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The Oshawa Times, 5 Mar 1960, p. 18

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s-- 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Merch 5, 1960 -3 a4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Grain Deficiency Ce Payment Refused 50--Articles for Sale 52--Legal Notices USED tires, most all sizes. $3 and up | By KEN KELLY | 3. Payments on oats and bar- B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA_5-4543 | Canadian Press Staff Writer ley probably would result in the BARGAINS: Full freezer 1iy., $89 4nd OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-|U.S. excluding them from U.S. $99; washing machine, $25 vacuum Diefenbak h turned d Ima kets lacing duties against cleaner, $19; transistor radio, $19.95; ter Diefenbaker has turned down markets or placing duties ag GFE kettle, $6; steam iron, $6; sewing requests of prairie farmers for/them, thus shrinking markets. machine $18; continental beds X69. deficiency payments on grain 4. Payments would increase platen Foc pieg 30 54 only $49.50. crops, raising the prospect of an- federal storage charges which | new; 2-piece bed chesterfields, $69.50 ONTARIO (other lengthy agricultural debate amounted last year to $39,800,000] and $79.50, new; bookeages or eHing in the 'Commons. and would boost the cost of mov-| cabinets, new, only $19.95; efirame seis, i He announced the decision Fri- ing grain to consumers "in a sit- , $39.95 and $49.95; used bed ends R -r fin Work ne {ng g E S t new springs, $9 Tplece dining room | €-roo g day--Opposition Leader Pearson uation of world surplus." : ? oo § set, only $59: step-up tables, new, $8.95 . d called it "entirely negative" with-| "We recognize that certain ; 6 " More bargains at our two Joeations, Main an out alternative aid--and cited a grain farmers in Western Canada i hg Nu-Life 'ommunity Fur y iach rors i . Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131 Auditorium variety of reasons. : i require assistance but we are un- : 3 . J FOR sale or rent, 30 watt portable, | The prime minis'er's 40-minute able to accept the suggested pro-| : Clear, high-gloss finish : speech amounted to rejection of gram of deficiency payments for 2 ' PA amplifier, two mike's and two pho-| tal : opr CET Buildings deficiency payments he estimated the reasons which I have out- . for hardwood floors ¥ no-controlled inputs cost $175. Make offer. RA 39430 | at $325,000,000 and of a two-price|lined." ; NIG a en BE) ONTARIO HOSPITAL [2 ee a Oe ote A : . : Prompt service. Free estimates. Order Tm TWO-PRICE SYSTEM : AE " Put an end to waxing and now for early delivery. Chair and table COBOURG, ONTARIO the door open to some form of R ' , 7 ; ji , \\ : ! imple do rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North.| , aid, such as the acreage payment Regarding a two-price system a - { buffing . . . a simple domp GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup of $41,000,000 made in 1958. for Wheat Jigher Pic Jor do- = mopping occasionally keeps DR eT Serms. 10 cent | ¢ ix /mestic consumption than for ex-| oo i plies, new Judy ed, ler 10 PT Bead) SEALED FIXED SUM TEN. Mr. Pearson was left only six ET Sg ork Regi ding atte y your hardwood floor gleam- Sows; nag DERS propertly endorsed, will minutes in which to reply but, administrator a i = : ing bright. "Nu-Life" is a p 5 5 bookcases only 99c with be received by the Tenders besides coming out in favor of|° 2 ministrative difficulties. : : od gs i 2 fi ira TEX of one pice of unpainted Secretary, Room 6630, East deficiency payments based on I In addition to that, there is . colourless, quick-drying fin. costs of production, the Liberal the recognized jan just the 1wor 4 ish that applies easily, wears leader promised to give detailed Price sysiem, I é 1ed 2 P E to effect on the basis of the! in very well, the pu n fu miture, hest of Grawers S17, desks Block, Parlioment Buildings, record. cabinet $18, room divider Toronto 2, Ontario, until 3 Is lat f id t in IDV 22. hookcas ard $15. Wilson m. (EST) on proposals later for aid to grain indivi s h00 e P > | production of an individual, Furniture, 20 Caurch Street |farmers. . THURSDAY, MARCH 31, | against small farmers but would EATON Opportunity FOR quick sale frigerator, cost $420. | » ba pn . + Will sell $50 n; single bedroom 1960 WESTERN DELEGATION hurt most those who decided to D $ ial ay Special, marched on Ottawa a year ago those who had a poor crop or Quart pieces. RA 5-6337 A 1,000-man prairie delegation!/feed their grain (to livestock) or to propose deficiency payments nothing at all." Guitina's_ Home Life for the Removal of the old wvented, Guiltinan's ¥ Juste hei AY tent. See it! roof and floshings and the : tt Eve yme Id h one. S | Application of ' + Get it! Every home should have GHC}. Supply ond. Appligay; © on wheat, oats and barley pro- Mr. Diefenbaker said he was The life you save may new roof on the Main ond | : Rp po po he A toa For demonstration call at 45 Division Auditorium Buildings 'ot the duced in the 1956, 1957 and 1958 surprised at the ridicule heaped For appointment dial RA 5-2743 on I ocsital. Cobo crop years. on the acreage payment plan by { 50 PER CENT OFF Friday and Satur Oniorio hh ' > bd The delegation estimated it Mr. Pearson and the Liberals AR "= ® day, March 4 and 5. Heavy duty Stoves, Aid would cos' more than $300,000,000 and by the CCF. The program 4 his 3 Fangettes giv ges. Suppl I : i retur » farmers' had "brought great benefits to . Vii " tions. 20 per {f fridges. Supply Plans and Specifications may o bring the return for farmers' had 4 g at al M tiny Seoul wed on cash sales be obtained from, or viewed crops in those years up to the|the small farmers 3 J dt J 1 $i » EATON LOWER LEVEL, only. Paddy's M amy ; ot Room 6436, Department average of the eight preceding Mr. Pearson said Mr. Diefen- pe . FINE foods for less at Glecoff Super | op 0 wo Eo Block, years. The maximum to a farmer baker's statement "means that PHONE RA 5.7373 market, Ritson South. Open daily to 10 = u 5 . Ins Gree parking and delivery. Free. Porlioment Buildings, Toronto Wou'? be $4,500. the prime minister and the gov- premiums with purchases. Self-serve 2, Ontario (EMpire 3-1211, In rejecting deficiency pay- ernment have no definite propos- : | y meats, fruits, vegetables Local 2:2943). ments, Mr. Diefenbaker said the als to put before Parliament at 0ys anne 55 CHAMPION outhgard mator 7 3 HP government recognizes that cer-{this time with regard to the A-1 condition urs since overhau Bid and Performance Bonds wes! rmers require as- emergency and the roposals H tain western farm quire a gence, proposa 1/3 Off Regular Price ! 2.4065 between 5 d 6 p.m i RA 34065 tw *n : at will be required as specified. sistance. Any proposal to aug- raised by the farm organiza- B. F. GOODRICH stores -- tires, ba ment: "the admitted. income do. tions." : azers an a0 S F I Si " Cribs f efrigerator, le teriex, ae diet A 5.2548 A Deposit of $15 00 cash, of |giniency of western grain produc- bh USED tires. most all sizes. $3 and up cheque made poyable to the ov ct go to those most in MORE JUSTIFIED NOW . BR. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543 Treasurer of Ontario, will be need. If deficiency payments were - Splendid for school . . . smart for USED 1 repairs for all makes ) per set of Tender justified a year ago, "they cer " " 3 Reg 59.95 of wringer type washers, 1s HF Moth Documents, which will be re- [LISTS OBJECTIONS tainly are justified today in the dress-up" occasions . . washers and stoves. Paddy's Market funded if documents are re- He listed these objections to de- light of the deterioration of the Hampton, CO 3.2241 turned in .good condition (ficiency payments: farm <ituation." . 2 risk p within thirty doys of above 1. The small farmer would not The agricultural debate may Save 21.00 on this ¢ . 52--Legal Notices closing date, otherwise for- |benefit to any extent. Thirty-five continue later next week. Mon- N Bl line clearance! Ha of A ~ feited per cent--the smaller farmers-- day the Commons will debate a K avy azer cribs in beautiful NOTICE OF 3 would receive only 14 per cent of government supply motion which suite, cooker. othe 20 t } with ahr west or 'any tender not : or dlr iod baiddon ; : . . : 5 I i ol on AF ) i iveors finish, with ma | = he payments and the remaining affords the opposition a chance to i If en low pri thro hi al English wool-and-cotton anne : L APPLICATION TO | ay occepied 86 per cent of the money would move a non-confidence motion Gain shelf space . . . enjoy low prices . . ugh this speci well, is expertly tailored to fit smartly. With finished post C-r CHANGE NAME N { 65 re { far: rs. | Th ly ler th H single-breasted stylin patch pockets ith attre - J. D. MILLER go to 65 per cent of the farmers he supply L , under the 9 S yling, ' with mat e is hereby given that Deputy Mir 2. The proposed payment "is rules, can last two days tractive rought ron ect tan S notched lapels; halt rayon-lined, 9 a4 pad. application will be made Department > ihlic ndistinguishable from the inflex Mi Diefenbaker's statement in choice of black or brass finishes ! Sizes 6 t0 16, EACH ........ . Frances Chas Wor Ont ble price supports which have came near the end of a day's y : : Ritson Rood , "nione een in effect in the United sitting devoted to concluding A. 3-shelf Stand -- for books, mogozines, gomes. Approx. 16 x 85 x EATON Opnortrnily States and which have accumu- of supplementary spending 25" high Day Special, Iho Ba Tesh un rough le shelves, Tree, rev 18 Wash 'N' Wear Slacks complete B C. Fern Stand -- Approx. 8" diameter, 27" high D City of Oshowa 1 5 in the County of Ontario, in 2, Ontario. ated unmanageable surpluses in/estimates for the current fiscal the Province of Ontario, Gen- h 3rd, 1960 hat country." vear totalling $31,950,511, eral Motors Emplovee, to the : presiding Judge of the County . End Table -- With Grecion-effect wire mesh top handy bottom shelf Viscose rayon flannel -- washable, needs prasic ig Syage Bt The Sunt ° ® - for magazines, books, etc. Approx. 1252 x 17 x 20 : only the touch of the iron if allowed to drip CO Ha I . Telephone Stand - n Grecian-effect wire mesh top, two shelves. Approx, dry. Slim cut continental style, with 2 bute ® Court House ot Whitby, On- PPOS1 1011 1g oy 122 x 13 x 24 ton-flap back pockets, adjustable side tabs. tario, on the 1st day of April, EATON Special Prices: Medium. or. choscoal grey: 4.99 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL : ; Sizes B10 18. EACH .,...ii. In black finish, 2 98 In brass finish, 4 08 DEPT. 271 " each... . EATON'S MALL LEVEL, 'DEPT. 232 PHONE RA 5.7373 is name from Freder- + Chasczewski to Amon g Mem be I'S EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 224 PHONE RA 5.7373 PHONE RA 5.7373 Francis Chase 1960. at the hour of 10:30 in the forenoon to John A. G. MacDonald Barrister, Solicitor 101 Simcoe St. North | TORONTO (CP We would represent the Liberal leader's|tect the worker from very grave 1/3 Off Oshawa, Ontario, make better progress if the op: opinion, Mr. Wintermeyer added. injustices," he told the House. \ g Solicitor for the Applicant position would not quarrel among Premier Frost agreed. "This "It is not in any way aimed at Linoleum co themselves." has nothing to do with the bill,"'| weakening the unions." i" That was Premier Frost's com- he. said. If the section does not provide vad : : y . UNITED COUNCILS OF ment Friday as Liberal and CCF THREE DIVISIONS ample protection both to the Colourful cottons . . . rayon