74 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Merch 14, TRO 55% THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE Ln 1--Accountants . |8--Building Trades 17--Money to Loan {22--Radio & TV Repairs 38--Male or Female |44--Houses, Apts., Flats 44--Houses & Apts." 8. 8. r. HOPKINS | Roo! CLIENTS' money fo loan on first mort- yy AERIALS. installed moved and re. NEW BUSINESS Help Wanted For tent i For Rent Pate Ac Company, Cel ROOFING, free, ne iophone ade. Mortgage and agreement of sale| paired lowers) All channels, 314.3 ee PARTMENT, in Spirtmest bls, [porn i ---- = Sve East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA|RA 3-4094. 2 NA Ee A er. 1200. up. RA 3721, ' T T large three - room apartment, self-cO-| vate bath and entrance. Heavy da , ELEPHONE LIS INGS WE INVITE YOU TO tained, refrigerator, stove, TV aerial, wiring, TV aerial. Available April {doeh. TELEVISION, radio tubes, Do-it-Your- APPLY [heat and hot water supplied. Available pj. RA 5.8513. Po FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER is, self free tester. Fred's Drive-In, King 4 sud 64 2 oH Fema A. Ara WE HAVE Gest modes 10 Jodie sud Street West, Vigor Oil Station, Town jad 1.54 S915 THE only fully broad) apart. Ee King ule 5. ly fully adloomed ghise of agreements of sale, Toul heat supplied. 632 Albert Street, RA [ments in Oshawa Two bedrooms. and Co., A: tants uditors, Li- I 00 nt, Ligh " Sout off, i Harmony Road North, RA first and second mortgages and pur- e East. Supplied by Dean Kelly TV, gd 7g Two Teachers Needed For THREE - room apartment, ts and Street East, Oshawa; B, L. Yale, CA: \ X07. ac, a7 King Street East, Osh-|8] King West Open dally, 12 midnight i : he F. F B. Comm., CPA. /|CARPENTER work, framing, trim- 'a 345 and Sundays HAR RY MI LLEN HAMBLY TI RE ! p ICKER NG 8-1678. ie now. RA ios 0 avail BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work awa. Fa 353 fable for first UNFURNISHED h Services offer complete bookkeeping avd. yepalss. Mortiuses Arranged. An tnd second Ey Nortgages and| SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT . Real Estate Broker LTD. {sink and cupboards, Fi &nirance, TWO furnished Tooms, oJedroom snd for small business. 184 Bond (WO HE Apply IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! ! U S S NO 2 |suitable for ladies. Apply 185 Park Kitchen, built-in cupboards, sink, Frigi- Street West, Room a: Office RA $0397 |p UMBING and heating pipes, fit-|M, F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary 11 ONTARIO ST 534 RITSON RD. S. od ied . Rd. N. evenings. |daire. Stove, close to hospital and MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIERL, 3d | ng. from sept "ate ho vie Susie, 9s Ky Sask AVA, na TV. and RADIO : FOR ALL YOUR | To Teach Jr. Grades [SIX - room house in good Jocation. a suilable for SHO Fu RA NTEITH, ing from ce sewer 8 | { . cigar store in front, could sed | -- Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed |cialty. FIRST and second mortgage, sale CALL RA 8-5286 | RA 8- ] 679 RE-CAPPING NEEDS 1 TO 3 SR. Grades' as barber shop. Call RA § S710 ater 4. | THREE - room apartment, $65 monthly, Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford. Hon. | Information and pot Bit jroo on pri ed and sold. Hen- { CALL RA 8-6221 | sale | a 3 3. W, Monteith, FCA. MP; A. B. Mon. |type of plumbing. Dial RA 54241. J, agreements purchased a | Work Gi 4 TO 8 WHITBY -- Six-room semi-bungalow, landlady willing to baby sit while moti teith, B, gy CA: G. w. Riehl, CA, Foley, pick nd Henmdk, Earnie 51 King Al or uaranteed r Sal hadi Mini !two years old, available March 15th. | i works. RA 57921. RIA; G. E. Trethewey, CA; R. F. / | { alary schedule. inimum (Reasonable, BA 1-9967. / | % Lightfoot, CA; RA 35-35%7, 135 Simcoe CLIENTS" monies available for first a AA, Law's Pha rmacy FOR A COMPLETE |" $3,200. Experience, $200 per |THREE - room apartment, ris oiahed edrovms, suitable for eo TED VEENHOF A ements of vile purchased. -ApDIY s LAKE-VISTA REAL ESTATE SERVICE | year. Annual increment $200. |bath. TV aerial, parking, three minutes (Sandra Street East. AAC |, SHOPPING PLAZA i (2 mim rom Gove, 25 (30 SL th Seen BE pS 2--Barristers Ca e rem' To Publie, %% King East, Oshawa. TV TOWERS | Wecker Dr., comer of Cedor SD HYMAN, Realtor iy hd Toronto. No. {dren welcomed. RA 35-2608. doh GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solic- WELL