CAPSULE NEWS 3 1 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Merch 15, 1960 3 | | set TRANSFUSIONS UP 4 TORONTO (CP) Canadian 0 municipal plod donors voluntarily gave Young sug-| 555 518 hotfles of blood to the Red prefer the Cross blood transfusion service in York to the 1959 a record for any year since Gna and heriine service started in 1947, the planning FREE rv 1 | TR Saxe... Talent Scouts 8 |ior public school to be built on g * y by the Oshawa Board of Educa- hase iE For hngineers 35 with a member of the architects A | Late in February, the building : 1and planning committee recom- ge. 136 firms are searching for|fiance of party chief Hugh Gaits-| # (mended that the sum of $362,000 oi coring graduates at the Uni- kell and criticism of Labor de-| {nish the school. jobs. There won't be enough grad- ary debate two weeks ago. | | juates to go around. Director of| J ; placement J. K. Bradford said 41 OFFERS HIGHER PAY | CITY AND : OTTAWA _(CP)--Presi ists but there are only 12 in the C. Best of the Civil Service Asso-| graduating class. {ciation of Canada said Monday key federal civil servanis have] TS CLOSED FARM SALE APPROVED STREE S CLOS <i SOTA TORONTO (CP)--Sale of a 75-|the Quebec provincial civil serv- The following streets wi 2 acre farm near Oakville for $393,-/ice. He sail he does not regard| closed for construction today. 755 as approved under thelthe Quebec offers as an attempt] {Stevenson road north to Gibbons|eourt here Monday. Permission|province was simply trying tol |street. Whenever possible these| yas given fo the executors of the|strengthen its provincial setup. | [streets will be partially opened estate of Frederick William Hut-| i |iraffic. Extreme heavy rains may who died in 1933, to sell the land! COBOURG (CP) -- Four addi- gE result in the closing of otheri(o Louis Charles, trustee for a tional charges of theft totalling !sireets. company to be incorporated. A $15,153 were laid Monday against! Visitors at the luncheon meet- HOPE TO LURE GINA Hope Tawar esl Web > mg of the Rotary Club of Osh-| TORONTO (CP)--North YOrK .. linn cher . AY - awa included Bill Holden, of Council Monday up a com- earlier charge of stealing $17,000 Armstrong, of Pickering - Col-|inducing Gina Lollobrigida, noted lege: Murray Sparkes, Mike|Italian movie star, lo move to Clayton, Thomas Heath and Bar-{that suburban Toror Payne, of Toronto. and Rotar- gested 'Gina would ians C. Stewart McTavish, of pure air of North Bowmanville, and Rev. John Van Smog of Toron.o 'Back Plans | Wilson Road south were approved firm, Clifford and Lawrie. TORONTO (CP)--Talent scouts ignation followed Crossman's de- {be approved to construct and fur-yarsity of Toronto to fill 2,086|fence policy during a parliament-| companies are seeking metallurg- {CP)--President J.| | DISTRICT been offered better-paying jobs in| {Rossland road west closed from geiiled Estates Act in .weekly|to raid the federal service. The {to permit movements of localichinson, a retired bank manager MORE CHARGES LAID VISITORS AT ROTARY subdivision is planned. {Homer W. Aitcheson, former Port OCVI: Kent Bromley and Bob mittee to study the possibility of from clients, Wood, of O-chawa; Allanity. Councillor Fred husband and son are ed SHOCK OF FIRE! his home early Sunday morn- | ing. His four-year-old sister Jay suffocated under her bed He was rescued by Toronto The horror of his experience shows on the face of nly year-old Jackie Mc il, res- cued from a fire which gutted | "larmelon, of Whitby IMPOSE $10 FINE Gerald Haight, 34, of 299 Currie Ave., was in Oshawa Magis- rate'st Court Mondoy for the oud time in a month, He pleade guilty to being intoxicated and was fined $10. JAILED FOR MONTH i Stewart Mackin, 218 Dearborn Ave., went to jail for a month after he was convicied Monday by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs of be- ing intoxicated in a public place.| {This was his second offence. | In |amalgamated with S fireman Wilfrid O'Hearn who collapsed from smoke inhala- tion as he tried to find the girl CP Wirephoto OBITUARIES move to Canada EXPANSION PROGRAM ST. CATHARINES (CP) gara Township will : samation of 7,000 acres of ne neighboring Grantham Township whether or not Grantham Catharines, | Port Dalhousie and Merritton, lawyer W. S. Martin said Mon- day. Previously Niagara Town- ship has sought only land on the east side of the Welland Canal Township officials had announced they would seek the 7,000 acr on the west side of the canal only if amalgamation took place jf faction press. fof 1958 total. APPROVE STREET PARKING TORONTO (CP) street parking with Monday night by city council The city now short in preparation for an appli imental pilot projects. 0 Red Cross said Monday. The do- | (hated blocd provided free trans-| fusions of whole blood and blood fractions to 198,538 patients, an of 23,531 patients over| Overnight | a monthly charge was approved in principle may conduct polls in areas where parking space is cation to the legislature for an order-in-council permitting exper- POINTED CONVERSATION Israel's Premier David Ben- | West German chancellor's suite | Gurion gestures as he talks | at the Waldorf Towers in New | with Konrad Adenauer in the | York today. Ben-Gurion, 73, visited the 84 . year - old Adenauer briefly for informal discussions. --AP Wirephoto WEATHER FORECAST | Sunny And Cold Disarmament Plan Not Perfection Mrs. McEachren OBITUARIES Leaves $2,532,740: i: oi March '11, at the Osha Hospital in his 63rd year. ne funeral was held from National the A bequest 0: $3000 to the Osh- of dogs at Canadian Armstrong Funeral Home on awa General Hospital was among Exhibition shows. and James Melvin those raade in the will of the! In her will, she directed that Chairr Dorothy late Mrs. Mary Eileen McEach- all her rogs eight years or older the Bah: Spiritual ren published yesterday Mrs. be put to death in the 'most conducted the se McEachren was the eldest daugh- humane way' and their bodies/was in-Oshawa Union Cemetery. ter of Col. R. S. McLaughlin, buried in Skyhill Cemetery Pallbearers Sheets, of Assembly, | ice. 1 10 were: J 3 Barnes McRae, Melvin. re : Wednesda Last-Ditch SET BACK BY COLD VAN'T GIVE TERRITORY | On ed DETROIT (CP)--Last week's! NE DELHI (Reuters)--The 5 : OTTAWA (CP)--Canada is not cold weather has all but ended Supreme . Court ruled Monday] TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- day afternoon. Summary for Wed- entirely satisfied with the West- a x any hope that lake navigation out|that no part of Indian territory |casis issued by the weather office|nesday--Mainly sunny. i etn disarmament plan which goes 1vorce 1 lof here will begin ahead of the can be transferred to anotheriat 11 a.m. today: | Timmins, Kapuskasing regions: before the 10-nation East-West {March 20 date calculated earlier|Country without a change in the| Synopsis: A high pressure area Sunny today. Cloudy Wednesday. conference opening today in Gen- by the weather bureau constitution. The ruling will af- over Ontario is accompanied by| Snow beginning Wednesday after-| aya, / fect talks here next month be-|clear skies and light winds in all{noon. Milder Winds light today, fn a statement to the Commons ouse a e EXPECT EARLIEST OPENING {ween Prime Minister Nehru and forecast rezions. A band of snow| Southerly 20 Thursday. {Monday night, just before the | MONTREAL (CP)--The Cana- Communist Chine se Premier | extending from Kansas northw ard| Forecast Temperatures plan was made public, External . By KEN KELLY |dian Steamship Lines freighter Chou Baila) on the Chinese-Indian| across Masioba is moving east Low tonight High Wednesday |Affairs Minister Green stressed D "anadian Press Staff Writer |pskimo is two davs from the tip|border dispute. ward. This is expected to reach|windsor 35 (that the Canadian government chairman of General Motors of| At the time of her death her holm, Jol Rex Wil-l OTTAWA (CP)--Signs of a last-|of Newfoundland and is er : iy ; {White River region Wednesday|st Thomas ... 32 |would like to have seen more Canada, and spent much of her/dogs were valued at $9150. Shejliams, Walter Jeff Sweet gitch battle to remove divorce|to reach here Sunday. chopping PLAN MANNED FLIGHT morning and to spread to the re-|1 sndon urgent attention given to nuclear earlier life in Oshawa. She died|ordered her dog trophies be giv-iand aJames |bills from. Parliament were evid-la week off the standing record] WASHINGTON (AP) The| mainder of the northern regions am disarmament measures. December 27 cn to the Canadian Kennel Club GRACE O'CONNOR lent in the Commons Monday. [for the earliest ocean arrival, |Civilian space agency hopes toland to Lake Erie region by Wed-roronto .... The Western proposals were A probate of