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The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1960, p. 8

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# white iad excellent Kay Large. ex- ent Sister Marjorie Carey. most excellent chief Sister Iva Cliff, past grand | S Anne Holt Sister of the Tem J were At a recent meeting Pyihian Sisters, Ontario ple No. 1, the officer installed for 1960 They are front row, from left to righi Hor 10th Oshawa Browide Pack Mother And Daughter Banquet The annual mother and daugh-jwas chairman the evening,| ter banquet of the 10th Oshawa presented Mrs. Charles Langfield| Brownie Pack was held recently with five silver stars to add to in the Salvation Army hall. The her long service ribbon, having} tables were tastefully decorated completed over 35 years in Guid-| in commemoration of the 50th an- ing. The Brownies had a sing] niversary of Guiding in Canada. song, and Major M. Rankin gave A delightful dinner was pre. a short talk of interest to adults pared and served by the mem well as Brownies. bers of the 17th group commitiee Mrs. Theo Lakin, President of Seated at the head table were!the 10th group committee, men- Major and Mrs. Marsland tioned that the commitiee met Rankin, corps officers; Mrs. W. the first Wednesday of each E. Gardner, Adelaide district month at 2.00 p.m., and all were commissioner; Mr. Gordon But- welcome ler, who has been in charge of] The even the Sunday School; Mrs. D. Mc- Eachern, 10th Guide Company Captain: Mrs. Charles Cathmoir, Brown Owl of the 17th Pack, S/ Mrs. Theo Lakin, president the 10th group committee; Mrs. Chuk, Charles Langfield, Brown Owl of Brown the 10th Pack SA Skaters -- A program followed which in-' Beverly Sweet, for as Ss ing closed with the g 3rownie Taps'. The following badges were pre sented: Golden Hand Elaine Sargeant, Kathryn MacDonald of Paula Mutrie, Marilyn Pawlen. Jaclyn Mitruk, Arlene Sharon Rothen- cluded golden hand and skaters bush, Barbara Cameron, Susan!Frank Wenda Lee Cop- Kathryn MacDonald, Jo- Smith, Darleen Coull, badges presented by the com- Vanderheyden, missioner Mrs. W. E. Gardner, pins, and service stars were presented anne bv Brown Owl, Mrs. Charles Sandra Tubb, Janice Abbott, Cathmoir. Delightful readings lene Brown, Winnifred Reid were given by Mrs. Frank Hig- Christine Hobbs: and a number ginbottom one- and two-year service Mrs. Major who stars if of M. Rankin, Secretary to Labor Bosses Quitting to Come to Canada By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- One of the key women in the British Trades Union movement is giving un her job. at the age of 54, and plans to seek a new life in Canada. She is Miss Ivy Saunders, a plump smart, softly-spoken woman who for nearly 28 years has kept the secrets of four general secretar- ies of the mammoth Transport and General Workers' Union. In all, she has spent 37 years in the service of that union. In 1932, she became personal private secretary io Ernest Bevin, then busily building up the (trade union empire which today has 1.300.000 members many in- dustries Miss Saunders known affec- tionately as Ivy to Labor lead- ers. members of parliament and trade union men throughout the country. Now she s leaving Transport House, and plans to work in Canada, or the United States if the Dominion does not provide a suitable opening HAD FOUR CHIEFS Miss Saunders has been per- sonal private secretary to four general secretaries. Ernest Bevin was fhe first for whom she work- ed. She stayed with him until he was anpointed the war-time min- ister. of labor. When Mr. Bevin retired from his post as foreign secretary in 1946, Arthur Deakin, who had been acting general sec- HOUSEHOLD HINT retary, took over officially as