DIGGING end Thomos St. 39 PRINCE ST | FURNISHED Two-room apartment for| ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, aval = pd . couple or single person, stove and re. able in private home, 82 Park Road Dist WA" 32zn. Residence hones: CEMENT AND FROST | 14 ond 2nd id gg Ses ON i RA 5-3525 | RA 8-6286 L. WALTHAN Juric ue suigie Wersun, ove' aid ro. HA a: iy £0 J. M. Greer, BA, Sc. RA 35-3368; Ter- vanized steel, h F a v AKIN i H ee Deliver - em ---------- tre St. SEE ence .V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 3.5032. BREAKING formed construction, Free es- : very. { SEC. TREAS. R.R. | (sive ro ori ed mpasianent [ow Yd hd A e BR aw RA 86974 MORTGAGES | smote ond sia ner." \ "700m ere | DUMONT | BROOKLIN, ONT. [lf ier rie Fifiiom, oi, ini Jo pop, Sone Se A A Se HN SP ---- available Associate Barristers and 3 King Street East. RA Arranged sleling sxberierce. if ox A OSHAWA 1.vV. REAL ESTATE SERVICE stating experience, if any, |THREE - room apartment; near Shop. SINGLE furnished housekeepifig room, F | ALUMINUM $ Cal) With refrigerator, laundry facilities, and last Inspector. ping Centre, heavy dut a My LE: A re King re Toone Fa caine Lyndewood Investments RA 8-8180 { Call ining S67. yy: central Apply 253 Athol Bt. E. a o ublic, acrifice Street East. tary RA 51763, is ELE, oe as one RA 209 Brock St. S., Whitby 361 GIBBONS STREET S. D. HYMAN, Realtor RA 8-1 651 141 --Room and Board For Rr targe Toons, upper duplex, new- | FURNYSHED room in cl ean quiet pc] | \ ~ {ly d t , 8 CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN AN and 3102. MO 8-5322 fr -------- 39 PRINCE ST | ' . Aeritw. ROOM, or room and board, it "desired, rate. front ani Tear "entrance, ditoa | RA 81801 MURDOC! arristers, Solicitors, No- rm ---------------------------- . 0 or information or interviey furnished oom in private home of |b 9" ips nti ns Bank of Commerce Bidg.,|]1----Business Opportunities | ECONOMY AND | RA 8-6286 ne phon home, Home of Ihuthroom and Hitchen, barjing 'space, ONE furnished room, wuit one or twa tary Public, 3 Simcoe Street North, RA 33466; T. K. NVESTHERT Tor Th smal vest MONEY TO LOAN DELUXE TOWERS EE -- couple only after 6 RA 37202. [tele hone RA 8.0764 SPRING SPECIAL ROOM in a very quiét home with good MODERN elcctrically equipped, two |TWO - roo ' 'Barrister, Soli- relation, GC) M0 Lig "AHA. ort-| Unit of $300 bearing 33 per cent inte | T Drynan, G. L. Murdoc m o 4 Roof antennas installed | 3 room apartment, suitable for Bages arranged. est. Full return plus interest guaran- Ime O - ( food. Suit refined gentleman, 309 Centre |bedroom apartment. Apply 111 Cray-|business couple t 1s. RA 3.9576. $5,000 m $50,000 for im as low as $30.00 com- MODERN RILL THIS MONTH Street don Road. Whitby. Phone MO 8.5 Jusinsy Souple MNO gi a i - d in 12 months, Phone Ajax 702, or MANNING F, SWARTZ, Barrister, | (oC Ajax Coffee Shop. mediate loan on First ond . . Hone M0 saul. og AME fei gl write ax Col 4 oo ° 7 $ ALL mode conveniences, single bed, MODERN three-room furnished apart. ise re ™ . ag v. en BA. Henry ULTRA modern snack bar and serv-| Second Mortgages, Agree- plete | RA 5- 3887 COLD WAVES 5 best of meals. 536 Lorraine Street, RA|ment, all conveniences, adults | orvosls, churches. TV Dea on. Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3-4697 [ice station, located 'on Highways 115) ments for Scale, on vacant and | FOR APPOINTMENT 5-1168 {Apply 209 Monash Avenue of Ritson Available April 1 ! 1 Residence, dial RA 3-4029, and 35, two miles north of Newcastle,| oo od "property, residen- REPAIRS Bar-b d Chicken, Fish and 1Z00M and board for gentl Park. | South. | rg R = ------ for lease. Financial assistance avail : periys b TV. SERVICE " RA 8-5677 Dy a eand bu or gentlemen. Park. TT ROOM in private home. very central JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, able if desired. Write or phone after 8| tial and industrial, city, sub- V. * »s, Hamburgers, 12-inch 0 Ng space, A 195 Albert Street also one A basement bed: cok spring mattress, suit gentleman, 102 also e double om i] eds, coo solicitor, Money to loan. Office 26% | w Macposald, 255 Tresane urban and country, and sum- Fully licensed | fog Dogs -- We De liver. ROOM and board for gentlemen, good § ; Hh 3 Look Elgin East A home cooked meals, centrally located. | e. Apply 864 Mevers Street. * lon "COLBORNE Street "West, la large King Street East, Oshawa. RA 8.8232 Street Apt. 2, R 2. m 4] er cottages. a | -- 4 i Residence, RA 53405 PERI I TV Technicians G. NEWELL Apply 160 Para Road North, RA 3-951. ; -- . |double and one small furnished bed- DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister lease in Oshawa. Write or phone after OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE HOME . ROOM and board for two to share, REATED apartments, four 00 d1room, use of kitchen. Young business 1 YEAR ! Real Estate Broker n home, single beds, good meals, |DAtNToom, heavy wiring , in Newcastle. | gentlemen preferred. RA 3-4935. R d Solicitor. 26% King Street East. W. F. MacDonald, 285 Tresane and Solicitor. 8 p.m acDona 8 CORPORATION LTD. MODERNIZATION 216 BROCK ST. S.. WHITBY s packed. laundry - done, RA|Thone Newcastle 3136. EE Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501; Resi- Street, Apt. 3. RA 8.0962. ERVI CONTRACT: dence. RA 85373. - eer 112 Simcoe Street North, S CE N CTS SERVICE ; 51753 EDROOM apartments with bath | | SER : ny | corner store, William and Ma reets, GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar hii Oshows 3568 FOR LESS THAN | E C MO 8-4703 ROOM for two gentiemen fo share, | Apartment building. close to "avai | Telephone RA 5-0906 8 ) ; and MasDongll, Do { wert raftsme ; ; tay ie (and shopping, parking space. val ees, ct East. RA 5.4717, Russell WELL DRILLING ! ne A $1.00 A WEEK Expert Ciofismen Pickering 142 - 143, EMpire |Vih breakiest. all conveniences RA (al, FINGER: BATS 53611. > furnished bedroom for busi- i ell \ny © AH ades 362 Mortgages Ap 9 an, Tr oe - ness man, in quiet hom breakfa J. Murphy and James A. MacDonal 18a-- Mortgages | | AYES 5.1973 2-36 origages ond. Ap ROOM and board for gentle in| FURNISHED three-room apartment, | optional. 38 Colborne Street West 4 DAYS RA 5-1273 raisals ; Jen! omen, nc Priva : re - KOE. F vlvate home, central, laundry done. |PTivate bath, stove, electric frig. cup- Te E centra ndry done laundry, TV hook- ONE furnished room, suitable for lady F. RICHARD BLACK, De u py dr L FIRST and second ortgages bought [S [¥ d cian BLtck Dr of on GERALD FULTON SA | (DAS RA |e rivate"bath, stow sy, |sold, and arranged for all types of | TELEVISION NIGHTS RA 5-5071 RA 53-0858, a |up. hot water, Couple preferred. 9048 Zentleman, Apply 620 Simcoe Street i ort lenses, 136 Simeoe North (at Colborne), | evenings by appointment. RA 3-4191. Under contract we can guar- |Properties, OLiver 5-4931. 4 TOWN LU NCH {Roo and hoard for gentlemen, single | Gr erson, after 6. sd RANA ER IA TA reds privileges, Near South GM, 147} apartment, three bed {TOO much room? Rent the surplus {ROOM ranch bungalow, close to | | , barrister, solicl- t te ID ST i i tw = FIVE - . 5 antee water. 171 BONI EAST |32--Articles Wanted Ne RA 5.8978 Mill Street, RA 57754. {FIVE Toom apart brick | building, irough. For Rent ads: get.steady to- | Sse Sr Ss PHONE RA 5-4067] MORTGAGE RA 8- 8- 678) | WILL pay $10 and up for 1948 silver V liver ROOM and board \with Dutch family. hardwood throughout; vacant; parking|come! Call RA 3 re 1485 Crerav, Avenue, west of Wilson space. Nice home in good district. RA|QNE lovely furnished room for gentle | 7. Dial RA BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solicl- | | s, and certain type 194 Fish & Chips, Homburger Road Sout Far . tor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 5.9592. Resi- 12--D ki [MONEY WANTED | EXPERT ANTENNA 3 > BAI BECUED CHICKEN 03d South RA IMM merit) 98. |man in privale home. 444 Fernhill dence RA 8-0264. --ressmaking Ce toot sige ARK |LARGE, warm, single room, good THREE _ room self-contained apart. | Blvd. RA 3 McGIBBON and BASTED! 3. Barristers, $15,000 First Mortgage, 8% AND TOWER ay cask . ON A PLATE, 95¢ board, 12 minutes to South GM; also|ment, immediate possession, near | ONE large furnished room and kitchen, > / : 7 | ~ : yuble room, twin beds, near |Shopping Centre and bus. Parking. RA git Al ingl Solicitors. Clients' funds available for interest 10% discount, well Write Box 107, ; [ioery charge A TED in a couple. Also single furnished room first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street OPENING 1 ted industrial lant in . i i ide 3 ray a, i ss = for gentleman, Apply 620 Simcoe Street North. RA 5-3566. Charles C. McGibbon, | cated Industrial pam: 1 INSTALLATIONS