Lh SG SN SR tet KL Enlightening Talks To ORMTA Given By Music Supervisors education, in that it requires phy-| sical and mental co-ordination. The advantage of classroom | technique are the opportunity to get introduced to good music, and in orchestral work, it teaches good fellowship and self-control, and encourages good leadership. The Collegiate course includes) general musical knowledge with an examination set by the depart- ment of education. Mr. Reesor compared the social life to today with that of the Renaissance period, when almost everyone played an instrument of Helen Grant, Athol street east, some kind, and it was the custom are in Woodstock today attend- for people to gather at one|ing the funeral of Mrs. Grant's another's houses in the evenings, | mother-in-law, the late Mrs. with the sole object of "making George Grant. music together". ; He concluded with an outline of the requirements for the musical bachelor course. The speakers were thanked by Mrs. J. A. Kerr, and a social half-hour followed. Members were reminded thal numbers for the April 30 recital should be given to Mrs. E. Fer- guson. SOCIAL NOTICE PERSONALS Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon was host-| ess to the afternoon branch of the | WA of Christ Memorial on Tues-| day afternoon at her home, Park| Lane Apartments. Final arranze ments were made for the pan- cake supper to be held on Shrove Tuesday, March 1. Best wishes of the members were extended to Mrs. H. W. Ward who is leaving Oshawa to live in Florida. Mrs. Harry Wood poured tea and Mrs. W. R. Fisher, Mrs, Harry Pearce and Miss Florence Thomas served. | THIS IS Members of the Ontario Regis- tered Music Teachers' Association were privileged to hear two fine speakers, when Mrs. L. W. Par- rott opened her home for the February meeting. Mrs. J. A. Kerr, president, in- troduced Mr. Ross Metcalfe, su- pervisor of Music for Darlington Township public schools, who spoke on "Music in the Elemen- tary Schools Education," he said, "must establish a true sense of values in the intellectual, the spiritual and the physical realms and must train the young for the good life,". No subject, other than literature -can provide such tluminating and ennobling ex- perience to young and old, as that which music can give." The aims of the school music program should be to provide, through disciplined, and co-opera- tive choral or orchestral activities a satisfying outlet for the child's emotions, and to develop a de- sire to increase the scope knowledge in this field. Good choral work develops the under- standing and' appreciation of the| beauty of language," he said. Music through participation in festivals promotes a sense of good comradeship in the "pacing - of one another on the road to ENGAGEMENT perfection." | Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey B. Mec- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Heintzman, |Conkey of Oshawa announce the The present program of ele-| agement of their daughter, g_ Fores Heit 'bowevard, mentary schools includes song Willowdale I $ 1S aes song. > : ) | merpretation, posture, cariest JESSIE F050, 10 Gn" of i, a De abpreciation, action| cy rence Mackey 'of Gooderham, tgs, aul Tustature. Ontario, The wedding is to take To illustrate, Mr. Melcalle ace jn Kingston Road United brought with him, five young stu-| church Toronto, on Friday,| dents, Shirley Pickle, Janet Down, |Nfarch 11, 1960, at 7 p.m. {Stanley Found. LODGES AND SOCIETIES | | Mr. Alan Reesor was intro-| |duced as the teacher of Music in {Donevan Collegiate. He is also |organist and choirmaster of Sf. g George's Anglican Church, Osh-| | REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 awa. The object of high school| Sister Ann Holt, Noble Grand music, he said, is not to make [presided at the regular meeting professionals, but to encourage/of Rebekah Lodge No. 3 on talented pupils to go on further Wednesday evening, February 24, in their chosen instruments. {assisted by Sister Elsie Crawford Music is one of the most im-|in the vice grand's chair. | |portant of High School subjects,| The minutes were read also| he said, it includes all facets of |the notes of thanks to the Lodge. | [The sick report was given by| the vice grand. It was announced | donation is being sent to the| Navy League for the boys' train-| ing club. All members wishing to sub-| scribe for the International Re-| bekah paper were asked to leave their order with the secretary. BUY THE LARGE SIZE and SA VE FAMILY SIZE 100 TABLETS Mrs. Harold Grant and Miss Miss Lillian Thompson of To- ronto, an executive director of the Neighborhood Workers' Asso- ciation, who was the principal speaker at the meeting of the Canadian Diabetic Association last night, was a dinner guest of the Mothers' Group of CDA at Sandalwood prior to the meeting. Mrs. W. R. Lean is chairman of| the Mothers' Group. You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, anni. versaries and comings and go ings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge Please write or telephone . RA 3-3474, local 18. RELAXING IN THE SUNNY SOUTH sau's Loft House Club are reg- | and Mrs. R. G. Mills, Brook- ular visitors to Nassau, Mr. | side drive, Oshawa (right), and -- | their son-in-law and daughter. Seated among the waving palms in the garden of Nas- RA 3-343] Many Hostesses Entertain For Joanne Eleanor Jackman Heath, Clare Myers and Joy I'er Miss Joanne Eleanor Jackman) whose marriage to Mr. Robert!tile assisted in serving. Franklin Boyce will take place| From the girls of the sales de in Simcoe Street United Church|partment of General Motors tomorrow afternoon, has been|the bride-elect received an elec feted at several pre-nuptial|iric automatic can opener and events. knife sharpener, and from the Last Saturday afternoon and|staff of the sales department 2 evening Mrs. H. C. (Cubby Jack-|turquoise bridge set of table and 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fr zl Successful Night Of Cards Jointly Sponsored By Groups ter at a trousseau tea. To | Following the rehearsal thi ceive Mrs. Jackman close elec-|evening, the bridal party will be S tholic Church auditorium was|Lack, Mrs. David Shutka. tric blue silk crepe. The mother entertained by Mrs. Ethe of the future bridegroom chose Candy, mother of the prospect C filled to capacity when the Cath-| Mrs. G. King, Mrs. J. Dodds, jolic Women's League and the Mrs, J. Dionne, Mrs. M. Lam- TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA ZELLER SE TONIGHT RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS or UNTIL9 P.M. THRIFTY CANADIAN DAYS! Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 iday, oY: February 26, 1960 1d ive be Mary of the People Roman|Brady, Mrs. C. Roesche, Mrs. H. NEWS FROM SOURCE SUDBURY, Ont. (CP) -- Mem- { pers of Mrs. Catherine Bies' high school class who say the best way "to study is to "'go to the source" | have a letter from Fidel Castro, answering their queries as to how played on the stage. The prize winners among the euchre play- ers were Mrs. R. Walker, Miss Betty Dawson, Mrs. Dorothy Daw, Mrs. C. Hooper, John Car- dinal, Steve Coe, Mrs. I. Plews, was wearing a sheath dress of|crescent. chocolate brown figured pure| Ra Clare Myers, Joan Kelly, Kay: ae UXT Mrs. Max Coleman and Mrs.|Chamberland, Howard Gimblett, Hamilton, also Mrs. Alex. Gar [IY Seid its Tegulae Sheeune at| Richard Lacroix were the con-|Fred Fraser, William Wekking, and Miss Susan Jackman. | port. Mrs, Wilfred Ogden and| Mrs. Chamberland and Mrs Among others whi have enter-| rg Robert Hewitt gave the|Russell Jubenville, the ticket con-| serving. Mrs. Norman Short and Miss Edward Romanuk, Mrs. Robert Coleman and Miss Susan Jack- was convened by Mrs. Charles Patten and Miss Joan Kelly. O'Neil, 'Barbara(and. Mrs. Arthur Lymer: sociallalso introduced the general con Bridge and draw prize winners list convener's report was given|,, ap i by Mrs. Osden. Lad AB ely had| Mrs. W, 3. SoTeant and 'Mts Mrs. Robert Gow presided for|, selection of home made candy| 12urice Taillon. | the installation of officers for 1960|prightly packaged for sale, Mrs.| D0Or prizes were won by Mrs. as follows: president, Mrs. Cleve Kenneth McRae had charge of/H. Gimblett, Mrs. V. St. Pierre W. McMann; vice-president, Mrs. the euchre section Mrs. S. P. Beaupre, Miss Emily Jack Cooper; secretary, Mrs.| The Reverend Norbert Gignac Mackie, Mrs. Mary Cullen, Mrs. Robert Hewitt; press reporter,gave a few words of welcome. McDonald, Mr, John Cardinal, Mrs. William Haight: telephone Later the prize winners were an.| Mrs. D. Smith, Mrs, Harold conveners, Mrs. Wilfred Ogden nounced by Father Gignac, who Brain, and Mrs. I. Leclerc. convener, Mrs. John Jenkins: \veners and presidents of the two|were Mrs. A. Hurst, Mrs. sick list convener, Mrs. Byard) groups. He also named and|Westlake, Mrs. D. Leach, Mrs. King; bingo committee,« Mrs.|thanked the rest of the conveners|S. J. Beaupre, Mrs. J. Lawrence, Wilfred Ogden; whist committee,|and their committees who par-|Mrs. Harold Booth, Mrs. A. C. things stand in Cuba. | | | FASHION MINDED Mrs. Hugh T, Nichol of Whit- by will act as commentator when the Windsor Chapter of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire presents its an- nual fashion show in the Whitby District High School, | March 9. GET THE BEST | For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING | 926v2 SIMCOE ST. N. | OSHAWA RA 8-6451 or RA 34131] Mrs. Robert" Hewitt. ticipated in the card party. Love, Mrs. J. Falrhatt, Mrs. C. Following the meeting the host-| Mrs, Howard Gimblett and|Harper, Mrs. R. LeBlanc, Helen esses, Mrs. Robert McDonough Mrs. Ronald Gibbs, conveners of| McAdam, Mr. W. Dowe, Mrs. J and Mrs. Fred Stewart led in a|the refreshment committee, were|Moresca, Mrs. R. Walker, Maur. few contests which were won by|assisted by Mrs. V. St. Pierre,|ee0 Mattis and Mrs. A. Courtney. Mrs. Boris Kapczynski, Mrs. Wil-|Mrs, L. Quenneville, Mrs. P.| liam Haight and Mrs. John Rochefort, Mrs. A. Leclerc, Mrs HOUSEHOLD HINT 3 LAYETTE SET ser 1.37 Infants' GRAND "BUY" DUSTER SPECIAL! 2.47 LADIES' SIZES S, M, L -- Sale-priced cotton "Criskay" Dusters in trim belted style nightie, jacket, re- ceiving blanket of soft flette., and a rattle to play with! SIZES 32-38: -- Dainty Blouses in white, spring- right new colors, and pretty prints. Viscose an afternoon dress of cham-|pridegroom. The party will pagne Chantilly lace and net over|held at the home of Mr. and silk taffeta. The future bride/Mrs, Douglas Boyce, Woodle silk. All wore corsages of carna- > 5 tions. Bathe Park Aux. Serving were Mrs. George Federat Des F es C. Hawk of Mimico, Mrs. W. H. . | Federation Des Femmes Cana-hoyrne, Mrs. K. Johnson, Mrs. Jardin, the Misses Barbara Blake. | Names Officers {diennes Francaises held their an-|j Hirth and Messrs. Cliff ley, Anna O'Neil, Marion Heath,| mye Bathe Park Ladies' Auxil nual Night of Cards. |Roesche, George King, Lucien den, Mrs. Douglas Boyce andr... residing Cc. w veners of this successful and en-|yictor Lavergne, Hart Williams, Mrs. Edward Romanuk. : Sa 8. joyable event. Gilbert Bois, Leo Bourdages, and Presiding il the rooms contain: The minutes were read and the Receiving with the convener: Victor St. Pierre. | ing the shower and 'wedding|annual report was given by Mrs Vere Mrs Lucien Chamberiani The prizes attractively wrap- trousseau gifts were Miss Aud-| William Haight and Mrs. John presices ae lion t SF ped in pastel shades were dis-| drey Goyne, Mrs. Norman Short| Fisher gave the treasurer's re ihe CWL. 7; Presiden: = tained were Mrs, Alex Garden| .. " : 1 |veners, were assisted by Mrs. 0 Miss Clate Myers. co-host whist and bingo reports. The Sick! Goorge King at the ticket table. ower | at the former's home, Nash road, Oshawa. Miss Marlene Peel and Mrs. William Bennett assisted in Audrey Goyne entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Short. Assisting in serving the 46 guests were the Misses Ama Blakeley, Kay Hamilton, Mrs. man. -The neighbors. arranged -a-sur-| prise party at the home of the future bride, Nassau street, and presented a white leather uphol- stered bucket chair. The party Mrs. Neville Lawrence, Taylor crescent, entertained at an eve-| ning party, attended by co-work- ers of the future bride, from Gen- eral Motors: the Misses Marion with pert little collar, neat pockets, dainty lace trims. Lovely prints, 97. SPECIAL ! SHOE BAG 97. 12-pocket quilted plastic in gold color prints with ""Lurex"' stitching. Worth double. Zeller's Special Price. Fisher. I. Lanteigne, Mrs. Gilbert Bois, Refreshments were served and|Mrs, F. Fraser, Mrs. H. Williams, Mrs. Gilmour Rutherford and|Mrs. Joseph Chinn, Mrs. Augusta Mrs. Fred Stewart held the lucky|Deschemeeker, Mrs, F. Donald, cups. Mrs. J. F. Vincent, Mrs, John On a cold winter day, wipe the clotheslines with a cloth moisten- ed in vinegar and the clothes will not stick to them. and cotton poplins. Sale- Priced! 2-PC. SET! PANTIES and HALF SLIP $1.39 VALUE! -- Ladies' lace-trimmed rayon Lingerie Set in white ond postel shades. S, M, L. Sale-Priced oh INFANTS' NIGHTIES 2 for #8 of white The Perfect Spring W Starts with a #lacks Bride For at Blacks' the bride-to-be knows she ean select the most becoming gown for herself and her bridal party . . . from one of the finest eollections of bridal fashions. Long-sleeve style, flette. with Reg. price 59¢ each. pastel trims. | Success trio . . . in cruise linen, by SPORTEMPOS 25.00 You can wear it right now . . . its textured fabric has an all- season look ! A talented little ensemble, versatile enough to cover all your needs . . . career- wise or travel-wise. The bright printed blouse spills over onto the jacket lining. In beige-white- einnamon tones or black with white . . . for sizes 9 to 17. Fittings end . . . the Look of Connie' Jn in enchantment as she walks Cones puiveat down the aisle in a cloud of pure silk organza, chantilly type lace, trimmed with seed pearls. 125.00. id BOUDOIR LAMPS A great variety of modern and novelty 2.98 Other Gowns 49.95 to 149.9% design lamps, complete with shades. Lovely decorator colors. Zeller's Thrift-Priced. REG. VALUE 19¢ EACH 2.87: (3 SUPERB "BUY"! ---- 18-by- 23-inch Kitchen Towels of absorbent "Blotter" cloth, with colorful des Ex- gig FLETTE. SLEEPERS 1.47 Set of a Sleepers Top, and two Watching Bridesmaids 0 Accessories available. Nursery prints. consists Styled by SPORTEMPOS £ acks LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 Open Te-night till 9 P.M. for 4. pairs of footed Pants change-about. Sizes | - ceptional Value! ZELLER'S LIMITED Savings-priced! LADIES WEAR LTD. SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. §. - PHONE RA 3.2209 DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 » 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 OPEN TO-NIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK