THOUGHT FOR TODAY It is hoped we shall never know who is better prepared for war. the U.S. or Russia -- there's only one way to find out. he Oshawa Somes WEATHER REPORT Considerable drifting of snow in exposed areas, gradually diminishing tonight, Saturday clearing and colder, winds northwest. Price Not Over Vol. 89--No. 41 OSHAWA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1960 Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawe TWENTY PAGES 10 Cents Per Copy QUEEN AND MOTHER rome | |organized car stealing group MOTHER AND SON BOTH DOING WELL Nab 5 In Car Oshawa police announced to- day that they have cracked an lieved responsible for most the 29 auto thefts in the city © |Oshawa since the beginning o the year f f Youths Here Theft Ring Storms Lash Ontario, U.S. Areas Royal Babe Born 3:30 pm [ Philip had waited through the day in the royal apartments di- LONDON (CP) -- The Queen {gave birth to a boy--her second Sunderland, 18, RR2, Town Line,|day Feb. 22 until the investiga- Oshawa; John Garfield Killing-{tion can be completed after beck, 18, 125 Mill St. Oshawa; and hearing statements from Neil Ralph Thomas Harrison, 18, 200 and Howard concerning one of Celina St. Oshawa the thefts. When awa detectives started were \ g arrests after Neil and the charges rectly above the rooms in which the Queen had her child. The infant prince is second in line of succession to the throne after Prince Charles, 11. Third in line is Princess Anne, 9. Princess Margaret now is fourth. The birth was announced at Strong winds and drifting snow Son -- at 3:30 p.m. (10:30 a.m. hit most of central and south-/EST) today. eastern Ontario and parts of Que-| Both the Queen and the infant bec today causing dangerous|prince were said to be doing well. dri conditions and forcing| Bells rang out the joyful news cancellations of some air flights.|across the nation which had and winds resulted waited tensely through the 33- storm centred|year - old Queen's long confine- The snow from intense \ectives ved in Thursday|Killingbeck plea ee five|of the iia and not guilty ard were apprehended _early|along the Atlantic seaboard. Th youths. ; two others, Harrison pleaded guil- Thur lay by members of 3 n The youths were charged in| ty to one charge of car theft and|OPP in Port Hope. They were | Brockville, Trenton, Toront magistrate's court this morning] not guilty to a car theft and theft|driving a car stolen late Tuesday Hamilton, Kingston, with five car thefts and stealing|of a car radio, Neil and Sunder- | night after it was parked oncentres. a radio from one of the stolen|land pleaded guilty to three car William St., police said. | Trans-Canada Air Lines flight autos. Police say more arrests are ex-| theft. | pected i hase. | for questioning. pected in the case ed Ferguson| CHARGES LAID | q g |No flights to the Maritimes wer lexpected until 9:30 p.m., the|storm struck Montreal, Ottawa, and other thefts, and Howard to one car| Howard was arrested at the(from Toronto to Montreal and London. The great bells of Lon- time and brought back to Oshawa Ottawa were cancelled until noon. [don's churches peeled out the unless swarm to the palace in increas- |, 14:03 p.m, (11:03 a.m, EST). John H. Peel, gynaecological surgeon in charge of the delivery, kept vigil with her for all but an hour at 31 hours. Peel, 55, is one of Britain's most eminent childbirth specialists. The Queen had the services of an anaesthetist, Dr. Vernon Hall, during the later sthges of her abor e|ment, | The birth came more than 30 hours after she called her doctors. The child's birth weight was not immediately announced. A carnival air swept through D, € news. The crowds began i i Deputy Chief T Lh : would not say how many others| All the charges laid at noon to- |" will be arrested, but said it de-|day concerned thefts since last pends on 'how far we stretch February 15, Police said there the net." |is a great deal of investigation to be carried out into the earlier FIVE HELD ROYAL ARRIVAL' COCKTAIL READ LONDON (Reuters) A pink-for-girl or blue-for-a-boy cocktail will be served at London's exclusive Savoy Hotel when the birth of the Queen's baby is announced. Barman Joe Gilmore said | thefts. All but five of the 29 cars The five being held are: Keith have been recovered. | Ronald Howard, 18, 242 Conant| Police said the youths were | St.; Montgomery Neil, 16, RRS3,|organized. In one of the youth's| Bowmanville; Ronald Winston statements, read in court by --e Det.