WANTED -- by McLaug v 4 [ONE large furnished bedroom for | MODERN one-bedroom apartment, in|NO QC: Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. DRESS MAKING SCHOOL | eastern Ontario, three times brary, second | et o a and 33 Mle ale Help , Wanted &cntlemen, in quiet home, central, [apartment building, main floor, sun RR bel nits EE TT value investment, personal . ; | Its Provinces lume E 4 ye brea ast if desired. Phone RA 3-4980. porch parking, TV aerial, central. RA | quple, one child welcome, close to All-Channel Antennas | dition, also books on Oshawa and dis: Coro NEED upholsterer wanted, BOOM and board for gentlemen, to o0047: Hdl ____ |hospital, North GM, and bus, Also HUMPHREYS and "Boychyn, Barris n ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC;| All types of dressmaking and guarantees of directors, G. E. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hillman, tailoring. MARCH 14 Evening as low as $24.00 a - ime BA 3721, share, close to NGM, lunch packed, [LIVING = room, kitchen and two bed-|Earage for rent. RA 83-6387. : Ki Street West. : : | meme | parking. RA §-6727. |rooms, supply own heat, $40 monthly. | gyn Lis: 6 King Oshawa Acceptance Corp. Ltd. CLASS A licenced mechanic, flat rate : . __|24 King Street West. Apply Humphreys SINGLE pO Sean, quiet; Sentra Otfice, RA S1177; Res. RA 5-4604 or| classes, 7 to 9 p.m. 112 Sim ROOM . coe St. North T.V. Service 24 Hou A A hop: good s for right man. Pen.|ROOM and board in private home Whitby MO 8-2761. Money to loan. : i | CEDARDALE OD HOO Ee IO ation benents,| seven-day week, all conveniences and | Aru. oociyt. § King Street West ___ desired. RA 85984. Oshawa | $2 bis A CAMERON, barrister, soici-| 38 BOND ST. E. RA 8-5771 (House call $2.50) r I A a Oa ra Tir privileges, 'Close to South GM. RA |THREI oom excellent apartment oe Notary Public. 18% King Street Phone RA 5-3568 SC RAP Apply Box 201 Oshawa Times --- | 5-998 {Can be seen anytime. Apply Apt. 3, 103] ROOMS by Ihe week, tied shower 44 NHA and private . RON MET T SELL the surplus through Classified " ------ z n Road North. Hotel. > if 13--Gardening & Supplies Y9--Personals Len & Lou's TV IRON METAL LTD ie ee | ROOM "and board, lunches "pach SRGECOURE -- Be iramc---- ----] | a | > wa Close to south GM; single beds. Tete. apartments, Ajax, one- SINGLE and double rooms for gentle _ G. MacDONALD, BA. Barris-|TREE removal and trimming. For free PROFESSIONAL card reading by M | IRON--METALS Disi RA 3342 for an Oshawa hone RA 18-1629 {two-bedroom suites, $70-875, $80-385.| men with cooking Divi iH] L : s ad-writ RAI ; ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street estimates, call Oshawa Tree Experts, pi "one mile north of Nichol's] Antennas .... RA 5.7844 | PAPER--RAGS Times ad-writer. - ROOM with or witheat hoard, gerlie. | Cidren welcome, Ajax ia, RO 7.54%. | Celina Street. | ; RA 8.1629, : Sele North. Phone RA 8-8511 rage, Court! ice RA 5 5-8237. Servic RA 8 5804 OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY LICENSE D mechanic, full or part men preferred, central, clean and quiet. | | APARTMENT, three large rooms, un- IONE or two furnished rooms fo remt, HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), ice . lh Y time, for service station. Telephone RA Apply 174 Church Street furnished, newly decorated, sink 2ndinea; Donevan Collegiate or Duke of 4--Dentists HARDSAND mailed post paid in plain sealed en- 23 --W € I si RA 5-3432 $52 Le ROOM and board for gentiemen, good cupboards. 728 Cedar Street: RA 8.0228. {Edinburgh School. Phone RA 5.7709. velopes with price list. Six samples, |&od=--= omen"s olumn FREE PICK-UP |PRESSER, must be experienced. RA home cooked meals. Centrally fr ~ated, ONE large furnisied housekeeping| [ARGE, warm double room, single 4159 23 Dial RA 5-3011 or apply 65 Park Road [T00M, Water, hydro, suit business heds with or without breakfast, kitchen T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. vine by appointment. 259 im- LANDSCAPING 25 cents; 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order SPECIAL! H - . RESIDENCE PAE Dept. A-11, Nov-Rubber Co. Box 91,/SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $6.50; ENCE -- 3 a sa EE Dial fom, aie, rs eds wit oh : eskon Kis RA coe Street South. Phone RA 35-2223. P Rolli A nts, ower ng Hamilton, Ont. Cold wave $6.00. Page Hairdressing, 3 ] 00 ANNIS S TREET ! | ROOM and board available for wo | able im 3.0852, tied 396 Pine Avenue, RA 35-5363. 6-0 lizing TONIC for your pocketbook; Want Ads. | DERN th d fou ¥- | TWO u ptometrists Ferti ¥! q re rere mts 0 gentlemen willing to share, $16 per' 0 three an r room self-| Tyo Filan rooms, with sink, Optometrists ol Toor Rooting [re Tl Bu RA many show so per fr onl BODY MEN Jaemiemss, singe fon, 6 55 oats apkiogil ico, #38 mart svt, Austr, So etry, te examination wi yeu, Suntact Top Soil - Sod - Manure S-- bronze, Phone RA 3-4387. CASH We require two experien- meals. RA 51963 [3 Hg dren. 262 Central Park Blvd. South. i lenses, 136 Simcoe Noi WE BUY ced men in all phases of 43 -W, d R | NICE one bedroom apartment on War. TWO lare rooms. cupboards and sf --- Wanted to Rent el Pp! in kitchen, close to bus stop, Telephone by RA 3-4191, Flagstone - Patio Slabs C 0) S S 25. P . nites ets and Livestock STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES {ren Avenue, TV outlet, heavy wiring, ©. H. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please RA 5-1721 ELE TR LY em PAPER, RAGS. etc auto body repairs. COUPLE with baby desires four or five | .aundry facilities, parking, RA SOB. pay accounts at downtown Toronto BLACK and tan Blue Tick wal y 4 Ny ned house within radius four miles | possession, RA 8-1203. TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Removal of superfluous hair. |male, four years old with dog house. Open All Day Saturday Flat 'rote shop, excellent Oshawa. References. After 12 a.m. |: is eo -- |Kitchen, built-in cupboards, sink, Frigi- Phone RA 5-4587. . p i : Pedigree Persian, female, spayed cat, 5 c IQ working conditions Fringe TWO - room furnished apartment. gare, stove, close to hospital and WILD BIRD Marie Murduff will be in |ihree years old. Best offer. Mo 8.563 M. GREENBERG & SONS Oorking < x -- |three - room unfurnished or partly fur-|q,yntown, suitable for two girls. RA a Oshawa, Mar. 29th and 30th after 7 p.m LTD benefits. Apply La EER 0 rent, family "would "rent nished, heavy wiring, adults. 72 Cadil-|5 5008 A . 3 mn -- 7 = : eas arge house hree or four |iac South. -- @. T. HORTON and Ssucistes, on FEEDERS Phone Genosha Hotel on FECITERED Tinh pars, Jor sas RA 3-7733---308 Bloor St. E STEVE MARIAN irooms) by May Ist. Phone RA 3-363. | rere iil furnished room wi and tario Lan urveyors, Profession phone °A z | re |] . gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit- SUNFLOWER SEED these dotes for appointment. |WHITE German Shepherd pup, fe BODY SHOP immediate occupancy, private en one furnished room, Close to Shopping by, MO 8-5091, Ajax 728. mrt male, 10 weeks old, thoroughbred WANTED | WANTED TO ance, 3 Centre. Apply 63 Grenfell Street. MANAGER ONTARIO : g gentleman pre (papers). Telephone TE 9-1576 eee error. | ONE furnished room, Two housekeeping rooms pply ferred, Apply 330 Celina Street. DONALD H, TROLLOPE, Ontario Land WILD BIRD SEED HARFIELD STUDIOS |Sasecs items of Pediorte--sisck. SCRAP N, POULTRY | prs Rey | RENT rv ee OOM for rent -- board if des Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA 35-6381 \ % i} 8. 7. HOPKINS and Company, Certl- PET SUPPLIES Sealpoint, five months old. RA 8-1309 AND FEATHER TICKS i - R fied Public Accountants, 173- King Portraits taken in your home, |POODLES -- minature, brown, excel 1. TURNER 140 BOND ST. W. GARAGE OR Aras oT toon three or RA| Telephone RA 3-536. Street East. Oshawa, Ontario. RA DOG MEALS Weddings, Children a spe. |\cnt Pedigreed stock, registered. Cal RA 3.2043 RA 5-650] WAREHOUSE SPACE [®*®. ROOMS for rent, furnished or unfur: 4 % : > r---- - es ec ---------- A --------------a---- -- | nished, Dea corner of Alice an "BRITANNIA" MALT ciality. Social events FECRTERED Base Tair FOUR room house, newly decorated. |v Ts 5.4900 after 5, In . . . ISTERED Beagl tw . ING ) Y 7 Ra rary 8--Building Trades months old, male and Smale Rrrion RA 3-3374 CLASS A CALL RA 5-6559 re Sn: oh Wo i pushin og clean, quiet single room, - LICENCED * | central, close to hospital, no calls 44--Houses, Apts, Flats |THREE "room apartment, unfurnish- ALL plumbing and heating supplies EXTRACT MO 8-361 ] ; 2 al I ICE SALT UTIFUL baby buries, ready for 35g Sion Wanted fort nm me ym. = s training, talking strain. Apply Mrs | tans ) d. with heavy duty wi d TV ing, 233 Simcoe Street South. 