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The Oshawa Times, 15 Feb 1960, p. 3

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CAPSULE NEWS Fire Wrecks Town Hall LANIGAN, Sask. (CP)--Dam- teen-age girls who take domestic age was estimated at $70,000 service jobs in Britain are ex-| pF when fire destroyed the commu-|changing their apron-strings for % nity-built town hall here Saturday G-strings in London cellar clubs,| night town's fire truck in/the newspaper Bild am Sonntag | an adjoining hall, was also de- says. It quotes German girls em-| stroyed. Lanigan is 100 air miles ployed as strip-teasers in cellar south of Prince Albert clubs as saying "there is nothing} to i'--undressing for all that HOTEL DESTROYED money." PORT COLBORNE (CP)--Fire ¢ of unknown origin destroyed the JOIN TEAMSTERS Star House hotel-beverage room! CORNER BROOK, Nfld. (CP) in downtown Port Colborne Sun- _QOne hundred stevedores here day. Damage to the building is have applied for membership in estimated at close to $100,000. Local 998 of the International The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Teamsters (CLC) after deciding Matatich, were spending theo quit the independent New-| weekend in Cleveland. foundland - Laborers Union. The| MAKE BID FOR COLLEGE 9°07 0% followed weeks of am KINGSTON (IP) -- A delega- fas O8 ; tion from here hopes to present . a brief outlining the city's advan-| JOB FOR MAU MAU QUEEN tages as a site for a proposed Laiinsn = x $2,000,000 police college before NAIROEI, Kenya ap The Premier Frost and Attorney-Gen- former "queen of the Mau Mau, eral Roberts this week. Planning Sarah Sarai, has been elected WILL Minister Nickle said he thinks|ehairman of the women's wing of Kingston deserves serious con sideration. party. The party president is 1a-| pennis » tai S , 5 ' fountain holds daily Pavents said they refused per- bor leader Tom Mboya. Sarah raver 5 3 oo Q INKEN o . Ld prayer sessions and Bie rend RAPS DRUNKEN CLIMBERS was arrested for Mau Mau ac- ings for his recovery from can- MOSCOW (Reuters)--A Soviet|tivities a few years ago and re-| cer that has puffed his right mountain climbing resort in cen-|cently released. foe . eee mis a for 55 POR eis ia 7 i a ht 50 Wii i i Nairobi's People's Convention' The family of 10-year-old | leg fo 33 inches in diameter. | doctors could not assure them | (in bed) Ralph Mountain, hold- | that it would stop the spread | ing Bible; Delmar, 5; the cancer. Left to right: | Mountain, holding son, | Derle, 9. the knee last May when | Douglas; Dwayne, 7; Dennis | (CP Wirephoto: Globe and M {nan, in Supreme Court, in Whitby, tie morsing. _ 'Bureau and an investigation into|deem necessary for any of its | His Lordship said the accused |the exhorbitant price of drugs|proceedings and deliberations, for Iwas undoubtedly provoked. 'and pharmaceutical preparations. (which purpose the honorable the |a younger man and had there no |been the amount of alcohol, | : M :. 1 {A 4 jromd have had no pestitation I¥ eau that will co-operate with ex-|concerns the easing of garnishee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 15, 1960 3 IN THE LEGISLATURE Sentence For : Thomas Moves For Wounding Nicholas Krywko, 66, of 260 Consumer Bureau Annis Stree, Oa wound] BY T. D. THOMAS, MPP pel attendance before the said ing" by Mr. Justice J. L. McLen- Two important resolutions sub-|select committee of such persons ;, in | mitted by the CCF for debate are|and the production of such papers on the setting up of a Consumers' and things as the committee may 18-Montt. "There was also an element of The following resolution in my speaker may issue his warrant alcohol in the incident, If he were name is "That the legislaturejor warrants, and that the select ¢ recommends that the government ittee ist of 15 bers. 1 give consideration to the estab-| An ammendment to the Wages lish t of a C s' Bur-|Act introduced for first reading imposipg 2 EZ number fisting consumer organizations and regulations, Previously, persons endure ; research agencies; provide field|involved in debt would some- | He pointed out, the maximum and information services to as-|times find a goodly portion of {sentence for wounding is 14 years. [sist in the development of con-|their wages garnisheed, in fact, | Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall,|sumer organizations; conduct re-ia creditor can get a garnishee lac, said the Crown was not ask-|search into and publish indepen-ito take up to 30 per cent of a ing for a penitentiary sentence. |dent expert information on the|debtor's pay every week Krywko had been charged with|quality of products placed on the|jull repayment is made. {shooting John Worobec, with in-'market in Ontario; have author- If the amendment receives ap- tent to wound him. ity to investigate advertisingproval, when a debtor is in fi- practices and, where necessary,|pancial difficulties he can go be- | prohibit fraudulent and mislead-|;ore a judge, obtain his consent 200 SPECIES OF ling advertising; expert constant!;, jave the garnishee order re- pressure for the enforcement offi coq on the grounds of finan- |federal laws governing food and cial distress, and agree to make THE IRIS FLOWER drugs; and conduct continuing regular instalment yments [research into price spreads and The o ton of payme instal The prolific and popular (recommend appropriate action to X a " 3 Rig iris. was named after the [reduce unreasonable spreads." ment is 0 the discre Grtek goddess of the rainbow the judge and no further gar- but no one Knows where they |{ASK PRICE PROBE |nishee of the debtor's wages can originated The second one in the name be made as long as he continues : {of Ken B. Ryden, CCF Member, to make regular payments. Mos g Z 3 D Li Fok ls (for Woodbine, requests 'That a . p select committee of the house] | summer items is with Osh- |} : fA ia § aw : i og e appointed to inquire into the| awa Times Classified Ads. {prices of drugs and phar mp. oyees tral Siberia has been turned into > when thrown from her parent's a place - of "drunkenness, de- pravity and hooliganism" by| BLIZZARD HITS OSHAWA | vehicle. Mrs. Smith was removed OBITUARIES vodka-drinking youths who for- to Toronto 'General Hospital Sun- tify themselves with alcohol be- day night. | sta g e] liffs, | . : . Another assenger i the A TRIE : i ny Just di A 3- t F rot : oi Joe SlaTNg ot ni st (Continued from Page 1) [There were three plows and three May A po Ee} K oh oid FUNERAL OF Mrs. Jim Fleming (Florence), of ill ial BR 8492 to place seutical Rreparaiions in Ontario, | » ems ka - Sena. Still blocked. It is expected they trucks working all Sunday night. op - wane le . sh arg MRS. MARTHA DALZIEL Toronto and Mrs. Norman Smith] ~ id whether so! under generic or| I R f t plains OE vill be open by noon, They are: Manager George Shreve, of tho RR 3 Sowsmanvile, 3 3 povied 7 eral sergiets: Sor ME (Dorothy), of Markdale; two, brand names, to consider whether n e I'l era or S g ent z -cidents hls ; : > . i ori condi wman- 3 ral services + Mrs. " rdw ul vices i ci . ' a, ork Ti the road from Epsom to Ux- Public Utilities Commission, said . ix li : : § : 3 | step-sons, Charles Edward Bolton . such prices in general or par pwEED ( dt . among the rugged roc k hills near bridge. the road from Highway thal the main power failure in ville Memorial Hosp tal, and is Martha Dalziel, who died at the r"moonto and James Bolton of| $200 DAMAGE ticular cases are fair and rea-| .c TEED SP) =Three Sumi Krasnoyarsk were caused by 12 to Seagrave, and a two-mile/Oshawa was caused by a feeder also