a an a 2 ddl Ah AR BE oe A A IS YO' WIF ME, TH ODS NEF ABCIIT TO SHUCKS7-THAR'S : : Re Ex : A 4 ENTER WOLF VALLEY, )\, NOTHIN' INSIDE " is TORTURING Tio Pocs, ' "8 Kedron WA BUT DUMB ANIMAS ERS) ; ca NE WELL? | W HAVE ANOTHER BTE : H 1d M ; aad] Als a Holds KEDRON -- The February meeting of Kedron Woman's Ase sociation was held Wednesday is the lower hall of the church, Fol FRESH OFF THE PANHANDLE, > TROY ULBECK, BUT I CAN 3 3 | 1 " § |J. Starr, Mrs. P HEAR YOUR GEARS MESHING 7 : | in devotions, Scripture was read AMILE oo NOW IM ADVISING . 3 y fi J by Ms. RD aud he. sos UTO MAKE YOUR. LAST ANI 4 i rn { was en , C. 'R : : 2 Mrs. W. Woodward presided for FFE A - ) \ FINAL OFFER RIGHT OFF! the business session when {§ was JULIET JONES WHERE DIP YOU SAY, YOURE SURE THAT WAS QUITE A STUNT, FIND THAT OLD 60LF BUT IF YOURE GOING BALL, JUNIOR? GO : : ANP PLAY WITH IT PONG BALL J} Mrs. W. Wi ard, i ; F YOU WANT TOm : . "| |Love, and Mrs. J. Campbell were Wy H Z : Zu . . 1 lappointed as delegates to the » : Aa RI : ! ; : i 2 Leadership Training Course at ° : : |p N Five Oaks in March. Kedron WA Ps join Bin World's Day of ayer y March 4, and the March regular meeting will be held the same afternoon, with Mrs. H. Pascoe, Mrs. M. Walters, and Mrs. J. Glover in Sharge. dl Avion , ; a ' di / The missionary study on rr Dm w ae -- | | EEN = iE based on the study book, was Ved ined | berm : > ; ) { taken by Mrs. W. Werry and Mrs. rt C. Hopkins. Hostesses for the tea hour were: Mrs. J. Glover, Mrs, L. Tr and Mrs. W. Mount. Mi ONG TO TWO OTHER MEMBERS / DIDN'T WANT THAT 70 Joy. FOX HAS G v2 to) OF "THE SCOURGES" WAPPEN TO LINK! JUNIOR DINNER : J 1 HAVE AIR MATTRESS DOESN'T u ITHE! NS SHER { SPRING A LEAK! { V1 cAN'T GET 2) Wy [TT LeT'5 HOPE THAT 14 IM TRYING TOs wBUT THIS | ZIPPERS STUCK! MUGGS AND SKEETER DONALD DUCK LOOKIT THE NEW WATCH T BQUGHT, MOOLA! IT'S SHOCK PROOF, WATERPROOF, PUSTPROOF AN¢ BUST TRAY ME ALL HE KNEW ABOUT "THE SCOURGES" GANG WHEN YOU SNATCHED HIM AWAY FROM ME, GANG WERE KILLED The junior congregation din. " BEFORE THEY COULD ner was held Saturday in ; LK! ; : Lower Hall, with a Valentine motif as the setting. Perfect attendance awards were presented to nine girls and bovs: John, Harley and : TALK, THE LONE RANGER joy, Donald and Dennis Werry. In the 40-45 Sundays present group were Marlene and Sylvia - Wood. 4 M Bible book marks were present ed to new members, Neil Love, Janice Johnston, Katharine Ros nak, Janice Selleck, John Simp- son and Deborah Wilson. SKATING PARTY Teen Town is holding a skal 1 WHERE MT DONT SHOUT LIKE | [ eLease,oeas-- "I > oN Eh eb N THAT! IF YOU INF y @ THIS MUST UH=MI65 WIGHT SHE WAS ONLY STUNNED vl HAT! IF YOU | [WiLLYOU INFORM Me TERRIBLE LOOKING BY THE FALL -GOOD! 1 WEEL A party Saturday, Feb. 13 at "5 T0, King 7 satures Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserve FnuntpyEaNg: ARE MY ASK MELIKE | |ASTO TE wnEreasourS ) T THREW THEM i § BE THE MAN J LEFT WORD NOT Oshawa rink. Later the group OF My SPEER? 2 ouT flevomy * THE HOUSE 4 TO BE DISTURBED! | 3 ATONCE GO TO HER ROOM! IF YG lBHT chal the tome. of Mf: | » SLIPPERS A UTELYo0. NSSNE | Lg a N : 44 { BETTER), x HILL HOTEL pg DOE! PRODUCE THE social BS A, iY ETECTIVE HE'S RESTING SHE DOES NOT 3 by -- G00D wae arrtill |: 4 POKE OF! AFTER A SMALL MONEY, SHE HAVE A 58 sud Mrs, Saigh Craig for a AFTERNOON: : : Be ACCIDENT! BEEG 'ACCIDENT! J) ra Bel108 hb . 