20--Cartage Broad, 114 Elgin Street East fas MECHANICS For Rent hg Ti Pee Midi dl 45--Real Estate for Sale pi i. ICROWN DIAMOND PAI chided sini look after one or two pre - -- - -- CARPENTRY -- trimming, cupboards, (CRO 0 NT | GAT CARTAGE, farnifare aad apvil. [GERMAN Shepherd pups, biack and schoolers or Infants during the day, in| ; i room apartment and garage, recreation rooms, playrooms, inside re. i ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully [silver purebred, Dunbarton, TEmple|my own home while mother warks. | To work on "truck fleet close r Store and bus apply | de | all work guaranteed. Phone C S ith C 1 d. Call day or night. RA 35-4498, |9-1656. {Phone RA 5-3808 { 125 Division | LARGE LLOYD REALTY EAVESTROUGHING 2d Tassie. ail ooper mi 0. MOVING -- evenings and weekends, |CANARIES, guaranied Singers, YOUNg | px pERIENCED bookkeeper, account| APPLY |FOUR-room self-contained _ apartment, TWO-BEDROOM 4 of Have small truck, Phone MO 38-5498, budgies, talking strain. Largest assort-| .: so. 45 excellent references, parti M {separate entrance, $70 monthly, no ' : | ~ McCALLU | children. Apply evenings RA 53294. APARTMENT OSHAWA'S BUSIEST work guaranteed, immediate attention, ies. Phone RA 85788. 16 CELINA ST. Wilihy. Bet mpplies, Sportsman's Corner, 100 0 Ue: Jejeyhene Harold Rohn ay REAL ESTATE FIRM A-1 PAINTING, decorating, by trades. an 3 Byron Street South, Whithy, one bl son, MArket 3-7170 3 | . {NEW house, three bedrooms, all con- 21--Personal Service - e Yul 9 p.m | EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with refer TRANSPORT {veniences, close to SGM, immediate ROSSLAND APT OPEN EVENINGS man, roxatone. No job too small, work RA 3-23 1 2 west of Four Corners. Open till 9 p.m. | n guaranteed, free estimates. RA 8-6617. SMALL chesterfield and hostess chairs - op {ences Telephone RA 5-5i63 25 RITSON RD. NORTH | possession. Apply 22 Orchardview or A - Ti--n hold R : repaired and re-upholstered. Also other | athing, I? srw ori R {phone RA 3.4916. RA 5 3589 AND SATURDAYS small furniture. Phone RA 5-1451 after : : : "Tel | MODERN, room 2 - HOME IMPROVEMENTS |e etc 26 Besson rae. Towson C51 TELEPHONE RA 5-1123 [Novem eeon wopmest ni RK $65.00 MONTHLY TOUR --Farmer : po Close to Shopping Centre, Phone ii FULL PRICE $7,700.00 REMODELLING--ADDITIONS local chimney eleaner. Chim. | oo im --jeg POTEET . neys built and repaired, gas .inings in. 8 WH oundation garme! EE ~ SAVE time! Solve everyday problems ! : REC ROOMS stalled furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- gividually designed, aso Soa, Reel DEAD = Fi eked Gop ompiy.1 the Want Ad way! Phone RA 3-3492 for 38--Male or Female on +OFFICE SUITE No worry for the buyer of this corsetier, Mrs. John Hendershot, e collect, Hampton ax {an ad-writer Help W.nted E unfurnished rooms, $55, also Central, three or six room of- 4-room bungalow with full i pas FAMILY ROOMS Bald). Ba 3 Park Road North. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. rooms, third floor, $35, heat, | : 3 ; fice suite with private facili- basement, automatic furnace, Tile, Hardwood Floors, ROOMS papered, Ww up, labor only, - ] i 1 : PRIVATE Spanish guit. ve! PRR ) SHORT order cook wanted, with ights, 227 Dearborn Avenue, | r ; 5 Cupboards Syprock Tre seamless, also paint-|, "oo Spanis Fiid lessons given 27 --Fuel Wood 6--Female Help Wanted experience. Apply Mr. Campbell, Gen. A y | ties. Will remodel to suit lot size 45' x 210°. Vendor Legne Avenged WISE buyers shop Classified <{RA S-4500. i OOD Tor sale Wood coi 5 Bus sus | DENTAL assistant, 24 or over, idealjosha Hotel. ___________ TAREE - room self-contained farmsh.| client, call RA 8-5123, take back one mortgage for HUGH CROSBY uyers shop Classified! For a INVISIBLE mending and general re. and chain saw. Telephone RA 5.9727 {opening for conscientious, hard work-| ARE you interested tn a full or spare ed apartment, modern kitchen, heavy Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. balance. Bus stops aot your a Sui. anything pair on all clothing done. 218 Chad ing, mature lady, 40 hour week, Wages time sales plan by which you can make duty stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, use : door. Phone for Bill Millar, RA 5-3937 t IRST. pair Street. «clothing sid 3 L dF d in proportion to ability. All particulars|sig to $20 a day? Take orders from 15 wesnes: BeTalOT A" Saar 101 Simcoe St. N RA 8-512 0--Lost an oun confidential. Our