Suffering Soncussion Sjushawa General Hospital Of Oshawa and a nephew, Roy] An estimated $200 damage re- sonable having regard to Pro-iywpie food store here were heavy drinking he lanchester. All breaker popping out at the sub-| Driver of the vehicle, Mr. Tuesday, Feb. 9 in her 74th year, parker, of Oshawa sulted from a fire at the home|duction and marketing costs and Se dod int ri fri tor eh aie Ns «ALL TP rofl avenue. at Smith suffered a fractured right|were conducted at the Armstrong eal service will be held of K. Lemon, 639 Cromwell ave- other relevant factors, and to re-| herded into a walk-in refrigerato G-STRING LURES GIRLS lothers are passable slaon of Hero: a nue, al ankle and left leg: and lacera- Funeral Home on Friday, Feb The feral Jérvie wi be, held) 0" at 2.06 p.m., Sunday The port thereon: and. that the select | Saturday by two armed men who EN ' nop ' Ti t 04 tween approximately 7 p.m. Sunday SURETY > ap df hi at the Armstrong Funera ome. * pases . . : Rl : : vi BONN, West Germany (Reut- he suburban road between rp arens te ten were north Hons: He was removed to Osh-12 at 2 p.m at 2 p.m TO Feb. 17. fol. fire was caused by some wood committee have authority to sit] escaped Jk avon $1,200. ers) -- Attractive West German t i in Oshawa|on top of the furnace, fire de-|during the interval between ses-| ne. o e holdup men was pote RARE ro ese RaW: wearing an army uniform, later Oshawa and Port Perry was kept p 1 oners {2 . \ pr ---- - -- open all night. It was the only of Bond street, east and west of a bad 0.08 gl So lowed by iuerment partment offici said. A routine|/sions and have full power and| v major north-south road in the res Wiig Toughly OM Damages were estimated at align t ho 'Mount el Union Cemetery, i) Harold ove was roe Wien a tree fell |authoriy to call for es, pa-|found strewn along the highway Cancer Society county that Was open all night hac lian. 'drive. to. Division approximately $700 to the Brown ce. ery Oshawa ? Sainion, pa will an RE ser- across the wires on Oxford street. pers and things and to ex amine (from this village 15 miles north- Whitby High schools reported ® A) Shreve. sz indies vehicle and approximately $1000 °° 2 ed. auren, c Ser here were 12 routine ambulance witnes-es under oath, and the as-|east of Belleville. 1 all school buses on time this F. Shreve said no indication|,, "tho Smith car Pallbearers. Were iam Vices: calls during the weekend, sembly doth command and com.| One uniformed man. normal? ets High oal morning. of the cause of the trouble was OPP Constable Peter DenHoed Belsh, Albert Mackey, Sam Col FUNERAL OF fan ---- - 3 1s. Herb Peaden, Tom Taylor dani on t after the | had | mone m-- mr-- |clean shaven, wore a moustache apparent after the lines had been olga ciate v tn. | 1 tein TP FORAY |during the robbery, the employ- TORONTO (CP)--Ontario divi- FIRE TRUCK IN TROUBLE patrolled. His guess was that the ve igaied, a ised BV 5 net land Bert McCleary. MRS. S. MROCZKOWSKA WEATHER FORECAST Sung i y P sion of the Canadian C So- Fire Chief Guy Raines of Port wind may have caused the break Reimer > : Requiem mass was sung in St | The men appeared while the ciety has set a goal of $1,500,000 Perry, who answered a call to a Ar NORMAN GARFIELD KERRY Hedwig's Polish Catholic Church |staff were counting the day's re- ceipts after closing, They were by whipping power lines together Mr. Smith is a partner wit} for its April drive. it was an- garage fire near Blackstock said 0 create a heavy surge of power... = ihe Neil in Ve A long time resident of Port'at 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 13, for ° ° nounced Sunday it was the worst driving experi The area task oF Harmony road known livestock transport firm, Perry, Norman Garfield Kerry,|Mrs. Stanley Mroczkowska, Whol» tin |admitred when they indicated The 200 delegates at the divi- ence he had ever encountered. to the City poundary was altect- Smith Brothers, which operates died in the Community Hosp tal, (died at the Oshawa General Hos- ' |they wanted to buy something: ed from about 7.40 p.m. to about Port Perry Friday: in his 73rd pital last Thursday in her 53rd sion"s annual campaign confer- The fire truck got in difficulties ¥ out of z . ence were told m funds are on the Causeway between Port 9.45 p.m. when a fuse blew. out vear. He is survived by his wife, year. ® ] needed to finance the 1960 can- Perry and Scugog. but was able on a pole LADStOMTES : the former Gladys Carcallen Rev. Felix Kwiatkowski sang 1tt e 1 er Another fox of reales Popped CITY BND Holmes. and five sons, George,ithe mass. Interment was in St.| oul on lhe Slevenson roa. Sguin f Oshawa: Harold, of Oakville; Gregory's Cemetery ILTH WITH ub-station at 12.30 2 Mond: 0 wi We 4 A Bai Li T TO (CP) -- g HEALTH WITH subsiaton a 100 am, Monday, PIGUET ilar of Eamonion 'Ala Ian The palbearer vere John, ORONO, IF" | 0 cations for fell: ho 8 INTR.FVS a 20 si ' / of Charlottetown, P.E.L; John of Budzynski, Peter Soltys, Stanley/issued at 5 a.m. i i $97,000 to enable scient to TOWNS CLEAR Hi nies. 1th i Almonte. Ont.; and one daughter. Planeta, Joseph Kaczor, Stanley Synopsis: The intense Sunday Killaloe : ARCAF TESEArC ¢ : r. Shreve said there was tr t y : : " ' a " nastern Ear = start full-time cancer research In the towns, Oshawa. Ajax, "0 "phe ye areas He oy STREETS CLOSED Maris (Mrs, *Arnold Graham), of Bernas and Steve Dulny. storm has moved from Easter n|Earlton .. tenes ? fi Whitby, Bowmanville and other °° Columb i d € ared ,.e following streets will be|South Mountain Ontario into Quebec. The strong Sudbury ... : / (18% 2 oa LULZ! built up communities, no trouble So} oF ums 2 oi ot iclosed for nstruct ' The remains are resting at the ROY MOON northerly winds are abating and North Bay COMING EVENTS was. reported | while there Brooklin was blacked out. The ¢ osed for construction today : : sting at th i ! or I a th Ba was reported, and while there|.. .. waco not entirely due to the Stevenson road north, from Mar. McDermott - Panabaker Funeral] The death occurred at the Osh-| nln Ait anal were three short power breaks in w { : ' Chapel where funeral services awa G og spital © U5, [today and Tuesday. Clouds are EE luk Tocat: heavy winds. Part of the black- ion avenue to Rossland road hape ere ur 'a se i awa General Hospita on Jan. 21, spreading slowly eastward across| RUMMAGE Sale. St. Andrews Church, jag and repaired A vas out might have been caused bv west; Madison avenue, from Ste- Will be held Monday at 2 p.m. following an iliness of aboutig, horn" and Central Ontario in| A al F: ¥: T was : 3 . Will vith interme! a i . , ] t { at 1 o'clock, Tuesday, February '16 iene cl with communicationsd Sal which hit a pole at the Na- venson north to Fernhill blvd.: ¥ h interment to follow at Pine three months, of Roy Moon, of advance of a weak weather sys-| is tional Stud Farm, north of Osh- Taylor avenue, from Farewell Grove Cemetery. |Raglan. He was in his 67th year. cer research pr n lo get through alright to the fire SHFEGUARD YOUR CHIL! The National Cancer Institute which proved to be a minor out- of Canada has ar ved 17 appli- break i breakdowns. ak | " 4 i POP CONCERT { Ontario Provincial Police awa : I avenue to Harmony road south | MRS. LEONA GRIFFIN I The eldest son of the late Dr. Regional forecasts valid until officesistate sitll. ba impossible] ower was not completely re- Whenever possible these streets) . land Mrs. C. Moon, the deceased idnight Tuesd | | stored until about 3.30 a.m. Mon- will be partially opened to permit! Funeral services were held this|yas born at Seagrave in 1894. | MY og Erie BY hara western | ; / Bv th Regimental Bond to get any complete picture of q after bg 2 Bead p A CoC stranded traffic until ot today, day morning. Some delay in the movement of local traffic. Ex.