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The Oshawa Times, 17 Feb 1960, p. 8

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. Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon has ex-|nounced for February 17. A St. COUNTRY HAVEN tended an invitation to the Guild Patrick's Tea will be held.in the] VICTORIA (CP) -- An 18-acre to meet at her new home, Park church hall on March 10 and the|country estate including a 10- Lane Apartments, for the meet-|spring bazaar is being planned|room house and outbuildings has ing on Wednesday, March 9. |for May 5. been turned over here to the Brite Mrs. Gordon Summers and The March meeting will beish Columbia foundation for child Mrs. William Gibbs served tea. held at the home of the Rev. and|care, as a treatment centre for CENTRE STREET WA Mrs. W. G. Dickson. emotionally - disturbed boys. (East Group) 7 The minutes were read bv Mrs. M. W. Sutton in the absence of secretary Mrs. H. Garratt due to illness. Mrs. Norman Millman gave the parish report. It was decided to provide six surpluses and cassocks for. the boys' choir. Discussion was given to the annual Yaffodil bridge to be held committee consisted of Mrs.|"An Evening Prayer" accompan- 8. V. Barlow and Mrs. Fred Alfa at the piano by Mrs. J. F. kerton. Mrs. Barlow presided at| Sited doth ¢ ing: in the meeting and provided thet Yee Soviet the an S -- commentary while Mrs. Alkerton ing to sew for the hope chest. read the scripture. Mrs. Mellow Members were also reminded followed with prayer. Suitable the world day of prayer would be hymns were sung and the regu- held on Friday, March 4. 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 17, 1960 GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES Harry cushions and slippers during the {work period at the next meeting. to the families of Mrs. {Peever and Mrs. Gordon Pine. CHRIST CHURCH WA (Evening Branch) Refreshments were served by The February meeting of the] The group is invited to be| i h ith. | . Evening Branch of the WA of | guests of The Ardent Group guise Ra Alexander and Miss lap Somes at Aspensed with, | ; CHRIST CHURCH Guo Wen y, Ji v ao kid og He Josece I 10m leader, i i | . ras meet! he ay : : Sealy in Jom Mw Sore C0 Weds Fo Set esting wil be hl, Te sly, omic pun |p Che Sm ry |, 0 gta, rr FeO reid, th Feb ct EE J. E. Houghton, Bessborough/March 9. Mrs. Gordon Pine, at the home of Miss Kay Wal-|ng was LAr Ship. I0/rial Church was held recently(tor's wife, Mrs. William Good- it, yu J drive, eg » \Mrs. Ernest Luke and Mrs lace on Monday, March 14. this connection Mrs. Dorothy Bas-|yith the president, Mrs. George|swan opening the same. The dec- oe the Wa 9 Centre Street Don DOMINION SEED HOUSE Mrs. W. J. Howard presided. L. M. Souch to convene the din- NELLIE DEARBORN ley pre Sted 2 biel com) Mog | Fletcher, presiding. oration: for fis Year Pi belt Mrs. Fletcher's home { . Mrs. i .{taken care y the ernoon|™" © : i eliveen yead ihe Be G. P. Cooper led in the! The Nellie Dearborn group of C. B. Theberge announced the| The group having Jeoently be Guild Mrs. Fred Taylor led the devo- a Fade BG as|St. Stephen's United = Church allocation set for Northminster| come a member of the Women's", © =. 0000 oo ltional period, reading a story en- ve the treasurer's report. A|devotional. Her subject w f A er | i B ae was given by por Ed- "Friendship". Mrs. William Med. Woman's Association met at the WMS to be $500 for year. This Auxiliary, Mrs. Alvin Hilts, con- ward Clapp, parish council repre-(land read the scripture. Mrs, home of Mrs. David Duchemin. |was accepted. lducted the devotional service, sentative. Mrs. Charles Dewhirs'|Roy Hood played the piano. Mrs. Stephen Saywell led in the| porch manic were served by) consisting of the WA Litany and and Mrs, Gordon White offered] Mrs. Cooper gave a reading, devotional period. The president, yy. Gooroe Jewell and Mrs. Wil- prayer. to be parish council representa "Meditation" followed by a/Mrs. George Tomlinson, presid- liam Wendt. | tives as Mrs. Edward Clapp willl prayer. ed. Mrs. Percy Taylor and Mrs.| be moving to St. Catharines. | Mrs. Cooper's group served re-|/Arthur Cordon were appointed MEDITATION GROUP Mrs. Donald Wilson gave the|freshmen's. {for the month of February tol. The regular meeting of the dorcas report. It was decided] Mrs. Medland took charge of a make the sick calls at the Osh | Meditation Group of Cedar Dale| members would bring articles of miscellaneous sale after the awa General Hospital. All t © United Church was held in the] clothing and toys to the March meeting. igi 7 were asked ® make church parlor. In the absence of and April meetings to be packed A calls in the community and reportithe president, Mrs. Fred Wil- for the Arctic bales. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD The Women's Guild of [them at each meeting. liams conducted the meeting. Members rere Yeipinded of the George's wr ial Clrch oh Tig a gd of Mes Scripture verses were read by wor ay of prayer ol ay. |} : ig {Robert Macnenzie, Ws. 'the group from the book of St. March 4 at King Street United its Pebrugry mssting fu the Dar. Mrs. Saywell and Mrs. James|y mc "The minutes ang treas. Church. Mrs. L. M. Akin willis hs : mrs. X. ©. FIPericook, was formed to plan a re-|, og renort were given. Prayer ge me address, wa Hovisanl" It with a deep feeling of o ee Pres- was offered for the sick and be- rs. T. W. . : 8 tent members . I reg educational secretary, will show|sorrow that the members observ-| np Eroccman's group reve of the congregation. | WA work slides on March 8 at ed two minutes of silence, in re-| 4 yo C0 onercnin to cater], It was Snuounced he Preshy:| is |verent memory of Mrs. F, W. . 2 + |tery meeting wou he held in i gd for the UAWA dinner fo be held|gy;;050 Street United Church Feb. | group's visits to Fairview Lodge, titled .Leaying God Out" and a until the fall at least, when the Poem "The Growth of Faith. Oshawa home will in all prob-| During the business period the ability be open, ISenior WA meeting was an- TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN GARDENING AND PLEASANT HOME SURROUNDINGS OUR BIG 1960 SEED AND NURSERY BOOK -- FINEST EVER 164 pages with over 500 illustrations fo tell all about the love finest things to make your 1960 garden the most pleasureful ever. The \Sliest and fivast in flowers, vegetables, fruits, strawberry plants, roses, houseplants, bulbs, nursery stock. Marvellous new chemical garden aids. Many other accompli of the scientist's skill and plant breeder's art, plus the FRIENDLY services of an organization CONTINUOUSLY devoted fo the srodund of Canodion Gardeners, - il soMINION SEED ph 2 5 S S RB ! YA nusnunennnnns The president introduced Mrs.|(Daisy) Mercer who was the y ; : A in H. D. Ch who spoke on|president of the Women's Guild op Maren » on the Upon. Hall lrugry Bn Mis. Albert Singer read J Let us tell you more. Just clip end mail coupon = today. NS igin of nd out-| The minufes of the previoug| "Angola Awakes' a an article from the missionary f he 5 The rh pm -. meeting were read by the secre- United Church Missionary work monthly regarding a day in the } DOMINION SEED HOUSE, GEORGETOWN, ONTARIO prayer book. An informal ques-|tary: Mrs. Donald Fox. The treas-/in Africa was shown. Mrs. Cor- fife of one of the missionaries. cook with il 100 ' As } Please send FREE copy of 1960 Dominion Seed and Nursery Book. | have tion and answer period followed. nrer, Mrs. Lionel Huid, gave don's group served refreshments.| George Paver spoke on + Writs for Marie Fraser's ; -- 1 received my copy. M w liam Lock thanked Mrs. het hig E. Bak 45 named NORTHVMINSTER WMS "Windows." She spoke especially trae Naw Evaparsied Milk recipes. da } Noms Cleverjon (he Tk vice si Boi gp The joint Women's Missionary of stained glass windows and the DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA -- H i Refreshments were served by Pr Whittia i reported on the| Society and Evening Auxiliary of effect they have on the c« A080 Huren Sires, Toronto as 1 Address Dept, Mrs. Stanley Lawrence, Mrs. Will er esstel Ry report the In- Northminster United Church held;!ion, especially on young chil _--, i 3 - --- liam Broadbent and Mrs. B. J. : their monthly meeting on Wed. dren. Mrs. Fred Williams san Salers, [ranch in 'charge for February, nesday, February 10, which in HUMORESQUE BLIND CLUB [the Boulevard branch for March this instance was very special The business meeting of the|and the Westmount in charge for/All women of the church and Humoresque Club for the Blind April. visitors from other Women's Mis- took place at the CRA building | Discussion followed on future sionary societies were invited as with Mrs. Reginald Pike presid- activities, at which the guild will|8UeSts inz. cater or assist. It was decided to/| The occasion was the showing The meeting was opened by hold the next meeting on Monday, of the African Film, "I'll Sing, the club song and a Bible verseMarch 7. Refreshments served Not Cry", Mr. Stewart Carr for the blind was read by Mrs. by Mrs. J. A. Marshall's group. showed the film of life in Kenya. David Armistead. HA The script was provided by the The roll was called and several ST. STEPHEN'S MC well-known 'Scott Munroe" and members were absent due to! The monthly meeting of the St. the commentary was given by sickness. Stephen's missionary circle was "Anson Moorehouse" ; SR eld at the home of the vice- The correspondence was read president, Miss. Carol Alar hy Mrs. David Armistead, secre- tary, and reports were given by a sing song of favorite hymns the standing committees. {The hymns Were accompariied on) A reply was received from the the piano by Miss Marilyn Hen-| , Juley TEAKS Tender, juicy STEAKS, cut and trimmed by STEINBERG'S expert butchers and featured ot 6 sensational LOW PRICE guaranteed to save you real money! Remember, STEINBERG'S seh. ONLY Canada's Finest Grade of Beef, Choice RED BRAND, assuring you of delicious eating pleasure right down to the lost flavour-packed morsel bh 9 LB. | CHECK THE VALUES...COMPARE PRICES...THEN REDEEM THESE COUPONS... The meeting was opened with a - welcome from the president The meeting was ovened with|Mrs. H. A. Mellow. The program Lindsay Kawartha White Cane dershot Club declining the invitation to ar : , The sworship service was led ettend a St. Patrick's social by Miss Marilyn Hendershot. The! Refreshmen's were served by{Bible passage was read by Mrs Lionettes Mrs. Jack Bird and Joan Godfrey ] Mrs. Rufus Lambert. The study. book. FAITHFUL GROUP urbed"> was read by Miss Kay | The regular meeting of the Wallace. A discussion on Africa Faithful Group of King Street| followed United Church was held recently] Miss Sylvia Rundle, literature with Mrs. John Coleman presid-|secretary, gave her monthly re- inz port. She 'also brought many in- The roll was called, dues, cop- teresting books which were dis- per and flower money were col-|tributed among the members lected. Sympathy was extended! It was agreed to make pin- OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Ton "'Africa Dis-| Value-Trimmed ... >t SIRLOIN- FULL SLICE ROUND STEAKS or RUMP ROAST SWEET PICKLED VACUUM PACKED COTTAGE ROLLS - 49° JACK SPRATT RINDLESS SIDE BACON x= 93° Don't Just Dream Of BR New Home Let Oshawa Wood Products Help You Make Your Building Dreams A Reality tL OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS CAN ALSO ARRANGE A HOME BUILDING MORTGAGE TO GET YOU OFF TO AN EARLY START Drop in to our Courtice Showroom where parking is no problem OSHAWA W00D PRODUCTS LIMITED Downtown Oshawa Main Office and Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. S.--RA 8-1617 COURTICE--RA 8-1611 ® 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU e BOWMANVILLE--MA 3-2130 AJAX--ZEnith 2-9600 Downtown Showroom Open Friday Till 9:00 P.M. SAVE10: DD 16 OZ. JAR KRAFT WITH THIS WITHOUT COUPON ONE COUPON 35¢ ua MER PER CUSTO) VAUD TO SAT. FEB. 27, 1960 COUPON ~ 65¢ SAVE10: TD 2-1 LB. PKGS. OF MOM'S MARGARINE En we 2ron49e COUPON VAUD TO SAT. hy ios SAVE10: ONE 24 OZ. JAR AYLMI STRAWBERRY JAM EOuPON iH 39 __ a9 MMI? ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER VAUD TO SAT. FEB. 27, 1960 SAVE 5: ONE 16 OZ. JAR (6¢ OFF DEAL) YORK PEANUT BUTTER WITHOUT couroN 37¢ ON PER_CUSTOMER WAUD TO SAT. FEB. 27, 1960 SAVE 5: TD TWO ROLLS OF WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE witHOUT? COUPON PER CUSTOMER VAUD TO SAT, FEB. 27, 196 PER CUSTOMER VAUD TO SAT, FEB. 27, 1960 SAVE 5: TD TWO 15 OZ. TINS OF HEINZ COOKED SPAGHETTI "30° WITH THIS without COUPON COUPON UMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER VAUD TO SAT. FES, 27, 1960 SAVE 5: TD TWO PKG'S OF HPTON'S CHICKEN NOODLE en SOUP wmow 2-20¢ A 25¢ ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER VAUD TO SAY. FES. 27, 1960 SAVE 5: TWO 15 OZ. TINS OF LIBBY'S =n BEANS id WITHODT COUPON COUPON 233 PER CUSTOMER VAUD TO SAT. FEB. 27, 1960 EET SAVE 10: ZD 1 18. BAG CHASE & SANBORN ruses: COFFEE mo WITHOUT COUPON 77¢ UMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER VAUD TO SAT. FEB. 27, 1960 SAVE 5: TD 6 BTL, CARTON OF 10 OZ. PEPSI COLA WITH THIS WITHOUT COUPON couPON 636¢ 64k Plus deposit | [i47 ONE CORON VAUD YO SAT. FEB. 27, 1960 WITH THI COUPON -20¢ SAVE 5¢ ONE 8 OL. PKG. OF RITZ CRACKERS 25¢ UMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER VAUD TO SAT, FEB. 27, 1960 SAVE 20: TD ONE PKG. OF 100'S WITH THIS WATHOUT COUPON COUPON 67: 87 war ONE COUPON PER CUS R VAUD TO SAT. FEB. 27, W960 SAVES: ONE 10; OZ. PKG. OF CHEERIO WITH THIS wiTHouR COUPON COUPON 24 29:¢ fur one. cou CUSTO! VAUD TO SAT. Fis. 27, 1960 SAVE 5: TD ONE 16 OZ BOX OF KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES WITH THIS WITHOUT couPON COUPON 30: 35 UMIT ONE COUPON PER OMER VAUD TO SAT, FEB. 27, 1960 SAVE 10: TD ONE 7 18. BAG OF MONARCH FLOUR WITHOUT COUPON COUPON 5k 61¢ PER CU! E VAUD TO SAY. FEB, 27, 1960 SAVE 10: 2 PKS. OF 400'S AQUA, PINK KLEENEX .... WITH THIS wiTHOUT COUPON COUPON 2ron 69¢ UMIT ONE COUPON 2-5 J ¢ ER CUSTOMER 0 Pi VAUD YO SAT. FEB, 27, 196 wi ns COUPON 79: SAVE 20: COLGATE 2'S DEAL GIANT TOOTH PASTE LMT ONE COUPON PER" CUSTOMER VALID TO SAT. FEB. 27, 1960 CouPON 99:¢ SAVE 20: 2D ONE 3 LB. PKG. OF PET INSTANT MILK WITH THIS WiTHOUT COUPON dy 93: 3 Mr 0 UPON ER 27, 1960 PER CUSTC VAUD TO SAT. FER SAVE 5« <TD ONE 16 OL PKG. x CEREAL PABLUM * *™~ [oT 40: 45¢ fur a cron VAUD TO SAY. FEB. 27, 1960 SAVE 5: <TD TWO 26 OZ. TINS OF "i: DOG FOO WITHOUT couron 203 UMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER VALID TO SAT. FEB. 27, 1960 UMIT ONE COUPON TOME SAVE 5: 2D ONE GIANT PKG. (20° OFF DEAL) BLUE SURF WITHOUT couron 63¢ couPON UMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER VALID TO SAT. FES. 27, 1960 [| SAVE 10: TD 2 8 OL PKG. OF SWIFT'S FROZEN MEAT PIES ""ecr™ a me Qror §Q¢ MIT ONE COUPON ER PER CUSTOM! VAUD TO SAT. FEB. 27, 1960 Yeouron 14 SAVE 5¢ ONE 2 1B. BAG OF YORK FROZEN PEAS L WITHOUT 49: MIT ONE COUPON ER TOMER SAT 27, 1960 , AER EF SA A A OO RC SOLAS SS, SOC SC A OO SS SSL SS Sr SS SA A SS

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