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The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1960, p. 10

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the morning my hand was always|for preparing and serving fish,|any product to a supreme test, in the cookie jar." just to mention a few. For asicome sweet when filled with a Lunch in those gaining days little as seven 'cent:, however,isoda solution and left to soak was three or four sandwiches, the cost of a box of soda bicar- for a while. Doggy odors vanish peanut butter and jelly or cream bonate (baking soda), you can when dry soda is rubbed in and KEEP IN TRIM |cheese. "I would eat a sand-| invest in anti-odor insurance, for then out of your pet's coat. A lit= Young Mother Enjoys Dieti lwich while making sandwiches this trusty household staple has tle dry soda applied with a damp T 11 H Sh I, t 115 P ds for the children," she con'inued.|been recognized for almost a ponge will nullify the odors from e S IOW e 0S oun | "But I never sat down and hundred years as one of the best|baby's regurgitation. Perspira- |really enjoyed it 'and so I felt I sweeteners available at any tion odors disappear from sweat- |cause of her overweight? Noth. wasn't eating anything much," price. ers if you dampen the underarm of ing more complicated than poor she explained. And baking soda offers a bo- area, rub in dry soda and let set it/food habits carried right on| 'While preparing dinner Iinus benefit. It cleans as well as for a while before washing, through childhood. At 13 and: 16 would eat half the food, just it sweetens. Proof of its cleans- had been given metabolism|{sampling. Then I'd take small ing powers is the fact that Irish cleaner that will remove alll traces of wax and polish along| {with any dirt or grime. Shallow dents in the wood can be raised by placing a damp cloth over the dent and applying a hot eleciric iron. Touch up the worn spots with the varnish you are using. {SANDPAPER SPOTS | | When these spots have dried hard, sandpaper them lightly {with fine sandpaper, dust, then |varnish the entire surface. Cracked, discolored or badly 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 16 1960 na By IDA JEAN KAIN The greater the amount overweight, the more difficult is to tackle a diet. If you are u k fw ini i burdened with a mountain of fat she § I I it or Huighes Sst be, siripped --anything like a hundred or|tests, both of which were normal. | portions on my plate, small por- homemakers, living around the [down to le bare wood wi A ore pounds -- quite naturally|So it wasn't glands . . . just ex-tions . . . except for dessert. IiLcugh Erral, wash their clothes d | pint I Varnish hg There! vou feel anxious about altering|cess food. could never eat only one piece of|jy the lake without soap of any| i ue Pc iol igi : be yourself. You may honestly doubt] On hee wedding day this bride Pie - . 1 se haifa pie 1 figure sort for the water contains a h btained that it will be possible for you tojlr.pped down the aisle at a hefty A ng 8.000 or more cal-/large percentage of soda bicar- ons Se make (he necessary drastic 170 pounds. With her first child ories a day," this young mother ponate v Follow carefully the directions h : our living habits. /she gained 40 pounds With. the| concluded frankly J nate. d jon tt: 2 container on how 10 apply| rnin I i if it Would second child she also gained 4 What she did about her prob- In: most eases, youll either { he remover and how to neutral- be. worth it. pounds. Three more children lem is tomorrow's story. {sponge down the article to be p |ize it. later, this young mother weighed sweetened with a baking soda p : When the surface has dried. Only someone who has ex- ats fe 300 A ighed . |solution, or you'll put it to soak . VENET t and it smooth and remove ali perienced what it means to be ' Housewives Trust lin a solution, the strength of the IAN BLINDS is sanding with a cloth dampened free from the Lh sveak with GAINS POUNDAGE solution depending on the 3 lin turpentine or odorless paint conviction. Rake I rom a youn#| gow could anyone gain that : strength of the odor. About threo . h 7 |thinner. A vacuum cleaner is mother who has reduced 