2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Merch 17, 1960 a By JOHN LeBLANC Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- Stormy seas are hitting government housing legislation in the Commons, and MAN IN Theatre owner Ray Lux | ronto theatre, At stake was found himself in a hot spot | the last or prestige spot on the when he tried to switch the order of appearance of two strip-tease dancers at his To- per Linda '46' Fontaine (left) | and given to 'Little Star' Mexi- THE MIDDLE | can Estralita (right). | exploding with pride, Linda, pointed bill claimed by Montreal strip- out the fine print in her con- | she got her spot back. Linda tract giving her star billing, and, backed by the American Works Minister Walker is throw- ing no oil on troubled:waters. Mr, Walker wants another |$500,000,000 for his Central Mortg- lage and Housing Corportation to {lend on house mortgages, but he fwhipped up enough controversy |Wednesday to keep the storm blowing for a while. | He did it by picking on the op- {position--both Liberal and CCF-- | getting called a liar a couple of times, calling a Liberal member rl childish, and eventually settling : for a return match today, The housing bill was given] unanimous second reading, .ap-| proval in principle, But several | angles--some straight politics--| "4 |were still being fought out when { the Commons rose for the ii f ing. The smooth Mr. Walker has| appeared to be enjoying the in-| 1 Guild of Variety Artists, threat- ened to close the show until | fighting on his measure. | He has given no evidence of accepting a multitude of sugges- tions from all sides of the House, including the Conservatives. One thing the minister made clear Wednesday--in response to opposition complaints over sev-| eral days--is that there will be| no increase in the present 6%-| and the show goes on. i won --~CP Wirephoto INTERPRETING THE NEWS Adenauer Advises Berlin Plebiscite By HAROLD MORRISON Jtion of the status of East Ger-'West Germany are reunited in Canadian Press Staff Writer We |many. be a long |peace and freedom, a goal for German Chancellor Aden-| Under such an approach, it may which Eisenhower and Adenauer|.peage in the price of a loaf of e before East andl have pledged to work. a 1s come up with a simple dea which may provide the west| ith a D, ower ful negotiating en it comes up against| r Khrushchev in the sum- 5s in Paris, uer's idea, raised at a b luncheon speech in n, is to hold a pre-sum- lebiscite to allow the 2,000, itizens of West Berlin to say ther they enjoy their present] tatus or whether they would like it as Khrushchev sug- Engine I SASKATOON (CP)~A new type of motor producing three times| nge " does the present internal combus- ere about the wii Bin Khrushchev's| 10 years, proposal to eject Western troops Research Council worker. It| and turn West Berlin into a free {would employ fue cells. 7 would be rejected Dr. E.'J sins says the er's idea is looked upon SRC is not yet jnvol ved in re-| me favor by the U.S, |search on fuel cells but is watch- hoa final decision is yet to/ing work in other centres "'with hed among the three West. great interest.' ern powers with authority in| A fuel cell is essentially a *'bat- West Berlin Britain, the U.S. says a Baskatchewan| ims are fed continuously." The cell uses a chemical reaction to) KHRUSHCHEV'S ATTITUDE produce electricity. An argument Khrushchev may The cell can increase the en raise is that a West Berlin plebis-| orgy recovery from such fuels as would be a deliberate at-|gagoline, diesel oil, gases and|' tempt to inflame the Berliners gihers, just before the summit conference! | opens May 16. He has argued that MOST FUEL WASTED NOW Both ng be done to disturb the| Dr. Wiggins said a gasoline en- resent pre-summit tranquillity (gine operates at between 15 and and this may have some influence 24 per cent efficiency, Taking an n the Western decision on the average of 20 per cent this means he, energy in four-fifths of every igallon