SERRE EE EERE | has 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 19, 1960 Enrolment Stands At 738 In Bowmanville High School MILLBROOK (Staff) -- Enrol-|teach ab p ipal J ment in Bowmanville Hig h|Douglas Hodgson told the board. School now stands at 738, a de-| District high school inspector crease of 15 since January 1,|L. M. Johnston conducted his in- principal L. W. Dippell told the|vestigation of this school Jan, 21. Durham District High School] Other school events reported Board while presenting his|included the hockey team drop- monthly report Wednesday night.|ped two games to Orono 6-2 and Also included in his report was|.1-4 and defeated Cartwright 7-4. a notation the Encyclopedia Brit-|The students participated in the In the school events portion of his report Mr. Bigelow dated Pauline Hodgetts, a Grade 11 student won the Industrial Acci- dent Prevention Association pu- lic speaking contest over Co- bourg entants and will go on to further competition in March. Results of the eliminations for the Lions club public Speaking tanica Company is donating »|Lions club speaking test held set of its books to most schools. |at the Millbrook Home and "The books are absolutely free|Schogl meeting Feb. 8. but are to be presented on some| All students in - the school school occasion in honor of some|competed in the eliminations outstanding citizen, especially in|prior to the Lions contest and 11 the field of education, We expect were selected to participate in to have this formal acceptance|this contest. Winners who will noted at our Commencement proceed to a region contest in Exercises this Fall," he said. March were Barbara Aiken and G G 3 AT HOME ary, eel The school's annual *"At/SKATING PARTY Home" was a great success. The] The student council stated a theme this year was "South|skating party at the arena Feb. *Pacific" and the staff considers|1l. this dance a part of the students'| Ag er the skating, the students education in that the conduct of| ..turned to the school for a a program dance, where they are luncheon and dance greeted by the formal reception a line composed of staff, repre | T0e school examinations are sentatives of the student council | Slated for March 11 to 18. This and the chairman of the board|Will be the second set of exams or someone delegated to take his) for the year. Plans are being place Both the assembly hall and the/onto March 19 at the conclusion {of the exams. boys' gym were decorated in| accordance with the theme and| Arrangements are being made refreshments were served by|[or Visits to Queen's Park, students of the Home Economies Gallery, Massey Harris and department. Sportsmen's Show The boys and girls basketball] At Port Hope High School th teams are still in the running but|enrolment is 526 with a the season should officially c1~<~|centage attendance for January in the first half of March, Final of 94 and an average daily at- results should be available at|tendance of 496.95, principal that time. J. Bigelow told the board The final item on Mr. Dippell's] The attendance at PHHS is report--a notation that due to/made up of: Port Hope, 379; furnace trouble, it was imposs-/Ho p e township, 134; Clarke ible to hold classes the morning township, 20; and from Cobourg of Feb. 8 |D.C.I. one which makes a total In Orono High School the en-|of 533 rolment as of Wednesday was| Ar the 115 and during the past month/CLUB PUBLIC | During January there were two| the average school attendance was 99.77 per cent. No teachers|admissions, two transfers were absent in January |eight retirements to make M. Johston, ' district high|total attendance 526. school inspector, inspected the school January 20, and according to principal E. G. (Al) Withe spoon seemed quite pleased with| what he found | By GRACE MILLS Clarke township council, for| AJAX -- Mrs. A. McEwan, | the first time as far as Mr.|Mount Clements, Michigan Witherspoon could recall, don-|U.S.A., and Mrs. P. Miller, To- ated the use of the township hall|ronto, were recent visitors with for General Motors to give the/Mrs. Margaret Patterson, at the students a démonstration of its/home of her daughter, Mrs. O. "Parade of Progress" Jan, 21./C. Dinniwell, Glynn road | The school's career night, spor] sored by the Bowmanville/ton, was a Sunday visitor with| Rotary club will be held March 2.