staff is aware of this peautiful Display Book featuring over| Shins? Rr DUAL RA 8-5123 (collect C id chairs re- EE Tra t icovered ke new. Get the Poy for less| ALL types of alterations and mending "Bloor Street. Ritson | ad: 'Apply box 219, 200 household prod: Write Raw | THREE infurnished apart L FURZE |at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe done expertly. Phone MO 8-4427. ey fp CT, TTY oti igi EN a Times Classified Ads |lein's, Dept. L-310-RR, 4605 Richelieu, ment, sink and cupboards Beautiful $1,000 DOWN treet North. Call RA 8-8451 for a free PIANO, organ tuning and recondition. | tube, hollow, European pig gun. Useless for jobs, for buying and selling cars, pnteeal A ee Aberdeen. Street. MODERN Buys this clapboard bungalow 'merchandise get fast action} e cone hd | on large landscaped lot in Reward. RA 3-4722 {Try one and see Dial RA 3-3492 |BROOKLIN, three bright rooms, cen- . stered. See our materials for re-cover. |5-7001. a PE ge gn . rue wn CANADIAN tral heating, hydro, Kitchen cupboards Y ond 2 Bedroom northeast area. New fumace ; -- black hound with white on WAITRESS, full or par ) Ply! and sink. separate entrance, garage and water tank recently in- APARTMENTS estimate. : t ___|ing. Prompt service, $5 per hour, Cash |to finder, of sentimental value to owner. | homes, Sl G NS FURNITURE repaired and re-uphol.|and carry. Sebastian Hohmann, RA ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. N Tr r. Camp p RA 3.7212. 22 Radio & Tv Repairs guest: tag No, 488, E. Tremble, RA |Mr. Campbell Senokha Hote : | Apply 2 Way Street, Brooklin stalled. Close to schools, bus ry / {HOUSEKEEPER wanted, live in, tof ARMY THREF-bedroom bungalow, Sunset dis- on and shopping. Act quickly! ; A CLEAN home 1s a happy home.| uv RADIO service, ~All makes, - leare for two children. Orono 1-2014 i x eo i ; : CALL RA 5-6720 |}: cmuliion, "wo" guaranised fries omy S1--Aticles For Rent [outer two iaren Toms amend JS int hicgien| 301 CORDOVA ST. = | Call Jim Crulashanis at RA *| Thompson Electronics, 157 Elliott Av-| . . no publicity. "Reliable exterminators, ais |TWO unfurnished rooms, reas mable . | 586 ATHOL ST. E. de aD sue, RA 3.9792 (Fred). | SUMP sais Tor veil, 30 5, To Tov. rent. in oy for care of 'two| OPPORTUNITIES AA 343. i i APPLY | 464 EULALIE AVE. - 464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or | DAY ¢ OR NIGHT -- Prompt TV service. All repairs. Don't be caught by spring school aged children. Phone RA 8.6744 THREE furnished ~Tooms, EM SRE OX 4-1946 or phone Claremont 836R11. |Phone RA 8- 5286, Oshawa Electronics| thaws. RA 35-8563. J. Hurvid, Plumbing, |after 4 p.m | Today the Army can offer [downtown. Apply 130 Colborne Street JOHN A. J. x fn | Reg. rr -- aa - | | East after 5 p,m. , painti TC Es Cima ele apPrenti son will Be pia W. WARD [ok aren mais sd decors: Govier wih War [RG qn PT vals corer wih 0 upon (EAS Er c| QUIET, MODERN BOLAHOOD WELL DIGGING BY CHESTERFIELDS rebullt, Tecovered, 3.3402 for an dwriter. y; €all BA WEBBING S Brocklin J Ali write Box He Co orunitios for 0 fine. 1d, ne ar Power oe, pe "asi 2 BEDROOM : MACHINE like new. Why pay more? Our rates) shawa Tim | | po t r pay d drive near bus, separate, public LIMITED are reasonable, Satisfaction guaranteed. LAW office requires experienced sec-| future for yourself and | and high school. RA 5-9345 , 2230! 3 i - - ar REALTORS INSURANCE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE tresses rebuilt Oshawa Upholstery GEORGE'S HARDWARE retary, shorthand essential. = Write| Canada {TWO ~ room furnished apartment, suit- WHITBY ONTARIO Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA Box 242 Oshawa Times. | One of the plans shown be able for couple or two boys or He APARTMENT 167 SIMCOE ST. S. ' 50311. Fo mr ans shown | Cooki ities, Call 5-231 ly ' MO 3-2563--MO 82-3809 TV. Antenna, Installa- 3 SEERLY oY arine lovell dress low may well be your first [30 Erena. + al 8 or Apply : 204 ST Ww. FURNACE SALES tion and Repairs, RENTAL SERVICE |North 'American Fashion Frocks step to a fine career: Lita WNIBHED hres _ room 3 Li AT RA 5-6544 ; |friends Anvassing. investm | ment, in men! wly - Honestly is our policy. All OF TOOLS perience necessary. North American| Officer Candidate |orated, large modern kitchen, TV out- AND SERVICE work guaronteed. 24 - hour Fashion Frocks, Lid, 3125 Industrial Programme {let, $75 monthly, incluces heat and 15 GIBBONS ST. $11,750 ONTARIO Co. Ltd service. ; Bivd. Dept, D738 Momsen! 3 | Regular Officer | water. RA 5-8215. BARGAIN H. M. Macki o. Ltd. . SESE ; scent FLOOR SANDERS RA 5.5054 CALL RA 39525 | SCAFFOLDING WANTED | | oman us ee SEY gE APPLY AT 3 BEDROOMS, BUNGALOW - | egistere, urse { Euitable for couple with pric child, J ice north-west location, 21 GIBBONS ST. 1194 KING ST. EAST { . A And Other Construction We ri SOE Soldier Apprentice Plan {RA 35078 only 4 years old, aluminum Vomen not now employed E - room apartment, stove, re- i storms and screens, 2 glume Tile and Hardwood Laid Cleanout Service-- Floors Sanded ond Refinished $7 labor plus ports SERVICE Equipment. B-H Paint who can work 'part time. Earn Regular Soldier igerator, furnished or unfurnished, inum storm doors, early pos- oY " | $2.00 .or more per hour Nursing Assistant - . session. This is il CALL RA 3-725] [|15--instruction OPERATORS UPHOLSTERY AND RUG | 32.90 or mare (ger hou Noe rior |p Bag et tl SECICE SPACE | toi cone or "tors Don't hang up, let it ring |AUTOMOBILE Driving Instruction, day| ASSOCIATION SHAMPOOER VAC Start now and get your cus- Are Retr ting Staft 2 ibe FOR RENT -- lovely house with bull monthly, - SYo%. morigogs. or evening. Call RA 35-1646 for appoint. -- tomer list built ready for ot in garage, quiet, central. a 7 FOR See. this. now before You buy. Call Mr. Bolahood at RA ments. ' CLIFF BROWN HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baion, | (In co-operation with the To restore original beauty to SO ots Call now | THE OSHAWA T™O BEDROOM RENT 5.6544, tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland. Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) tr furmiture nd... uns i aan ARMOURY Registe 424 King W RA 56 you niture .o q 5 GRAVEL & SAND he hy TV-HI-FI-AERIALS 37--Male He elp Wanted 3 Simcoe Street, APARTMENTS NORTH-WEST PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, ~Hi-Fi- LOAM 18 yoy Fg Wr ineview only. D Kell gop RA 5.5121 282 KING ST. W. | presi d EVERY TUESDAY T.V. aerial, washer, dryer, Passenger elevator service, OWNER TRANSFERRED i HA ; » Deon Kelly or | from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. frig. ond 'stove supplied. ai y 14,750 asking price on this Prompt Delivery i RAR REL Edu: Earl Fowler TV..RA 35-1683 OSHAWA--RA 3-4873 MEN FOR to discuss these opportunities Next to Oshawa Shopping New building. Centrally lo- large 6-room, brick bungalow, RA Senool acrobatic, character, Friday, Forkwoy TV . ..RA 3-3043 FIBRE GLASS [= =| Centre. Available iamedi- cated in downtown area. with stone front and carport, 8-895] Saturday. Masonic Temple. RA 37253.) Mel Pollard TV. RA 3-9512 139 _ Articles Wanted 41-- Room and Board ately Apply 399 Eimgrove | Moderate rent. Leases now features dining room, 3 bed- Premier TV....RA 5-1179 BOAT BU | LDI NG [ios 'ntlemen, to share room, -|_ Ave. available. TR er lore ferae TV Enterprises. .RA 5-2905 | te home. Telephone MO. 8-5785. pod & SOUTER [LEARN TO DRIVE | oo 0 coc SHAW | Familior with hand, loy up, [ious ani bewrd for westemanciore| BUCKINGHAM : ond vinyl tile throughout, PAINT -- WALLPAPER AT THE OSHAWA Ci S AUTO WRECKING CO. | Process {to down town and North GM. 29 ree MANOR THE TIMES 52% mortgoge. $2,500 PAINTING & DECORATING DRIVING SCHOOL Jock Christie RA 5.1179 : ; | In replying, please fumish East. RA 85160. N ' will handle. See this home CONTRACTORS Loe Electric RA 5.6369 Wants cars for wrecking, also «perience in detail, also |RWOOM and board for one gentleman, APARTMENTS BUILDING and make an offer. Call Mr. For Free Estimates Call: Licensed by Ys Folge Come Sn Tie RA 57743 Scrap iron ond: metdls, etc. - ges expected, in writing to; | RA 5 nT iy Frivy Washing) 1 and 2 bedroom apartments Eioheed at RA 5-651. . Standard and' Au- | ough ] rday all o i . 547 Monizave AY crt] c ly equi ; DAYS MO 8-5231 re an is 4 Wainer Villiams RA' 5.353 ig Satu ij BOX 346 | ROOM and board, good home cooking, | glectrically eduibpec pest Contact T. L. WILSON Open Evenings EVENINGS RA 5-7426 RA 0091 WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL : jeiose to GM ang. four cormerst alto 498 Simcoe St North, MotB, Members of Oshowe end 107 Byron St. §,, Whitby 8- CHARGE CREDIT CARDS RA 5-2311 89 BLOORE. OSHAWA TIMES jEanke fo se, AVPD 5 Dimon] RA S876, A215 | Phone RA 3-3474 | pile" real Estate: Boord