|aiternoon for Mrs. Leona Grif-ip ping his lifetime he lived at Rt oh 4 FR!., FEBRUARY 19, 8 PM ira ate loday, ,.sioration of power was caused treme heavy rain may result fin, nee Leona Jones, from the g.sorave and Raglan Lake Ontario regions, Windsor, SCHOFIEI D | R avy rz may. result ini yn * Hamilton, Toronto: Mainly sunny | F. F. Morris Co. Funeral Chapel in Bowmanville | as calls became too numerous to CV.l, Auditorium with |} by le jz g the 26 abit u i © : AERO handle, and patrols were finally|PY. People jamming the lines alithe closing of other streets. Mr, Moon was a member of St.|today, Tuesday sunny with cloudy the Public tilities C 5 3 J he Public Utilities Commission Stephen's United Church and was periods and a little milder. Winds Universtiy of Toronto Hart vall : re fh; (o8lled in off the highways, When the power first went off CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT | Mrs. Jones died suddenly Satur- X00 0 50s a" nivel choir, {northwest 15 tilde. there was only one man on the, Healing through spiritual day, Feb. 13, at the family resi-1@ M€ oir. (northwest 15, becoming light to- a LE ASSOCIATES LTD. ) 3 uy $ ADS " A ine - I p en a loyee FInd Neel, Deon Royal Conserva- | Rangrts from Hampton indicate |night shift, and he had to call in means as practiced by Christ dence, 26 Beach avenue, Bow. He a Desh an mp yee a night, a i tory of Music. that although driving was-bad in/the service men. The jammed Jesus was brought out at Chris manville. She was in her '34th Vears y | Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali-| A Y Ss Th - s Darlington township resulting|telephone lines hampered' the re- tian Science services on Sunday year. : 1 "He. ; oy burton regions: Mainly sunny to-| re You sure at Your Present Auto from poor visibility caused by ctoration operations. Feb. 14, The deceased is the daughter) He leavs his wife, the former day and Tuesday. A little milder. | blizzard-like conditions, highways! About 15 men, and four vehicles HS Eo 2 of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, Violet Stanton; three daughters, Winds northwest 20 today, light] Insurance Company will . .. FASHION were clear. Some side-roads are were used to patrol the areas and| | TWO CARS STOLEN Oshawa and is survived by her Mrs. J. N. Bridger (Dorothy), of Tuesday. | n bad shoe, and snowplows and|to restore the power to the Osh- Two cars were stolen over the husband, Fred, and one son, Newcastle; Mrs. Reginald Abra-| yake Huron region, London: | REVIEW crews have been out all night, |awa area. weekend in the Oshawa . Whitby Gary, 13 ham {Norma) ,and Mrs, Jo > Diyariable cloudiness with snow- : | » high winds kept the Taun- : LL ; area. Neither of the autos had rvices were conducted by lobin (Fern) of Seagrave and a flurries, Clearing this afternoon. | Sponsored. Dy ton road swept he generally, | BOWMANVILLE (Staff)--Five been recovered at 10 a.m. today. Rev. W. K. Houslander, minister son, Willlam, of Campbellford. Mainly sunny To Tg Winds | ST. GREGORY'S CATHOLIC with just an odd drift narrowing persons were injured, three of | Villiam _ Burnett 909 Henry of Trinity United Church Inter- Also surviving are three sis-|west 15, becoming light tonight. | WOMEN'S LEAGL the road in places. them critically in a head-on col-| street, Whitby, Yeported his car ment followed in Bowmanville ters, Mrs. Adam Wallace, of Bol-| Georgian Bay, Kirkland Lak | In the vicinity of Columbus, lision on Highway 2, at Maple|stolen between 9 p.m. Saturday Cemetery ton; Mrs. Clarence Wright, of regions, North Bav, Sudbury:| in just north of Oshawa, most side-| Grove. about three miles west of and 2 a.m. Sunday. Norman W, FUNERAL OF Cannington and Mrs. William|Mainly' sunny today. Tuesday ST. GREGORY'S AUDITO A roads were blocked from Satur- here Saturday night Magee. ! Nassan street, Oshaw MRS. NE ip RALYNKD Keen, of Seagrave; a brother, |cloudy with sunny periods, Little hae 8 day until this morning. Many Witnesses statea a car driven !bad his car stolen sometime Sat- MRS. MW ALY! Aubrey, of Seagrave; 12 grand-|change in temperature. Winds : " SIMCOE ST. N residents working in Oshawa|by Meredith R. Brown, 22, RR 3 urday from the premises of the! Requiem mass was sung in St. children and three great-grand-| northwest 20, becoming light to- To be sure of Beving protection when you really need in, WEDNESDAY were late for work, having to Bowmanville, was travelling west | Ontario Liquor Control Board on George's Ukrainian Greek Catho- children, night. arrange your auto insurance now with , , . 4 lg vait until the snowplows gotiabout 8.55 p.m. and had passed Richmond street west lic Church at 10 a.m. today for, The funeral service was held| Timmins-Kapuskasing region: . MARCH 9, 8:30 PM through from the highway 'just another westbound vehicle. Tt GETS REMAND Mrs. Mary Kalynko, who died at/at the McDermott - Panabaker Sunny becoming cloudy this after- Schofield Insurance Associates Lid the O a General Hospital last| Funeral Home, Port Perry, at/noon with a few snowflurries. . A 0 after 8 a.m. today. was pulling into its own lame| GH ee will RA DMISSION 75¢ when it struck the shoulder ye 5." Ri d iam thursday in her 77th year 2.30 5 rday, Jz 23. [Mainly cl i i -- aN " . Ist. E.. was remanded Friday for 1 1 yeé 30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 23.|Mainly cloudy Tuesday. Milder. 6 Si 30 Sow PLOVS ; i After hitting the shoulder, the bh Bor X25 Tomas d I Friday | Rev. J. C. Pereyma sang the|S G. Saywell conducted the ser-|Light winds. Simcoe North 3.2265 | Despite a deluge of calls for vehicle went out of control, car-| he "5g a rape charge laid| mass. Interment was in St. Greg-|vices. He was assiste / Rev DO OORE : I v ar-| mo Link diy é ' St. S. s assisted by Rev.| . REG. AKER 0) KINSMEN B | NGO aid, snowplows and tow trucks in ecned across the highway and col- Pe b. fo He was remanded injore's Cemetery R. C. Love, of Columbus. Burial Forecast Temperatures N ELLISON . JACK MOORE JUBILEE PAVILION the area of Pickering township, lided head-on with a car being Susiody oo il bail of $5000 can b> The pallbearers were Ray Soro- was in the family plot in Pine 'Low tonight High Tuesday the vehicles could not go to theldriven in the opposite direction" or ect: chan, Jerry Sorochan, Daniel Di- Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Windsor .. 25 : TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 16 eid of stranded matorists because py Donald W. Smith: 32," RR 3 CAR STOLEN nee n. Frak Mozewsky, Ray Mo- The pallbearers were Percy 3 Thomas ...eeee.. EREE ADMISSION Brock road iy Pickering town: Raglan. var removed fo Bow.|. Oshawa police reported a late zewsky and Walter Mozewsky. (Clark, Roy Brawn, George Bray, Lonaos EXTRA BUSES hip, which is Ontario county mo oun was removed to Bow model automobile stolen from the| ALBERT HENRY PARKER Aylmer Ploughman, Fred Beadle po" highway No. 1 was stated to be where hie vas Tia os a SY Division street P: 5 ng lot) yn failing health' for the past and A. J. Pilkey. Trenton .. ticularly bad. wit r ay. Yael wa sometime between 30 p.m sar Alber ny ap arkar 9 \ : lary bad wih sea Gcsral ota exch co Shriya am. he ob, St A leo Be PANG pune op [Sh Catan WOODVIEW PARK cording to county officials, the dition. The extent of his injuries ing 'morning. The car is owned Maple Grove this morning He! MRS. ERNEST