| Mr. and Mrs. Bill Edwards, Har- wood avenue north Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell N.Y., and GUEST SPEAKER G. L. Roberts, principal of|and Karen, Grand Island, } | O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational former residents om Admiral | Institute, Oshawa, will be guest|road, visited with Mr. and Mrs. speaker at the school com-|Glenn Raycraft, Glynn road, for mencement to be held in Clarke|a few davs last week, and are township hall March 11. In addi- | now visiting in the Kingston dis- tion a play entitled trict before returning home, "Twelve | 3 Pound Look" will be Irenatey Mr. and Mrs. J. Hosinec, For- and the Glee club will perform | St road, and Mr. and Mrs. W. several numbers, |Sherrin, Kingston road, attended Orono Cha |a meeting of the Beache's Lions have 2 hamiber Jy Comneree Sih, Toronto, on Monday eve- recognize the honor students at Te eougiariations to Glenda the Sthosl by making it an Varty, Windsor avenue, on win- Suna Sve, beginning this ning" first class honors im her Juv, 10 a banquet for the|Grade 10 History Test for piano ~ i ents and one parent.|at St. Joseph's Convent, Oshawa, | e banquet would be for ap-||zst week. Also to Marie Hough-| proximately 25 or 30 students. ton, Kings Cres., and Sharon-Ann ae Chamber feels by holding Goff Forest road, who passed he annual banquet it could do al|Grade 1 in their Conservatory | great deal to encourage students|exams held at Whitby recently | to maintain this honor standing.| Mrs. Wilton Griffith, Glynn 'The board instructed secretary |road, spent last weekend visiting Walter B. Reynolds to write and |her sister, Mrs. Mel Gonoeau advise the Chamber of Com- and family in Deep River. merce it approves the proposal| Don't forget the Euchre spon- ) and to commend it for its action|sored by the Ajax Volunteer Fire along this line The final item on Mr. Wither- | spon's report was informing the board the school hockey played four games Blackstock and Millbrook Fighters Auxiliary, on Monda, Feb. 22, 8.15, at the Fire Hall | Help swell the Resuscitator Fund. family, Beech] re street, on Wednesday. They left remains fe . I i undefeated Malton in the evening to fly to n the Millbrook School the (Florida for a few weeks vaca- enrolment is 82 with a percent. |tion. age attendance of 95.21 and no| Mr. Joe Pettit, Durham street, | | is able to be home again from the N . |Ajax Hospital, fouling mech bet 0 Direct ter. Son Alvin is stil ati U.S. Help On Reactors there, following surgery. | The First Ajax Guide and Brownie Mothers Group held its | re ar meeting in Lord Elgin School, on Wednesday evening |with the president, Mrs. Jack Spellen in the chair. There were OTTAWA (CP)--Trade Minis- ter Churchill made clear Thurs- day the United States is not ex- tending any direct aid to the de- velopment of heavy - water nu-|;., kg? 4 Ra clear reactors by Canada. 190 Necks vacation in the Ba He said an announcement Tues- | Miss Valerie Varrell, Oshawa, | day dealing with expanded U.S.- was weekend guest of her friénd, Canada co-operation in this field | yfiss Exeter had been misinterpreted by the road Press: -| The Home and School Associa- Mr. Churchill was asked by|tion of Hilltop School are holding Opposition Leader Pearson a Euchre at the school on Fri- whether the announqement repre- day, Feb. 26, at 8.30 p.m. Door sented a "new departure" on the prize, score prizes and lunch part of the US : The Ladies' Progressive Con The minister replied that the servative Association will meet agreement merely provides for| at the home of Mrs, Henry Polak American expenditure of $5,000,-|31 Beech street, on Monday, Feb 000 on heavy-water reactor de-!22, at 8.15 velopment. The work will be done| Skipper Adams, Windsor ave in the United States nue, celebrated his sixth bi TUESDAY STATEMENT Atomic Energy of Canada Lim- party for ited said Tuesday that negotia-|chums, in g tions are taking place between |Jimmie Jamieson, Michael Smith Canada and the U.S. "towards an and Mark Ravey. All had a won- expanded program of co-opera- derful time tion in the development of heavy| Many happy returns to the fol- water moderated nuclear power|lowing who had birthdays this react( week: Feb. 16, Cascy de Snoo It said it is anticipated that the Elm street, 10 years; Feb. 17, co-operative program will include | Skipper Adams, Windsor Ave., 6 "the undertaking by the U.S wars; Sidney Garside, Brock Atomic Energy Commission after Street; Ian Robertson, Durham close consultation with Atom o| Street, 7 years; Feb. 18, Janice Energy of Canada Limited of ad Spellen Glynn Rd, 4 years ditional research and develop.