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The Oshawa Times, 17 Feb 1960, p. 7

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SHARON MARIE JOHANSEN Oshawa 16-Year-Old Achieves Considerable Success As Model A seven-year contract with allates that she will work only dur first class modelling agency has just been accepted by Marie Johansen, 16 daughter of Mr. and M C. Johansen Law stree Sharon who has aspired te be- if her school marks dropped sh come a model since she rear-old sity. ing school holidays, and Sharon WV Sharon has hopes of going on to univer-| She also takes piano les . Peter sons and teaches Sunday School. "We warned her last year that was would have to give up the week- Ween, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 17, 1960 7| LODGES AND SOCIETIES LJ MAPLE LEAF JUVENILES The Maple Leaf Juvenile Lodge No. 2 held its regular meeting in the Coronation Orange Hall Bruce street. Worshipful Mistress, Sister) '(Doris Law, presided in the ab-| 'sence of the associate mistress, Philips; deputy master, Brother Phillip Skinner; recording sec- retary, Sister Sharon Hackwood; financial secretary, Sister Carol Carnochan; treasurer, Sister Hazel Weddup; chaplain, Brother Gary Ogden; director of cere- monies, Sister Marianne Preston; duct cer i Sister |Sister Villa Patfield. The devotional exercises were led by the chaplain, Sister Nancy |Arkle, The minutes were read {py Brother William Ellegett and {Sister Hazel Weddup reported on |bingoes. DDGM, Sister Alice Short, was welcomed and given Grand Lodge {honors. | Installation of officers took place with DDGM Sister Alice Short installing the new officers as follows: WM, Sister Doris Law; associate WM, Sister Colleen Barbara Ogden; - outside tyler, Sister Elizabeth Thompson; in- side tyler, Brother Carl Philips; serutineers, Sisters Mildred Car- nochan, Elsie Arkle; guardians, Sisters Elizabeth Morton: Elsie Arkle, Mabel Blow, Gertrude Lo- gan, Susan Spencer. sleighing: party and a gift was presented to DDGM Sister Alice Short. The next meeting will be held on Februady 18. Celebrating 20th Anniversary Kinette Club Holds Fine | The Kinette Club of Oshawa, [ ith a membership of 50, this year celebrates its 20th anniver- sary. Their motto, "The Commun. ity"s Greatest Need", guiding them always has made the Kin- ette Club one of the leading wom- en's service clubs in Oshawa. For years now they have combined e| g Record | 1 Arrangements were made for af © Ellen Grace, aged two, is the bonnie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Van der Meulen, Jones avenue. She is the grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Van der Meulen Sr. and Mr. A STURDY TWO -YEAR-OLD and Mrs. Dick Kloosterhof and great - granddaughter of Mr. John Van der Meulen, all of Holland. --Phote by Mary's studio | B&P Executives Meet In Toronto At Convention | Miss Jennie Pringle, public re [JES lations chairman, a 8 board meeting of the Business (and Professional Women's Clubs! of Ontario at the Lord Simcoe! Hotel, Toronto, on Saturday. The 40 persons whose job it is § to steer the activities of this or-! ganization came from as far away as Keewatin in the morth- west, Sarpia and Windsor in the | southwest, Ottawa in the east and| many points in between. The meeting was chaired by President Nazla Dane of Toronto, |assisted by vice president and | president-elect Mrs. Helene Gib- son, Sault Ste. Marie, and vice presidents Madeline Rooney, Co- bourg and Joan Wilson, Guelph, Speaking to her president's re- port, Miss Dane said: "The time ' thas come when women must do 7 lless talking about it and get down to business. Opportunities * \for advancement do exist but it is necessary to prepare for them. We must be able to see oppor- tunities im our vocation and, ahove all, be willing to aceept * |the greater responsibilities the : lopportunities offer. Preparation, awareness and responsibility are the keys." At the morning session Region- al Advisers from the 12 districts into which the provincial organ- ization is divided met with offi- eers and chairmen eof standing committees to discuss the health and needs of their districts. Afternoon and evening sessions were occupied with interim re ports from officers and eommit- tee chairmen. Program plans