst of elaborate mechan- ities probably date to the pre-lical greetings, many of them in Christian days of the Roman German, in many shapes -- rang- Empire. ing from battleships to' picnics in MATING the park. A TIME This y for the first time in The Romans eeldrated with 5 de "'heirloom" the Feast of Lupercalia each ® Y¢2™: February 14, the date the birds valentines such as those popular were supposed to begin their|in the Victorian era will be ex- Hot Muffins Make A Meal the Home Economics Service to produce a smooth, fins should never be beaten. Mix- is done by drawing flour into the that St. Valentine's Day had It J it]e Theatre thn tire umes 5 many vaer| Presents Play i i t to thers than " westhearly this year. At H&S Meeting Mrs. Carey Gill dent, presiding. i Mrs. Mr. Mr, assistant TODE to Mark treasurer's report, also a com-|crown attorney for Ontario coun-| 0 ar Most of the faults in muffins| ete financial report coveringlty introd . come from over-mixing, avis he cost of the family skating|gent gave = LAB hr 60 Anniversary arty and the final results of the|the program. Mr. George Dry. the Ontario Department of Agri-fone "dollar per family dopation pan culture. The object in mixing is|project. Mrs. George Jones read! itl, merely to moisten the flour, notithe secretary's report and also|entitled ™ , ream an article js honor of Founders batter as in making cake. -|INight entitled 'Objects of Home|; 4 fin batter should be lumpy. Muf-land School". Little Theatre. The play depict Mrs, view Lodge March 4. delegates to the convention in the Peterson, were presented ary 8, Ritson's Day to serve at Fair-play concerning parent education|Empire still promote loyally to with a discussion on the questions| "king and country" but their mil- It was decided to send four asked. The program convener, Royal York Hotel, Toronto, April Jon pig Tg gall )-21. " xa Se renis of the gi Mrs, Bertha Geisberger, Grade Murray of Montreal as a token Ritson Home and School Asso-\ning class and Grade 2 teacher, 1: ciation held its regular meeting|prg, on Monday, Fel with with the $3.00 prize by the con-|mothers of the pupils of Grade 6. liondollar budget goes for edu- Mrs. |cation and welfare. ' The IODE was conceived dur- ing the Boer War by Mrs. Clark Refreshments were served by|of encouragement and devotion to Mrs. Gordon Butler and the Queen Victoria. The 32,000 present members will mark the 60th anniversary a ic, vice-presi-|yener, Mrs. Borden Slack. | Bruce Affleck, Eric Cooper read the a director of the Oshawa ed three approaches to child rais-|a Az Emerging from a reputation as the local level. Many groups plan special Sunday church services. At Montreal, national President Mrs. A. K. Richardson of Toronto will speak at a founders' day luncheon. The head table guests will include Mrs. Leslie Skelton : TORONTO (CP) -- The IODE hter of IODE Little Theatre, introduced a play marks its 60th birthday Saturday of Mongrel, Saughte "Scattered Showers", with the emphasis on education played by three members of the(and welfare. | HOUSEHOLD HINT Dirty panes of glass will come flag-waving organization the clean more easily if you rub t ¥ + incredients Gillpspie received the ing. Mr. Affleck gave a brief talk|984 Canadian chapters of the Im-{them with a bit of glycerine. ing the dry and wet ingr names of several volunteers for'on the different aspects of thelperial Order Daughters of the They'll stay clean longer, too. liquid, Best results are obtained when egg and milk are at room tem- perature. When melted fat is add- ed to very cold milk and eggs, it| becomes solid. Solid fat is not | evenly distributed through the batter and poorer muffins result. When a muffin has a shiny sur- face, rises in peaks, is uneven in shape