If winter - roughened hands head of, the union. Miss Saunders threaten to snag your stockings, worked with him until his d moisten fingertips before you in May, 1955. Her third Trans-'put hose on or remove them. Union chief was Arthur i who was in office only eight months when he died in December, 1955. Her fourth chief, and the present general secre- tary of the Union. is Frank Cousins WORKING ON BOOK Miss Saunders' last big task is that of helping Alan Bullock to prepare a new book on Ernest !Bevin, the first volume of which is now ready for publication. Her own personal view of Mr. Bevin is given in few words. "The one man of that calibre you are going to get in this century." Of her career, she says: "My years with the union have een intensely happy ones. But on the other hand, they have left me time for my own affairs. I am therefore now taking the op- portunity to carry out many of the pursuits in which I am inter- ested." SOCTAL NOTICE RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8. Wood will' be happy to receive their relatives and friends on Wednes day, March 23, in the Oddiellows Hall, Orono, from 2 to 4 and 7 fo 9 pm.. on the occasion of their golden wedding anni- ve {port T 37 n little is OFFICERS FOR 1960 OF PYTHIAN SISTERS, ONTARIO TEMPLE No.1 Mackey-McConkey Nuptial Rites Patricia Cox Solemnized In Toronto Road United Church, Toronto, was the scene of a wedding on Friday evening, March 11, when Jacqueline Rose McConkey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey B. McConkey of Oshawa, was united in marriage with Clarence Mervin Mackey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mackey of Gooderham, Ontario. The Reverend J. Elwood Mitchell officiated at the double-ring cere- mony Given in Kingston marriage by her father, the bride wore a suit of sapphire blue French wool crepe with a matching satin flowered at with veil, black suede acces- and a corsage of white car- only attendant was Miss Patricia Forrest of Toronto who wore a suit of black wool cash- mere, with an all-white satin flower trimmed pill box ha white accessories, and a corsasgc »f vink delight roses Mr. David Rolie of Toronto was best man, and Mr. James Mec- Conkey of Oshawa us The reception was held at home of the bride's Ph Bloor street east, Osh: the bride's mother received wear- ing a sheath dress of in blue figured satin with a felt hat of sapphire blue, and a co of vellow pom pom chrysanthe- mums, Assisting was the bride groom's mother who chose a white chantilly lace gown over pink taffeta with a small mode! hat of black velvet and a corsage of pink carnations Later the couple left for a honeymoon frip to Gooderham, and other Ontario points, and on their return will live in Oshawa. ii LODGES AND SOCIETIES REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 The regular meeting of Rebekah Lodge No. 3 was held n the lodge room with Sister Ann Holt in Noble Grand's chair and Sister Elsie Crawford in Vice Grand's chair. Sister Nelda Thompson read the minutes and the sick report was given by the Vice Grand. Emmaline Sister Kay Sister pianist; past grand | secretary chief:; Alice Short, pro- tector; Sister Chris Aitchison, Sister Mary Shields, | Evelyn Clarke. Sister John- Jean chief; Sister Dorothea ton p t Henderson, Elliott, past grand chief. ma Fitches Jessie Sister rom left to right: § . i Goyne, past grand chie treasurer --Photo by Ireland Marilyn Pawlenchuk. Lang Extra! Extra! NOW OPEN Self-Serve Wash «Dry (OSHAWA) LTD. OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY 30 Minute Wash ........... 10 Minute Dry ........ SOFT. SOFT WATER USE OSHAWA'S BRIGHTEST WASHETTE 167 Simcoe St. S. 25¢ 10¢ York Ruth Mis Arnold Yutta Mollon M Hotel, Hillier Gloria Miss Gunther Mrs Ma Sangseng Katalin Korosi Mrs. Ella T vik, Miss Barbara Mr. George Witvoe!, sale Miss Rini W Miss Ruth Shannon, Mr. George Splinter, Miss Lorraine Morion Miss Patsy Foster, Miss June Wilkin. son, Miss Marie Marlowe, Mrs Doug Furey, Miss Martha Hom Miss: Rose Palmer, Mr and Mrs. Werner Erdt An invitation was extended to all officers and members of No y attend the installation serv- Gold f Corinthian Le Miss held in Simcoe S t Church in April 9 Members were reminded of the auction also the rummage to be held in April, Toronto Miss Terry Irene are Anne Mis Royal Miss Hudson, Sophie en, Mrs Diane e eet United Gunther, . yoe! The degree staff of Sunshine Rebekah Lodge will visit with No. 3 on the evening of March 23 and will confer the degree on several new candidates Refreshments were served by Sister Viola Keeler and her assistants and )ingo was played omen, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 1 PERSONALS E. Richards of|Joseph McConkey, Miss Marlene Mi and Mrs. Mackey, all of Toronto Mrs n Oshawa this/Clarenee Mackey, and Mr, Mitchell Mackey, Ingleside, On- tario; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosso, Downsview, Ontario 6 1960 the Social little teas, You are invited by Department to send in any items of interest. News of surprise parties, showers, anni- versaries, and comings and goings are alv ry accept able and lor ch there no charge. Please write or tele- yania Glecoff, Dolores Hurlock, phone RA 3-3474, local 18. Mildred Houston, Betty Whit- | marsh and Carmelitta Plowright NUTRITIOUS FISH were initiated into the Court. Oshawa who will be attending the| Many varieties of fish such as! Sick convener, Sister Zelda various sessions of the "Glamor-|cod, haddock, sole, halibut, smeit,! MacMillan reported fruit, gifts ama 1960 Hairdressers' Conven-!bass and perch, contain very little and flowers were sent to mem tion being held this week at the!fat. bers who were ill. Sympathy COURT CHARLENE, LI1750 The regular meeting of Court Che ie L1750 was held recent- ly in the Orange Temple, with Sister Elsie McCabe presiding. members, Sisters Mrs. Orono Michael week. James ted Jacula Five new Out the Mackey - McConkey wedding were: Miss Patricia Forrest, Mr. David Rolfe, Mi Mrs. Martin My. Ker Lang, Mr. Jackson and Mrs Rosso, and Mrs. of town guests at Among the hairdressers from Melvyn Mr. ux 220. (WV ¥ a PORTABLE ub} 0 $ CHAIRSIDE LEGS DETACHABLE IN SECONDS TAKE IT WITH You! PLAYS AUL LR1411 0) $129.00 VALUE! SIMULATED ON SALE NOW TA WALNUT OR BLOND FINISH PLAYS 10 RECORDS AUTOMATICALLY | LALLY ES ALL S125 FINISHED. WITH BRASS FERRULES NOTE THESE FEATURES ®4 SPEEDS 45 334 16%KT8 ® AUTOMATICALLY CHANGES 10 RECORDS CALLE 471 118) 5 OINTERCHANGES ALL SIZES IN ANY [LI 1411] 2 ®SUPER HETERODYNE RADIO ® TONE & VOLUME CONTROL @SAPHIRE NEEDLE OTURNOVIR CARTRIDGE SCABINET SOLID B.C. FIR CONSTRUCTION BURNS 32 KING ST. W. NO OTHER HI FI PHONOGRAPH RADIO HAS ALL THESE FEATURES! HERE IS A MODERN UNIT IN ATTRACTIVE WOOD GRAIN FINISH. TONAL QUALITY IS EXCEPTIONAL. HAS INTERMIX 'ENGLISH' CHANGER PLAYS ALL SIZE RECORDS. 4 SPEEDS 45 33316% 78 R.P.M. INCLUDES REJECT BUTTON. TWIN SREAKERS PLUS HETERODYNE RADIO. ..CHAIRSIDE LEGS DETACHABLE IN SECONDS....CHANGING FROM FLOOR MODEL TO HANDY PORTABLE. WE EXPECT A SELL-OUT-SO GET YOURS NOW! suri HETERODYNE RADIO TWIN P.M. POWERFUL DYNAMIC SPEARERS CREDIT JEWELLERS LIMITED RA 3-7022 No Extra Charge For Credit » JOOF to 2 cards were sent to members who had lost loved ones The next Kingsway District Council meeting will be held in the Odd-Fellows Hall in Whitby on Thursday, March 17, at which time Broilers Ted Drage and William Hawkshaw will be in at- tendance from Head Office, Brantford. Final arrangements were made for the