|Cyril Hart, Exeter Rd., and on ment work at U.S. expense up to Sunday Feb 21, : Patricia Irene a maximum total cost of $5,000,- | Brooks Fi Sig Rd > 000 specifically directed toward|, On Monda® Mr, and the heavy water reactors to be} LIS: 1 jone) B ie, Nejson Street: constructed in Canada." joi celebrate their th y-third ------ ------------ wedding anniversary. Congratula- ' tions. TRAPS' HAVEN Phone personal tems, birth WORCESTER, England (CP)-- |days, weddings, visitors, ete. to A lodging house for * 426, anytime for insertion tramps may be built bv the coun-|in T..¢ Times. There is no charge cil of this Midlands city. {for this. |cided to hold a parcel-post sale |at the next meeting in March. The First Ajax Guide Company | meets at Lord Elgin School each Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Harpell, Harwood south, are back from a Nancy Spraggs, some 1udi specia |made for a school trip to Tor-| t|T. Kennedy, 15 members present. It was de- | test are as foll rade 9, girls, Sharon Godwin, Irene Benn and Caroling Pollock; boys, David Murray, Larry Austin and Bud Elliott. Grade 10, girls Andrea Allchin, Carol Anderson and Jacqueline Kelly; boys, Peter Dent and Allen Griffiths. Grade 11, girls, Sandra Johnson, Pauline Hodgetts and Barabara Dale; boys, Roger Nainby, John Chislett and Ronald Johns. Grade 12, girls, Bonnie Austin, Jane Bird and Catherine Raynor; John Crowhurst was the only male entrant, Eight students from Grades 9 and 10 and seven from Grade 11 {and 12 will be selected winners in the Port Hope district March 2. | Morse Code examinations were {held for the cadets Feb. 2. |Standard Morse certificates and la $10 award was presented for {obtaining a speed of six words per minute. They went to Leslie John R. McElroy, {David F. Murray, Richard Parg- nell and J. Ian Watkins. For 12 words per minute ad-| vance Morse certificates and $10 {bills were presented to Edward |Hunt, Leslie T. Kennedy and Richard Pragnell. In the commercial department three Grade 12 commercial |studerts, Anita Horner, Gwen | Mercer and Rosalee Rice, have earned NOMA spelling certifi- {cates for obtaining 100 per cent {correctness in a 100 business word dictated test. Under the coming events, the Boys' Athletic Association is planning a basketball game to he {Ron Cameron, vice - president Jane Wilson and Editor of the | AJAX PERSONALS [scicol magacise "Blue 'n White council conference Feb. 27-28. The Girls' Athletic Association annual dance is slated for March in 18 and will be a St. Patrick's| harbor were outside the jurisdic-|be interested in having the group dramatic|tion of Toronto's air pollution by- perform. Arrangements society will present three plays|law. It would interfere with ship- made by contacti 9. Rehearsals are well ping operations in the harbor and|tary, Mrs Mrs. Anna Gravenor, Bramp- [underway for the presentations|encroach on Parliament's exclu-|Fernhill boulevard, Oshawa. dance. The school March now, Sudbury Notorious Island Put Up For Sale PARIS (Reuters)--The world's most notorious piece of real es- tate, Devil's Island, was put up for sale Thursday by the French government. 108-year-old penal settle me in" French Guiana was listed for the finance ministry's|t next auction of government prop- erty. Devil's Island, a tiny, palm- covered rock, was regarded al- most as a rest home by the mur- derers and thieves who slaved and died in the malarial swamps of the mainland part of the penal settlement. The island was first reserved for political prisoners and thus gained world-wide notoriety as the prison of Alfred Dreyfus, who was held there from 1894-99. Dreyfus, a French Army cap- tain falsely accused of espionage for the Germans, was declared innocent after one of France's most celebrated legal cases. BRUTAL HISTORY During its long, brutal history, the settlement received an es- timated 52,000 of France's worst : criminals who in the early days| made the trip in iron cages|; chained to the deck of wooden | ham District High School Board Wednesday night turned down a request from the Orono Chamber of Commerce for a donation to- wards the purchase of a resusci- tator for use in the town. board it is donating $100 towards nations for the balance of the cost of the machine. he felt this was not a school board problem and moved it in- struct clerk Walter B. Reynolds to write the Orono Chamber of Commerce informing it of the board's decision. there is a Red Cross and numer- ous other groups which look after NEW STANDARD v ceive a new standard 16 inch carriage Underwood typewriter which will cost the board $224. Principal J. Douglas Hodgson re: quested the machine at the Janu- ary board meeting in Oromo. manville High School providing Durham High School Board Rejects Finance Request MILLBROOK (Staff) -- Dur- The