THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 26, 1960 § WHITBY and DISTRICT Convict Pair Of | ion Market Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West anaver; Lioyd Roberison - Tel. MO. 58-3703 Two Toronto men, Everett Hugh(Sgt. Donald Matheson, of the od Black, 24 and Ronald Foote, 28, Pickering Twp. Police Depart- ur © £ HE 3 Sasha sa were Thursday sent to reforma- ment, said that he found the tory for breaking and entering school broken into on the morn- fhe Piekaring Disuiet High Sela ing of Rev. 2. io 2 Tutize Sheek BRUSSELS (CP) -- Sometfiing|diately after the Second World a ertss paved the Joy for conviced by Judge Arthur Will- led Jo Fouzs tome Where he Spprosching 2 geatmizavie Bas Wat. 350 not want 1 to DOpHED ITER ae Er olomm ceva Taare mott, of Cobourg, presiding in the found him wearing a wrist watch, | "= . : ain: later. Ontario County Criminal Court,/later identified by PDHS student| Six nations hat itchatel One Rn an officer in the Belgian| This was the impetus that at Whitby. [David Keen, as one he had lost|another in wars through the €on-{, = "0." wontinued. Europe needed. Creation of the DO eel Fria we ha gn ol, said en hin gic "I was taken prisoner by the Sure Sommutities has put, a new months defitite and three month | Also found at the school. sald oi, "into a United States of Germans: Professor Mater Erik BL te quickening of month in custody awaiting bail. |ton and in the truck which Black (MUroPe: Imission. was a German officer. |tempo is reported in the six. Black was sentenced to three|was found driving some days later| Germany, France, Italy, Bel-\y,'so.veq two years in an Ameri-| The immediate effect of the cut months definite, It was his firs | was a coat with a button missing [gium, Holland and Luxembourg ,; pisoner-of-war camp. Others|in tariffs in the first year and a conviction and he has been in| An analyst testified that the brok-| have launched the European Econ this building can tell similar|symbolic reduction in quotas was ail since his arrest early in De-len button and the shank remain. omic Community--an 0rganiza-|. joc » slight, but the psychological up- cember. {ing on the coat matched. Sop simed at levelling economic | X HECADE lift was tremendous. 4ed ivi i | Foote's wife told that| frontiers as a first siep towards| ALMOST The Common Market sparked a Giving evidence on Wednesday, shes eX 3 the souti I 2! political unity. But it was almost a decade|series of mergers, modernizations : a gift. Another high school stu- Within a decade they will abol- after the war before the will to|and business agreements that ig- | dent identified this as a 'watch|ish all tariffs and quotas and unity could be expressed in more|nore the nationalistic borders. Ba Y an sweep aside all restrictions on|concrete terms. American capital has been pour- she had lost about on year earlier. the free movement of men, serv-| To many Europeans there was ing in in record amounts. : ices, goods and capital. lan urgent necessity to prevent al Jf these nations are not movi Makes Dresses WMS M t Their project appears more resurgence of Franco - German towards the one-Europe conce ee ng successful than even the most op-|rivalry, a big factor in kicking off|that idealists talk about, they are timistic would have dared pre-|two devastating wars in a gen-iat least heading towards an ef- i hed aeration, i i it For Refugees At Greenwood i Ph A Was. launched 3/@alon. ade clear that the shill jucuye SSumuEE community su | The Whitby United Church| MAY E. BROWN BUILDING HOLDS PROOF 13 Fe World balan y al Haro. MANY PROBLEMS Baby Band held its regular) GREENWOOD -- The Evening| A visit to an antiseptic-looking peans greatly. The important de-| Although explosive economle {monthly meeting last Tuesday|Auxiliary of the WMS met at the|steel and concrete building in this|sisions. affecting the world nolenergies have been released, {afternoon at the church hall. The home of the president, Mrs. |picturesque city bears this out.|joneer were made in Europe, but many problems are shaping up. meeting was in charge of the Frank Webb, Thursday. The|Here in the Common Market's!in Washington and Moscow. | The sharpest difficulties will de- |superintendent, Mrs. J. Brecken- North Group had charge of de- hezdquarters 1,500 experts and| «ie had the feeling that the|velop i te Community's rela. |ridge. * |votions, | administrative workers from the European civilization did not de-|tions with outside nations. | There were 14 baby nigh!| Plans were made for the World six nations are co-operating in a hi, to be a secondary factor| Britain is worried that the Come |dresses completed for the refugee|Day of Prayer service to be held|determined bid to make the Com-/ij the world." mon Market will freeze her out |work. Mrs. John Hare read two March 4 at 2.30 p.m. in Mt. Zion|munity a. reality. | 5 of the European trade picture. etters, one from Angola, Africa Church. | Jean Rey, Little Europe's "for- HAD TO UNITE She reacted by spearheading a d the other from Bela Bela.| The March meeting will be held eign minister," recently put the| Europe had to unite to restore drive to form the European Free ! [British Columbia, thanking the|at the home of Mrs, C. Closson.|Community's aims in humaniits weight and importance iniTrade Area that includes the 2 Baby Band mothers for clothing SKATING PARTY terms for a group of Common-|world trade and affairs, Scandinavian countries, Austria, sent to Africa and also Bela Bela.| The Evening Women's Associa- wealth correspondents. | The six took their first step de Switzerland and Portugal. Mrs. Ralph Crawford was|tion sponsored a skating party at| 'During the war we all fought wards union in 1951. They STs Other countries, including Can- supervising the children, Milk|Brooklin Arena Monday evening, |2£ainst each other," said the in-ja community that for the firstiada, are worried that the com. [and cookies were served to them|A good crowd turned out '|ternationalist who .once was atime in history pocled wider 8 mon tariff to be erected around while the mothers enjoyed, a Refreshments were served later| BS.81an cabinet minister. |common authority the coal andthe Community will be so high Bis % friendly cup of tea iin the Sunday School |" He sketched briefly a picture of ste¢l interests of France, Ger-ithat it will «ut off traditional i ke : y ool room. |..." inser, despair, chaos and|manv, Italy, and the Beneluximarkets for ir exports. There = LD peed --~ teen a ht Lhe on CHAMBER ENDORSES ROMAN FUND IE LEVISION 1. OC UNICEF Honors icy. The Whitby Chamber of Come | Roman, who died in a head-on | mortgage on the Roman home, | are Donald, 12 and Beverly, 16; | WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester your neighbourhood merce has announced its en- | collision in Pickering earlier in | which they had rece itly pur- | seated are Marilyn, 4, Mrs. |wGR- y - dorsation of the Kenneth February. The Chamber made | chased, and meet other ex- | Roman, Wayne, 2, and Mrs. | NER-TV Channel, 2--Buttalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale (a ] ah pide ) i a donation of $25 to the fund. | penses. Mr. Roman carried no | Joan Harris, their oldest daugn- amp Jo Nsor Roman Fund in Whitby. The | He is survived by his wife and | insurance. Shown above are | ter, and her son Ross, 3 | FRIDAY EVENING 1:30 P.M, 5--This Is The Life | 4--Morning Worship DEALER fund is being ra to assist | six children and the purpose of | the members of the Roman.| months. Absent was Robert, 14 5:00 P.M 6~-Feature Film 2-Bi Veil i ilv o » late Kenne i a fi "Oy Sri so ' trig g owas Panta. HF od gid v g Rascals By M. HORN Neil in charge of the program, the family of the late Kenneth | the fund is to pay off a second | family. Left to right, standing | --Oshawa Times Photo |!1 a P PRL Lg Ki sso lli30 AM. HAMPTON -- The Home and assisted by Miss N. Horn. . | . . {DS ot 2 Fomeay Kom Conference School Association held its Feb-|ppRgONALS = - ; Xestorday 2:30 P.M. naw WOON ruary meeting at the new school. | Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson 1 Y es on a 1 - Onl \ up ic S --Big_] s 6--Feature Film 7--Roller Derby A certificate in recognition of|visited his sister and husband, y 5:15 P.] 7--Bandstand 6--Dateline UN Hampton schools' efforts to raise Mr, and Mrs, Dave Hooper, 4--Feature Film 2_Pro Basketbal : eaiute ™ Basketball 5--Family Playhouse |funds for UNICEF was received Orono, Sunday. 5:30 P.M. :30 P.M. Family 0 i : In I ickerin Church : &= Mighty Mou 5--Take a Good Look | 2-Publis Service from UNICEF headquarters. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- are rizZes g Bg Pr Base 12:15 P.M. A report on the Home and|joy visited Nestleton Thursday. | Roy . 6--Dateline U.N. School Council was presented by| i t Roy Rogers { | 11--Cartoons Y| Mrs. Rilda Mountjoy left by Whe Whitby Ladle' Curlinglby Mis. Shermon. skip, Mrs St. Francis de Sales Roman|mother of pearl headdress and 6:00 P. 7--Take A Good Look Congr P.M. Mrs. Conite and Mess larente plane Thursday to visit friends in Club, on W lay played host McQuarie, vice Mrs. Irving, lead Catholic Church, Pickering, was carried Japanese = chrysanthe-| T oy 3 BM. 11-News ES My Tor gi will | Texas. apt ' is ' Ait addon # i : | mums. . A nig --National Pro | N i to their first Mrs. Augherton, second. the setting for a wedding on Sat- Plo i is . i $ 8 11--Roy Rogers Highlight eld in T April 20 and| Nancy Johns and Mrs. Will | Flower girls 2 t Cafik oad ite be held -in Toronto Apw n White have moved into their new ive - ar fi Ladies' Bonspiel for the Mols A Whitby rink skipped by Mrs. urday, Feb. 1 12 n when | nie. : ; | 6--Rendezvous 7--Our Miss Brooks #--Good Life Theatre pr t= day, Feb. 13, at 12 noon when|pjece of the gr , and Janice 6:30 P.M. 4--Film Featurette The 21. Joan Peel's room won the at borne in the south end of the vil lage. Trophy. De bryn, led the field in the s€C-!pairicia Ann Conniff, Cooksville,|Ware, were d d alike in 11--Family Theatre 2--Racing 4--Championship tendance prize, Mrs. Fred Hol- There were 24 rinks represent. ond draw with a score of three qayohter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred lemon colored silk organza. 5-4-2--News; Sports SATURDAY EVE. Bowling royd presented several ideas for - im d ed at the 'spiel from Dixie, Mis- (games plus 33 points. Two Osh-|p, jer: Wembley, sland, was| Mr. Albert Cafik was best 6:45 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 2--News Conference money raising projects. Ir. and Mrs. Bill Harrison an sissauga, Tam O'Shanter, Peter. awa rinks took second and third i104 in marriage with Norman|man for his brother. The ushers e542 News 11.5-Outside Broadeasts 12:45 P.M. New Canadians in the com-|daughter, Kim, Colborne, Spent invit to his borough, Cannington, Wes ton,|place in the draw. Oi. Plkerlys son cE Mrs [here Mr MH M Mr. W on 3% P.M. I-41 Stor Golf 11--Assignment Ottawa munity from Holland, Poland, |the weekend with her parents, nites you 5 The Whifhe ile > A. y g, SOI Mrs. iw 1 M. aver , Ar. ne he i ayhouse ps i Sunderland, Cobourg, Trenion,| The Whithy rink was repre- ii ony "2nd the tate Stephen Kobayaski and Mr. E. Kalpus, | 5-77 Sunset Sirip 4--Beat The Champ 1:00 P.M. Germany, Belgium, Italy and Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Adcock. ALL-FAMILY Scarboro, Oshawa and Whitby. irs. Ban x Mr ) Catik, { For the reception at Rouge | 4--Dennis 0'Keefe 2---Twilight Theatre Y1--dohn Collingwood Hungary presented the program. | Mr. C. A Wray 2a Me. 20d There were