or has large, uneven Spring mating As part of 'the changed by lovers and well wish- at giv 0 cui Jove ers. The intricate "heirlooms" a large urn. Young swains then 3' almost exact replicas of the drew names from the urn, and|rare Victorian cards in the Hall- , courted the maid whose name | mark Historical Collection, the they drew during the ensuing World's largest assemblage of an- year, [Fe greeting cards. The custom was later Intro-| Mcdernistic and high - style duced to England by the Romans cards, bright juvenile cutouts, and continued through the Chris-| contemporary and traditional val- tian era. In order to adapt the entines a'so are included in this practice to Christianity, the|Year's selection of Valentines enurch transferred it to the Feas!| And, although history shows holes inside, it has been over-| | mixed. f A good muffin is even in shape, {well browned, rough, pebbly and | | slightly round on top, even in tex- {ture, with no tunnels or large, un-| feven holes inside, light. | For good muffins, remember | especially not to over-mix, that melted shortening should be cool- jed but still liquid and to use milk and eggs at room temperature. | or Saint Valentine, a Bishop of| Rome who was martyred by the Romans on February 14, 270 AD.| FIRST VALENTINE? Records indicate that shortly before his execution the bishop left a note for the Roman jailer's young daughter who had be- friended him, telling her of his faith and signing it, "Your Val. watine", Anothr famed early forerunner, of the valentine was a note writ- ten by the Duke of Orleans to his wife in 1415 when he was im- prisoned in the Tower of (London after the battle of Agincourt, Theft Duke's valentine is now pre- served in the British Museum. Paper valentines with inscribed sentiment date from the 16th cen- tury. The first printed valentines A may have been the frontispiece | fever Salories hing untoasted of the "Valentine Writer", a book | >red¢- true or false. of verses printed in London that A. Folse. There are many othe? offered assistance to the inarticu- | false nctions about food. Here late. |are a few: Fcod can not be 9 5 istored in open cans. It can) These were issued as early 88 Garlic cures h gh blood pressure, . ater denise ein doesn't.) Food cooked in alu~ served in the Hallmark Historical ig visheite vl sous iin Collection of antigue greetings, C5, cod olives incre ser r tion. ladies to send to gentlemen, and power, : Fure Yiction, vice versa. A typical verse from Q. Your questions and-answers "The Lady's Valentine Writer", about cancer are always inter- printed in London, reads: |esting. Can you write more "That wish I hope extends to @bout this discase? love, that you make me thine; A. M:re about cancer would no It so, I wish that I may prove, | doubt be helpful but in that case Your happy Valentine." |a ot o Sher heglth Subjects Valentine writers often framed |%°"¢ Nove 1° Y Basso their romantic greetings in the | Mercan Cancer Society pubs . | lishes an interesting and helpful language ul the legal and finan-| op phlet which answers more i {than a hundred questions about Summonses, writs and court the disease. If you or other read- orders, as well as bank notes and grs gre interested, drop us a note the "IOU", were favorite forms'and we will see thot your re- in which yaleutines were present: quest for the free booklet reaches ed late in the 19th century. The|the proper hands. valentines often were lavishly . ' embellished with simulated seals, 9. [Is self-hypnosis possible? scroll borders and other symbols That is, can a person hypno- i tize himse of authentic documents. ize himself? |A. Some can. The following oc- APPLIED SKILLS ote copper |currence is related by a doctor y , » hand-| "iwho uses hypnosis. After