: 1 to attend Northminster Unitedcurrent study book. A guestiand Mrs. J. C. Cory will be i { National IODE GROUPS, CLUBS Church, WMS, to view a film on|Speaker has been obtained forijargely responsifle for expendi- Africa. World Day of Prayer will|the Thankoffering service at the|, =.= 0 11 (aves Tiothis western Is Celebrating RUXILIARIES oe bea' King' Stet" Unt Abril meeiog, evestmente 0 FLT ot el the Church, afternoon and evening Diamond Jubilee of March 4. Down. {town's new mayor, and his wife is QUEEN ELIZABETH H AND S$ the new chairman of the school The Imperial Order Daughters| «To uphold and practice the] The secretary announced a film CIVIC TEAM of the Empire will celebrate the|aims and objects of Home and|{of the March meeting on the] VIRDEN, Man. (CP) -- Mr.|board. TN sixtieth anniversary of its found-|gehnol Association as handed ing on Saturday, February 13./qown by our Founders," was the The order was founded by Mrs.|syhject of the address given by a Sou itedl, | pd Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, vice-presi- . : ' N ¥. ud i ident for Area C of the ario Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 |p doricion, New Brunswick, Federation of Home and Soho! : Be 1 Ha dl which started the national chain.| Associations at the regular meet- ' 4 4 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 11, 1960 Now, sixty years later, thereling of the Queen Elizabeth Home v y JG are 984 chapters of the IODE 554 School Association Tuesday ad PRESENTS from the Yukon to Newfound-evening, February 9. "Swing Your Partner" Theme [lux osm soo irs cous sresed por fl RRMA. HER NEW SPRING PATTERNS s. These s raise(ents in co-operation with teach- ; and disperse nearly $1,000,000 alers should strive to guide chil- Of tt Ann 1 D year. ] dren into seeking higher educa- ! ayce es ua ance In the field of education, overition and to mot leave school to hs \ IN y $ : a quarter million dollars is spent seek employment at an early age. aX and|Mr. and Mrs, Clement Halliday,|a follows: Libraries and equip-| A skit entitled "Let's Say it {square dance motifs decorated| Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Turner, Mr,/ment provided for 2200 adopted With Flowers", was presented by| " a ; : the Oshawa Airport Recreationjand Mrs. Carl Diederickson, schools in outlying areas; 1168 members of the Association. The] n order 10 acquaint you with our CUSTOM MADE DRAPES . . . The prices below include |Hall for the Oshawa Jaycettes|Miss Mary Cornish, Mr. John D.|scholarships, bursaries a nd|flowers placed in the basket point-| material, lining, hooks, weights, making of drapes up to 95" finished length |fourth annual square and round Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald De awards granted fo Canadian stu-led out some of the objects as laid |dance on Saturday, February 6:|Pratto, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Web-|dents. Also as a pilo project the/down by the Founders, Gold for Mrs. R. H. Hough, president of(ster, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth IODE has adopted eleven schools|Faith, Blue for Loyalty, Red for| sronto and of Toms, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rich-|in the West Indies. {Service and Green for Tolerance. | 2.98 350 | 3.98 4.98 | Gay colored balloons / ig a Dist 2 12 by ards. From the First and Second|Three Scottish solos were sung] 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Williams,|War Memorial funds, thirteen|by Mrs. Wilfred Anthony accom-| RANGE RANGE RANGE RANGE i the music. Mrs. h ; |Shestra provided 1 en of Mr. and Mrs. John Pantorey, overseas post-graduate scholar-|panied by Mrs, H. A. Mellow. I p a ; " h and members of her Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Brandon, ships of $2000 each and 30 Cana-| Mrs. Carson Heard, vice-presi* | 2 PANELS je dates, foie Mrs. Carl Die-/ Mr. and Mrs, John Spence: Mr: dian University bursaries of $1600|dent, presided for the business] 4-ft. Wall 26.00 29.00 32.00 38.00 Yanni i | Wi rt i | -------------- {deri Mrs, Edward/Everett Kelly, Miss Mary Mac-| were awarded last year. portion of the meeting. Reports Fs Vio Pall i, WE Yl, GeFikoom ad Mrs {Eckern, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald] In the Services at Home and|of secretary and treasurer were 3 PANELS | : | sts were welcomed at| Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas| Abroad Department, $400,000 wasi@H®eTh 6-ft. Wall 39.00 43.50 | 48.00 51.00 h i Be embers of the Jay-|Terwilligar, Mr. and Mrs. Meil spent in Canada on Welfare work, Mrs. David Hutcheon reported : sil BR oe Ag Ps Intermission Mrs, | MacLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Grant|and many thousands of hours of on night of cards to be held Feb- 4 PANELS ; 1 { ? [Little, Mr. and Mrs, Lesley Kins- voluntary service are given by ruary 26. Delegates were appoint- 8. Wall 52.00 5800 64.00 76.00 i - . | #4 |Donald Brown, Jaycette presi-| ) | ; man, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Siew-|members of the IODE to proj-led to attend the annual conven- [Gents made the draw for the door art, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whalley, ects in their own communities.|tion of Home and School Associa- | prize: won by Mr. and Mrs. wil- ¢ : f ------ Lie won Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cook, Mr.|The IODE has sent $100,000 of re-|tions in Toronto. $ aes 78.00 87.00 96.00 113.00 GLOWING WITH HEALTH [liam Hewty. land Mrs. Kenneth Whalley, Mr.|lief supplies to Europe, Africa,| Room prize was won by Mr.| {i 5 91.00 | 101.50 | 112.00 | 133.00 This bonny young miss is ter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve | go the! € 3 i : : | Spot dances throughout thei nj Mrs Douglas Armstead, Mr. Korea and the West Indies. Many Richard Moses, grades 7 and 8, | = Judi Rein, Vakalu and Mr. and Mrs. Fred {evening were won by: Mrs. Doug: and Mrs. H. Moyer, Mr. and Mrs. chapters across Canada have and Mrs. Mary Lynch, Grades 7 PANELS Windsor street, Judy who Is 15 | Fedor Sr, all of Hungary, {las Armstead and Mr. Harveylyernon Landon, Mr. and Mrs.'undertaken the sponsorship of|l and 2 (tied). 14-ft Wall ; » | , . [Thompson and Miss Bonnie Longig. johnston, Mr. and Mrs. C.|desti d refi il Refreshments were served by months old is the granddaugh- | --Photo by Mary's Studio : f | Ra) {destitute and refugee children ed by Se jand Mr. R. Richardson. Elimina-| Corbeil, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart| In Ontario alone there dre 42/the mothers of the pupils in) tion dance winners were MIS.|g on "Mr and Mrs. Walter Lib-| chapters with a Rin 1 of|Grades 1 and 2. i | [Fai Kisunetley and Mr. Har, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormis-16,371 who will be observing this| yoUIE HOGARTH AUX. P E R S 0 N A L [72 ompsoR se were: Me |ton, 0 aud ig Haivey Thomp. 60th anniversary. Last year $432, qv. Jouie Hogarth Auxiliary of | I * D ose seen dancl ere: Mr. son, Mr. and Mrs. William Henry. i i - and Mrs. Donald Lowe, Mr. and| Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Kimmer- #73 wat Rice 1p Owatio, hi fhe Was Alert gli) ett a nierior ecorator The Ladies' Auxiliary to the visitor to the Oshawa Branch, Mrs. Joseph MacMillen, Mr. andjjey. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly, |on welfare in Canada and in re-|with the 0 a eting Canadian Legion, Branch 43 held|and expressed her satisfaction Mrs. Seuse Dery, ne. pL) 2 MY J. Runeriond: o lief sent abroad. More than $131,-|Down, presiding. a night of cards on uesday, |with its splendid progress. 3 3 MI. |an: rs. 8 , Mr, 000 was spent on scholarships, . r-| I! 3 Mrs. | ; : The worship service was con- Pebrunty 3; weer te a Oshawa guests at the Lesley- id C Sampben i hy us, Py Bl i) oy bursaries and student assistance gy cted y Mrs. William Stalli- RA 5-2686 15 KING STREET EAST RA 5-2686 bis committee. Among the win.|Ross wedding at Lakeview, re-/Edwards, Mr. and Mrs, Earl|R Richardson, Mr, and Mrs. G. in Causa and the Common- brass. A" poem "A Sure Prom- pers for euchre were Mrs. May|cently included: Mr. and Mrs. Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles|Cole, Mr. and Mrs: N. Taylor,|" qm "co rate the Diamond ise" was read, Mrs. Frank Sulli- Topping, Mrs. Keith McCullo Philip O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs.|Spell, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tag-|Mr and Mrs. F. Dittmar, Mr. , the Order is at van read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Helen Johns, Mr. Charles Thomas Lesley, Mr. and Mrs. gart, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dew-|and Mrs. John Barclay, Mr. and| nniversary, the Order is at pres-|Mrs, Lawson Parks assisted in Games, Mrs. R, W. Smith, Mrs. Richard Courtney, Mr. and Mrs.iland, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mrs, Edward Bino, Mr. and Mrz.| ent engaged ja special Eskimo|the service. Mrs. William Gra- John Fisher, Winners for crib-|{James Courtney, Mr. Philip Les-Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd|Ralph Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Don- project -- the building of a Com-ham presided at the piano. Mrs. 0 / A hum Tov : : iam! ) munity Hall at Frobisher Bay,|Stallibrass read a paper written bage were Mrs, Albert Hale, Mr. |'ey, Miss Anne Lesley and Mrs.|Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. William 414 Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alex Gagne, Mrs. Alex Gagne,|James Lesley J Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Donald|jones. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oly-|cOSting $20,000. The chaptersiby Rev. John R. Blanshard, tell Me Janie Anderson, Mrs. Mar-| Ey Wells, Mr. and Mrs. John Ward,{nvk Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mar- throughout Ontario, comprising|ing of the value Jesus put on the jorie Hughes, Mrs, F McEvers| Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mooyer|Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Holland, |tin Mr. and Mrs. William Ma.|Practically half of the entire|individual, as told in the parables. Door prizes were won by Mrs. J.|of Gravenhagen, Holland, are Mr. and Mrs, Allan Lockard, Mr.|kinsen. bi National membership, are giving| The mission study book was in- Kerr and Mr. Stanley Prevost.|guests at the home of Mrs. Moo-land Mrs, William Hart, os this their wholehearted support. |troduced by Mrs. George San- The next night of cards will belyer's sister, Mrs. Peter van der| yrcc Helen Merrel, Mr. George HOUSEHOLD HINT In Oshawa there are two chap- ders gua Mis. iin pare, held on March 8 and business|Zwet, and Mr. van der Zwet, |, by ih h v __|ters of the IODE, the Prince|and the first chapter of rica eld on Ma iid 1 d h Murless: Miss Bonnie Long, Miss| Use a pastry brush to remove Philip Chapter with a member- Disturbed" was discussed. meeting will be held on Tuesdav,/Oshawa boulevard north. Patricia King, Mr. and Mrs. the particles of food which per- ship of 42, and the Golden Jubilee| The president conducted the February 16, pa. You are invited by the Social Jack Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Her-|sist in clinging to a grater orjo, o'r orbers number 71. Both| business meeting. The treasurer's van et Depar ( y {bert Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. Art|strainer. ' . : BOL eport was read. The allocation Amelia Owens, Central Department to send in any little : co-operate with the provincial ad : f Mrs. Amelia Owens, Central, . ad Berry, Mr. and Mrs. L. Richards, |-- : [for missions has been raised this Park boulevard, and Mrs. E. J.|items of interest. News of teas, yy "°° "arc" G "Branton, Mr | {and national projects as well as year and the members accepted Carlton, Warren avenue, swim-|Surprise partes, showers, anni-|, ; fre Stuart Beaton, Mr. and| lending their support to commun | "ottor from Presbyterial. | ming instructors at the YWCA, versaries, comings and goings, Mrs. H Faint, Mr. and Mrs. | ity services. In this latter field The literature secretary report-| attended the annual meeting of are always very acceptable and DA Campbell Mr. and Mrs.| < 4 |the Golden Jubilee Chapter hold| 4 41 hooks read. The supply sec- | the Canadian Branch of thejfor which there is no charge. R. J. Smyth Mr. and Mrs. R.| something of a record in consis- retary had wool on hand to dis-| Ld Royal Life Saving Society held Please write or telephone RA pi hrune, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth| P¥ tency, in that for ten years, |irihyte to members for knitting, | at the King Edward Hotel, To-|3-3474, local 18. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William| through scheduling, four or five the finished articles to be included | ronto, where a film was shown Brent, Mr. and Mrs. George| members have gone to every|in the mission bale. depicting the latest devices in Yule, Miss Dianne Yule, Mr.| [mee ing of the Golden Age group| Members were reminded of the OSH AW A, SHOPPI NG CENT artificial respiration | SOCIAL NOTICE Larry Liss, Mr. and Mrs. J.| k , > { at Simcoe Hall to serve refresh-lannual Presbyterial meeting, Bathe, | 4G] ments, and once a year make a|Februarv 24, at Simcoe Street Mrs. Uriah Jones and Miss Isa- . | B WLEH | Birthd ty fi i i ENGAGEMENT a Mr. | ay party for them with en- United Church, Oshawa. : belle Sorley attended the annual! ap. ang Mrs, William SaaS lar ai es. J. Penioupd, od WIFE PRESERVER tertainment, favors and gifts. Members accepted an invitation | meeting of the Whitby Branch wish to announce the engagement|Mrs. Joseph La Rocca, Miss Mar-| of the Victorian Order of Nurses|of their youngest daughter, Carol|garet Lazar, Mr. J. Weller: Mr Make your own distinctive ] held in Whitby Town Hall last|Jean, to Ronald Gary Cole, son/jack MacDonald, Miss Mar g o/facizl tissuc box _.vers. Two sug- aii y ' of Mr. and Mrs. Ormal E. Cole,|McClennen, Mr. and Mrs. Don-|gestions: embroidered nylon ruff- of Oshawa. The wedding is to|ald Down, Miss J. Hall, Mr. Alex|ling trimming plain cotton, and Miss Catharine Maddaford, re-take place in Christ Memorial| Alexander, Mr. -and Mrs. Malcolm |terry cloth trimmed] in rick-rack gional director of the Victorian Church on Friday, February 26, Adam, Mr and Mrs. Jack Phil-lor lias binding of contrasting Order of Nurses, was a recentiat 4 p.m. lips, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Brown, lcolor. € Ae ) ) ; AAR 2) NII | ER ERE to win Your [ h \ 211 [7 Ae yj \ 4 Pee week. Vi / iy ! Be a real 'sweetheart' || ----give her a big, beautiful Valentine heart filled with the finest of the freshest chocolates. Come in today and choose one | : from our full-range 4 : he if seem [| |SWEATERS -- SKIRTS -- BLOUSES Gift Chocolates {| [CAR COATS -- ALL-WEATHER COATS VALEN 1 fin VALENTINE rove DRESSES -- SUITS -- KNIT SUITS Yresh, clean-cut look QUALITY CANDY WITH THAT I Ws Q os Sirtuip Yr rand ve AG 1 TRULY FRESH FLAVOR \ ; 40g Lop SHIRTS --- VESTS --- SLIMS --- ALL AT by clock dressing. Here are three crisp versions for 1960 . . . from ga x ¥ Se pountiful collection on our | MAIN FLOOR | 0-95 | : VALENTINE f : Hartnell SPECIAL : 3 / IN LOVE | ' PERFUME Elizabeth Arden 5 2.25 BLUE GRASS ; Hoberdasher | TOILET WATER 3.75 MIST topustyy PY I GIFT SET Reg. 4.00 ¢ ais! tterns, H : ; pret -- irik in I 3.50 3.00 : the gay singing ; . 4 : : : colours and the new I o i fv. subdued shades . . . I all in sizes 9 to 17. I STATIONERY, Reg. 2.00 : CHANEL NO. 5 SPRAY COLOGNE ' REVLON COMPACT AND LIPSTICK SET .. AND LESS CHANTILLY LIQUID SKIN AND oie going SACHET PURSER AND EXTRA REFILL .... WKATEVER YOUR PLANS_DON'T MISS spring dresses . . SORTILEGE PERFUME .... you'll love the ex- [R} ARPEGE PERFUME . ... rd" dun. [I] JOY PERFUME ..... one THESE BARGAINS_UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS : - AMBUSH COLOGNE WITH A. Paisley printed sheath with 3% sleeves, smart el A , ; PERFUME PURSER Regular 450 value .... pocket detail in coral, taupe or peacock. 8. Tapestry print 2 Slog juli siariea svi F : ) : : >» | J U RY 1]'] 3 L A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE spray. 2 ik : ; : : No Phone, C.0.D. or Mail Orders--All Sales Final €. Full-skirted style with roll-up sleeves in solid a A Pen : | CHT Rexatt BEVITTNS : ) CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY ' : | | BRYA O0sHAWA Blacks LADIEY WEAR 11D, LENE STE OSHAWA SSeS ST S il i SHOPPING Open Friday Evening until 9 | ERR STORES IN it i CENTRE 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 Lol VIN NAVI = {No BR 2 = Ie of - SA AT. le ------ nt ------