15! anormous amount of poundage? Old-Fashioned Soda tablespoons of soda per quart of DRAPERY TRACKS : * lhandy for getting rid of the Popads and has to Jove, pounds Here is the food pattern that F D 0d iv [warm water is a good basic one sandings. o go--you can find real habpl-iy.,, ht it on. During the day she - the amount recommended by New wood surfaces should be Jess While vou are reducing. Her never sat down to . a pind or ¢ orizing manufacturers of refrigerators a prepared the same way as those letter began She always "ate on the run (I| Give the slightest trace of a and freezers. Where odors are r from which finish has been re- "Your columns give me fresh don't know where 1 was running household odor its head and be- accompanied by sticky or stub- moved. : will4o-do and renew my hope io my house was -always a fore you know it, it's big, bold born spots, you can apply the 4 Unless the color of the wood is day after day. I have lost 115 mess)" and breath-taking. And there are soda dry with a damp sponge t exactly right for you, and this is/pounds. I urge that you keep UP Breakfast, on the run, was five, many areas in the house that in- without fear of its scratching. In rare, common practice is to stain the good work ite odors. There's ri - additi ishi j ; Je or six slices of well-buttered toast vite odors. ere's the refrigera- addition to banishing ctandard| / the 'wood before applying the| 1 reached for the telephone to ! tbo tor, freezer, cookie jar, bread household odors, soda bicarbon- 1 i varnish. make the long. distance call to and jelly. *'I guess I had a thou- pox. sponges, di h cloths, lunch ate also does away with a num-| : "| SELECT COLOR [the writer of this letter. So im sand calories at breakfast alone," boxes, vacuum bottles, flower ber of off-beat odors. Bait buck- : Ei" Select the desired color and pressed was I with our telephone she commented. "Then during vases, dishes and utensils used ets, for example, which will put : ri i aU conversation that I decided | e------------------ mr ------------------------ i 1 ve $ mix it according to label direc-| . "er story -will r . $ | tions. Apply sparingly with soft visit her : ney 5 oy Trney 4 ] cloth or brush, working with the you ope 2ngmasne: your i hg ia. bury FREE PARKING ee BUDGET TERMS a grain and applying. even pres- _-- -- RS ---- -- err --_-- ] ure. Stains should be wiped off At the start of her reducing i . -- EE across the grain after the proper adventure this young mother} N : tone has been reached weighed just two pounds short of i s ) 4 | ] f Mos v 0s do pot have to be Ho a Jad Wa Te 1 fi A : . ; | illed, but open-grained wood v be A iid ri. " WH such as oak, walnut, chestnut 1 : and mahogany, require a filler to y $ CARDIGAN FOR GIRLS close the pores and provide a Baby % Hot This raglan sleeve cardigan | for ladies in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18. | cents for handling, to the smooth _ surface for. the varnish - = will surely please the Molena yarn knits up with No. = Nee aft Department of this [top coat. The filler is applied L ttl H d | , v scious young miss. Ir 3 needles. If you would like to = pape requesting CARDIGAN after the stain has dried. Most] | e ea are for size 6, 8, 10, 12 obtain the easy knitting instruc- FOR GIRLS PULLOVER [fillers come in paste form and] i baby's head feels hot it may vet, the same model, made in | tions, simply send a stamped | FOR MISSES, Leaflet No. CW- (should be thinned with turpentine, be because of simple fever common to some U | a pullover style, will be suitable | self-addressed envelope plus 10 | 128. o the consistency of cream Tablet bab) silmenc Su. Bay's Chen +] = = ------ . PICKLED EFFECT : ining Yarmiul wastes om z P . or satin-finish is preferred, al For a pickled effect, use als y ee Deri, x] rotect eauty urniture though the high-gloss varnishes white filler, bul use a neutral ! In x | roduce a tougher surface that filler on unstained wood. js A Jeverish std hon. [| (yd With Coat Of Cl V . h JA he ih apse inte Yo On stained wood, stain the "ms up tnd stound apn K u h is transpare BV aw In white or natural filler with some |, hpi ast . ) ear varnis the _surfacc to be coated will|of the siain you have been using. |b mi ake and a, On Monday March the 7th; the mains in front of our Check These Items 2] By ELEANOR ROSS <i tvoe' of 'varnish "vost apg oY. Daroush That is why for. Brush the filler on freely first| 0 ally 0. at store burst and flooded our downstairs store. Through -] I varn ar 17h surface preparation is more > Uva oN agin toath Seriese, pee ne enhances and protects © ctly applied importan than when using ne a Ae it SonM! hy bles Rin. fa w no fault of our own, thousands of dollars of fresh wu the beauty of furniture with an CHECK WITH DEALER opaque finishes such as enamel.|to dry for 24 hours, then sand or fod of 3 cortective y abou i spring merchandise was slightly water-domaged. To ~N Stace rain Dette a Since not every varnish is suit-'NO SPECIAL PROBLEM steel wool lightly. at your druggist 4 clear this merchandise, the prices are fantastically z To achieve results of which shle ollie Te ; I Ihe old . face we yon only DUST-FREE ROOM 3 New! dams Swi Louon Sysur co low. Come in - see for yourself. Q you will be proud, the surface recommendations. rl Te NO a Il 0 he actual vaitislinl In 3, Wiking...slysut..w Tig ion 3 oud, t recommendations 4 dry room, as dust-f; a ssible must be properly prepared, the For most pieces, a semi-gloss i Wash the pieces with a paint'and ry i po SALE STARTS THURSDAY 1] A M -- -- -- ME . «i. ' SOLVE ALL YOUR RACK LADIES' BRIEFS LADIES' DRESSES S BLOUSES, HOUSECOATS Normally sold for 79¢ DECORATING PRCBLEMS AT BREAKERS, WINDBREAKERS, COATS In ottracti i -M- eo o oo " SOME SLIGHTLY SOILED Mractive styles. Sizes $-M-L. = . q 1 ec | LADIES' 1st QUALITY NYLONS KNITTING WOOL (7) [» New Spring Shades All Nylon reinforced. WHITE - BABY 8 C BLUE - GREY MIST - BROWN - NAVY hy A - SCARLE L - . 2 b h 1d oe Reg. 1.35 pair . PR. SC T YELLOW - PINK - AZURE to e e 5 BLUE. Reg. 39c oz. ......... revere ] MARCH 17th, 18th, 19th 8 ' 3 ' ' : LADIES' SLIPPERS ALL WINTER COATS |X ¥ ; . . 7] In styles that normally C MEN WOMEN Low . CHILDREN LOW sold for 2.98 pair ..... (Reduced to clear) PRICE! LJ ' | MEN'S CAR COATS MEN'S SUITS \ ¥ 3 : \ All wool, warm quilted lin- Now is your chance to select your { \ ing Pia Normally sold for 8 new Spring suit et en unbelievable . 1 | 17.98 low price. Most sizes in the lot. i o sid mabileGebiiaiad dnl ib sie vid, Normally sold up to 59.98 .. i = : : MEN'S JOCKEY SHORTS | CHILDREN'S LINED OR UNLINED |i A TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE BY <iicktiv soled. Normalit sola C ii. Sanford Bei 3 c x ightly soiled. Normally so or For boys er girls. nforized. Sizes 2 to A COLOR CONSULTANT FROM THE FROM THE C-I-L SALES STAFF WILL Be poe. Sizer sm... 6x. Normally sold for 1.98 and 2.49 .. ht C-I-L COLOR STUDIO WILL BE PRE- BE PRESENT TO 'DISCUSS YOUR 8 a CE i ~] SENT TO DISCUSS YOUR DECORAT PAINTING PROBLEMS A S : ND MAKE lic] BOYS' LONG PANTS BOYS' RUBBER BOOTS |3 4 i (| ING PROBLEMS. RECOMMENDATIONS. fy Ind : : Q 7 ] n dressy patterns and styles. All Mostly size 4. First 59 i wash ' Si . } | : uh n wear. Sizes 10 to 16. Reg. quality. Normally sold [] , 8 RR aaa for 3.59. ....cocuiies NEW C.I.L COLOR SERVICE MEN'S SHOES | MEN'S SHIRTS wile : i CRC : . i . . A TOUNVAN-UF 'Bl In styles that regularly Mostly Sport Shirts, some in o I \/ A The C-I1-L STYLIST on sold from 9.98 to 14.98. « Dan River cloths. Some ® * & L i i COLOR BLENDER will COLOR FOR YOu HS) Mostly brown shades . . . dres shirts. & blend the Ciltone color fg g Use our color blending service today! An [A] Q . xell TROMBOLITE i i ii you 'want, right before. Tits TASNSSITE Lamp els vou me i. Many, Many More Bargains on Display, Come in and Shop Around N light. And decorating with CILTONE is so a \ your eyes. easy. Jes. sdorion, quick-drying ond steys in PLENTY OF FREE PARKING od USE YOUR CREDIT, NO CARRYING CHARGES i color-fresh. 7) OPEN ALL DAY EVERY WEDNESDAY - J " 8 OPEN FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. PHONE RA 5-34I11 ] FREE PARKING DEPARTMENT STORE " - Over 85 Years at 85 Simcoe N." RA 5.3529 498 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH (ACROSS FROM SOUTH SIMCOE SCHOOL) - "AN FREE PARKING EEE BUDGET TEEMS ENE

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