of gas is being wasted, As a result of the Eisenhower. | Diesel engines have a higher ef-| Adenauer talks, the president has! [ficiency operation but still have reiterated his determination not|a wastage factor of about two- to negotiate away the freedom of|thirds of every gallon of fuel. West Berlin. But in his cautious| Using fuel cells the same en. tements, there seems to be|gines could operate at between 1e_question whether he would 50 and 70 per cent efficiency. be equally reticent to negotiate on| The savings which could be ne 15 of Fast Germany which! brought about by the use of fuel wuer labels "a Russian col-/ofls are potentially tremendous. | And in the United States some _ This then may be the spirit in/manufacturers of electric ve- ich Eisenhower will go to Paris|hicles are looking to the fuel ind continued Russianifell to give them longer running { Western rights in Ber-|time and higher speeds at no but to leave open the ques-|extra cost. plebiscite, ould be little doubt (tion engine may be ip use within anditery into which reacting mater- j 'Fuel Cells' Help {CELL TESTED IN TRACTOR Dr. Wiggins said an experi as much power from gasoline as mental fuel cell engine has been and 20 cents in stores. | |installed in a tractor. had 1,008 fuel cells, all producing electric current, hooked into a {standard 20 horsepower electric) | mote. The cells used propane as! uel The engine| Oxygen instead of air was used ~ as "oxydizing agent" in the ex- perimental model but the manu- facturer said the engine could be |adapted to use air by compress- it. The bottleneck "a¢ this time Is the high weight factor of fuel {cells, making a motor of any ca- pacity cumbersome for a moving vehicle, Dr. Wiggins sald that while the fuel cell engine still is very much in its infancy, it is possible, theoretically, to raise the effi- ciency of engines to about 80 per cent. MARGARET USES IRISH COACH. LONDON (AP) -- Princess Margaret will ride to her May 6 wedding in the crime son Irish state coach. Work- men already have given it a new coat of varnish and tested its springs. Experts say it gives an eas- fer, less rolling ride than the bigger coronation state coach, The Queen used the Irish state coach to go to her wed- ding, The coach was made in 1911 to replace one used by Queen Victoria on a visit to Dublin in 1900 but the old name was retained per-cent interest limit on Na-| tional Housing Act loans. | Mr. Walker also left no doubt that, of the $500,000,000 in avail. able new money, the government has no intention of putting more than $150,000,000 or §175,900,000 i work in the coming year. never did get around to ri ing why, despite demands from various opposition speakers. The exchanges on the floor| were snappy. Mr. Walker took on! Erhart Regier (CCF--Burnaby- Coquitlam), CCF House Leader Hazen Argue and Liberal Paul Hellyer of Toronto Trinity. Bread Price Hike 1 Cent Due Friday By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Ontario housewife soon will e paying more for her bread. Canada Bread Company Lim- ited has announced a one-cent in- shooting at the housing bill and| accusing the minister of misplac-| ing some figures in his predic- tions for housing construction this year, Mr, Walker dismissed him as "an aristocratic builder in Tor- onto who appeals to the people in the big money brackets, talk- ing for the first time today about the poor unfortunate people, , James M. Forgie L--Renfrew North), saying 175 applicants in Pembroke and district want loans, doubted whether $175,000, we for all of Canada is sufficient. Mr. Walker said the govern- ment feels sure that all individ ual builders secking direct NHA| |loans will be able to get them, {up to the level of direct loans {made last year. The program |was not intended to help develop- ment speculators and large con- tractors, William Benidickson (L--Ken- ora-Rainy River) urged Mr. Walker to confer with the banks and seek a plan by which they would handle NHA loans in smaller