for [the forthcoming regional cenfer- Sunset Heights H-S Endorses Film "Human Growth' The February meeting of Sun- ences were arranged to inelude Mr. Donald Sutton, principal, |schools for officers and work- stated that the school reports/shops on "Developing our Poten- will be out on February 19. A film |tial Power". entitled "Human Growth" was| Joan Wilson, Guelph, who shown which illustrated a me-|chairs a committee te gather thod of educating children about facts om the need for further the facts of life. A panel discus-|training of unemployed persons sion followed the film. The panel to meet the requirements of the/Miss Ada Cringle of Oshawa, Ray Pope and Mr. Pope, Park MR. AND MRS. G. MAKARCHUCK AND GARY,' Former Oshawa Pair Celebrate 25th Anniversary in Rochester Mr, and Mrs. George Makar:|Mr. Makarchuk, who was ems chuk of Rochester, New York, ployed in the south plant of Gey. formerly of Oshawa, were guests eral Motors, was granted a trang of honor at a reception recently,/fer to Rochester Products. celebrating their silver wedding| The couple, former members of anniversary. Albert Street U The reception was held at the| ceived pit Sh Wilea CopER home of Mr, and Mrs, William friends in Oshawa and Toronte Adair of Genesco, New York |and present at the reception were Mrs, Makarchuk is the former|Mr, Makarchuk's sister, Mrs, about ten years old, successfullyly trips to Toronto to modellin completed an eight-month course classes. She would be up at 5.30 h : . and received a diploma from the!a.m. doing her school homework to bring many hours o Hessure i so~iation was held recently. [ Walter Thornton Model Agency. following her evening class, so|' the youngsters A il ! . 4 | Mrs. A. W. Wilson presided. In As a result of further interviews she has really worked hard." dren's Shelter by planning a var- a. § : . fe : iil liety of monthly parties. Chair- f |the absence of the secretary, Mrs. and tests she was offered the! Sharon has been studying fash- (123 of this FA Aid com- 4 B. Woods, the minutes were long-term contract by which she ion, hair-styling, make-up and de-| * : i read by Mrs, E. K. James. Mrs. becomes a professional model. |portment and her teachers are Milter ov . a 'Jig Nilson gave the treasurer's A Grade 12 student at OCVI, delighted with her. Miss Joan E. oT ve ide bir canst; Sharon yas, ton, excited, to find MeSormick, Son of aches ta the Retarded Children's Asso- Mrs. Wilson announeed that that she will leave school," her models our agency has a difficult giation, the Hospial Nursem. |twa seam euliens would now be mother said. "Her gantract Spy: task J fg aud train girls ie worthy causes. Annual scholar- 2 [rooms winning the room prizes Luh Lon ge Ae 'triodal ships are Sresenled to Students at ¢ 7 leach month. The members were 3 s o Fee a ° A OCE! and this year awards {reminded of Open House to be Friendship Group |clathes effectively on fashion run-| ere presented to the Pr. Done- § {held at the school in Mareh. Mrs ; rts Wi Ki i 7 their efforts with the Kinsmen was composed of Dr. W. B. labor market, brought to light the Whelan, the Reverend A. Mat- need of making people *'training|living in Torento. Mr. Markar- thews and Mrs. B. Murphy, a minded". chuk is the son of Mrs. Harry| OU! nurse and Grade 7 mother. The Oshawa Club will be hests|Makarchuk of Oshawa . H SEHOLD HINT The parents of children infor the Regional Conference in| The honored pair who have two| Keep windows free from ice in Grades 7 and 8 voted the film Region No. 5, made up of Ajax |sons, Donald and Gary, left Osh.|/the winter by rubbing the panes be shown at the school with a yindsay, Peterborough, Cobourg, (88 about six years ago when with a sponge dipped in alcehel, separate showing for boys and port Hope, Bowmanville and Osh, {set Heights Home and School As-| daughter of Mrs. C. Cringle now road south. girls. awa. It will be held on Satur- Room eounts were won by Mrs. day, May 7, at the Genosha Georgina Brooks' room and Miss Hotel. The Conference ehairman| Graee Trull's room. is Miss Marie Shantz and she Refreshments were served by and her committee are working the mothers of pupils in Mrs. closely with regional adviser Beth Weldon's ream and Mrs, |Mrs, Ethel Murray, Port Hope, Glenna Bailey's room with