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The Oshawa Times, 5 Mar 1960, p. 9

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SERVICE OF RECOGNITION HELD AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Friday evening a recognition | Valley Association of Baptist | Church, Oshawa. From left are service for the Slavic Church of | Churches in fellowship with the | Rev. J. K. Zeman, assistant Evangelical Christians and Bap- | Baptist Convention of Ontario secretary of the Baptist Home tists was held by the Trent | and Quebec in First Baptist | Mission Board, Toronto, who | presides; Rev. G. E. Downing, | Lakefield, vice moderator of the the Slavic Church; Rev. John | Ward, of Whitby and Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, pasior of i ist Churc - |left before the deadline on March association; John Aru, pastor of First Bapuist Church, who con- [left before | i the service. --Oshawa Times Photo -- | ey | dhe Oshawa Tunes PAGE NINE SECOND SECTION Criticize Starr On Unemployed ie PC Policies Under Attack Hon. Paul Martin, minister of|that the plan was meeting with health and welfare in the St.|resistance from all major farm |Laurent cabinet, in an address|organizations and publications. to the members of the Ontario] The farmer has a right at the Riding Liberal Association in the|beginning of a year to know what McLaughlin Public Library Fri-/to expect as the minimum price day night, accused Labor Minis- he will receive, Mr. Martin con- ter Michael Starr with failing to tended. OSHAWA, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1960 Half Drivers |licences will mean standing in line in the last few days before | the expiry dale. There will be no extension of |the expiry date beyond March 16. Mr. Donald reports that sufficient staff is available to handle the Still Without New Licences _ iss forms aici se Harry Donald, department ofthan 50 per cent of the motoring transport agent in Whitby, stress-|public in the Whitby area have ed today that motorists in the|not purchased their new licences. area should renew their drivers'| The licence bureau is located licences and plates without delay.|at Donald Motors Limited in | With only nine business days| Whitby. It will be open from 9 (a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Sat- |16, the inevitable result of put-/urday when the closing hour is 12 (ting off the purchase of the newinoon. TO SPEND $515,170 - Electrical Expansion Program Is Mapped The electric department of the|on 600 additional services (11,000), area and the purchase and in- Oshawa Public Utilities Commis-| rental flat rate water he stallation of network type trans- sion. expects to spend a total of based on 600 installations ($ former and arrangements to $515,170 on its program for 1960. 000); extensions to serve new sub-| cables and metering equipment at The commission plans to finance divisions as required duting the a cost of $24,000 has been carried the program from surplus and year ($40,000). over from 1959, debenture funds on hand "a a Nays . Street lighting on Wilson road Two substantions and equipment UNDERGROUND EXTENSIONS north from Landsdowne to Ross- carried over from 1959 are among| A possible underground exten- land road has been carried over the projects to be completed in sion planned for 1960 is to the from 1960. Thirty two units are to 1960. They are the sub station residential underground systems be installed ($3190). on Keewatin street ($74.800) and|in Brookside Acres and Beau Val- the Court street substantion for ley. The figure of $9600 covers NEW STREET LIGHTING which an additional $8,500 is re- the commission's share of the Four new projects are planned quired. cost only for 1960. Rossland road east to Among new substation hl : the city limits and Wilson road jects is the installation of 44KV| diree overhead distribution bet- [i ogiately morth of Rossland > terments will be carried over. .4 will } ovided. A fuses on transformers and ad =q mT road wi ve provided with 11 : : : from 1959. They are the construc- at ao $1320 8 ditional relays on transformer on : units at a cost of $1320; Adelaide 4 x : ttion of 4KV primary feeder on o,.ot es Q b breakers in Richmond street sub-| iio "street east. from Farewell . reet east from Simcoe street to ing street Ke t om : Sre I Mary street, seven units ($1900): avenue: to Keewatin street sub- park road north from Walmer staion, at a cost of $7000 44KV PROJECTS station ($7800): relocation of ex- avenue to Nipigon street, 13 units $3800); street lighting in new Two 44KV substranmission pro- isting distribution to new 44KV jects are carried. over from 1959: Pole line on King street east from cp q4ivicions based on the number the completion of 44KV line on Farewell avenue to Keewatin av-| or units installed in 1959 ($7000). King Street East from Farewell enue (87100) relocation of exist- Lighting is to be increased in avenue to Keewatin street sub- ing distribution to new 44 KV pole oyen different areas of the city station ($5100); the construction line on Bloor street west and gy. are Rossland road west from of 4KV line from HEPC Thorn-| conversion of the existing primary image to Stevenson road. 46 units ton road transformer station to t0 4-0 copper between Park road sun) park road north from King supply OPUC substation via Thor- and Stevenson road for a total treat to Walmer avenue, 40 units nton's road and Bloor street west €0st of $15,600. $5200); Nipigon street from jun- ($34,900). There are two new overhead ction of Park road to Under averhead distribution ex- distribution betterments planned road, 10 units ($1300); Ritson road Jentions there are seven new pro- for 860; Sundry, small better- north from King street to Ade- ee «feeder os is Including addit-|laide. street. 23 units ($3000): Richmond street substation to tielional transformers and AS ita east ns street to in with 241F2 feeder on Ritson size of transformers as load grows| Ritson road, 29 units ($3800); Ade- road ($2400); extend 241F8 feeder based on 1959 figures ($35,000): laide street from Park road to south on Albert street to tie in an automatic transfer switch for|Stevenson road and from Mary with 244F on Bloor street; ($2600); the Oshawa General Hospital. |street to Ritson road, 40 units Jetvice Suunestions to consumers ($2500). { (852001; Mary street from Athol on street to Adelaide street, 28 units ($20,000); metering equipment TRANSFORMER VAULT $5300). Rie i installations based on 600 new, One undergroud improvement Equipment and sundry small consumers (20,000) water heater the construction of one additional|jobs account for the remainder control relay installations based transformer vault in the business/of the total of $515,170. pro- new consumers "TAG-TEAM' ASSAULT Rossland | wl RCAF ASSOCIATION MEMBERS GATHER FOR CONVENTION Members of the Ontario Group | annual convention, A fine pro- of the Royal Canadian Air Force Association Friday night started gathering in Oshawa for their gram, climaxed by a banquet at Hotel Genosha tonight, has | been arranged by the 420 (Osh- act on the unemployment prob-| However, if the government is lem. determined to institute deficiency "Rather than do something he|Payments they should be calcu. has asked the opposition for lated on the basis of regional suggestions. The minister of labor average prices rather than a na- was elected to remedy the situa-|tional average in order to be fair tion not to ask us what to do," | to poorer regions, Mr. Martin pro- commented the Hon, Mr. Martin, [Posed. He said that the federation Mr. Martin referred to Prime|Of agriculture is in favor of this Minister John Diefenbaker as a|amendment. "head nodding, sharp fingered" | «p A NKRUPT POLICY" politician, 'Never has there been| He termed the present govern a more arrogant government in ment a "bankrupt policy". He apads, han, the government of sid the government, considering oo ' : '|the large surpluses a alling Mr. Martin was referring to the .: : p prime minister's refusal to dis- DC Jeaping ihe resus Sus he Liberals Jrotosals for| an sections of the country for the Ssening ploy * purposes of voting support". The "WASTE OF MANPOWER" promises were just not economic- About 200 people applauded vig- ally sound, he said. orously when the former cabinet] The minimum number of per- minister indicated the present ad- sons unemployed and receiving ministration for "this shameful unemployed and receiving un- waste of manpower" and with employment insurance was 782,- failing to give the farmers of|000, according to the latest fig- Canada, referring to the deficien-|{ures available, Mr. Martin said. cy payments proposal, * a fair He charged that the only action share of the national income". |the government had taken was an Mr. Martin said there was no-| anemic" winter works program thing personal in his condemna-|MPploying only 40,000. tion of Mr. Starr's policies.