communities. TALLY-HO ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER A RENDEZVOUS FOR DISCERNING PEOPLE Did You Know , . . In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you con have a Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95¢. I | | Mr. Hellyer had been sharp- Don't Forget | |bread and other major bread) |companies have indicated they will follow suit shortly. |Frost Hears Plea The increase comes into effect Friday and will bring the stand- d- For Police College ard 1%-pound loaf of bread Toronto to 23 cents from 22 ao] TORONTO (CP) Premier and the pound loaf to 19 ecents|Frost agreed Wednesday to meet from 18. The rise in price will March 23 with a delegation from be the same in Hamilton and|the newly-formed Federation of Windsor. {Northern Ontario Muaisipaiities] i to hear their appeal to have the Oita price dh Tout will proposed Ontario police college a # livery jocated in Northern Ontario. | Mayor Merle E. Dickerson of | W. G. McAdam, sales manager North Bay, who came to Toronto of Canada Bread in Toronto, said/to ask the premier to agree to| increased production and distrib. meet the delegation, told report ution costs made the price in-lers: We want something more] crease necessary, the first such than the crumbs from the table, increase in two years. we want a slice of bread." [ | i oh KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION OVER CKLB Wed. Mar. 30th TO BECOME AMBASSADOR the status of an embassy March 31. Mr. Lehtinen has | Artturi August Lehtinen will be Finland's first ambassador Let Us Clean Your RUGS UPHOLSTERY DRAPES Relax while we assume the burdens of your Spring cleon- ing! Professional cleaning is yours at budget prices. NU-WAY RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS RA 5-0433 174 MARY ST. to Canada when his country's | been charge d'affaires since | legation in Ottawa is raised to |! June 1, 1959. ~--CP Wirephoto 34 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ® HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS eo RED & BLUE BRAN STEAK BA EXTRA D ROUND SIRLOIN T-BONE WING 79 LEAN MEATY BLADE ROAST BONELESS BEEF SHOULDER STANDING (6 or 7th) PRIME RIB FRESH PORK PUREX TOI ALL AT THIS EXTREMELY LOW PRICE Loose FEATURE TISSUE PEEK FREAN DIGESTIVE GRADE "A" LARGE SIZE EGGS GOLDEN RIPE NANAS 223: LET Pkg. 45¢ Va Pkgs. 39¢ 3: Or In Your Container IRVINE' SECOND FLOOR SALE ADMIRAL TELEVISION SETS TO BE SOLD ~ REGARDLESS OF COST DURING THIS THREE DAY SALE THURS. - FRI. - SAT. PRICED RIGHT TO SELL Don't Miss Oshawa's Biggest MODEL C-22m-11 NEW--ALL NEW STYLING NEW---ADMIRAL CHASSIS NEW--AUDIO SYSTEM NEW--"Golden Signet" TUNER NEW--Magna Beam 21" Tube NEW--ALL FRONT CONTROLS = =4Y SALE PRICE "WILL LIVE Pretty Joamme Taylor, 25- year-old Toronto hairdresser from England started work Tuesday after convalescing from two successful heart operations last year. Joanne was born with a hole in her FOREVER" heart which doctors sald was too large to close. One doctor | gave her five months to live, She underwent two 'deep | freeze' operations as a last re- | sort. Says, Joanne, rejoicing, | 'I'm going live forever.' I FRESH PORK SPARE RIBS LEG HALF or WHOLE ue Delivery Service $20 and over FREE $10 to $20 -- 25¢ $5 to $10 -- 35¢ Under $5. -- 45¢ Shop for your order end have it delivered anywhere in Oshawa 49 FREE EVERY PERSON VISITING OUR SECOND FLOOR DURING THIS SALE IS ELIGIBLE TO WIN A BEAUTIFUL HI-FIDELITY SET WITH AM RADIO--WINNER WILL BE NOTIFIED MONDAY -- NAME WILL APPEAR IN NEXT WEEK'S AD. BARGAINS GALORE CHECK THESE PRICES 23" SWIVEL MODEL ... 299 21" SWIVEL MODEL ~~ o 238% 23" CONSOLE MODEL ... 319% 17" SONR "vo Woes our 259% 17 PORTABLE MODEL ... 209° JFLASH WE HAVE RECEIVED A LIMITED QUANTITY OF STEREO SETS WHICH SOLD OUT COM- PLETELY LAST WEEK. While They Last 50 Half Price . . . 159 OSHAWA'S LARGEST TV-- HI-FI SHOWROOM RVINE APPLIANCE Next To The Union Hall 50 BOND ST. E. -- RA 8-5841 4 ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY