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The Oshawa Times, 12 Mar 1960, p. 5

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| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Moveh 12, 1960 § that a letter be sent to the High|asking the board for Ms results School Board giving them the re-land that a committee be formed sults of the questionnaire, and|for co-ordimation. Shower To Aid Parents Approve Victor Home ) The Evang Grom WA of the School Uniform The Evening Group WA of the Tel. MO. 8-3703 : 4 Tay WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson ly a questi e wasiand less dress-conscious; It has] # Mrs. Isabel Farundale led in the worship service. Mrs. Germaine James and Mrs. Beity Pascoe submitted their reports. Mrs. Florénce Gerritson Mrs. Shirley MacDonald were ap- pointed to convene the home bak- ing table and Mrs. Ruth Robb and Miss Roxena Ledgett the rum- mage department for March 19, in the council chambers. Ruth calls for pick-ups. Plans were completed for the cosmetic shower for the April meeting, for the Victor Home in Toronto. All members were asked to meet in the hall on Sunday, March 20, to attend church in a group. The Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting and an hour was en- joyed in knitting, sewing, etc. Re- |freshments were served by Helen the girls of the senior school. The form staled, circulated to the parents and|been reporied that few or none of guardians of the girls that are at-|the schools which have adopted | tending Colborne Street Public the idea have gone back to the| School. It concerned the possibil-lformer system.' and| iy of having a uniform dress for on to ask the parents to answer 'Several [the question, "Are you in favor mothers have suggested that alof a uniform dress for Whithy Churches Let's ail. go to Church this Sunday St. Andrew's EMMANUEL The questionnaire then went girls?" REFORMED Robb is to take the telephone uniform dress would be more . might be adopted EEE 3 would (eq by the supervising principal, be more economical; The girls|Ear] Fairman, to the Whitby ~CONSCIous| public School Board at its Thurs- The results of the parents' an-| Home League To Attend Spring Rally day night meeting. Mr. Fairman said that 121 had| said yes, 27 had said no and 17} were undecided. | In view of the fact that 80 per cent of the parents were in favor of their girls wearing a uniform dress, the board decided to dis- cuss the matter with the Home and School Association. In addi- The Salvation Army Women's|tion the board approved a motion Presbyterian Church BYRON ST. S. AT ST. JOHN ST. 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL CHURCH REV GERRIT REZELMAN 3rd Concession West of Breck N. 11 a.m.--Dutch Service 1AM. MORNING WORSHIP u wm, ~Sunday Schoo in Jr. congregation and 7 p.m. lish Service Beginners' closses Everyone Is Heartily Welcomed Whi FAITH BAPTIST Whitby Baptist | Roseburgh's committee. CEL bv im hd E | meeting was held last Thursda . . | ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS mei a the Citadel. Home FAMED ARCHITECT ON PAGE 16 League secretary, Mrs. Fran| PARIS (AP) -- The firSt house | Locke, opened, the meeting vk [built by the world-famous archi- | a welcome to Aunt Kate, Home|tect Le Corbusier, a decaying | CLUB CALENDAR League secretary, Kingston, who|villa in suburban Poissy, will be was in attendance and also Brig- restored to house an international adier Mrs. Gennery, of Belleville, |city planning commission. The MONDAY, March 14 and all present, Swiss-born, French-adopted archi- Whitby Baptist Church. Explorers House of Windsor Chapter IODE | Kate read the scripture and Mrs, After an openi . tect, whose baptismal name was pening song: St Charles Edouard Jeanneret, may St. John's Anglican Chur c h|/Gennery was in charge of pray- direct the restoration. Ruth WA er. During the business meeting,| ™ Church 419 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Rev. J. M, Ward, Minister Pastor: Rev, E. C. Corbett, B.Th, Mrs. W. ES , AT.C. i -- es, cM, 9:15 AM, ° RADIO BROADCAST 9:45 AM, BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR 11 am. and 7 p.m. ot both services our postor Soloist in the evening, Miss Norma Bowen 10 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM. MORNING SERVICE Morning Soloist Miss Margaret Frost 7 P.M. EVENING SERVICE WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John M. Smith, B.A, B.D. -- Minister Mrs. J. Beaton, AR.T.C. -- Organist MORNING WORSHIP -- 11 AM. "DIVINE JUDGMENT" EVENING HOUR -- 7 P.M. "30 PIECES OF SILVER" SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM. Girls and boys under 9 years vice, John and Elwin 10 AM. Girls and Boys 9 years and over 11 AM, Infont Care Junior Wership St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church| forthcoming activities were dis- Young Women's Group WA cussed. 