| ApyvISORY BOARD PROPOSED Rather the unemployment prob-|""ar. = aronin proposed a long lem, Swoud 3 De 13een veel Ww he term advisory board to deal with Tabor 'ministry. He deplored the| Problems of production and. un. fact that none of the eabinet | ployment, a special patiiamien. ministers except Mr. Starr had| ary Somm} oe, 2 era prouvin: spoken during the recent seven- Sig] son erehee firm SO ores day debate on unemployment. ed by Claude Jodoin, president of FARM POLICY ATTACKED the Canadian Labor Congress, to The government was chastised|deal with the situation. by Mr. Martin for its proposal to| He said an outstanding business pay deficiency payments on hogs man, with the qualities of know- and eggs rather than a straight | ledge and leadership, should be price support program. He said engaged to report on the problem. 'Play Director 'Has Much Ability | awa) Wing of the association | desk, registering, left to right, which is acting as host. Seen | Cecil Corkan, of Barrie; Fran here are Una Sym, Paul Col- | Ladoucer, of Barrie; Del Kelly ' 1a . of Barrie and Bob Mills, of | lins and Bea Murphy, behind | Kitchener. PUC To Spend [FATHER JOBLESS $184,937 On Waterworks Evicted a Henry Chapman, the director j TH of the Pilgrim Players presenta- i [tion of "Charley's Aunt" at the i [McLaughlin Library Theatre next |week, is a dynamic force in the ; (theatre life of Oshawa and dis- ! trict. Mr. Chapman, born in England, { served six years as a dispatch {rider with the Imperial Forces, amily waterworks | Needs Furniture Commission, at a recent meeting, 4 adopted the 1960 works program | for its waterworks department. family with five children who|lowing The program calls for the ex-|\Vere evicted from their penditure of $184,937. The com- for non-payment of rent came for delivery to the family by the to light today when the city welfare department at the city welfare department made an ap- hall: peal for furniture on behalf off One crib. the family Two single beds with matresses The father is jobless and the| Two double beds children range in age from one| One chesterfield and three dres- to 11 Sers. The landlord ordered the bailiff DESERVING CASE A to seize the family's furniture This is a most deserving and during the eviction. urgent case, said Mr, Chese- . : 3 ; |brough. The family is separated H. .G. Chesebrough, city wel-lnoy hecause of the eviction but The tragic story of an Oshawa Fine Two Women $10 And Costs secution for Mrs. Rychkoski, ac- § cused the defendant of ganging up on his client and fighting her "tag-team" style. items were needed im- mission estimates the gross oper- ating surplus for 1960 from the waterworks department, on the basis of the present rate struc- ture, from which the program will be financed, as $200,000. Of the total $12,012 will. be ex- pended for tools and equipment One of the major items is the replacement of one of the trucks used by the department. It is expected that approx- imately $106,000 will be spent on sundry construction and re- arrangements of services. Some : of this work will be contingent Z upon city street and bridge con- hi |struction, ! | ROTARY SPEAKER | The commission estimates it > a Iwill install 55 new fire hydrants Peter Casson, special repre- [while $20,000 is expected to be sentative in Canada of the spent on new meter installations. | United Nations High Commis- Some repairs aie planned at| sioner for Refugees, who will [ihe pumping station as well 25) be the speaker at the luncheon improvement to the grounds and meeting of the Rotary Club of driveways at the lakefront plant. Oshawa at Hotel Genosha next EE Those who celebrate today Monday. He will talk on the S ol | Pp y are: Judy Roe, 1030 Colborne refugee problem. Mr. Casson | street east; Pauline Rudyk, Two women were convicted of common assault in Oshawa Mag- istrate's court Friday after one of the accused testified she had "socked" another woman in the eye while she "had a glow on" Eleanora Taillon, 24 and Mar garet Clemenger, 20, of 238 Drew st., were convicted of commonly assaulting Bernice Rychkoski Buena Vista St., all testified they were married but were separa- ted from their husbands Magistrate F. S. Ebbs each. of the accused $10 costs. Mrs. Rychkoski showed the mag- istrate two black eyes and said she had received them when the two accused beat her up at the latter's apartment. She said they "She was tagged all right from the look of those black eyes", the Magistrate Ebbs quipped. The. complainent said she had a witness, Bob Pritchard, who'% was supposed to come to court § but he was scared because he had brought the beer and given some to Margaret Clemenger, a minor. He was with Eleanora 'on the bed", she said. Mrs. Taillon, from the witness stand, accused the complainant of being "'plastered" and of picking Pritchard up at a taxi stand be- cause he was "good for a case t of beer". She admitted giving the hit her across the neck and face phlack eye but said Rychkoski had and knocked her out. called Mary a "tramp" and was Terry Kelly, conuducting the pro swearing in front of her children. had obtained a house for the fam-| nic furniture is obtained." ily -- mother and father are both| One of the older children suf- on relief but that furniture ered a fractured skull in an auto was urgently needed if they were accident recently but has returned to be able to occupy it. Ifrom hospital treatment. Junior Prom Marks End OCVI Exams By SANDY PITMAN fined re and bi CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birthdays this weekend. | Helped Forge Two Cheques A youth came all the way from Calgary to give himself up on a forgery charge, his lawyer told Magistrate F. S. Ebbs, when he pleaded, in Friday's court, for a suspended sentence for his client Joseph Zarowny, 20, of 24 Rose hill. boulevard, admitted in a statement to detectives, helping fo forge two cheques for a total of more than $1100 drawn on his father's account in April, 1959 The magistrate remanded him for one week in custody pending a pre-sentence report To Enlarge Filtration Plant Here |OCVI and many of us are appre- hensively awaiting March 9. The {schedule runs until March 16 and {during that time meetings of var- {ious clubs will be cancelled to |give way to the exams, The annual Junior Prom takes will .also address the Canadian Club of. Ontario County at its 283 Monash avenue; Mrs. Stan ley Zarawny, 24 Rosehill meeting in the evening. -- In Oshawa boulevard; Ervia Marie Reid, Is Dismissed . Controlled 29 Sunset driv y Usl 7 Marquette street; Robert AL aildition "iat: Weld Coombes, 772 Fraser avenue; crease the ar oF ou "You seem fo have a habit of Charges that diseased meat is| Lynda Thompson, 619 Somer- 3 7 5 getting off the hook in these being sold in some butcher es-| water filtration plant by one half things," Magistrate F. S. Ebbs|tablishments in Toronto, has led has been put for tender by the Friday told a man accused of{to some fears that it is also being Oshawa Public Utility Commis. |Peating his common-law wife as|distributed in other centres in the he "reluctantly" dismissed the area. he. 5h charge against him W. McMullan, of the federal le present capacity of the peter Siblock, of 16 Ritson road department of agriculture live- plant, which purifies the city's north, had changed his plea from stock inspection branch in To- drinking water, is 12,000,000 gal-| "guilty" to *'not guilty" when he ronto said today that while grad- lons a day. The addition will'saw the complainant, May King, |ing of animals is carried out by purify an additional 6,000,000 gal- was not in court to testify against the federal department, the onus Beating Case {ful way to celebrate the end of drive: |exams. The theme will be 2 |"Hawaii" and tickets, at $2 a |couple, will be available from any of the committee members. |So, come on boys, ask your girl, buy your tickets and attend one celebrate fof the biggest dances of your school year! Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. the boys {of O'Neill Bantam Basketball court Apartments, Ajax; Bob Martin, 419 Milan Macie Tyler, 28 Oshawa boulevard north; Collette Chamberlain, 253 Quebec street and Lucy Crampton, 20 Colborne street east. Those who will their birthdays on Sunday are: Betty Ann Groat, 374 Jar- sion. Mr. Chesebrough said the fol- home mediately and would be accepted: fare administrator, siad the city|they can he together as soon as Once again exams are near al ville street; Lois Kemp, Kings-/ Place March 18. It is a wonder-| |also well known in English ama- |teur motorcycle racing circles. He came to Canada in 1947. a He is a plumber by trade, and lis employed as plumbing inspec tor for the city of Oshawa. He has brothers and sisters ii England, South Africa, and Aus | tralia. § Henry Chapman. has written § |several plays, which have been |produced; and is now engaged on lone which he hopes will have a {truly Canadian flavor. He studied theatre under Leon- lard Crainford, now in charge of |productions for the CBC and Al Saxe of the New York Group, Theatre, who is an associate of «ya sumh " i Eli Kazan, He studied "The|ant "The Old Lady Shoxs mer | Method" with Eli Rill, also of the Nedals," "The Man in the Bowl [or member of the. Oshawa Latiie|cr, Hat «Christ in the Concrete v ity," rt: Theatre, Whitby Theatre Suild, Sly, a Witness for the Pro- {and the Pilgrim Players. He will . also be remembered as founder, by Hie Joo dionied lor She B {and director of the '""Cameo's," a| A | group that toured with play read. Street United Young Peoples, and Editor Here | E x {St. Andrew's Church, Whitby, | 0 S d ings, from Dickens, Shakespeare ry ? or 4d fH un ay and Shaw. He is a member of| "here his Christmas children's aw. plays of past years are still re- Pastor Francis D. Nicol, ofthe Christian Drama Council of Balai y y Washington, D.C., editor of the Canada, and has studied mime | ¢ Mr. Chapman has been respon- [Review wad Herald, oftie/s] orgay ides Jack Medhurst of Toronto.| peso stage sets or most of the Some of the plays directed by above productions. Church, will speak at 8 p.m.|Mr. Chapman since he came to Sunday in the Oshawa Mission-|Oshawa are, 'Blithe Spirit," by] lary College Auditorium. [Noel Coward; 'The Man Whol Adults Plan Skating Club | Mr. Nichol, a leading executive|Came to Dinner," "Bell, Book of the church will report on his and Candle," 'Night Must Fall," recent 32-nation tour which in-|"Charley's Aunt," "Harvey," cluded a visit inside Russia. A-|'Witness for the Prosecution," pearing only once in Ontario, the "Christ in the Concrete City," | speaker is expected to attract|*"Trifles," "The Man in the Bowl- A roller skating club for adults is to be formed in Oshawa. This |was disclosed at the meeting of ithe Oshawa Children's Arena {Commission Thursday at the |arena, /many Adventists from distant er Hat." | | points. | In announcing the proposed |visit, Oshawa resident Pastor Henry D. Henrikson, president of 116th Veterans | the Ontario Conference of the Sev- {enth-day Adventist Church, gave a » | i i tribute to Mr. Nichol's ability as Plan Reunion | te fis meetitic of the pro. an author, editor and speaker. He, |Potd ton or Sea 3 day, Mar stated, "As editor, Mr. Nichol| Plans are already under way|I¢'d at the arena, Thursday, 2%ar. is aware of the moral obligation|for the reunion of the men who ** . [resting upon one who assumes/served with the 116th Battalion, About 160 letters will be sent the fearful role of shaping human |which was raised in Ontario|to persons who are thought to be |opinion", Mr. Henriksen continu-|County during the First World interested in roller skating in HENRY CHAPMAN | PASTOR F. D. NICHOL He acted in "Blithe Spirit," Washington |Oshawa 'inviting them to the Zarowny said he had given his father's account number and sig- nature card to John Napiorowski who practised the signature and then cashed the two cheques, The cheques were written on the ac- count of Stanley Zarowny and made payable to W. Sibeon. Na- piorowsky had a phoney birth certificate with this name, Zar owny told police. The accused said, in his state- ment, they had used the money to buy a car and go to Vancouver. lons a day. him, The tender includes the build-| The magistrate asked him ing to house the plant, It will which common-law wife he was be erected to the east side of the in trouble with this time (Siblock present filtering building, at the has been in Oshawa Magistrate's lake, off Guy avenue. Court before on similar charges) The addition is to be completediand then warned him, '"'one of for use in 1961. Tenders will be'these days you are going to get received until Mar. 21. it." Canadian Bank of Commerce $50 CHOIRBOYS' SNACKS per month until 'his share of the, WALLINGTON, England (CP) $1100 was paid if he received a Mice attracted by biscuit crumbs of inspection lies on the munic- ipal department of health There is no compulsory grad- ing of livestock, but when depart- ment inspectors put their stamp designating an animal as Red, Blue, or Commercial grades, it means that the animal was free from disease, in addition to as- sessing the quality. Dr. J. E. Watt, supervisor of environmental = sanitation, said Friday he has heard no com- vis street; Mary Parker. 227 Montrave avenue; Gloria Finn, RR 3, Oshawa; Eileen Ogden, Courtice; Wayne Chappel, 333 Lakeshore road and Dorothy McElhinney, 563 Ridgeway avenue. The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double: tickets to The [she is up and around as soon asted to suggest ways in which the renew Regent Theatre good for a four-week period. The cur- rent attraction is "Samson team met Central at CCI in an exhibition game. The outcome of the game was a triumphant vic- |tory for O'Neill with a score of 27-13. | One of our Grade 13 students, Andi Gifford, is a skiing casualty, land is in hospital with a broken {leg. We all certainly hope that | possible. gram, the topic is *"'Entertain- ed, "As a world traveller, he is|War. qualified to not only visit amiab-| ly with people of all nationali- ties and beliefs, but to also evalu- ate in understandable terms the| needs and desires that motivate |{them"', Having witnessed the spiritua and physical needs of people in many lands, Mr. Nichol is expec-| day, old friendships church can make a greater contri-| Precious to them, Christ, "Go ye therefore and word from General G. 'C. This annual event, which will be held at Hotel Genosha on Fri- April 8, will reunite the dwindling group of men who saw in service in England and France. classes in roller skating. 1| Although their numbers are grad- ually declining their enthusiasm |still remains and opportunities to are meeting. Anyone who is interest- led in roller skating is invited to {attend the first meeting of the {new club. A professional teacher be engaged to. conduct junior club will be formed {for children during the summer holidays. A roller skating queen will be {chosen sometime during the sum- | On this Monday's radio pro- pution in fulfilling the command | The committee has Teceived mer and she will be sent to the R. |Ontario roller skating queen con- plaints of this nature in the Osh- awa area | The city has a meat inspection ment" and such people as Ed Sullivan and Wayne and Shuster will be interviewed. Be sure to listen in. It will probably be quite |interesting. suspended sentence dropped by choirboys were in blamed for a fire in the churcl bees convicted iif rsh icy 9 on the same charge and re this Derbyshire town. The bylaw and Dr. Watt said he feels! rowny later went to Calgary ceived a suspended sentence pro- mice nibbled through electric that "meat that comes to Osh- Zarowny promised to pay the, viding he repaid the money. 'wires running from the organ. |awa is pretty well controlled". | The pair had also spent 90 days in a California jail after they had vi Za and Delilah" and "Ulysses". Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Napiorowski was convicted 105¢ Ney of all nations." (Math 28:19.) Pearkes, Canada's minister of|test at Simcoe on Sept. 22. Pastor Henriksen stated that|/national defence and a former| P. A. Fernley, the assistant residents of the community were commanding officer of the unit, manager of the Children's Arena, cordially invited to attend the|that he will attend and take part/was presented with a gift. He is service. in the festivities. returning to England shortly.

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