her will, eal. ne. des her bequest to the Osh-| Grace Marion O'Connor, 35, of| CCF members--long opposed to port officials said Monday. zen 8 ane expeuirion to fly|uesday Syenng. L a URE ah utes framed by representatives of Brie ed she left an estate of 2740] Sesiuns pe he iL a es 4 RR? Whitby died suddenly. Mon-| Parliament being saddled with| : : al Stong he moon a = _ to Regional forecasts valid unti St. Catharines . tain, the United States, France, The principal beneficiaries awa General Hospital, Mrs, Me- lav. March 14. while attending a the job of granting divorces to JOURNALISM WINNER |earth sometime after 1970. iis midnight Wednesday: : _|Hamilton Canada and Italy -during talks in Mrs. McEachren's - will are her|E2Chren 'bequeathed $10,000 each gay To 8 13, walle ai < ns residents of Newfoundland and] MONTREAL (CP)--Omer Her-|Was disclosed Monday by Dr. T. _ Lake Erie region. Windsor: {Muskoka Giny Paris. They call for a three-stage Toner de Do Ticats the Canadian National Insti-/teac hers Ines ng the ni Quebec ivhere there are no pro.|OUX. former editor - in - chief of Keith Glennan, chief of the Na- Sunny today. Cloudy Wednesday. Killaloe . plan of disarmament, Only in Jackson. her sons. Michael Mc.) We for the Blind and the Can- ( aren a tster [inetd] (ivores Conds embarked | Montreal Le Devoir, has been tional Aeronautics and Space Ad-|Snow beginning Wednesday even. Earlton . stage 3 is prohibition of nuclear, i ohlin Phillips and Derek Me. S¢F Researlh Foundation, and, She : ls DY. Bie on tactics that delayed all but awarded the Grand Prix 1960 for ministration, in seeking approv: ling. A little higher temperatures. |Sudbury .. chemical, biological "and other Laugh m *>alllps anc PEK MC ¢3000 to the Junior League Cere- Anne, of the Sisters of Se la ; - velit | French-Canadian journalism. The|of the agency's request for $915,-| Winds light becoming southeast 15|North Bay . weapons of mass destruction" Laugnlin Phillips, and their chil- oral Palsy Clinic. vice", Camp Morton Manitoba; (ive, of 72 Sivievs measures iB] ward ae ul » ban-000,000 for the fiscal year start- Wednesday afternoon. Summary| Kapuskasing .. provided for. ren, The estate consists simarily/a brother, George Joseph O'Con- 5, i eling July 1. for Wednesday--snow in ing. CTIO ESSA Mrs. McEachren operated the of ey $20,945: book debi nor, of Windsor, and a brother,| Frank Howard (CCF -- Siena Ut. F She Mores) federation oil | Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- PRODIN NY 9 gt A Tailteann kerry blue kennels inland promissory notes, $481,922; Frank, of RR 2, Whitby. told a reporter outside the House|p oo 1anouage group, | COLLIERY UNSAFE, CLOSED |tario, Georgian Bay, Haliburton,| § 2 |. Towever, Stage 4 dobs ) ave. had ctonks 270 47 Trea) ag he deceased was horn in Whit- that the eight CCF MPs will fol- r COALBROOK, South Africa Kirkl ORS | jprovision for cessation of produe- § Toronto and for many years had stocks, $1,870,471 and real The deceased wa I | » S Kirkland Lake regions, Toronto, | ition of fissionable materials for been a prize-winning exhibitoritate, $114 500, by Township She was the daugh- low similar tactics for the re-| QUITS LABOR HIERARCHY |(Reuters)--All sections of Clydes-| London, Hamilton, North Bay, | | iii rib ter of the late William and Rose mainder of the session when di-| LONDON (Reuters) -- Promin-| dale colliery near here, where|Sudbury: Sunny today and most| weapons purposes, immediately following the installation of an ef. es- Little Left On Radio |=" Except Music, Serials By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) nothing like an old-fashior programs. And music, even when There's it isn't rock "n' roll, begins. to 1 cold cloy when it isn't an accompani- in the head to reveal what has ment to something else the list- been happening to radio while ener doing we've had our top attention fixed The more entertaining part of on television the day for a restless invalid, un- Television proved no panaceajable even to read, started with for this recently rheumy-eyed suf- m Levenson on CBS shortly ferer, but neither, it must be con- after 9 a.m. I stuck with that net- fessed, was goc daytime work straight through to 2 p.m radio. appar takes more when it concluded block of than a couple A for daytime serials. stranger to gel caugh! up inthe I found, however, there adventures