THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, February 11, 1960 7 INTERPRETING THE NEWS Defence Debate Pleases Soviet By JOSEPH MacSWEEN | It must give some satisfaction| Canadian Press Staff Writer to the Russians to see the sharp The new Western disarmament|divisions among top American| talks in Washington are heing|political and military leaders at conducted against a noisy back-'the very time when the West is ground -- the bewildering clamor |lpoking to the U.S. for leadership of the domestic United States de-|in forthcoming East - West dis- bate on defence. {armament negotiations. | Perhaps the disarray on the | American scene is more appar- ent than real, but the fact is that problem of the age. lit isn't even mentioned in the big AGREED POSITION | Washington debate over defence. Authorities say it is'nt neces-|They also see an opportunity for sirable -- that the Western group draw up a hard-and-fast plan. |sians who are taking advantage Observers also believe 'fhe of their missile superiority to re- Americans must be at ease in duce conventional forces. their own minds about defence matters before they can talk con-! vincingly about disarmament. While much public argument] among politicians is inevitable in a presidential election year, it is considered essential that at least the military commanders -- now, sharply at odds -- be agreed on Dominion Giant Zinnias 4 Pkts for 25¢ ACQUAINTED OFFER the U.S., Britain, France, Italy {and -Canada -- the five Western negotiators on disarmament--are {facing a deadline in their current Less than five weeks remain before March 15 when the West- ern five are scheduled to meet {Russia and four other countries {lof the Communist side in Geneva 'lon disarmament, described Newspapers Gain In Advertising Va PHILADELPHIA (AP)--News- . | paper advertising in the U.S. set PROMOTER {a record in 1959, Charles T. Lips- Ww. J. Scott, 56, of Ottawa, [comb Jr. president of advertis- will promote tourist travel to |ing of the American Newspaper Canada at the Winter Olympics Publishers Association, reported. in Squaw Valley, Calif., this Lipscomb said advertising to- month. Mr. Scott, an experienc. |talled $3,517,000,000, a gain of 10 ed travel counsellor who has |per cent compared with 1958. been with the Canadian Gov- | He said that newspapers' share ernment Travel Bureau since lof total advertising also increased 1935, will take an exhibit' of display films and literature to the games and will remain until from 31 per cent in 1958 to 3.7] per cent last year. Total advertis-| ing for all media was more than | what is the U.S. position as com- pared with Russia in defence. | Sources see a discouraging WSSU SOVEREIGN LIFE | B | APPOINTMENT The Sovereign Life As- surance Company of Canada announces the b ; appointment of Mr. Godfrey Schilling to | Coa the position of Branch f y a Manager of the Com- | in pany's Oshawa Agen- cy. Sovereign Life of- fices in Oshawa are located at Suite 206 East, Oshawa Shopping GODFREY SCHILLING Centre. the games conclude Feb. 28 $11,000,000,000 last year. Lips-| --(CP Wirephoto) icomb gave no Canadian figures. | A m---- ---- FOR GUARANTEED SATISFACTION WASH & DRY J 4 » Bre ES =" AUTOMATIC FEATURING: 7 Heat Temperature Control--all temperature settings are thermostaticolly controlled. The heat you need for any fabric from 'No Heat' to maximum heat of 185 degrees. Time Control may be adjusted for any drying time to suit your type and size of load. A temperature for all fabrics. Safety Door--machine shuts of completely when door is opened--Provides positive pro- tection while loading. Automatic Overload Protector--Built-in pro- tection for motor means longer life and trouble free operation. 9 Free-flow Lint Filter has over 208 sq. in. of filtering surface. Porcelain Cabinet Top--Width 26, Depth 26", Height 36". eo New SIMPLA- FILTER--the best § filtering action available on any wringer washer : Automatic POWER § eo Bion PUMP det TIMER CONTROL ~--Automatically stops machine 5 large, easy roll- ing non-marking casters for perfect balance MECHANISM All gears machine cut to precision standard. Lifetime lubringwed Giant, 11 Ib. family sized porcelain enamell- ed tub Aluminum, hydro-flow, é vane gyrator Lovell super-safe wringer with double bar safety release, Touch-a-matic Control--Wash control at your finger tips--Press lightly down to start --Up to stop SERVICE GUARANTEED ( MAIN OPERATING MECHANISM. Reg. Price on Dryer . : . 249.95 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE PLUS 10 YEARS ADDITIONAL GUARANTEE ON DRYERS--1 YEAR FREE SERVICE and GUARANTEE Bonus Offer! FREE Year Supply Of TIDE! BUY NOW AND SAVE 90.00 on all wringer washers) everywhere as the most pressing | prospect for disarmament in that|§ sary--and perhaps isn't even de-|, oo. propaganda by the Rus- : Reg. Price on Washer : . . 199.95 COMBINATION OFFER wr 35.00 EVEN LESS WITH TRADE 1 0.00 DOWN AND 4.00 WEEKLY FOR 24 MONTHS 88 KING ST. WEST RED 2aWHITE ad Fes 1-LB. PKGS. FEATURE SAVE 25¢ CASH MARGARINE 1.00 BEST BUY SAVE 9¢ CASH 20-0Z. OGILVIE CAKE MIXES WHITE OR CHOCOLATE BEST BUY SAVE 11¢c CASH 15-0Z. TINS 2 FEATURE SAVE 7¢ CASH BRIGHT'S GOLDEN--HALVES PEACHES 39° WAGSTAFFE'S JAMS 0 JAR Raspberry or Strawberry BEST BUY SAVE 9c CASH 15-0Z, 1Va-LB. POLY PAIL FEATURE SAVE 4c CASH SUPREME BRAND HOMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER 95° PURITAN . 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