rummage sale to be held t 1.30 p.m. on Tuesday, March in the Orange Temple (down- SAV BEAUTY iwas played by Mr. James, E. Kelvin en in marriage by her father the bride wore a waltz» Lgih dress of frost-white nylon lace styling a nylen chiffon cum- merbund, short sleeves with lace mittens, and a high square scal- l ilive drooping to a deep V at the back. A cap of ¢ ace embroidéred with iridescent sequins and pearls held her shoulder-length veil and she cafried a white Bible with a corsage of pink roses, Miss June Hodson was maid-of- honor in a street-length sleeve- less dress of powder blue cotton lace topped wiih a matching ; > over jacket. She wore a blue- toned feather headdress and car- vied a bouquet of pink carnations and white chrysanthemums. Mr, Paul Kowal acted as best man, A family reception was held at the home of the bride's brother. in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Bilton, Welland avenue. To receive, the bride's mother wore rosewood embroidered silk chif- fon over taffeta with matching accessories and a corsage of pink roses. She was assisicu by Mus. samuel Bonk, sister-in-law of the pridegrécm, who wore a blue silk shantung dress with black ac- cessories and a corsage of pink chrysanthemums. When the couple left for the wedding trip the bride was wear- ing a two-piece white brocaded silk dress with royal blue acces- sories and a corsage of pink roses. The newly wedded pair will live in Oshawa. Becomes Bride Of Michael Bonk The marriage of Patricia Dianc Joy Cox and Michael Bonk, bot of Oshawa, was solemnized re cently in the Chapel at St. An. drew's United Church. the daughter of Mrs. Gordon Melrose Oshawa, and the bride- is the son of Mr. and Ivan 'John Bonk of Fort Mivers, Florida. The Reverend George Telford officiated and the wedding music bride The is Mr. and Cox of groom Mrs. all available tickets for the Kings way District Council dance being held on March 19 at the Airport, have been scld. Court Charlene members were extended an invitation to attend a box social being held by Court Snowdrop in the Pickering Hall on Friday, April 1. Sister Helen Twining agreed to convene the annual fall bazaar in aid of cerebral palsy to be held the latter part of October. Sisters Zelda MacMillan and Doris Yourth were installed into office as inner and outer guard respectively by DDHCR Sister Helen Twining. The volunteer lunch committee for the April meeting is Sisters Evelyn Clarke, Helen Twining, Josephine Westlake, Elsie Mec- Cabe. Bulletin No. 384 was drawn, with no winner in attendance. Court was officially closed by the president, Sister Elsie Mc- ( sted by Chaplain Sister ¢ Tippett. NOT WASTED CROYDON, England (CP) -- A housewife in this Surrey com- munity who found a poisonous spider in a bunch o fbananas has presented it to the London Zoo. CREDIT JEWELLERS E!! SAVE!! A lifetime supply of Genuine Stainless Steel FLATW ARE! wvVvvVvvyy COMPLETE SERVICE FOR 12 : STAINLESS FLATWARE THAT LASTS! NEVER NEEDS POLISHING! WON'T STAIN OR TARNISH! NOW AT THE LOWEST PRICE EVER! NOT $39.95 NOT $29.95 BUT ONLY... 39 COMPLETE 101 PIECES NO MONEY DOWN! ONLY $1.00 WEEKLY YOU GET ALL 101 PCS. 12 Teaspoons, 12 Soup Spoons, 12 Dinner Forks, 12 Dinner Knives 12 Butter Knives, 12 Salad Forks, 12 Dessert Spoons, 12 Compote Spoons, 1 Pie Server, 1 Gravy Ladle, 1 Serving Spoon, 1 Sugar Shell and 1 Butter Knife. Only a huge factory special purchase makes this tremen- dous value possible!! Order today!! MATCHING 5 PC. HOSTESS SET 4 ® PIE SERVER © GRAVY LADLE REG. $5.95 © SERVING SPOON © SUGAR SHELL & BUTTER KNIFE 32 KING ST. BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. WEST RA 3-7022 No Extra Charge for Credit

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