seve plates, by such artists as Fran-'erq| visits o ds married wome Sesco Bartelessi were in demand. an who was apparently dissatise These were followed by wood- fied with her progress, asked him: guts yu Jithopeaphs, and some hi don't you hypnotise me? ad emboss rames. Jhe decctor hesitated a mement With the introduction of penny and the patient added, "I know postage and envelopes to England You son do ny becayse my hus- in 1840, the exchange of valen-/ band can, an e isn't even a tines increased and the use of doctor." The physicion made a lace-paper, delicately ornament. slight gesture os anyone might ed, became popular. In the Unit- ed States, crude wood-cut valen- tines were produced by Robert Elton and Thomas W. Strong of New York. These gave way to lace-paper delicacies imported from Eng- land and, in turn, were super- ceded by the less expensive cre- _ations of Esther Howland of Wor- LE -- Food Fallacies ® Cancer Booklet ® Self-Hypnosis ® Breath-Holding Q. | have heard that toast hos 28 King St. E 3 Medical Mirror RA 3-4621 Better do during a conversation and, | before he could speak, the pa- tient entered a tronce-like state of hypnosis, She had hypnotized herself! i Q. My baby, now 18 months old, hos spells of holding his breath to the point of losing consciousness. Dousing him with cold water will bring him out of it but is this wise? | A. This sort of behavior is| thought to be a form of temper| tantrum, Your form of "'treat-| ment" would probably leave baby specialists ond the baby)! cold. The basic trouble, accord- ing to most authorities, is scme kind of parent-child conflict. | The attacks are harmlass in that] the baby can't continue to. hold his breath after he becomes un-| conscious. However, medical | consultation is strongly urged. The physician will offer advice which will help solve the prob-| lem. The "cure" will, however, | depend pretty much on you. Our prescription service is rec- ommended to you. by the pride we feel in being able to serve) you well ot all times. | Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors. The| diagnosis and treatment of dis- sease is the function of the pa-| tient's personal physician. Ques- tions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario will be incorpor- oted in these columns when pos- sible. Oshawa PICK UP A CARTON TO-DAY Everyone's Bealing The Drum For Refreshing Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK! Money-Saving SPECIALS LD.A, BRAND -- Hea. 2 for 29¢ 2 for 27¢ TOILET TISSUE 2 for 27¢ 1.D.A. BRAND A.S.A. TABLETS --, GOLD CREAN SOAP IDASAL TABLETS 1... .., s. 73° 1.0.A, BRAND -- Va arain -- 500's, 1000' IT Reg. 55¢, 39¢ 58c Saccharin Tablets *°,," HOT WATER BOTTLE ,., ,,, 1.59 NOXZEMA 5! IN CREAM "> 1.35 Pepsodent Tooth Paste i; %:. 78¢ WEBROOT © CA _ 73 73c size NIVEA CREME nus 49¢ HAND LOTION NIVEA SFECIZL GET YOUR FREE COMB IN THE LARGE S'ZE PACKAGE OF BRYLCREE! Hinds "co Cream ALMOND With exclusive Fluratex Gives longer protection form wind, water and weather, errr... & for 98" I.D.A. ITEMS at regular prices ! HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOOD 3 TINS 32¢ Bronchida Cough Syrup Bronchida Chest Rub ....... 59 Bronchida Cold Capsules 1.25 vena vees 31 19¢, 2 for 37¢ Mineral Oil . . .. 65¢, 1.25 Baby Cough Syrup .. 60c PROTECT YOUR FAMILY AGAINST VITAMIN DEFICIENCY for less Wax Paper Paper Napkins TRADE-MARK REGISTERED POLLY RED TOP with INSULATED STOPPER Ww EN Dripless Pouring Lip 15-0z. 30-0z, 3 months 4.49 8 months % 2.19 4.25 GIFTS Billfolds 98¢, 1.79, 2.50 up Cadbury's "Milk Tray" Chocolates . ..... 80c, 1.50 Cadbury's "Roses" Chocolates ........ 65¢, 1.25 Other popular brands available at popular prices, ; Ronson Cigarette Lighter .:.. Other Lighters cesses... 49¢c, 1.98 up Compacts . . . cess. 1.50, 2.50, 4.75 DeVilbiss Perfume Atomizer ........ 1.50 to 5.00 Gillette Blue Blades devesa.. 25¢, 50, 1.00 Gillette Super Blue Blades ................ 6%9¢ Jewelite Hair Brushes . 4.00 Paper Mate Pens . North - Rite Pens . 79¢, 1.25 Guerlain Shalimar Cologne .......... 3.50, 5.50 Guerlain Shalimar Perfume .......... 5.50, 7.50 Hazel Bishop Lipstick brates veenes 1:00 Max Factor Hi-Society Lipstick ............ 1.95 Max Factor Primitif Cologne 2.25, 4,00 Max Factor Hypnotique Cologne ...... 2.25, 4.00 Lentheric Tweed Cologne ............ 1.75, 2.50 Lentheric Tweed Toilet Water Mist Shulton Friendship Garden Toilet Water ceeesses.. 1.25,2.00 Friendship Garden Bath Salts .............. 1.75 Desert Flower Spray Cologne .............. 3.00 Old Spice After Shave Lotion ........ 1.35, 2.00 Old Spice Shaving Mug rasvesesvenes 1.50 Schiaparelli Eau de Parfum Mist Reg. 450 ..0svvesisserrassnvnsasciiee: 2.50 Williams Ice Blue Aqua Velva . ........ VITAMINS Frosst Ostoco Drops ........ 1.45, 2.40, 4.25, 6.00 .... 1.25, 2.25, 3.50, 6.25 Mead's Oleum Percomorphum . ... 1.45, 3.75, 5.85 I.D.A. Brand High-Test Cod Liver Oil . ... 90c, 1.50 I.D.A. Biand Idamalt . ........... 79¢, 1.29, 2.29 Squibb 10-D Cod Liver Oil ............ 1.05, 2.40 YHOPOpE ...... 0... nesses iin 250, 598 Horners Infantol Liquid I.D.A. Halibut Liver Oil Capsules . . 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 | ; Vita Diet .. seisnnsrsssanivens. 195, 4.50 Abdol with Minerals ................ 3.95, 5.95 Horner's Maltlevol ...................... 2.50" One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins 1.49, 2.75, 4.49, 8.75 GoripIeX . ....... con tisanii ees. 295,875 Geviral Capsules .................. 3.18, 8.78 Say Goodbye to Constipation NEW IMPROVED NESTLE a 11 SIMCOE ST. S. | SUNDAY, FEB. 14th pe ALL WOOL BULKY CARDIGANS Famous Donaldson make -- All first quality, So warm, so soft, Colors of white, black, emerald, sopphire blue and ruby. Reg. 11.95. VALENTINE SPECIAL All nylen first quality briefs by fomous maker. Fancy lace trim. All the most wanted colors. Sizes S, M, L. Reg. 79c. VALENTINE SPECIAL Fomous maker's all wool skirts in popular 8 straight lines. Brown, blacks and colors. Size$ B 10-20. Reg. to 12.95 VALENTINE SPECIAL 5.98 All new crisp cottons; terylenes, crepes, ete. Popular tuck-in and over blouse styles, long prints and stripes, and short sleeves. Sclids, A Sizes 12-20. VALENTINE SPECIAL SLIM JIMS Famous maker's botany wool tartan slim jims. All newest plaid combination in brown, grey, red, etc. A truly fine gift. Sizes 8-20. Reg. 14.95. VALENTINE SPECIAL First quality branded 400-needle micromesh, All the newest colors. Sizes 85-11, Reg. 1.25. VALENTINE SPECIAL 7 J 3 PRS. e FOR 2.25 NIGHTIES Famous maker's all, nylon nighties with fancy lace and nylon trim. All the popular colors, Sizes S, M, L. A gift she'll truly cherish, Reg. to 6.95. VALENTINE SPECIAL EE SARL FAO ERE ee ~ at A aad ai fas x 4 Fars Falk CEA I is eh SD PS a CL - " a --.--.----, A a SE IE ri i EE A a a MACDONALD'S \ EXPORT ® ORANGE RN Gt h Plin or © GINGER ALE NQ\N : EN Tip © CREAM SODA Jpsets 20s. 36¢c P9¢ and S11e 25's 45¢ Ee ., FRUITATIVES LITE Fresh Fruit Extract Nature's Herbs and Vitamin Bl 6 Delicious Flavors © LEMON LIME © GRAPE © ROOT BEER and Shampoo Regular Size .. 2.00 Conada's Finest Cigarette 1.00 Jamieson's | Xarn's | Lane Law Powell's | McGordick Mitchell's 241 King St. East | 28 King St. East |Airport Ploze [1204 Wecker Drive 35% Simcoe N, | 128 Wilson Rd. S. [9 Simese St. N. RA 5-1169 RA 3-4621 |RA 8-6661 RA 5-3525% RA 34734 | RA 5-8711 RA 3-3431 A VOWS Re-Touch Size . Made and Bottled by SMITH BEVERAGES LTD. BOWMANVILLE

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