3 [Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 | Arrangements were made for|] Family Monuments oP Palmerston H and S Association|a St. Patrick party to be held on " Ee a ? | : United Church Fireside Evening Thursday, March 17, at the Cita- il 4 i : i Aux. WMS Pot Luck Supper [del with Mrs. Carr and Mrs. ? { Archer in charge. Also the Sal.| oF Createa To WINNERS OF SCHATZ CURLING TROPHY |TUESDAY, March 15 vation Army Rally to be held aE/ Individual i i {ekip. Vic af Whitby Baptist Chureh cGrr (Oshawa April 23. Al members| Reauirements A rink representing the Kins- | at the Whitby Curling Club, an | of the Whitby club. Shown | skip, Vic Aimes. Faith Baptist Church YPA planning to attend were request- men Club of Ajax this week | event sponsored by the Kins- | above presenting the trophy to | Galloway, lead, Mission Circle United Church ed to give their names. STAFFORD won the Al Schatz Trophy at | men Club of Whitby. The donor | the winning rink, are let to | Smythe, second. {Colborne H and S Association Aust Rate Cis WL BROS. inter- i si ight, , Gl y | shawa Times Phot A fia 2 cool ancy sweets. ree | She anual inter id bonspiel of 'the trophy is the president | right, Al Schalz Glen Sm al Oshawa mes Tio > [Women's Christian Temperance prizes were given by Aunt Kate. Monumental Works nion LJ * » jotesy would like to extend their Hil. re wie ved Ching yo. 318 Dundes East {services and I'll bet $5 that we're| WEDNESDAY. March 16 las tea hostesses. Brigadier Mr. | MO 8-3552 ou Y not voting too much more to thew iyo Red Cross work room |Genmery of Belleville was also ine fos. |st. John's Anglican Church busi-{vited for lunch. "Up in the townships there are| ass meeting --- lots of retarded children hidden king Street H and S Association| In Emer gency Group Ee Eee Ss ely Se 2 iS TRAVEL WITHOUT WORRY {about dollars for hospitals and|Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No. cis P t { | T b | schools and lots of important jg. ; OFFICIALLY APPOINTED AGENTS FOR en eCcos d d ernac e Reversing a decision made on, Deputy-reeve Ross Hawthorne, ization is better than civil de- things, I am voting against|Clover Leaf Club SELLING TRAVEL BY (Whitby's Revival Centre) Wednesday, the Ontario County|of Pickering Twp., said that he|fence." Spending for an inefectua Pe lninsoAy Nabi 8 AIR--SEA--BUS--CRUISES 307 Brock Street North -- Whitby Council decided Friday that the/would never vote for civil de-! For the $1000 invested by the d | JRE » Marc d county will join with Oshawa this | fence as it was," but, he added, county, he said, the county can, "If a bomb falls, 1 hope wel/Saivation Army Women's HL TOURSw-CAR HIRE--INSURANCE REV. JOHN SCARR, PASTOR PH. MO 8.5772 year in a joint civil defence oper-| "there is a new concept in this still benefit from previous invest- have all said our prayers and|All Saints' Anglican Church St. Jnelusive Independent Travel Arranged -- ation. The organization will re-|proposal, an inoculation for sur- ments in the organization. made our peace with our Maker} Margaret Guild "Wa make Hotel and Resort Reservations 8:45 AM.--~RADIO BROADCAST CKLB OSHAWA ceive a new name, however, and vival." Deputy-reeve Mary Reid, who! 'I see why they sent three men anywhere. 9:45 AM UR GROWING SUNDAY SCH will be known as the Emergency "Evacuation was never work-|t0 date has led the opposition to down," said Deputy-reeve Warren | FRIDAY, March 18 Over 35 your' expariense' welling: rave! Yi.00 AM) ; Word O0L Measures Organization. able," he said, "it would be ridi-|civil Yetense; sald that the pro=iMotvat, of Whitby. {Salvation Army Youth Fellowship J --Morning Worship Last December, the county culous to evacuate the people of Vincial and federal governments 'Should we pull out or attempt|/Al] Saints' Anglican Chureh 7 P.M. -- PRAYE served notice that it would with-| Toronto in either eight minutes or With their resources and finances!ty save our investment?" asked| Girls' Auxiliary io. I RAYER [oR THE SIX Speci N MRS. MITCHELL Donald Travel Service i... draw from the joint organization (go hours. I hope we never have Should be responsible for the edu-| Reeve Pascoe, and council/Women's Institute on March 81. On Wednesday althe opportunity to see what good|cation of the public in civil de- soreed with him and voted to| civil defense committee brought!this program will do but I will fense matters. in a report recommending that support it." | the county withdraw its with-| drawal notice and remain in the RADIATION DANGER Joint organization. | Reeve Everett Quantrill said a lot of lovely equipment lying On Friday, virtually an identical that there would be severe casual-|there." | said, the civil defense committee Of remain in the newly named or- SATURDAY, March 19 Over the past two years, she ganization with Oshawa. Ist. Andrew's Presbytee It will cost the county $1000, or . had spent about $30,000. "There's',, 0 no cont of the total budget|SUNDAY, March 20 f° $20,000, United Church YPU report was brought again before ties in the bomb area but then| Following the announcement council and approved overwhelm- would come the danger of radi-|that council would abandon its ingly by the council tion or fall-out, {program last December, she said, The changing of opinion was typical of the entire four-day ses. undertake, he said, to escape the|"on Monday, we had three mem- sions of the council wisch met in|danger of fall-out, which he said, |bers from the province here, in a Whitby. Practically every report could penetrate the farthest|chauffeur driven car. These which was presented spurred con- reaches of this county men were not just getting $6000 siderable lively debate and recom-| Reeve J. J.. Gibson, of Port per year and we had to be con- mendations of hospital capital Perry, said that for the price of|verted." grants were turned down on three a postage stamp per capita the| "I took all the papers home and occasions, | county would be able to enjoy the read them," she said, "and Tw same advantages now being of-|think the theory is very good. I DISCUSSION IN COMMITTEE Fd FOV AlE, ICO 18 be ac. think it's a wonderful idea and I Reeve Everett Quantrill, of 8 iy ; 3 cepted by Oshawa. {hope it works. Whitby, who is chairman of the "I would. ow. support this: pro- civil defence committee confided -, 5 Tg Sapo Shorinan BOMB SHELTERS earlier that he expected his re- prea: of Pickerin "for the The government is proposing port, which had been defeated on|SOth of money St it is rea. bomb shelters," said Mrs. Reid, Wednesday, would probably re- : ' and the latest figure indicates ceive the same fate again on Fri-| that we would have eight minutes day. In fact, when he introduced BETTER THAN CD |warning, Do you think we'd get sonable insurance." his report, he read it without wall-| Reeve Wilfred Pascoe, of East there, in eight minutes?" ing to see if the council wished to, whithy Twp., sald that he had] "We would try hard," inter But as soon as he finished his|yote against any civil defence "I don't like people saying it is reading, the council went into the|proposal but, he said, 'I thinka lot of money," Mrs. Reid con- of whether or not the county would join the city again this year | ° eae tee Hospital Grants ing was that expressed by Deputy- reeve Heber Down, of Whitby . wa beni ir TOplc On Mar. 19 motion to withdraw last Decem- mind and was 100 percent for a 4 ry x ¢ tho grants to hospitals has been a this week, the matter came up staying with the city for another topic for discussion at four meet-|again but only in an oblique man- Reeve Howard McMillan, of cil. at Whitby this week, and no| Reeve Wilfred Pascoe of East Reach Twp., said that he was ob gop ie proposal has been ac- Whitby Twp., in the morning, in- promises, promises were all we 0 cirad that the subject willl committee on hospital grants and received. 1 have yet 10 see any ,. (ureched out. And it now ap-|the finance committee have a "I fail to see why we should iii pe the day of the threshi dation back to il before support it now," he said, "if the, Op Tuesday, Wednesday and|the session ended. after, 1 feel this money would do studied and rejected recommenda-|vote but did not win the two- more good. If a missile came tions for grants to four hospitals|thirds necessary to have his mo- tell the story. Oshawa and Ajax included. On PROPOSES GRANT TT a | In the afternoon, he served no- meeting of council, March 15, he Phone MO 8-3618 |... General Hospital. Pl J Evening Shows at 7& 9 p.m. Reeve Cyril Morley, of Picker- Now aying that he would introduce a motion go into a committee to discuss it.| come to the session determined to! jected Deputy-reeve Heber Down. committee and the whole question|ihe Emergency Measure Organ-|tinued, "The Children's Aid So- was thrown open to debate. Twp., who said that he had sec- ber but had now changed his Although the matter of 'capital Friday, the last day of sessions year, ings of the Ontario County Coun-|ner. the committee in 1958. "Promises, | .oteq the hospitals involved can troduced a motion that the special benefit from civil defence." |... that Tuesday, March 15, joint meeting and bring a recom- retarded children were looked Thursday of this week, councill His motion won a majority over 1 fail to see anyone left to which are undertaking additions, tion dealt with on that day. ps tice of motion that at the next WHITB ¥ for a grant of $210,000 to the Osh- FeatureStarts At 7and 9.25 [ing Village also served notice THEY Made This Year's Big Picture on hospital grants. His notice stated that he would make a mo- |tion that the federal and provin- cial governments be requested to review their grants for new hos- {pital building and additions and | be asked to increase their grants. | At present, each of these govern. ments makes a grant of $3000 per |bed. | Sort of a clue as to what might happen between now and Tues- day came from Warden William | Heron, of Brock, who has had a rough week, as council dispersed for the weekend, he asked the | hospital grants committee to meet | with him to give further study to |their report. VANHEFLIN- TAB HUNTER The beluga, or white. whales, caught in Hudson Strait reach a | weight of up fo two tons BIGGEST BEARS The Polar bear is the largest of all bear species, reaching nine feet in height BIG CATS Cougars in British may veigh as much ¢ pounds, with a length of feet, THEY CAME TO CORDURA Columbia 0 | eight SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS AT 1:30 There is a lot of education to|some phone calls were made and]! { WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR Undoubtedly the toughest assignment of the year faces the Whitby Dunlops tonight when they try to contain the powerful Windsor Bulldogs, who are really rolling in this round-robin. Many people we en- countered on our travels yesterday were under the impression that Whitby have sewed up a spot in the * semi-finals. That statement was never more wrong! Just because the Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen lost to Windsor on Thursday, that does not eliminate them. Kitchener have a good chance of still grabbing a spot amongst the top four qualifying positions. They are at home tonight and tomorrow against Belleville and Chatham respectively. What's to stop them from beat- ing both of these clubs--and unless the Whitby Dun- lops change their ways, what's to stop the Windsor Bulldogs from taking two week-end games from them. 1f Kitchener do win against Chatham and Belleville, Whitby MUST claim two victories out of their three remaining games. We think the majority of the hockey public, in Whitby, Oshawa and outlying communities are taking the present round-robin series much toe lightly. Windsor Bulldogs arrive here in Whitby tonight with only one definite thought in their minds, to knock the Whitby Dunlops out of any further play- off activity after the completion of the round-robin. Do you think, if Windsor had a choice between Kitchener and Whitby for their play-off opponents they would pick Whitby? Not a chance, There are many reasons why. The two most important ones would likely be: With Whitby out of the race, there wouldn't be too much standing in their way of claim- ing their first Allan Cup. Also, Jean-Paul Lamirande, the playing-coach of the Windsor Bulldogs, is very familiar with the past record of the Dunlops; he played under the same pressure as they did in Oslo, Norway, when they rallied in the final game against the Russians. He knows that this spirit is still present, and if they were to make it, Windsor would have more than their hands full with Whitby, in quest of a first national championship. for the City of Windsor. The 'Dogs own two victories this year over the Dun- lops here in Whitby, and currently are playing tre- mendous hockey, so it will take a battling Whitby Dunlop crew to stop them. This should quell any thoughts people might have regarding tonight's per- formance by the Windsor Bulldogs. A large number of fans were under the impression that because Winder have assured themselves of a play-off spot, they reed not put out with too much effort tonight! . TOWN AND COUNTRY... . Whitby Hillcrests suffered a 6-1 setback in Newmarket Thursday night. This evens the best-of-seven finals at 1-1. Third game is here in Whitby on Monday night, commene- ing at 8:30 p.m Port Perry Juveniles open a best-of-five semi-final series against Madoc tonight in Port Perry starting at 8:30 p.m. This is the second round of OMHA Juvenile "C" play-offs for the Port Perry club. They eliminated Alliston in three straight games . . . Peterboro Petes must have been really fired up on Thursday night, as they swamped the Barrie Flyers, 10-3, thus eliminating Barrie. from further OHA Junior "A" play. The Petes rolled up an 8-1 lead in the first period, certainly a one-sided fiasco in any league, especially at play-off time . , . WHITBY ---O0SHAWA-----BROOKLIN--Ph. MO 8-3304 TORONTO EM 3-8958 Bring the Sick. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND MOFFAT SGEASO MOFFAT IN OUR DISPLAY UNITS AT CONSUMERS' GAS OSHAWA -- SIMCQE STREET MANUFACTURED BY Designs Lid. Pickering Ont. OUR DEALER: does it again in 1960 See these famous No. 1 Built-In's of "the most beautiful KITCHEN of them all NATURAL GAS BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPP'.IES RITSON ROAD N., OSHAWA RA 5.4704

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