Mrs, (and Miss Madeline Rooney, Co- Steve Melnichuk and Mrs, W. bourg, whe is vice-president of | gracefully. The successful teen:|gineties chaperoned the Treble . {ways and to meet the publiciya, Collegiate. In November the | Edward Bind velunteered te con: Night Of Cards The Friendship Group of the the fresh, matural appeal of the WA of King Street United Church high school girl. Sharon has all held a successful night of cards these attributes and we feel that recently, in Centennial Hall. she has excellent potential fol The guests were welcomed by becoming a top 'teen' model." age model must also maintain Aires, the Girls choir from the Ontario Hospital, Orillia, during their visit to the shopping centre in Oshawa. Funds in the club are raised by various projects in which all r Mrs. Douglas Lander in the upper -- - hall, and Mrs. Clarence Seott in . . the ower hall. Valentine Motifs Prizes were won by: Mrs. Les- lie Booth, Mrs. A. W. Brows, s. Albert an, Mrs, Byron HUEY A aR pan, Mrs. By Mrs. Everett Peebles, Mrs. De Coe, Mrs, €. A. Pawell, Walter Libby, Mrs. Howard Mrs. P, A. Tresise, Mrs. Stanley When the v Turner, Mrs. Edward Alker, Mrs. held a Valentine party Gordon Reeson, Mr, H, Pellow: Mr. James Grosjene, Mr. Rober Mowers, Mr, J. E. Seymour, Mr. Thomas Cox, Mr. Clifford Smith, Mr. William Rusnell, Mr. Harold Bell, Mr. James Haire, Mr. Wil- liam Edwards, Mrs. F. Starr, Mrs. A. Jacksen, Mrs. W. Mc- Neill, Mrs. W, 8im, Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Mrs. William MeFeeters, | Mrs, Wallace Helmes, Mrs. George Lean, Mrs. J. Biddulph, Mrs, P, E. Conlin, Miss Mary MaeLean: Mrs, A. A. Nicolson. Russell Mrs.| A Cook, spent en Friday, the Lawn Bowling rated with hearts and traditional red. Bingo attendance had gathered, The committee Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ewart Mr. and Mrs, Jack Anderson. George Reid, Mrs. Bert For Social Evening Hugh Huteheson, rs. | Lawn Bowling Club very enjoyable evening was February 12, Club in the recreation reamgof the children's + skating rink, The room was deco- ribbon, suggestive of Valentine Day, with the many prizes tied with the was sub- stituted for eards, and a splendid consisted of | Pisabled. Arthur Brown, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Pirie, Mr. Clemence and The prizes were won by Mrs, Bon- Mighty Elm Tree Withstands Havoc nella, Mrs, W. L. Pierson, Mrs, G. H Twiddy, Mrs. Everett Jackson, Mrs. R. B. Reed, Mrs. W. A. Dewland, Mrs. Edward | Bradley, Miss Dorothy Beamer and Messrs. Gerald Qatway. Wil- Kinettes are requested to partiei- pate. During the last year they have hostessed the Idea Home, held a card party, a bake sale, sold Christmas eards, aided the Kinsmen at the Kinsmen Carnival and Hobby Show. The primary aim of the Kinette Club is to assist the Kinsmen in their various enterprises and last year donated $300 to them to be used for local service work. The Kinettes, with Mrs, J, B. Henderson as ehairman have just recently eompleted their 5th suc- cessful "March of Dimes" eam paign in Oshawa, having collect. ed close to $9700 for the Rehabili- letics and the Orthopaedically SOCIAL NOTICE AT HOME Mr, and Mrs. Pouglas Reading, 112 Taunton road west, will be at heme to their relatives and friends on Saturday, February 20, from 2 te 5 and 6 to 8 p.m. on the occa- sion of their 23th wedding anni. versary. tation Foundation for Poliomye-| HESPELER -- What may be liam Joyce, W. L. Pierson, Clar- the largest elm tree still remain- ence Foster, James Kemp, Rey ing in Ontario has been located Mann and Jaek Mouneey. by A. B. Samells, retired official] In the special draw, of the Ontario Department of Charles Detenbeck, Mrs. Lands and Forests, on the bank Qatway, Mrs. R. F. Nor Mrs Mrs of the Sauble River in Bruce | Bruce McGregor, and Mr. George County. {Constable were the luck ones. The tree is 185 feet high and| The flowers went to Mrs. Roy has a crown spread of 85 feel. Mann and Mrs. Walter Kilburn. The circurhference, three feet] Refreshments followed above the ground, ground 20 feet two inches andi announcers. Gerald the I is 24 feetigames. Mr. Everett Jackson and nine inches; 4'% feet above the My Fred Hobbs were the bingo EASIER REACH CASTLE DONNINGTON, Eng. (CP)--Because some old people .|cannot reach gas and electricity meters, the council of this Leices- tershire town has been asked to lower them. BAKING CAKES Ingredients used for baking cakes should always be at room MRS. EARLE SOUTHERN (President) The Kinette Club meets on the |first Tuesday in each month at the Hotel Genosha. The executive for the year 1959-60 stands as fel- ®ws: president, Mrs, Earle Seu- thern; past-president, Mrs. John MacLean; first viee-president, Mrs. Arthur Stone; pe president, Mrs. Douglas Lowe; |seeretary, Mrs. Donald Skitch; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Garrisen; iregistrar, Mrs. Steve Dyl; bulle- tin editor, Mrs. Anthony Goep- |frich; directors, Mrs. Harvey Armitage, Mrs. James Hender- sen, Mrs. Norman Raike, Mrs, Robert Taylor and Mrs. Howard Viee. APES F oustom wave 4 * VENETIAN BLINDS "DRAPERY TRACKS 'RUGS - SPREADS temperature. |vene the nominating committee for the 1859-60 election. Jackson, grade mothers, {the distriet. WOOLWORTH'S eight feet above the ground 18 feet seven inches, Diameter at| breast height is six feet five) inches. (In recent years, manv of the large elms in the province have been removed when attacked by the Dutch elm disease which has wrought havoe among the specic in southern Ontario. Also, man; which bordered Ontario roac have been removed in the high-| ways-widening program or for other reasons.) | 28 OR. Nurses May Still Quit HALIFAX (CP) -- Resignations | of 28 professional staff members in the Vietoria General 'Hospital wage increases for nurses are | under consideration. The nurses had threatened to} resign at the end of February un- less their demands were met. Op- erating room nurses now get from $2,640 to $3,120 annually. | General duty nurses get from $2,-| 400 to $2,760. | Baby's Colds While Baby's Own Tablets are not a cold remedy, they can be most helpful in clearing little constipated bowels of the wastes that often cause frecfulness and feverishness dur- ing this period. Swect-tasting, little wmblets, Baby's Own act y . .. sr promptly 1 regulate baby's els, as thousands and thousands of mothers can testify. So why let during colds, or, st sny time? Ef , W for quick relief of upset tummies, feverish- mess, restlessness, colic pains, and other min- or troubles dug to need of a corrective at teething time. Clinically and time-tested for efficacy and safety. Ask your doctor about Baby's Own Tablets. Get a package today at your druggist © NEW! BABY'S OWN COUGH SYRUP | made especially for babies. Soothing, quickly | / roo | ot i are just right Winter or Summer you'll find they give the same satisfying BOWMANVILLE SMITH BEVERAGES FOR ANY TIME OF THE YEAR Made and Bottled by Smite BEVERAGES LTD. Baby cereals So smooth they mix in only 7% seconds! WHIZ thru' mixing! Then delight your baby with the smoothest, creamiest cereals of all-- those wonderful Heinz Baby Cereals! We'veclocked abowlful from package pouring-spout to baby in 734 seconds. You try it. You'll enjoy discovering that the exclusive Heinz Process makes theseven Heinz Baby "Flaking Cereals the fastest and thesmoothest- mixing cereals there are! They're especially nutritious, too . . . supply- ing vital protein, added B vitamins and iron to help your baby grow strong and sturdy. Get Heinz Baby Cereals next time you shop. iY MIXED CEREAL BABY CEREALS the good they do now= lasts @ lifetime 7 baby-delighting kinds. So smooth and ' easy to mix--follow directions on box. INFANTSOY RICE BARLEY CORN MIXED OATMEAL WHEAT CEREAL NOW Lucrs ran 12 KINDS OF HEINZ BABY FOODS... 10 tempt the most particular baby to the well-balanced diet that makes him strong and vigorous. Choose widely from the best-fasting, most wholesome and greatest variety in all FIRST Big Value "TUCK" CELLOPHANE TAPE $4" x 700", Reg. 59. Special 3 3: | Jumbo Value EXTRA LARGE REFILLS Fits most standard top action pens. Special 3 for 25: Ladies Nylon Acetate PANTIES Band and elastic leg. Reg. 49¢ and 59% value. Special Ladies' Power Net GIRDLE Especially designed to assure luxurious comfort. Sizes S-M-L- XL. Reg. 2.98 Special 1.98 Ladies' Nylon Acetate HALF SLIPS Shadow Panel. Reg. 1.59 and 1.98. Sizes S. M. L. Special. 1.00 Boys' Striped ANKLETS Reg. 25¢. Sizes 6 to 8. Special 4 for 97:

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