BUFFAM northern part of the township suf- "2° not known Sunday evening. by Bert Buda, RR 3, Bowman-|as in his 74th year. : | The funeral service for Mrs. MO NSTER BINGO fered most. IN CRITICAL CONDITION {ville. i The deceased, who was the last| Ernest Buffam, 39 Bond street | It was expected that conditions 5, i critical condition are U.S. HUNTER CHARGED surviving member of his family, east, who died at the Oshawa] was a son of the late William and |General Hospital last Thursday, would be back to normal Some|yy; "porcen Smith, 27, wife ofl GANDER, Nfld. (CP)--George nian" Parier 3 1 $1,300 PRIZES 2) the driver of the other 'vehiclelSkakel of Cleveland, one of six Jot Jarker. He was born ati¥as held at the McIntosh Funeral $100 DOOR PRIZES BUSY IN OSHAWA involved, and their daughter, United States businessmen who Owen Sound Se hwy and was Home at 2 p.m., Saturday, Feb. Oshawa Board of 'Works report- Elaine, three, who was taken spent several days in the New parked 2 Osliawa ont i 1050, 13. : JACKPOT NOS ed a busy weekend. About 20 men |from the scene to the Toronto foundland bush, was charged|iy pe Ochawa district i Major M. Rankin of the Salva- were kept active on sanders and Hospital for Sick Children Sunday with violating the prov-' pe leaves his wife the for! ./tion Army conducted the serv-| 51-58 plows. Officials said there wasn't] Mrs' Smith was reported in ince's huntjng regulations. The 3iaud Marv SRE ha ices. Interment was in Oshawal too much snowfall. but drifting critical condition and still un- men were /apprehended 'as they six step-daughters, hare) oY ia Cemetery f i TONIGHT was heavy conscious in Bowmanville Mem: stepped from a chartered air- prouse (Martha). of Brooklin: | Bion Lemelery. Board chairman Walter Branch orial Hospital Sunday afternoon, craft which had brought them Mrs. Geoffrey Northe: (Lottie) | The pallbearers were Joh i said. this morning. "city streets suffering from concussion. The from the interior. The province's of Oshawa: Mrs. Jack St John Allison, Ross Cook, Fred Major, | RED BARN gre Jelaiiyely Sean, Most of the dé suffered a fractured big game hunting season closed (Helen) of Oshawa: MTS. Fred Ron Nelson, Dennis Dobbie and rouble is in the outlying areas." skull acerations » scalp|Dec. 3 Tharewe "Os | ; ; . : g 2 kull and lacerations to the scalp) Dec 31. Therewell (Ruth), of Oshawa;|Basil Mothersill. @® Continue your protection when you reach 60 or 65 years of age? © Continue your protection when your teen age son starts driving? ® Continue your protection if you have one or two minor accidents? Jackpot Nos. 58 ond 51 272 ALBERT ST ; RA 8-1244 FREEZER ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY Specials Mon. Tue. Wed. A SPACIOUS RAVINE SETTING FOR THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS « «+ + Cordially invites Modern rooms at & k § TO BE DESIGNED AND BUILT FOR you 10 6voll yoursel of reasonable rates. YOU IN AN ESTATE OF PREPAID a ning Bath and shower in § RONTS CUT & WRAPPED IB. 39. SERVICED LOTS . . sh pin Wopss HINDS cura wear 5 54 men's: Junch; ot 95 BR SIDES cut & wrapped 1. dfde STEAKS | 5XUsace 1h. 19¢ Sirloin Tip POUND BONELESS 1b. 49¢ SIRLOIN bY: STEW BEEF T-BONE HAMBURG lb. 35¢ FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE room facilities at rea- sonable prices ® BOWLING BANQUETS ® STAFF PARTIES ® MEETINGS ® RECEPTIONS SCHOFIELD INS. ASSOC. RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS CADILLAC HOTEL 12 PRINCE ST. 19 ATHOL ST. W, LIMITED RA 3.2265 RA 5.6165 ; 394 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS RA 5-3743 No matter what the occa- sion may be, you will find our facilities ideal for you RANCH -- SPLIT LEVEL -- TWO-STOREY HOMES FROM $16,900 DIRECT ENQUIRIES TO

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