-Sgt. John Powell, refer-| ence was made to "a guy in| the weather improves. ing numbers, | The storm cancelled a cere-| Outside Buckingham Palace,| {mony here at which Prime Min-|more than 2,000 cheered wildly as| lister Diefenbaker was to be|2 Palace official pinned up aj called to the bar as an honorary handwritten bulletin giving the bencher of the Law Society of {REVS of the birth. . i | Upper Canada, Because alll The official bulletin said: flights to and from Ottawa were| 10¢ Queen was safely de- postponed the ceremony now will livered of a son at 3:30 p.m. to-| be held next month, va VESSELS AGROUND "Her Majesty and the infant prince are both doing well." Peel's other assistants were the Queen's physicians, Lord Evans, a 57-year-old Welshman, and Sir John Weir, a sprightly 80-year bachelor whom the Queen has known since her childhood. CHANGE FLAG As the birth was announced the palace staff hauled down the Royal Standard which always THE TOP picture was taken | picture Prince Philip, Duke of | and Princess Alexandra after on the first birthday of Prin- | Edinburgh in the uniform of | arrival of his third child, a by. cess Anne, the Queen's | admiral of the fleet, | The duke and members of the child, showing Queen Elizabeth | broad smile as he stands with | pa ce Staff mer (vested the y irth in champagne. as a radiant mother. In lower | the Duchess of Gloucester, left, | --AP Wirephotos last has a Condition Of Humor 'Not A Joke' LONDON (Reuters)--The pres- ent condition of humor is no laughing matter, Malcolm Mug- geridge complained today. Muggeridge, former editor of the humorous weekly Punch and one of Britain's most outspoken social critics, declared that "even sex, which gave mankind its first big laugh, has become a serious matter." "An unholy alliance of adver- tisers, pornographers and head- shrinkers has moved in on it, driving the poor clowns away," he wrote in the left-wing weekly New Statesman in an article of the "decline" of humor. "Class, another valuable piece of humorists' real estate," Mug- geridge continued, ** been made the object of a takeover bid by resentful beneficiaries under the welfare state. ARCHBISHOP TOPS "As for the church, the Arch- bishop of Canterbury has stolen the show by being funnier than any professional comedian could hope to be, and no one else can get in on the act." According to Muggeridge, "The area of life in which humor is permissible is steadily shrink- g. He blamed the threat of atomic war. "In the shadow of the mush- room cloud," Muggeridge wrote, "we draw together, hush our voices, and keep in step. Such or- der as exists seems too frail to be subjected to the blast of ridi- cule." Bowmanville who will take stolen | cars." REMAND ASKED Crown Attorney Alex Hall asked for a remand until Mon-/ LATE TELEGRAM Chessman ets Reprieve SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Caryly Chessman, condemned to death|American prisoner of modern 12 years ago on conviction as a|times, had sparked world-wide perverted sex kidnapper, won his attention by his long and mostly signe reprieve from the Say, singlenanded struggle to escape Quent! prison's gas chamber|death through legal technical- early today after an appeal from ities. tue United States state depart-| with little knowledge of the ment. |basic evidence, hundreds of thou- Governor Edmund G. Brown [sands of persons in many coun- acting against all odds and in the|tries had petitioned that Chess- face of a state Supreme Court man be spared. recommendation opposing clem-| Ironically, the state department ency, ordered a 60-day stay less|telegram which saved him was than 11 hours before the cele-|aimost lost in the thousands of brated convict-author was sched-| telegrams pouring into the gov- uled to die. : |ernor's office, urging clemency. The governor said he ordered | Cecil Poole, the governor's clem- the stay because of a state de-|ency secretary, found it, and the partment legraln warning hal [stay Jas ordered shortly after XeC L | midnight, lead to hostile demonstrations in| Uruguay and Brazil against Pres- a pedal 2 ous ident Eisenhower during the pres- was whisked out of the "waiting ident's forthcoming visit to South ;o0m 2nd returned to the death America. row cell on San Quentin's sixth TO SEEK LEGISLATION " , floor, his home since July 3, 1948. The governor, an avow oe off Warden Fred R.. Dickson an- Faphial puvisiument, Siso joie Se} noise no one would be allowed would make a special call to the to see the 38-year-old Chessman state legislature, which recon-|'for at least a week." venes Feb. 29, to consider aboli- |HAD SAID FAREWELL he has worked out alternative recipes to produce the de- sired color, Either way it will be called Royal Arrival. Chessman, most notorious Rirplane [FUEL TANKS EXPLODED Crashes Near School crew members died in the fiery ney, N.S. All suffered cuts and CINCINNATI (AP) An air- wreckage of their locomotive burns. plane crashed within 50 feet of a Thursday night as two freight Roman Catholic school near Ma-|'I@ins collided head - on at thisik ngeked deira this morning and iny eastern Nova Scotia com- crash, A munity. fire. The type or size of the plane] qu. .0 others rid hE the Totomo ine ese hn: de. engineer ang was not learned immediately. tive of the second train were in-|gained oi ras a le ot There were 650 children in St. jured, and were in fair condition|and found Lappin, trapped in-his Gertrude's Church. School when at Antigonish 10 miles from here. seat. He pulled him loose and the plane fell just beyond it. One of the injured was credited threw him from the cab. Sister Mary John, school prin.| Wh saving the lives of his two cipal, said she was standing near 'DJured companions a door when she heard the plane| The two trains came He then found Ma heson. lying obviously in trouble. She said it/in a crash followed by the explo- dazed beside the locomotive. He caught fire immediately after hit- sion of fuel tanks on two of the hauled the two men into a ditch ung the ground four locomot here was no » she South Africa In brakeman - Clarence Lowe Uranium Crisis school, she added fireman, all of Stellarton, N. S.| JOHANNESBURG, South Af- Two bodies were recovered by rica (Reuters) -- British and rescue workers shortly before|American atomic energy experts mid ht met members of the South Afri- POMQUET, N.S unconscious by the but was credited with res- cuing Lappin, the ineer and caught DRAGGED TO SAFETY together involved. The dead were identified as La- bert Maclvor, neer of the westbound tr Laird Smith panic in the CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 2 were Malc McDona Ir , 28,|present supply contracts expire |James Francis Lappin, 43, and! within five years. "| Ott | 3 Die In Train Wreck (CP)--Three| Arthur Matheson, 42, all of Syd-|seconds before flames engulfed) jumped onto the roof of one [the locomotive. The eastbound train was trying| McDonald, the fireman, wasito stop when the accident hap-|line between Cape Breton and the pened, crew members said. For a time there was fear that la car loaded with wine which tion of the death penalty. Only two hours before, Chess- man had bade goodbye to George T. Davis, his chief counsel, with the words 'George, you're shak- ing hands with a dead man." flies over Buckingham Palace when the Queen is in residence. { DRINKS TOAST In dis, 10.the of fh 3 : ce|In its place, he cheers of fhe rag off the east coast. The crews gne crowd, they raised a huge cere | Prince Philip joined the 3 ash, staff in drinking a cham reached safety. : [ua % his child, {monial standard of red, blue and In Montreal three inches of Ag London's offices emptied for|gold measuring 24 feet by 12. snow were reported by 7 a.m. The | the day, a huge crowd started| Soldiers scrambled to fire 41. snow, coupled with northwest | swarming up the ceremonial ave-| gun salutes in Hyde Park and the winds at 2 miles an hour, caused nues which led to the palace. Tower of London, heavy drifting, impeding Mon®| Immediately after seeing his| Radio and television services Teaiers on their way to work.|wite, Prince Philip phoned the broke into programs ta announce ! ii of up to 10 inches is €X- news to the Queen Mother and|the birth. Cables were sent to all pected. {Princess Margaret and sent a/Commonwealth governments and In Oftawa, the snow brought cable to his mother, Princess An-{to British embassies in foreign traffic practically to a standstill.\drew of Greece, |capitals. Two fishing vessels ran aground in the snow, one sinking, CUBAN PRIME Minister | of a light plane which he said | ince yesterday, killing its two Fidel Castro tells nationwide | Was based in the U.S. and occupants. Castro said he had Davis said the reprieve 'is the beginning of the end of capital punishment in California." He added: "I don't think Caryl Chessman ever will be exe- of | cuted." | The single-track line, the main| Coen as the oe "red {light bandit" of Los ote Col Nova Scotia mainland, was ex- pected to be blocked until at least noon today. lover's lanes in 1948, wrote Cell po Death Row while in prison. LATE NEWS FLASHES 'New Parking Law In Peterborough | | Prince Philip Will Visit LONDON (AP) Prince prepare for a conference on Br studies to be held in Canada i the Prince's visit was delayed Queen's son today. He will arri | ing and leave for London the | OTTAWA (CP) -- Finance that O:itawa is disposed toward government $25,000,000 for the sum represents federal grants a June 10 to open a British exhibition, Buckingham Palace an- nounced tonight. The Prince will go to New York from Canada, He is due in Ottawa and Toronto June 8 and 9 to awa May Give Quebec $25 Million of the refusal of Quebec universities to accept federal aid. | PETERBOROUGH (CP)--Coun-| [eil Thursday passed an amend-| ment to the city's parking by-| laws designed to make them con- form to the Ontario Municipal Canada Philip will visit New York itish Commonwealth industrial n 1962. The announcement of until after the birth of the ve in New York in the morn- same evening. meters when they park. Judge John de N. Kennedy in a court ruling Monday, The amendment passed by city Minister Fleming has hinted handing over to the Quebec province's universities. This ccumulated since 1953 because [city motorists will be allowed to park free at street meters. of 30 to 35 miles an hour. Act. The act gives municipalities/of 40 years at the right to draw up bylaws re-|Gloucester's radar i quiring drivers to put money in|ship was two miles from land| |when she ran aground at abolit{said documents taken from the] : ,(6:45 am. She filled with water|wreckage proved the plane which/ton, Tex., said its records listed found the previous bylaw invalid | Within 15 minutes and by late this|tried to bomb the Espana su morning only her superstructure{mill, 100 miles east of Havana, showed above the surface. |council will not become effective Sandwich Point. The until approved by Transport Min-|aged to launch |ister Yaremko. In the meantime, rowed to Egg Rock. They | brought to the city from there by bus. television audience today that | which planned to bomb Cuban documentary proof they were --AP Wirephoto 'Stop Cuba Bombs' Castro Tells U.S. exploded over Matanzas prov- .». Fishing Boat Sinks LJ t a 1 aX HAVANA (AP) -- Fidel Castrojthat they are trying to avert reiterated Thursday night that|these acts." | Florida-based planes are bomb- FLIERS IDENTIFIED HALIFAX (CP)---An American fishing boat seeking sanctuary; > i ene Soil Seek be Sancti ar {ing Cuban soil, and demanded] He said the documents include s g t {- > a 1 Ri $3 if lantic ran aground and sank this|that the United States halt such u. i Passport Dat Nenified es , mn rocky Pombings. He reported that two|t2¢ Pilot as Robert Ellis Frost. morning on an unseen roc America were Fit Thur, [Cuban officials identified the ledge near the harbor entrance.|™Mericans were killed Thursday| iyo. flier as Robert Kellv and All nine crew members of the|' AN air attack on a Cuban sugar| he was a member of the 32 hla trawler Gl dh i told . a ; . Civil Air Patrol. pached e told a nation-wide television| (g iami N : : n Mi e 2 audience that the chief cause of | portland yA Robert Frost = strained American - Cuban reéla-| 3." pr : a veteran tions the '"'war" being con [overdue on a "presumably local said the |ducted by raiding planes from| go same registry Da Caring "at o | 7.8 es has ED ated the|the U.S. |one which crashed in Cuba. (C. A. P. headquarters in Hous- shore safely Capt. Michael Clark, is sea, ndic Speaking with unusual calm, he gar two Robert Kellys as members, {but the families of both men said |they were in the U.S. and were {came from Florida. : with near| "The United States authorities{not connected in any way man- have asked us for proof," he de-|the Cuban incident.) and |clared. "We have the proof here., Following the crash, the U. 8. vere Now it's up to them to act . . .|Embassy quickly offered a team |to prove what they affirm in their|of technicians to assist in an jn. Idocuments ald diplomatic notes,lvestigation. Castro accepted. The grounding occurred crew two dories