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The Oshawa Times, 11 Feb 1960, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thendoy, February 11, 1960 W. ROSS STRIKE SAYS: Of All Hydro Power Today =" MAPLE GROVE (Staff) --- On- fario has the highest kilowatt hour consumption of electricity than any other place In the world with the exception of Nor. way which is just slightly above that of this province. The con- sumption here is twice what it is in the United States, W. Ross Strike, Bowmanville lawyer and first vice-president of the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commis- sion told the members of the Bowmanville Men's Canadian Club Wednesday night. Mr. Strike was invited to ad- dress the club to commemorate National Electric Week which is this week being celebrated across Canada. He stated 80 per cent of the motive power in industry today is electric energy and 60 per cent of all electric energy sup- |PICKERING TOWNSHIP pressed his belief that zoning] was imperative. "I think we | Seek Zoning Industry Takes 60 Percent Bylaw Soon BROUGHAM (Special) -- Fol- recommendation of Township Planning | Board, council has asked cost of organizations and utility com. the preparation of a comprehen- panies in the United States. Some sive zoning bylaw for the town- of these are the Edison Institute,ship, and in particular for the Commonwealth Edison Company, immediate zoning from the Detroit-Edison Company, South- Rouge River to Ajax, south of . in J {Highway 401, from Project Plan- sn Caliiorsls Edom Company ning Associates Limited | The company previously pre FINE INVENTION {pared a zoning bylaw which did In the relatively few interven-\mot receive third reading by ing years, electric energy has|council, due to a technicality in sparked the magic age of re. an attached appendix markable invention and develop-| The planning experts, ment through which we all have|----r---- Ee BA - been fortunate to live and work, multitude of workers In factories, sald the speaker. on construction jobs, often in the He concluded, "From long yilderness, on transmission lines, familiarity most of us now flick|(he line crews who constantly the electric switch and expect in- pattie the elements and the of- stant action as a matter of course fice workers, all making their and as our inalienable right as a contribution to bring this magic citizen of a progressive province. constantly to the flick of your "If nothing happens after we|finger, The heart and character who |to provide a modified version at [ should arrive at something realis- THEATRE GUIDE tie immediately." | - m----l Councillors agreed fo take Prock -- "Ask Any Girl" 7.20 steps after the special meeting with Metro Planning Board Feb. 9. at 9 pm. Marks -- "Sheriff of Fractured DANCE THIS FRIDAY NIGHT to Toronto's Favorite C. and W. Group CHUCK FORTUNE WITH JIMMY AND JOHNNY (THE SHEY BROTHERS) agreed to prepare a comprehen- sive zoning bylaw for the whole| township in 1957 for $7500, agreed 8 cost of $2200, Work on an Of- ficial Plan would cost from $3500 to $4500, | | Councillor Ross Deakin asked {what the function of the Picker- ing Township Planning Board | was. "Can they not make a zon- ing bylaw themselves?" he asked. Reeve Scott explained that planning Soard members, as well (as councillors, were laymen, and [that it was the custom in most \municipalities to engage profes. |sional planners, | | Concerning the north part {of the township, Councillor James {said he felt it difficult to look |ahead and plan accurately, "We {have to go on planning, however, RED BARN *°ysion $1.00 [Wher ve can aeeve avin FARON YOUNG - COMING WED. FEB. 24 or not," he Councillor Clifford Laycox ex- | Jaw" 1240, 3.45, 6.55, 10.05 p.m. ture shown daily at 220, 4.88, "Quantrills Raiders" 2.30, 540,| 6,55, 9-10, Last complete show 855 pm. Last complete show | at 8.50 pm, a 34 pm. Plaza -- "On The Beach" 1.50, 9.40 p.m. Last complete show Regent -- Walt Disney's "Third 4.15, 6.45, 9.10 p.m. Last com- Man On The Mountain", Fea-' plete show at 9.10 p.m. NEXT ATTRACTION: flick the switch we are outraged. of any organization is that of its| 1 can assure you that the people people and we are as proud of} |in the electrical industry are/our people as we are of our prod-| | striving mightily to make surejuct, {the switch does not often falll « sive Better Electrically' Is "As a matter of interest elec. " ' ; é a tric motors are three times more i you i far from being just another fficlent than internal combustion] °"® OF more of their numbers) "But, perhaps just very occa: empty slogan," said the vice. . ines and. five iil om us of | as killed by a bolt of lightning. sionally it should fail to remind president of the Onfario Hydro iti engines. and po course This hazard is still with us but you of the faithful and earnest Electric Power Commission Ny 5¢ we have learned to minimize its} rem p-------- d-- si much smaller and more compact | angers by taking precautions," and more easily controlled," said yo ciated." "4 Mr. Strike | opt i . BM t is also true that harnessed | Electric egy has sont) Ibut-| electricity can be very dangerous | ed considerably, especially Injj not treated at all times with| food processing, to Hewy x careful and prudent precautions, | Yauces > Jetrigcration and t . These have been over the years| adaption ol machines for all, 38 . types of processing including Sampled inte a safely code pd! cooking cleaning packaging which all electric employees are| ' ¢ A '| trained to base their working | . g I 1 preserving. ais eouditioniog and) pyuctices and conditions. 2 2 E great strides in merchandising du Atay heel techniques that have improved tory toy in the Eighteenth Cen the general welfare and health! tury It was first passed along a 4 \etanoel jet d thel@ wire for a very short distance of both the proprieir =a by an Italian, Luigi Galvani, In 1791 pa tutal communes, sles However, National Electric| ous inroads in tne replacement| Week this year being a progeny of muscle power. In fact, many of the North American continent farmers will say hyliro is the|!S honoring Thomas Alva Edison best and the cheapest hired man! He is credited with bringing ele they have ever had. In Ontario, tric 'energy out of the laborato: electricity is available to about |and into direct service of man 9 per cent of the present farm- kind, It is almost incredible to ing communities realize the accomplishments of this man, who in his lifetime, was "This is something of ani. iriver of 1300 patents hav- achievement when one realizes; to do with the application of the far ranging extent of the provincial boundaries and this electric energy percentage saturation includes The incandescent lamp was his both southern and northern On-|first major breakthrough and tario," he stated [then followed in natural sequence Dealing with the history of the development of generating . istribution of equipment and electric energy, Mr. Strike told | 2nd distributio equips the gathering it is true that elec- apparatus tricity has always been present | Edison was the father of the in nature and it was evident to electrical utility concept on this| primitive man in lighting which continent and was the designer) in turn was associated by them and builder of the first generat with the displayed and awful "8 plant at Pear street in New wrath of their particular God or plied by Ontario Hydro goes to industry ADVANCES SEEN 1 [| N | SELLING OUT SALE | | SELLING OUT SALE | AL'S BI-RITE SELLING SALE ROSS STRIKE mou WALT DISNEY a wew won IN THRILLING | 10M, SUSPENSE "Electric current was a labora-| QUT IS COMING TO A CLOSE THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SAVINGS EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT. BOYS' DUFFLE COATS SPLIT ZIPPER HOODS, Wool Fleece of Cotton Poplin. Sizes 12 to 18. Reg. to 12.95, FINAL SELLING OUT PRICE 7.00 OUT THEY GO BOYS' LONG SLEEVE PULLOVERS Added WA wi N FEATURE 2.20.4:40-6:55-9:10 KX AHHH HX XKY EEO ROOD From breakfast to late-date time We serve truly delicious food. NEED AN EARLY BREAK- FAST? WE'RE OPEN AT 6:30 AM. A TAMOUS PLAYERS JWEATRE a FOR THOSE WHO ee BOYS' ENJOY -. oYs DRESS PANTS Va Elastic Waist Sizes 8 to 10. . Price 2.49, FINAL SELLING OUT ber 1.49 Sizes 8 to 18. Reg. 2.98, FINAL SELLING OUT PRICE ... CHILDREN'S DUFFLE COATS Split zipper hoods, quilted lined. Sizes 310 6. Reg, te 9.95. FINAL SELLING OUT PRICE 1.98 York in 1881-82 AL'S BI-RITE STORE IS HEADQUARTERS od colo: i a FINAL SELLING our Mice" id for "Corhartt", "GW.G." Work Clothes, end Western Jeans for Men 2.00 Ee Gods. | His name is honored by bein; "This was particularly so when'still attached to many electrical L A Md Fy fn Council Briefs From Pickering By MRS, E. STORRIE "This savors of the CNR, RESTAURANT 48 KING ST. WEST (Opposite Centre St.) to] BROUGHAM (Special) -- Pick- commented Councillor Harry ering Council increased the sal aries of Donald Lynde, Fire Chief, from $4400 to $4800, and that of Deputy-Chief James Glendinning, from $3900 to $4200, retroactive to| January 1, 1960. The two officials are the only | Ashton, who added that it would involve considerable more assess: ment Reeve Scott said that the trans. mission line is the only thing under discussion and that the plant itself was acceptable to the Sundays and PRICES NEVER BEFORE SEEN IN OSHAWA WORK PANTS Sonforized drill. All eolors, Reg. price 3.95. MEN'S MEN'S Sixes 30 to 44 FINAL SELLING OUT PRICE BUY NOW AND SAVE DRESS "HIRTS White broadcloth. Sizes 14 to 17. Reg. price Holidays BOYS' FLANNEL SHIRTS Assorted styles and potterns, Sizes 8 to 16. Reg. price 1.98. 3.95. FINAL SELLING OUT PRICE 2.5 OR 2 FOR . 5.00 MEN'S TURNBULL UNDERWEAR SHORTS, TOPS AND T. A jus SHIR ie price full time fire department ent ployees of the township The bylaw also states that there will be no more time pay ments to any firemen on a salary basis of all township insurance. It is TO MEET WITH METRO the wish of council that the large | A joint meeting of council and liability and property insurance! planning board has been ar-| items be purchased locally | "i You can't imaging FINAL SELLING OUT PRICE ranged to meet with representa-| 75. R tives from Metro Planning Board ACCOUNTS PASSED -- . . FINAL SELLING OUT PRI | Sizes 28 to 44, anything funnier than PRICES SLASHED i on Friday, Feb, 19, at 8 p.m Township accounts, amounting| 1.00 Metro will present its recom-|to $123,481.88 for the month of] i Ry mendations for a Master Plan for January, were passed by council. | { f _ Pickering Township. It has ad-|The new system of financing in- A ry 3 Bertin TO LESS THAN COST or - vised council and planning board|augurated by office manager | TERRIFIC VALUES -- MEN'S that they will meet with all the|R, G, Turk was stated to be| BOXER SHORTS municipalities in the Metro/working well, Assorted patterns Reg. area, and discuss future planning | rr or in shades, price 79¢. FINAL SELLING OUT PRICE within the next few weeks. "Mreauet of amine nears SENSATIONAL 2 pr. for 1.00 MEN'S A request of planning board ALL-COLOR DENIM JEANS that council ask the HEPC for ADVENTURE Reg. price information on the proposed gen-| ACTION SHOW! FINAL SELLING OUT PRICE Sonforized -- Sizes 30 te 44. Silk lined. 2.98. FINAL SELLING OUT PRICE FINAL SELLING OUT PRICE erating plant and transmission 25, JULES VERNE'S y 00 1.99 11.75 lines, in the township, was ap- proved, The transmission lines are pro- Satisfaction Guaranteed "We Sell For Less" posed for the east side of French- man's Bay, half way between In Downtown Oshawe RA 5-7951 planning board WILL CALL TENDERS A resolution was passed that tenders be called for the renewal c 3.29 OUR LOSS -- YOUR GAIN MEN'S TROUSERS Assorted styles end newest patterns, MEN'S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Reg. pries | _JTHS IAC "Penman's 71%, Sizes 36 to 44, 4.50. FINAL SELLING OUT PRICE 3.25 MEN'S SUEDE WINDBREAKERS Sizes 34 to 46. Reg. price 14.95. MEN'S SUBURBAN COATS Quilted lining. Reg. price 12.95. Sandy Beach road and Brock] road, across Highway 401. The| lines would run across Mrs. Jean McPherson's property. The gen- erating station is proposed for the Cherrywood vicinity. It was mentioned that the planning board would be interested in any information on alternate routes wn HENRY HULL BRUCE CABOT+ RONALD SQUIRE DDED ATTRACTION _PATBOONE ™ IAMES MASON ADDED THRILLER! VALENTINE DANCE POLISH NATIONAL UNION HALL 168 BANTING AVE, Friday, Feb. 12 Sponsored by Polish National Union Women's Club 200 Century-Fox presents [ORK DOUGLAS + BELLA DARYI + GRLBERT ROU 1 a RACERS CnemaScorE $6 Coe wy DE LUXE & Ta' DANCING 9 TO 1 14 vs DAYS FRIDAY! AN ALIED ARTISTS PICTURE CiINemaScoPE Mitchell Zaleski's oil Zeer | myrerr STEVE Ib SPOT DANCE PRIZES LAST TIMES TODAY SESE vice iio Tut roswans MARKS czas ADULT ENTERTAINMENT he aa RO TI OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. | 35 SIMCOE ST. N. ERE CE ER --S----

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