i Helen Trent. little except music on radio these Top news just n't break fast daytimes, hardly: any fun at enough to variety to any more to stay home with those half-ho roundup a cold in the head When NBC announced that Bing Crosby's sons Philip, Dennis and COMING EVENTS Lindsay would not after all be : Per Como's guests Wednesday DESSERT N . , there was a flurry of tele- Sehool, Thursday larch me calls. It turned out. that it Games 3 izes A asion + was all a misunderstanding in| nant ame ang coo! the network's publicity depart a "56 ,imept The _ boys hadn't been jackpots. Doo signed for th®™™engagement, but IRISH TEA United SOMebody assumed father and Church, Wedn 2:30, Sons were part of some package Programme RUMMAGT deal 30. Nev t n's 1 Recommended tonight: Silene and Junior Academy Songs, NBC, 8:3 + road ans J Wyman presides over built around Oscar-win- tunes of the past vith les Laughton, Kay Starr, Nat Cole and others Arthur Murray Party for Bob Hope, NBC, 9:30-10--First of a two-part series, "roasting" the comedian. or. SWEARING COSTS ALREADY HIGH LONDON (AP)--Peers of the | realm decided Monday that | swearing costs enough already and should not be made more | expensive. The House of Lords rejected a bill designed to bring fines for "uttering oats" in line with the current value of things Lord = Swathling, the bill's sponsor, said the Profane Oaths Act of 1745 still on the | statutes, It provides swearing | penalties ranging from "one | shilling for a laborer, common soldier or sailor, to two shillings for a gentleman and five shil- lings for any offender above is It its is so it's all all Cards, Conant 17, 8 or Mare Ha ne gfest KINSMEN BINGO nin JUBILEE PAVILION TUESDAY, MARCH 15 FREE ADMI EXTRA BU Jackpot Nos. 55 and 53 FRIDAY, MARCH ST. PATRICK'S SQUARE AND ROUND DANCE 9 to 12 pm YWCA, 199 CENTRE Dancing in Two R Band $1.25 yom Two TICKETS EACH is NOTICE | PILGRIM PLAYERS | PRODUCTION OF | that re shilling was worth 'CHARI EY"S AUNT' | considerably more than the | present equivalent of 14 cents. POSTPONED | Swaythling recommended a standard fine of £10. But the NTIL FURTHER NOTICE House threw out his bill after a government spokesman said a new scale of fines for minor offences is already being pre- pared A {0'Connor. She TV-RADIO COLUMN | Whitby. ares ee at STUDY EACH BILL Ajax Public fective control system and "'con- ditional upon satisfactory pro- gress in the field of conventional disarmament." Stage 2 also provides for the transfer of fissionable material to non-weapons uses, under inter al supervision and control, Green said that Lt.-Gen. E. Burns, Canada's repre- resided in the vorce bills are discussed. ent socialist Richard Crossman 435 miners were killed in Janu- of Wednesday becoming cloudy For the {has resigned from the leadership |ary, have been ruled unsafe and| Wednesday evening. A little of the opposition Labor party in closed, the state government an- higher temperatures. Winds light| Y ect the House of Commons. The res- nounced Monday. becoming southeast 15 Wednes- X R C -hay Cut TORONTO (CP) A mass : tuberculin testing survey being nation undertaken in Victoria County . "= and the town of Lindsay may re- M i sult in a reduction of a large afniative at the; Paris talks, had [number of x-rays--the greatest some success in pressing for urg- |source of radiation among hu- ent attention to nuclear disanma. ings ment measures, "though not as man beings. |much as I should have liked." Health Minister Dymond told| x , h 4 the legis] d 3 _| Canada, he said, shared fo a e legislature Monday every ef |de ree the views of the French fort is being made to reduce med. ! Se a t whose proposals for ical and dental x-rays danger. g rolli » tt hy Do li "New and safer equipment con: controlling the means of deliver- tinues to be developed, and many ing Muclear WathenlS Seerned 4 voluntary associations and hos- . ad 1 : . xiety yor' vy. pitals provide people with cards anxiety in the world toda on which | tod GYerY ex Mr. Green said the cutoff in ch is noted every exposure itary production of fission-hle said Dr. Dymond. materials and conversion of ex Last year, when Dr. Dymond h Bhan isting stocks 1 announced a study to inquire into! to pecace'nl uses : A also deserved higher priority. the x-ray problem, he said 54 per| z ig: P y cent of radiation exposure -was caused by medical