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The Oshawa Times, 17 Feb 1960, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 17, 1960 Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange OILS Nel a.m. Ch'ge High Low 1} a.m. Ch'ge 11 11 11 630 0 TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press loronto Stock Exchange--Feb, 17 (Quotations in cents unless marked S$. %~-Odd lot, Ex-dividend, xr--Fx- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) INDUSTRIALS High Low 11 $36 35% $18% 18% $19% 19% 250 250 $24 24 $33 $30% 33% $234 350 $507 $4354 High Low 1 15 Sales 1100 1000 500 2000 667 1000 1005 100 600 1000 500 5400 Stock Beveon Bibis Bicroft Bouzan Bralorne Broul Reel Brunswick Buff Ank » Ci aw, Chib Ho C N Inca 10 ( a ore 10 Can-Erin Can-Met Cassiar Cayzor Chester Chib Kay Chimo Chrom Cody-Reco * Denison Den wits 5 SKD Mig Halliwell 5000 Southam Con Howey 300 Spartan 300 29 0 $ 4 Con M and § 160 Stedman 75 3 35 a le 2 2 v C Mosher _200 Steel Can Pamoil 3 Con Negus 55 Steinbg A Permo pr y é 66 C Red Pop S Propane Peruv Oily 7 1 Regeourt Thornclf Place Conwest Tor-Dom Prove Gas Cop Corp T Fin A Reel Expl Cop-Man T Fin 5 Royalite Coprand Surcee Daering South 1 17 Deer Horn Stanwell 45 Dome Sub Oil 17 1 der Tidal 89 Faleon Friad Oil 330 Fwest Un Oils 149 Vatima robisher Sales High Low 11 a.m, on Sd 4 14% + $19 19 19 150 150 150 $14% 1% 14% $6% 6% 6% -- 825% 7% 335 $17% $225 $7% $1344 Stock N St Car Nor Star A N Star 57 wt NO NGas Oshawa A Page-Hers Pembina P Pipe Mig Q N Gas Reichold R Silk A R Little High Low 11 a.m. Cirge 10% 9% 10% + 8s 9 --% 8 -- 4 10% -- % Bla sh + % 7 Sales 1450 150 1475 485 400 110 260 z100 208 700 Stock Cr Telef Crush Int Dist Seag D Bridge D Dairies Dom Elect D Fndry D Magnes Dosco Dom Stores Dom Tar Dom Text 0 Fam Play 700 Fed Grain Fleet Mig Ford US Ford Com Fraser Fr Pete pr "% Sales 1500 Stock Am Ledug Bailey S A Celalts wh Cal Ed 4 -- Calvan Con 350 3/0 --5 'aivert 3 +1 680 Net a.m, Ch'ge 36 ( Cdn Dev C Ex Gas « « Siock Abitibi Acad-Atl A Agnew-S Alta Dist Alta Gas Algoma Alumini Anthes Imp Atlas Steel Auto Fab B Bank Mont Bell Phone Bowater Br Tank BA Oil BC Vorest BC Pow Brockville pr Brown 1 Burns Cal Pow Cal Pow § pr Can Cem C1 Fndry Can Perm C Safe 4 pr C Bank Com Cdn Brew Cdn Celan © Chem C Collieries € Colli pr C Curt W C Hydro Car cn Cdn Loce Cdn Oil CP R Cdn Wall B Cockshutt Col Cell Con Gas Con Gas A Corby vt Sales 35 225 " Husky nt Del Dragon C Mic Mat Cree wis 58 Dome Pete Dynamic Fargo Home Ol A HB Oil G Medal b Midcon o 1 : N Superior 5 5 « St Maurice 2000 Salada-8 Shawin Simpsons MASSEY MEDAL AWARDED Wing Commander K. R. | veloping the 'Twilight Com- | tic navigation. | Greenaway, left, of Woodville, | Puter' now widely used in Are- | | an Arctic navigation expert re and author of several texts now used by other air forces and commercial airlines, is presented with the Massey Medal by Governor « General Vanier. The medal is awarded annually by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society for out- standing achievement in explor- ation, development or descrip- tion Canadian geography. Centre Maj.-Gen. H. A. Young, deputy works minister and society president. The RCAF officer S in de- Gr W 58 wt 40 2 Greys «CP Wirephote Hardee " H Dauch H Smith imp Bank Imp Flo Imp Inv A Imp Oil 1005 imp Tob 500 Imp Tob pr 325 Inland Gas 1100 Int Util 500 Intpr 55 wt 200 Inter PL 100 Intp Stl Inv Syn A Jockey C Keily D A Kelly wis Lakeland LobG 1 pr LobCo pr LobCo A wt MB and PR 5 $15% ) Ingersoll Mass-F 25 10 h ! C Paper Mid-West Dupont Moore Sangamo Bk RICHARD EGAN- DOROTHY MoOURE SANDRA DEE- ARTHUR KENNEDY 600 102 2135 20000 1500 3500 550 10 305 4300 200 11000 2000 625 2000 4000 360 15 1000 288 ONE OF THE BEST PICTURES YOU WILL SEE THIS YEAR! ADMITTANCE hs Tan or ant on ove