two draws, one at MIS. Barnette, vice, Mrs, Ruddy, | "0 poy. A. McMahon perform- |Hills Golf and Country Club, | 2-Resoue es 3:30 P.M. Reade J. Uilviugt, principal 'of Knox|Mrs. Sam Geane, US1awa, lead and Mrs. Legers, second. : me | s i) Hdd 7:15 P.M. 11-6--Mickey Mouse 7--Major League 5 hool ui ille, [ed their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 9 a.m. and the other at 11 am. "0 led the ceremony. The wedding Mrs. Alec Gated, of Cooksville,| 7_News: Weath 6--Cartoon Party i" Christian School, Bowmanville, and there were four prizes for The second place Oshawa rink, | = oc vided by St. Mi-|were a blue printed silk dress and A "ino P il 6:00 P.M. oo osanall spoke on "Citizenship", and Mrs. |T. Wray, Sunday. each draw. with a score of 29 points Wasj.p,op hs horisters. |nat ol cessor] he| 6~Bachelor Fath 11--Dengis The Menace fags Duo Peter Vandevelde played piano| Leah Wilbur, who has been a . A made up of Mrs. Stephen, Mrs, |chael's Cathedral Choristers. [natural colored accessories. Shel #-Bachelor Father 7--Canleius Forum 1:15 P.M. selections patient in the Oshawa General Mp ape, » Brandhere, Mrs. Young ens Mrs. | yo Gates Re Ne ee Dy 2 fier Be 15 Western i Frenh U--Queen's Park Report| "nro Borek described the Pol-|Hospital for a while is now . E. G. Stiles, irst | Marher Ale s, ide wor 0 se a lig -- 5-- ar : . 1am | Marherd. { T-Real McCoys re 1:50 pM. ish national costume and Sharon home. draw and later went on to claim| ird pl " +1 1 (imported Italian silk princess! crepe gown with lace bodice and| 2--People Are Funny 4--Wrestling 11-6--Country Calendar . The third place Oshawa rink in 8:00 P.M. 2--Buffalo Showcase 5--Star Bowling Coutts demonstrated the attire, | / the Molson's silverware. Their}inis draw with a scorn 2 wae Style gown with long train, petal-| floral hat of dusky rcse. Her cor- h is draw, w core of 28, was |°™ > 5 Ae hi : y 2! p o : WM. 3 i y score was three wins plus 44; represented by Mrs. Jamieson, ed headdress held her finger tip|sage consisted of a single white 115 gouoly Slosgown Hohn PM. A-1m Festus a Mrs. Katzer displayed several | second in the draw was Cobourg|nrs, Morris, Mrs. Brantford, | veil of silk illusion, She carried orchid. 8:30 P.M i-Mop With a Camera 2:00 P.M pieces of Mew german Cini UPHOLSTERING 4 Treasure Chest of Fun with two wins plus 27, and third Mrs White. "talisman roses. The couple left on a wedding 11.6--Four Just Men ~The Jaw Man 11--Tiny Talent Ti . el MA v irs. White. our J A Sod --Tiny Ti A i | was the Dixie rink with one win| The draw prizes were pre-| Miss Joan Robinson, of Mount trip to a Laurentian ski resort. I=Man From Black MM 7--Bowling Stars displaved smocking, on small] FEB. 26 ARCH s ' plus 25. ented by the Whitby Ladies' Forest, niece of the groom, was| For travelling the bride donned ;," By S~News: Sports. $--Junior Magazine 5. . a | A. ZAYETTE o The Weston rink consisted of ( ing Club cident Fh maid of honor and also Miss Lynn!a black wool suit with matching Hotel Teiephune Hope 7:00 P.M. ii Olympics A speech on "Impressions of | HOURS: 12 NOON-10 PM, e We r i ing Club president Flo Lott, | oad : e Paree | 2:15 P.M. Canada' was presented by Fran-| : vi Mrs. E. G. Stiles, skip, Mr and the Molson T , the first Gates, of Cooksville. Their head- hat and accessories. 9:00 P.M. 11-The Rifleman 2--Pro Basketball cine Verleysen {| Recovering and repairing " Ploughwright, vice; Mrs. H. M.