treatment or f (x-rays.and only one per cent by School had at-| The method employed by Mr. | college at Loretto Ab- Howard, Arnold Peters (CCF--| and also attended Normal Timiskaming) and Harold Winch (CCF--Vanccuver East) is the John the essence of simplicity -- discus: the deceased'each bill separately. Catholic. In the past, the 300 or so di- vorce measures that have come Funeral a are by to Parliament each year have re- WwW. C. Town Fun Chapel, | ceived detailed study only in the | Whitby. Requiem High Mass will|Senate's divorce committee and | be in St. John the Evaneelist|in the Commons private bills Church, Thursday, March 17, at/committee. Usually they sailed] 10.30 a.m. Interment v be in {through th Commons in blocks| Francis de Sales tery. of 20 or more with only occa-|% Pickering |sional reference to an individual §° bill. % Mr. Peters refused Monday to| i TURN MANY DOWN zie vi coment io bi ore FOR INSURANCE {quired for this departure from Commons rules. According to recent statis- On the five divorce measures | tics more than 260,000 people [that received final passage, tic who apply for life insurance |CCF MPs attacked the evidence are not accepted for reasons |faken by the Senate divorce com- of health or hazardous occu- |mittee to establish adultery, only pations. And another 400,000 [grounds accepted by the commit- must pay extra for it! [tee for divorce. E | fallout. : You take the hazard out of {COLLUSION SUGGESTED "Realizing that chest x-rays your budget when you turn They suggested collusion and| Skee ; i may only be actually necessary| hous hold itemne yo Bo long: perjury by .the private detectives ii#] i 3 i ¢ in relatively few of the general| ne or PA a a |hired to obtain the evidence and ; population, we now are seeking! to start your ad. She school A member of Evangelist Church was president of Women's League St the Whitby CANADA'S + ALL-CANADIAN COMPANY lohjected in some cases to in- ® proof of this by a mass tuber-| adequate provision for the chil- ¢ lculin testing survey." | dren of the divorced couples. EE After detailing one piece of | evidence, Mr. Winch went to the heart of their objection: "When Parliament is asked to| NORANDA (CP) Rouyn- take up this stuff and to accept | Noranda Aloueftes defeated this kind of evidence, then surely | Kapuskasing Huskies 4-2 Monday | Dot only is it time for a change it to take a 32 lead in their but surely this is the kind of case best - of - seven northern Ontario Which should be referred back to| Hockey Association Senior A/OUr committee so that the wit- emi-final playoff nesses could be recalled to give Alocettes took a 2-1 lead in. thei Heir evidence and some way be first period and held a 3-2 edge found of charging them with per- t the end of the second. jury unless they change their Bob Brooker, Joe Richard, Val story Mitchell and Jacques Nadon were the goal-getters for Als. Claude Piche and Moe Chevrefils were the Kapuskasing marksmen BUEHLERS, Tender EAT'N 7 44 TRUE-TRIMBEEF {+ 12 KING E. -- RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Wed. Only ! STEAKS & ROASTS 39 Noranda Alouettes Beat Kapuskasing i * SEARING HEAT AT GAS FIRE | chine following an explosion in | men risked their lives ap- Roman paving stones uncovered| tanks of propane at the = which two men died. The sear- ProBeRing Jem. Fireman = l by a ne I si . rae Dror T ir abin. . ; wo : right shields his face from the REALLY DRY bn bi on 0 ining she! Superior Propant Kimited plant ng heat blistered paint on the Boat with bis hat Arica, a port near the northern (served during construction of a the Montreal suburb of La- | highly explosive tanks and fire- --CP Wirephoto tip of Chile, is the dryest spot in supermarket. The stones are one| - mas | the world--annual average rain-jof the tourist attractions of this fall 1-50th of an inch. ancient city. ANCIENT PAVEMENT | py) CANTERBURY, England (CP) Firemen direct water against gas BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST LEAN, MINCED ROUND STEAK BONELESS RUMP ROAST PORK CHOPS LEAN, SLICED SIDE PORK SLICED, BREAKFAST BACON SMALL LINK PORK SAUSAGE and flakie: ana crackling crisp be- cause they're "AQUAFLAKED" a bak process exclusive to, , , 9 9 Weslon's (7 por) or Elrtlines Free! Marie Fraser's new "'Tea-time Treats' recipes. Write today! DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto