plaint of Murdo Martin (CCF-- Timmins) about use of a repro-| duction of Hansard, official re-| port of Commons debates, in a campaign in favor of trading] stamps. | The reproduction was mailed | '8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Merch 17, 1960 --r No Action On Breach a on (Of Privilege [in ii foe bmi fe Inside, Arrows pointed to a re-| | OTTAWA (CP )--The Commons|produced Commons speech by {committee on privileges and elec-| Margaret Aitken (PC -- York-| {tions recommended Wednesday Humber) opposing any legislative |that the House take no further move to ban trading stamps. | jaction agaiust Hiysge Hope Sand | The committee's report said: | {privilege of the Commons "Your committee is of the opinion | The committee found Miss 'hat she (Miss Sanders) has pub-| ls ders "n néible for the lished as a report something Pande $ Tespons which is made to appear as an| {printing and circulation of a mis-|5ythorized and official version, |§ { cl {represented report of the House which it is not;; and also that i $e of Commons debates." The re- :Lc has failed to obtained from 3 J jhe : jport said Miss Sanders com-|the proper authorities permission Saas mitted a breach of privilege. to reproduce the cover of a-docu- The question came before the ment belonging to the House of committee as a result of the com-| Commons." i ------------ Meet MRS. HELEN GENIK te 1 TOMORROW FRIDAY WARD'S Wool Counter Mrs. Genik is e repre- sentative of the MARY MAXIM Wool Company She will be pleased to answer any knitting quer- ies ond will demonstrate knitting techniques and short-cuts to help make knitting the eaviest and most rewarding of pastimes. There is ¢ grand essortment of finished Knitted Garments on display during this demonstration. Bring the children to see "MAXIE THE BLINKING SNOW- MAN" -- They're sure to be delighted -- Ask for « FREE knitting pattern for Mary Moxim slippers. 'WARD'S RA 5-1151 ol Gl SE x A p axi driver Jack | politan Licencing Commission s his hat flat on | had abolished a three-year-old ednesday The regulation requiring taxi dri came when at the Metro- | vers to wear hats SIMCOE AT ATHOL INTRODUCING THE NEW SENSATIONAL HOW TO PLAY THE GAME Each week, our newspaper ad will have pictures of 30 Brand Name Products and each wilt have a number on it. MATCH these rumbers with the numbers on this **Target" Card. Circle the matching numbers in pencil Hf you have circled the number in the Centre of the Target, or all 5 numbers within any one of the circles, you are a winner. You MUST MARK ALL OF THE NUMBERS WITHIN ANY ONE CIRCLE TO BE A WINNER. To receive your prize, print your name and address and the store on back of Card and mail to address Indicated Hf you don't have a winner, erase your circles on the Card. itis playable on next week's ad. Numbers on your Card cannot be carried over from one ad to another. Play one ad at a time. We reserve the right to correct any typographical or other errors which might appear in any published matter in connection with this game, and reject legitimate channels, Target' Cards are given away freely at all Loblaw Stores. No purchase Is required. Employees of Loblaws and of their 1 i f lies are not eligible to participate in this game. g cards not 0 4 [sazana pe i MASHED | | POTATO | | | |] [jo | fmm -- ad | | 2 pAGHEIT Phuc } vol OSHAWA SHOPPING. CENTRE A we we w-- ---- -------------------------------- 4 § DAN RIVER CHECK SLIM JIMS A variety of f and solid colors in cotton cord. Sizes 10-20. Regu- lar 3.98 value WHILE QUANTITY LASTS, ONLY 2.59 Fairweather's HUNDREDS OF ARTICLES REDUCED UP TO.. 50% DURING THIS SPECTACULAR Windbreakers Nylons and Wools Reg. 15.95 NOW ALL SIZES BOND Clothes HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE UNPRECEDENTED VALUES BEING OFFERED DURING THIS SPECTACULAR SAVINGS EVENT COLOR BY NUMBER SETS REG. 2.50 SHOOTER'S BIBLE Over 500 poges loaded # with facts ond - figures for the enthusiast. Pock- 2 ed with drawings, dia ® grams and photos Usually 3.50 1.49 | COLES GENERAL STEEL WARE ELECTRIC KETTLE REG. 9.95 Swan's Eg Hardware FINE SUITS Now V2 Price & Genuine savings of 50% on our complete stock of 2 fine all-wool suits just 8 arrived for Spring. Size¢ #® 36 to 46. Shorts, talls ® Reg. 75.00 | 37-50 NORMAN TOMORROW MORNING AS LONG AS QUANTITIES LAST! Reitman's PYJAMAS Pre-shrunk tailored type broadcloth pyjamas, full length, various prints Sizes 32 to 40. REITMAN'S FIXTURES BATHROOM BEDROOM HALL KITCHEN % Outside Door Light 1.99 LIGHTING UNLIMITED 48" DRAPERY FABRICS ® Printed Bark Cloths end Fortisans. In all decora- tor colors and designs. Regular value up to 3.98 EB yd. SPECIAL YARD 1.69 FABRIC Under V2 Price Corduroy Windbreakers ge Made by ¢ leading Cane B® adion Manufacturer. 5.99 JACK FRASER Stores SLACKS Idea! slack for Spring ond later including the new wash end weor Reg. to 12.95 2 for 17.00 DOVER'S SHIRTS wrt sleeves, long eeves solid shades, fancies and knits Reg. to 6.95 3.39 3 for 10.00 | DOVER'S