|to be presented by club, was dresses were ident in blue Mr. and Mrs. Cafik are estab-|11-6--Flying Doctor -Plack Sadie 3:00 P.M. Refreshments were served by || for old quality value with 5--The Real McCoys 7--Open Hearing . - were Polly Edwards, skip, Shir-| Nearly every committee of the G d R w S--Telmesses Birnie 11-Man H 3:30 P.M. spiel ul e SSOC. HITBY jn Squad DER am 11---Our Miss Brooks | | "lsented by Mrs. Dobryn, skip, a ih . iid Fle ; : JC 65 | '7-- : 6--Dennis The M | South, lead and Mrs. H. Brook- presented to the Weston rink by silk organza over taffeta with|lishing residence in Pickering. Me Bo 4-0 ot'B Round Table | 11-6--Citizens Forum ME or Sov | ) banks, second. Molson representative, Bob Hen- i - Tt 9:30 P.M. lext : i 1d modern re-styling. Curling in the Cobourg rink de | 11--Ontario This Week This Man Dawson §=kh Caen Next Foose. will be held) & 4 £ --- p She 19 M. unday Sports March 9 at 8.15 with Mrs. Me- y 7:30 P.M a Phone MO 8-2344 ley Holland, vice; Doris Quigley, club helped organize the 10:00 P.M Jou 8, 3 lead and Ivy Black, second. The under the direction of Mrs. Tenic . = 11:6.5-2--Cavalcade o---Mgvies With Cla mpionship Bridge | Special low prices on any odd Dixie rink was well representediSala. | Plans Training PERSONALS . Sports" "+ 2 5p Mannings \ eon are Fis Shorthorn Cattle I pieces Gn ends - ee = e 4--Perry Mason --Sports 4--Twilight Z y r ». \F ith B H t YPA 'Bt Hill Miss Barbara Breckenridge, 10:30 PM. 1-8 300° PM ? Fr asked Breeders Happy | Legion Bux. al apiis / 1 crest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John| 7--Pony Express fen um 11--The Music' Makers | EDMONTON (CP) -- Charles - The Teale 3 , Breckenridge of Gilbert 4--Person To Person 8:30 PM. 7---Paul Winchell W. Thorn of Gali, president of] Hold Skating Party he regular monthly meeting of east, was presented wit g 10:45 P.M, 11--Lawrence Welk 6--Music Show the Canadian Shorthorn Associa-| 11-6--Jim Coleman Show | 7_J eave It To Beaver 5--Champlonship Bridge tion, told the annual meeting | " E t t the Local Guide Assc m was |ficate for her pi J J 7 | n n : . A a 3 ! ica r piano s il . n 0 er al | Skating at' Winter Wonderland held Feb. 23 in the United Church (won third place in a class of 23 be 00 PM. SE hs un and (he Lu PM | Thursday that shorthorn breeders ummage a e New Line of Challenge 7--Broken Arrow id Auspices of Fifth Whitby {was the recreation for the Faith Hall, The District Commissioner at the Toronto Kiwanis Music| 11.7-; Sports | 4--Wanted, Dead or 52--Championship Gol |in Canada are in a "very happy" | even roups |Ba st Church young people last ye f Neaver was in the chair./ Festival held last week. 11:15 P.M, ale 5:00 P.M. position despite setbacks to the fuesday evening. Forty-three he Annual Theatre night was| | 7--Playhouse 100 P.M, 11-6--News Magazine agriculture industry in general Mother's 'Auxili RK NS S : = Blas ah PS SuNews indus al. uxiliary A A A 6-- Viewpoint 11-6--NHL Hockey 7--Matty's Funday "Competition should be met| The Ladies Auxiliary of the young people attended. a complete success and the Local] Mr. James Barter is celebrat-! Canadian Legion held its social The group returned to the Association would like to thank all|ing his birthday teday. His dai Py, . rl OE dei A with competition," he told dele-| evening last Wednesday at the church afterwards for devotions th J who donated prizes, bought friends wish him many happy re-| 6--Showcase | 4--Mr. Lucky 5:30 P.M. gates adding that the fulure | FE 1 TRAVELLER Canadian Legion Hall. The presi- which were conducted by Barrie tickets or in any way aided their urns of the day. 5-2--Jack Parr ; 9:30 PM, 11--Tennessee Ernie seems even brighter than the | " . ent, Mrs. E. Ormiston, opened Jones. pr t. { | 4~MGM Theatre S5--Lawrence Welk 7--Lone Ranger | ' . : I ov | | 1:00 A.M 4--Have Gun, Will 6--Documentary "60 past. at FREE the meeting and was in charge, The message of the evening The badge secretary reported! Mrs. F. Watt, of Lee avenue, 7-Sag Francisco Beat Travel 5.2--Time Presents In his report as managing di- | COFFEE of the short business sess on, was given by Gunner Knudsen four hostesses badges awarded to ent ained her group of ladies| 3--The Unexvected 2-World Wide 60 4--College Bowl rector, H. R. White of Guelph | Council Chamh & DO Sick convener, Mrs. William who chose What makes men and S iuide company and two at her home, Priz vere award-| SATURDAY 10:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. termed the last 10 years a "dec-| ers UGHNUTS Hopps, read several cards of women sin?" for his message. |N edlewoman's badges awarded|ed to lucky winners for the 8:00 AM. Timi US A I= Bob Chines Show ade of effort" for the shorthorn thanks received for donaticns of The meeting was closed with|!n the 3rd company, The 2nd|games as follows: Mrs, Vandyke| 7=TV Farmarama 10:15 P M. 6--Disney Loe Py association, marked by the 10 a.m. - 2 p.m, flowers and remembrance of sick prayer, Guide company reopened on Feb, and Mrs. Wyatt. Tasty refresh-| ;~piR oR Kangaroe 11.6--King Whyte 5--Meet The Press launching of many new pro- THE AMAZING NEW members. Plans were made for| Next week, weather permitting, [22 With 14 guides present. The ments were served by 8:30 A.M 10:30 P.M. . 4-Small World grams. \ | the coming "Social" of March 23 a tobbogan party is planned. captain is Mrs. Joyce Newstead hostess. ! : 18 Johny Staccato re, PM. SUPER sab ed sia SEA-HORSE : x cil wil -- _ieutenant sg forial 'ar ack Down when seven out of town auxil- and I leutenant is Mrs. Gloria Mr. and Mts. Ravinond- John i 5--The Rebel 11--Mr. Adams and Eve jaries will be entertained. Detail SCHOOL FOR DEAF Rins. bir, and VIS. haymong som 4--Grand Jury 7--Frontier planning will appear later in the| 'AMHERST, N. S. (CP) -- Con. |. VFS. J. Smyth, 936 Henry St., som, [338 Greens 4 crescent, 1] J 2--Four Just Men 4-20th Century press. struction of a new Maritime 5, Uniform convener and anyone one Ah the wee tend in Picton as {p00 11:00 P.M. 2 Najer Cronkite Mrs. Keith King was in charge!School for the Deaf will start |ViSHing uniforms arts therof De = Sts oi 3 w= Me Har 9:15 A.A. {17:6.43-News; Weather 7:00 P.M. of the games and the social. A here this spring. The $2,500,000 are asked to contact her. The ee Sr ph eh Payne 4--Popeye ; . 11-6--Father Knows Best dainty lunch was served by the structure will replace the present shuns] "Cookie Day" will take|y "ann EO ug OS or ad Boxes ; in i . ti a Pad, > > place an eriy { ¢ e a S, A Lass} committee. The next meeting will | school at Halifax, and is expected Place on April 30. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Begbie, also of| BOUS, 2--Award Theatre 2--Overland Trail be held March 9. 'to be opened late next year. A division training will take pio, rn AY, 11:15 P.M, Lin - place at Hillcrest school March ip TNO hod Tons 11--Late Show 11-6--Joan Fairfax 33 Y ictpint] = i 4 5--Ci id , A ver! a3 p.m. Plans for a District; 5th Whitby Scouts and Cubs] 4--Science Museum Spay US Marehan ea and Pageant to celebrate Jub- Mothers' Auxiliary is holding a| 2--Junior Auction 11:30 P.*~ 4--De-n's The Menace é ilee year were discussed. It will rummage sale on Saturday at the 9:45 A.M 8:00 P.M new ep ¥ ised. 1h : E Saturde BLA i) 6--Wrestling * ig i BROC WHITBY Ce held on a Saturday in Octo-! Council Chambers. Taking an ac- 1--Let's Talk 5--Movie Hit Love Ligy pay them off with a cash loan from ay een Snuiline 3te 10:00 A.M. layhouse f4- BA Sullivan Phone MO 8-3618 ber. ive part are 'the following ladies: Sih , As the 1st company Guides are Mrs. D. O'Hagan, Mrs. LR Snistophers 2 Are ti er CITIZENS FINAN Bh. Areolutely she Evening Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. having a special meeting and|Bedard, Mrs. P. Burtinsky, Mrs.| 52---Howdy Doody Tove ot ae North 8:30 P.M. outboards ever built! » N coffee party with a dre , otelaz J. Go 4--Cartoon Show 2 Tia. F ow Playing Feature Starts at 7:15 and 9:35 | uv. 2 party with an address by H. Oetelaar and Mrs. J. Goodall. 10:30 A.M. SUNDAY Joi Soe We like to say "Your loan is OK" : | r, of Dunbarton, speak- ing on "Birds" on March 22. The| A birthday party was held for }j--Documentary *60 7--Church In The Home Tal Ps When bills pile up--and they dlways do around this Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Local Assocation meeting will be Bonnie, daughter of Mr. and| 52 Ruff and Reddy 8:15 A.M. 7--The Rebel time of year--the easiest way to take care of them may Bo Moeeanon Mrs. Bob Johnson, on the ocCa-| 4-Mixhty Mouse 2--Christian Science STs Shore be to total them up, and pay them all off with a cash Come and see pith . sion of her eighth birthday. The 11:00 AM. 8:30 AM. 4--G.F. Theatre loan from Citizens. This way, you'll have just one eas a 5 H1--Gene Autry Show 7--Herald of Tru 9:30 P.M. monthly payment. Your friendly Citizens Finance -- what's really 5-2 2--Sacred ieart 7--The Alaskans Manager can advise Jou on this and other money blushing bride and her French hubby. |Dalby, Debbie Willis, Susan 4g + Luey :45 A. right, Phyllis Cages, Marilyn 11:20 AM. i ion gin gi im Jnange v loon for you with @ rapoy- NEW jor ny M. ment plan that fits your budget. Citizens Finance has a 3 | MacNaughton, Beth Lee, Marion ti--How Wel DI 9:00 n Francie Deborah HERR Presented With w le , Tn ie. : io taps Did You 11--Rev. Oral tia oi George Gobel reputation for fast, courteous, confidential service, If SUMMER FUN 7--Search -2-- Loretta Young you like, all arrangements can be made by phone-- A gay, gorgeous, glorious love story of a Mis ] Parker |following guests attended: Bobbie hd - z " Life Membership Ke: 7, Cheryl D Penny, oh Ranch 0030 Tn Ly " i Purdy and Avrel Pascoe. Several A Fore ad 130 P.M, en Just come in to sign and pick up the cash. Give us Rossano BRAZZI Ne 7Cal) 452.9, 1| 4--Poneye Playhouse 11--Saber of London @ call or drop in to see us soon, A very pleasant evening was 2ames were enjoyed and 2--Faith of Israel 7--Not For Hire spent at the home of Mrs. John | raditional birthde S| 12:00 Noon 9:15 AM. §-Firiting Words BORROW $50 fo $2500 C27 : Parker, 132 Perry street, when |served along with other goodies. BUES Brnny I= Warshin Tw Maurice CHEVALIER Mrs. E. A. MacMillan, Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Johnson was assisted by| i=50uy Sa Tin aa Line liam Hewis and M H. Craw- Mrs, ght, and Mrs.| 4--Sky Kir 11:00 P.M. E nN 5 | NAN CE COUNTY N M-G-M's ; ; : : 1 i forth of the W y Baptist | ving. 2-Dr 2--Cartoon Playhouse 11.7-6-5-4-2--News: Church Mission Ci presented z g | : 10:00 AM, WTR PM. [ to Mrs. Parker a Dominion Life CR REMEDY Lab 11-7--The Christophers 2 P.M, oO Mm p | : Li TREE REMEDY rnstacy G Chri ; of tgs ANY vg and a A Id pin. MONTREAL (CP)--The parks| 5--Wrestling Se URHSHAR Selenes eet Ti=Late Stow : Lt ' Mm ITE 1] Mrs. Parker has been a mem- department plans to trea: all 14 4--Bo-a" Cartoon 2--Lavrel and Hardy 8--Backerround oan Manager: DON TULINE ber of the Mission Circle for a (532 elm tr hoy on civic arm Was PML 10:15 AM, gis Fuoatee 104 Brock Street S., Whitby, MO 8-2367 149 BROCK ST. N. jartas number of years. pres-lagain this year with ar secti- | 1:10) P.M. ina 7 i EH Oshawa residents call RA 3-9691 (no toll charge) PHONE | ond ache. is ying good cide to combat the Iu e'm | 11--Rollathon 11--Brave Theatre 4--Theatre Open Friday fill 8 p.m, Saturday till 12 noon health A Moto disezse. Last year tie d e-al-| 7-5 Gun Theatre 7--Morning Show 11:45 PM, Loans made in Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering and all nearby towns 0 8 501 M - presented in memory of Mrs. flicted onl 5 per cent, compared! 2 J s--Christophers 6--Camera Three Goodfellow, a former member of with: L71 per. c } hs 2 tinea 4--Unele Jerry | 5=Movie LOAN OFFICES IN ' i > per cent the previous 1:15 P.M 11:00 A 2:0 ! ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES exh Circle, 108 +R : M, 2:00 MIDNITE the Mission Circle, year, | 5-- Matinee 6--Church Sexvice ---- DN: l WHITBY