flannel suitings and linen-like weaves . . . to put fashion in your Remnants ! NORTHUMBERLAND members of the legislature fired] The heated debate brought union and the individual worker, wardrobe for Spring! (Just visit our Pattern Department for easy-to-sew designs!) . charges at each other during a three divisions of the House and then the section will be revised Reg. .75 to 10.14 AND DURHAM debate on government labor leg-/a challenge of the Speaker's rul- by the committee, the premier 56" CREASE-RESISTANT "SHERWOOD" SUITINGS -- Hand-washable; colours of white, pink, islation ing. said. i . i TENDER FOR | The Speaker intervened three The Speaker, the Hon, William Both the union and the jindivid- yellow, beige, cocoa-brown, dark brown, gold-colour; copen, Caribbean or royal blues, black, navy, Please, no telephone or times in the debate. He told Murdoch, ruled that a 'CCF ual worker would have recourse red, garnet, olive, kelly, or dark green; mixes in mauve, beige; light, medium mail orders EQUIPMENT, members to stick to argument. amendment to the bill only crit- to the Labor Relations Board in or charcoal greys. The premier went to Mr. Winter- icized and did not offer any al- the event either party has cause i i . . ress en i - SUPPLIES & meyer"s aid afler one exchange. ternatives. to complain of rulings under the EATON Opportunity Day Special, yord ik ra jlo) . Inlaid linoleum . . . San I dran , . . Congoleum rem- SERVICES | The intra-opposition dispute be-! The Liberals sided with the section, he added. The board ' gan during CCF and Liberal at- Progressive Conservatives and would have the final decision. 57" HAND-WASHABLE """CELANESE"" 36" 'EVERGLAZE" PRINTED COTTONS -- nants . . . all greatly reduced SEPARATE = SEALED TEN tempts to either change or delay supported the Speaker's ruling by Albert Wren (L.-Kenora) said RAYON FLANNEL -- In Oxford grey mix Hand-washable crease- and spot-resistant for quick clearance. Attrac- ; : : RS 'slainly marked. os 10 a bill amending the Labor Rela- a 77-5 vote. A few minutes later, he had been told by legal experts d F bright plainly ma tions Act Mr. Bryden asked that the mo- that the section is impossible to only. Crease- and spot-resistant. Gay prints, including predominant. tones" of tive pattems ond igl colours in the group . . . the contents will be received ! tion for second reading be interpret. EATON Opportunity Day : : 4 a 1.1 blues, pink, yellow, white-with- colour. Jom werly for Best chwice. By oe ndersiged. yr BRYDEN APPLIES NEEDLE to 2ended to postpone the reading. Lauryn Special, yard 1) ociock NOOR, 31 enneth Bryden oronto for six months $ ! ' H " URDAY, MARCH 19, 1960, Woodbine) suggested that the Lib-| The Liberals joined the CCF in, Mr. Bryden said the CCF ob- EATON Opportunity Day 19 Sizes from 27" x 36" to for the following erals 'had seen the light" and|iha vote and were defeated 58-25. jection is "to the entire principle + "" " pecia C1 EEE ee . é x 9. were coming into the CCF fold in pa a division occurred or of the bill." He said professional 42 PRINTED DRIP-DRY COTTON "y : fighting the amendments when Mr. Wintermeyer protested 8roups such as nurses and engi- 'SPORTSHEEN' -- Stripes and nautical de- EATON O rtunit He said the conversion of Mr. sanond reading of the bill neers should be given the right signs, checks, dots, florals . . . predominant 45" CREASE - RESISTANT "BUTCHER PPO y ruck! Wintermeyer to labor's side was . gacond reading was given and to organize under legislation d f dt t | ' g shades of red, tan, natural, grey,. copen, LINEN" -- Crisp, hand-washable rayon with comparatively recent. He quoted t},« pill now goes before the leg-| 'If you're not satisfied with the wspaper report in which iglature's standing committee on legislation introduce a bill of powder, Caribbean blue, moss green, brown, es Anderson, business man- 