24 ; ES FIRST CUB WEEK 3 - Kedron Cub Pack will hold its , first official meeting Friday, ° under the leadership of Mrs. Robert Dale, who reports great ; enthusiasm among the boys, whe have attended a few preparatory meetings at her home. : Kedron Scout troop will hold its first church parade for the year ° Sunday, Feb. 21. . PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. M. Morgan ems * |tertained at a party Friday when |prizewinners were Mrs, N. Cross man, Mrs. M. Walters, Mrs. H. | Bennett, Harold Werry, Harvey Fon, | Pascoe, and Ross Lee. AAA . Everett Mountjoy who has been wintering in Phoenix, Arizona, © 1960, King Pratures Syndicate, Ince A SECRET AGENT X 9 [5 T560, ine Features Syndicate, ine., World right g t At The . . . : bad 23 with his wife, daughter, Mrs. H. ® ® 4 Including: Licence, Gas Gannon and twin randdaughiert 3 a 4 is indi d, but is p CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Limited Anti-freeze and Undercoating § | HIE"Gh iE tlt | [ Kedron Holstein breeders at- ° Ww SH " % tended the annual meeting of the Ontario County Holstein Club at Manchester. Saturday, oe ' MAYBE THEY'LL QUIET ) | [BILLY, WiLL YoU éo our | [AH,T THOUGHT THAT'D avis, Rope leh id . BE 1s, si, ve cALeD TE vo ; OWN IF... AN' ASK IF ANY O' TH KIDS | | CLEAR TH' YARD // ps Werry and Harold Werry were COR. SAWYER TO SAY T WAS TO LET HAS ANYBODY Est TR / = ; a > WOULD CARE T' CHOP - ; among those presented with long- TO SEE ADMIRAL Wo CUR. SAWYER IN, 40 BEEN IN SINCE fA 3 > {7 SOME KINDLING FOR ME? i dl [time Srodustion Seriifivates. Mure PEPPERCORN, [R3 : « BB d ~ : \ : fl |ray Mountjoy was made a diree- HES EXPECTING A STR ! | OUCHEON GREE -- SINCE THE ADMIRALS = ) : for of the club. John Sutter was ME, t ¢ Pw i iN CAT DISAPPEARSD, ¢ : o af \ among members present from A f Kedron. Mrs. Murray Mountjoy enter tained members of the 1950 nurs. ing class of Oshawa General Hospital at her home Thursday. Plans were made for the 10-year reunion of the class, to be held * in June. Mrs. E. E. Pugh of Flint, Mich- igan, has been a guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Campbell, % z On the Sacasion ou. po Tr ss weddin niversa , . asd WHATS WRONG? I" DON'T BE HASTY. LETS GO Down 70 YI HE DOESNT HAVE | |Mrs, C. Everett Ay members QUICKLY THE TIME-TOP HEAPS YA | THEY'VE PASSED | THE TIMING DEVICE THE MASTER CONTROL | MANY LEFT. THE BOMB] of thelr family held a party Sun. FOR OUTER. SPACE... f 20000 FEET _/ HAS ABOUT FOUR MNJTES | ROOM. LETS HEAR J SHOULD GO OFF IN | iday at the home of Mr. and -- Nok A BRATS Ss, AUTEN vO MTss) Si. X-'Werty: al. and Mir. 1 Gi i lo Leland Love, Marilyn and Shar. POC 4 on, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kitch and Stephen, all of Toronto, were present with members of the family from Oshawa and Kedron. SALLY'S SALLIES | 2438 = 7 TTR TVIARE, LL i pr de WE ee BRICK BRADFORD IT HAVE BEEN NO MORE OUR OLD DESERTED BEACH. I WAS VAGUELY "THE CHIEF IS RIGHT, OF COURSE / « n SUCCESSFUL AT RUNNING COTTAGE 1S THE PLACE -- HAPPY THERE ONCE | MARTA IS OLD ENOUGH TO HAPPY? AWAY FROM LIFE THAN I WAS | I'LL NEED FOOD KEROSENE, || PERHAPS IT WILL || LEAVE IF SHE WISHES --~ I'M BEGINNIN' IN LIVING IT I MUST GO HIDE 4 MATCHES --EVERYTHING-pefd |} HELP ME TO BUT SHE IS SO UNHARPY ~ fF TO REMEMBER. AWAY AND THINK= IF MY ret pall } RECAPTURE IF THERE WAS ONLY SOMETHIN' SHE : a SOMEPLACE WHERE £5 ONCE SAID -- SHE COULD BE i GO ot pe fs Ss 10 74 d -- | ; / DaRCELL. a daly [1 Ee ; 5 A PRCLAE | Hi ! \ 2-11 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY! MASTER FEEDS OSHAWA YOUR ONE STOP CENTRE FOR FIVE ROSES FLOUR ROBIN HOOD FLOUR BULK CEREALS WHEAT GERM <COOKING BEANS AY TREE SE WATER SOFTENER SALT Se RE pac! MRS Er AN : . : ICE SALT WOLFORD | | \ \ Ar 04 , RABBIT PELLETS : HAMPSTER FEED WILD BIRD FEED SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD FEEDERS DOG FOOD AND PEY SUPPLIES 54 CHURCH ST. Walt Disa Pevductions Ys. LD)e World Rights Reserved 2-11 {3 / ISNEY Dial RA 3.2229 " says he's run away to join a drom™ Free Customer Parking FORTUNATELY FOR ME, I KEPT ONLY COSTUME ad Ba ih aT ------ BOY ROGERS