THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 16 1960 17 EBERLE NEE E EMEC BEET DLR ETOH a : times in a car on a road near Convicted Rapists Putnam, about eight miles west] : lof Woodstock. ! Ask For New Trial | Bernard Griffith, 23, and Rob-| OTTAWA (CP)--Four convicted ert Quirie, 24, were sentenced to} {rapists from London, Ont., asked|three years in Kingston Peniten-| the Supreme Court of Canada tiary. Gerald Griffith, 18, re- | Tuesday to grant them a new ceived two years less a day in| trial. Guelph Reformatory and Thomas ri SE] PNAC 2 | They were convicted at Wood- | Kribs, 19, was sentenced to 21 stock last March 26 on rape months in the reformatory. | charges involving an 18-year-old C. L. Dubin of Toronto, counsel | #1 [London girl. She testified at the|for the accused, said the vital is- #4 § trial that she was attacked 11isue is whether there was consent, | | TWO EXCITING TRUE LIFE STORIES! | [of ESA "cv GOLDEN SNARK whose true confessions John Barrymore in Ed (Bll 1960 POWER MOWER = TOO SOON § ApDED THRILLER! | EEE 20 INCH SWATH CUT Britain's Princess Margaret ~ i 3 { and her fiance, Antony Arm- | \ FE strong-Jones, match smiles as 7 " P N v Z 4 \ they drive from Widcombe | " THE | A I 4 yr near Bath, England, Sunday, at : % close of weekend with a friend or BIG x RY of Armstrong-Jone: Jeremy roe he Tey | {Ro {a A 00 AY <h\ f wine ANN BLYTH PAUL NEWMAN RICHARD CARLSON | | RIGCS & STRATTON AP Wirephoic £ "1% " Eph "Xx CINEMASCOPE' : \. fF ii (BOTH FEATURES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) THEATRE GUIDE | |S | N Brock -- "I Mobster" 7.00 and X { D> - "TARE 1005 pm. "Yesterday's : = - Enemy' 8.30 1. Last com- 4 ; vig w p 3 ! i {F TechnicoLore Rock. plete show at 3.10 p.m Marks Twilight For The Gods" 2.15, 600, 955 pm "Quentine Durward" 12.30, 4.15 810 p.m. Lasi complete show at 8.10 p.m Regent it Dienes's "tony | G0" Diag "Twilight for The Gods" & "Quentin Durward Bi WEEK! Tyler" in Technicolor, shown ® daily at 120. 340. 30. 75% STARTS TODAY at 930 pm "anmee | CLUB LORELEY | THE MIGHTIEST MOTION slovakia had 5 es in eb £ ve hy Czech and Russian authors Invites You To Our Big | | / Enfite % H Winter SPRING DANCE ||| £153 fa J Wonderland S% a Py | | J ray a hu ON SATURDAY, PY ed 4 | J] osuiar NN f/f ON ' 9 eS / STEEL HANDLES "3 LIFETIME MARCH 19th 8 PM. Jah Ca " / WITH PLASTIC oA GUARANTEED = HEA) in the | hy i aE | / / 8 CYCLE ENGINE -- 377 SAFETY Public Skating | PR SA | ( DECK SKATING PARTIES (Corner Bloor and Simcoe $t.) ARRANGED Phone OLiver 5-3315 Open Every Day of the Week Sorry, No Hockey Sticks Our newly engaged Orchestra will ensure a good time WONDER OF £ #5] i 4 i: = 20 BB \TEY Anion | MARISA PAVAN | ie soe 5 | mn ED BEEMAN em, 6 VOR @ omens BNTHONY VELLER PAUL DUDLEY oe GEORGE BRUCE! ey» CPANE WA! BUR sto. rah Hey Kids! After School Matinees § | |<. SEE A COMPLETE SHOW! | 6:50 -- 9:25 COME AT FOUR AND BE HOME J] -------- IN TIME FOR DINNER! | STAY at HOME : 4 g : | and il \ HEIGHT ADJUSTMENTS FOR SURE TRACTION Youll get a BANGoutof this! | | -- the wildest, wackiest, wooliest o LAY qt Py 0 M E CONVENIENT Oni = = THE NEW | 0 gunslinger ever to shoot | hot i HANDLE THEQTILE l SAFE ING STARTER up a town! (He's Mister Stubbs - oF a er 3 id CONTROL REGULATES Gp). ELIMINATES TUGGING TN = SPEED, CHOKE AND STOP TH[0 AND PULLING ¢ ] yp ¥ ONLY WITH THE = + EXTRA-WIDE PATENTED GOLDEN SNARK 75) TWIN CHUTES EJECT CAN YOU MOW XChJ) CUTTINGS AWAY FROM V BN EIR $C" OPERATOR--HELPS oi 4 WITHOUT ELIMINATE CLOGGING TURNING MOWER AROUND ! Lo 24 TYLER Wg gr | ERIEET2F FREE LEAF MULCHERS REVERSIELE .DOUELE. h OF 4 | | | q 1110 N BE LATE LENT EDGED STEEL BLADES t vith a CIRCUS | RAKING > UKE HAVING Caio Ci GE | KIWANI | JBN perma | Radio Ay | BAS SO TIATHE | hadio Auction jf | ee. EaMEL over L COATING 1:45 - 3:55 - 5:50 - 7:50 - 9:50 | --r-- STATION CKLB OSHAWA CONTINUOUS DAILY from 1:30 P.M. Fe | ® OVER 500 NEW ARTICLES e OVER $7500 IN VALUE I DOWNTOWN. i oy yp OSHAWA ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR OSHAWA : © SHOPPING CENTRE BOYS' AND GIRLS' WORK IN OUR COMMUNITY IL ; ;