1, ,r where each section is to be Your own," said Premier Frost. orange-tones, gold-colour, multicolours, black- FOL the Kilcheney « Waterloo discussed in detail. Save Yould be very Iustesisd In and-white -- but not in every print orange, peacock, brown, navy or black. ing and onstructio raaes seeing 1 . . al EATON Opportunity Day EATON Opportunity fo ® Day Special, ; each linen-like weave, In yellow, sand, lime, said the Liberal leader EXPLAINS SECTION "Our group will be bringing in refused to press the government Earlier Mr. Frost said both op- a bill with respect to labor reso- Special, yard yard GR to leave the Ontario Labor Rela- position parties misunderstand lutions," snapped Mr. Bryden. tions Act alone. section 16 of the bill concerning' Both Mr. Bryden and Mr. Wren EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 PHONE RA 5.7373 7 6. é f diesel powered Calling the statement "innu- a right-to-work provision. said the bill made no provisions ractors and endo," Mr. Wintermeyer said the! This section states that a man to #d the building trades which hbo ooL an hourly Kitchener newspaper agreed with cannot be dismissed because of suffered from seasonal employ- in. 80 horsepower him that the story was a fabri- union pressure if he leaves the ment. Certification and concilia- : cation and has "no foundation in union or engages in anti-unionition procedures should be EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, 9" store chips. | L210 Sd lias tw foun union 0 ion. Jure iall Priced! ' " Qf it iminous A Ee ri of The Fan men! and did not Aci principle here is to pro- ould benefit, - os mp i ; ee dn 40 Reduced ! 21 Sisal Carpet SEY. 273 Ts o-fi-Tourse oiiee ianie Reg. 3.35 Yard treat wich, ee to be ° that used a reproduction of Han- 2. .P 9 4 and sard in its promotional literature, my Siding in nvesiors 1 committee chairman Heath Mac: WOODGRAIN "ARBORITE" PANELS -- In walnut or 3 ings quarrie (PC--Queens) said Fri- tan modern oak. Approx 18 x 48 x 1/16" 2 a5 Save 1.40 on every yard of this handsome, Va Price! Reg. 9.95 day thick, EATON Special Price, each . 1] sturdy carpet! Ends-of-lin th I Mr. Macquarrie said he could y pe >NGS.\ vu ree colours "Till LL] of divulge p Jetter's cc ts i = not ivy She Joters sossenss COMPOSITION BOARD -- Siurdy, warp-resistant base only, reduced for quick clearance. Tweed | ey Be GREE McOONALD ics 2 = engin A halt Be on I Aerie table top effect finish -- shuns footprints, smudges. y GREG MacDONAL solidatec Jenison and sunnar Ek in EATON Special Price, each as : L th Cangdian Press Stalf Writer striking new 1960 Jows before mittee, Jey Jas, bee ordered P Dark brown-and-green; dark brown-and-blue; Morocco eather Despite an impressive rally on rallying slightly. Coppers moved Jy ie » use 0. ate 3DprobE p i chartreuse-and-blue. . he 1-st day of the week, Cana-/mostly downward in a narrow 2 action on what Speaker Ro- SET OF 4 MAHOGANY HARDWOOD LEGS-- Smoothly s + { Writin Case dian stack markos have. Sheen range with The senite lasucs frac land Michener said appeared to sanded, natural mohogany, ready to point or stain. With EATON Special Price, yard ....... ¥® g little evidence. of returning to for- tionally lower. Golds held fairly be a breach of parliamentary brass glide ferrules -- easy on floors. Approx. 14" high, privileges. with steel plate at top. Complete with screws 2 19 End-of-line,, greatly reduced ] mer strength and investors are well and prices were mixed. i . A still clinging to the sidelines. The western oils index hit its| The company, Sperry and Hut- EATON Special Price, set EATON"S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 to clear! . Handsome writing A flurry of buying late Friday lowest point on Friday since Nov- chinson Company of Canada Lim- . 5 case, made in Englond from wiped out a five-point loss. How- ember, 1954, but closed outited, distributed to MPs and EATON 5 LOWER LEVEL, Deer. 383 PHONE RAST fine Morocco oor Con- ever, the market still 'was down slightly higher. Royalite moved Others a photostatic copy of the ia 4 more than eight points over thelahead $1 on a large turnover to front page of Hansard, bearing . tains writing pad, envelopes, week. 'Brokers called the rally a offer the only bright spot the coat of arms and Mr. Michen- pencil and address book. of items technical rally"--a point where Index changes at Toronto: In. €r's name, and part of Hansard's With double pocket i one 1 ptior » tenders must prices are too low for investors dustrial off 8.64 at 485.96; golds report on a speech about trading Clearance of 1 Price Clearance! side; window - for ntity These to resist buying off 1.31 at 86.71; base metals off | Stamps. card or calendar; in colours But there were a few features 4.06 at 156.84: and western oils; The Ottawa Citizen says the " H H this week, the most notable being off 3.60 at 92.19 company's letter contains "a full 14 Only Va Drill Kits Rubber Mats Re 1 85 lg --neg . L] ond hauling yds, of gravel activity by Brown Company. Index changes at Montreal: ad Jureserved apology hom blue ,oyster, grey, wine. The issue traded in unusually Banks off 0.53 at 52.59; utilities|the company for using a Hansar : large volume and scored a good off 1.0 at 137.2: industrials off 2.7(reproduction in its literature, Plus large metal tool box and accessories EATON Tremb gain but lost it and rounded out at 287.1; combined off 2.1 at| The newspaper says the com- . ON Opper! nity the week practically unchanged. 237.2; papers up 2.1 at 491.4; and!Mittee probably will issue a re- An outstanding saving on this kit! A powerful 4" End-of-line to clear . , . red rubber mats in Day Spec', There were numerous rumors, golds off 2.99 at 75.88. buke to the provisional directors 'Wolf' dnll with ball thrust bearing; 2.5 amp universal : h one being that a U.S. paper com- ' of the company and seek Com- motor with built-in TV suppressor; on-off switch with smart block design; approx. 16 x 27". These eve pany. was regdy fo mike a take. mons authority for placing the lock-oh position. Drills up to 34" in hardwood, 12" i over offer. But the only definite F 11 A apology in parliamentary = rec- in softwood, V8" in metal. Included is o large tool for kitchen, bathroom, laundry area. pots 3 news was a company announce u po gy. box with removable tote-tray, bench clamp, metal paint . EATON Opportunity Day ou. ment that increased sales and ond varnish remover, 9-piece drill set, grinding stone, a - : lambswool buffing ped, sanding discs, pain 4 . Man Colla ses OILS HARD HIT B Com an Bad Burns Kill mixer, EATON Special Price, er : 24.95 Special, each EATON'S MALL. LEVEL, P Y p Y Woman In Toronto EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 253 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 DEPT. 217 In other sections of the Toronto Shovelling PHONE RA 5.7373 PHONE RA 5-7373 PHONE RA 5.7373 ndustrial board refining oils were Snow hardest hit with 10 of the 13 TORONTO (CP) -- Lillian] TARA (CP : ocks_ listed showing declines. | 0 ommons Beetam, 69, died Friday of burns] | RA t of the 11 listed steel issues suffered Monday when 2 space 1 t -- ! and die Fi ter declined, while all four li 'S TTAWA (C The Ce s heater set fire to her ¢ ng Sho) now outside his ewe do n 2 : wo A a. he, Ca il MM lu oh 2 | Store Hours: 9:30 to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturdav. Open Friday Nights Until 9. near i 5 nuni-y 15 milex, In the mining section, senior tions has received a letter from theif hands when they tore 'the southwest of Owen Sound. luraniums took a beating with Con-'the Toronto trading stamps firm flaming clothing from her body. earnings were expected this year

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