Chamber informed the he purchase and. is seeking do- Trustee Alan H. Strike stated According to Trustee Strike his type of problem. Millbrook High School will re- Bowmanville Badminton club was granted permission to use he boys' gymnasium at Bow- t pay the janitorial staff's fees| or cleaning up after it Appointments of the representatives were acknowl- edged: Fred Lycett, Clarke town- ship; Dr. C. W. Wright, Mil brook and Emmett Creighton, St. Mary's School, Port Hope. Bowmanville Recreation De- partment was granted permission to conduct golf lessons in the girls' gym at Bowmanville High School on Wednesday and Thurs- day evenings between the hours of 7 and 9 p.m. beginning March The department requested to hold its classes between 7 and 10 p.m, but according to Trustee Alan H, Strike that would be un- fair to the janitors who have to remain to clean up after them. Cost to the department was set 2 © per igh Jor use of the gym. Principal L. W. Dippell stated the gym would not be in use on the nights requested and agreed to permit the use of it providing rubber soled shoes were worn and absolutely no smoking was permitted. Included in' the agree- ment was a clause that any dam- age incurred during the classes would be paid for by the recrea- tion department. PHONE CALLS In the absence of transporta- tion committee chairman, convict ships. Escape was their only hope, | but of the hundreds who tried it| every year, only a third suc-| ceeded and most of these died in| the jungle or shark-infested seas. | The most successful was Rene {Belbeniot, who made a break in |a canoe in 1935 and after 11] [months of desperate flight reached the United States. His Ibook on the conditions at Devil's |Island, Dry Guillotine, best-seller. to Devil's Island in started closing the penal colony|t in the following year. The last|t "The s after the war. The sale of Devil's Island and|Ferguson; past ; " other government properties was|Phiilips; librarian, Dora Purdon; the|Plaved Feb. 27 against the "Old|taken as a measure to help make social conveners, Mrs. Gordyn | Boys". Student council president/the 150,000,000 franc (about $31,-| Brent, Mrs. M, E. de Jong. |000,000) economy required in the |budget. | NO JURISDICTION TORONTO (CP)--County Judge {F. J. MacRae sive jurisdiction, he said. |prisoners were returned tojter Goode; |Bridgeland; treasurer, |the Peterborough Music Festival, » which will |early in May. f |ecutive that the choral society said Tuesday make itself available to any or- Elect Officers Choral Society BOWMANVILLE (Special) became a|The Bowmanville Choral Society|tices which take place held its annual election of offi- France sent its last convict ship|cers recently when the following| 1938 and|weré chosen as the executive for he 1960 season: President, Mil- on Rainey; vice - president, Wal- secretary, Mrs. J. Mrs. D. S. president John The society is practising for be held sometime It was also decided by the ex- can be g the secre- Jack Bridgeland, 478 Anyone interested in joining' the group can attend the prac-| Mondays at 8.00 p.m. in Bowmanville town hall. HOCKEY MOTHERS MEET The regular monthly meeting of Bowmanville Hockey Mothers Auxiliary will be held at the Lions Community Centre Tues- day, Feb. 23 at 2.00 p.m. would |in Bowmanville Trustee Bruce Tink, clerk Wal- ter B. Reynolds informed the board C. K. Burley, Cobourg, owner of Burley Bus Lines has purchased Garton Coach Lines and took over Sunday, Mr. Reynolds said "the com- plaints and 'phone calls have dried up for the. time being" and he hoped now the transportation of students to Bowmanville High School would be improved. School Principal L. W. Dippell said he felt it would as Mr. Bur- lev intends to make some changes in the routing for school runs, The board will hold its' budget Thursday, March 3 to strike its 1960 budget. HAMPTON By M. HORN HAMPTON -- The Home and School Association sponsored a home baking and candy sale Fri- day afternoon in the new Sunday School hall, presided over by Mrs. Hugh Coutts. The attend- ance was not as large as antici- pated. PERSONALS Will Wilbur is a patient in Osh- awa General Hospital. George Gilbert is also on the sick list. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Lyon and family visited his parents, and Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon, Toron- to, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Hilton Peters, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Osh- awa, and Mr. and Mrs. Harland Trull, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Mountjoy visited Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samells Oshawa. Marie Prescott, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rogers, and daughter, of Ajax, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe - Gallant, CHESS CLUB Inquiries have been received] by the Recreation Department) about the formation of a Bow-| manville Chess Club. Anyone in-| terested in such a project should contact the recreation office at MA 3-3335. DANCING CLASSES There are still openings in the Wednesday afternoon and Satur-| day morning dancing classes sponsored by the recreation de- partment. There are classes in ballet, tap and baton twirling. Another BROWN Home! Pre-assembled BROWN'S ONLY $3295.0 PACKAGE HOME OR NO DOWN PAYMENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS ONLY $42. Car Port Extra Build your own Brown's Home trusses. Save time, materials, (Plus Water and BROWN' LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH OSHAWA 10 YEARS TO PAY with pre-assembled walls and roof labor -- Build @ low-cost, high- quality Browns Home designed for quick sturdy assembly. THE CHATEAU is also available completed ONLY $7,995.00 Erected on your own lot Sewer Connections) MONTHLY PAYMENTS ONLY $57 Including water and sewer costs, ne extres. Your lot may be your Down Payment NHA Mortgages arranged, ls ONLY THE RICH CAN AFFORD TO RENT Build Yourself A BROWN'S PRE-ASSEMBLED PACKAGE rene Viving seon "ree Including These Luxu ® on the NHA plan, room Oil-fired furnace Arborite bathroom Over 1,000 square or range available MORE THA ry Features: wall to wall rug in living Panoramic sashless windows Spacious 4-pc. bathroom Arborite kitchen counter vanity feet G.E. perimeter heating G.E. washer, dryer, garbage disposal unit with no down payment Carport only 470.00 extra, most of which can be extended over a 25 year period N 30 OTHER BROWN"S HOMES AVAILABLE Complete Building Service and Free Brochures Available at Our Showroom ... PHONE RA 5-4704 ANYTIME! rown's Modern Homes Box 355, Oshawa Please sem me mes your broc and other ho own a building lot Please send map of lots hure describing the Chateau oveoilgble Sunday. Mrs. Ray Sellers and daughter, Brenda, of Bowmanville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macnab. and Mrs, Merwin Mount- has app of the Board of Broadcast Gov- ernors for new, privately-owned television stations in Winnipeg and Vancouver, it was learned] Thursday. | 0 Private Television ' Stations Approved OTTAWA (CP) -- The cabinet | a. COLDS Sore Throat DR. THOMAS' ECLECTRIC Oil a ry ed r fons A transport department spokes- a man said letters of authorization! have been sent fo the two parties who will establish Canada's first colpetitive TV stations: Ral Misener and Associates in| Winnipeg, and the Vantel Broad- casting Company Limited in Van-| couver, The only Canadian TV service now in those cities is from CBC outlets, BILLS PILING UP? pay them off with a cash loan from CITIZENS FINANCE We like to say "Your loan Is OK" When bills pile up--and they clways do oround this time of year--the easiest way to take care of them may be to total them up, ond pay them oll off with a cash loan from Citizens, This way, you'll have just one eesy monthly payment. Your friendly Citizens Finance Loam Manager con advite you on this and other money problems. Let him arrange a loan for you with @ repay- ment plan that fits your budget. Citizens Finance has @ reputation for fast, courteous, confidential service. LJ] you like, oll arrangements can be made by phone-- then just come In to sign and pick up the cosh. Give ®» @ call or drop in to see us oon. BORROW $50 to $2500 -» ITIZENS FINANCE COMP ANY tL 0» 00 EDO Whitby Plaxe, Whitby, Phone MO 8.5821 Oshawa residents call RA 3-9691 (no toll charge) Open Friday till 8 p.m., Saturday till 12 noon Loons made in Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering and all nearby towns LOAN OFFICES IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES joy spent a few days in Toronto. | on = orf a INVENTORY SHE SAVE MA LIGHTING NEEDS BY SHOPPING NOW STORE WIDE STOCK REDUCTION SALE IN KEEPING WITH COMPANY POLICY WE MUST LIQUIDATE $20,000 WORTH OF STOCK TO MAKE WAY FOR OUR STOCK TAKING - COME DOWN AND SEE THESE GENUINE BARGAINS FOR YOURSELF. LAMP Door Chimes - SHADE REDUCT NY. DOLLARS ON YOUR S--FIXTURES IONS TO 50% OFF TABLE LAMPS REG. 19.95 to 34.50 Now 14.95 TABLE LAMPS REG. 24.95 to 49.95 Now 19.95 FIXTURES BEDROOM -- HALL KITCHEN -- OUTDOOR Sale 1.79 LAMP SHADES GOLDEN GLASS FIBERGLASS 14 Price OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 8-0922