Tung acu WARNER BROS. TECHNICOLOR® 3000 MINES 2000 3067 1000 2113 1000 Abacus Agnico Akaitcho Algom Anacon Ang Rouyn A Arcadia White 1 pr Wood J A Woodwd A Curb Anglo Nfld Asbestos CD Sug 150 : [3 - FEATURE SHOWN DAILY AT , 1:40 - 4:00 - 6:25 - 8:50 A FAMOUS PLAYERS [HI 300 of 500 2200 14100 1000 300 1200 Unemployment Heavy Problem OTTAWA (CP)--Labor Minis ter Starr said Tuesday that un- employment is a serious problem in Canada and remains onc of the anxieties of the federal gov- ernment. He told a delegation of the Jeunesse Ouvriere Catholique (Young Catholic Workers) that the co-operation of all interested groups is needed to find a solu- ton. H of Lakes IS Hollinger Hud Bay Int Moly Int Nickel 440 $36 25 $100 hie Bethim Radio's Latest Rave . .. DIGGER DAVE IN PERSON A CKEY TOP DISC JOCKEY . . Presents [ HARVEY + SIMONE SIGNORET Playing the Fabulous Top Forty Sma OUD Ti6 INR. GAMES - PRIZES -GIFTS FRIDAY, FEB. 19TH "CANADA'S MOST UNUSUAL BALLROOM" Winter Wonderland NO. 12 HIGHWAY Two Miles North of Whitby cere: JAW "ad Disorde MICHAEL REDGRAVE - ROBERT MORLEY Public Skating STARTS TODAY SKATING PARTIES ARRANGED Phone OLiver 5-3375 Open Every Day of the Week Sorry, No Hockey Sticks HOW YOUR LIVER BILE HELPS BREAK DOWN FATS IN THE DIGESTIVE TRACT TO ATTEND QUEEN AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE Pr. John Peel (left), ebstet- | doctors who will attend the | service by Queen Mary and -- we and gynecological surgeon = Queen at the birth of her child. = has been physician - in - ordi- Wy Sir John Weir (right) will be an ) to the present Queen since #t King's College Hospital, Lon- other of doctor He 1952 don, England, B one ot three = was first appointed to the royal Inadequate Farm the th CP Wirephotos Civil Service | Outlook 'Critical' Policy Charged TORONTO (CP)--Amid a bar rage of heckling from Progres. sive Conservative members, Ross Whicher (L Bruce) Tuesday night charged the federal and On tario governments with forcing down farm prices through inade quate policies Mr. Which ture that grade A eggs cents a dozen, was 30 cen! Chicken mers are goin into the hole" at a rate. of about 10 cents a dozen, he charged adding that farmers are also showing a loss in hogs and poul- try Mr. Whicher said Agriculture Minister Goodfellow ghould be re placed and called him 'a cham- pion trapeze artist on a rail fence." He said Mr, Goodfellow's farm policies had resulted in feuds be- tween hog farmers and between different factions in the trucking business. Mr. Whicher said the apathy oi the Frost government was appar- ent in that not one Northern On tario Progress Conservative stood o speak on the situation at FEI liot Lake discussed earlier Tues- day in the House. Liberal and CCF members crit icized the government for not showing any constructive policy towards the uranium industry. er told the about .19 in 1958 it Is now while the farmer's price for| Francis, a senior research officer in the health department, said Tuesday the outlook for the qual ty of professional employees in discussion. the civil service is "most criti- least ei cal" because of the federal gov- ol ga ernment's salary policy "1 think something is going to have to be done about it," he said n an interview. He said more professional workers than normal have been leaving the service since the gov- ernment refused a generdl pay increase of 10 per cent last fall. Dr. Francis has resigned effec- ve the end of this week. But he said this was largely because of his duties as an Ottawa city al- derman. THEATRE GUIDE in Brock "The ,. ma' 6 and OTTAWA (CP)--Dr. C. Lloyd I'wo Liberals from Northern Ontario spoke in the Mr. Whicher said at PC members should have in proportion to the membership of the legislature Irwin Haskett (P( South) said the government should act in the matter of hos pital accommodation in Of He said he has seen unconsciou people in cots in the corridors of Qiawa hospitals because of ir i ac ROADS REQUESTED Also speaking in the throne de bate, William Noden (PC---Rainy River) called for the government to build two more north-souti roads to handle an increased flow of U.S. tourists A total of 2,403,298 615 440 vehicles crossed into Lone Texah" Northern Ontario at three borde on os a V points in 1959, Mr. Noden said nplele i The government should build two MV other high ways to suppl ement the Great River Road which New Orleans and epd junction of Highway 71 Trans-Canada Highway Kenora Rheal Belisle (P( N Belt) criticized his own gover ment when he called for struction of access roads ir Nickel Belt area fo dents of Missinabie, Mines and Dalton Oliawa wa ommodation Doctor's Dilem- 9.40 p.m, "The 8.40 p.m. Last at 8.40 p.m persons "A Buck «1 of Blood" 3.20, 5 7.50, 10.10 p.m, Giant Toes hes" 2.10, 4.25, 9.00 p.m. Last eomplete at 9.00 p.m arks 1.05 "The 6.40 show arts a at the and the east ol Plaza Operation Petticoat" 1.00, 2 5.05, 7.20, 9.35 p.m. Last complete show at 9.35 p.m. 33, he con Regent "A Summer Place' (Restricted) shown daily at 1.40, 4.00, 6.25, 8.50 p.m. Last compleie show at 840 p.m. serve res Renabie ASK YOUR AGENT ABOUT... Scenic-Dome rail travel All-inclusive fares (including meals, berth, sic.) Reduced fores for group travel Overseas Steamship services Great Lakes and Alaska cruises Hotels and resorts across Canade Airline service across Canada -- linking 5 continents Information and reservations from H. 6G. DAVIDSON, 115 King St. EK. RA 3.2224 Laboratory tests have now proved that liver bile emulsifies fats... actually breaks them down. It is an established fact that when liver bile is added to fatty solids, the fats are broken down and form a smooth, easy-flowing mix In your digestive tract, liver hile helps break down fats the same way. Many of the foods you eat reach the digestive tract as undigested fatty solids. Your golden liver bile helps break down these fats . . . for easier and more complete digestion. JOHN WAYNE - JANET LEIGH 1 Las? Day Wik OF Carter's Little Liver Pills' exclusive | formula of vegetable ingredients re- | lieves irregulérity gently and effee- | tively. At the same time, it actually improves the flow of liver bile needed | to break down fats in your digestive | tract. So when you feel sluggish, head- | achy, nervous and need a laxative, take Carter's Little Liver Pills. Remember, Carter's not only re- Heve irregularity, but actually im- prove the flow of liver bile. Get Carter's Little Liver Pills today! oon STANLEY CLEMENTS - IAME NIGH STA BLODD™ plus "GIANT LEECHES™ KINSMEN THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO Friday Feb. 26, $6,500 | --INCLUDING-- 8.30 p.m. Sharp N PRIZES 15 Tendersweet Homs as door prizes $1,000 In Total 12 games for $50 cosh each gome 3 gomes for $150 cash coch gome Snowball Prizes A BRAND NEW 2-TONED WITH WHITEWALLS 1960 FORD free NIWSNIX KINSMEN Called $1,000 Called 5900 Called $800 Called 3700 Colled 5600 50 Numbers 5 52 53 54 Numbers Numbers Numbers Numbers PLUS A SPECIAL 50c GAME FOR UP TO $1,000 HI-LO GAME AS FOLLOWS 55 Numbers Colled 5500 56 Numbers Colled $400 57 Numbers Colled' $300 "THERE MUST BE A WINNER EACH BINGO" DOORS OPEN AT 7:00 P.M Peterborough Memorial Centre | A ----. DOORS OPEN AT 7:00 P.M submerged with 5 Girls...no wonder the S.S.SEA TIGER turned a shocking pink! JOAN O'BRIEN DINA MERRILL» GENE EVANS we DICK SARGENT +ARTHUR O'CONNELL amen. or BLAKE EDWARDS + soesarure ov STANLEY SHAPIRO oe MAURICE RICHLIN + moscees ROBERT ARTHL¥ A GRAMART PRODUCRION < A UNIVERSAL INTERMATIONAL Release I Feature Daily at: 1:00 - 2:55 - 5:05 7:20 - 9:35 p.m.

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